`Sci, July 2002, Vol. 47, No. 4 J Forensic
`Paper ID JFS200 I 356_ 474
`Available online at: www.astm.org
`Keiji G. Asano,
`M.S.; Charles K. Bayne,
`Ph.D.; Katie M. Horsman,M.S.;
`and Michelle V. Buchanan,
`Chemical Composition of Fingerprints for
`Gender Determination*
`This work investigates the chemical nature of fingerprints to ascertain whether differences in chemical composition or the existence
`of chemical markers can be used to detennine personal traits, such as age, gender, and personal habits. This type of information could be useful for
`reducing the pool of potential suspects in criminal investigations when latent fingerprints are unsuitable for comparison by traditional methods. Fin
`gertip residue that has been deposited onto a bead was extracted with a solvent such as chloroform. Samples were analyzed by gas chromatogra
`phy/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The chemical components identified include fatty acids, long chain fatty acid esters, cholesterol and squalene.
`The area ratios of ten selected components relative to squalene were calculated for a small preliminary experiment that showed a slight gender dif
`ference for three of these components. However, when the experiment was repeated with a larger, statistically designed experiment no significant
`differences between genders were detected for any of the component ratios. The multivariate Hotelling' s T2 test that tested all ten-component ratios
`simultaneously also showed no gender differences at the 5% significance level.
`gas chromatography/mass spectrometry characterization, chemical KEYWORDS: forensic science, fingerprints,
`Fingerprints at crime scenes are crucial in identifying suspects.
`glands produce inorganic components (chlorides, metal, phos
`However, if the fingerprints are smudged or are only partial prints,
`phate) and amino acids. Sebaceous glands produce components
`they may not be suitable for Automated Fingerprint Identification
`such as squalene, fatty acids, and alcohols. It is believed that slight
`System (AFlS) processing. If there were a way to characterize the
`variations in the composition of the sebaceous fatty acid mixtures
`individual who left the fingerprint, such as age, gender, ethnic
`give individuals a unique scent (2). It is this compositional varia
`background or personal habit, the list of suspects might be reduced.
`tion that is believed to provide trained dogs the ability to track an
`Whether such information, specifically gender determination, can
`individual. We hypothesized that if this were true, then there is a
`be extracted from fingerprint residue is the basis of this report. It
`possibility that general differences in chemical residue from fin
`should be noted that these experiments were performed on unpro
`gertips could be used to distinguish between males and females and
`cessed fingerprint residue to determine whether any differences
`various age groups.
`could be detected before studying what effects visualization pro
`Initial experiments in this area were studying the chemical com
`cessing might have on these results.
`position of children and adults' fingerprints. This study showed
`Lipids on the skin surface originate from the sebaceous gland
`children's fingerprints (pre-pubescent) had less non-volatile com
`and the epidermis. The palm and fingertips primarily have eccrine
`ponents, such as long chain fatty acid esters, than adult fingerprints
`glands, although
`the material found on these areas is usually con
`due primarily to inactive sebaceous glands. The chemical compo
`taminated with sebaceous gland secretions due to frequent contact
`sition of adults' prints sampled in this study showed some compo
`with regions rich in this gland, such as the face ( 1 ). The eccrine
`sitional differences that raised the possibility of characterizing
`individuals based on their fingerprint residue. A preliminary ex
`periment was conducted to study the sources of variations of the
`1 Chemical Sciences Division. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,
`chemical components in fingertip residue that was sampled on four
`2 Computer Science and Mathematics Division, Oak Ridge National Labora
`different days, for three individual subjects at two different times
`tory, Oak Ridge, TN.
`of the day (morning and afternoon). The results from this study
`3 Present Address: Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia, Char
`showed little variation due to the different sampling days and repli
`lottesville, VA.
`*This research was sponsored by the Office of Research and Development,
`cate measurements. The majority of the variation for the chemicals
`U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with Oak
`measured arose due to the three different subjects. These data
`Ridge National Laboratory, managed and operated by UT-Battelle, LLC for the
`showed that variations in three components, specifically palmitic
`U.S. Department of Energy. KMH acknowledges support from the Professional
`acid (Cl6 acid), palmitoleic acid (C16:1 acid), and oleic acid
`Internship Program (PIP) administered jointly by Oak Ridge National Labora
`(Cl 8: 1 acid), could be gender dependent. This led to new experi
`tory and Oak Ridge Associated Universities.
`Received 12 Oct. 2001; and in revised form 10 Jan. 2002; accepted 10 Jan.
`ments with a larger sampling group to determine whether this ob
`2002; published 14 June 2002.
`servation still would be statistically valid.
`Reactive Surfaces Ltd. LLP
`Ex. 1029 (Rozzell Attachment J)
`PA 19428-2959.,<eiw�.oot <W �1W1s'ri.lt1n�t!"rJRlf�fil1:i o8� llJf?J5irav�'?Pal!Zx C700, West Conshohocken,
`Reactive Surfaces Ltd. LLP v. Toyota Motor
`to License Agreement. No further
`James D Rozzell (Sustainable Chemistry Solutions) pursuant
`reproductions authorized.
`All approvals required by the Department of Energy to perform
`research with human volunteers were acquired before actual work
`proceeded. All necessary steps to protect the volunteers’ privacy
`and confidentiality were taken and the entire sample collection and
`analysis processes were conducted in accordance with the proto-
`cols approved by the Oak Ridge Associated Universities/Oak
`Ridge National Laboratory (ORAU/ORNL) Human Studies Insti-
`tutional Review Board (IRB). For these preliminary experiments,
`volunteers were not asked to provide a fingerprint containing dis-
`tinct ridgelines or any other information that could serve to breach
`the confidentiality of this study. The volunteers were required to
`read and sign an informed consent form before providing a sample.
`into the jar and screwed on the Teflon-lined cap. Each sample was
`labeled with a code numberto insure privacy.
`Sample Analysis
`Theresidueleft on the glass bead was extracted with chloroform
`(Burdick and Jackson) and evaporated to dryness. The sample was
`reconstituted with chloroform to a final volume of 150 pL. One mi-
`croliter was injected onto a Thermo Finnigan Voyager GC/MS
`(San Jose, CA). The GC parameters were as follows: 30 m DB-
`5MScapillary column J&W Scientific). The initial oven tempera-
`ture of 50°C was held for 1 min and then rampedat 10°C/min to a
`final temperature of 310°C and held for 20 min. All samples were
`processed within 90 min of collection to prevent any sampleloss or
`degradation due to aging of the print.
`Sample Collection
`Experimental Design
`Sample collection consisted of using a glass bead (purchased at
`local hobby store) and jars with Teflon-lined caps that were both
`washedprior to collection. The use of the glass bead was adopted
`from Bernier et al. who demonstrated that material from skin can
`be collected by handling glass beads (3). Samples were obtained
`from volunteers in a mannerthat did not expose the volunteers or
`sampling personnel to chemicals. The volunteer simply rubbed
`his/herfingertips across his/her forehead, removed the glass bead
`from the sampling jar and rubbed the bead between his/her finger-
`tips for about 15 seconds. The volunteer then placed the bead back
`This fingerprint study was designed as a nested experiment (4)
`with four sources of uncertainty or variation. The four sources of
`variation are designated as day-to-day variation, periods within a
`day (am and pm), gender within a period, and experimental error
`due to replicate measurements.
`Ten females and ten males volunteered to examine the differ-
`ences between female and male fingerprint chemical components
`that were sampled on five different days. Two replicate measure-
`ments on each subject were made (one in the morning and one in
`the afternoon) for a total of eight measurements per day. Two dif-
`RT: 5.00 - 48.00
`a\ |
`Time (min)
`FIG. 1—Typical gas chromatogram obtainedfrom chloroform extractionoffingertip residue offglass bead with selected components identified—{a) do-
`decanoic acid, (b) tetradecenoic acid, (c) myristic acid (C14), (d) palmitioleic acid (C16: 1), (e) palmitic acid (C16), (£) oleic acid (C18:1), (g) stearic acid
`(C18), (h) squalene, (i) cholesterol, (j) 9-hexadecenoic acid tetradecyl ester, (k) 9-hexadecenoic acid hexadecylester, (1) 9-hexadecenoic acid octadecyl
`ester, (m).2-hexadecqnaicacid ectaderylesterand(ne-hexedecepaicacidgicosylester.
`Downloaded/printed by
`James D Rozzell (Sustainable Chemistry Solutions) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
`- -male
`—e— female
`FIG, 2—Comparison offemale and male average percentages ofsqualene’s area plotted with +/— one standard deviation oferror.
`Chemical Component
`ferent females and two different males were sampled each day for
`the five-day sample period. The subjects were randomly allocated
`overthe five days and the measurements were taken in random or-
`der within each morning and afternoon time period.
`Results And Discussion
`test was used to test whether each variation source madea significant
`contribution to the total uncertainty. No source of variation due to
`day-to-day, period-within-day, and gender-within-period gave a 5%
`significant test for any of the chemical measurements. This means
`that all of the variation can be attributed to experimental random
`variation. No statistically significant gender effects were detected.
`An additional statistical test was performed considering all ten com-
`ponents simultaneously using the Hotelling’s 7® test (5). This also
`showed no genderdifferences at the 5% significancelevel.
`The chemical composition of fingerprints holds much informa-
`tion that could be useful in criminal investigations. Although this
`work did not find compositional variations that could be used to
`distinguish between genders,it is possible that there are other dis-
`tinguishing components in fingerprints.
`Figure 1 shows a typical chromatogram obtained from a finger-
`print sample. The base peak in most fingerprint samples was squa-
`lene (peak h; 4,=27.00 min). The other components identified
`include unsaturated fatty acids of various carbon length, monoun-
`saturated fatty acids, and cholesterol. Long chain fatty acid esters
`were also observed, but usually at lower abundancethan the previ-
`ously mentioned components. Using the results from our prelimi-
`nary experiments, ten components were chosen as possible indica-
`tors for gender differentiation. These components were myristic acid
`(C14), pentadecanoic acid (C15), palmitic acid (C16), palmitoleic
`acid (C16:1), methyl palmitate (Cl6me), methyl palmitoleate
`(C16:ime), methyl stearate (C18me), oleic acid (C18: 1), stearic acid
`(C18), and cholesterol. For each subject, the peak area for these
`components was divided by the squalene peak area, the largest peak
`in each fingertip residue chromatogram. As previously noted, sam-
`ples were processed within 90 min ofcollection to avoid sample loss
`or degradation due to aging of the prints. Earlier studies (not re-
`ported) showed that peak area ratios were constant for up to six
`hours at room temperature. Figure 2 shows the average value for
`each component-to-squalene ratio for males and females and their
`Additional information and reprint requests:
`standard deviations. Although the averages for palmitic acid, palmi-
`Keiji Asano, M.S.
`Research Associate
`toleic acid, and oleic acid, are slightly higher in males than females,
`Oak Ridge National Laboratory
`incorporating standard deviations negates any statistically signifi-
`1 Bethel Valley Road
`Building 5510, MS-6365
`For each chemical component, the sources of variation were sta-
`Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6365
`E-mail: asanokg @ ornl.gov
`Downloaded/printed by
`James D Rozzell (Sustainable Chemistry Solutions) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
`1. Nicolaides N. Skin lipids: Their biochemical uniqueness. Science 1974;
`2. Knowles AM. Aspects of physicochemical methods for the detection of
`latent fingerprints. J Phys E: Sci Instrum 1978; 11:713-21.
`3. Bernier UR, Booth MM,Yost RA. Analysis of human skin emanations by
`gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 1. Thermal desorption of attrac-
`tants for the yellow fever mosquito (aedes aegypti) from handled glass
`beads. Anal Chem 1999;71:1-7.
`4. Searle SR. Linear Models, New York: Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1971;155-63.
`5. Morrison DF. Multivariate Statistical Methods, New York: McGraw-Hill

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