Reactive Surfaces Ltd. LLP
`Ex. 1028 (Rozzell Attachment I)
`Reactive Surfaces Ltd. LLP v. Toyota Motor Corp.


`Orlando. Florida 32887
`United Kingdom Edition published by
`24/28 Oval Road. London NW1
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`International Union of Biochemistry. Nomenclature
`Enzyme nomenclature 1984.
`"Published for the International Union of
`“Prepared for publication by Edwin C. Webb"
`Includes index.
`2. Enzymes--Classification.
`l. Enzymes--Nomenclature.
`I. Hebb, Edwin C.
`11. International Union of Biochemistry.
`III. Title.
`574.19'25 '014
`QPGOI . I54
`ISBN 0-12-227162‘9
`ISBN 0-IZ~227163-7 (pbk.)


` Recommended Name
`Citrate CoA—transferase
`Acetyl-CoA + citrate =
`acetate + (35)-citry|—CoA
`Citramalate CoA~transferase
`Acetyl-CoA + citramalate =
`acetate + (3$)-citramalyl-CoA
`G lutaconate CoA—transferase
`Acetyl-CoA + (E)-glutaconate =
`acetate + 91utaconyl-LC0A
`Succinyl—COA + (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutarate =
`succinate + 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-COA
`These enzymes catalyse the hydrolysis of various bonds. Some of these enzymes pose problems because
`they have a very wide specificity, and it is not easy to decide if two preparations described by different
`authors are the same, or if they should be listed under different entries.
`While the systematic name always includes 'hydrolase', the recommended name is, in most eases, formed
`by the name of the substrate with the suffix use.
`it is understood that the name of the substrate with
`this suffix means a hydrolytic enzyme.
`The esterases are subdivided into those acting on carboxylic esters (3.1.1), thiolesterases (3.1.2),
`phosphoric monoester hydrolases,
`the phosphatases (3.1.3), phosphodiester hydrolases (3.1.4),
`triphosphoric monoester hydrolases (3.1.5), sulfatases (3.1.6), and diphosphoric monoesterases
`(3.1.7), The nucleases, previously included under 3.1.4, are now placed in a number of new sub-
`classes; the exonucleases (3.1.11-16) and the endonucleases (3.1.21-31).
`Ca rboxylesterase
`A carboxylic ester + H20 =
`an alcohol + a carboxylic acid anion


` Basis for classification
`Other N ames
`(Systematic Name)
`fi 5"(1.71.. O
`Acetyl—CoAzcitrate CoA-transferase
`Acetyl-CoA :citramalate
`(E)-Glutaconate CoA-transferase
`Succinate: (Sls-hydroxy-S-methyl—
`gluta'rate CoA-transferase
`The enzyme is a component of
`EC Also catalyses the
`transfer of thioacyl carrier
`protein from its acetyl thioester
`to citrate
`The enzyme is a component of
`EC Also catalyses the
`transfer of a thioacyl carrier
`protein from its acetyl thioester
`to citramalate
`Glutarate, (Rl-2-hydroxyglutar-
`ate, propenoate and propanoate,
`but not (ll-glutaconate. can also
`act as acceptors
`Malonyl—CoA can also act as
`donor, more slowly
`Carboxylic-ester hydroiase
`Wide specificity. Als
`vitamin A esters
`o hydrolyses
`145, 225. 320,
`479, 1594, 3301
`Cocaine esterase,
`Procaine esterase.


` Recommended Name
`Triacylglycerol lipase
`A phenyl acetate + H20 =
`a phenol + acetate
`Triacylglycerol + H20 =
`diacylglycerol + a fatty acid anion
`Phospholipase A2
`Phosphatidylcholine + H20 =
`1acylglycerophosphochollne + a fatty acid anion
`2-Lysophosphatidylcholine + H20 =
`glycerophosphocholine + a fatty acid anion
`An acetic ester + H20 =
`an alcohol + acetate
`Acetylcholine + H20 =
`choline + acetate
`An acylcholine + H20 =
`choline + a carboxylic acid anion
`[ Deleted entry: Benzoy/cho/I‘nestemse; a side reaction of EC 3. l. 7.8]
`Atropine + H20 =
`tropine + tropate
`Pectin + n H20 =
`n methanol + pectate
`[3.1. 7.12 Deleted entry: previous/y Vitamin A esterase, now believed to be identical with EC]
`Cholesterol esterase
`A cholesterol ester+ H20 =
`cholesterol + a fatty acid anion
`Chlorophyll + H20 =
`phytol + chlorophyllide
`L-Arabinono-1,4—lactone + H20 =


`Other Names
`1‘ 1.2
`E ‘ 2.3
`3 11.4
`Triglyceride lipase,
`Lecithinase A,
`Lecithinase B,
`Phospholipase B
`Basis for classification
`(Systematic Name)
`Aryl—ester hydrolase
`Triacylglycerol acylhydrolase
`Phosphatidylcholine 2acylhydrolase
`Acts on many phenolic esters; the 51, 148, 397,
`enzyme from sheep serum also
`hydrolyses paraox on
`The pancreatic enzyme acts only
`on an ester-water interface; the
`outer ester links are preferentially
`2013, 2313,
`3346, 3557
`Also acts on phosphatidylethanol- 832, 1057, 1367 ,
`amine, choline plasmalogen and
`2601, 3326,
`phosphatides, removing the fatty
`acid attached to the 2—position
`643, 752, 969,
`3479, 4077
`51, 298, 1733
`Acetylcholine acetylhydrolase
`Acts on a variety of acetic esters;
`also catalyses transacetylations
`146, 299, 609,
`2208, 2665,
`Acts on a variety of choline esters
`and a few other compounds
`2665, 3365,
`Cesterase (in animal Aceticester acetylhydrolase
`True cholinesterase,
`Choline esterase l,
`Pseudocholinesterase, Acylcholine acylhydrolase
`Choline esterase ll
`Atropine acylhydrolase
`Also acts on cocaine and other
`tropine esters
`1220, 2598
`800, 2263, 2556
`Pectin demethoxylase, Pectin pectylhydrolase
`Pectin methoxylase,
`Pectin methylesterase
`Sterol-ester acylhydrolase
`Also acts on esters of some other
`500, 1500, 2032,
`Chlorophyll chlorophyllido»
`Also catalyses chlorophyllide
`transfer, e.g. converts chloro-
`phyll to methylchlorophyllide
`1564, 1961


`Recommended Name
`[3. 7. 7.16 Deleted entry, 4Carboxymethyl-4-hydroxyisocroIona/actonase. This reaction was due to a mixture ofmucono-
`lactone A—Isomerase (EC 533.4) and 30xoadipate-enol-Iactonase (EC 3. 7. 7.24)]
`G luconolactonase
`o~Glucpno—1 ,5-Iactone + H20 =
`[3. I . I . I 8 Deleted entry: Aldonolactonase. Now included with EC 3.7. 7.7 7]
`Hetinyl~palmitate esterase
`Hydroxybutyrate-dimer hydrolase
`Acylglycerol lipase
`3-Oxoadipate enol-Iactofiase
`1 ,ll-Lactonase
`D-Glucurono-6,2~lactone + H20 =
`Digallate + H20 =
`2 gallate
`Retinyl palmitate + H20=
`retinol + palmitate
`(R)-3—((R)~3-Hydroxybutanoyloxy)butanoate + H20 =
`2 (R)-3-hydroxybutanoate
`Hydrolyses glycerol monoesters of long-chain fatty acids
`3—Oxoadipate enol—Iactone + H20 =
`3-ox oadipate
`A 1,4»lac’tone + H20 =
`a 4—hydroxyac1d
`Galactot ipase
`1,2—Diacyl-3Kio —galactosy1—sn-glycerol + 2 H20 =
`364: —galactosyl-$n.glycerol + 2 fatty acid anions
`4-Pyridox olactonase
`Acylcarnitine hydrolase
`Aminoacyl—tRNA hydrolase
`D -Arabinonolactonase
`4—Pyridoxolactone + H20 = 4pyridoxate
`O-Acylcarnitine + H20 =
`a fatty acid + L-carnitine
`N-Substituted aminoacyl-tRNA + H20 =
`N~substituted amino acid + tRNA
`o-Arabinono-1,4-lactone + H20 =


`Other Names
`Basis for classification
`(Systematic Name)
`D‘GlUCOflO-i ,5—lactone
`Acts on a wide range of
`hexono-1,5-Iactones. The hydro-
`lysis of L—guiono-1,5<iactone was
`previously listed as EC
`442, 467, 3806
`Tannin acylhydrolase
`Also hydrolyses ester links in
`other tannins
`Retinyl-palmitate palmitohydrolase
`-butanoate hydroxybutanoylhydrolase
`Glycerol-ester acylhydrolase
`Carboxymethyibuten- 4Carboxymethylbut—3-en4-olide
`olide lactonase
`The enzyme acts on the product
`of EC
`2876, 2878
`1,4-Lactone hydroxyacylhydrolase
`1,2-Diacyl-3-B-D -galactosyl—
`~sn-glycerol acyihydrolase
`4-Pyridoxolactone lactonohydrolase
`O-Acylcarnitine acylhydrolase
`Aminoacyl-tFiNA aminoacyihydrolase
`o -Arabinono-1,4—lactone
`The enzyme is specific for
`1,4-Iactones with 4-8 carbon atoms.
`it does not hydrolyse simple
`aliphatic esters, acetylcholine, sugar
`iactones or substituted aliphatic
`lactones, e.g. 3-hydroxy4-butyro—
`lactone; requires Ca2+
`Also acts on 2,3-di-O’acyl-
`01-(054-0 -ga|actosyl-
`43-0 galactosyiHi -glycerol, and
`phosphatidylcholine and other
`1478, 1541
`Acts on higher fatty acid (C6 to
`C18) esters of Lcarnitine; highest
`activity is with Odecanoyl—


` Recommended Name
`3.1 .1 .31
`Phospholipase A1
`B-Acetylglucose deacetylase
`Lipoprotein lipase
`Dihydrocoumarin hydrolase
`Actinomycin lactonase
`6—Phosphoo glucono-1 ,5-lactone + H20 =
`6—ph osphoo ~gluconate
`Phosphatidylcholine + H20 =
`Zacylglycerophosphocholine + a fatty acid anion
`6-Acetyl-D-glucose + H2O =
`glucose + acetate
`Triacylglycerol + H20 =
`diacylglycerol + a fatty acid anion
`Dihydrocoumarin + H20 =
`meli lotate
`Limonoate D—ring—lactone + H20 =
`Testololactone + H20 = testolate
`Triacetate lactone + H20 = triacetate
`Actinomycin + H20 = actinomycinic monolactone
`Orsellinate-depside hydrolase
`Orsellinate depside + H20 =
`2 orsellinate -
`Cephalosporin-C deacetylase
`Chlorogenate hydrolase
`a—Aminoacid esterase
`4-Methyloxaloacetate esterase
`Cephalosporin C + H20 =
`deacetylcephalosporin C + acetate
`Chlorogenate + H20 =
`caffeate + quinate
`An a—amino acid ester + H20 =
`an a-amino acid + an alcohol
`Oxaloacetate 4-methyl ester + H20 =
`oxaloacetate + methanol
`3.1.1 .45
`4—Carboxymethylenebut-Z—en-4—olide + H20 =


`Basis for classification
`(Systematic Name)
`6—Phospho-o -glucono—1 ,5-lactone
`Phosphatidylcholine 1-acylhydrolase
`This enzyme has a much broader
`specifity than EC
`6-Acetylo -glucose acetylhydrolase
`Triacylglyceroprotein acylhydrolase
`Clearing factor lipase,
`Diglyceride lipase,
`Diacylglycerol lipase
`Dihydrocoumarin lactonohydrolase
`Testololactone lactonohydrolase
`Triacetolactone lactonohydrolase
`Hydrolyses triacylglycerols in
`chylomicrons and low-density
`lipoproteins. Also hydrolyses
`Also hydrolyses some other
`benzenoid 1,4-Iactones
`Limonoate is a triterpenoid
`Actinomycin lactonohydrolase
`Actinomycins are a class of
`1 155, 3367,
`4076, 4078
`905, 1003, 1292.
`2627. 2767
`Other Names
`Lecanorate hydrolase
`Orsellinate—depside hydrolase
`The enzyme will only hydrolyse
`those substrates based on the
`structure that also have a free
`hydroxyl ortho to the depside
`Cephalosporin-C acetylhydrolase
`Chlorogenate hydrolase
`Hydrolyses the acetyl ester bond
`on the 10—position of the anti-
`biotic cephalosporin C
`Also acts, more slowly, on iso—
`chlorogenate. No other substrates
`a-Amino acid ester
`a—Amino-acid-ester aminoacyl-
`hydrolase _
`Also catalyses aeaminoacyl transfer 1845, 3858
`to a number of amine nucleophiles
`Oxal oacetateA-methyl-ester
`4~Carboxymethylenebut-Z-enA-ol ide


`Recommended Name
`Deoxylimonate A-ring-lactonase
`Deoxylimonate + H20 =
`deoxylimononic acid D-ring—lamone
`1-A|ky1-2-acetylglycerophosphocholine esterase
`1-AIkyl-2acetyl-sn-glycero-S-phosphocholine + H20 =
`1a1ky1~sn-g|ycero.3-phosphocholine + acetate
`Fusarinine~C ornithinesterase
`AfivAcyl-L-omithine ester + H20 =
`AF-acyl—L-ornithine + an alcohol
`Sinapine esterase
`Sinapoylcholine + H20 = sinapate + choIine
` Wax-ester hydrolase
`A wax ester + H20 =
`a long—chain alcohol + a long-chain—fatty-acid anion
`Phorbol-diester hydrolase
`Phorbol 12,13-dibutanoate + H20 =
`phorbol 13—butanoate + butanoate
`Phosphatidylinositol deacylase
`1-PhosphatidyI—o-myo~inositol + H20 =
`1acylglycerophosphoinositol + a fatty acid anion
`Sialate Oacetylesterase
`N~Acety|-0-acetylneu raminate + H20 =
`Nvacetylneuraminate + acetate
`AcetyI-CoA hydrolase
`PalmitoleoA hydrolase
`AoetyI-COA + H20 =
`CoA + acetate
`Palmitoyl-CoA + H20 =
`CoA + palmitate
`Succinyl-CoA hydrolase
`Succinyl-CoA + H20 = CoA + succinate


`Other Names
`Basis for classification
`(Systematic Name)
`Deoxylimonate A-ring—lactono—
`-3-phosphocholine acetohydrolase
`Ornithine esterase
`N5 -Acyl—L ornithineester hydrolase
`The enzyme opens the A—ring—
`-lactone of the triterpenoid deoxy-
`limonic acid, leaving the D-ring-
`-lactone intact
`Hydrolyses the 3 ornithine ester
`bonds-in fusarinine C (a cyclic
`trihydroxamic acid formed by
`esterification 013 molecules of
`fusarinine, N5v(cis-5-hydroxy-
`Ws-hydroxy-L-ornithine). Also
`acts on Nssdinitrophenyl-
`-L —ornithine methyl ester
`Also acts on long«chain
`acylglycerol, but not diacyl—
`or triacylglycerols
`Hydrolyses the 12ester bond in
`a variety of 12,13-diacylphorbols
`(phorbol is a diterpenoid);
`this reaction inactivates tumor
`promoter 01 2 ~tetradecanoyl-
`phorbol-13~acetate from croton
`' 1612, 2609
`Sinapoylcholine sinapohydrolase
`Waxester acylhydrolase
`D iacylphorbate
`12,13—Diacylphorbate 12-acyl—
`phospholipase A2
`1 Phosphatidyl-D myo-inositol
`N-Acyl-O—acetyl neuraminate
`Acts on free and glycosidiully-
`bound N-acety|« or N-glycoloyl-
`neuraminic acid; acts mainly on
`0‘— and 09—acetyl groups
`AcetleoA deacylase, Acetyl-CoA hydrolase
`Acetyl—CoA acylase
`Longchain fatty-acyl- Palmitoyl-COA hydrolase
`-CoA hydrolase
`Also hydrolyses CoA thioesters
`of other long-chain fatty acids
`236, 294, 2578,
`3665, 4342
`Succinyl-CoA acylase Succinyl-CoA hydrolase

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