`Reactive Surfaces Ltd. LLP
`Ex. 1019
`Reactive Surfaces Ltd. LLP v. Toyota Motor Corp.
`This edition
`is a revision
`of the Recommendations
`of the IUPAC-IUB
`on Biochemical
`and has been approved for
`by the Executive
`of the International
`Union of
`PRESS New York San Francisco
`London 1979
`for Ille l,rfemntionnl
`of Biochemfst,y
`by Academic
`9 Page 165
`Comment © 1979, or Amounts Puss, inc.
`N0 nou- or Tam ronuunon may as REPRDDUCBD on
`mmmnao In my FORM on BY ANY mums, mac-memo
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`PERMISSION m wm‘rmo mom THE puuusrrsn.
`1:: FiithAvcnuu, New York. Now York [0001
`United Klufdom Edition publisher! by
`24(28 on! hold. London NW1
`Revision of Enzyme nomenclature; recommendations ([972) of
`the Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature published in 1973.
`l. Enzymes—Nomenclature. 2. Enzymes—Classification. 1.
`II. Title.
`Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature. Enzyme nomenclature
`QPEOIJS-t 1919
`Library a! Congxeas Cataloging In Publication Data
`International Union of Biochemistry. Nomenclature committee.
`Enzyme nomenclature. 1978.
`Recommended Name
`name Is, In most cases, formed by the
`the reconimencled
`Includes 'hydrolasc',
`name always
`While the systematic
`with this sulf1X
`It is understood that the name of the substrate
`with the suffix -use.
`name of the substrate
`means a hydrolytic
`(3. 1.2),
`on cnrbo)(y!ic
`into those acting
`are subdivided
`The csterases
`hydrolases (3. 1.4),
`the phosphatases
`triphosphoric monoester hydrolases (3.1.5), sulphatases (3.1.6),
`and diphosphoric
`pla�d in a number of new sub-groups: the
`are now
`The nucleases, previously
`under 3.1.4,
`and lhe endonucleases
`3.l.J.I Carboxyleste
`A carboxylic ester + H,O = an alcohol +
`a carboxylic acid anion
`3.J.l.2 Arylestcrase
`A phenyl acetate + H;O = a phenol +
`3.1.l.3 Triacylglycerol lipase
`Triacylglycerol H10
`fatly �cid anion
`diacylglycerol + a
` Phospholipase A1
`A lecithin + HiO =
`1-acylglycerophosphocholine + an
`unsaturated fatly acid anion
` Lysophospholipase
`A lysolecithin + H;O ""
`glycerophosphocholine a fatty acid anion
` Acetylesterasc
`An acelic ester HiO � an alcohol
` Acctylcholinesterase
`Acetylcholine + HiO -choline + acetate
` Cholinesterase
`a An acylcllpline + HiO = choline
`carboxylic acid anion
`Ex. 1019 - Page 167
`Basis for classification
`Other Names
`' (Systemalic Name)
`133, 202, 288,
`Wide specificity. Also
`Carboxylic-ester hydrolase
`Ali-eslerase, B-eslerase,
`425, 1371, 2874
`hydrolyses vitamin A
`Monobulyrase, Cocain
`estcrase, Procaine
`47, 136, 2056,
`Acts on many phenolic
`Aryl-ester hydrolase
`esters; the enzyme from
`slieep serum also
`hydrolyses paraoxon
`1764, 2023,
`The pancreatic enzyme
`Triacylglyccrol acylhydrolase
`Steapsin,. Trihutyrase,
`2911, 3081
`acts only on an ester-
`Triglyceride lipase,
`water interface; the ouler
`ester links arc
`preferentially hydrolysed
`672, 736, 919,
`Also acts on
`Phosphatide 2-acylhydrolase
`Lecithinase A,
`1175, 2272, 2895
`choline plasmalogen and
`phosphatides, removing
`the fatty acid attached to
`the 2-position
`Lysolecithin acylhydrolase
`3.J.1.5 Lccithinase B,
`Phospholipase B
`574, 665, 855,
`+ acetate
`+ a
` C-esterasc (in animal
`Acetic.ester ncetylhydrolase
`47, 268, 1499
` Troe cholinesterase,
`Acetykholine ncetylhydrolase
`Acts on a variety of
`134, 269, 1928,
`Choline e.�tcrnse I,
`acetic esters; also
`2324, 3852, 540
`catalyses transacetylations.
` Pscudocholinesterase,
`Acylcholinc acylhydrolase
`Acts on a variety or
`134, 136, 1732,
`Butyrylcholine es!crasc,
`choline esters and a few
`2324, 2931, 3259
`Choline esterase II
`other compounds
`Ltd., LLP Ex. 101 9 - Page 168Reactive Suriaces
`Recommended Name
`a side reaction of EC} Deleted entry: Be11zoylcholi11esterose:
`3. l.1. 10 Tropincsterase
`+ HiO tropine + tropate
`Pectin + 11 H20 = n methanol + pectate
`[ Deleted eniry:
`ev ed to be identical with EC 3.1.1.JJ now beliprevi<msly Vitami,1 A esterQse,
` Cholesterol esterase
`ester + H20 = cholesterol
`A chole�terol
`a fatty acid anion
` Chlorophyllase
`+ H10 = phylol +
` Arahinonolactonase
`+ H,O
`{3.J.1./6 Deleted entry: This reacfio11
`3-oxoadipate-enol-lactone h.ydro/ase (EC 3.J.1.24)}
`was due to a mixllJre of mucono/actone isomerase (EC S.3.3.4) and
`3. I.I. l 7 Gluconolactonase
`T>-Glucono-8-lactone + HiO � o-gluconate
`3.1. I.18 Aldonolactonase
`L-Gulono-y•lactone + H,O gulonate
`3.1.l. I 9 Uronolactonase
`D-Glucurono·6-lactonc + H20=
`Digallate + HiO 2 gallate
`Retinol-palmitate esterase
`Retinol palmitate + HiO = retinol
`yryloxy)-butyrate + H10
`3. J.t.22 Hydrox yb1!lyra1
`rdimer hydrolase 3-u,{3-o-Hydroxybut
`= 2 J-o-hydroxybutyrate
`Monoacylglycerol lipase
`Hydrolyses glycerol monoestcrs of long-chain
`falty acids
`(l,4) + HiO
`3-0xoadipate · enol-lactonase
`= 3-oxoadi
`y-Laclone + H;O - 4-hydroxyacid
`- - -- �
`--- -- -- -- --· - .. - . - - -- - �
`Reactive Surfaces Ltd., LLP Ex. 1019- Page 169
`Number Other Names
`Basis for classification Comments Reference
`Also acts on cocaine and 1062, 2269
`Atropine acylhydtolase
`,,. other tropine esters
`. 3.l.1.11Pectin
`Pectin pectylhydrolase
`Pectin metho1.ylase,
`708, 1979, 2234
`Also acts on esters of 442, 1290, 1781,
`Sterol·ester acylhydrolase
`some other sterols 3318
`Chlorophyll Also catalyses 1343, 1712
`transfer, chlorophyllidoh ydrolase chlorophyllide
`e.g. converts chlorophyll
`lo methylchlorophyllide
` Lactonnse
`391, 803
`415, 507
`Tannin acylhydrolase Also hydrolyses ester 776
`links in other tannins
`4-Carbollymethylbut-3-cnolide 1819
`(1,4) enol-laclonoliydrolase
`The enzyme is specific 887, 888
`for 4-8 carbon y-laclones.
`It does not hydrolyse
`simple aliphatic esters,
`Surfaces Ltd., LLP Ex. 101 9 - Page 170Reactive
`3. 1.1.26 Galactolipase
`+2 H,O = 1-0-(P-D-galactosyl)-D-glycerol
`+ 2 fatty acid anions
`+ H,O 4-pyridoxate
`3. 1.1.28 Acylcarnitine
`+ H,O a fatty acid +
`3.1. l .29 Aminoacyl-tRNA
`+ H,O
`amino acid + tRNA
`3. I. l .30 n-Arabinonolactonase
`+ H,O -
`3. 1 .1.31 6-Phosphogluconolactonase
`+ H10
`3.1. 1.32 Phospholipase
`A lecithin
`+ H,O �
`+ a fatty acid
` 6-0-Acetylglucose
`glucose +
`+ H,O
`+ H,O = diacylglycerol
`+ a
`fatty acid anion
`+ HiO = melilotate
`3.1. 1.36 Limonin-D-ring-lactonase
`+ H,O -
` Steroid-lactonase
`+ H,O = testolate
`lactone + H,O = triacetate
`3. I. 1.38Triacetate-lactonase
`019 -Page 171
`Reactive Surfaces L
`td., LLP Ex. 1
`:lfumber Other Names
`Basis for classification Comments Reference
`(Systemalic Name)
`acetylcholine, sugar
`lactones or substituted
`aliphalic lactones,
`requires Ca2 •
`Also acts on 2,3-di-0-1270, 1321
`acylhydrolase galactosyl-/1-D-galactosyl)-
`o-glycerol, and
`phosphalidylcholine and
`other phospholipids
`fatly acid +
`0-Acylcarnitine acylhydrolasc
`Acls on higher fatly acid 2046
`(C-6 lo C-18) esters of L·
`carnitine; highest activity
`is with
`a fatty acid
`Phosphatidate 1-acylhydrolase
`glucose +
`Clearing factor lipas,
`Hydrolyses triacylglycerols
`878, Ill 8, 796,
`Diglyceride lipase,
`acylhydrolase in chylomicrons and low•
`2293, 2411
`Diacylglycerol lipase
`densily lipoproteins. Also
`hydrolyses diacylglycerol
`Dihydrocoumarin Also hydrolyses some 1784
`other benzenoid y-lactones
`Limonqate-D-ring-lactone 2055
`Testololactone lactonohydrolase
`3.1. 1.38
`Ltd., LLP Ex. 1019- Page 172
`Reactive Surfaces