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`sine curve
`sine curve
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`\ ssr
`lsaac Bashevis Singer
`Photogrephecl in 1937
`sine curve n. Malh. fhe graph of the equalion y -= tln { ,
`si.ne di.e (si/ni dite. sin;e de'i'l adu. Vtith no day fixed for
`a future meeringl indefinitely. lMed Lat. : Lat. size. wrthout
`- Lat. die, ablative of di?s. da..l
`si.ne pro.le (si'ni profle. 'in'at adu. Lap. Wirhout offspring.
`lNLar. sine Prdle.l
`si;ne qua noh (sin'l ku?i n6nf, ndnf, sl'ni. Lwa z An es-
`.enriel elentent or condirion. lLLat- sine qua rcausa) non.
`wjrhour which (cau\e) n01.l
`sin.ew r,inr)oor r. 1. A tendon.2. Vigorous s_trengthi muq-
`cular pouer, 3, The source or mainstal ot vltallty and
`5rrensrh. Often used tn rhe plural. -1f./. -ewed. -ew'ing,
`-ews]To rtrenethen wirh or js if wirh sinews. IME sinewe '
`OE sineue, oblique form of seontt, sinuf
`sine wave n. Pbvl- A waveform with deviation that can be
`eraphicrllr expie."ed as the rine curve.
`sii.ew.y (irnr':o--E) adf. 1.a. Con:isring of or re:embling sin-
`ews, b. Having many sinews; stringy and toughi a sinewy cut
`of beef. 2. lean and muscular. See Syns at muscular'
`3. )trong and vigorous: sinewy prose
`sin.fo.ni.a l\in-fotne-J) n, Mus. 7. An instrumental compo-
`.irion rerving as an ovetture, a\ to an opera. esp. in rhe l8th
`cerrrury. 2. A slrnphonic cornposition. llral. Lat. srnpbo-
`rld. group oI rnusician<. See ttvpnolv.l
`sin.fO:niet.ta 1:in'fo-nyertr. -fo-t n. Mus. 1. A symphony
`that is shorter than usual or calls for fewer than the usual
`number of instrumenrs. Z. A small symphony orchestra.-esp'
`one consisring of slringed instrumentq only. flral.. dim ol '"rr-
`{onia. siilonia. See snroNIe.l
`si;.ful' (sin, fel) adj. Marked by or full of sin; wicked. - sinr -
`frl.ly adu. - sin/ful'ness z.
`sing riingr ,. sang \seng) or sung (sung). sung, .slng'ing'
`sinos. - irl/. 7. Mus. a. To utter words or 50uncls In muslcal
`tonls. b. To vocalize songs or selections. c. To perform songs
`or selections as a trained or professional singer. d. To produce
`sourds when plaved. Z.a. To make melodious sounds: blrds
`sinvnv. b. To' sii e or har e the effect of melody: lilr. 3' To
`"" high wh"ining. humming. or whistling sound 4' To be
`filled wiLh a buzzing or ringing sound. 5.a. To.proclairn or
`ertol sornerhing in uirse. b. To urite poerry. 6. S.lazg To grje
`inforrttarion or evidence again<t someone. - tr. l. Mes a' to
`produce the rnu:ical sottnd ol sang a soz3. b. To uiler wirh
`itru'ical iuflections. sanp "hello. c. To bring to a specrlred
`\r.rrc b) \frging: sang lh, baby lo sleep ?.To intone or chanr.
`3. l u Drucl.irD or cxtol, esp it verse" sang praisct - n Mus'
`A grthcrirrg ut people fur group singing. -phrasal verb sing
`out. lo cJll our luudlv. IME singen - L)L. stzgd' \ee
`sengwh-*.1 - sing'a'ble ad.
`sina. abbt. Crcrr. Siuqular.
`sind-a'long 'srng'r-l;ng'. )ong' n Mzs l' A casual garh-
`eiing for group singing; a songfest.-Z. A spontaneous group
`.rrrging, a' b. aq rudiettce tt a perfornlance.
`Sin'ia'"pore isingrg: por'. port. ringfs .- A corrntry.of 5E
`\)rr coruprisilg Singapore lsland and adiacent smalter rs-
`lrLrd5: under tsriri.h control lrorn I 824 rrnril .t965 The citv ot
`Singipore is the cap. Pop. 2,529,100. -Sin/ga'porte'an
`ddj. 6- n.
`Sinoaoore Strait. A srrair off rhe S end of the Malay Peninsule
`birwcen 5rnqapore l. and the Riau Archipelago connecring rhe
`Strait of Milaica with the South China Sea.
`singe 'inil 1r.t. singed' singe'ing, sing'es. 1. To burn \upetr
`iicrrllv: scorch. Z. To burn ott the teathert or bnstles ol ra
`co.cais of a bird or an animal) by subiecting briefly to flame'
`3. lo burn Llre errds 'f 1hair. tor examplet 4. lo burn the nap
`ironr lcloth; in tnanufacruring -z A 'light or surlace burn;
`a scorch. IME seftgeil < OE sengan,)
`sinq.erl .srrrgfart n.1, Mus. One who 'ings, esp. a tralned or
`piotc"ionafvocali:t. 2. A poer. 3. A songbitd.
`sing.erz (.ilfiJrr r. One thit singes.
`Sini. er,.rnet :rt, Isaac Bashevis.-l q04 - 9 l. Polrsh-born wrir
`.,.-*ho w.in the l9-8 Nobel Prize for literature
`Singer, Isaac Merritt, 1811-75. Atner. inventor and manu-
`falturer rvho patented (1851) a seu'ing machine.
`Sin.gha.lese isrng'go-lczr. -lc'/ or Sin'ha.'lese- sin'hr-
`- ,.. ,/. Sinqhalese or Sinhalese. 1. A menrber ol a people
`con\tiiuring Ihe nrrjoritl of che population of Sri- Lanka'
`2. The Indic languafe of the Singhalese that is the chief iar-
`eu.rse of Srr Larika."-adl. Of or relaring to 5rr Lanka. rhe
`5ingihal.'e. or their Language or culture. lSkr. Sirhbalam' Str
`Lanka + -esr.]
`sin.gle (singrgell adl. 1. Not accompanied by another or oth-
`ers; solitarv. 2.a. Consisting of one part, aspect! o-r sectron.
`b. Having ihc .ame applicacion for allr uniform. c. Consi(ting
`of one in- nunrber. 3, Nor dirided; unbroken 4.a. SeparaLe
`from others; individual and distinct. b. Having individual op-
`Donentsi involving two individuals only. 5.a. Honest; undis-
`Vlztcb uith 4
`gt\sed: a single adoration. b. \fholly
`iinple eve.6. Derrgned to accumnrodate one person. 7.a. Un-
`n,riri.i. b. Lacking a partner: 4 ,ingle parent c' Rela-ting to
`ti. Of or relaiing to celibacy. 8. 8o1
`rhe unnrarried 'ru,"".
`Haring only one rank or rou of petal' 2 1.-One rhat is
`.eparate and individual. Z. An acconrmodarron Iot one per-
`\on, as in a hotel. 3,a. An unmarried person. b. singles. I
`married persons considered as a group.4. A one-dollrr br
`5. A phonoeraph record, esp. a forty-five, with ore 'ong '
`each side. 6, daseball. A hii bv which a brner reaclte' fir'
`base safelv: a one-base hit.7. Sports, a. A hit for one run::
`cricket, b. A golf match bemeen two plavers. c. A tennis.t-
`badminton mitch between mo players. Often used in the p!:
`ral. -/. -gled,-gling,-gles'' tr. 7,To.hoo'eordi.tingui'
`fromotherr. Ofren u'ed with out: vngled ber otrt 2. Baseb:
`a. To cause (a base runner) to scole or advance by raaking -
`one-base hit. b. To cause the scoring of (a run) by a one-bar,
`\it. - inb. Baseball.To make a single. IME sezgle < OFr. '
`Lat. singulus. See sem-1*.1 - sintgle'ness u.
`sinole blind z. A tesrinq procedure in which rhe adrnini'trrr' :
`d-o not rell the subiecti if,h.u "t. being giren r te\t trearmL:
`or a control treatment in order to avoid accidental bias in r:,
`resulrs. -sinrgle-blindf (singfgel-bllnd' adi.
`single bond z. A co'alent bond in uhicb one electron pair
`shared by Mo atoms.
`sln.ole-br'east'ed (<ing'gal-bre''ridl adl. Clo.ing r!irh r n::
`roi overlap and fastened down the l'ront wtth.t single rorr
`buttons: a sinple-bredsted suit.
`sinole cross n.Cenet. The hvbrid of rwo inbred line' that c:'
`b! represented as AB. Lhe product of the cro:' A ' B. whe::
`A and B represent inbred liLres.
`single entry;. Accounting. A system of bookkeeping in whi;:
`a business keeps only a single account showing amounts dr,
`and amounts owed.
`sin. gle-fam.i. ly. {sing.t gol-[;nrto le. -[inr I le' adl. Relating :
`or being a dwelling designed for one farrrily only.
`sinqle file r. A line of people, anitnals, or thrngs s(Jrrclrng '
`r-ou,ns on. behind rhi orher. - single file adu.
`sin.gle--foot lsingrgal-[o-or'' z. A rapid gair of. a hor>e.:'
`which each foot ctrikes the ground s(paratel): the rack. \
`loneer in technical tse- -intr.u. -foot'ed' -foot'ing' -foots
`fo go at the :ingle-foot. - sin'gle-footfer ,
`sin.g-le-hand rringrg:l-lrind'r //.r' -hand'ed, -hand'ing
`-ha-nds. Nart. fo-.iit (a boarl withotrr rhe help of oth.r'
`- sintgle-hand/er z.
`sin.qle-hand.ed (singrg:l-hintdid) ad7. 1. Working or doc.
`wiihour helo: unassi;ted. 2. Intended for u'e with onc lt tn;
`3. Having or using only one hand. - qdu. ln a single-handt:
`manner, - sinrgle-handted.ness u.
`sin. gle-heart.ed (singr gal-hir/ tid) adf. Sinccrcl,v dedicate;
`- sin, gle-heartf ed. ness r.
`single knot z. See overhand knot.
`sin;qle-mind.ed f.ingrgrl-rrrrrtdid. adf. 1. Hrring otc ur.:
`ridine prrrpore. 2. jreidiutt; re.olrrle - sintgle-mind'ed'
`sin.gle-phase (singrg3l fezl) adf. Producing, c:rrrviug, c:
`powered by a single alternating voltagc..
`sin.gles bar (singrgalz) z. A bar for singles.
`sin.lle-space (singrgal-spas,) r. -spaced, -spac'ing, -spac'es
`- ir. To type or print (copy) with no blank line betu'ecn linc'
`-intr.-fo lype or prlnt copt $ithutrr llne \plcci.
`single standi;d ,. A ..t o, pii".ipl.' with fti( ..1r|e 5r.ndr--
`for all. esp. reqardrnq the .ertttl belravior oi trtett .tnd wottt. r
`sin.qle.stick (;insrq:l^rik't z. 1. A ottc lraldcd lencirrg 'ti..
`fir;d wirh a haid-gtrard. Z. The rrr. \port. ur exerci\e ('
`fencins with such a itick.
`sin.gfef 'singfglir t n. 1. Chtelly Britrsh. A tttatt ' ier:ey 'tndc-'
`shin. 2. Piy{. A rnulLipler witlr a 'rrrgle rttertber.
`single ta( z.-A.system b-y whrch all revenue is derived fron :
`tax on one thtnq. esp. lano.
`sin.qfe.ton ,srngTgaL-ranl n.1. Cames. A playiug c.f(l llrat r.
`rhionly one oiicr tuit in r plryer'. hrnd. 2'a. An irrdir idu;
`separate or dr"rrnct lront Lwo or n]ore of ir' group. b. A:
`ofispring born alone. I the nanre Srl3letoa.l
`sin.gie-track rsingtgrl-trdk/) adl. 1. Hrting jusr one tra.l
`2. Lacking mental range or llexrbility: one-rrack
`sin. gle.tre-e t'ing I gal -Lie' r r. See whif f letree. I A Ireratiorr . ir-
`fluenced by DouBLETREE) of srvirocrtnm.]
`sin.olv {sinsrelc) adn. 1. Wirhour the pre.ence of orhcr\; alon(
`-Vithou"r F'elpr single-handed. 3. One bv one: irtdir idurllr'
`sing.song lsingtsong/. song', 2. 1. \erse characrerizcd b'
`mechanical regularirv oI rhvrhm and rhvttte Z' A tttonoto-
`nously rising ind r"[ling inflection of rhe roice. adl \lo-
`noionous in vocal inflection or rh,vthm. -singtsotgty ad.
`sing'spiel rsinSf\pcl'. zingf'hpcl' .r. An lSth-icntury Ger
`man mu5rcal conredy tealurrng tolL.ong( Inter\Per\co wltl
`dialogue. Cer. '. singPn, rc sing r' MHCer. OHC, r' .rr3-
`a4; )ee sengwh-*r * Splel. plav: ree 'rrrr'l
`sin.ou'lar rsingfqre-lar) adl. 1. Being otlll unc; indi\'rdu?l
`2.ieing the o"nlione of a kindr unique. 3. Being bcvond rh.
`ordinary or usuall remarkable. 4. DeviaLirrg irom the tsu:l o
`expected; odd. See Syns ai strange. 5. Gram. a. Of, rclating
`to, or being a noun, pronoun, or adjective denoting a singlt
`Derson or thing or several entities considered as a single uuir'
`b. Of, relating to, or being a verb erpressing the-action or
`state of a single subiect. 6. togfu. Of or relating to the specific
`as distinguished fron the general; individual. - n. Grdxt
`1. The singuiar number or a forn designating it. Z. A rvord
`in the singular. IME singuler < r
`singulus. slngle. 5ee stret t. | - sin/
`lar. ness z.
`;in. gu. lar.. i'ty. Ging' gya-larf i're) I
`oriondirion of being:ingular. Z' I
`tinct from others; a peculiaritv' 3'
`unusual. 4. AstroqbYs. A Point tn
`itational forces cause matter to ha
`iinitesimal volume. 5. Math. A Po
`does not exist for a given funcrion
`iable but every neighborhood of
`rvhich the derivatiYe exists.
`;in.gu' lar'ize (sing'8yJ-lr-rtzr, 1/ r
`mak€ consPlcuous; dlstlngulsn.
`;inoular Point n. M1th.see singuli
`sin:ha.lase (sin'hJ-lczt. -lcsri z. .
`5i. ni. cism (sr/ni-siz/am, sinf i-) z.
`ro the Chinese. [< Siulc, Chinese <
`Sinae, the Chinese. See Sno-.1
`ii.ni.cize (sirni-siz/, sinti-) tr.v.'t
`make Chinese in character or to cn
`rnfluence. - Sitni'ci'za/tion /-)r'
`>i.ni.fy (sirnJ-fi'. sinfr-) // r' -fi€
`cize. ILLar. Smae. t1te Chtnese: :-
`f i.cattion (-fi-ka t shan) z.
`:in.is.ter (sinfi-ster) adl. 1. Sug;
`2. Presaging trouble; ominou:: -'i':
`or causing disaster or rnausplclou
`left side; left. 5. Her. Located on I
`on the wearer's left. IME slzlsti.e.
`;inister, on the left' unluckv , -
`is.ter.ness z.
`iin.is'tral (sinf i-strel, si-nis/rral :
`Z. Lett-handed. 3. Zool. Rela:::,
`shell that ha< its aperture ro rht =
`rvith the apex uPward. -sin/is'
`!:n.is.trorse lsirilr-strors't ad; .
`rhat turns {ronr righr to left: a s:':r
`sls. turned toward the left ( *-'rr:r
`:he left < ablaLive of sinister,]ei
`var. of uertere, to turn. See wer-z
`rin. ls'trous (sinf i-stras, si-nis / i::l
`omened. - sintis'trous'lY d.i!
`:i.nit'ic (si nittrk. si') r' lhc ':
`romprises Chinese. -Si'nitfic i
`::nk (singk) u. sank (singk) 0r su:
`sinks. - rttr. l.1o de:cend ro ::
`fall or drop to a lower levei. ci:
`:ub:ide or settle grrduallr'. r':
`pear to lnove downward, as thc ::
`ivard; rncline.5. To Pr" irrt" : ':
`'lee\. 6-a. lo deterrorrte irl ' :
`nrinish, as in valuc. 7. lo.b,-
`forceful.8.a. To droP or tall:
`fatisue. b. To feel great disaP::
`9. To seep or soak; Pelle(ril( 1
`become filt or understood: h,-
`iause to descend beneath a ';::.
`lower. 3. To force into the gtcl:
`or well) in the earth. 5. To "---
`sross. 6.a. To make weaker. ;:
`ieduce in quanritY or wortlt T
`erade. 8. To bring to a lorr ur '-
`5. To supprett or hide 10. l':'
`11.a. To invest. b. To inr.esi
`12. To pay off {r debrr. 13. j
`or basket. -n.7. A water b:' I
`erally a piped suPPlY of u ate: Z
`4. In thernrodYnamics. rlt< Parl
`or more generallY. energY. J. .i !
`,orrupt. - idiom. sink or swim.
`rvithour alternrtive lML. snrl.
`iinK'age (sing'kij), z. l. The r:r
`sinkine. 2. A surrken arear a Jrl
`sink'er-(sinstkrr) n.1. One rf-:
`sinking fisiing lines or net' 2
`sink.hole (singk'hol') r. A )ur:,.
`with a cave sYstem, occurring t; l
`bv collapse of a cavern rooi Lr:
`sin;Kiang Ui'ghuf or Sin'kiang
`,h;n/;yangf ). See Xinjiang UYgu
`sink.ing fund rsingtking) r. 1..
`ro pay olt a corporate or PUE -
`sin.der (sintrr) z. 1. One chat 'r
`Sinn Fein (shin fint, (ctin' r. \:
`1905 to prornore Political rnd ,
`Eneland.-unifrcation of lreland
`noiv the political branch of the
`Gael. sini f6in : slzz, we (< lvllr
`< OIr.; see s(w)e-*).1 - Sinn Fe
`Sino- Pref. Chinese: SrzologY. '
`'dn1sno11al IPnIIJICIS ro sno
`oq{ qrrBJ snor8tlar uouuo
`'uolunuuoc '? uoIl"uIE
`:uorte8a;8uoc e dq Palterar
`ro ued eql'3 lsrreqlna aI
`It{] 'pa^IJtral sI lslrlqtrng .
`-1UO2'tio > lslleqJna'ol
`-:ed lentnu .*1 s -ugtuutt
`l'Nowwoc aas '
`-rIJo uY 4 (ip>l-Iulo-o.{u- '
`-ue 01 'nnbtunutu@ lo '
`Iruouotre Ietrueloeql Y'l -l
`Juv irradord ;o dtqs:eu,uo
`lE to a3€lue^Pe uouuol:
`f,r lueuuJalob to wals^s l
`:ploq l]red Jl:urs E PUP ,\E(
`]E tltrltla ul JlPlo lerlos,e
`:o uolsfel lslulue'I-lslxJBt\
`-ietrder 1o aoJqlJa^o aql sal
`> auslunuuo)'JJl'lBIlEla
`'zNnwwol ees'slunuuo)':
`'lretunou v'llslunululo3
`'uErsr{IqzPPI aN Jo sI
`,rsrxletrr'{ € Jo JJqweu Y '9'
`luaualou lo,{11€d P qf,ns
`je Pasar^ I€JIp€J Y,'lsrunul
`-lslunuruol uJrJo 'I rPt-
`asrunotuoJ alquJsJJ ol, PIsl
`:o'Jo f,IlsualJeJerltr 'lO lPf,
`'rpr fl. Iet.ll/slu.nul
`:o requeu Y 4 (ue-?/Jgl-!!
`:.urunuuol lsl^Ipellof, e Jo
`:o dnor8 y 'p'I 'sall- Jd "'
`-,\ot eu€s eql lepun pue -!
`inor8 e qcns qclqa uI -urfl
`'stsJralut uouuol zuI-leq
`-eJ Pue 'uotlEdl)IllEd 'buIJE
`:nor8 V'P iorE'S f,tlqrd rl
`:aqlouE auo qlIA bullf,Elarul
`-f,of, Ielueuuoll^u€
`lEIIuIs .rl
`-uu 1W) 'dllunuuol E -\q
`; dtqsmollel's?ltuuuwol.':
`'uolsl^alal alqm eas- !
`: Jo sraqueu .lj.q Pssn elElo
`'sasodrnd Iguollealf,al lc
`:uonnqllluol el€AIIO Aq P3f,I
`'self,ueE9 al€JIaa Pug SUl
`-?{ IenuaPreal lnotllla agallo
`'luauuledo; Jq
`:l sraqueu loJ salIAJsS qlle:
`'sasnods,[q dllulot Pauao ]
`-sa.zlu- '6ul.z!u- 'paz!u- 1
`-rr rla^uoJ of'z'JoJluo) lo o
`soll/?2.!u.nru/uo) -
`-f,sqns eq ue) ]€qL'l
`tPo tl
`-us uort( ?lqtinwuo2, o .l
`r,{1.!/ IIq.e/Ftu.uroJ -'!
`sa1?1- '6u!.lsl- 'pa.lPl- .r
`:uarJns trlllJala BuBeulallE I
`-f,rEg]'lueJJnl IBuoIllaJIPIul
`-'uonuusqns Y'I 4 (uel
`;ro ]o uonnrllsqns eqI'e'?
`:atnlnsqns lueu^eo agl'q
`-? Jo uorsre^uo3.'2_ 1)al7 '1
`-- tuarrnl Jo lesra^ax 'q 'lui
`:uo ore^as ssal "
`ol dlleu3d r
`'tfi1?14twuo2 > -uQ!|9lryuu
`l'uro{of, eas 'abueqtrxa
`: -iq ale: parnPe: E l3 Panssl
`: ralo aSessed ro; luedutor t
`'sclrl Io Jaq
`+]d'I. l.p0 (^P-er/qoLu-el 'l
`-:atur'uorlntrlsqns,{q Pez.lli
`--:ol E ,o Paso 'laPlo Jo luaP!
`:as:o slcefqo seulquof, ]eql
`-. o_olu-e{) ifl. ! /^!1.plln(u.l
`::arua8ueltB IEtruPurl^J V'a (
`-:1arrp E Jo slrol ar{l.ol par
`e SurP'uord 'lor
`:a olur lueflnf, Io I€siSIel e
`:JDnlllsqns aIEu oI 'e'z 'Jelr
`lsoJB ur d€d oJ'g'elnlBsqnl
`'crueulBd lpnpr\rpur u' ue,p riq:e, ..i", p"r,1pJ, ;';;"Y"r;
`J^uetnuuoJ r ur a8rSur ro l;srtes o1-.:i9ol a .rjorn, .,
`-xJ :(JJt{loue roJ Xurqr JuoJ Jtntusqnc ol ,[ .]J _ .uotretodb
`t:"-1.:.:1.(].1:*r"1 ro ':qop 'AJeuad e) eBueLP o1 .7 .a8ueqr
`-wu fWl Sur:nuuot Jo JJupJsur io lfp uV ., _ .euo aje^es
`'uu + -uo2 '-UOS : atp14suqJ .]el > uJoJsuet I ot .ua1nw
`f.*l_!oul Jas :JBue\) q,atvJ
`uoJJ AJJelnbal slJ^ert lELlt aug.z ltetro_olw_el) Je.lnut.lttol
`'{Jpq puE llrJ ol qrnqns uoJI sp ,rJrjtouE ol JJerd auo -
`rJpioq sslas aqr.reau tr1e:1 g;o (:rr rrosai !7 i9ur,o1'r oi1.o3
`.fgT.!6 .dod .ouof, ayel io pda ,Lrs tu: re -
`rsouurrqlnos eLlt re oder V .adpf, .(ur_re/uprt) ui:.o.ruor
`.ueJto uetpuf JLll olut Burl)Jlold ptpur Io lulod
`JLp qlrm a^rsuJlxaor l4unoc y .(, zoi_e, u^61)'sbr. o. tu'oe
`Etrl{Y gS JJo ueIO uerpuJ eqr ur'spuBlsi drouoi
`l: ":{61_ 1!
`rruerJ uror; aruopuadapuur!,| prrepip'spu,i1
`sll urelJr ot paror .dnor3 aqr 1o rsa8rel eqt',arto"lew u8noq:
`'266'gvt .dod,.ruoro4 .de1 .llolulal qJueJJ I 5p SntErs
`._ -..r.,:r.o:,:"-o, r Burrell ..rog .tpp (treu tglj 5s6ur.m
`of srw 'sd(uol .6ur.quol .pddluo) .n.iur (d*qrf) ,ddroc
`t rvdwoJJv toJ uoqs | .ruaururduo::r zzpl' E- \etd
`leIJu rJlerqr e sE Llf,ns ,ButLlteuoS.lpwjo|u!.a
`troq5] .a8reqr;o aerg uonr8 .lo6o r r.
`L (dv:NmtrJWoJ:o3
`) .2 .uorueduo3 : y, q{r .adq:'
`'alalouo3 .S .pJlrduof .q .ralrduro: :uor:etrduor lp.i
`-soduoo uolrrsoduof :Jlrsoduol.I,lasoduoJ :Jsoduro-) .o
`.Bursr:dtuo3 .6 .p_unoauib3-.g roir -
`.1p, (/rled/ug{ _uorl ,lrlpd_u6l) rfJed.uior
`aptrJ.iurldnJJo .7 .asuap f:aqta8or pa>1:ed io palrun ltutu
`etlr or puq ;aHg .g .adl: slr Jo sJaqlo q:im-pa:eduor a:eds
`:i.Yo .p!lo.
`'rroL{s E 8ur^eq ro ,(q palreyrl .t .isrruor :rurocl
`^:tt:!- '6u!.ppd- .pa.trpd- rr:1ed_iui4r ., _ .#O,i
`aurssaJd Aq J{eu ol .e.Z .-raqta8ot {1urr; urbf ro sstrd oi .r
`'aurquoJ.:JreprJo(uoJ of .q .osoduor'tiaqro8or B[rurol ro
`or Jo JaqlJbot lllrlbQ pJssald Buuq Io JlqpdeJ aq ot .ttut _
`Alrso_a sl)Dduot lpqt a8oqtDB:pessard os auocao
`g:r"r:..]:l]!* p aururpruof, asEr llprus ! .1 .i,:19d1uo1]
`1"^1-1_q,tl]:1: "l!q"yolnE
`uV.Z.gnd rapnod e puerr;pnod
`'aterpJurerur rre ueqr reJlelus tnq rredruorqns e uBq: azi'rii
`rJqlebol tnd or,aDButdwo2 lo ,lted.d,snlsodwot.le-T > qWl
`.tuo:^- [ *-6ed Jas :uJ]sej ot 'ata7uod _ _w6t ,-uot :
`.4 ssau/lJpd.urol _ .npo [14ted
`'tsl] .rueua^of, e ro luauaer8e uy .z (r:>1gd1rug>1) ,fcBA.ruo:
`-woJ'-uo) | aeJ?e ol,1?s!7Dduo: to .Ued.d ,rnau ,wqiodwoD
`l.rcvd aes :aeJBE ot,1ts1tod. +
`-do llEus V z rslp trpduof, ro r,r4ed1u94j lsrp iJ;d.uloJ
`'Pepotua sr Jrsnur to elpp sE rlJns Jailpul qrrqn uo ysrp terr:
`1ueqs1>1ed_ue>Ji uorl.te<i.ruor
`b_uxduroJ to sserord rq1 .a
`.pa:reduor Bureq Jo etets au: to
`'4 (- i {pd / u9{'Jer / lEd-ureI) ta. ppd. [uoJ' ro Jol. red. ulo]
`r l'u s,{le^r r eJ)r or u r asnj rr r"rr.,;';:t"tj9'1o;t""rX;?atJXj
`-eouro)Jp orJA uosred V . I .4 (ue,{/uEd-_ue{r ruor. u?d. utoJ
`-ua uos:Jd V'Z .JpEruroJ p laqloue qr,^ sererrosse io s:iu
`J: ^rl9^_q;i",I]*e qlrM [e^er] ro 'qra J^rl ::irsse o: pa,{o1d
`'suol- '6ul.uo!- 'pauol- n tt - .Jleu E :s8urrli 1o ,", ,o ,,'"di
`> uotuzto4uo) !h{l .,{uedutoJ)p :ot uoruBduor B eqii
`')e-I : --uetug4uo)
`.gtu?dwot, .tB-lL > uou7todwot .tl.r
`['*-gd oes tpearq'sruDd :ej i -iot ,-wo: -
`V .tnpN .u (ue,t/upd_ueI) zuoi.upd.uJo,
`rtlr 6ur^eH' l' ! p o (le 9-e+e A tuvd-ue>1) alq. e. u6t. u?d. uol
`-uoJ jo J^nscbbns .Z .IJpuJuJ :uorueduol poo8 e lo sarlienb
`.npo flq. e.uo! led.uo] _ .diqsuorued
`-len o rqr bur^ eH . | . I p v elu_e A t up d.uel) alp. uo!. ded. ur'oJ
`.alqelns :snoluoulpH .2 .uorueduor e Jo sar:r
`srJutJed Jrlt q:rqm ur a8errreru V., abellJptu alelolupduoj
`'tuasuot lenlnu lq JJlo^rp leu.uatplrq: ou jaeq or tjt8e
`IErJuEurJ s.JeLIto Jrlt to1 alqrsuodsa: uJqt lou aJE pup
`dr qsuo. errr aqj .a ( i drrrs-ue,{ / "rliH;;';u;"t'""*t'
`JSB)rlpls v' 1no7,1 u (, en-ue A/ urd_uel),{rirn. uor. ued.u'oJ
`-uoquo) \l aolJq pJrp lo surqeJ Jqt ol I)Jp e uojt Surpe:i
`.> alup4uo? n( otelosqo Jo uonprell€
`.qord ,uo1
`'puzpqwo) (ollap prauDt .JEllO > uoojJrots',auSoduot
`'rEl :,perrq qlra UJtEJ s8uyt 'utuojuos_ ::e1n ; frrued
`['lNoLWtroo aes lpe5rq ,sluSd .ti1 +" -wo, ,-*i,'
`.suosred ro-dnort y .I .sa!u_ .1d,.a /au_ed1un4) i{u.;d.ut]o3
`'stsJn; ro rsJnB ,V
`.q .sJterJosse ro suoruriluor s-ou6 :i.7
`:.u.:-t-tjuj."q. V 'e'E drqsuorupduor llpueirl-;o-arets eq1 .l
`Jou srJulr?d lo JJulled y.q.urrt B itiudr:r
`l"f,rsnu lo rrlpuelp Jo odnol y .7 .opq s.urr; e u, parireu
`-leq to luJurbJJ IrEllru B Jo uorsrlrpqnc y .e.g ,sraiuo.Jr'od
`".i^.q"^y .lii::i!,,"rnurupE 1\raol oq: sarnirrsuo: reqr uo,i"r
`",oltls V'9 srJrlNrJJJrj Jo lrun V .q .suooteld oru rieot rB ro
`'n it - 'unou allpalloJ :r arop aBesp raq ..rarrljo pur ^jrr
`3t\l 'qrla J.)Er)ossE Jo lueduoJrp o1 .seru_;6ur.iu_ .oalu-
`uo)+ > Dru04uoJ* .rBln I auEpduot.t79 2 atutojwos
`[.r roNvawof, aoq .uorueduor .orard
`-sruuof, V u (,ppt8-au-ed1w[{) raqJ4o epb.r6_iir.id.urm
`-nJrl tslrl 'tupuatnJrl puo)as Jo luer aqt Burleq jJ)rjto pauors
`Jurp!\l Jo.a)lo3 JtV.A*JV.S.n rq: ut uretder r",,'#;3
`-rpouo) Jo Eurlrrupv .1 /pz (1eq-ered7uo1rj,X;;r.':g;H3l
`1:i]:ii".?r-r" relrurs.z.\rarlo ro rJrlroup rlra uosr
`:y9-t391_, ssau. atq. pr. pd I ruor .,t1. r, J1q. er.K,lll;y
`plaq sqol teql ?urplor{ &oaqr'y .z qi.rorri alqe.redubc
`+. l:: {l tsalqr pPq sqor sp JuEs ,q, ,;;"1',T:'ri';,t"iiT
`rrll s^oldur orla uosrad y .r ltsp-elrqit_ue)i) tsrl.P.lpd.(uol
`-ruoJ.'an4otpduo2 2 alt\otoQuot .lJl .poqteu orileleduor
`[ ]wdwoa aJS .Jlpduror ot .latodwo) > arrlrred
`'uo Prseq'or, SulrEleu' |' ! p D | \l0-e t r pd'weI) o^rl. p.lpd. ulot
`-pJer :uosueduoJ lg pareurl.3 .2 .uoirreduor Bulntoiur rb
`-Jp rlElpJurelur aLlr Suroq :o .or Buirellr ,q6 .*at1 lg .anr1
`'lnJDpuom atow )o rallaq se,soarujlpe 1o uosrreduo: r<i r:rg
`erJt or bu0Elal ro gg .e .far7 ,tr .[.11|o's atow se .sqrJ^De ro
`1o uosueduo: lef,r8otod 0 ,i,uorqru,ti
`-JJ Jo J-O
`.q .sa8en8uel
`.uor e uor3 pJpuJ)sJp so8en€uel;o uoir:rduo: aur or Burrer
`uV 'Z 'JUbJp oarreteduol eql-,L woj, .a _ .ro.lsa:ue uoru
`q, s u, r, rrff*'. ^i:3lil; "lJt3; $r1? ,,;
`: :: r.s_"
`L _i: t_, - "
`d. o,
`sa;enbuEl 1o uosueduo3 ,y .Buq .u poqiarir a,tti.rBiuro:
`u-ou_rcr E uo{ luarsrp rreqr Buiqsrlqe:sa;o i-"oE ,q: qr,^
`]:..:ll 9^ 'srurJqdr ou .so uauoqd ;o uos r: eduo3 .Z .rolsar qE
`tllra sa8en8uel parelar ,{llerrraua8 u, .uo,trnrtsuo3 ,itr"tul',
`j, ::', J:r"r';j
`-x JI ro f, puru ErB, uarsrs pu n os
`-rJe^ Jo ruv .4 (_e/JEd_ue{,rer,9j_ed1ur<i11 Jol.pJ.pd.[uoJ
`ue Jo ,l.lradojd pJrnspJu e Surriduor rbt sruauinrtrur i,io
`'PjepuEls c-rllta,ssJulqSljq :o.toloc,edeqs str se qrns,t:aloo
`oI' |' t | -'saJpd- .6u!.1?d-,piled_ .n ( /rEd_ueI) O.rid. uro:
`'ul{Jl :rnobolpup.:o_.1rnba ,Jplrrurs- sE aq,::.ap ;o ,apri,o5
`:.::.1:r.1llpj. srnuplurrs €ql arou or Jap:o il Ju,uexl o] 12
`:]ll:l]:11: r" .erup:eduror .arrrrsod aqr -rcj o1 *ir9.g lo
`to ^rluod ?9 oI.l.ttut_ .(qrJ^pp Jo a^U)afpe up) Io oe:Bap
`'a - ,'suosueduol aelp of .Z .uosnedurorieaq :uosueduol
`'sEJpr abuErJJxe o.L .salou olpduoJ .uo.lpl _ tuosrredwo-)
`> ntodwot 't4g > uatoduot gl,r{l .suo,uido - .i^"^
`rJs :lpnbr .)pd + -wor'-*", , ,!"iii)"fi;Yit;r,Li:So\"j,
`oJ uolrrsod)rd eqt s;1er ,{11ensn apj.uoj :g7gll'gfein
`_Jqt SurqlrJsap ;o ltrnr:re aqr or srjlot ;r uoqm
`)auuns o o1 uq patoduot,H :s8uRlr ailrJuir uaemraq
`elrf- ost dururuexJ Jo tJE Jqr ol sJJlaJ l uayi qym sa\i1
`:L* .^r::tl],it-r]p - senuplrurs rregl uref,srp oi rap;o ur sirirqr
`Ya\^'leulBlto aqi. qilfl atntrtuSts pa3rc] aq| panduoc atuod
`qilm 4'Jeqtoue qtra (auo) ua{rT ot,, ueau ot pasn u atbj.wot
`a!-!:q,lxlll loqr:ruro.l: perrof, arp PerePrsuor llleubrrrpe:r si
`)ng'pmal snou/oua srqt tot tou) qim p)todwil ,q oipu i,
`'lJarlorur tou sl.pue txJluoJ snlt ur pesn ,{Duonbart sr or
`lues_1rred_ue>i1 uos.!.Jpd.uol
`EuuEduof, Jo lJe eLll .e.l .z
`lo ssjrbrci'alr 1o
`JrEurlsJ ro ruJuerB)s y .q .pareduoo €lrlq
`lPlruts Surrq;o ,{:rlenb eqI .Z .seJueJJIlrp pup saurjelrurs lo
`omt aqt uaaflpq uosupduo) ori :ssauilrl ::uile.irnb! rcl
`-)alpe up Jo uonJeuur Jo uoltpf,rJrporu )\l .Mutl .F .sdooa
`-ns_ pu? 'elneredwoo .e rlrsod or{t alouep ol q:alpe :o ilrt
`s uostotuQruot .tgg s unoxtaduo, g1nq1 .sia:Bap altrelrad
`-u@ Io ,iled.d ,sntppdwo; > -uotqoto[uot ,otlotpduo)-lre-t
`f.rwawoc aa5 .atBdwol o1 ,atvtod
`-rp of .slred- .6u!.ued- .pa.lledl.a.ri (1ii9d_ue41 r.redjdrot
`> aituvduo) .lul > ilypduo.:.r e:o16sq6l .stied orur rprl
`ot'!t!ltod 'lel - -uo) <-Mo) .rp1 : ateys ol .ltrltvjwot :rc1\
`f (*"-e:ad oes :t:ed r '-uod 's/od ;') aprnrp
`ro strpo Jqr Jo auo .t a (ruerul:red_tuel) luoul.lJpd.u.lol
`'ruooJ JEiBdJs V .Z.pJpr^rpqns sr eJrp uB qrrqr orur so:eds
`.JJqueqJ lo .uotJJJs
`'sluaut- '6u!.luaul- .pa.lUOu- all-
`"r, J"rurr,1{;J:i"::
`1red, u-oT) le / luoru. llpd / ulo, -
`/ zr_ll / ueu_lrpd / us{) az!. Ipl. uout.lJed. uoJ
`(-/ ireo_ue{ .
`-re)'s!pd lJunsrp olur ereredos o1 .sa.Zg- .6Ul.Z1- ,p?4! .n.tt
`uo4/ pz. r. lpr/ ua.,. lred / .,,or -
`.rr"r-r"o*3 (:;t{X:rt;;:
`-ro13p ol pasn af,r^ep V 'p.l 'u (-tugi,sed;u44) ssed.uloJ
`-JJu JnJubEu e Jo !ur.lsrsuo) .nsn .uo[f,Jllp rrqder8oo8 :urur
`JnJubEU lLlt Llila pJuBlJe ltrun :olrd ol JJJ, sJlpaau lo Jlp
`'ss€cuo) orpBt E sE qf,ns.e1^Jp rJqtouv.q.rJlle3 lo plJri
`]oJ JJt^ep V .Z .uon)Jrrp :rqder8oaS Bururutatap ro; p:sn
`-Jrn<pJu iutlel lol pue SJJE reln)lJ lo seprr: Burqrrrsap
`jo tred i Jo Auurrsuo:'sruju
`;o euo's8a1 pa8urLl-pue.pi3u
`JJLlto eql punoje sto^rd tpLlt Je)Jeu E qlrM paddrnba sr qrru q
`-ro E :tuppunoq ro aurl Sutsopua uV .e.E BJI parurod-ireqs
`JJeqs pJtJutsri V .q .aJualalr,IlnJllJ
`tB suls JJS .JruetJlunf,
`'a/1,- 'EutpuebJJpun Jo se 'ado:s ro aSueX ,? .eerr ;o
`'alJJrf, :Jo^ltmJrJ e J)?u oI' ; .sa.ssed_,6u1.ssed_,passedl
`'PUaTJJJOUOJ :puElslepun oI .g .eTf,lrJuJ :punoltns of .z
`'qfPal Jp suAS aJS 'rlsllduoJ)r :lno SutfuJeJ ut pJJJJn\ oJ .t
`-ern;UuoJ pJ^lnr p ButujoJ ,1 lpv_ told:JuJql< ol .S
`'svduot Jl l.saopur{ soq Jo pJsn .tr1n:rrrrua5 .2 .uorr
`'tElA > elns€eu ot,nsspduot > .tCO > ssrduot .olerrc
`'snssoq le1 + -woJ.-uo).Jel : JJo iled ot.afissodwo),
`Ipo alq.E.ssed/uof- [.r ubd eJs :dals
`aqr Surl;rec lsrp lpJnf,Jrtr Surtorrd ,(1aar; V .u pJeJ ss?duloJ
`xslp pEduoc
`sseduoJ IeuourelrC
`led E
`foq ro
`lno no
`,(?d E
`xo^ol o-9 aJ?l lg
`lolq o9 raqlel P
`ml r^r lod ?
`oq ?
`a0Jn rg
`tld I
`ulql qr
`atd !
`sttn qt
`Jald {
`Lllu{/$ aq
`lod g
`uorsrn qz
`aol I
`'1n0q? e
`MEd g
`:$lJ9U SSallS
`l(drEuud) /
`ur s"'(dJEpuoles) /
`(pi r?u-eqs/{Ip) tu€uoll]rp