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`.'l .. __ DISCLAIMER
`Print Claim1 for O.G .
`• ·Sheets Drwg.
`Figs. Drwg.
`Print Fig.
`Total Claims
`[] a} The tt.:rrn of this patent
`l!II.II)!SE!qUEHlt to - - - - - -+ · (date)
`tla1; be,en discliaimed.
`[] b) Tile term of this patent shall
`lflt)t e:l(tend beyond the expiration date
`1JI' U.S Patent. No . - - - - - - - .
`[]c) ThiEl terminal ___ months()#'
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`~:t.:l;.·'25i/l,!l~:~ st:A~ICH 00000017 09271511 .
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`--··--·-··· .. ---.. --··--·--·---L----'---------1----
`Ll =l
`·~:~lrCo~rTINUING DOMESTIC DATA*********************
`PHOVISIONAI~ APPLICATION NO. 60/018,829 05/30/96
`08/865,886 05/30/97;-ABP
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`SUI~~E 722
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`{CIP of appln. Serial No.1 08/865,886)
`E~)sed ar,:
`4 ·~ sheets of drawing.
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`JVlarch 18, 1999
`E:xp:r:·ess mail EE443494595US
`Jo ph P. Gastel- Reg. #17,796
`(716) 854-6284
`295 Main Street, Suite 722
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`11\falter ~1. Duft
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`INVENTOR: Henry J. Script
`(CIP of application Serial No. 08/865,886}
`"Express Mail" Mailing label number:
`Date of Deposit:
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`I hereby certify that this paper or fee is being
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`Page 6 of 153
`This application is based on provisional application
`,. ;
`number 6G/018, 829, filed 5/30/96 in the name of the same
`invent:or, and it is a continuation- in-part of application
`J 4Jv}(IIAt1f
`Serial No. 08/865,886, filed May 30, 1997.
`Not Applicable
`1. Field of the Invention
`invention relates generally to an
`motion detector and alarm system for actuating an alarm device
`in response ~o movement of an object, and more particularly to
`a portable motion detector and alarm system which is easy to
`install and operate and
`is capable of detecting motion
`relative to a variety of predetermined positions. ·
`2. Prior Art
`The problem of protecting homes, businE~sses and
`other premises · against unauthorized intrusions is becoming
`increasingly important due to the increase in vandalism, theft
`and even ph~rs ical attacks upon the inhabitants. Vari.ous prior
`art systems· have been developed to address the problem and
`numerous examples exist of alarm or warning devices.
`commonly used protective system .involves wlring doors and
`windows in such a manner that an unauthorized opening of the
`door or window activates an electric circuit which in turn
`produces an alarm.
`Page 7 of 153
`For example, u.s. Patent No. 4,271,405 to Kitterman
`discloses an alarm control system for protecting a premises
`including a
`f.our conductor bus line leading from a master
`control station and extending about the interior perimeter of
`the premises. Sensors positioned near each port of entry to
`be monitored are connected in parallel relationship to the bus
`line. Each sensor carries a biased reel carrying line secured
`to a windo¥r ,- door, screen or the like. Disturbance of a
`sensor causes a magnetically responsive switch therein to
`generate a pulse triggering circuitry within the control
`station to activate the desired alarm device.
`While effective, this system requires 43Xtensive
`wiring of the premises as a bus line must be routed about the
`interior perimeter of the premises between a master control
`station and the ports of entry at which the motion sensors are
`to be located. Hence, this system is time consum_ing and
`complicated to install, and installation may require expertise
`be!yond that. of the average home or business owner.
`the sensors of
`system are not easily
`relocated. Further, the system may be defeated by cutting the
`wires extending between the sensors and the master control
`u.s. Patent No. 3,781,836 to Kruper et al discloses
`an alarm system including a
`. magnetic pulse generator for
`producing an o~tput pulse in response to a change in magnetic
`flux in response to an intrusion of a desi9nated area.
`radio transmitter circuit responds
`to the pulse from the
`magnetic pulse generator by transmitting a ~ignal to a remote
`,,, l, I !._ •. ' 11, :j:- !ll t;-
`' I _j
`Page 8 of 153
`receiver circuit which in turn generates a pulse for actuating
`an intrusion alarm circuit. The system requires a complex
`linkage assE~mbly to translate motion of the object t.o motion
`of a magnet ..
`In addition a relatively bulky pick-up coil
`a~sembly is necessary to generate the pulse to be applied to
`the transmitter circuit.
`U .. S. Patent No. 3, 696,380 to Murphy discloses a
`portable alarm device with a battery or low voltage operated
`sound signal triggered by a magnetic reed switch which is
`closed to complete the circuit by a magnet attached to a
`movably mounted arm, the poles of the magnet being positioned
`perpendicular to the longitudinal dimension of the contact
`strips of the reed switch to cause the reed switch to close
`when the magnet is in either of two positions relative to the
`A need remains for a motion detection and signal
`generating system which is small in size, easily transport-
`able, easy to install and which can sense motion relative to
`any desired initial position of an object.
`it is a principal object of
`invention to provide a systenr:£~ detecting th43 mov~ment of an
`object comprising:
`an objett whose movement
`to be
`detected, movable magnet means coupled to the object ~uch that
`movement of the object results in movement of said movable
`magnet means, and means for detecting movement of the movable
`magnet means and providing an indication of the movement. The
`Page 9 of 153
`!t.j n
`, __
`means for detecting is in communication wi 1th
`the movable
`magnet: means.
`The system further includes radia1ting means for
`wirelessly transmitting a predetermined signal in response to
`the indic~tion of movement, the radiating means being coupled
`to the means for detecting. The object whose movement is to
`be detected may be coupled to the movable magnet means by a
`wire means which can also serve as the radiating means.
`The system further includes means for receiving the
`predetermined signal, the means for receiving being separate
`from and located at a distance from the radiating means. The
`system preferably includes means for generating an alarm
`signal whE!n the predetermined signal is received by ·the means
`The alarm signal
`thus generated may be
`audible, visual or electronic and may
`warning horns, lamp~ and the like.
`include speakers,
`It is a further object of the invention to provide
`a method of detecting movement of one or more objects
`comprisin9 the steps of:
`a) coupling each obje1ct whose
`movement is to be detected to a corresponding movable magnet
`such that movement of any object results in movement of the
`corresponding magnet;
`the motion of
`corresponding magnet; c) transmitting a predetermined signal
`in response' to the detected motion, and, d) receiving the
`predetermined signal at a distance
`the object, or
`objects, whose motion is to be detected.
`The method may include the further step of providing
`an alarm signal when the predetermined signal. is received by
`Page 10 of 153
`the receiver means. The alarm signal may be audible, visible,
`or may be an electronic alarm signal which is transmitted to
`a remote alarm center via a telecommunications means such as
`a telephone line.
`It is a further object of the invention to provide
`a movement detection and alarm system which may be affixed to
`a wide variety of objects including inside doors, outside
`gates 1 garage doors 1 children's barriers such as "baby gates",
`valuable wall hangings and paintings, and countless other
`It is a further object of the invention to provide
`a movement detection and alarm system which is portable and is
`easily packed in a suitcase and transported with a traveler to
`be later installed on motel or hotel room doors and windows
`whenever additional protection is desired by the traveler.
`The present invention relates to a portable security
`alarm system which can be installed on a temporary basis and
`from an object whose movement is t.o be detected
`comprising a motion detecting and radio signal transmitting
`me~mber, means for select! vely coupling and decoupling said
`motion detecting and radio signal transmitting member relative
`whose movement is to be dtetected, and a
`said object
`combined radio signal receiving and alarm generating member
`for r~~cei ving a signal from said combined motion dete~cting and
`radio signal transmitting member and producing an alarm. The
`alarm system also preferably includes a remote control member
`for s•~lec1:ively actuating and deactuating said combined radio
`signal. receiving and alarm generating member.
`i: I . •. \+
`< .;;;,J;iili ;,.~, ,;;J ~: .. 1 ,j~~ii~ ~,,.,l~l:i i
`Page 11 of 153
`The foregoing and other objects and features of the
`present invention will become more fully apparent from the
`following description and appended claims, taken in conjunc-
`tion with the accompanying drawings. Understanding that these
`drawings depict only typical embodiments of the invention and
`are, therefore not to be considered limiting of its scope, the
`invention w{ll be described with additional specificity and
`detail 7-
`use of the accompanying drawings in which:
`1 is a pictorial diagram showing the components
`the system
`according to the present invention as
`appear in use.
`~ 2 is a pecspective view of the motion sensing
`and tr:£nsmitt-~;;g means of the present invention.
`/rG. 3 is a cross sectional view of the motion
`sensin~nd transmitting means of the present invention taken
`along l in e s r of FIG. 2.
`J~G. 4 is a perspective view of the interior of the
`transmitting means of
`the present
`/FIG/5 is a close-up view of the sensing means.
`'/o· 6 is :a close'1¥UP view of the mov<ible magnet
`~~~· 7 is an exploded top perspective vieW of the
`·sensing and
`transmitting means of
`the present
`; :j
`•• j
`Page 12 of 153
`7 8 is an exploded bottom perspective view of the
`sensing and
`transmitting means of
`the present
`/IG. 9 is a schematic diagram of one embodiment of
`a. transtni t.t:. t .. li~ng eans according to the present invention.
`~G. 10 is a schematic diagram of one embodiment of
`a receiver meaps according to the present invention.
`/ - ' - 11 is an exploded view of the structure for
`affixing the outer end of the retractable wire to the object
`whose movement is to be detected.
`The following detailed description of thE! embodi-
`ments of the present invention, as represented in FIGS. 1-10,
`is not
`intE3nded to limit the scope of the invention, as
`claimed, but is merely representative of the presently pre-
`ferred embodiments of the invention. The presently preferred
`embodiments of
`invention will be best understood by
`reference to the drawings, wherein like parts are designated
`by like numerals throughout.
`FIG. 1 shows, in pictorial block diagram form, the
`major components of the movement detecting de~vice clnd alarm
`system 10 of the present invention. The system is comprised
`of at least· one movement detecting and signal transmitting
`means 20, including a retractable wire means 22, a receiver
`means 30 and a·remote control means 40.
`than one movement detecting and
`transmittin9 means 20 may be utilized in implementing the
`system of the present invention. One movement detecting and
`Page 13 of 153
`l:lignal transmitting means 20 may be placed on each object
`whose movement it is desired to detect. For example, in a
`room w..i th fc1ur windows 25 and two doors 24, six movement
`detecting ·and signal transmitting means 20 may be utilized,
`one on each window and one on each door. However, only one
`receiver means 30 is necessary regardless of the number of
`movement detecting and signal transmitting means 2 0 used.
`There is no limit to the number of movement detecting and
`sigrnal transmitting means 20 which may be used with one
`Each movement detecting and signal transmitting
`means 20
`l.s coupled to one object, such as a door 24, or
`window 25, whose movement is to be detected.
`In a preferred
`embodiment, the coupling means is a retractable wire 22 which
`extends from movement detecting and signal transmitting means
`-. 20 to the object, 25 or 24, whose movement is to be detected.
`One end of retractable wire 22 is affixed to the object and
`the other is coupled to movable magnets (best illustrated in
`FIGS. 4, 5 and 6)
`located inside casing 31 of movement
`detecting and signal transmitting means 20. Typical means of
`aff.ixing t~hE~ end of retracta~Jr~;;.:wire 22 to an objec1t include
`VELCRO tabs, glue, removable tape, and the like.
`Receiver means 30
`is configured
`to receive a
`predetermined signal which
`is wirelessly
`transmitted by
`movement detecting and signal trarismitting means 20 whenever
`the object whose movement is to be detected, is displaced from
`a predetermined position. Tne object whose movement is to be
`detected need not be in any particular position when the end
`i I . II "
`Page 14 of 153
`of retractable wire 22 is affixed thereto.
`If the object is
`a window, such as depicted at 25, the window may be closed, or
`it may be partially or fully open, when retractable wire 22 is
`affixed. Any displacement from its position when retractable
`wire 22 is affixed will be detected and alarmed.
`Accordingly, a window may be left in a partially
`open position, as for example, to provide fresh air to a room,
`while the occupant attends to other matters, or sleeps. Any
`displacement from the partially open position will cause the
`alarm signal to be generated. Even in a situation wherein an
`the window and
`removed movement
`detecting and signal transmitting means 20 from the window,
`the predetermined signal would be transmitted and the alarm
`signal gene~ated, thus warning the occupant of an intrusion.
`Receiver 30 can be any receiver known in the art
`capable of
`retractable wire 22.
`In response to the transmitted signal,
`receiver 30 initiates a local alarm which can be audible or
`In addition, receiver 30 may initiate contact with
`police, medical, rescue or other emergency facilities or
`a9encies. Receiver 3Q can be AS: powered and may be equipped
`with an on/off switch. Receiver 30 need not be co-located
`with movement detection and si9nal transmitting mean~ 20 and
`cc::tn be positioned anywhere within reception distance of the
`transmit ted signal.· Receiver means 30 may be positioned
`anywhere about the room or the area to be prot~ected and may be
`placed up to a distance of 150 ft. to 200 ft. or greater from
`movement detecting and signal transmitting means 20.
`Page 15 of 153
`In a preferred embodiment receiver means 30 is
`powered by alternating current {AC). Therefore, it must be
`located such that a power cord, or an extension thereof, can
`be extended to the nearest AC outlet. Alternate embodiments
`oi receiver means 30 may be powered by battery, or may include
`battery backup means to supply power to receiver 30 in the
`event of a power failure.
`In a preferred embodiment receiver means 30 is a
`commercially available BLACK WIDOW receiver unit, or similar
`units, which may be purchased off-the-shelf from various
`electronics supply companies such as Whitney Electronics or
`Holsfelt Electronics. An AC adapter such as that depicted at
`26 in FIG. 1 may be used to provide the correct operating
`voltage for -receiver means 30.
`In a preferred embodiment of
`the present invention a BLACK WIDOW RF receiver Model #2.CL
`manufactured by LCD Co. of California was used as a receiver.
`FIG. 10 shows a schematic diagram, of a type well understood
`by those of ordinary skill in the electronics art.s, of a
`receiver unit suitable for use in the present invention.
`the system of the present
`Returning to FIG. 1,
`invention may also include a remote control unit 40 which may
`be purchased from
`the same source as recelver means 30.
`RemotE~ cont.rol means 40 cont;.rols
`the operating s,tate of
`receiver means 30. That is, remote control mea~s 40 may be
`used to electronic~lly enable or.disable receiver means 30
`such that the response of receiver 30 to the signal trans-
`mi tted by retractable wire _ 22 can be controlled.
`control means 40 preferably includes a panic button which,
`Page 16 of 153
`when depre!ssed or otherwise enabled, transmits a signal which
`instantly activates the alarm function of receiver means 30.
`The means for activating can be a switch 27 which may be
`operated by hand to cause remote control unit 40 to activate
`the alarm signal, or to discontinue the alarm signal after it
`has been activated by either the predetermined signal or the
`~!mev-e~f~ 40 itself.
`" This feature serves as a "panic" button, i.e., a
`means of triggering the alarm within receiver 30 to attract
`attention or call
`for aid
`the presence of other
`emergenci.E~s. When it is desired to discontinue
`t:he alarm
`signal, switch 27 may be set to a position which causes the
`previously activated alarm signal
`to stop.
`control units and receivers are well known in the electronic
`arts and ar~e commonly used in other electronics applications.
`Accordingly, remote control unit 40 is also readily available
`from commercial sources and may be purchased and utilized in
`the system of the present invention "off-.-the-shelf."
`transmitter circuit of remote control unit 40 may be used as
`a model for transmitter 4 (FIG. 9) of the movement detector
`and signal transmitting mean~r:c20~ of the present invention such
`that both transmit the proper signal for receiver means 30.
`This feature may also serve as a means o~ testing
`the system 10 to determine its operational status, i.e., ready
`to operate (or armed), or malfunctioning.
`If switch 27 is
`manually set by
`the operator to a position designed to
`activate the alarm signal within receiver 39, and no alarm
`signal is produced, a malfunction condition is present.
`Page 17 of 153
`the alarm signal within receiver 30 is produced, the system 10
`may be considered "armed" or ready to operatE~.
`Once system 10 is configured as desired, i.e., each
`movement detecting and signal
`transmitting means 20
`positioned on a corresponding object whose motion is to be
`detected, and receiver 30 is armed, any movement of window 25
`or door 24 will cause a predetermined signal to be! radiated
`from movement detecting and signal transmitting means 20 and
`w.irelessly transmitted to receiver 30.
`Re!cei ver 30 will
`receive the transmitted predetermined signal and provide an
`alarm signal in response.
`In the embodiment shown the alarm
`signal is an audio signal provided
`throug·h one or more
`speakers located within receiver 30.
`Turning now to FIG. 2 there is shown a perspective
`view of movement detecting and signal transmitting means 20,
`including casing 31, switch 33, retractable wire affixing
`means 28 and retractable wire 22. Casing 31 may include an
`opening 35 for allowing visible light, as from a
`lamp or an
`LED 32, to be seen by the naked eye. The illumination of such
`a lamp, or light emitting means, gives an operator a visible
`indication of the operational status of movement detecting and
`signal transmitting means 20.
`Cc:lsing 32 further includes a slotted opening 41
`through which retractable wire 22 and retractable wire
`affixing means 18 may be disposed. ·This allows flexibility in
`positioning retractable wire 22 on an object relative to the
`position of movement detecting and signal transmitting means
`Page 18 of 153
`FIG. 3 shows a cross sectional view of the movement
`detecting and signal transmitting means depicted in FIG. 2,
`taken along lines 3-3 of FIG. 2. Casing 31 surrounds the
`iqternal ·components.
`The major
`internal components of
`movement detecting and signal transmitting means 20 are:
`electronic circuit board 52,
`frame 62
`supporting magnet means 54, a supporting base means 34 and a
`rear panel 66. Rotatable frame 62 includes a channel means
`64, wherein retractable wire means 22 may be disposed, and
`wrapped around rotatable frame 62. Also shown is spring means
`58 (best illustrated in FIG. 8)
`for maintaining constant
`tension on wire means 22 as wire means 22 is pulled closer, or
`further from casing 31. The foregoing components are coupled
`together by pin means 60 (best illustrated in FIGS. 7 and 8).
`As shown in FIG. 4 retractabl~ wire means 22 is in
`communication at one end with rotatable frame 62. Rotatable
`frame 62 includes one or more movable magnets 54, preferably
`opposite pole magnets which are spaced from each other and
`disposed within rotatable frame 62. The preferred embodiment
`includes 8 such magnet means 54 spaced equidistantly from each
`ot~her around rotatabl~ frame'%--:2"-: Magnet means 54 ma.y be of a
`type commonly available commercially from sources such as
`Rctdio Shack. One such magnet means suitable for use in a
`preferred embodiment of the present:- invention is a ce~mmon 1/8"
`diameter earth magnet available from Radio Shack, part number
`is preferably
`supporting frame which is provided with a central opening 70
`Page 19 of 153
`_ ...... ····--~------·-· ~~--- -~···· ~
`·--·-· ----------------~-~---~-~-- - - - -
`about which rotatable frame 62 rotates. Rotatable frame 62 is
`adapted to include a channel 64 for receiving retractable wire
`22. Channel 64 extends about the circumference of rotatable
`frame 62 ~nd allows retractable wire 22 to be wrapped about
`rotatable frame 62. in a manner similar to that of a string
`wrapped around a yo yo. The end of retractable wire 22 is in
`contact with· rotatable frame 62 may be affixed to rotatable
`frame 62 by traditional means such by knotting the end of
`retractable wire 22 and inserting it into a notch within
`channel 64, or by wrapping and tying one end of retractable
`wire 22 securely around channel 64. Retractable wire 22 must
`be secured such that slippage of retractable wire 22 within
`channel 64 is avoided. Other means of securing one end of
`re,tractable -wire 22 within channel 64 will be readily apparent
`to those skilled in the art.
`Magnet means 54 may be inserted into openings {not
`shown) in rotatable frame 62 and held in place by means of
`glue, or other suitable affixing means.
`The openings into
`which magnet means 54 are inserted should provide a snug fit
`for magnet means 54 such that movable magnet means 54 will
`re!main securely in_ place thr~~ghout the life of sy·s·tem 10.
`FIGS. 7 and 8 show exploded views from the top and
`respectively, of movement detecting an~ signal
`transmitting means 20. As shown in the figures, case 31 and
`rear panel 66 enclose the components of movement detecting and
`signal transmitting means 20. On/off switch 33 provides a
`means for connecting and disconnecting power tram battery 44
`from the components- residing on electronic ci.rcui t board 52.
`Page 20 of 153
`Battery 44 may be a common 9V battery of a size suitable for
`~,b m
`disposition within case 31. Other battery meanst such as
`miniature batteries, may be utilized to construc-t smaller
`embodiments of the present invention.
`Such means will be
`readily apparent to those skilled in the art.
`Electronic circuit board 52 includes means 56 for
`detecting movement of movable magnet means 54. Means 56 for
`detecting movement of movable magnet means 54 may be a
`magnetic field sensor such a~ a KMZ10B available from Phillips
`Semiconductors. A schematic diagram of a type readily under-
`stood by those skilled in the electronics arts illustrating a
`preferred circuit connection for means 56
`for detecting
`movement, is provided in FIG. 9.
`The circuit depicted in FIG. 9 operates generally as
`follows. When the object whose movement is to be detected
`moves in any direction, retractable wire 22 either extends or
`retracts (as best depicted in FIG. 1). When the object moves
`toward movement detecting and signal transmitting means 20,
`rE~tractable· wire 22 recoils toward movement: detecting and
`signal transmitting means 20, and vice ve