
`Fischer Behar Chen Well Orion & Co ’fllVJI mm 7:: m 7:): M's
`3 Dame! Frisch St, Tel Aviv 6473-104 israet l T121972 3691415111, Fax. 972 3.609 11 16 | 133.609.1116 .0579 £3,694.41?! .70 1 6473104 33x 7n ,3 was 7M]? '91
`Leah Newstead, Secretary
`Tel. 972-3-6944111
`Fax. 972-3-6091116
`July 13, 2017
`Certification of Translation
`1, Leah Newstead hereby declare that
`I am proficient
`in the Hebrew and English
`languages, and the attached translation is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true
`and accurate translation from Hebrew to English of a decision dated August 19, 2002 by
`the Tel-AViV Magistrate Court in file number 123/2 Medinol Ltd. V. Boston Scientific
`Corporation. I declare under penalty of perjury that all statements made herein of my own
`knowledge are true, and all statements made on information and belief are believed to be
`01w -1
`Leah Newstead
`Microsoft V. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, EX. 1043
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`Free Translation from Hebrew
`The Courts
`Tel Aviv - Jaffa Magistrates' Court Dispute 00123/02
`The Honorable Judge
`Dorit Reich — Shapira
`The Requesting Judicial Authority: The Federal Court of the Southern District in New York Court
`Administration Case No. 4/02—51
`The Judicial Judgments File: 01 CIV. 2881 AKH
`The Plaintiff:
`In the Federal Court in the Southern District of New York (hereinafter: "the New York Court"), a
`claim and a counterclaim concerning civil commercial disputes are pending. The parties to the
`reciprocal claims are the companies
`As part of these claims, BOSTON filed a motion with the New York Court applying that a judicial
`inquiry will be held in Israel, based on the provisions of the Hague Convention on The Taking of
`Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters (hereinafter: "the Hague Convention") and the
`Legal Aid Between States Law, 5758—1998 (hereinafter: :"the Law"). The New York Court applied to
`the competent judicial authority in Israel to collect the testimonies of Messrs. Uriel Yarkoni and
`Gershon Peleg (hereinafter: "the Witnesses"). According to the argument, each of the Witnesses has
`important information relevant to the controversial issues between MEDINOL and BOSTON, since
`Yarkoni was an employee of MEDINOL, while Peleg was an employee of Tzoran Ltd., which had
`commercial relations with MEDINOL.
`The Minister of Justice, the "competent authority" under section 3 (a) of the Law, exercised his
`authority, and instructed this Court to hear the testimony of the witnesses.
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, EX. 1043
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`After setting a date for holding the judicial inquiry and instructing the summoning of the Witnesses,
`the Witnesses submitted their objections to their obligation to testify in front of this Court. As part of
`the objections, MEDINOL and the Minister of Justice were added as Respondents. Tzoran Company
`joined the opposition to hearing the testimony of the Witness Peleg. I would like to say here that the
`inclusion of the other parties is appropriate, as they all have legitimate interests in the process. Each of
`the parties who joined filed it's written position.
`Adv. Rosovsky (on behalf of the witness, Yarkoni) and Heller (on behalf of the witness, Peleg and
`Tzoran) oppose the proceeding. Their detailed claims can be summed up in "a nutshell" in that there is
`no application to collect evidence that will serve as evidence in the trial, but rather an application to
`approve a preliminary gathering of evidence in the way of a Deposition. Such a procedure does not
`exist in the Israeli legal system, and therefore, in accordance with the provisions of section 8 (b) of the
`Law, this Court has no authority to uphold the judicial inquiry.
`In his objection, Adv. Rosovsky emphasized the severe and disproportionate harm that
`implementation of the proceeding would violate the constitutional rights of the Witness Yarkoni. He
`also described the differences, which are essential in his opinion, between the collection of evidence in
`Court and the Deposition process that exists in the legal system in the United States.
`In his objection, Adv. Heller argued that the laconic formulation of the application sent by the New
`York Court is misleading and for this reason in itself,
`in Adv. Heller's opinion, this application should
`be rejected. In addition, he emphasized the harm that would be caused by responding to the application
`to confidential business technology information, that is a trade secret that is subject to the immunity
`prescribed in the Commercial Wrongs Law. According to this contention, the confidentiality stands for
`the Witness and his former employer, Tzoran, and it is improper to harm these interests.
`Adv. Dr. Leshem, MEDINOL's attorney, did not take a stand, leaving the decision to the discretion of
`this Court. He only noted that Peleg was not included in the list of witnesses who were summoned to
`testify before the New York Court.
`Adv. Shlomi of the Tel Aviv District Attorney's Office, on behalf of the Minister of Justice, argued
`that the application is for the purpose of collecting testimony and requested that the judicial inquiry
`should be carried out. Alternatively, he argued that even if the application is essentially an application
`for a Deposition proceeding, the assistance granted by the competent authority is in accordance with
`the provisions of the Law. According to him, the Witnesses must be summoned and their testimonies
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, EX. 1043
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`collected by virtue of the provisions of Article 1 of the Hague Convention and Article 18 (a) of the
`Law, without addressing the question whether the evidence is necessary for the Deposition process,
`and without determining whether the Deposition process is included in the term "Legal Aid."
`Adv. Behar, on behalf of BOSTON, requested that the aforementioned objections would be rejected,
`in his written responses dated June 13, 2002 and July 1, 2002. He referred to the provisions of the
`Hague Convention and the obligation of this Court to comply with the provisions of the competent
`In light of the opposing positions, I held a discussion in the presence of the representatives of all the
`parties on July 18, 2002, in which, in fact, each party repeated its claims, as evidenced by the protocol,
`pp. 1—7.
`After having reviewed the written arguments and their appendices and heard the oral
`arguments of the parties' counsel, I decided as follows:
`The basic rights relied upon by Adv. Rosovsky are not unlimited. These are relative rights, and
`they are withdrawn before other rights. In this context, the words of the Vice-President, the
`honorable Justice Barak (as he was then), in the High Court of Justice 2481/93 Dayan v. Police
`Commander Yehuda Wilk et al, are worth quoting:
`"Here it is, the public interest is that the
`individual interest will be preserved, and
`the private interest
`the public
`interest will be preserved
`in the need to
`protect between the
`interests and the
`following values from colliding. The key lies
`in the "give and take" approach and the
`balance between conflicting values. Human
`rights are not "absolute." They are of a
`"relative" nature. The public interest
`meant to ensure that "areas of life" are
`worthy of the relative character of the right.
`In the case before me stands the public interest on which the law protects, against the rights of the
`Witness Yarkoni for his dignity which includes his right to be investigated under the law and not
`be disturbed beyond that, and the right of witnesses Peleg and Tzoran for confidentiality of trade
`secrets. The Court which will hear the judicial inquiry will be required to address the clash
`between the interests and to decide on the proper balance between the conflicting values and
`when one must be withdrawn against the other.
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`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`The argument that the Court must carry out the judicial inquiry in accordance with the Minister's
`decision without having to deal with the question of his authority to do so is unacceptable to me.
`The normative framework is the basis for the validity of the decisions of the Court, in its absence,
`the decisions held by it are void. Therefore, the Court is attentive to the claim of lack of authority
`raised before it,
`it shall address it and adjudicated therein as shall be found to be true and in
`accordance with the law.
`It appears that the application is for a procedure of Deposition. The conclusion implied from the
`aforesaid in Appendix C to the response of Adv. Heller on behalf of the witness Peleg, dated June
`10, 2002. Appendix C is a letter written by Adv. Dunham on behalf of BOSTON to Peleg's
`attorney with an explicit question whether Mr. Peleg intends to agree to a Deposition proceeding
`or whether BOSTON will have to force him to do so by means of the provisions of the Hague
`Reinforcement to my conclusion, I find in the clarification filed by Adv. Behar, the Israeli legal
`representative of BOSTON, with the Court files. Adv. Behar stated that these are testimonies (p.
`4, line 6 and p. 5, line 13) but the clarification of August 9, 2002 which is not from the American
`legal representative of BOSTON, states that the material collected in Israel will serve as evidence
`in the trial held in New York. The clarification is from the Honorable Judge Halerstein explaining
`the nature of the procedure according to the law in the United States, according to which the
`material collected may be used wholly or partially as evidence in the trial, as well as the
`importance of having a Deposition in this case.
`In addition, Adv. Leshem’s claim that Peleg was not included in the list of witnesses summoned
`to trial before the New York Court was neither contradicted nor denied, and that is also consistent
`with the conclusion that it is a case of a Deposition.
`Therefore, I must address the fundamental question of whether a Deposition process is a "legal
`assistance", and may be taken as part of the judicial inquiry in Israel, although the testimonies of
`the witnesses may not serve as evidence in the trial being conducted in the applying country.
`In order to resolve the question,
`the provisions of the Hague Convention and the relevant
`provisions of the Law must be examined.
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`The State of Israel signed the Hague Convention without any reservations. Article 1 of Chapter 1
`of the Convention states:
`"In civil or commercial matters a judicial
`authority of a Contracting State may,
`accordance with the provisions of the law of
`that State, request the competent authority
`of another Contracting State, by means of a
`Letter of Request, to obtain evidence, or to
`perform some other judicial act. A Letter
`shall not be used to obtain evidence which is
`not intended for use in judicial proceedings,
`commenced or contemplated."
`The application before me meets the requirements of this section. As stated, this is a civil
`commercial matter. The application was filed in accordance with the provisions of the law of the
`State of New York and is referring to collecting evidence. In general, the testimonies should
`serve as evidence in proceedings initiated in New York Court, even if the stage is a preliminary
`stage of Deposition. This is consistent with the wording of the Convention explicitly referring to
`future legal proceedings.
`In Section
`[sic] in the explanatory clause to the Law of3.2.97 (Bill 2577) it is stated:
`"It is proposed to establish explicitly the
`legal rule according to which any action
`taken in Israel at the request of another
`state shall be carried out in accordance with
`the law applicable in Israel for any act of its
`kind. However, and to the extent permitted
`by law in Israel, the act shall be carried out
`in the manner prescribed by the other State
`In accordance with the principle of legality,
`the laws of Israel apply to any action taken
`in Israel, and it does not matter whether it
`is done at the request of a domestic official
`or of another state. However, and to the
`extent permitted by Israeli
`desirable to fulfill the request of the law of
`the other country in a manner that would
`allow it
`to use the material obtained in
`Israel as required in the Laws of the other
`State. Even if the specific action was carried
`in a different manner of procedure
`being conducted in Israel, permission to do
`so in the manner requested by the other
`State, should be granted provided that
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`the law in Israel does not prohibit its
`execution by this manner (emphasis
`There are not many rulings regarding the law which came into effect on July 28, 1998. In an
`application for civil appeal (Jerusalem) 2168/99, the honorable Justice Shidlovsky-Or determined
`that the purpose of the law is to provide legal assistance by the State of Israel to foreign countries
`and to regulate a procedure which existed in the past but was not regulated by legislation. The
`law is composed of four chapters which determine, among other things, the principles of the
`ways and actions of providing legal assistance to another state. Judge Shidlovsky-Or has found it
`appropriate to address the explanatory notes to the law, and I, too, hold the opinion that it should
`be interpreted in light of the explanatory notes which reflect the legislature's intention.
`10. Section 2 (a) of the Law defines the nature of a legal action and states:
`(a) "Legal assistance between the State of
`Israel and another state (in this Law: legal
`is every one of the following:
`service of documents, taking evidence, search
`investigative acts, transmittal of information,
`forfeiture of property,
`or the performance
`of any other legal act, all in connection with a
`civil matter or a criminal matter."
`By these broad definitions, which do not constitute a comprehensive list, the legislator expressed
`his intention to provide legal assistance as wide as possible to the countries which are signatories
`to the Hague Convention together with Israel. By adding terms such as "investigative activity"
`and "transfer of information", the legislator expressed his opinion that the interpretation of the
`Law should not be restrictive, and therefore,
`in my opinion,
`it should include Deposition
`proceedings as part of the legal proceedings held in Israel in accordance to the legal aid to the
`applying state.
`This conclusion is reinforced by the fact that in section 2 (b) of the law, which lists actions that
`are not "legal aid", the Deposition proceeding was not included.
`11. Section 8 of the Law provides:
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`(a) Any act in Israel in accordance with a
`request for legal assistance by a foreign
`state shall be performed in the manner in
`which an act of that kind is performed in
`Israel, and the provisions of enactments
`that apply in Israel to an act of that kind
`shall apply to it, except
`if a different
`provision is made in this Law or under it .
`(b) Any act on a foreign state's request for
`legal assistance shall be performed in Israel
`only if the act is permissible under Israel
`Law .
`(c) The requested act shall be carried out in
`a manner that complies with the requesting
`long as
`the act
`permitted under Israel Law. "
`12. As stated in the explanatory notes to the Law and in accordance with the provisions of Section 8
`(b) of the Law, despite the willingness of the Israeli legislature to provide legal assistance as wide
`as possible to other countries, proceedings that the Israeli law does not permit, will not be
`executed as part of Judicial Inquiry . This is a result and as a derivative of the binding force of
`the principle of legality. On the other hand, there is no barrier or impediment to carry out actions
`that are consistent with the law that apply in the requester country when the law in Israel has not
`prohibited them.
`13. The law in Israel regarding pre—trial proceedings does not include a Deposition. On the other
`hand, the Deposition process is not prohibited or illegal. The fact that the legislator saw fit to
`permit in section 16 (b) of the Law that the evidence will be collected before an attorney, as is
`customary in the United States, and contrary to the accepted practice in Israel, is consistent with
`the conclusion that not only did the legislature not prohibit the existence of a Deposition as part
`of the judicial inquiry, but rather allowed it in a non—explicit manner, which implements the
`intention to provide assistance to the applying State as full as possible.
`In the case before me, the New York Court held that without the testimony of the Witnesses:
`"Justice cannot be done between the parties"
`There is no dispute that if the witnesses were present in the United States, they would have to
`appear and be inquired by Deposition. The fact that they are in Israel does not justify allowing
`them to avoid giving answers to questions that need to be addressed in the United States in order
`for justice to be executed. The Law is intended to prevent such evasion. The argument that the
`Microsoft V. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`Court is not authorized to conduct a judicial inquiry as applied, empties the legislator's intention
`of its content and should be rejected.
`I did not find that in the context of the proceedings before me a need to examine the differences
`between testimonies to a Deposition on which Adv. Rozovsky elaborated. Naturally, the legal
`system in the United States differs from that practiced in Israel. The very difference does not
`justify blocking the way to discover the truth in the usual manner of Deposition which is
`customary there, when it is not prohibited by Israeli law. The legislator was aware that the
`differences between the various legal systems could serve as grounds for raising arguments such
`as those before me, and therefore ordered that actions in Israel be conducted in a manner
`consistent with the application of the applying state (section 8 (c) of the Law).
`I have not forgotten the quote from the ruling of the English Court in the matter of Viking
`Insurance Co. V. Rossdale, which Adv. Rosovsky quoted in his arguments. With all due respect,
`this Court did not examine the English legal system, and it does not have all the information
`which was before the Court in England that led him to his conclusion. Furthermore, in that case
`there was an arbitration proceeding at the base of the hearing and not a legal proceeding in Court
`as it is in the case before me.
`In view of the above, I decide that the need to investigate the truth and to make a fair trial in the
`proceedings in the New York Court overrides the individual's right not to be harassed. On the
`other hand, the disclosure of a trade secret is protected by law in Israel and does not require
`disclosure. Accordingly, I reject the objections and order that the witnesses Uriel Yarkoni and
`Gershon Peleg should report to the Court. for their inquiry.
`In order to achieve the purpose of the
`inquiry efficiently, to enable its existence as soon as
`possible, and pursuant to the provisions of section 16 (b) of the Law, I determine that the inquiry
`will be made before Adv. Behar and Leshem the Israeli attorney of BOSTON and MEDINOL
`in Adv. Reuven Behar's office on 19.9.2002 Starting at 15:00 onwards.
`The Court's secretariat will summon the witnesses
`A. Uriel Yarkoni, 7 Begin Boulevard, Yehud 56478 (Telephone 03 - 5367386)
`B. Gershon Peleg, Kibbutz Ma'agan Michael.
`To the address of Adv. Behar, 3 Daniel Frisch Street, Tel Aviv 64731.
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`If there is a dispute as to the validity of a question or questions to be presented to any of the
`witnesses, they shall be brought before me in order to decide whether or not to obligate him to
`answer it.
`At the end of the inquiry of each of the witnesses, his testimony will be read to him and he will
`sign the confirmation of the recorded statements.
`The Court's secretariat will send a copy of this decision to the legal representatives of the
`parties, Attorneys Rosovsky, Heller, Leshem and Shlomi.
`Given today,
`In the absence of the parties,
`Dorit Reich Shapira, Judge
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, EX. 1043
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`~I SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION r) p11» m: can-m mm: W) tam-nan 09mm nu mmmwn mw-m 123/02 (win) 1n
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`Microsoft V. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, EX. 1043
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`\l SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION a 57-113 m: cm-rn nnn ‘Jw firm-non man nu nvmmwn mw-m 123/02 (Mm) 1n
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`Microsoft, EX. 1043
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`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


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`.p1n5 121141111211 1191 1131211110 199 1121 159191 n5 101111
`1112111115 *1 mm: 1119mm 111119111919 mpom . Deposition 51v 115a 191512119 ,1119 511
`1211021 1211-111 "r1111: 21112112) 21112119 1111-1 11 mm 10.6.02 1211119 ,159 11m 011121 1511 111111 510
`115n5 121190115 159 113 1111121 our: 111011919 7151111) 1:11 159 "11111 515 11119 NJ'D 111N121
`.1101 11112111 111mm 111113192121 19 11110115 135115 1115019 51! mm N01?) 111 ,Deposition
`,11139121 5111 1511115171 nn19 N21 1921 111111 1151019 n1n21n21 111131121 111: 9111159125 own
`,1215111 (13 1w 5 119111 6 ’19 4 11911) 111111113 121111910 11mm 12121 111111 .wnnnu 151115
`59w 7111-1311 r1211 111515121 515 1211711191111 01119 1121 1919 mm: 9.8.02 017D manna
`USIWH ’21:) 39D wn HWHJHD .P‘IP-I’JJ 0919b: fl’N‘I VJDW" bNWVJ": TEDWJ 1191mm
`1511111111 1119mm 111111.51 neV0.CO.11 1:1"11: 11115 31131.1 111
`C:‘1Users'13hamou\AppData\L0caI\MicrosoffiWindowsKTemporzu'y Internet Files‘IConlenl.Out]ook'1QQIBKOAH\502000l23-265.doc
`Microsoft V. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, EX. 1043
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`~1 SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION 6 p11? 1an cm-rn nnn ‘Jw bin-non 09mm nu mmmwn mmn 123/02 (Mm) 111
`oz:wa unww ovum now-1:1 5m N'J 159 ‘nm mob nw‘: ‘rnw my mm: mm mm
`D)! mwwnn mm on nwnmn N'D‘I anJ Nb ,pw-m: Damon nu no: bros-mu
`. Deposition: 1:111an mpmon
`mm” Tm mn Deposition 173m mm 319311va nwab w'rrvn‘: vbvw ,mzm
`hum» man: N‘J Emma-nu om! bmwu mm)” 1"! 11pm mmnm ,"nvoown
`.nwpmn TIN] bmnnn mwm nvm
`.pm: mmnbw mmmn nm ,mn mun DIN‘IIU 112411an w? nwan mnzm mob
`mmzn 'DVJ 1 p19: 1 ‘1va .mnwnon 53 N55 mn anN 53: mm bN-nw TIP‘TIQ
`: 3121119
`mmm ,mmm 5w mmmw mm wwm ammo): 1N cum-um wanna"
`mm: W wmmwn :11an mm wpab ,nv-m 7mm w rim-r rim-nab
`:15an 3,325 124 m1» 111:» ,191 117nm mm: nwsnu: ,mmm my: mom
`.mnu momma mmmw
`mama: VJan mmn mmw m-w mmb wnvm N‘) 1,7 113mb twp:
`N U11: bmnw ,nflmmw '
`nwpzn .v‘mwo vmm 1m»: mm: 51211110 .m quit) Imam-r ‘23: rm» mow nwpzm
`11mm ,bbno .nmw 31m mmm pw-m mm: W ~p'rn mm‘m 33 by memo
`mn 2mm cm m ,p-m-m: man nu: on: bmnw on)an n'nm wnwb mn‘wn
`\U‘IISDJ unvmnn nmmw moon av nw'nnn 1:171 Deposition 5w viz-rpm 35w
`.mmny owoswn 133335.15
`now (2577 pm mum) 3.2.97 mm mm norm 3121b ....... ..q>vo2
`bmwu mwmw mm 9:: 1,95 mama 53371 M mama: 9137.15 mm“
`nbwa b: by bmw: arm 1515 mum-u 11mm ,mnn mm: w nnwpab
`1‘11: mum nwvm mm warm tux-ma: 1,1712! 5331 mm m! .thm
`...mmm mmm nwpzw
`,bmwu wvym :1va b: ‘2» 381V» ’391 who ,nvmnn 111.7% mum:
`.mrm ma-m w 1:4 ,mm mu kw mwpnb mm: nbwsm cm mm: :1: 1m
`5w rump: m r:an mm mm wow: ‘m‘wu mm» 5321 ,nm as: 1m
`vbmwm woman "man raw: 11x5 mum 1:1
`C:\Users\shamou‘.AppDaIa\Local\Microsof‘t\Windows\Temporary Internet Fi]es\Content.Outlook\QQlBKOA]-I\502000 l 23-265.doc
`Microsoft V. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, EX. 1043
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`~I SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION o pw m: can-m nnn 5w bun-nan oownn nu :mmmwn mmn 123/02 (mm 1n
`mm: Em Mn mmm ’95 wnnwn‘; nb warn-m 1w: 11mm 71mm:
`mum mum nnnunn nbwan an m ,1: by .bmwu mama mm: ,m’m
`nwpw 1‘11: rmva mm mm: ,bmw: bnmnn r571: mrm 1‘11:
`-.W.T 75w mm) 11m 3532) um bmw: Wrmu 11:31 ,mrmn mwnn
`(Dvbww) NWJEJ 28.7.98 -1 womb mow mnb van-rm mm was on 03:11 Nb
`pmmb mm whom» WIN—’PDJWT’W nomwn ’1: map ,(ovbww) svn 2168/99
`Nb 1M ‘13:}: amp mm» hm: wvwnb‘l ,nm mmnb bmwv mv-m 13D mom»: mu!
`mmpvn m: “mm 1»: unmpn 1:)va9 mmmo 2mm pmn .npvpnn Trmn
`vpvznbvw nomwn ’23 .mnN mat-nob most mm: um 1:11: mbwam mun-m
`712': 35.71 ‘73} “mob wfiw mm: 7m cm ,mnb nonn nub w‘rrvnb nm‘z mam ‘nN
`.ppmnn mm nN Dvspwmn norm
`:vznm moswn nbwa bw ammo 171m pmb (MZ qwo
`mm — m mm) mm mwm bmwr nmn v: mow}: mw IN)”
`1115va ,nvm m3: ,man'an nmxnn :11an 1m: 5: ma (nmawn
`,n‘vpn more
`ammo: nasnvm mam mam ,nwam mam
`pa»: ‘1pr ban mm»: woman ruwa mm: m WM»: mun
`."ab’bs 1N mum
`mm mm: m ppmnn :0an ,n‘nm runny-1 nnnn 13mm ,1bN num mun:
`.mn mm: b)! bmwv tn! 'rnv mmnnn mmqu wan 533 am) woman WU mm
`1317‘: pm) mm ppmnn nbu “)J'DD mznmn'n “nvpn nbwsr’ 1123 mmm mom:
`1!: Deposition n *pbn m: bvbanb ,mv'r‘a mm m 13mm pmb nmmn mama
`.nwpnnn TIP-[D5 most mw mmm 5mm mysunw mvogwnn mbwsn
`137142! DIUWDH J'HD‘NDD 121 PUT? (1)2 $le?) , T173193 UN DNXID N fiJPOD') P'fl’fl
`. Deposition mum r1553: Nb ,Hmoswn mu)” Tn:
`:vznp mm 8 mm
`muvm ,mrm mm: ‘w muawn mw‘: map: ’9 by brawn 115199 (24)”
`mbnn 15111 mmm 1'1")» 1‘71rm ,‘mwu 11mm 11513:: nwvm 1‘11:
`.152 by m m pan: mm: mm 1: 1:24 am ,mwn r1wa by 52412»:
`mm: W woman mwb map: *9 by human: 7mm nwm Nb
`.bmw: v1.1 ’9 59 mm): fibwsm )3 cm mm ,mrm
`‘nn‘mn 5?) 71310.73 SIN 1113MB?! T1111 nwm 1101713371 119113911
`fibNWWW—l “USU???” 7137371
`IlCVO.CO.i1 3"57] TINL) RN31” 7:1]
`C:\Users\sham0u\AppData\Loca]\Microsofl\Windows\Temporary Internal Files\Content,Outlook\QQIBKOA}I\502000]
`Microsoft V. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Microsoft, EX. 1043
`Microsoft, Ex. 1043
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`I SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION o ow to: mer mm W vbm‘rvsn oownn nu mmme J'IWJ'ITI 123/02 (win) 1n
`.I’bmw: p-m m ‘7» rub»!er mm»: 11» b: ,mvpann
`my mum mmb ,ptnb (3)8 qwo nmtn‘; DNJ‘ITIZII mob noon #1211: “mm:
`onto ,thN rum-nob "warm 5:: mm momma now pnvnb bmwm opinion
`mum ammo mm .p-r “twin mmm nixuv Nb ,omu mm mm 5mm 1mm»
`mtnvo ammo room mm mom: 1m ,Ttmn .mvmnn mm W :mmon mm:
`.mm ‘Wm Nb bmwu 171nm nwpzmn row-rm bnn p‘m DN mnmnn
`,‘T'DND Deposition ‘Jbi: Nb DSVJD mo: O'HDTPD unbnb wm bmwu 1an
`wvnn‘: 11335 N330 poinnnw mania .vpm mb: in non mm Deposition n 175.“:

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