PUBLIC LAW 106–113—NOV. 29, 1999
`113 STAT. 1501
`Public Law 106–113
`106th Congress
`An Act
`Making consolidated appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2000,
`and for other purposes.
`Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of
`the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the
`following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury
`not otherwise appropriated, for the serveral departments, agencies,
`corporations and other organizational units of the Government for
`the fiscal year 2000, and for other purposes, namely:
`Nov. 29, 1999
`[H.R. 3194]
`District of
`Act, 1999.
`For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia for a program
`to be administered by the Mayor for District of Columbia resident
`tuition support, subject to the enactment of authorizing legislation
`for such program by Congress, $17,000,000, to remain available
`until expended: Provided, That such funds may be used on behalf
`of eligible District of Columbia residents to pay an amount based
`upon the difference between in-State and out-of-State tuition at
`public institutions of higher education, usable at both public and
`private institutions of higher education: Provided further, That the
`awarding of such funds may be prioritized on the basis of a resi-
`dent’s academic merit and such other factors as may be authorized:
`Provided further, That if the authorized program is a nationwide
`program, the Mayor may expend up to $17,000,000: Provided fur-
`ther, That if the authorized program is for a limited number of
`States, the Mayor may expend up to $11,000,000: Provided further,
`That the District of Columbia may expend funds other than the
`funds provided under this heading, including local tax revenues
`and contributions, to support such program.
`For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia to create
`incentives to promote the adoption of children in the District of
`Columbia foster care system, $5,000,000: Provided, That such funds
`shall remain available until September 30, 2001 and shall be used
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`113 STAT. 1502
`PUBLIC LAW 106–113—NOV. 29, 1999
`in accordance with a program established by the Mayor and the
`Council of the District of Columbia and approved by the Committees
`on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate:
`Provided further, That funds provided under this heading may
`be used to cover the costs to the District of Columbia of providing
`tax credits to offset the costs incurred by individuals in adopting
`children in the District of Columbia foster care system and in
`providing for the health care needs of such children, in accordance
`with legislation enacted by the District of Columbia government.
`For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia for adminis-
`trative expenses of the Citizen Complaint Review Board, $500,000,
`to remain available until September 30, 2001.
`For a Federal payment to the Department of Human Services
`for a mentoring program and for hotline services, $250,000.
`For salaries and expenses of the District of Columbia Correc-
`tions Trustee, $176,000,000 for the administration and operation
`of correctional facilities and for the administrative operating costs
`of the Office of the Corrections Trustee, as authorized by section
`11202 of the National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government
`Improvement Act of 1997 (Public Law 105–33; 111 Stat. 712):
`Provided, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds
`appropriated in this Act for the District of Columbia Corrections
`Trustee shall be apportioned quarterly by the Office of Management
`and Budget and obligated and expended in the same manner as
`funds appropriated for salaries and expenses of other Federal agen-
`cies: Provided further, That in addition to the funds provided under
`this heading, the District of Columbia Corrections Trustee may
`use a portion of the interest earned on the Federal payment made
`to the Trustee under the District of Columbia Appropriations Act,
`1998, (not to exceed $4,600,000) to carry out the activities funded
`under this heading.
`For salaries and expenses for the District of Columbia Courts,
`$99,714,000 to be allocated as follows: for the District of Columbia
`Court of Appeals, $7,209,000; for the District of Columbia Superior
`Court, $68,351,000; for the District of Columbia Court System,
`$16,154,000; and $8,000,000, to remain available until September
`30, 2001, for capital improvements for District of Columbia court-
`house facilities: Provided, That of the amounts available for oper-
`ations of the District of Columbia Courts, not to exceed $2,500,000
`shall be for the design of an Integrated Justice Information System
`and that such funds shall be used in accordance with a plan
`and design developed by the courts and approved by the Committees
`on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate:
`Provided further, That notwithstanding any other provision of law,
`all amounts under this heading shall be apportioned quarterly
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`PUBLIC LAW 106–113—NOV. 29, 1999
`113 STAT. 1503
`by the Office of Management and Budget and obligated and
`expended in the same manner as funds appropriated for salaries
`and expenses of other Federal agencies, with payroll and financial
`services to be provided on a contractual basis with the General
`Services Administration (GSA), said services to include the prepara-
`tion of monthly financial reports, copies of which shall be submitted
`directly by GSA to the President and to the Committees on Appro-
`priations of the Senate and House of Representatives, the Com-
`mittee on Governmental Affairs of the Senate, and the Committee
`on Government Reform of the House of Representatives.
`For payments authorized under section 11–2604 and section
`11–2605, D.C. Code (relating to representation provided under the
`District of Columbia Criminal Justice Act), payments for counsel
`appointed in proceedings in the Family Division of the Superior
`Court of the District of Columbia under chapter 23 of title 16,
`D.C. Code, and payments for counsel authorized under section
`21–2060, D.C. Code (relating to representation provided under the
`District of Columbia Guardianship, Protective Proceedings, and
`Durable Power of Attorney Act of 1986), $33,336,000, to remain
`available until expended: Provided, That the funds provided in
`this Act under the heading ‘‘Federal Payment to the District of
`Columbia Courts’’ (other than the $8,000,000 provided under such
`heading for capital improvements for District of Columbia court-
`house facilities) may also be used for payments under this heading:
`Provided further, That in addition to the funds provided under
`this heading, the Joint Committee on Judicial Administration in
`the District of Columbia shall use the interest earned on the Federal
`payment made to the District of Columbia courts under the District
`of Columbia Appropriations Act, 1999, together with funds provided
`in this Act under the heading ‘‘Federal Payment to the District
`of Columbia Courts’’ (other than the $8,000,000 provided under
`such heading for capital improvements for District of Columbia
`courthouse facilities), to make payments described under this
`heading for obligations incurred during fiscal year 1999 if the
`Comptroller General certifies that the amount of obligations law-
`fully incurred for such payments during fiscal year 1999 exceeds
`the obligational authority otherwise available for making such pay-
`ments: Provided further, That such funds shall be administered
`by the Joint Committee on Judicial Administration in the District
`of Columbia: Provided further, That notwithstanding any other
`provision of law, this appropriation shall be apportioned quarterly
`by the Office of Management and Budget and obligated and
`expended in the same manner as funds appropriated for expenses
`of other Federal agencies, with payroll and financial services to
`be provided on a contractual basis with the General Services
`Administration (GSA), said services to include the preparation of
`monthly financial reports, copies of which shall be submitted
`directly by GSA to the President and to the Committees on Appro-
`priations of the Senate and House of Representatives, the Com-
`mittee on Governmental Affairs of the Senate, and the Committee
`on Government Reform of the House of Representatives.
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`113 STAT. 1504
`PUBLIC LAW 106–113—NOV. 29, 1999
`For salaries and expenses of the Court Services and Offender
`Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, as authorized
`by the National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government
`Improvement Act of 1997, (Public Law 105–33; 111 Stat. 712),
`$93,800,000, of which $58,600,000 shall be for necessary expenses
`of Parole Revocation, Adult Probation, Offender Supervision, and
`Sex Offender Registration, to include expenses relating to super-
`vision of adults subject to protection orders or provision of services
`for or related to such persons; $17,400,000 shall be available to
`the Public Defender Service; and $17,800,000 shall be available
`to the Pretrial Services Agency: Provided, That notwithstanding
`any other provision of law, all amounts under this heading shall
`be apportioned quarterly by the Office of Management and Budget
`and obligated and expended in the same manner as funds appro-
`priated for salaries and expenses of other Federal agencies: Provided
`further, That of the amounts made available under this heading,
`$20,492,000 shall be used in support of universal drug screening
`and testing for those individuals on pretrial, probation, or parole
`supervision with continued testing, intermediate sanctions, and
`treatment for those identified in need, of which $7,000,000 shall
`be for treatment services.
`For a Federal contribution to the Children’s National Medical
`Center in the District of Columbia, $2,500,000 for construction,
`renovation, and information technology infrastructure costs associ-
`ated with establishing community pediatric health clinics for high
`risk children in medically underserved areas of the District of
`For payment
`the Metropolitan Police Department,
`$1,000,000, for a program to eliminate open air drug trafficking
`in the District of Columbia: Provided, That the Chief of Police
`shall provide quarterly reports to the Committees on Appropriations
`of the Senate and House of Representatives by the 15th calendar
`day after the end of each quarter beginning December 31, 1999,
`on the status of the project financed under this heading.
`For a Federal payment to the Administrator of General Services
`for activities carried out as a result of the transfer of the property
`on which the Lorton Correctional Complex is located to the General
`Services Administration, $6,700,000, to remain available until
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`PUBLIC LAW 106–113—NOV. 29, 1999
`113 STAT. 1505
`The following amounts are appropriated for the District of
`Columbia for the current fiscal year out of the general fund of
`the District of Columbia, except as otherwise specifically provided.
`Governmental direction and support, $162,356,000 (including
`$137,134,000 from local funds, $11,670,000 from Federal funds,
`and $13,552,000 from other funds): Provided, That not to exceed
`$2,500 for the Mayor, $2,500 for the Chairman of the Council
`of the District of Columbia, and $2,500 for the City Administrator
`shall be available from this appropriation for official purposes:
`Provided further, That any program fees collected from the issuance
`of debt shall be available for the payment of expenses of the debt
`management program of the District of Columbia: Provided further,
`That no revenues from Federal sources shall be used to support
`the operations or activities of the Statehood Commission and State-
`hood Compact Commission: Provided further, That the District of
`Columbia shall identify the sources of funding for Admission to
`Statehood from its own locally-generated revenues: Provided further,
`That all employees permanently assigned to work in the Office
`of the Mayor shall be paid from funds allocated to the Office
`of the Mayor: Provided further, That, notwithstanding any other
`provision of law now or hereafter enacted, no Member of the District
`of Columbia Council eligible to earn a part-time salary of $92,520,
`exclusive of the Council Chairman, shall be paid a salary of more
`than $84,635 during fiscal year 2000.
`Economic development and regulation, $190,335,000 (including
`$52,911,000 from local funds, $84,751,000 from Federal funds, and
`$52,673,000 from other funds), of which $15,000,000 collected by
`the District of Columbia in the form of BID tax revenue shall
`be paid to the respective BIDs pursuant to the Business Improve-
`ment Districts Act of 1996 (D.C. Law 11–134; D.C. Code, sec.
`1–2271 et seq.), and the Business Improvement Districts Temporary
`Amendment Act of 1997 (D.C. Law 12–23): Provided, That such
`funds are available for acquiring services provided by the General
`Services Administration: Provided further, That Business Improve-
`ment Districts shall be exempt from taxes levied by the District
`of Columbia.
`Public safety and justice, including purchase or lease of 135
`passenger-carrying vehicles for replacement only, including 130 for
`police-type use and five for fire-type use, without regard to the
`general purchase price limitation for the current fiscal year,
`$778,770,000 (including $565,511,000 from local funds, $29,012,000
`from Federal funds, and $184,247,000 from other funds): Provided,
`That the Metropolitan Police Department is authorized to replace
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`113 STAT. 1506
`PUBLIC LAW 106–113—NOV. 29, 1999
`not to exceed 25 passenger-carrying vehicles and the Department
`of Fire and Emergency Medical Services of the District of Columbia
`is authorized to replace not to exceed five passenger-carrying
`vehicles annually whenever the cost of repair to any damaged
`vehicle exceeds three-fourths of the cost of the replacement: Pro-
`vided further, That not to exceed $500,000 shall be available from
`this appropriation for the Chief of Police for the prevention and
`detection of crime: Provided further, That the Metropolitan Police
`Department shall provide quarterly reports to the Committees on
`Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate
`on efforts to increase efficiency and improve the professionalism
`in the department: Provided further, That notwithstanding any
`other provision of law, or Mayor’s Order 86–45, issued March 18,
`1986, the Metropolitan Police Department’s delegated small pur-
`chase authority shall be $500,000: Provided further, That the Dis-
`trict of Columbia government may not require the Metropolitan
`Police Department to submit to any other procurement review
`process, or to obtain the approval of or be restricted in any manner
`by any official or employee of the District of Columbia government,
`for purchases that do not exceed $500,000: Provided further, That
`the Mayor shall reimburse the District of Columbia National Guard
`for expenses incurred in connection with services that are performed
`in emergencies by the National Guard in a militia status and
`are requested by the Mayor, in amounts that shall be jointly deter-
`mined and certified as due and payable for these services by the
`Mayor and the Commanding General of the District of Columbia
`National Guard: Provided further, That such sums as may be nec-
`essary for reimbursement to the District of Columbia National
`Guard under the preceding proviso shall be available from this
`appropriation, and the availability of the sums shall be deemed
`as constituting payment in advance for emergency services involved:
`Provided further, That the Metropolitan Police Department is
`authorized to maintain 3,800 sworn officers, with leave for a 50
`officer attrition: Provided further, That no more than 15 members
`of the Metropolitan Police Department shall be detailed or assigned
`to the Executive Protection Unit, until the Chief of Police submits
`a recommendation to the Council for its review: Provided further,
`That $100,000 shall be available for inmates released on medical
`and geriatric parole: Provided further, That commencing on
`December 31, 1999, the Metropolitan Police Department shall pro-
`vide to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House
`of Representatives, the Committee on Governmental Affairs of the
`Senate, and the Committee on Government Reform of the House
`of Representatives, quarterly reports on the status of crime reduc-
`tion in each of the 83 police service areas established throughout
`the District of Columbia: Provided further, That up to $700,000
`in local funds shall be available for the operations of the Citizen
`Complaint Review Board.
`Public education system, including the development of national
`defense education programs, $867,411,000 (including $721,847,000
`from local funds, $120,951,000 from Federal funds, and $24,613,000
`from other funds), to be allocated as follows: $713,197,000 (including
`$600,936,000 from local funds, $106,213,000 from Federal funds,
`and $6,048,000 from other funds), for the public schools of the
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`PUBLIC LAW 106–113—NOV. 29, 1999
`113 STAT. 1507
`District of Columbia; $10,700,000 from local funds for the District
`of Columbia Teachers’ Retirement Fund; $17,000,000 from local
`funds, previously appropriated in this Act as a Federal payment,
`for resident tuition support at public and private institutions of
`for eligible District of Columbia residents;
`$27,885,000 from local funds for public charter schools: Provided,
`That if the entirety of this allocation has not been provided as
`payments to any public charter schools currently in operation
`through the per pupil funding formula, the funds shall be available
`for new public charter schools on a per pupil basis: Provided further,
`That $480,000 of this amount shall be available to the District
`of Columbia Public Charter School Board for administrative costs;
`$72,347,000 (including $40,491,000 from local funds, $13,536,000
`from Federal funds, and $18,320,000 from other funds) for the
`University of the District of Columbia; $24,171,000 (including
`$23,128,000 from local funds, $798,000 from Federal funds, and
`$245,000 from other funds) for the Public Library; $2,111,000
`(including $1,707,000 from local funds and $404,000 from Federal
`funds) for the Commission on the Arts and Humanities: Provided
`further, That the public schools of the District of Columbia are
`authorized to accept not to exceed 31 motor vehicles for exclusive
`use in the driver education program: Provided further, That not
`to exceed $2,500 for the Superintendent of Schools, $2,500 for
`the President of the University of the District of Columbia, and
`$2,000 for the Public Librarian shall be available from this appro-
`priation for official purposes: Provided further, That none of the
`funds contained in this Act may be made available to pay the
`salaries of any District of Columbia Public School teacher, principal,
`administrator, official, or employee who knowingly provides false
`enrollment or attendance information under article II, section 5
`of the Act entitled ‘‘An Act to provide for compulsory school attend-
`ance, for the taking of a school census in the District of Columbia,
`and for other purposes’’, approved February 4, 1925 (D.C. Code,
`sec. 31–401 et seq.): Provided further, That this appropriation shall
`not be available to subsidize the education of any nonresident
`of the District of Columbia at any District of Columbia public
`elementary and secondary school during fiscal year 2000 unless
`the nonresident pays tuition to the District of Columbia at a rate
`that covers 100 percent of the costs incurred by the District of
`Columbia which are attributable to the education of the nonresident
`(as established by the Superintendent of the District of Columbia
`Public Schools): Provided further, That this appropriation shall
`not be available to subsidize the education of nonresidents of the
`District of Columbia at the University of the District of Columbia,
`unless the Board of Trustees of the University of the District
`of Columbia adopts, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2000,
`a tuition rate schedule that will establish the tuition rate for
`nonresident students at a level no lower than the nonresident
`tuition rate charged at comparable public institutions of higher
`education in the metropolitan area: Provided further, That the
`District of Columbia Public Schools shall not spend less than
`$365,500,000 on local schools through the Weighted Student For-
`mula in fiscal year 2000: Provided further, That notwithstanding
`any other provision of law, the Chief Financial Officer of the District
`of Columbia shall apportion from the budget of the District of
`Columbia Public Schools a sum totaling 5 percent of the total
`budget to be set aside until the current student count for Public
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`113 STAT. 1508
`PUBLIC LAW 106–113—NOV. 29, 1999
`and Charter schools has been completed, and that this amount
`shall be apportioned between the Public and Charter schools based
`on their respective student population count: Provided further, That
`the District of Columbia Public Schools may spend $500,000 to
`engage in a Schools Without Violence program based on a model
`developed by the University of North Carolina, located in Greens-
`boro, North Carolina.
`$635,373,000 from local funds, $875,814,000 from Federal funds,
`and $15,174,000 from other funds): Provided, That $25,150,000
`of this appropriation, to remain available until expended, shall
`be available solely for District of Columbia employees’ disability
`compensation: Provided further, That a peer review committee shall
`be established to review medical payments and the type of service
`received by a disability compensation claimant: Provided further,
`That the District of Columbia shall not provide free government
`services such as water, sewer, solid waste disposal or collection,
`utilities, maintenance, repairs, or similar services to any legally
`constituted private nonprofit organization, as defined in section
`411(5) of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (101
`Stat. 485; Public Law 100–77; 42 U.S.C. 11371), providing emer-
`gency shelter services in the District, if the District would not
`be qualified to receive reimbursement pursuant to such Act (101
`Stat. 485; Public Law 100–77; 42 U.S.C. 11301 et seq.).
`Public works, including rental of one passenger-carrying vehicle
`for use by the Mayor and three passenger-carrying vehicles for
`use by the Council of the District of Columbia and leasing of
`passenger-carrying vehicles, $271,395,000 (including $258,341,000
`from local funds, $3,099,000 from Federal funds, and $9,955,000
`from other funds): Provided, That this appropriation shall not be
`available for collecting ashes or miscellaneous refuse from hotels
`and places of business.
`For all agencies of the District of Columbia government under
`court ordered receivership, $342,077,000 (including $217,606,000
`from local funds, $106,111,000 from Federal funds, and $18,360,000
`from other funds).
`For workforce investments, $8,500,000 from local funds, to be
`transferred by the Mayor of the District of Columbia within the
`various appropriation headings in this Act for which employees
`are properly payable.
`For a reserve to be established by the Chief Financial Officer
`of the District of Columbia and the District of Columbia Financial
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`PUBLIC LAW 106–113—NOV. 29, 1999
`113 STAT. 1509
`and Management
`For the District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and
`Management Assistance Authority, established by section 101(a)
`of the District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Manage-
`ment Assistance Act of 1995 (109 Stat. 97; Public Law 104–8),
`$3,140,000: Provided, That none of the funds contained in this
`Act may be used to pay any compensation of the Executive Director
`or General Counsel of the Authority at a rate in excess of the
`maximum rate of compensation which may be paid to such indi-
`vidual during fiscal year 2000 under section 102 of such Act, as
`determined by the Comptroller General (as described in GAO letter
`report B–279095.2).
`For payment of principal, interest and certain fees directly
`resulting from borrowing by the District of Columbia to fund District
`of Columbia capital projects as authorized by sections 462, 475,
`and 490 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved
`December 24, 1973, as amended, and that funds shall be allocated
`for expenses associated with the Wilson Building, $328,417,000
`from local funds: Provided, That for equipment leases, the Mayor
`may finance $27,527,000 of equipment cost, plus cost of issuance
`not to exceed 2 percent of the par amount being financed on a
`lease purchase basis with a maturity not to exceed 5 years: Provided
`further, That $5,300,000 is allocated to the Metropolitan Police
`Department, $3,200,000 for the Fire and Emergency Medical Serv-
`ices Department, $350,000 for the Department of Corrections,
`$15,949,000 for the Department of Public Works and $2,728,000
`for the Public Benefit Corporation.
`For the purpose of eliminating the $331,589,000 general fund
`accumulated deficit as of September 30, 1990, $38,286,000 from
`local funds, as authorized by section 461(a) of the District of
`Columbia Home Rule Act (105 Stat. 540; D.C. Code, sec. 47–
`For payment of interest on short-term borrowing, $9,000,000
`from local funds.
`For lease payments in accordance with the Certificates of
`Participation involving the land site underlying the building located
`at One Judiciary Square, $7,950,000 from local funds.
`For optical and dental insurance payments, $1,295,000 from
`local funds.
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`113 STAT. 1510
`PUBLIC LAW 106–113—NOV. 29, 1999
`The Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia, under
`the direction of the Mayor and the District of Columbia Financial
`Responsibility and Management Assistance Authority, shall finance
`projects totaling $20,000,000 in local funds that result in cost
`savings or additional revenues, by an amount equal to such
`financing: Provided, That the Mayor shall provide quarterly reports
`to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representa-
`tives and the Senate by the 15th calendar day after the end of
`each quarter beginning December 31, 1999, on the status of the
`projects financed under this heading.
`The Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia, under
`the direction of the Mayor and the District of Columbia Financial
`Responsibility and Management Assistance Authority, shall make
`reductions totaling $20,000,000 in local funds. The reductions are
`to be allocated to projects funded through the Productivity Bank
`that produce aggregate cost savings or additional revenues in an
`amount equal to the Productivity Bank financing: Provided, That
`the Mayor shall provide quarterly reports to the Committees on
`Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate
`by the 15th calendar day after the end of each quarter beginning
`December 31, 1999, on the status of the cost savings or additional
`revenues funded under this heading.
`The Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia, under
`the direction of the Mayor and the District of Columbia Financial
`Responsibility and Management Assistance Authority, shall make
`reductions of $14,457,000 for general supply schedule savings and
`$7,000,000 for management reform savings, in local funds to one
`or more of the appropriation headings in this Act: Provided, That
`the Mayor shall provide quarterly reports to the Committees on
`Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate
`by the 15th calendar day after the end of each quarter beginning
`December 31, 1999, on the status of the general supply schedule
`savings and management reform savings projected under this
`For operation of the Water and Sewer Authority and the Wash-
`ington Aqueduct, $279,608,000
`from other
`$236,075,000 for the Water and Sewer Authority and $43,533,000
`for the Washington Aqueduct) of which $35,222,000 shall be appor-
`tioned and payable to the District’s debt service fund for repayment
`of loans and interest incurred for capital improvement projects.
`For construction projects, $197,169,000, as authorized by the
`Act entitled ‘‘An Act authorizing the laying of watermains and
`service sewers in the District of Columbia, the levying of assess-
`ments therefor, and for other purposes’’ (33 Stat. 244; Public Law
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`PUBLIC LAW 106–113—NOV. 29, 1999
`113 STAT. 1511
`58–140; D.C. Code, sec. 43–1512 et seq.): Provided, That the require-
`ments and restrictions that are applicable to general fund capital
`improvements projects and set forth in this Act under the Capital
`Outlay appropriation title shall apply to projects approved under
`this appropriation title.
`For the Lottery and Charitable Games Enterprise Fund, estab-
`lished by the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal
`year ending September 30, 1982 (95 Stat. 1174 and 1175; Public
`Law 97–91), for the purpose of implementing the Law to Legalize
`Lotteries, Daily Numbers Games, and Bingo and Raffles for Chari-
`table Purposes in the District of Columbia (D.C. Law 3–172; D.C.
`Code, sec. 2–2501 et seq. and sec. 22–1516 et seq.), $234,400,000:
`Provided, That the District of Columbia shall identify the source
`of funding for this appropriation title from the District’s own locally
`generated revenues: Provided further, That no revenues from Fed-
`eral sources shall be used to support the operations or activitie

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