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`l. linglish language--~Dictionarics.
`I. l\1eri'iain—Webster, lne.
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`[_ .11“, ;1111|
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`'IIIl’;_<;i:-:l‘1;l‘|,I|II1‘\ II [I'\‘\’] 11929) :
`r-.l1r-_e->':1—gr:>_-I‘c\ 11, pl -phles [_IsV] (1929)
`.o1:-irigennarnphk \I.\u.1IIr..1uu11 111 an .«1rl:ry .1Ilc1 111111111111 of .1 radiu-
`pn(|l1L' .\'IIIn‘Inn1.'6 —
`nr-lc-rln-grupli-I1_: \-é-cifgra-Ilk‘, 11.1;
`‘mu...-1.019 ‘._:ir-'IIr-('-.1)I\ n_!F or Nl.: P airman‘. Drnh. 11. \II. m'ler10Iu
`1&1 "'.':'.*:'-:::“...:.*.‘.‘.:’ = .:‘:.“.:
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`11211111 1~.:11II;wllI1icmlliug1msuf.~]:1~11.11v
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`.1n‘, 1»
`Inc In II1.\r
`mu-.~m1l.1r- 111111 c|;1\1I1:-vI:1ll1:1I V¢h\‘rI\
`(I111! L‘1UIV bluud hum lI1L'
`;[«_['(y1|gI| (I11; body 2 :
`11 chunncl [113 :1 1‘I\'1.-r or I11'gl1\v11y') of uu1nr.pn1'l1'1~
`11.3.1 o1 1*nn1rnulII1.‘..\Ilon2 (.111 : 111: 111aIn1:I1111111c|
`I11 .1 l11.1111.'I1I111L s\.sl1:111
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`rims. -rnnc:
`'. c ‘
`11 1:1‘
`Iltcp we
`I11 1vI1icl1 I111: water l‘lu\\-s tn (I1: surfncc 11nl11r:1lIy
`-:14)“: 1111:
`2 :
`M1 Illln n <_l‘)2(11 :
`.111111Iiun pILl1111: y1m|11cc1l .1» 11111'111Ia1Is cflnrl
`Art Your: n (I863)
`:1 :1-cn-311171-d lurm (:
`1 1y111ph1111))n1 n\e.1111n1
`La-4 sculnturcl 111
`2 : 1111 11111;11nw;11l11111.1l {111111 111 111v
`Liiurn I11 which ImpuIr.e.~: rcgxrdul as ‘artistic’ 1
`:1) be expr1's‘>4:-11 (de-
`Imribc nInb.1II .1» .1 pa:-.1! A111c1'I1;.111 urr/(mu —_ I'u111 Uuckicy)
`I1I1~fnI ‘.'.'uI—faI\ mii (I615)
`I : performed wnh or silowmg 2|”. or skill
`and 113111 . Dtxnznons (an - pmse cl-,-I1~:I)
`: druit in axlaining an
`(.111 -_
`l01'n11111cr: on the wohn)
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`end ollcn hv 1I1xI1111u[1n1z or Indirect rncans : WILY (An ~ LIU\.\=
`3 : AHTH'lCl.\L (lrim walk-.
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`\Vord\'wor1l1> xyn see an — url-III-Iv ‘.-!'a—I1’:\ u(I1- — In-Iul-nun 1:
`Ir! slum n (1886) : aniclcx nf glass dcsigncd prIrnnr1I_v for v.|cvor11l1\'u
`¥'lII'v0sc1‘. rvn 2 uuvclu glavswarr
`In hlntorkal .u(; H933) : of 111 mlating I11 111: l1i.s1u11 u1'.111 — ar(|1i.<-
`Iurlcnllv mlv
`nrt house 11 (I95 I) 1 /1111 ‘1'1r_11.«'r1:11
`:1kin In Gk
`Iflhrf Iur I1I1I_ro- mm!» /onn [L.
`1112111 (rrrrhropntm >
`uraruluzun lo 111
`:nur«.~ -.11 um]
`"'|h"""H|" ‘iir-'l|‘.rzI-](é*)3\II [NLI (ca. I348): I|L'|IIAIgl£ 111111 1111-111‘ 111'
`I11-vrcJmn1«. — ur«|hrllI'K|L' \-I1k\ ad!
`"""'"'k‘ \I"|-'-'lhri-IIk\ 111lj(I-11:)
`1 ‘ nf rclmin lo 1r affccb-J wi|I1 41»
`2 ‘ I"-‘iflk or xl11>1~Inz L’If9CN‘1L'i\'nC|'IlE1I§VIIIl‘.-miilg <; .111:uc1y)
`— ar-lI1ril«l»4:nl-Iy \vu—1.1+11a\. ....1.
`dmml “3‘\|1;r’-_ I11m:as\ 11.1?! -1hrI1- doc \-‘I111-1-_1.s-.111-71 11.. 11, (II-;. 1_r..1r-
`mm‘ muu.~”lA
`nimul on 111 10 its due IQ |nIc1;l1u11.~1. mc .)hoII::_ nr
`”,_'h,ud_e“N \t_5IlI'Kcs._uI..u ; 11 mt-.c1[1: an I111!
`* 1(1n.-|1l|1111
`l""'[‘V‘!|‘|-xi-=3‘-:o.\\ I1. 11/ -c-acs .
`2.\. INL. ‘I1. arr/1r « Gk
`,4 .l.0img_|&l.h;1. 1 1:11 111 hind] (vs
`l0(II) : Ih.= curgh-:I )n|[n(yI)]I|7‘)[|()n
`I860] : A 1II\r'.1\:- (11 2|
`.,,mmp..'.“ -‘
`:_”|'L buncs 1511“-vr \uII1|I1’Iu):cII1cI
`\dl- |hla~pn-1I1¢-\ I!_ ,1] .(||k>s
`It-|hm.p¢,4 .
`“I1! —
`‘.';"':__l")r3'I1"7“'\ " INI./Ir/liruprulu. Ir. an/1r— 1 GI‘. pod .1-m1.v
`mm‘ ( “‘'“"I 119775 2 any 1:! :1 pI1yIur11(A11I11u;1u1Ia1I nl Inva-
`-A n.‘_1l:1:~.. II2|L'I‘II1I(1H. and c1'u:~'tacca11~‘I lhal In»
`.1 usu. cI11I111n11.s emskeleton
`3I;Ig.11I(1ru1I -.’1nIrrior brain corlncclucl 11.1 :1 v1:nIraI
`"Wind at!) — ur-lhmp-n-«Ian mr--1111 .1-p:»d.111\
`~ .,
`’“"P¥ \a .-
`kk"‘|’!3\ I! (ca. 19 I51 : vIsu.11c\mn11n.\I1ox1 of the
`11 111111!‘
`'5°l1'1:-.111g111lr M") “'1”" A ~‘1>cc1.~1Is111'v.1cnI u1sln1r11cnt; also
`,, I
`n5]-lllnu-«inns \'31r-1I1r:-,sknp\
`i,. ”~ 7:! ~1hro.«m \-,<é2\
`lNI,. 1.
`1.1: arlhmriv
`07! mm: lu uul1LuInlL'. II. mrluuul (1634)
`'1 : n lIrg('n('l‘.‘IliVl‘ :I1<1.>.1s1= nI 11 jninr
`1; Km‘ -'“’°"\1 N (H1695) : omu'.\1 Hw
` >mN.V king of lhc flrihms wh<,\<1~ «nary 1'-1
`Icnlurs‘ 1111111111 Y luud-:r
`”“”"\"flJ (I611) : 01111 1;-I.11111y. to Kim:
` m”°_°:' “' Ht‘
`"MII1-1| 111
`u,,Ux,,,._g pm, of 1rrmgan'I
`ermc 11111". u\\11 v.oIlII 0‘
`;, ..111c1.«1)
`2 : 11I‘I'H'‘Lf‘‘i‘“!f
`5'1"‘ "9-" Hm
`. M. pp of 111Jm:11r1'. fr
`|‘ 1.
`(1) claim or «cutZ
`Int: 1 WM
`l.11m.-1 In h'\£'“'“0" .\'m,_.,_1
`,1 in (111071
`2 1
`, I,
`1 In (.011. (nIl1uI.IIll .11 mw. I(\1.'
`1111 u.'\
`*:'.:'‘.i'::‘:..; .11.
`-1 m 11 K (:13 1.111 :1 min’ 0" “3"'
`fight Iikc .11. mmw in High:
`.v.xur ma.
`: 11111:
`\ w11I1 luL\c11111.~ 1110!‘. 1 \! _h
`L.,,.;1«__.r1‘1.;1:a1. .1 1'1IIhIL §}td\1:Cl‘|c.
`\v11".<Isl1.11c .
`Z i *I‘“"'
`..\‘.‘ .1 («(,mn1nn v1I1\.r11111r1<(:~P
`2'“ ..1‘ .1 p]'I)‘IUIY| ((
`urvcii b1i~lIcx
`11x.1ni<ms I1.1vi1112. 1'
`rn{.,|h,g Ur -gugzgcxling 1111
`1 or ch-411111.-.l
`‘ .
`.‘ “.-_,1.-.m111:c (.L~ :1
`J.,..-,\ n [$11. I1I.. nu:
`‘(f‘_,\l,L,; fit, -“ad um. f'1.1vur.11I 1». 1th
`, (1. A1 .1111
`V’.m1I.[,[l»I:1l‘1lt:‘1'r1l I111
`[I15 111ar1ul.1c-
`1.1 L.'\IIIL‘CI|0I‘1 11’
`L.L£,,’“-_. ~ .11 vcl::1.1npI.1yc1~7
`\,,(|1<(KJ):.1.~.1‘1lI or L‘\’ICI 111.111..-
`.~‘.l1)w (1I’DI|I|K.‘-Ill. fr MI‘ 3-’ In MF-
`,. fr S)l‘2‘.1'lI‘lIIl-K uI I1.1111n:1
`, 11:11.-.v_“Ah__mmt M Y“ H,“
`“I,-I»:-I‘i:lU;\1111‘-.un1111s' e‘.c111c1-.l Ilmi A
`1III111- aml blIlIIc -
`' 91¢}
`,1 "I ‘1;mo,, uf -.11<r1.11c JM
`I -_1l;u r)r\L'II[( n.u.W
`1 culv.
`A “hm”; m, or 1 m1Iz1InInv. 1| 3
`U _ 0‘ K1(,v‘..1g m. cu11l.-.1n1n1?.. 07
`, arsenlcnl 11
`>1-nr - 1\'.'.I'.
`nl-1n.1r\. n1r11nu11r1_1uI M‘
`- o1 1':-I:uim1 In. 121‘ 1;u111.«1r~.1r1a elf‘
`u1 :» c
`1 0I‘1I1 wsenious ACIKI
`' “MU ' 3 !‘mu'n‘ "l‘\’)l'T|\III. unno-
`-.1111: ucc.1n1n11 In Pf
`:5 II.1111111;1b.€
`,1 ..-1.-
`.1 1Icr‘.\“'
`I1 an 11.1111 like 1_l'M""v “J” '
`1. 1-. <-11-. LL. ra1<111n0‘.*§‘°‘j"}fijT.§I
`..lo.s11111111111111!‘11u"‘_*::I :“‘m;.,,,, pfll‘.
`h :
`l11c 111,1.c
`PM '“’ I!“ h"‘r.".€!
`“IE1! nr Iuub“
`l|'-I VI-'
`' ‘
`2 - 1111- 1111a1:.:c11Ic-I P-‘V
`1 ul of .1r.11'n .111 nl b11r11I11§‘-m’_ rho
`- 11u1r1- M .\1u10_RI (~‘“‘ w“||cl'IIII‘
`n11-.-11y (.11 1. Iu1Il1I1n1;‘ £511,111 \-:1.~\u_JJ
`“.111 \-1c1\ u —— 1-1‘--‘“"‘_“'
`II USV "’~“""‘.'
`y5m:;L—,,p1.~ 1-1nw1|c1
`(v1:- -
`.1u11c111 1.-51% 0‘ 1-YP"“"~ am )‘0E1‘.« I91
`km In ()N a'\'I. 1:1! III11.-111 It
`I AC“
`um ~ 1111111-111
`or (1h.\c1val1o11 .
`“mun , r
`(I) : mm M lI1cI1;1111 : ml D
`_...\1:\1_,, an HOI.:\Il!s|lI
`.1 u
`11 (the ~ vi <1-E-W ‘"!“*““?’1..~o4““ 111
`1w 1n1:11z1u.11|u11 cm "‘
`_, _ 1111!? _
`s an ntmlucz-1|
`h I _)
`;‘II1|( nrl Surm-Iu_:.-1 .
`V mm”
`6 : 11¢-v.11rnIlV< "'
`1'111c1_=. <~11.\1-r n1.-n111|(1‘cm .1 an 1”‘?
`1», s1u1.1.
`I111vh'~‘* -' P‘
`Page 3 of 4
`[I .
`‘I’ ~'
`_ hi
`7' -
`‘J N
`II IIk'(‘(‘i“r1I\\'I‘lI ~:Ii,.
`II-l‘:I»,~lI‘m‘-. II I llI77'I :
`lol-(en-(lune ‘
`|IsL'U I'\r rml
`II (I2£‘)~lI :
`.I ’.lIuIIIIIp|I|\' I\I‘Ijl'L[lUIlLllI|L‘ W.“
`or \‘I.II .'.\I-|nI, '(lJ|-,\“I ‘I H, u_,-‘-
`M II rap lti. II. R»IrII.'I I/.
`-."IIy iII (_7I:IIII.I-
`I 190.’) : IIIIV of .I '.>I‘I'I-Il III‘
`. unw-
`II|.nc'II-.IIId IIIII hhllll-IIIIIICII (|0§\'
`II!" (II IIII.In ml -.r III-III rm‘ I'IIIIII~.II>:Il\'
`used an guzml ugs
`rn-Iuml \rf3-‘IQIIII.
`'II‘I-{I ml] L HI/IUI
`IIu.I, yvmlw. uIlcI. of (.\:<.uIIIL\) 0L 1..
`mIIIlIII'.‘ .IkIII In L mm whccl — lH(\I‘L'
`I\| rI0I.I.] (1705)
`I : I1IIIrl;cIl by round
`Z : III:IrIm;| by lull-
`IlL‘\h nl .IIIIIIId In cnnluwv : UIIIITIINIJ.
`Is (.1 llIZl\lL‘l’ nl ~ IIIII'IIIc)
`III.ly \m.'IarI-Ila-II*.\
`II —- ru-mnul-ly
`‘II’:-,\ UIII
`- ro-Iuml-ncss
`'l .1II(IJ)-lI3'~. 'r¢‘I-_\ II
`ru-luII<I|II \m-'IaII-I.Ia\n II mmnda. II-. L l'0(IIIIJIl_ lcl"
`II rIIIIIIII hull. ing: ¢'.\'[7
`Inc Crlvcu-I1 II\- a d"_
`ru-In-rl-er '-.II‘»'Iur~é 3, -'IyI‘II--\ I1 |Ml<'| Ilsmu) ;
`ruund room h 2
`.I lung: u:IIII.Il IIIcII (ID in Al lurid!) Mk" 1. : .'L('L:
`mm I.‘ nor o!'II.uIII.L-:
`‘““"I Viol of M‘
`mné \r
`\ II II-'. IlI.. Iwrukm on the MI»-I:|. II. [In (,4
`[hr whccl. II. MI.II.-Ian: fl. L, to rolnlc; fr. lhc r('L'lIDrla"LT ‘“ 51¢“
`«Inn (k‘u‘I'VI"S IIIII nIIIIIuIImuIIl| I I801!) : II IIIIIII (II-Vn[gd‘i:'h‘ul"‘
`II IIlcIIvuI'c I I.\k
`‘range \'I‘C|Z||.1'5‘]I. lllI”Il'I'Il 'rIIj\ II II‘. II M la In
`lCl|l“\h —- Iumc .Il IuIm'| H753)
`I : ny of \ .I:',’:5L,
`uring lhc lhI‘L’k\
`Il" lip: Inn!
`2 2
`II red IIII\wlI-I Qun\E“nImI.‘l
`{cn-II. II,\|LIc u.v:Il iII pull‘-IIIII3 glaara. IIII:I.II, II| II.cnI\".‘,.:
`III; vI(I77’.')
`I : I..;IppI, ,c;‘ _“‘-‘
`lo l'L‘d(ItII ~ 5'
`'3'" [“
`(IA mung]:-er
`rIIImh-est |\-Il;I,
`01-’ n'/ .
`'ruu-,-,h \
`Ill/I mun! LIIII nmkv I Iuluklcl IlIv;I. |'n)
`I I : rfinll" M‘
`ncs. rldgc
`or prnjx-I:IlImI IIII Ihc 'IIrl':L
`C0,\|g_-,§: hrfm “Y
`III.IIII- upol coarse and oflcn 3I|l|).',_L'.V |IIIir (rough
`c (I) .
`lI.II-i..3 ‘, hmk
`lunrnpy ~.IIIl:II:I- (~ I.-mun)
`I2): dIIIIulI In lI7IV(-I IIe"' "nfvcgg
`'||MPFS‘“ '01‘-N’ <'\- Wits)
`' “L
`I WILD (lnln lhc ~ noclwdt
`I’. ll. SlIcIII:y) z.:rf‘l#g“.$
`In IuII:c
`(2) : prr.~cnIIII3nclIn|IcIIgI: : I)II'l‘II"I)l.T’(}-|:TJ\3eu!'
`M. MI-Alrnun) 3: mama ur Iuggccl in I:lI.-Ir:I.~I.-.- .3“. M, Q ‘I
`;|Izu:|I Io (III; car
`5 I crud: III style m u.\PrcI-,1“,
`( . p
`: nI.II-kcrl hy 1| lurk III Irlincvna.-III nr I.;r.II-I-
`IJNFI.\IsIIIm <~ cIIrpcuIIy)
`: -:IcuIIcd III
`\'L.'I|||lI'¢(I I|I||.lllIy
`lively, or lmpcrlnlly (II P\— Llrrlll) (
`' ilI'1i|ll‘);(1I_;0 . an I-
`nos‘-\ H
`(lhia xIvc.~ -I ~ ldc.I‘, — rough-Isl
`.>«|III.\ my _ n;un_.L'fi
`syn IHIIIIIH. II/ueall. VIN
`V. III C-GED. .\c.\Imuu.s IIII.'an In
`or cvcn. IIUUGII Imp“:-S |IoIIIl<, hI1's‘llc-I, Iidgcs, on pmkcug’-‘
`ICU (II mug]: wIIIxlcn I-uaml). H\RSH im Iliczs I Iuyrm I.
`IlislIr.I.Ily llII[‘IIt‘n\‘IIIIl Lu lhe lnIII*h
`Inbrlc Ihll
`IINI~,vI:’N lmplIc- ‘
`Ian.-II ul
`y (.In uld Ilousc \
`lh IIIIUI-'»'Il Hun ) uIIrI(1[:IIlmp[|.g 4
`II; or rnluhncss ul l.IIIIl aux IXILC In-J LUlIlIUll'\ Iilmcully at I
`rIII{zI:d lIuIdscIIpc> S(‘.\IIROL“s'
`ilIIplIL‘V .
`..\lilK‘s‘5' Iu prkkllnn
`lIII-I- (II I'mhmu.v II.-III‘).
`‘n-Iugh mlr 1 ML‘) . RUIJL-Ill.\'
`'mngh ll (MC)
`: IIIInI'en 1InuIIII l,CIVl.‘I'C(I wIIII hlgh gin.
`.\'}F(( If. such ground lmrdcriIIg II gull f;IInt.IIy
`. (M
`~ — .
`Iul Sllllin )
`u : S(7lIIcIhIn[,' in II unn L-, Ixn
`ahle sidr In .\\p€'5‘l
`glI|HIII.:-cIIInIIIIIy. .illIlI‘IItI’.\ III
`Ilmimuy stnlc
`II : hgrnad on IIIr : 2('l‘.Cl’lIl |cI'IIII (lb: QM ‘
`bccII IILSLIIISNCG III v~ —1\luIII'/I¢'slI'I' (imIrIlimI l0I'I'lI‘l)-)
`Iimlnary Ilrzmlng nr I-.IyIIIIl 4 : RuwI)\'
`IJLE. In? \T
`II-;II. me III! I up
`I I In \LI.)|L'L’
`‘ruuuh VI H763)
`I : K:1I|!(Ill|EN L: n : In :?uhIrlL"l |:nl"“""
`Icnlimml vII)IcIII'r
`.I npuxl
`3 : In I.'.\"( or IIIhI.'r\lb¢'
`|Iur:II:. shoes) In prcv-2III xlimving
`-I I : [ll xlmpc. ml
`FOIIEII ur Pfl."lll|il'IE|I'\'
`II : III inIlicIIlc IIII.-c‘IIlcIIlIu|:“
`>lI‘\.ICIllI'€ of .1buIlIling) —- rough»:-r II —— rough" "°
`nr nrimmvr cnIIIlIliuIuI
`mu I...“ \',,I-§iI\ n (m. I000) : FIIII’-‘II
`III: II{.w = ("W
`- g
`lnd§gl‘iUhl(‘ mnlrrlIIl 'II:lInI: ;Is‘ III-cu
`_ M‘ m_ .
`nmygh-nnIl—rcuIly .I a~fan "I’L"LII:'\IIIl-'
`In IIInIIIII-r IIIII ¢~l'lccIivr In .IcIImI III Ing
`‘rough-and-lum-hle ‘.-'l.)lII'lV"|lII
`sInI|Icd figlIlIng or s‘lrIIgIIlIng
`H71 2
`‘rough-and-Iulnble ml! (lH32)_ 1
`I W”,
`(grew up in II ~- IIImn\phI'I'l' -T’
`"‘;‘”'__'I {I
`P>l.\mr-‘me Hm“
`2 2 put lIIuI~.IlIeI' hm)
`him-gran II <L‘I|.
`In nIIIlIu-III /\IrIL.'I l|I.II I.‘ II.IIIIr.~IlI/ct_1 |"‘:"
`IIIIIILII ltnmlhllm II (1895))
`I I
`I‘! III:III..l"|.|”V_‘_
`vmwls I()':hl'i‘\\ l|InI lhcs Inc .IspII.Ilu. k _ W” n
`_' (fig;
`2 : Ihc suuml iIIdICXlK£'d II?‘
`I‘ '““‘
`‘rnuflh-cast \'r:Il—.k:Icl
`r _? also -’*"‘i"5\“‘, ,I1;Ip¢- III
`pluslcl lals Ll \vIIl|) \\‘IU\ roughc-:I~.I
`h "H
`’roug|I~ux-.1 \—.kru.l‘I n III‘/‘II
`ITIIXCII wIIII slIcII.~ IH pcblrlc» Ilfifii‘
`:IIIrIncI: IIIILIII [M (II II nI._|\lL‘r K‘-|
`rough I-III II (I937) : II |!lIII| III III
`I M
`‘rough-tlry \'I «Vl"lJl"I\ I! (W *7! I III I'» '
`mlf (I856) : hI-mil ‘“" "nu 0“
`.\'muulIII-A mu-I (~ Clollltfi)
`_d_ N
`rollxlx-I-II \‘I.I-l'eII‘I, rfv r0|||3""":‘UR'm., (nu
`(ISR2) I
`lo IIul;I- rnnflh ‘N ':cL_‘””,_ .-
`-—EllL'I| (i1II»:IIw> ~ “I 1 “
`rotary o roughest
`‘I0-III-ry \'II'I-l.I-I "'\ «Alli [ML '
`II‘ L mm whecll (cu. I711)
`I IIIrIIiIIg on an axle like II vI'lII~I.-I
`I) . Inkinu nlncc Ill7\>lIl IIII 4).!» (~
`I :
`IIII nxis (~ cul-
`3 : c|IIIr.u-I
`zed hy rnIIIlIIuI
`-I : III. II.-|IIIlIIn Io. nr hrlllx .1 Incas
`III which pIIvcI III III lulul hy Iululluu III umlncl will: II cuwcel pruning
`Iuriuu: IIIIm:hec| III II rylIIII|nr
`'mIIIry IL III ~rIc.\ II..I. I883)
`I .
`.I IuI.IIy |III‘l|.hIIIC 2 I II Iuml J|IIIL'”UI|
`fm med Ilmuml II ccnlrul cilcl-: .IbIuII wln«‘h ll‘.1IIK' ll1l\Vk'\ III um‘ IlII'cL‘-
`I IIl'.I~Il .I]\\\ .'III /I_ IIII1/II'rIrI/I’
`ml-In-y nllllvnlor II (I926) I I(()lIII'II I
`I R
`rulury engine II UKI1)
`....,r ..I
`I-...I..I \ CII§llll‘\ (AK .. lurhi.
`\I'.III'I~. [II-wcr L-I upgllicd III V.llIl'\ (II \HI|I|.|I [III-. [\ I’III'l\'.I'.l|IIL”d In IIII
`.I l lI'I‘I||1|l‘]1:I||I Z:
` I-'1 II'<Il'I| N
`.I ~I,IIII .
`I_v L’lIIIIk\l
`mlIIr_v—\Ving nircrnfl H (I‘),7S'I : IInIoII(v..II-I, \‘/II l I} :
`um. II.scIl III III.
`'rII.lulI~ \'I-I3-.I:'II\ my II.rnIu| I I785! : II.IvIIIII Inc I).IrIslIIII IIIIII 5[IIL';\I|IIIfi
`III IIIdl.II'IIIII like IIII-. :s]IukC5 -.\l n Ishucl (~ Ivluc nu\\'I‘l.‘«)
`’ru-lulu \'n3«.lil. z'.I'p MI-II m '\. vb m.lnI~oIl: rn-lnl-Inn ll. I‘UIIllII.\‘ HIV. ul
`rnmrc. fr. rum vI|IL-I-I - num. III ROLL] II’ (I808)
`I : In mm IIIIuI-I an
`axis ur uccnlcr : I»{E\'HI\'Ft mp : In InuvI- in such .1 \\'II\' lII.I1 .Ill II.II IILICA
`iolluw circles WIIII II cuIIIIIIuII .III5uI.II vclomly uhoul '.\ L'()I1\II\0I'I IL\I!.
`n: It) perform an :I('l. IlIn£'I|rIII. nr n,nI-I;IlinII III III: II
`II: In pans or al-
`lcIII.III: III II .\l.‘IiI.‘\ ~ I!
`I II I lllcilllm: lulIII|I ur IIIII\cIIlxIIIl .1IIIIxi.~In
`II ccnlcr
`II: In cuusc (:1 plane R‘gl(III ur Ilur) In \\l'l‘(.‘|I IIIII II vIIluIIIL- or
`\IlIIIIL'L‘ tw IIIII\‘lIIn IIIIIIIIIII IIII .I.'\|h so IIIIII I-Inch ml 115 pI.~iuIs- Icmnins Ml
`uI)II:Il.\III JLNIIIIICC (rum IIIu :Ix'I~I (5:-III>ImI~ :1 lnrm hy I/mlmm 4‘ tllclt‘
`.IhmIl :In I-(II.-rIIIIl llIII:)
`2 : In cause In yum-I III IulIIIluII («w crops.)
`I I0 c-.III.~I.- In puss ur iI\.'I in .1 writs 2 AI,1FnNA’II-'
`zln L“(I‘h1\II|_lIL’(||MII'
`vIIIIIn|\ nr IIII- I") IVIIII Olhflh —— I'II'IIIl-IIDIU \'
`I.v—lml ul.Iu II‘)-'\ ml;
`ru-In-(Ion \I'I'.I- III-.shoII'\ II (I555)
`I II (1) : III: IM.‘1IUIlhI‘|\lDI,‘l"4N Isl rum!-
`IIIII. IIII or {H II (III an :I\'Is or u:nIcI
`(2) I the .Iv.'I III .III Ilnlullu: III ruIIII—
`hug ~uIIIL'IIIlIIg
`I1 : um‘ conIplcIc l\IrII : IIII: Angular Ilm|I|IIcvIIIrIII rt’-
`qIIIII-.1tn n!IlIIn II rm:IIIng burly nr IIIIIIII: III II». uIIIIln.I| III I:-IIIIIIII-II
`n I II.-.IIuII In .\In.'I:I-n-IIIII in .I writ» <~ III the I-:.I~IIII-.~.>
`Ihc growing,
`III 4‘|i"l‘ll‘III L'I'lI||§ in \lll‘(‘!‘$'II(lIl In nu: IlI:IIJ mu. III (I
`J I the Iul uing of II bmly p.Irl nlvuul (Is lung I
`Si if on LI pwul
`-I :
`g,IIIIIe nl pnul III ‘-UIIFII IIII I5 nhlccl bull-I .l|’L‘ 5 ml III II|IIIIcIlcIIl III I.lcI
`zlhc scllcs (Ir|)Il\;IICl) IIII .I Imsclmll lI:.Im wlw rc5ul.II'II' ~:I:III mu I--.Iiv.-
`guunsw in turn —- ru-III-Ilnn-nl \»sIIII7Il. -aha-n‘|\ Illll
`lu~III-tin: \'|EI~,lI'I—IIv IIIIIII I6-'\arI:i I I778)
`I I IurIIInI.; lxkc 1 whr.-I21 1 km
`2 : rcI.IIiIIg I0, «II-I-IIrrlIIg III, In I:II:Ir.II:Icrl7;.-Il bv IuIIulIIII — ro-
`Iu-Ilu--Iy Iulr
`I'll-III-lo! \'rI'>—,I4'I-tar .-Ilm n’»-‘I II (1rI7(I) I one Ihm rcI‘.IIlcs (ll \.';l\I*.I‘\ I-III.-.»
`(Ion: mp. [II -(oi: or -Iur-on \.II3-Ia«'lI';I-.67.. ~'u'Ir—‘.
`.l IIIIIsclc IlI.Il I. I’-
`Imlly mlnlcs :\ pIII'I un ilx uxiu
`nllnlul’ CI!" ll I196!) '. II su Ipul ling .IIII| sucIIg1lIcning ‘KIFUCILIILZ III
`>houldcr jolnl llml
`is ma I: up of lhr L~rIp'IIIII- III
`the \h(llI‘4|I.l
`hlcndcd with lL!l||.lUll.\ IIIII1 IIIu:I.'Ic: us IIIC) plus ll) llIv: c.Ip.<ulI III
`il I0 III:Icrl on IIII: head 0! Ihr hlIIl'lPI'I|<
`rn-In-In-ry \'I'o-In-.Ic-I—I:-, -.II‘II-. (MI —IIa-)IIu/.-.u Ii‘
`a«I-I\mI,I‘ l 1755)
`zuf. rclnllng Iu. III‘ IInxIII..Ing Iol:IIin|I
`2 10LC|lI| ng in rI)I.IlIIIn
`rn-III-VI-rI.Is \'I0-l.1-.vI- 1.\‘\ II INL. H. L mm wheel « N1. rims] (1974)
`I .IIIy (II a genus lRo!uviI'n.I) of reoviruscs lh;\I IIIIVP II I‘.\|1\IIl rnnlprwed
`nl Inn IIII/ens and Ih.1Ic.IIm: I|l'.I:'IlIc.I III vcI II.-III um: Imlmling llnmlflb
`'rI)lc \'II3I\ II [MIL Ir. M F. uf Glue OI (gun: akin III (Illli Immrrrl crn\»\(l|
`‘rull: II [.\‘lI‘| (HI)
`I my uv.‘ III lI\('III\)l\
`\\iIJI l:II|u iIIII‘l" mu
`In 2»; rvp
`IIIIIiu.IllV II‘ IIn-
`Isl’ III II-.*II:I. -. IIIIII gOl1'Il‘.ll'I\.l.'.|
`'.ILI.~Il-.‘ —l
`. L.
`IIl\IlIt1l\' <4. _l)y
`lI.~IIIIIud or rmynorlzcd by rule
`2 : l~lI".(‘H.\NII.'\I. In
`‘Iulc u.lI' l IGJII
`.I‘:InI| nrlg-III: akln to UN mum lo ruur —— IIIIIII:
`‘Nile II
`l|Il'I'h l\I
`Imtn I (1610) I IIII: nuisc nf surf on IIII: ‘vhnrtf
`ru-lo-nune \'u3-l"II- 15'1". II ||S\’, Ir In I'l|h'!I III.-rI'I< IIIIIIIII (I92-II :
`IIIIIIIII‘ iIIsccIlclIlc (‘;IH2gO¢. IIHII
`III ublnincd from III: routs III s£‘\‘L‘I'iIl
`Irupical pL’IIIlb (Ins II Ilcrri-I) IIIIII IL III In» lII\II.l2\ for wnnII~lIluIIIl:-II an-
`lmals All“ I: mud up. In Immc g;IulI:u5
`l"I'r5t—,gol\n (I611) : t'hl‘.'\]\ Ill
`ro-lE\ II lHlIIdi run‘ IJIcaIJ; Inkln Iu SM m,'I'ku. Mm! III broad] (I920)
`.1 m\IIId :40“ [Int
`\In|c:IvcIu~d hl‘I'3(I‘, ulm : mull
`.I MI-IIII wI':I|Ir1\‘(l
`arnund II IIIIIIIII Illlkl cIIIcII 8“ I11 I\iIlILl\\i|,lI
`ro-Ii-In \'n‘I-la-I':r\ II [u|lIm. fr. Lmru 0- -/vr] (I793) : Im) (II II .'II|'4\ II((I-
`ul¢=r:I III "II: phylum I-‘x~.cIIclIIIiIIIlII:I»') III
`IIIlIIulI: usu.
`IIIi¢lI)‘iIZOpIC bul
`I"III'IlI)'-CC”Cd chmfl‘, IrcsIIw;IIcr ;IqIIIIlIr IIIV(‘I‘ll'|‘lI’5lh?i h.wIng IIII: IIIllcIi-
`or and mtullllc.-I1 lnln II I’L'lI'I|CI|IL' lnhlk III.-.II lug ululcs ul .~IIuIIg (Him lhal
`ullcll gnu IIII: IIppc.ImIIct of mpislly l‘IE\(I‘\'III8 when-ls
`ro-lls-sot-kt \rn-'IlI-re. -‘ll-sa-\ II [F I(3uv.vI I I8. II. MF !’Il.I!I.L\t'IiL’. l'r. Imm
`In IuII~l ~
`- mun‘ .II I(l)‘\5T] l«.:I. 1920)
`II rI::IIIurnIIl <prrInH'/IIIg III
`I-Irnilcd :Iml II2IrI)ecIII:I;l InI:;IIs
`Z : an .IppIlIIIIu:
`Wllltll fmxl is rululcd Ixzforc or 0\cl a .-tuurcc of but
`ru-In \'m-l.IIn\ II pl rum: (I920) I IIu I‘unll.A\I‘III:
`ru~lo-gm-vlre \,II'I—l.:-,;I'a-'vyIZIr\ II [(3 Rormzmmr, III;-III! of L lulu \\«ht‘(‘|
`and (I I‘hnInIInIwII |‘IIl(il(Igl'I\\'IIl"L‘] (I'Jl3I
`I I-ImIouIuvIIIuI
`¢ 2
`>u.III)II III is IIcwa|uIpvI‘ (|I:II-Icd lo mluI;|IIVI.Irc pIclIIIe-:
`r0-lnr \'rI'I-lar‘. II lcnnlr. III mIumI'| I I905)
`I ll :
`.\ pnrl lhul Ic\'ulvI:\ III II
`II I III: mlnling mI:Inl~I:r nf IIII clcdrlctul n'I.u'hlIIc
`2 :
`LI(Il'l'1[)ll‘lC ».y\IeIn ol III.n'uInI.II Iuming lI|‘IiI|l'\' Ihm sIIImllI-I IIII ru.
`5‘ ll)-
`'.LIl. I:IIl
`ru-lur-cnuil ~.kI;II€‘.
`,-II r:Ilun'ruII I19/WI I
`IIu..II (In 11 IIc|IIIIp
`‘.L'I) II-huxu lull
`Ix dun-.I-Il |”||’Il\\ Ipillly fIIInI I’nI.III
`L’, .II:luil

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