`& CO
`Fischer Behar Chen Well Orion & C0 'DIWI “WIN '7H |fl 13:] "HU‘EJ
`3 Daniel Frisch Sta, Tel Aviv BUB-ma, Bsraeé | Tel. 972 3.69am i "1, Fax, 972 3.609 me E 03,609,1'116 0.75: ease/4.4131 .‘70 1 6473104 MN 7n ,3 W'WB 7w]? "m
`Leah Newstead, Secretary
`Tel. 972-3-6944111
`Fax. 972-3-6091116
`July 13, 2017
`Certification of Translation
`1, Leah Newstead hereby declare that
`I am proficient
`in the Hebrew and English
`languages, and the attached translation is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true
`and accurate translation from Hebrew to English of a decision dated February 2, 2003 by
`the Supreme Court in Right to a Civil Appeal 9785/02 Uriel Yarkoni V. Boston Scientific
`Corporation. I declare under penalty of perjury that all statements made herein of my own
`knowledge are true, and all statements made on information and belief are believed to be
`Leah Newstead
`Microsoft V. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, EX. 1044
`Microsoft, Ex. 1044
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`Free Translation from Hebrew
`Civil Appeal 9785/02
`SUPREME COURT in Jerusalem
`Right to a Civil Appeal 9785/02
`The Honorable Justice E. Rivlin
`The Applicant:
`Uriel Yarkoni
`4. The Minister of Justice -
`the competent
`authority for receiving legal assistance from
`another country.
`Request for permission to appeal the decisions of the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court in Civil Case
`17492/02 in Civil Appeal 2759/02 of 23.10.2002 and 13.11.2002, which was given by the Honorable
`Vice-President Justice Y. Gross
`On behalf of the Applicant:
`Adv. Haim Zadok & Co.
`On behalf of the Respondents 1-2:
`Adv. Fischer, Behar Chen & Co.,
`On behalf of the Respondent No. 3: Adv. Leshem Brandwein
`The Respondents 1-2 on the one side and the Respondent 3 on the other side, are parties to
`reciprocal claims concerning civil—commercial disputes, pending in the Federal Court of the
`Southern District of New York (hereinafter:
`the New York Court). As part of the claims,
`Respondent I filed a motion to the New York Court, to conduct a judicial inquiry process of the
`Applicant and another witness (hereinafter: the Witnesses), as those who were employed by the
`Respondents during the relevant period of the claims and who have important
`relevant to the issues in dispute between the Respondents.
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, EX. 1044
`Microsoft, Ex. 1044
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`The New York Court granted the request and applied to the Minister of Justice, as the
`"Competent Authority" under the Legal Assistance Between States Law, 5758-1998 (hereinafter:
`the Legal Aid Law), to take the said evidence.
`The Minister of Justice exercised his authority and ordered that the Magistrate's Court would hear
`the witnesses, but they objected to their obligation to testify as aforesaid. The main argument of
`the Applicant - who is a relevant person to our case - was that the process before the Court is not
`a process of collecting evidence, but rather a process known as Deposition. This procedure,
`which is accepted in US Courts, is a preliminary procedure for gathering evidence and enquiring
`what is the position of potential witnesses by their interrogation. The Applicant argued that since
`this procedure does not exist in the Israeli legal system, the Court does not have the authority to
`order a judicial inquiry as requested.
`The Tel AviV-Jaffa Magistrates Court discussed the objections to the request and decided to
`reject them. In a detailed decision, the Court ruled that the proceeding in question meets the
`requirements of the Hague Convention and the Legal Aid Law, and therefore the New York
`Court should be granted the legal assistance requested by it. It was decided that the need to find
`the truth and to perform a fair trial in the proceeding held in the New York Court, overrides the
`right of the individual not to be harassed. In View of the above, the Court ordered that the
`witnesses must appear in front of the Respondents counsel in Israel, for the judicial inquiry.
`The Applicant filed an appeal to the Tel Aviv-Jaffa District Court against the decision of the
`Magistrate's Court. For the sake of caution, an application for leave to appeal was also filed. At
`the same time, the Applicant requested that the execution of the decision be stayed.
`The District Court rejected the request for a stay of execution. In its decision of October 23,
`2002, the Court noted that there is prima facie merit to the Applicant's contention that if his
`application will be rejected, such rejection will determine the fate of his appeal. However, after
`considering the balance of convenience and the chances of appeal,
`the Court reached the
`conclusion that delaying execution of the judgment might cause substantial damage to the
`Respondents, while the execution of the judgment will not actually cause damage to the
`Respondent [sic]. In a decision dated November 13, 2002, the Court also rejected the Applicant's
`request to cancel its first decision.
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, Ex. 1044
`Microsoft, Ex. 1044
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`The Applicant complains against these decisions. He argues that the appeal, in which the delay of
`execution was requested, raises the unprecedented question of whether the Legal Aid Law
`obligates a person to appear for judicial inquiry by Deposition, which is a process that is not
`recognized (and, according to him, is not even allowed) under Israeli law. The Applicant claims
`that executing the judicial inquiry before resolving the appeal, will make the appeal redundant
`and purely academic, and therefore the execution should be delayed as requested. The Applicant
`further argues that the Court erred when it decided to reject his application for a stay in execution
`before he submitted his reply to the Respondents' response, as required, in his opinion, according
`to Regulation 241 (c1) of the Civil Procedure Regulations, 5744-1984 (hereinafter: the Civil
`Procedure Regulations).
`Respondents 1 and 2 object to the application and rely on the decisions of the lower Courts. They
`argue again that the requested judicial inquiry is an essential preliminary procedure for them,
`since the Applicant's position is necessary both in order to formulate their claims in the trial and
`in order to submit various applications before the evidentiary stage begin. They believe that the
`Applicants’ chances of winning the appeal are not good, as the requested procedure actually falls
`within the scope of the "Legal Aid" which the State is obligated to render under the Hague
`Convention and the Legal Aid Law. The Respondents also contend that the District Court did not
`have to wait for the Applicant's response prior to its decision, and in any case they claim that the
`second decision of the Court, dated 13 November 2002, was made after the Applicant's response
`had been filed.
`Respondents 3 and 4 did not take a stand on the request and left the decision to the discretion of
`this Court.
`After examining the arguments of the parties, I reached the conclusion that the application should
`be rejected.
`Indeed, in the present case, there is no doubt that if the decision of the Magistrate's Court is not
`stayed and the appeal will be approved,
`it will be impossible to restore the situation to its
`previous state. However, under the circumstances of the case, when the New York Court's
`request for assistance is pending, considering that the Magistrate's Court gave its opinion, in a
`detailed decision, regarding the Applicant's reservations; and taking into account that the
`District Court considered the request to stay the execution twice but did not find it appropriate
`to grant such stay — it would not be right to intervene in this discretion. I also believe that the
`balance of damages in this case tends to be to the detriment of the Applicant and that the
`damage which will be caused to him, as a result of affecting his right nor to be compelled and
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, Ex. 1044
`Microsoft, Ex. 1044
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`his right to exhaust his arguments within the scope of the appeal, is lower than the damage to
`the Respondents in case they will not execute the judicial inquiry.
`I also considered the Applicant's additional contention, according to which his right to respond
`to the Respondents' response to his request was denied, but I did not find any real grounds to it.
`The request for a stay of execution is an interim request in the appeal and as such is subject to
`Regulation 465 of the Civil Procedure Regulations, which allows the court to reject the
`application, even without hearing the reply of the Applicant to the Respondent's response to the
`application. As such, we are not required at this time to decide on the relationship between
`Regulation 241 (CI) and Regulation 241 (d) of the Civil Procedure Regulations.
`Therefore, the application is rejected. The Applicant shall bear the costs of Respondents 1 and 2
`in the amount ofNIS 7,500.
`Rendered today, February 2, 2003.
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, Ex. 1044
`Microsoft, Ex. 1044
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


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`Microsoft V. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`MSFT, Ex. 1044
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


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`MSFT, EX. 1044
`Microsoft V. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`MSFT, Ex. 1044
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897

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