`Aug. 18, 1953
`J. w. HETRick
`S $3
`John W. Zietrich.
`Page 1 of 5
`KSS 1005


`Patented Aug. 18, 1953
`John W. Hetrick, Newport, Pa.
`Application August 5, 1952, Serial No. 302,839
`5 Claims.
`(Cl, 280—150)
`ment of the vehicle, and a third cushion to be
`mounted upon the instrument panel of the ve-
`hicle. The construction, in this regard, permits
`additional cushions to be added wherever desired,
`as for example, along the back of the front seat.
`Another object of importance is to provide a
`device of the type stated which can be mount-
`ed upon a vehicle as a separate accessory or at-
`tachment, without involving the modification or
`redesigning of any important structural parts
`of said vehicle.
`Still another object of importance is to provide
`a device as stated which can be reset in a nor-
`mally inoperative position from the interior of
`the passenger compartment, with maximum
`Speed and ease.
`Still another object is to provide a device of
`the type stated which, when manufactured in
`one form, can be used in any of various makes
`of vehicles, and can be mounted upon the vehicle
`with little difficulty.
`A further object is to provide a safety cushion
`assembly which can be manufactured at low cost
`and from relatively inexpensive, readily avail-
`able materials.
`Other objects will appear from the following
`the claims appended thereto, and
`from the annexed drawing, in which like ref-
`erence characters designate like parts through-
`out the several views, and wherein:
`Figure 1
`is a longitudinal
`sectional view
`through a safety cushion assembly formed in ac-
`cordance with the invention, some parts being
`broken away, other parts being shown in side
`elevation, and still other parts being illustrated
`somewhat diagrammatically;
`Figure 2 is a diagrammatic view showing the
`relationship of the several parts to structural
`parts of the vehicle disposed within the passenger
`compartment, said vehicle being illustrated frag-
`mentarily; and
`Figure 3 is a sectional view taken diametrical-
`ly through one of the cushions, said cushion be-
`ing adapted for mounting upon the steering
`wheei of the vehicle.
`Referring to the drawings in detail, the refer-
`ence numeral 10 has been applied to a cylinder,
`said cylinder being adapted for mounting upon a
`selected structural member, not shown, of an
`automotive vehicle.. Thecylinder, for example,
`can be mounted within the engine compartment
`of the vehicle, so as to be disposed in an out-of-
`the-way location. Oo
`The cylinder {@ is formed with alongitudinal
`bore {2 closed at one end by an end wall 14, said
`KSS 1005
`This invention relates to safety devices for
`automotive vehicles, and more particularly, has
`reference to an inflatable cushion assembly
`adapted to be mounted in the passenger com-
`partment of a vehicle, and arranged to be in-
`flated responsive to sudden slowing of the for-
`ward motion of the vehicle.
`It is well appreciated that many persons suffer
`death or serious injury when hurled against an
`unyielding structural portion of an automotive
`vehicle, when the vehicle is involved in a collision
`or is braked suddenly and heavily to avoid a
`in devising an inflatable
`My main object,
`cushion assembly for automotive vehicles,
`is to
`provide a means whereby death or injury can
`be prevented, when a situation such as that de-
`scribed above occurs.
`To this end, the inflatable cushion assembly
`which I have devised includes one or more cush-
`ions which are normally deflated so as to occupy
`a minimum space within the passenger compart-
`ment of the vehicle. The cushions are adapted
`to be inflated from an air accumulator or reser-
`voir, which is mounted in the vehicle in the en- %
`gine compartment or at some other location. A
`valve is interposed between the inflatable cush-
`ion or cushions and the air accumulator, and is
`normally closed, so as to keep the cushions nor-
`mally deflated. However, means is associated
`with the valve which acts responsively to a sud-
`den slowing of the forward motion of the vehicle,
`such as that occurring when the vehicle is in-
`voived in a collision or is braked heavily. This
`means is adapted to cause the valve to be im-
`mediately opened under conditions such as those
`described, thus to cause an instantaneous infla~
`tion of the cushion or cushions, to cause said
`cushions to define yielding surfaces against which
`a@ passenger may be thrust without incurring se-
`rious injury.
`An important object of the present invention,
`in this connection,
`is to provide an inflatable
`cushion assembly of the type stated which will
`be so designed as to cause said cushions to be
`normally disposed out of the way, so that they
`will not
`interfere with normal operation of
`the vehicle or movement of the passengers with-
`in the vehicle.
`Another object of importance is to provide an
`assembly of the type stated wherein the cushions
`can be provided in any number or shape, thus
`to permit one cushion,for example, to be mounted
`upon the steering wheel of the vehicle, another
`cushion to be mounted upon the glove compart-
`Page 2 of 5
`Page 2 of 5
`KSS 1005


`end wall merging into a thickened side wall por-
`tion 16 extending from end to end of the cylin-
`der at the underside thereof.
`The cylinder 18 can be mounted upon a suit-
`able bracket
`!7, which bracket would be con-
`nected fixedly to said structural part of
`At its other end, the bore (2is closed by a re-
`movable cap18, said cap being connected to the
`side wall of the cylinder by screws 20 or equiva-
`jent fastening means.
`Mounted within the bore 12, to shift longitudi-
`nally thereof, is a rollable weight 22, said weight
`being provided with rollers 24 contacting the side
`wall of the bore !2, thus to permit free move-
`ment of the weight 22 from end to end of the
`In that end of the weight 22 disposed adjacent
`. the end wall [4 of the cylinder, there is“formed
`a recess 26 receiving one end of a, spring 28, the
`other end ‘of which is erigaged. against a flanged
`plate 39 ‘spaced selected: distances from the end
`-wall 14 by a tension-adjusting screw 32. The
`tension-adjusting screw 32 is threadable in the
`end wall-i4, and is retained in ‘selected positions
`of adjustment by means of a lock nut 34,
`‘Formed in the thickened side wall portion 16
`of the cylinder
`1% is ‘a transversely extended
`opening 38, said opening communicating at one
`ehd with ‘the bore 12, and communicating at its
`other end with a counterbore 38. A threaded
`plug '49-is engaged in the counterbore, the coun~
`terbore having complementary. threads, and car-
`ried slidably within the’ opening 36 is a detent
`42, urged inwardly of the bore 12 by means of 2
`spring 44. The spring 44 is cireumposed about
`a stem secured to the detent, said stem being
`integrally formed as the inner end of an elon-
`gated, flexible cable 46 slidably mounted within
`a cable housing 48.
`:At its outer end, the cable
`46 has a knob 50 which, as. shown in Figure 2,
`can. be mounted upon the instrument panel of a
`vehicle V.
`It will thus be:seen that if the knob 50 is
`pulled, the detent 42 will be retracted within the
`opening. 36, against the action of the spring 44.
`The weight 22-has a recess 51 formed in its
`side -wall, and if the weight shifted toward
`the right
`in Figure 1,
`the detent 42 will be
`cammed downwardly. by the weight, and will
`then be urged into.the recess 5! by the spring 44.
`Thus, the weight 22, when. shifted toe the right
`in Figure 1,-will be releasably held in the position
`to which it is shifted by the detent. When, how-
`ever, it is desired that the weight be returned to
`its normal position shown in Figure 1, the knob
`50 is pulled, as a result of which the detent 42
`is disengaged from therecess 51. The spring 28
`will then urge the weight 22 to the left in Fig-
`-ure 1.
`' Formed in the cap 18 is a relatively large open-
`-ing 52, and extending through said opening is a
`connecting rod 54, said connecting rod being
`fixedly. attached at-one end to the weight 22.
`The connecting rod 54 extends through a rod é
`housing 56, and circumposed about. one end of
`said housing is the smaller end of a flexible, cup-
`like boot 58 of soft rubber or similar material.
`The larger. end of the boot 58 is engaged about
`the adjacent end of the cylinder ic.
`At its other end, “the cable housing 56 is at-
`tached toa boss 60 formed upon 2 plate 62 spaced
`away fromthe valve block by a gasket 64, fas-
`plate 62 and gasket 64 for attaching thesame to
`Page 3 of 5
`the valve block. The valve block has been desig-
`nated by the reference numeral 68 andis of rela-
`tively elongated formation, said block having an
`end to end, longitudinal bore 70.
`Slidably mounted in the bore 79 is a valve
`member 72, said valve member being formed as
`an elongated cylindrical piston connected at one
`end to the rod 54. It will thus be seen that when
`the weight 22 is shiftedtothe rightin Figure 1,
`it will carry with it the valve member 72.
`Circumposed about the valve member 72, and
`spaced longitudinally of the valve member, are
`annular.sealing rings 74, said rings having wiping
`enga: rement ‘with the wall of the bore 70. The
`sealing rings 14 are disposed at opposite sides of
`a passage76 communicating with the bore 10,
`when the valve memberis in the normal, closed
`position ‘thereof‘shown in Figure 1. The pas-
`sage “16 is counterbored and threaded for a part
`of its length, for engagement therein of one end
`of a conduit portion 78, said cenduit portion ex-
`tending from an air accumulator 86 adapted to
`be charged with a supply of air pressure through
`a conventional valve 82.
`Integral with the valve member: 72 is.a reduced
`extension 84, said extension merging into an
`outer end portion 86. The end portion 86 nor-
`mally projects beyond one end of the valve block
`68, as shown in Figure 1, and is provided with an
`annular sealing gasket.88.
`At its outer, projecting end, the end portion
`is flanged as at 90, and engaged over said
`flange is the smaller end of a flexible, rubber
`boot 92, the larger end of which is fitted about
`the adjacent end of.the valve block 68.
`Also formed inthe valve. block 68 is an, outlet
`passage 94, offset
`longitudinally of the block
`from the passage 716.
`‘The outlet passage 94 is
`counterbored and -threaded, to receive a fitting
` theinlet end of a second conduit por-
`tion $6. The conduitportion 96 is provided, in-
`termediate its ends, with a relief valve desig-
`nated generally. by the reference numeral 98.
`Considering the construction of the relief or
`safety valve 98, it will be noted from Figure .1
`that said valve is provided with a tubular body
`{88 integral, intermediate its ends, with a lat-
`eral projection £02. An inlet opening [04is
`formed in the projection 102, communicating
`with the bore of thebody160.
`A valve disc 106 is generally disposed in apo-
`sition to close the opening 104, being urged
`against one end of ‘the opening by:a spring 108.
`The spring 108 is arranged for adjustment, ‘of
`the tension thereof, by.a, tension-adjusting screw
`(10 threaded in the outer end of the projection
`182, andheldin selectedpositions to which itis
`threaded bya lock nut 112.
`charged’ with anexcessive amount.‘oF
`pressure within the conduit exceeds
`mined amount, therelief valve. will¢open, a ain
`the action ofthespring 108.
`Also provided in. the conduit. between the. air
`accumulator. and ‘the ‘severalprotec
`is a main valve £ 16, said. main valve ‘being of-‘the
`manually, operable type and. being adapted, to
`KSS 1005
`Page 3 of 5
`KSS 1005


`permit the entiré device to be disposed in an
`inoperative position, whenever desired.
`A reset cable 118 is provided, for resetting the
`control valve 72 whenever desired, said reset
`cable being connected to the end portion 86 and
`being extended through a housing 120. The reset
`cable 118 is provided with a knob adapted to be
`mounted upon the instrument panel of
`in close proximity to the knob 50.
`Should the device be accidentally tripped, caus-
`ing inflation of the cushions, the reset knobs pro-
`vided on cables 46, 118 can be pulled to return
`the parts to their normally inoperative position.
`these Knobs are pulled whenever
`the device has gone into operation under emer-
`gency conditions, and is to be reset for further
`Y provide, on the conduit extending from the
`air accumulator to the safety cushions, a plu-
`rality of branches, the number of said branches
`depending upon the number of cushions to be
`inflated. One branch has been designated by
`the reference numeral
`122, and as shown in
`Figure 2, extends from the air conduit
`to an
`inflatable, generaly circular cushion {24 (Figures
`2and 3).
`The cushion {24 has at its inner end an end
`wall 126 secured to the base of a cup-like re-
`ceptacle 128, said receptacle having a peripheral
`flange 138 circumposed about the inner end por-
`tion of the cushion 124, Provided upon the base
`of the receptacle {28 are spaced clips 132, adapted
`to engage the conventional horn ring of
`vehicle steering wheel.
`+ will thus be seen that the cushion {24 will be
`normally deflated, but when inflated under
`emergency conditions, will extend outwardly
`from the steering wheel toward the operator of
`the vehicle, to cushion the force with which said
`operator is thrown against the steering wheel in
`a collision.
`I also provide a second branch (34, extending
`to an elongated,
`tapered safety cushion 136
`mounted upon the instrument panel of
`vehicle, to protect one seated next to the vehicle
`cperator. A third branch 138 extends to a rec-
`tangular cushion 148 mounted upon the glove
`compartment door of the vehicle.
`It will be readily appreciated that any number
`of branches can be provided upon the conduit,
`with said branches leading to cushions located
`at desired places within the vehicle, and formed
`to appropriate shapes.
`Whena collision occurs, or when it is necessary
`to brake the vehicle suddenly, the weight 22 will
`tend to continue its forward motion, despite the
`fact that the forward motion of the vehicle has
`been stopped or greatly slowed. As a result, the
`weight 22 will shift to the right in Figure 1,
`against the action of the spring 28, and this will
`cause the valve member 72 to move out of its
`normal position,
`in which normal position it
`closes the passage 76. When the valve member
`is moved from its normal position, the reduced
`portion 84 will be disposed above the passage
`78, and will permit the free movement of air
`from the air accumulator 80 to one or more safety
`cushions provided in the device.
`When the weight 22 has been shifted to the -
`right in Figure 1, it will be held in the position
`to which it is shifted ‘by the detent 42, until such 7
`time as the device is to be reset for further use.
`At that time, the knobs provided on cables 46,
`118 are pulled and the valve member and weight
`22 will be returned to their proper locations
`within the valve block and cylinder (6, respéc-
`It will also be understood that the air accumu-
`lator 89 will be normally charged with a suitable
`5 quantity of air under pressure, and it is obvious
`that the air accumulator can be readily filled
`from the ordinary air pumps provided in a service
`It is believed apparent that the invention is
`19 mot necessarily confined to the specific use or
`uses thereof described above, since it may be
`utilized for any purpose to which it may be suited.
`Nor is the invention to be necessarily limited to
`the specific construction illustrated and de-
`is scribed, since such construction is only intended
`to be illustrative of the principles of operation
`and the means presently devised to carry out
`said principles, it being considered that the in-
`vention comprehends any minor change in con-
`20 struction that may be permitted within the scope
`of the appended claims.
`Whatis claimed is:
`1. A safety cushion assembly for automotive
`vehicles comprising: normally stationary means
`95 arranged to shift in position responsive to a pre-
`determined deceleration of a vehicle; a normally
`closed valve connected to said means to move to
`open position on shifting of said means; an air
`accumulator; at
`least one inflatable cushion
`30 adapted for mounting within a vehicle; and a
`conduit extending between said accumulator and
`cushion and normally closed by the valve, for
`»passage of air from the accumulator to the
`cushion for inflating the same responsive to
`gs opening of the valve.
`2. A safety cushion assembly for automotive
`vehicles comprising: a cylinder adapted to be
`mounted upon a vehicle; a weight within the
`cylinder and shiftable longitudinally thereof re-
`40 Sponsive to deceleration of said vehicle; a nor-
`mally closed valve connected to said weight to
`move to open position on shifting of said weight;
`an air accumulator; at
`least one inflatable
`cushion adapted for mounting within said ve-
`45 hicle; and a conduit extending between said ac-
`cumulator and cushion and normally closed by
`the valve, for passage of air from the accumu-
`lator to the cushion for inflating the same re-
`sponsive to opening of the valve.
`©«238- A safety cushion assembly for automotive
`vehicles comprising: a cylinder adapted to be
`fixedly mounted on a vehicle; a weight within
`the cylinder and shiftable longitudinally thereof .
`in one direction responsive to sudden slowing of
`55 the forward motion of said vehicle; yielding
`means interposed between the weight and one
`end of the cylinder and arranged to normally
`urge the weight in an opposite direction; a nor-
`mally closed valve connected to said weight to
`g9 move to open position on shifting of the weight
`in said one direction; an air accumulator; at
`least one inflatable cushion adapted for mount-
`ing within said vehicle in the passenger com-
`partment thereof; and a conduit extending be-
`e5 tween said accumulator and cushion and nor-
`mally closed by the valve, for passage of air
`from the accumulator to the cushion for inflating
`the same responsive to opening of the valve.
`4. A safety cushion assembly for automotive
`0 vehicles comprising: a cylinder adapted to be
`fixedly mounted on a vehicle; a weight mounted
`within the cylinder to shift longitudinally there-
`of in one direction responsive to sudden slowing
`of the forward motion of said vehicle; yielding
`75 Means interposed between the weight and. one
`Page 4 of 5
`KSS 1005
`Page 4 of 5
`KSS 1005


`end of the cylinder and arranged to normally
`urge the weight in an opposite direction; a man
`ually releasable lateh in the cylinder adapted to
`engage the weight after movement thereof in
`Said. One direction; a normally closed valve con
`nected to said weight to move to an open posi
`tion on shifting of the weight in Said one di
`rection; an air accumulator; at least one in
`flatable cushion adapted for mounting within
`said vehicle in the passenger compartment there
`of; and a conduit extending between Said ac
`cumulator and cushion and normally closed by
`the valve, for passage of air from the accumu
`lator to the cushion to inflate the same respon
`sive to opening of the valve.
`5. A safety cushion assembly for automotive
`vehicles comprising: a cylinder adapted to be
`fixedly mounted on a vehicle; a weight mounted
`Within the cylinder to shift longitudinally there
`of in one-direction responsive to sudden slowing
`of the forward motion of Said vehicle; yielding
`means interposed between the weight and one
`end of the cylinder and arranged to normally
`urge the weight in an opposite direction; a man
`ually releasable latch in the cylinder adapted to
`engage a weight, after movement, thereof in said
`One direction; a valve block adapted to be
`mounted in said vehicle adjacent the cylinder
`and having a longitudinal bore; a valve member
`connected to Said weight and mounted in the
`bore of the valve block to shift longitudinally
`thereof in one direction on shifting of the weight
`in Said one direction, Said block having a pas
`Sage communicating with Said bore and normally
`closed by the valve, said valve being arranged to
`Open said passage on shifting of the valve in
`Said one direction within its associated bore; an
`air accumulator; at least one inflatable cushion
`adapted for mounting within Said vehicle in the
`passenger compartment thereof; and a conduit
`extending between said accumulator and cushion
`and including said passage, Said conduit being
`normally closed by the valve and being adapted
`when opened to permit passage of air from the
`accumulator to the cushion for inflating the
`cushion responsive to opening of the valve.
`Nui raher
`References Cited in the file of this patent
`Wolf -------------- Nov. 28, 1939
`Straith ------------ July 10, 1951
`France ------------ June 18, 1934
`Page 5 of 5
`KSS 1005

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