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`The Engineer (http://www.engineering.com/Author/ID/8/TheEngineer) posted on November 10, 2006 | Comment
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`An ideal gas is defined as one in which all collisions between atoms or molecules are perfectly elastic and in which there are no intermolecular attractive forces.
`Ideal gas law is a generalization containing both Boyle's law and Charles's law as special cases and states that:
`In such a gas, all the internal energy is in the form of kinetic energy and any change in intemal energy is accompanied by a change in temperature. An ideal gas can be characterized by
`three state variables:
`0 absolute pressure (P),
`0 volume (V),
`O and absolute temperature (T).
`The relationship between them may be deduced from kinetic theory and is called the Ideal gas law.
`PV = kT = nRT
`n is the total number of moles,
`0 NA = Avogadro's Number = 6.02217 - 1023 molecules/mole,
`0 R = Universal gas constant = 8.314 J/K - moi ,
`k = Boltzmann Constant = R/NA = 1.380622 - 10-23 J/K.
`The ideal gas law can be viewed as arising from the kinetic pressure of gas molecules colliding with the walls of a container in accordance with Newton's laws. But there is also a
`statistical element in the determination of the average kinetic energy of those molecules. The temperature is taken to be proportional to this average kinetic energy; this invokes the idea
`of kinetic temperature.
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