`⍰ About this capture
`1999 2000 2001
`TerraServer Site Story
`4 captures
`9 Mar 2000 - 24 Aug 2000
`TerraServer Image Loading and Cutting Process
`Conceptually, the process of loading data into TerraServer is simple. Tapes arrive from the USGS and
`SPIN-2 containing uncompressed image files. The files contain too much data to be downloaded over the
`Internet and are not in a format recognized by Web browsers, so they must be cut and merged with other
`images and compressed in the JPEG file format.
`In reality, however, the intensive nature of preparing the files for loading into TerraServer's database
`requires a workflow system using several applications to manage the cutting and loading process. This
`enables many steps of the process to run in parallel. Each step of the process is recorded in the
`TerraServer database in a set of relational tables called the Load Management Schema. The Load
`Management Schema schedules and monitors the process of loading new imagery into TerraServer's
`database. As TerraServer loads and cuts, it fills in the table rows and cells as it processes the images. A
`set of Active Server Pages (or Web interface) is used to observe and manage the workflow.
`Started At
`Source Path
`Destination Path
`Last File
`Completed Files Done
`Above is an example of data from a LoadJob table. A LoadJob table row is created when a load program
`is instructed to process a directory or a specific list of imagery received from a data source. The LoadJob
`row describes the on-disk location of the input data, the source tape or CD, the computer system the load
`[4/26/2017 3:00:00 PM]
`Microsoft, Ex. 1027
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897


`TerraServer Site Story
`program ran on, the date the job started and completed, and the job's current status. Load programs
`update the LoadJob record each time they complete an input file found in the source path and insert a
`row into another Load Management Schema table called the ScaleJob. The ScaleJob causes the scale
`program to create an image's pyramid.
`It is the responsibility of the load programs to sort out the GIS details and present each scene as a
`seamless mosaic of tiles. All knowledge of projection systems, re-sampling of pixels, edge alignment,
`merging of pixels from multiple images to one, etc., is implemented in the load programs.
`There are two image load programs in the TerraServer system - TerraCutter and TerraScale. TerraCutter
`is responsible for re-formatting imagery received from our data sources, tiling it to attributes acceptable
`to the TerraServer web application, and inserting it into the imagery database. TerraScale computes the
`lower resolution tiles and creates the various levels of resolution by using the tiles created by TerraCutter.
`Both programs leave a "popcorn trail" (an indication or notice) in the Load Management database tables
`so administrators can monitor progress on loading new data. This section highlights TerraCutter.
`TerraScale is featured in the next section of the TerraServer Story.
`TerraServer receives data from its sources in various formats:
`USGS Digital Ortho-Quadrangles (DOQ) data is shipped to Microsoft via Digital Linear Tape (DLT) media
`written in UNIX "tar" format. DOQ files are in a custom USGS format. Meta-data and image pixels are
`contained in one file. Data is 8-bit grayscale or 24-bit, RGB color infra-red. TerraCutter converts color
`infra-red to 8-bit grayscale. DOQ files cover a USGS "standard quarter-quadrangle", which is a 3.75
`minute by 3.75 minute square area. The order of DOQ files on tape is random, and adjacent DOQ files can
`arrive in any order.
`USGS Digital Raster Graphics (DRG) or topographical map data is shipped to Microsoft on CDROM media.
`All 1:24,000, 1:100,000, and 1:250,000 scale maps for a square degree are contained on one CDROM.
`Images are in the GeoTiff format and generally have a common color map.
`SPIN-2 data is shipped to Microsoft on DLT media written in Windows "NT Backup" format. SPIN-2 files
`are in a custom "Kodak/Microsoft/Aerial Images" format. Meta-data and image pixels are in separate files.
`Data is 8-bit grayscale.
`TerraServer System Administrators use the appropriate "off-the-shelf" program to download a tape or
`CDROM to a directory on one of six image editing systems. Image editing systems are multi-processor
`Windows NT Server systems with 500 GB or more local disk. Four servers are 4-processor 200 Mhz Intel
`Servers donated by Intel. Two servers are 4-processor 300 Mhz Alpha Servers donated by Compaq. Two
`Intel Servers are connected to 1 TB of Fiber-Channel disk array donated by CLARiiON, a subsidiary of Data
`General. The other two Intel servers are connected to two Symmetrix SCSI based disk arrays donated by
`EMC. The two Alpha servers are connected to a 250 GB StorageWorks disk array donated by Compaq.
`Each system has 4 to 6 100 GB stripe-set disk volumes.
`The TerraServer System Administrators launch the TerraCutter image-editing program against a directory
`containing the image and meta-data files downloaded from tape or CDROM. TerraCutter refers to its Load
`Management Schema to make sure the job has not been processed previously. Or if a previous run was
`aborted, TerraCutter will pick up where it had left off. TerraCutter also uses the Load Management
`Schema to catch duplicate files sent on previously processed tapes or CDROMs. When a directory has
`been successfully processed, the download directory is deleted, the tape is physically marked as
`"processed" and shelved. All further processing - sub-sampling to create lower resolution scales,
`correlating tiles with named locations, merging pixels between tiles, etc. - occurs within the memory of a
`custom program or T-SQL database statements.
`TerraCutter is a fairly complicated C program. The simple part is formatting tiles suitable for the
`TerraServer web application and inserting them into the database. The TerraServer web application
`expects tiles to be in one of three formats:
`8-bit Grayscale, JPEG compressed
`24-bit RGB, JPEG compressed
`Color, GIF compressed
`The ground size covered by a pixel must also be fixed to multiples of 1-meter resolution - for example
`1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. If necessary, TerraCutter re-samples the input image to the appropriate
`[4/26/2017 3:00:00 PM]


`TerraServer Site Story
`resolution as the image is read in. As tiles are produced, TerraCutter saves the tile image into a
`temporary file, computes the Image table meta-data fields, and inserts the new tile into the database
`using Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Application Programming Interface (API) calls. A single image
`tile is inserted in the scope of one transaction.
`The tiling process is the most difficult part of TerraCutter. Depending on the "theme" provider, the input
`images that form a scene may all be grouped on one tape or may arrive randomly on different tapes. The
`TerraCutter program must figure out where to look for the original imagery and how to line up the pixels
`for the database input imagery. It must also know where to start extracting pixels and how to map from
`input imagery tile to input imagery tile to form a complete scene.
`SPIN-2 data is very convenient to work with. A SPIN-2 tape contains all physical images that make up a
`complete scene. Thus, TerraCutter can cut tiles, merge pixels from multiple physical images, and form a
`complete tile in one pass over the data.
`USGS scenes are more complicated and require the TerraCutter program to handle the merging of pixels
`to form a USGS image differently than its handling of SPIN-2 data. Thousands of files form a complete
`USGS scene, and these files do not arrive together on one tape. Hundreds of tapes are necessary to form
`a complete scene, and the tapes arrive randomly rather than in order.
`As each tile is cut from USGS data, the TerraCutter program checks the database to see if a tile has
`already been extracted from one or more previously received USGS physical images. If a physical image
`has not been previously received, a tile is simply inserted into the database. If, however, a physcial image
`already exists in TerraServer's database, any of three scenarios can take place:
`1. The tile extracted from a tape completely forms a physical image and is accepted. The most recent
`complete tiles are deemed most desirable and replace the older version.
`2. Only part of a tile is extracted and there is a complete tile already in the database. TerraServer
`keeps the complete tile and throws the partial tile out.
`3. Only part of a tile is extracted and a partial tile already exists in the database. The pixels from the
`new tile and the already existing tile are merged. Eventually, TerraServer will receive a complete
`tile which will replace the merged version.
`Input image files will overlap other image files along the edges. TerraCutter must choose which input
`image to take a duplicate pixel from. The amount of overlap varies from file to file in each data-set. The
`diagram below depicts how input imagery files, numbered and outlined with solid thick lines, overlap each
`other within the UTM coordinate system. The tiles, outlined with light dashed lines within the numbered
`rectangles, depict the challenge in edge matching.
`DOQ image files typically overlap each other by 100 to 300 pixels. DRG image files can overlap each other
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`TerraServer Site Story
`by 50 to 1500 pixels. However, only one file will contain "map data" while the others will contain map
`notes and tick marks found along the border of USGS topographical maps. SPIN-2 physical image files
`overlap each other by a varying amount of pixels depending on the actual photographic rendering
`TerraCutter tiles each input image independently. White space is added around the input image edge to
`align to the TerraServer grid system and the input data is re-sampled to the appropriate TerraServer
`resolution. Tiles are then cut and compressed to a temporary disk file.
`After compressing each tile, TerraCutter looks for a tile with the matching Theme, Scale, X, Y, and
`SceneID properties in the appropriate TerraServer database imagery table. If there is not an existing tile,
`then TerraCutter inserts the image into the table and sets a "visibility flag" to "visible".
`If a tile does exist in the database, TerraCutter compares the "blankness" of the newly cut tile with the tile
`in the database. If the new tile does not contain any white space from the input image edges, then the
`new tile is inserted, made visible, and the old image is set to "invisible". If the new tile does contain some
`amount of white space, but the tile in the database does not, TerraCutter discards the new tile and does
`not load it. If both tiles contain white space, TerraCutter fetches the old tile from the database,
`decompresses it, and does a pixel level merge with the old and new tile. The "blankness" of the resulting
`tile is computed, the merged tile is inserted into the database and made visible, and the old tile is marked
`TerraCutter performs all four steps in one transaction - (1) check for an existing image, (2) merge pixels,
`(3) insert new tile row into the appropriate table, and (4) update old tile's visibility flag. Other executing
`TerraCutters are blocked from modifying the same tile, but can be updating other tiles in the same table.
`The TerraServer web application performs "dirty reads" of the imagery tables and is not blocked from
`reading the currently visible row. Thus, we are careful to change the visibility flag of the old tile as a last
`step so that the web application can get to a valid, but soon to be replaced tile, when TerraCutter is at
`Step 2 or 3.
`Once TerraCutter completes the tile insert, it deletes the temporary on-disk copy of the compressed tile.
`The program proceeds on to the next tile and repeats the process. When all tiles are cut from an input
`image file, TerraCutter updates the production status field in the Theme Original Meta row to indicate
`that the input image has been completely tiled. TerraServer Administrators monitor the progress of the
`TerraCutter program through database queries against the Theme Original Meta table.
`Should the TerraCutter program abort or be terminated before completion, the program will restart and
`pick up the tiling process where it left off. The program uses the ProdStatus field in the Theme Original
`Meta table to determine if it finished an input image file. It skips through all the completed images until it
`finds the input image it was working on previously. It repeats the tiling process, but skips loading all tiles
`that were previously loaded.
`Please continue with the next section for information on TerraCutter's partner, TerraScale.
`[4/26/2017 3:00:00 PM]


`TerraServer Site Story
`TerraServer Built by
`Microsoft Research
`© 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use.
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