Case 2:11-cv-06519-MRP-JEM Document 1 Filed 01/25/11 Page 1 of 14 Page ID # :1
`____________________________ )
`C.A. No . - - - - - - - -
`Plaintiff Human Genome Sciences, Inc. ("HGS"), by and through undersigned
`counsel, files this Complaint against Genentech, Inc. and City of Hope (collectively,
`"Defendants") and alleges as follows:
`HGS seeks a declaration that U.S. Patent No. 6,331,4] 5 titled "Methods of
`Producing Immunoglobulins, Vectors and Transformed Host Cells for Use Therein" (the
`"Cabilly II Patent," attached as Exhibit A), including the fix Parte Reexamination Certificate
`issued pmsuant to Reexamination Nos. 90/007,542 and 90/007,859, is invalid, unenforceable and
`not infringed by the manufacture, use, importation, offer to sell or sale of HGS 's Benlysta®
`(belimumab) antibody.
`HGS has manufactured and is currently manufacturing Benlysta®, a
`recombinantly engineered monoclonal antibody which is being developed for the treatment of
`autoantibody-positive patients with systemic lupus erythematosus ("Lupus"). lf approved,
`Benlysta® would be the first new approved drug for Lupus in more than fifty years.
`YCSTOJ ·JOG49228. 1
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`Merck Ex. 1053, pg 1224

`Case 2:11-cv-06519-MRP-JEM Document 1 Filed 01/25/11 Page 2 of 14 Page ID # :2
`HGS has expended substantial resources researching and developing Benlysta®,
`including filing a Biologic License Application ("BLA") with the United States Food and Drug
`Administration ("FDA"). HGS also has expended substantial resources in preparing to launch
`and commercialize Benlysta®.
`In the near future, HGS ex:pects a decision ft·om the FDA regarding the approval
`of HGS's BLA for Benlysta®. Upon approval, HGS intends to market Benlysta® in this
`Defendants have asserted that the Cabilly II Patent broadly covers the use of
`certain well-known, conventional recombinant methods to produce virtually any antibody
`product in any type of host cell. Defendants also have asserted multiple infringement claims
`under the Cabilly II Patent against companies who have made and sold antibody products that
`were produced using recombinant methods similar to the methods used by HGS to make
`Benlysta®. See Medlmmune Inc. v. Genentech, Inc., Case No. 03-cv-02567 (C.D. Cal.);
`Centocur, inc. v. Genentech, Inc. , Case No. 08-cv-03573 (C.D. Cal.); Glaxo Group Ltd. v.
`Genentech, Inc., Case No.2: lO~cv-02764 (C.D. Cal.).
`In a pending action pertaining to a different antibody, Arzerra™, Defendants
`specifically averred that Benlysta® infringes Claims 18 and 20 of the Cab illy II Patent and that
`they "intend shortly" to assert infringement claims against HGS. See Glaxo Group Ltd. v.
`Genentech, Inc., Case No. 2:10-cv-02764 (C.D. Cal.) (Genentech, Inc. and City ofHope's
`Opening Brief on Claim Conslruction dated Jan. 7, 2011), Dkt. No. 83 at FN4. Given
`Defendants' acts and statements and IIGS ' s intended sale ofBenlysta®, a real, immediate and
`substantial dispute exists between the parties concerning the Cabi!Jy II Patent for which HGS
`now seeks declaratory relief.
`YCSTO I: 10649228.1
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1 053, pg 1199
`Merck Ex. 1053, pg 1225

`Case 2:11-cv-06519-MRP-JEM Document 1 Filed 01/25/11 Page 3 of 14 Page ID #:3
`PJaintiffHGS is a corporation duly organized and existing tmdcr the laws of the
`State of Delaware, with its principal place of business at 14200 Shady Grove Road, Rockville,
`Maryland 20850.
`Defendant Genentech, Inc. ("Genentech") is a corporation duly organized and
`existing under the laws ofthe State of Delaware, with its principal place of business in South San
`Francisco, California.
`Defendant City of Hope is a not-for-profit organization duly organized and
`existing under the laws of the State of California, vvith its principal place of business in Dumte,
`Califomia. On information and belief, City ofHope conducts business in the State of Delaware
`and has developed valuable relationships and generated goodwill through advertising and
`educational initiatives, including having a Regional Development Office serving Delaware at
`1 ()08 Walnut Street #1702, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103. On information and belief, as pmt
`of its business efforts, City ofHope routinely invites businesses in Delaware to donate time and
`raise funds for its research and treatment programs.
`On information and belief, Genentech and City of Hope are co-assignees of the
`Cabilly II Patent. On information and belief, City of Hope has an ongoing relationship with
`Genentech which involves dealings beyond simply receiving royalty income on the Cabilly II
`Patent, including coordinating patent prosecution and maintenance and the federal litigation of
`infringement claims (in which City ofHope and Genentech are represented j ointly by counsel) .
`This action arises under the Declaratory Judgment Act of 1934 (28 U.S.C. §
`2201 ), Title 28 of the United States Code, for the purposes of determining an actual and
`justiciable controversy between the parties, and the patent laws ofthe United States, Title 35 of
`YCSTO I · J 064922R.l
`900002. OOOK
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1 053, pg 1200
`Merck Ex. 1053, pg 1226

`Case 2:11-cv-06519-MRP-JEM Document 1 Filed 01/25/11 Page 4 of 14 Page ID #:4
`the United States Code. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 133 1
`and 1338(a).
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over Genentech based on its incorporation
`and business in Delaware. On information and belief, this Court has personal jurisdiction over
`Cily of Hope based on its business activities in and directed to Delaware and its established and
`ongoing relationship with its co-assignee Genentech. Because of the multifaceted relaLionship
`between Cily of Hope and Genentech, including coordinating prosecution and maintenance of
`the Cab illy II Patent and control over federal litigation, City of Hope has purposefully availed
`itself of the benefits and protections of Delaware law.
`Venue is proper in this district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 139l(b) and (c) and
`l400(b), because Genentech is incorporated, both Defendants do business in the State of
`Delaware, and HGS intends to market Benlysta® in this District upon approval by the FDA.
`On April 8, 1983, Shmuel CabiUy, Herbert Heyneker, William Holmes, Arthur
`Riggs and Ronald Wetzel (the "Cabilly Applicants") filed a patent application in the PTO that
`issued on March 28, 1989, as U.S. Patent No. 4,816,567 (the "Cabilly I Patent").
`AL the time the Cabilly I Patent issued, the Cabilly Applicants had a continuation
`application (the "Cabilly IT Application") pending in the United States Patent and Trademark
`Office ("PTO"). The PTO issued the Cab illy II Patent on December 18, 200 1. On its face, the
`Cabilly II Patent is assigned to Genentech, and, by certificate of correction, is also assigned Lo
`City ofHope.
`Patent Reexamination
`In 2005 , two separate requests to re-examine the Cabilly II Patent were submitted
`to the PTO. The PTO mailed two separate orders granting a request for reexamination, on Jul y
`YCSTOl: 1064922K.l
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1 053, pg 1201
`Merck Ex. 1053, pg 1227

`Case 2:11-cv-06519-MRP-JEM Document 1 Filed 01/25/11 Page 5 of 14 Page ID #:5
`7, 2005 and January 23, 2006. See Decision Granting Ex Parte Reexamination, Reexamination
`Control No. 90/007,542 (July 7, 2005); Decision Granting Ex Parte Reexamination,
`Reexamination Control No. 90/007,859 (January 23, 2006). The reexamination proceedings
`were merged on June 6, 2006.
`On July 19, 2008, the PTO mailed an Advisory Action, maintaining its final
`rejection of all claims in the Cabilly II Patent as invalid for reasons including obviousness-type
`double patenting. Ex Parte Reexaminalion Advisory Action, Reexamination Control Nos.
`90/007,859 and 90/007,542 (July 19, 2008).
`In response to the final rejection, Defendants filed an Appeal Brief on December
`9, 2008.
`After an Ex Parte Examiner Jnterview on February 13,2009, Genentech amended
`claims 21,27 and 32 to overcome the obviousness-type double patenting rejection. See
`Supplemental Amendment Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.550(b), Reexarninalion Control Nos. 90/007,859
`and 90/007,542 (February 13, 2009).
`On February 23, 2009, the PTO issued a Notice oflnlent Lo Jssue a
`Reexamination Certificate to Genentech, confirming claims 1-20 and 33-36 and allowing
`amended claims 21,27 and 32. Notice oflntent to Issue Ex Parte Reexaminalion Certiticate,
`Reexamination Conlrol Nos. 90/007,859 and 90/007,542 (Fcbmary 23, 2009). On May 19,
`2009, the Ex Parte Reexamination Ce1tificate Issued for U.S. Patent No. 6,331 ,415 Cl with
`amended claims 21, 27 and 32.
`Defendants' Admissions Regarding State oftlle Art itt Aprill983
`Defendants made a number of admissions in their December 2008 Appeal Brief
`regarding the state of the art prior to the filing of the Cabilly II Patent application in April 1983.
`According to Defendants:
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`Case 2:11-cv-06519-MRP-JEM Document 1 Rled 01/25/11 Page 6 of 14 Page ID #:6
`a. "[I]n April 1983, the biological mechanisms that controlled expression offoreign
`DNA and assembly of proteins were not well understood. Tllis lack of
`understanding was especially Lrue for eukaryotic genes, which were known to be
`far more complex than prokaryotic genes. As Dr. Harris, one of Owners' experls
`in this case, explained in his 1983 review paper, 'il is clear that not all the rules
`governing the expression of cloned genes have been elaborated and those rules
`that do exist are still largely empiricaL"' (Appeal Brief at 20).
`b. "In early April of 1983, the field of genetic engineeling was still developing ... .
`A relatively small number of proteins had been made by recombinant DNA
`technology. Almost all of those were relatively simple monomeric (i.e., one
`polypeptide chain) proteins." (Appeal Brief Appendix al B551 [Harris Dec!.]).
`''As of April 1983, insulin was the only 'multimcric' protein that had been made
`using genetic engineering." (Appeal Brief at 21).
`"Several experts with actual expelience in the f1cld of the invention in April1983
`explained that those references cited by the Examiner that include experimental
`results show a significant amount ofunprecUctability in achieving success in
`simpler experiments than what is required by the '4 I 5 patent claims." (Appeal
`Brief at 28).
`"[S Juccessful production of immunoglobulins was highly dependent on Lhe
`sequence of expression and levels al which the two immunoglobulin genes were
`expressed." (Appeal Brief at 63).
`"[L]evels of expression of each immunoglobulin gene could affect production of
`the other immunoglobulin polypeptide." (Appeal Brief at 63).
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`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1 053, pg 1203
`Merck Ex. 1053, pg 1229

`case 2:11-cv-06519-MRP-JEM Document 1 Filed 01/25/11 Page 7 of 14 Page ID # :7
`g. "Such a person would have been familiar with the many complications of
`producing eukaryotic polypeptides in bacterial host cells !mown hy April 1983."
`(Appeal Brief at 73).
`"I believe a person of ordinary skill in the art, in early April of 1983, would have
`thought that succe~sful expression of two immunoglobulin proteins in one
`transformed host cell would have been unpredictable and that assembly of the two
`proteins into an immunoglobulin tetramer would have been even more
`unpredictable." (Appeal Brief Apendix at B224 [McKnight Decl.]).
`"Experimental results would have been important to a person of ordinary skill in
`the art in April 1983 because many of the biological mechanisms that controlled
`expression of foreign DNA and assembly of proteins were not well understood at
`that time." (Appeal Brief Appendix at B376 [Second McKnight Decl.J).
`"Each of these papers show~ that successful transformation and expression of
`even one foreign immunoglobulin gene in a lymphoid host cell could not be
`reasonably expected in April 1983. T do not believe these references can be read
`as ~uggesting that something even more challenging -
`expressing two different
`foreign immunoglobulin genes in one transformed cell - would have been
`something that could be predictably achieved at that time." (Appeal Brief
`Appendix at B382 [Second McKnight Dec!.).
`k. " ... I disagree vvith the suggestion, that by early April1983, my PNAS paper had
`made routine or predictable the task of expressing exogenous immunoglobulin
`light and heavy l:hain genes in the same cell. In later experiments, I attempted to
`use the techniques described in the PNAS paper to introduce and express single Ig
`genes into other lymphoid cell lines. Most of these experiments failed to produce
`YCSTOl : 10649228.1
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1 053, pg 1204
`Merck Ex. 1053, pg 1230

`Case 2:11-cv-06519-MRP-JEM Document 1 Filed 01/25/11 Page 8 of 14 Page ID # :8
`stable transfectants. Thus, my experience was that using the same transfection and
`selection conditions described in the PNAS paper with other cell lines or other Tg
`genes did not routinely yield stable transformants containing even a single
`exogenous Ig gene." (Appeal Brief Appendix at B391 [Rice Decl.]).
`Benlysta® (belimumab) is a new, human monoclonal antibody that targets the B-
`lymphocyte stimulator ("BLyS"), a naturally occurring protein, which is involved in the
`mediation of immunological responses and autoimmune diseases, including Lupus. HGS first
`discovered BLyS in 1996 and published a scientific article describing its activity in the journal
`Science in July 1999. Following Lhat discovery, HGS initiated a program to develop human
`monoclonal antibodies that would specifically recognize and inhibit the biological activity of
`After years of research and development, on June 2, 2010, HG S subrnitted a BLA
`to the FDA seeking to market Benlysta® with an indication for the treatment of autoantibody(cid:173)
`positive patients with Lupus. If approved, Benlysta® would be the first new approved drug for
`Lupus in more than fifty years.
`HGS has expended substantial revenues researching and developing Benlysta®.
`HGS also has expended substantial revenues preparing to launch and commercialize Benlysta@.
`HGS currently manufactures belimumab in Rockville, Maryland in anticipation of
`commercial sales in the United States as the Benlysta® product. In addition, copies of the
`working cell bank used to produce Benlysta® are maintained by HGS in RockviUe, Maryland.
`The FDA Atthritis Advisory Committee met to consider the Benlysta® BLA on
`November 16, 2010, voting 13 to 2 to recommend that the FDA approve Bcnlysta®.
`YCS!O l : 1Uh4~228 . 1
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1 053, pg 1205
`Merck Ex. 1053, pg 1231

`Case 2:11-cv-06519-MRP-JEM Document 1 Rled 01/25/11 Page 9 of 14 Page ID #:9
`In the near future, HGS expects a decision from the FDA on the approval of
`HGS's BLA for Benlysta®. Upon approval, HGS will begin marketing Benlysta® in the United
`States, including in this District.
`Through its statements and actions, Genentech has made clear to the
`biophmmaccutical industry generally and to HGS particularly that it contends that the claims of
`the Cabilly II Patenl preclude others from commercially manufacturing recombinantly produced
`monoclonal antibodies without Genentech's permission. In 2002, after the Cabilly II Patent
`issued, Sean Johnston, then Genentech's Vice President oflntcllcctual Property and now
`Genentech's Senior Vice President and General Counsel said:
`"The recently issued patent broadly covers the co-expression of immunoglobulin heavy
`and light chain genes in a single host cell ... We do not believe that the daims are
`limited by type of antibody (murine, humanized, or hmnan) or by host cell type."
`Genentech Awarded Critical Antibody Patent, Nature Biotechnology, vol. 20, p. 108 (Feb. 2002)
`(emphasis added).
`According to Defendants, the manufacturing methods claimed in the Cabilly 11
`Patent are "the backbone of recombinant antibody production in the biotech industry."
`Centncnr, Inc. v. Genentech, Inc., Case No. 2:08-cv-03573 (C.D. Cal.) (Opening Brief of Claim
`Construction, March 24, 2009), Dkt. No. 78.
`Genentech has asserted the Cabilly II Patent in litigation against other
`manufacturers of recombinant monoclonal antibodies, including Medlmmune, Inc., Centocor
`Otibo Biotech Inc. and GlaxoSmithK.linc LLC. See Medimmune Inc. v. Genentech, Inc., Case
`No. 03-cv-02567 (C.D. Cal.); Centocor, Inc. v. Genentech, Inc:., Case No. 08-cv-03573 (C.D.
`Cal.); Glaxo Group Ltd. v. Genentech, Inc., Case No. 2:10-cv-02764 (C.D. Cal.).
`YCSTO I: I 0649228.1
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1 053, pg 1206
`Merck Ex. 1053, pg 1232

`case 2:11-cv-06519-MRP-JEM Document 1 Filed 01/25/11 Page 10 of 14 Page ID #:10
`On information and belief, Genentech contends that the process and cetiain
`starting materials used to prodtlce Benlysta® infringe one or more claims of the Cabilly II
`Because Defendants have consistently alleged that the use of well-known,
`conventional recombinant methods to produce monoclonal antibodies in mammalian cell culture
`is within the scope of claims of the Cab illy II Patent and have assetied the patent against others
`who are similarly situated to HUS, Defendants' prior statements and conduct necessarily
`establish an actual and substantial dispute between HGS and Defendants regarding the invalidity,
`unenforceability and noninfringement of the claims of the Cabilly II Patent. Therefore, HGS has
`a reasonable apprehension of suit by Genentech and City of Hope regarding the Cab illy II Patent.
`In addition to the statements and conduct directed at others, Defendants have
`made statements and engaged in conduct directed at HGS that create a real and immediate
`dispute between the parties regarding the Cabilly II Patent.
`Genentech has made public statements about pursuing an aggressive litigation
`policy to protect its products against competition and to protect against alleged infringement of
`the Cabilly II Patent claims in its 2009 Fotm 1 0-K filing with the Securities and Exchange
`Commission. Genentech states:
`"lntellectual property protection of our products is crucial to our business. Loss of
`effective intellectual property protection could result in lost sales to competing products
`and loss of royalty payments (for example, royalty income associated with the Cabilly
`patent) from licensees. We are often involved in disputes over contracts and intellectual
`property, and we work to resolve these disputes in confidential negotiations or litigation.
`We expect legal challenges in this area to continue. We plan to continue to build upon
`and defend our intellectual property position."
`YCSTO 1: 1064922X. I
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1 053, pg 1207
`Merck Ex. 1053, pg 1233

`case 2:11-cv-06519-MRP-JEM Document 1 Filed 01/25/11 Page 11 of 14 Page ID #:11
`(emphasis added). Genentech also states: "We have in the past been, are cmrently, and may in
`the future be involved in material litigation and other legal proceedings related to our
`proprietary rights, such as the Cabilly patent litigation and reexamination .... "(emphasis
`On January 7, 2011, Defendants averred in a comt filing that HGS 's process to
`make Benlysta® infringes the Cabilly II Patent. Specifically, in Defendants' Opening Brief on
`Claim Construction, a patent infringement action involving GlaxoSrnithKline's antibody
`ArzenaTM and the Cabilly JJ Patent, Defendants stated:
`"Genentech and City of Hope intend shortly to ask the Court for leave to add
`infringement allegations against a new GSK product, Benlysta® (belimumab), a
`recombinantly engineered monoclonal antibody for the treatment of lupus . . . . The
`process used to make Benlysta® is similar to that for Arzerra, except that it uses two
`vectors instead of one (and thus will implicate claims 1 X and 20)."
`Glaxo Group Ltd. v. Genenlech, Inc., Case No. 2:10-cv-02764 (C.D. Cal.), Dkt. No . 83 at FN4
`(emphasis added)
`Taken together, Genentech's statements that it will enforce the Cabilly II Patent to
`defend its products against competing products, and Defendants' sworn contention that HGS' s
`Bcnlysta® infringes at least two claims of the Cabilly II Patent, establish that a real and
`immediate dispute exists between the parties with adverse legal interests l.:oncerning the Cabilly
`II Patent. HGS therefore has a reasonable apprehension of suit by Gcnentech and City of Hope
`regarding the Cabilly IJ Patent
`IIGS incorporates the all egations ofpmagraphs 1 through 36 as if fully set forth
`YCSTO I:I064922&. 1
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1 053, pg 1208
`Merck Ex. 1053, pg 1234

`case 2:11-cv-06519-MRP-JEM Document 1 Filed 01/25/11 Page 12 of 14 Page ID #:12
`An actual controversy has arisen and now exists between the patiies concerning
`whether HGS's manuta.cture ofBenlysta® (belimumab) infringes any valid and enforceable
`claim of the Cabilly II Patent, either directly or indirectly, literally, under the doctrine of
`equivalents, or otherwise.
`HGS seeks a declaratory judgment that making, using, impmiing, offering to sell,
`and selling Benlysta® (belirnumab) does not and will not infringe any valid and enforceable
`claim of the Cabilly II Patent.
`HGS incorporates the allegations of paragraphs 1 tlu·ough 39 as iffully set forth
`The Cabilly II Patent is invalid because it is anticipated and/or obvious tmder 35
`tJ.S.C. §§ 102 and 103.
`The Cabilly II Patent is invalid based on the judicially created doctrine of
`obviousness-type double patenting and/or under 35 U.S.C. §§ 101 and/or 103.
`The Cabilly f1 Patent is invalid under 35 U .S.C. § 112.
`Claims 21 -32 of the Cabilly II Patent are invalid as being broadened in scope
`during reexamination in violation of35 U.S.C. § 305.
`HGS seeks a declaratory judgment that the Cabilly II Patent is invalid under 35
`U .S.C. §§ 101,102,103, 112 and 305 and/or under the judicially created doctrine of
`obviousness-type double patenting.
`HGS incorporates the allegations of paragraphs 1 through 45 as if fully set forth
`YCSTO J: 10649228. 1
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1 053, pg 1209
`Merck Ex. 1053, pg 1235

`Case 2:11-cv-06519-MRP-JEM Document 1 Filed 01/25/11 Page 13 of 14 Page ID #:13
`An actual controversy has arisen and now exists between the pa1ties concerning
`the enforceability of the Cabilly J1 Patent.
`The Cabilly II Patent is unenforceable under the doctrine of prosecution laches.
`The Cabilly II Patent issued after an unreasonable and unexplained delay in the interference
`proceedings between the Cabilly II Application and U.S. Patent No. 4,816,397. Genentech also
`unreasonably delayed the prosecution of claims 21, 22,27-30 and 32, which were filed as part of
`the Cabilly II Application in 1983 but did not issue until 2001.
`HGS seeks a declaralory judgment that the Cahilly II Patent is unenforceable due
`to prosecution laches.
`Pursuant to Rule 3 8(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, HGS demands a
`Lrial by jury of all issues so triable.
`WHEREFORE, HGS requests that judgment be entered in favor ofHGS and
`against Defendants Genentech and City of Hope:
`Declaring that the manufacture, use, imp01tation, offer to sell, or sale ofHGS's
`Ben.lysta® (belimumab) product does not infi-inge any valid and enforceable
`claim of the Cabilly II Patent;
`Declaring that the Cabilly 11 Patent is invalid;
`Enjoining Genentcch and City of Hope from enforcing the Cabilly II Patent;
`Awarding costs to HGS in accordance ·with 35 U .S.C. § 2S4;
`Declaring HGS's case to be exceptional and awarding IIGS its attorneys' fees and
`expenses under 35 U.S.C. § 285; and
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`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1 053, pg 121 0
`Merck Ex. 1053, pg 1236

`Case 2:11-cv-06519-MRP-JEM Document 1 Filed 01/25/11 Page 14 of 14 Page ID #:14
`Awarding HGS such other relief as the Court may deem just, equitable, and
`Of Counsel:
`Henry B. Gutman
`Noah M. Leibowitz
`425 Lexington A venue
`New York, New York 10017
`Telephone: (212) 455-2000
`Harrison J. Frahn
`2550 Hanover Sb:eet
`Palo Alto, CA 94304
`Telephone: (650) 462-9406
`Dated: January 25 , 2011
`o. 3990)
`. o
`Monte T . Squire (No. 4764)
`The Brandywine Building
`1 00 West S treel, 1 7lh Floor
`Wilmington, DE 19899-0391
`(302) 571-6600
`Attorneys for Plaintiff Human Genome
`Sciences, Inc.
`Y CSTO I : J 0649228. I
`Sanofi/Regeneron Ex. 1 053, pg 1211
`Merck Ex. 1053, pg 1237

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