`Thrombus precursor protein (TpP): marker of
`thrombosis early in the pathogenesis of myocardial
`an enzyme-linked
`We have developed
`for quantifying
`to intravascular
`assay identifies
`in several
`early myocardial
`for the GUSTO
`a study
`of patients
`had concentrations
`of TpP
`study, MI patients
`that of controls;
`had concentrations
`In a
`room with chest
`pain, MI patients who presented
`early after
`the onset
`of chest pain had TpP concentrations
`(P <0.01)
`than controls.
`late or
`with other chest pain had concentrations
`of the TpP assay
`range. The
`as an aid for
`and other
`is described.
`plays a key role in the pathogenesis
`including myocardial
`embolism [1,2]. Thrombosis
`in both
`of many disease
`and pulmonary
`the venous
`Dame, Notre Dame,
`2 The Department of Emergency Medicine
`Sciences & Lobund
`of Notre
`and Care
`and the Office
`Medical Education, St.Joseph’sMedical Center, South Bend, IN.
`*Address correspondence to this author, at: American Biogenetic Sciences
`IN 46635. Fax 219-271-3422; e-mail
`Dr., South Bend,
`1539, N.
`protein; MI, myocar-
`dialinfarction;GUSTO, Global Utilization
`of Screpcokinase and Tissue plasmin-
`ogen activatorforOccluded coronary arteries; ER, emergency room; UA, unstable
`deep vein thrombosis;CK, creatinekinase;CKMB, creatine
`angina; DVT,
`and EGG, eleccrocardiogram.
`MB isoenzyme;
`Received May 2, 1996; accepted June 27, 1996.
`by various
`and can be precipitated
`trauma, malignancy,
`[2]. Congenital
`C, protein
`5, and
`III) can also predispose individuals
`to thrombosis
`[3-5]. Coronary
`is the
`cause of
`cases of M.I each year
`in the US, with
`1.5 million
`in >700 000 deaths [6]. In addition,
`>1 million
`of UA present
`to the emergency
`room (ER) each year in the US,
`of which
`10-15% progress
`to MI
`in thrombosis
`A fundamental
`of circulating
`to the
`fibrin matrix
`that serves as a structural
`that consolidates
`and gives mechanical
`to the cellular
`of blood clots
`[8]. The
`are activated platelets
`and erythrocytes.
`clots tradition-
`ally form in areas of stasis and are composed mainly
`of eryth-
`and fibrin.
`In the arterial
`clots form under
`of high
`flow and shear and are composed mainly
`by fibrin
`strands [8].
`In almost all cases, acute MI occurs by occlusive thrombosis
`of atherosclerotic
`in the
`[9, 10]. This
`in stenosed vessels
`total or partial
`in ischemia,
`and eventually
`of the myocardial
`tissue [10]. The
`the ischemia
`and the size of
`the area
`the extent of necrosis
`the extent of
`and consequently
`[Ii].The early dissolution
`in ventricular
`by thrombolytic
`can dramatically
`thereby preserving
`and sub-
`limit necrosis,
`and mortality
`from acute MI
`[12, 13].
`of myocardial
`the onset
`of chest pain and is associated
`4 and 6 h after
`release of
`cardiac muscle
`creatine kinase(CK) and its MB isoenzyme

`et al.: Thrombus
`and myoglobin
`these necrotic markers
`[14, 15]. Detection
`for MI. Clearly,
`the basis of current
`markers of thrombotic occlusionand ischemiaof cardiacmuscle
`would greatlyfacilitatethe
`of an evolving MI
`permit more timely therapeutic
`intervention.Such therapy
`the extent of damage to the cardiac tissue.
`Considerable efforthas been investedby numerous
`recent years in attempts to develop such diagnostictests[16].
`Even though the roleof thrombosis in MI has been under-
`has been little advance
`some time,
`of direct
`of noninvasive,
`the development
`tests for
`the direct measurement
`of active
`has proven
`the activation
`measure markers
`system, which
`are not necessarily
`the blood
`of thrombosis.
`Such tests
`dent with the extent
`of prothrombin
`the measurement
`as thrombin-antithrombin
`they measure
`in activity
`not been effective
`in aiding
`in the accurate
`of MI [18].
`has been to develop
`a specific and reproducible
`Our approach
`that can measure
`of proteins
`the concentrations
`shown to be present
`in the blood of patients with thrombosis
`are high-molecular-weight
`to the insoluble
`found in
`the immediate
`a thrombus.
`uses a
`specific for polymeric
`In this study we investigated
`of this
`the diagnostic
`samples from MI
`new direct
`for active
`in blood
`and non-MI
`patients who presented
`to the ER with
`atic chest
`Materials and Methods
`in chest pain patients
`studies were performed
`presenting to the ER. The first study included
`47 patients who
`the Global
`and Tissue
`for Occluded
`coronary arteries
`study. These
`all GUSTO entrance criteria,i.e., had symptomatic
`pain, showed classic
`the onset of pain [20].
`presented to the ER within
`4 h after
`Patientswere diagnosed with MI, UA, or other
`study, we included a largerpatient
`In the
`recruiting300 ER patients.These patientswere categorizedas
`MI earlypresenters(i.e., met GUSTO criteriaand had refer-
`of cardiac
`proteins); MI
`late present-
`to the ER >6 h after
`ers (who presented
`the onset of pain or had
`of CK); other chest pain; and other
`above normal
`in which
`fibrin formation
`was indicated.
`was made by extensive review of
`the individual
`records. Both studies were approved by the institutional
`board at St. Joseph’s Medical Center. All patients’
`to the ER.
`samples were drawn at presentation
`Sample processing. Blood samples were
`drawn by hospital person-
`Tubes (Becton Dickinson,
`into Vacutainer
`sodium citrate
`(129 mmol/L
`tration). Within
`30 mm of collection,
`the blood was centrifuged
`15 mm,
`the plasma
`was aspirated,
`and stored
`used the microtiter
`of TpP. We
`antibody was coated
`the wells of a 96-well microtiter
`(Nunc Maxisorb;
`IL). Calibrators,
`for 15 mm at 37 #{176}C),
`and controls were
`in the wells. Samples with visible
`and extensive
`from the
`TpP was detected
`with a nonspecific
`to horseradish
`then with
`3,3’ ,5,5 ‘-tetramethylbenzidine
`of samples
`read at 450 nm (Molecular
`Devices, Menlo
`Park, CA),
`the concentration
`of TpP
`in patients’
`samples was determined
`by comparison
`with a calibration
`with a set of
`TpP calibrators.
`a reference
`and women,
`TpP in 45
`by assaying
`ages 22-70
`years) without
`in all chest
`of cardiac proteins. CK was determined
`and CKMB
`pain patients
`confirmed MI. Both CK and CKMB were mea-
`sured with test kits
`from Abbott
`IL). The refer-
`ence interval
`for CK is <150
`for CKMB,
`it is <6% of total
`Statistical methods.
`samples from patients
`the Statview
`to ANOVA.
`CA). The
`study, we used
`the second
`the Macintosh
`curve for
`the TpP
`A typical
`1) was
`assay (Fig.
`of TpP
`by using
`a preparation
`to 40 mg/L.
`has demonstrated
`for >12 months with no significant
`loss in immunoreactivity
`#{176}C,4 #{176}C,room
`or 37 #{176}C.
`The concentration
`of TpP in the healthy
`and normal
`from 1 to 6 mg/L,
`was used to validate the assay. The
`of samples was
`by testing
`#{176}C.TpP demonstrated
`and again after storage at
`(n >50)
`stability when
`stored under
`the conditions
`In inde-
`the TpP concentrations
`in an age-
`matched population
`smokers and nonsmokers)
`years old was <4.0 mg/L
`not shown).
`we studied patients
`(n =
`chest pain
`18), and other
`15), UA (n =
`(n =

`42, No.
`9, 1996
`(n = 24), e.g., DVT,
`ated with intravascular
`with other
`the MI patients,
`in Fig.
`(n = 45) are summarized
`chest pain, and healthy controls
`By the time
`calibrators were
`2 (right).
`of TpP concentrations.
`available for quantification
`subjects, MI
`6 h of
`the onset
`of pain had
`(P <0.01)
`increased TpP; MI patients
`and patients
`nosed with
`pain did not.
`of active
`also demonstrated
`higher TpP concentrations
`than the healthy
`trols (data not
`In several cases, patients diagnosed with UA or noncardiac
`chest pain were
`later diagnosed
`with MI. Among
`these was a
`woman who presented at the ER with
`chest pain. A
`nonspecific ECG led to her being
`with UA and she
`(30.0 mgfL),
`patient’s TpP concentration
`was discharged.
`was much
`for a control
`a highly increased extent of
`and clearly indicated
`the ER the
`at the ER
`with MI.
`In another
`patient who presented
`the ECG showed nonspecific ST depression of
`with chest pain,
`T wave
`<1 mm on initial
`20 h later,
`was detected
`in the ECG profile,
`and both CK and
`were increased
`-10% of
`total CK,
`to 437 U/L
`The TpP in this
`patient was >40 mg/L (off
`scale), and the patient
`to transmural MI.
`the 6-h window
`In 8 of
`the 33 MI patients
`of chest pain, TpP and CK were measured
`after the onset
`at 12 and 24 h after
`the temporal
`of these
`In all MI patients,
`TpP was
`at presentation
`to normal
`at 12 h (Fig. 3, top). The
`converse was observed
`for CK:
`to the ER after
`the onset of
`i.e., MI patients
`chest pain with normal
`of CK had increased
`the second
`time point.
`y =
`- 4.1429e-3
`+ 2.0463e-2x
`R2 = 0.998
`) a
`C 0C
`Fig. 1. Dose-response
`Calibrator Concentration
`calibration curve for the TpP immunochemical
`of TpP in these three groups
`of the concentrations
`13) is summarized
`in healthy
`in Fig. 2
`(n =
`with those
`study, TpP was expressed in
`ELISA units
`a well-defined
`of the calibra-
`tor had not yet been developed.
`In patients
`with MI,
`the TpP concentrations
`were 4-
`to 20-fold
`those of healthy
`15 of
`18 UA patients
`had TpP
`that of
`the controls,
`as did the
`diagnosed with
`chest pain (e.g., angina pectoris,
`3 UA
`who had increased TpP,
`all progressed
`to MI within
`by the diagnosis on discharge.
`48 h, as indicated
`into four
`In the second study,
`the patients were categorized
`separate groups: MI
`patients who presented
`to the ER <6 h
`the onset of chest pain (n = 21); MI patients presenting
`the ER >6 h after
`the onset of chest pain, most of whom had CK
`with other
`>150 U/L
`(n =
`33); patients
`(n =
`130); and patients diagnosed with other conditions
`Controls Chest Pain
`MI Late
`Ml Early
`Presenters Presenters
`50 -
`40 -
`Ml Patients
`Other Chest
`Progressedto Ml
`600 -
`500 -
`450 -
`350 -
`250 -
`150 -
`100 -
`initial study) patients recruited for the GUSTO intervention study and (right
`Fig. 2. TpP data for (left
`with chest pain symptomatic of Ml.
`One point (*,
`right panel) was offscale
`(82 mg/LI.
`second study) patients presenting to the ER

`et al.: Thrombus
`of highly specific probes (MAbs)
`[1]. The
`to be technically
`has proven
`to its
`and conformationally
`because fibrin
`is structurally
`and to the plasmin-derived
`fibrin, which include D-dimer.
`To over-
`come this problem, we used antigen-free
`to generate
`a fibrin-specific
`a conforma-
`tional epitope found only on the intact polymeric
`is used as the specific
`capture MAb
`ture [19].This
`the TpP test.
`of chest
`from onset
`the time
`In the first
`to ER presentation
`h. Specificity
`and sensitivity
`was <6
`to MI.
`100% for
`test has clinical
`in combination
`the TpP
`for both rule-in
`and rule-out
`early in the clinical
`event, when intervention
`with clot-dissolving
`and (or)
`is beneficial
`of cardiac muscle
`Results from the second study support
`the finding
`from the
`GUSTO study.
`(n = 300),
`In this
`of TpP in MI patients presenting
`early after
`onset of chest pain were
`increased by as much as 18 times above
`that observed in a healthy
`increased in patients
`were not
`>6 h
`after the onset of chest pain, andwho had high concentrations
`markers of cardiac damage (total CK).
`in many of
`MI patients who were early presenters
`and had above-normal
`of TpP,
`samples at 12 and 24 h
`the TpP concentrations
`off as the concen-
`of other
`cardiac markers
`total CK)
`increase (Fig.
`3). These
`are in agreement with
`that TpP has
`in MI, and suggest
`the potential
`to detect
`the initial
`occlusive process in
`MI, which occurs before
`and overlaps with the ischemic
`stages of
`the disease (Fig. 4). A large patient
`study is currently
`to define
`the temporal
`and the
`necrosis: CK, CK1VIB, cardiac
`of cardiac
`I, and myoglobin.
`In most UA patients,
`were within
`some who had active thrombosis
`by the TpP test) progressed
`to MI. Although
`are required,
`TpP test may have an important
`role in risk stratification
`& Occlusion
`Small Cardiac
`Larger Cardiac
`Proteins (e.g.CK,
`Time from Onset of Chest Pain (hours)
`Fig. 4. Potential utility of TpP and other biochemical markers for
`diagnosing thrombosis in early MI.
`Time (hours)
`E 0
`Time (hours)
`Fig. 3. Concentrations of TpP and CK in eight Ml patients presenting to
`the ER early (<6 h) after the onset of chest pain.
`remains the leading
`cause of death in the developed
`the reasons for
`[2]. Among
`this is that clinical
`tions induced by thrombosis
`not diagnosed until
`are frequently
`after acute clinical
`become manifest
`and tissue dam-
`age has occurred
`[22]. One such clinical
`cases by coronary
`is MI. Definitive
`diagnosis of MI
`is difficult
`because the ECG has a diagnostic
`of only
`[23] and the biochemical markers
`etc.) are increased
`only after
`the death of
`cardiac tissue.
`in delays
`in MI patients can result
`These diagnostic
`and misdiagnosis.
`As has been
`in appropriate
`in the interventional
`of chest pain can
`within 5 h after
`the onset
`reduce mortality
`and salvage cardiac muscle [13].
`there is a clear clinical need for a diagnostic modality
`that can detect active thrombosis
`to aid in the administration
`therapies [13, 23].
`In the current
`study, we describe
`how a new diagnostic
`the TpP test, can measure active
`in MI patients
`early after
`the onset of chest
`even though the patients still have no detectable increase in the
`biochemical markers of cardiac necrosis.
`detected by the TpP test have
`in patients with MI and other
`been demonstrated

`ClinicalChemistiy 42, No.
`9, 1996
`cases of UA are recorded
`1 million
`for MI. About
`of UA patients
`at ERs
`in the US each year, of whom an estimated
`10-15% will
`[7, 24]. UA patients
`to MI
`from thrombolytic
`[25, 26]. By detect-
`tissue plasminogen
`or streptokinase
`the TpP test has
`ing active
`to be a
`aid in patient
`for thrombolytic
`in the
`of a hospital ER.
`MI and UA are just
`two of the potential
`The TpP
`to application
`test may
`a major
`DVT is responsible
`[27, 28]. Postoperative
`in surgical
`of pulmonary
`of postoperative
`tality [2 7-29]. Although
`have been made
`in devel-
`and prophylactic
`for postopera-
`tive thrombosis,
`one of the most
`is a specific
`to identify
`Intrasurgical monitoring
`of ac-
`is also an important
`as angioplasty,
`the site
`of vascular
`can result
`in abrupt
`of the coronary
`MI, emergency
`vessel and lead to periprocedural
`or death [30].
`the TpP test
`to be highly
`In conclusion,
`as such,
`it has many
`as a conse-
`of trauma,
`and postsurgical
`of DVT.
`the protein C
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