`Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Information
`For information concerning PCT member countries, see the
`notice appearing in the Official Gazette at 1263 O.G. 42, on October
`08. 2002.
`Either the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
`or the European Patent Office (EPO) may act as the International
`Searching Authority (ISA) for an international application filed
`with the United States Receiving Office or the International Bureau
`(IB) as Receiving Office where at least one of the applicants is
`either a national or resident of the United States of America.
`However, the EPO is no longer a competent ISA, within the
`meaning of PCT Article 16(3), for international applications filed
`by US residents or nationals on or after 01 March 2002 in the
`USPTO or IB as Receiving Office, and where the application
`contains one or more claims directed to the fields of biotechnology
`or business methods. For the definition of what the EPO considers
`to be precluded subject matter in the fields of biotechnology and
`business methods, applicants should see the "Notice from the
`President of the European Patent Office," dated 26 November 2001,
`and which is published as Annex A in the "Notice Concerning EPO
`Competence to Act as PCT Authority" in the Official Gazette at
`1255 O.G. 878, on February 19, 2002.
`The European Patent Office may act as the International Prelimi-
`nary Examining Authority (IPEA) for an international application
`filed in the United States Receiving Office or the International
`Bureau as Receiving Office where at least one of the applicants is
`either a national or resident of the United States of America,
`provided that the European Patent Office acted as the International
`Searching Authority. However, the EPO is no longer a competent
`IPEA, within the meaning of PCT Article 32(3), for international
`applications filed by US residents or nationals in the USPTO or IB
`as Receiving Office where the corresponding demand is filed with
`the EPO on or after 01 March 2002, and where the application
`contains one or more claims directed to the fields of biotechnology,
`business methods or telecommunication. For the definition of what
`the EPO considers to be precluded subject matter in the field of
`telecommunication, applicants should see the "Notice from the
`President of the European Patent Office," dated 26 November 2001,
`and which is published as Annex A in the "Notice Concerning EPO
`Competence to Act as PCT Authority" in the Official Gazette at
`1255 O.G. 878, on February 19, 2002.
`The search fee of the European Patent Office was increased,
`in the Official
`effective October 15, 2002, and was announced
`Gazette at 1263 O.G. 42, on October 8, 2002.
`International fees were changed, effective on January 1, 2002,
`due to a change in the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar with regard
`to the Swiss franc, and were announced in the Official Gazette at
`1253 O.G. 88 on December 25, 2001. A change in the maximum
`number of designation fees payable, with effect from January 1,
`2002, was announced in the Official Gazette at 1253 O.G. 88, on
`December 25, 2001. A change in the reduction for electronic filing,
`with effect from January 1, 2002, was announced in the Official
`Gazette at 1253 O.G. 88, on December 25, 2001.
`Certain domestic PCT fees have been changed, effective October
`1, 2001, to adjust certain patent fee amounts to reflect fluctuations
`in the Consumer Price Index. The revisions were announced in the
`Official Gazette at 1249 O.0. II, on August 28, 2001.
`The schedule of PCT fees (in U.S. dollars), as of October 15,
`2002, is as follows:
`International Application (PCT Chapter 1) fees:
`Transm ittal fee ..............................................
`Search fee
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`(USPTO) as International Searching
`Authority (ISA)
`- No corresponding prior U.S.
`national application filed under 35
`... ............
`U .S.C . 111(a) ..................
`- Corresponding prior U.S. national
`application filed under 35 U.S.C.
`II I(a) and filing fee under 37 CFR
`1.16(a) paid .....................................
`Supplemental search fee, per
`additional invention (payable only
`upon invitation) ..... .........................
`European Patent Office as ISA ................
`International fees
`Basic fee .............................................
`Basic supplemental fee (for each page
`over 30 ) .....................................................
`Designation fee per country or region
`For the first 5 national or regional
`offices designated .........................
`For each designation in excess of
`5 offi ces .................................................
`Precautionary designation fee and
`confirmation fee for each precautionary
`designation confirmed (PCT Rule 15.5)
`- Designation fee ................................
`- Confirmation fee ..................
`in the international fees
`(A reduction of $125
`is available in certain cases where
`PCT-EASY software is used to prepare the
`request, provided that the necessary
`conditions are met. See 1217 OG 131
`(December 29, 1998)).
`International Application (PCT Chapter I1)
`fees associated with filing a Demand for
`Preliminary Examination:
`Handling fee..............................
`Preliminary examination fee
`USPTO as International Preliminary
`Examining Authority (IPEA)
`- USPTO was ISA in PCT Chapter I....
`- Additional examination fee, per
`additional invention (payable only
`upon invitation) .....................
`- USPTO was not ISA in PCT
`C hapter I ...................................................
`- Additional examination fee, per
`additional invention (payable only
`upon invitation) ..............................
`U.S. National Stage fees
`Basic National fee
`- All claims presented satisfied
`provisions of PCT Article 33(2)
`to (4) ........................
`- All claims presented did not
`satisfy provisions of PCT
`Article 33(2) to (4) ....................
`USPTO was ISA but not IPEA ......
`USPTO was neither ISA nor IPEA
`1266 TMOG 43
`Bayer Ex. 2007
`p. 1


`1266 TMOG 44
`JANUARY 14, 2003
`Correspondence related to maintenance fees other than payments
`of maintenance fees in patents is not to be mailed to P.O. Box
`371611, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-1611, but must be mailed to "Box M
`$1,040.00 Correspondence, "'Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, Wash-
`ington, DC 20231".
`Patent owners must establish small entity status according to 37
`CFR 1.27 if they have not done so and if they wish to pay the small
`$890.00 entity amount.
`The current amounts of the maintenance fees due at 3 years and
`six months, 7 years and six months, and II years and six months are
`set forth in 37 CFR 1.20(e)-(g), as amended Oct. 1, 2001, which are
`reproduced below:
`$280.00 37 CFR § 1.20 Post-issuance fees
`(e) For maintaining an original or reissue patent, except a design or
`plant patent, based on an application filed on or after Dec. 12,
`1980, in force beyond 4 years; the fee is due by three years and
`six months after the original grant:
`- Search report has not been
`prepared by the European
`Patent Office or the Japan
`Patent Office ................................
`- Search report has been
`prepared by the European
`Patent Office or the Japan
`Patent Offi ce ................................
`Other National fees
`- For each independent claim in
`excess of 3 ..........................
`- For each claim in excess of 20.
`- For each application containing
`a multiple dependent claim .............
`- Surcharge for filing oath or
`declaration after the time limit
`applicable under PCT Article 22
`or 39(1) .........................
`- Processing fee for filing
`English translation after the time
`limit applicable under PCT Article
`22 or 39(1) .....................
`September 20, 2002
`II Mar ea#z
`Intellectual Property and Director of the
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`Notice of Maintenance Fees Payable
`Title 37 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Section 1.362(d)
`provides that maintenance fees may be paid without surcharge for
`the six-month period beginning 3, 7, and I I years after the date of
`issue of patents based on applications filed on or after Dec. 12,
`1980. An additional six-month grace period
`is provided by 35
`U.S.C. 41(b) and 37 CFR 1.362(e) for payment of the maintenance
`fee with the surcharge set forth in 37 CFR 1.20(h), as amended
`effective Dec. 16, 1991. If the maintenance fee is not paid in the
`patent requiring such payment the patent will expire on the 4th, 8th,
`or 12th anniversary of the grant.
`issued on
`is drawn
`the patents which were
`January 4, 2000 for which maintenance fees due at 3 years and six
`months may now be paid. The patents have patent numbers within
`the following ranges:
`Utility Patents 6,006,355 through 6,012,161
`Reissue Patents based on the above identified patents.
`issued on
`the patents which were
`is drawn to
`January 2, 1996 for which maintenance fees due at 7 years and six
`months may now be paid. The patents have patent numbers within
`the following ranges:
`Utility Patents 5,479,658 through 5,481,757
`Reissue Patents based on the above identified patents.
`issued on
`to the patents which were
`is drawn
`December 31, 1991 for which maintenance fees due at I I years and
`six months may now be paid. The patents have patent numbers
`within the following ranges:
`Utility Patents 5,075,897 through 5,077,835
`Reissue Patents based on the above identified patents.
`No maintenance fees are required for design or plant patents.
`Payments of maintenance fees in patents may be submitted
`electronically over the Internet at
`Payments of maintenance fees in patents not submitted electroni-
`cally over the Interact should be mailed to "United States Patent
`and Trademark Office, P.O. Box 371611, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-
`By a small entity (§ 1.27(a)) .................
`By other than a small entity .......................
`(f) For maintaining an original or reissue patent, except a design or
`plant patent, based on an application filed on or after Dec. 12,
`1980 in force beyond 8 years; the fee is due by seven years and
`six months after the original grant:
`By a small entity (§ 1.27(a))................. $1,010.00
`By other than a small entity ........................................
`(g) For maintaining an original or reissue patent, except a design or
`plant patent, based on applications filed on or after Dec. 12,
`1980 in force beyond 12 years; the fee is due by eleven years
`and six months after the original grant:
`By a small entity (§ 1.27(a)) ................
`By other than a small entity ............................. $3,100.00
`The amount of the surcharge for paying the maintenance fee during
`the grace period or after expiration of the patent are set forth in 37
`CFR 1.20(h), and (i) which are reproduced below:
`(h) Surcharge for paying a maintenance fee during the 6 month
`grace period following the expiration of three years and six
`months, seven years and six months, and eleven years and six
`months after the date of the original grant of a patent based on
`an application filed on or after Dec. 12, 1980:
`By a small entity (§ 1.27(a)) ..........................................
`By other than a small entity .......................................
`(i) Surcharge for accepting a maintenance fee after expiration of a
`patent for non-timely payment of a maintenance fee where the
`delay is shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner to have
`(I) unavoidable ................................
`(2) unintentional .............................................. $1,640.00
`Notice of Expiration of Patents
`Due to Failure to Pay Maintenance Fee
`35 U.S.C. 41 and 37 CFR 1.362(g) provide that if the
`required maintenance fee and any applicable surcharge are not
`paid in a patent requiring such payment, the patent will expire
`at the end of the 4th, 8th, or 12th anniversary of the grant of the
`patent depending on the first maintenance fee which was not
`Bayer Ex. 2007
`p. 2


`JANUARY 14, 2003
`1266 TMOG 45
`According to the records of the Office, the patents listed 4,971,082
`below have expired due to failure to pay the required mainte- 4,971,098
`nance fee and any applicable surcharge.
`Issue Date 4,971,113
`Serial Number
`Patent Number
`11/20/90 4,971,118
`11/20/90 4,971,120
`11/20/90 4,971,121
`11/20/90 4,971,122
`11120/90 4,971,131
`11/20/90 4,971,138
`11/20/90 4,971,141
`11120190 4,971,142
`11/20/90 4,971,143
`11/20/90 4,971,149
`11/20/90 4,971,159
`11/20/90 4,971,163
`11/20/90 4,971,166
`11/20/90 4,971,173
`11/20/90 4,971,174
`11120/90 4,971,180
`11/20/90 4,971,195
`11/20/90 4,971,202
`11/20/90 4,971,209
`11/20/90 4,971,212
`11/20/90 4,971,216
`11120/90 4,971,225
`11/20/90 4,971,231
`1120/90 4,971,238
`11/20/90 4,971,241
`11120/90 4,971,269
`11/20/90 4,971,274
`11/20/90 4,971,277
`11/20/90 4,971,281
`11/20/90 4,971,297
`11/20/90 4,971,300
`11/20/90 4,971,302
`11/20/90 4,971,309
`11/20/90 4,971,330
`11/20/90 4,971,336
`11/20/90 4,971,349
`11/20/90 4,971,351
`11/20/90 4,971,376
`11/20/90 4,971,380
`11/20/90 4,971,386
`11/20/90 4,971,387
`11/20/90 4,971,401
`11/20/90 4,971,414
`11/20/90 4,971,420
`11/20/90 4,971,421
`11/20/90 4,971,422
`11/20/90 4,971,442
`11/20/90 4,971,443
`11/20/90 4,971,449
`11/20/90 4,971,462
`11/20/90 4,971,464
`11/20/90 4,971,467
`11/20/90 4,971,484
`11/20/90 4,971,488
`11/20/90 4,971,518
`11/20/90 4,971,530
`11/20/90 4,971,538
`11/20/90 4,971,541
`11/20/90 4,971,548
`11/20/90 4,971,557
`11/20/90 4,971,559
`1120/90 4,971,562
`11/20/90 4,971,571
`11120/90 4,971,575
`11/20/90 4,971,576
`Bayer Ex. 2007
`p. 3


`1266 TMOG 46
`JANUARY 14, 2003
`Patent Number
`Serial Number
`Issue Date
`1 /20/90
`07/415 ,197
`07/387, 193
`Bayer Ex. 2007
`p. 4


`JANUARY 14, 2003
`1266 TMOG 47
`Patent Number
`Serial Number
`Issue Date
`Patent Number
`Serial Number
`Issue Date
`08/118, 122
`11/1 5/94
`11/I 5/94
`11/I 5/94
`Bayer Ex. 2007
`p. 5


`1266 TMOG 48
`JANUARY 14, 2003
`Patent Number
`Serial Number
`Issue Date
`5,364,30 1
`08/I 51,576
`07/954,2 10
`Bayer Ex. 2007
`p. 6


`JANUARY 14, 2003
`1266 TMOG 49
`Patent Number
`Serial Number
`Issue Date 5,365,131
`11/15/94 5,365,162
`11/15/94 5,365,163
`11/15/94 5,365,175
`'11/15/94 5,365,179
`11/15/94 5,365,186
`11/15/94 5,365,204
`11/15/94 5,365,207
`11/15/94 5,365,211
`11/15/94 5,365,220
`11/15/94 5,365,222
`11/15/94 5,365,225
`11/15/94 5,365,239
`11/15/94 5,365,241
`11/15/94 5,365,242
`11/15/94 5,365,243
`11/15/94 5,365,253
`11/15/94 5,365,268

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