
`Unrr-so S-m-res PATEN-1' AND 'TI=w:>E:MARK OFHGE
`Unload Suntan Patent and Trademark Offico
`wnmngmu. D.c. 20231
`ION? I .669
`I2} |0J'20lJl
`084"? 2.u"2lJO2
`Michael R. Schacht
`280| Meridian St, Suite 202
`Bellingham, WA 93225.2-412
`David W. Brown
`P2 I 39%
`°’°‘B"E""- 3°“ 5
`arr UNIT
`mm: Numiaek
`DATE MAILE D.‘ 08!! 2.I"2002
`Please find below andfor attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`om. 0?-DI)
`Page 1 of 10
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`Exhibit 2009
`Exhibit 2009


`Application lilo.
` 101021.669
`Art Unit
`Zoiia E. Cabrera
`pea,-5 on the cover sheet with the correspondence address-
`to1ER|TS IS (OR REMAINS) CLOSED in this application.
`if not included
`(PTOL—B5) or other appropriate communication will be mailed in due course. THIS
`Best Available Copy
`of the:
`the priorityrdociiments have been received.
`' E:ertifie'd copies of ttii§:p,1ofity documents have been received in this national stage application from the
`_'on'a_| Bureau (For Ru|.{,_17_2(a)}_
`tie of a claim for domestic priority under 35 U.S.C. § t19(e) (to a provisional application).
`fthe foreign language priiivielonal application has been received.
`QION '8 FROM THE 'MAlLING.:DATE' of this communication to file a reply complying with the requirements noted
`[try me]
`iy will result in ABANDONMENT of this application. THIS THREE-MONTH PERIOD IS NOT EXTEND-ABLE
`_ AATH OR DECLARATION m.ust'be_vsubmitted. Note the attached B(AM|NER‘S AMENDMENT or NOTICE OF
`PLICATION {PTO-152} which givas reasonis) why the oath or declaration is deficient.
`gee required by the Notice of Drafl'sperson‘s Patent Drawing Review { PTO-948] attached
`éhe‘ téarziiz to Paper No. g.
`as the application number (see 31' CFR 1.84{c]} should be written on the drawings in the top margin {not the back)
`'dr'avvIngs should be filed as a separate paper with a transmittal letter addressed to the Official Draftaperson.
`§!Bl'|0§§. Cited "(PTO-892)
`' _rac_in's Patent Drawing Review (PTO-948}
`sure Statements (PTO-1449}, Paper No. .l-
`_ “ frlment Regarding Requirement for Deposit
`E Notice of Informal Patent Application {PTO-1'52)
`41:] interview Summary (PTO~413i. Paper No.
`6 Examiners Arnendmenticomment
`BE] Examiners Statement of Reasons for Allowance
`9D Other
`N°"°° 5* “'°Wa’0|||tir
`Part of Paper No. a
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`Exhibit 2009
`Exhibit 2009


`Applicatiom'Contr0l Number: 10.1021 .669
`fi_\rt_ uni": 2125
`Page 2
`The IDS filed on February 25. 2002 has been considered.
`Four of the
`references, which are lined through, have aiready been considered in Form PTO-892.
`Paper No. 6.
`Page 3 of 10
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`Exhibit 2009
`Exhibit 2009


`p1'oy5B_1-03“ Sumac}
`H6389 type I plus Sign (-1-) inside this box —>
`CI for use through 10-"31i'2flO2. OMB D35 -0031
`U.S. Patent and TF8
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`-* "0 9'30"“ 9'9 I ° HIV“ 10 TB! .- end to a collection of Inter.-natlon unless it eontalns a valid OMB control number.
`Substitute for I'oh'r1 1449B1tPTO
`Complete if Known
`101021 5159
`David W. Brown
`(use as many sheets as necessary)
`IHIm—iEl. '
`Ford ” Pam“ Document
`Name o1‘ Petentae or
`D319 °’ F"'b”°a"°" °{
`fir‘ 6°“;
`applicant of Cited Document
`Passage: or Relevant
`EP0508l2Al - 10-14-1992 /“"'
`2 Euroean Patent Office
`or-1993 --
`I Examiner
`'3 D;
`‘EXAMINER: Initial it reference oonsldered. whether or not citation is In conformance with MPEP B09. Draw line through citation I not in D0t'11'Ol'l1‘l8f|Ge and not
`eoltaldeled. Include oopy of this form wlth next communication to applicant
`1 Unique dtetlurl defitflnetion number 2 See attached Kinds at US. Patent Dociimenls 3 Enter Office that issued the document. by the two—ietter
`on-de {WIPO standard 5T.3) 4 For Japanese patent documents. the indication ol the year or the reign of the Emperor must precede the sens!
`number at the patent document 5 Kind oi document by the approprlale symbols as indicated on the document under WIPO Standard ST. 16 if
`possible nnpplicant is to place a check man: here it English language Translation is attached.
`Burden Hour Staten1enl:Thia form is estimated to take 2.0 hours to complete. 1'lme will yety depending upon the needs of the individual case. Any ooinrnenls on
`the amount at time you are required to complete this form should be sent to the Chiel lnforrnalion Dltlcer, U. 5. Patent and Trademark Ofliee. Washington, DC 20231 .
`DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Assistant Commissioner to: Patel-1ta.Wash1ngton, DC 20231.
`Page 4 of 10
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`Exhibit 2009
`Exhibit 2009


`p1-0,53,-NA m3_Do)
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`I1 an
`d Tau‘: for use through 1D.i31.'2Di32. one 0651-0031
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`ti to a collection of lnforrnaticn unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`° Hi RIEGI-W-‘llfln N3! of
` Substitute for form 14-te5.rPTO
`Complete if Known
`(use as many sheets as necessary)
`Em -
`5 245 703
`5 247 650
`5 390 330
`S 49! 813
`5 604 843
`5 608 394
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`5 I
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`Theme et al.
`4 76'? 334
`Em? cite
`Feret n Patent Dncumeirm and I
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`Applicant ct cited Dcwment
`Passages er nelmnl
`3' 1; Q 2_
`I 3 - g ‘
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`'E)tM|lNER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation Is in contcmtance with MFEP B09. Draw line through citation if n -
`in ccnionnance and not
`considered. lndude copy at this form with next communication to applicant.
`I Unique citation designation number 1 See attached Kinds of US. Patent Documents 3 Enter Dffice that Issued the document. by the two-letter
`code (WIPCI Standard ST3} a For Japanaee patent dcculmenta. the lnditation ot the year of the reign cl’ the Emperor must precede the serial
`number at the patent document a Kind of document by the epprapnate symbols as indicated on the dot‘.un1ent under WIPO Standard 31'. 15 it
`possible eapplicant Is to place a check marl: here it English language Translation is attached.
`Burden Hour Statement: This form is estimated to taire 2.0 hours to complete. 1'Ime will vary depending upon the needs at the individual case. Any comments on
`the amount of time yuu are required to complete this form should be sent to the Chief Information Offlcer. U. S. Patent and Trademark Office. Washington. DC 20231 _
`DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, DC 20231.
`Page 5 of 10
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`Exhibit 2009
`Exhibit 2009
`.. .;
`Pngel.Co| mns.L' e .
`U.S. Patent Document
`Where :......I.“ ’
`°1£j,;;f,=;'=;'u°;:;';7 I"
`32?’: mm.
`Puma‘ I::al1I
`of Cried Document
`5493 231 mm 02-20-196 $25.;—
`S 453 933
`Wri tet al.
`4 5 l 12
`4 937 737
`Schwane et al.
`S 095 445
`Seki : uchi
`5 126 932
`Wolfson et al.
`-1 - 2
`Judd et ai.
`Bond et :1].
`Shaw et al.
`wakami et al.
`|i -l.I.LIEL9-int ii =5" .


`' Ptoasa time a plus sign in Inside this box _a.
`Undef the Pa - nrrorx Reduction Act of 1
`Substitute for form 144-9Btr'PTD
`I10 I BI‘S0i'I8 are
`h 1mm:O;ognBéOg: (Dam
`d M
`I use
`US. Patent andT?‘
`- — ulreu to res nd to a ooliection ot irttorrnation unless it contains a valid OMB oontrot number.
`piste if Known
`10,102] 669
`Application Number
`Filin Date I
`David w. Brown
`E'H‘|H'i'lli'ii—. fl
`(use as many sheets as necessary]
`......:*" °.3.”..'"f
`_ 5 :20 065
`-"'I' - 5402 513
`~am«,,—;«;;;;~;;,;;;,»;;;=»=a~ °'
`P2 I 3976
`“fig” ‘ ”‘;°“‘
`o-o9-1992 [@35-
`II%— 03-28-1995 E311!!-
`em 09-12-1995
`09-23-1997 flfl_
`4-07-I998" EE
`Calla anetal.
`ldred et at.
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`_-_«-__7 - 5670 9
`In - 5 737 523
`5652 866
`:1 f -
`-—= - 5617 523
`-- I
`. Signature
`Forei I't Patent Document
`W W‘
`rd mm;
`Name 01 Paiemee or
`Appiicatlt ot Cited Document
`9313 at pumicafion of
`°"°° °°°"“‘°‘“
`PUD”. t3|3i:|‘:|||'.|':r.‘lt'~'i:'||-5.
`Passages or Relevant
`‘EXAMINER: Initial H‘ reference considered. whether or not dlation is In cordorrnanoa with MPEP BD9. Draw line through citatio If not in oontorrnenrze and not
`considered. Induda copy of this form with next communication to applicant
`\ Unique citation designation number 2 see attached tfirrds at U.S. Patent Documents 3 Enter Dtfioe that issued the document, by the two-letter
`nude t\ntt?O standard ST.3) 4 For Japanese patent doournents. the rndttatton of the year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial
`number of the patent document 5 Kind 01' document by the appropriate syrnboia as indicated on the document under WIPO Standard ST. 16 it
`possible mpplicant is to place a check man: here It Engttsh ianguago Translation is attached.
`Burden Hour Statement: This form is estimated to take 2.0 hours to oorn|'.iIeto.11rno will vary depending upon the needs oi‘ the individual case. My comments on
`the amount of time you are required to oornpiete this form should he sent to the Chief Intormation Officer. Lt. S. Patent and Trademark Ottica. Washington. DC 20231 _
`..— DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, or: 20231.
`Page 6 of 10
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`Exhibit 2009
`Exhibit 2009


`u. s. Patent and Tre
`near the Pa erwortr Reduction Act of
`arsons are re uiree to re: - - nd to a collection at information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Complete if Known
`.2)‘ Sutralilute for form 144BBiP‘rO
`°' \
`(Me as many sheets as necessary)
`David W-Brown
`Attorney Doekettlumber
`tndude name of the author {in CAPITAL LETTERS]. title or the article (when appropriate), title or the
`lten1l(t:o-ox, magazine. journal. serial, symposium. catalog, etc). date. penem, vniurne-issue numbenlsl.
`Dl.|l1ii5lIEi'. etly arrdior country where published.
`ac :4 ouner: e wertng nterpnse ervtces to
`Micromfi Development Library; pp. 1-19
`‘EXAMINER: Initial it reference considered. whether or not citation is In oonfonnanoe with MPEP 809. Draw line through citation it not in conformance and not
`considered. Include copy of this form with neir1 communication to applicant.
`1 Unique citation designation number 3 Appliwni is to place a check mark here it English language Translation is altectretl.
`Burden Hour Statement This lorrrl is estimated to take 2.0 hours to Oorrtpleiie. Time will vary depending upon the neede ot the individual case. Any comments on
`the amount of time you are required to onmplele this form should be sent to the chief lntorrnalion Dlticer, U. 5. Patent and Trademark Offiee. Washington, DC 20231 .
`DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Aesialanl commissioner for Paterrte.Weel1|ngtnn. Dc 20 231.
`Page 7 of 10
`Page 7 of 10
`Exhibit 2009
`Exhibit 2009


`Aw lorusa through 1or:=.rr2oo:5." rfi§3§5‘1°.%T:i°2?r'
`U. 5. Patent and Tr
`eraons are required to res - and to a collection of intonation unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Complete if Known
`Application Number
`Filin Date
`10;02[ 559
`First Named Inventor l_I'll'—
`Examinemarne —
`- .”°”'' '’'”° 3 "'”‘ ‘"3" M '““°° ""3
`rworl: Reduction Act of
`“,1 substitute for iorm maerpro
`(use as man sheets as necessary)
`Include name of the author {in CAPITAL LETTERS). title oi the article (when appropriate}. tide of the
`item (boolr. magazine. journal. aerial. syiiipoelum, catalog, eta). date. pege(e). volume-issue rrumberisi.
`publisher. etty andior country where published.
`Aerotech Motion Control Product Guide; pp. 233-234
`Openflatch Product Brief. PID, Il'lC.; 6 pages
`PCIDSP-Series Motion Controller C Programming Guide; pp. l«5-4
`FIX Product Brochure. Intetlution (1994); 6 pages
`Precision Motion Controls Product Guide; page 17
`Compumotor Digiplan (1993-94) Cataiog pp. 10-1 1
`I Examiner
`‘EXAMINER: Initial if reterenoe considered. whether or not citation is in onntorrnanee with MPEP BIJ9. Draw line through oitation it not in conformance and not
`oonsidered. Include copy of this iomt with next oommunieetion to applicant.
`1 Unique eitetion designation number 2 Applicant is to place a check mark here it English language Translation is attamead.
`Burden Hour Statement: This form is asiirrtalied to telte 2.0 hours to oomplete Time will vary depending upon the needs of the individual case. Any oomrrients on
`the amount or time you are required to eornpiate this form should be sent to the mile! Inlarmelion Oriieer. U. 5. Patent and Trademark Offiee. Washington, DC 20231 .
`DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS T0 was ADDRESS. SEND TO: Assistant commiaeionerfor Patents. Washington. DC 20231.
`Page 8 of 10
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`Exhibit 2009
`Exhibit 2009


`At“for“$5through 1om15(P_%.é;§%
`.__E__._t'-iI_:aaeturns 9nlus signit-Jinsidethis5)
`U. S. P
`Ung e Pa erwork Reduction Act cl‘ 1
`5. no araona are re ulred Io res - and to a coilecltlliitfiii-$018‘linllol-rl'nat|ona|I.ii1£:fa?iclinfiairlifg Eoli1ll:otl)l\‘tilrl1EbF:l:E
`Complete if Known
`101021 669
`':$_ubstItula for form 14493.-rrro
`jhronmnrlon DISCLOSURE
`ruseasmauyasnecemoa mite-va-
`_fl"2‘397“ "
`Include name at‘ the author [in CA5"-‘i‘I'AL LETTERS). title of the article [when appropriate}. title 01‘ the
`ilen1_{boolr._rnanaztna. journal. serial. symposium. catalog. etc). volume-issue numbartsi.
`publisher. city andicr country where published.
`SUE CHEN, JONATHON LIN; “Computer Numerical Control: Essentials in Programming and
`Networking"; Part 5, Chapter 27; pp. 824-848
` CHU AND WANG; “Development of a Practical SFC System for CNC Machine Shop"
`1994; pp. 362-367
` ROBERT ANDERSON; “SMART: A Modular Architecture for Robotics and Teleoperation“;
`ub. 1993; pp. 416-421
` ROCTOR et at; “Validation of Standard Interfaces from a Machine Control"; pub. 1996; pp.
`DalEonaiclered 3/Vb
`‘EXAMINER: Initial it reference considered. whether or not citation is in ccrtfdrrnance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in conformance and not
`considered. Indude copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`. Unique citation designation number 3 Applicant is to place a check mark here it English language Translation is attached.
`Burden Hour Statement: This form is estimated to take 2.0 hours to complete. Time will vary depending upon the needs or the individual case. Any cornrnents on
`the amount of time you are required to complete this form should be sent to the chiral Information Officer. U. 5. Patent and Trademark Offioe. Washington, DC 20231 _
`DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Assistant Commissioner {or Patents. Washington. DC 20 231.
`Page 9 of 10
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`Exhibit 2009
`Exhibit 2009


`{(3 E
`O \ .
`Lp'““ WP" 3 NUS sign to inside this
`ac,’ under the Paerworlc Raducllon Act 0
`Substitute for term 14-te£IlPTO
`ta for use through 1ora1r2ii<l'2c.” 5513359032919?
`ark once: us. oepnnrueur or commence
`U. S. PEIEHI End 1
`5. no araone are r uarad to resend to a collection or Information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Complete if Known
`10mg] 55
`Application Number
` G
`David w_ Brown ‘ ‘I
`First Named Inventor
`{use as many sheetr as nacessa J
`Eflmin r Cue
`_ e
`Include name cl’ the aulhor (in CAPFFAL LE‘iTERS). tilie olthe article (when appropriate). title of the
`lleittlbools. magazine. journal, aerial, symposium. catalog. eta). data. pagals). volurnedssue numberls).
`publisher, dry andlor oountnr where published.
`WRIGHT et 211.; “Open Architecture Manufacturing: The Impact of Open—System Computers on
`Self-sustaining Machinery and the Machine Tool Industry“; pp. 41-47
`FEDROWITZ; “IRI.-Based Expansion of the Commonly Used High-Level Language C for
`Robot Programming? pub. Oct. 1995; 5 pages
`b. 1996; pp 356-367
` MCGRAW et31.; “AFriendlyCotrmtand. Control,andInformation SystemforAstronomy“;
`JACKMAN; “RoboticControlUsingSequential FunctionCharts”; pub. 1996;pp. 120-123
`SPERLING et al.; “Enabling Open Control Systems: An Introduction to the OSACA System
`'latfom1”; pub. May 1996; pp. 1-8
`“Requirements of Open Modular Architecture Controllers for Applications in the Automotive
`Industry“; pub. l2i'l3i'94; pp. 1-13
`fll Open, ModularArchitectureControls atGMPowerl:rain“;pub. May 14, 1996;pp. 1-33
`"Technologies Enabling Agile Manufacturing (TEAM) Intelligent Closed Loop Processing";
`pub. January 1 1, I996; 30 pages
`E am‘ e
`Z0 I7:-‘JR C F\ 32.9-1?_{\
`?% 9/D2
`‘EXAMINER: Initial H reference considered. whether or not citation is in oonforrnance with MPEP ti-l'.‘.|9. Draw line through citation if not in conferrnance and not
`considered. lnciude copy of this form with next oornrnun‘rt:ation to applicant.
`, Unique citation designation number 2 Applicant is to place 3 check mark here It English language Translation is attached.
`Burden Hour Statement; This form is estimated to take 2.0 hours to complete. Time will vary depending upon the needs or the individual case. Any comments on
`the amount of time you are required to complete this form should he sent lo the chief Irliorrnalion Olfieer. U. S. Patent amt Trademark Office. W3Shi“Ei'°"- 9'3 3°33‘ -
`DO NOT SEND FEES OR c0MPl.ETED FORMS To THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Assistant cornrnissionertor Patents. Wasninglan.0t1 20231.
`Page 10 of 10
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`Exhibit 2009
`Exhibit 2009

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