`i Meeting the Challenges
`s of Motherin Your
`Unborn an
`Newborn Baby
`by Gail Sforzzi Brewer
`and lanice Presser Greene
`_ g“ I‘
`uthor of The Pregnancy-After-30 Workbook
`Petitioner Ex. 1028 Page gm‘
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`Petitioner Ex. 1028 Page 1
`Meeting the Challenges of Mothering Your nborn and Newborn Baby
`by Gail Sforza Brewer
`Author of The Pregnancy—After~30 Workbook
`and Janice Presser Greene
`Book design by Barbara Field
`Photography by Suellen Perold
`Illustrations by Jean Gardner
`Bodale Press Emmaus, Pa.
`Petitioner Ex. 1023 Page :2
`Petitioner Ex. 1028 Page 2
`Copyright © 1981 by Gail Sforza Brewer and Janice Presser" Greene
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or trans-
`mitted in any form or by auy means, electronic or mechanical, iucluding
`photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without
`the written permission of the publisher.
`Additional photography by Marjorie Pyle, R.N.C., pages 44, 76, 77 (bottom left
`and right), 78 (top left and right), 107, 111, 113, 114 (top), and 116 (top) and by
`Eric Brewer, page 75.
`Additional illustrations by Mary K. West, pages 131, 133, 137, 167, and 180.
`Copy editing by Felicia D. Knerr
`Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper containing a high
`percentage of de—inl<ed fiber.
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Brewer, Gail Sforza.
`Right from the start.
`Bibliography: p.
`Includes index.
`3. Childbirth.
`2. Prenatal care.
`1. Pregnancy.
`4. Infants (Newborn)—Care and hygiene. I. Greene,
`Janice Presser, joint author. 11. Title.
`ISBN 0—87857—273-2 paperback
`8 10 9 7
` Petitioner E_x_._ -_1'
`Petitioner Ex. 1028 Page 3
`AwickGuide for Starting Right
`. .. .
`. ..
`. ..
`Baby carriers
`Baby nurse .
`Baths .
`sponge bath, how to give .
`baths, family style" .
`Bowel movements
`Burping .
`Car seats
`Cflothing .
`Colic .
`Constipation .
`Convulsions. See Fever and convulsions
`Coughing, choking, and gagging .
`Cradle cap. See Scalp
`Crying .
`Diapers .
`. The great American diaper controversy .
`how ‘to change .
`.. .
`Diarrhea .
`. ..i .
`. ... _
`. ...... .
`. ....
`. .. .
`. ..
`. ..
`Ears .
`Eyes .
`Fever and convulsions
`. .._ .
`. ... .
`. ..
`Fontanels (soft Spots) .
`Going out with baby .
`Hands .
`Head control
`Helpers .
`Hernia. See Navel
`Housework .
` Right from the Start
`Petitioner Ex. 1028 Pa'g_'
`Petitioner Ex. 1028 Page 4
`. .. .
`. .' .
`.- .
`. ..
`. ..
`Laundry .
`Lotions, oils, and creams
`Lovemaking .
`Massage, infant
`Nails, how to cut .
`Naps, mother and baby .
`Noise .
`Nose .
`Pacifiers .
`Pediatrician, how to call
`Penis, care of, uncircumcised .
`circumcised .
`Photographing baby .
`Picking up baby .
`Playing with baby .
`Powders .
`Rashes, spots, and sores .
`Receiving blankets .
`Rocking chair .
`Rubber pants ...... .
`Safety pins
`Scalp .
`Shampoo. 8.93 Baths
`Siblings, as helpers .
`. .' .
`Sleeping arrangements .
`Sleeping patterns .
`Smiles .
`Storage and changing area .
`Sunbath .
`Temperature, how to take .
`room .
`Thrush .
`Twins .. . It goes double!
`Urine .
`Vulva, care of .
`Walks .
`Water, need for
`Weight gain .
`. ... .
`Baby Carriers
`Baby carriers are a time—honored way of keep-
`ing mother and baby together by making baby
`portable, yet allowing mother’s hands to be free for
`whatever other work she is doing. Different styles
`can be found all around the world, but the basic
`feature, a slinglike support for baby attached in
`some way to the mother,
`is nniversal. Whether
`your family originated in Italy or Guatemala,
`Nigeria or Polynesia, Alaska or Bolivia,
`existed some form ofbaby carrier. The reason is
`simple: women had too much else to do tojust stay
`home and mind the children. There was bread to
`be baked in the community oven, clothes to be
`washed in the river, land t_o be farmed, meals to be
`prepared, goods to be readied and taken to the
`village market, ceremonies to be attended. Chil-
`dren, down to the very smallest, were part ofthese
`life activities by virtue of being taken there by
`their mothers.
`Petitioner Ex. 1028 Page 5
`Petitioner Ex. 1028 Page 5
`Though today's activities may have changed
`somewhat, women are still busy outside the home,
`and the baby carrier facilitates our ongoing com-
`munity involvement. It also gives the cbild a
`chance to ‘have matchless sensory stimulation
`while at the same time enjoying the closeness and
`security of mother,
`father, or another person.
`Nurses at the Denver Children’s Hospital, for in-
`stance, wear the babies in their care rather than
`tend them in cribs whenever the mother is unable
`_ carrier,
`‘ North
`Right from the Start
`up alone. Yes, the baby does get a certain amount
`of stimulation (more than lying in a crib,
`exampie) when riding in a stroller or carriage, but
`the human body contact is lost when these devices
`are used. This contact, as ecologist Iean Liedloff
`and others maintain, is essential during the phase
`of development she terms the “in arms” period,
`roughly from birth until the baby can crawl away
`from mother under his or her own steam.
`Numerous brands of baby carriers are avail-
`able commercially today, even in department
`stores. This was not the case when we began hav-
`ing babies ten years ago. We had to make our own.
`The best buy (at half the cost of the best-known
`brand): Andrea’s Baby Pack, unbeaten for versatil-
`ity, ' quality workmanship, and comfort. If your
`local store doesn’t carry it, you can order by mail.
`(See Directory.) Used carriers are often available
`through thrift shops or mothers’ exchanges. (Check
`your local childbirth/mothers’ groups.)
`Baby Nurse
`Just what you don’t need after giving birth.
`The ultimate intervention in mother-baby interac-
`tion. You need someone to take care ofyou, while
`you take care of the baby. The best person for this,
`if you have a good relationship,
`is your own
`mother. Next best, some other relative. Hiring a
`nurse to come into your home and look after baby
`only stalls the moment of truth: the day she leaves
`and you’re on your own with baby (with part of
`your maternal fine tuning already disabled by the
`lack of Contact with your baby over the past few
`days or weeks). An extended period of hired help
`may be necessary for the mother who’s had a Cesa-
`rean, but it’s household help that’s needed—not
`someone to take over your child.
`The major complaint of women who have em-
`ployed baby nurses: they often insist on doing
`things their way-—even to the point of disparaging
`remarks about breastfeeding (feeding the baby is
`part of what you’re paying them for), complaints
`about the food served (they expect you to provide
`the meals), enforcing a reign of absolute silence in
`the house (baby must sleep), and criticizing every-
`thing about baby’s room (this pitfall commonly
`leads an exhausted mother to hire a nurse in the
`first place). Who needs this sort of aggravation and
`invasion of privacy?
`Petitioner Ex. 1023 Page.-:6
`Petitioner Ex. 1028 Page 6
` mother, baby, and those close to them. Action plans,
`tips, checklists, and charts abound.
`0 A special diet for pregnancy
`0 Checklists for choosing the right doctor—and the
`right hospital
`0 Labor and delivery procedures common to most
`hospitals described and evaluated, with infor-
`mation on the proper ways to refuse unwanted
`0 Special information on twins in pregnancy, deliv-
`ery, and postnatal care
`0 Plans for making the first months at home as easy
`and fulfilling as possible for the whole family
`0 90 photographs and 37illustrationS
`0 More than 100 lists, charts, and tables that pro-
`vide valuable information, such as:
`— a corresponding chart showing the sensa-
`tions mother and baby experience during
`— simple meal plan for nursing mothers
`—mother’s layette
`— 7 ways to get help for your sick baby in a
`— The Rock—Bottom, Totally Basic List of Ab-
`solutely-Must-Have Baby Things
`— pros and cons concerning circumcision
`— 8 ways to make time for baby’s care
`About the Authors:
`Gail Sforza Brewer is the author of The Preg-
`nancy—After—3O Workbook and What Every Pregnant
`Womcm Should Know: The Ttuth About Diets and
`Drugs in Pregnancy. She is the Director of Teacher
`Services for the International Childbirth Educa-
`tion Association, mother of four and wife of obste-
`trician Tom Brewer, M.D., well known for his work
`in the field of nutrition in pregnancy. Ms. Brewer
`comes into contact with thousands of expectant
`and new mothers each year through classes, semi-
`nars, personal appearances, and a national preg-
`nancy hot line sponsored by SPUN (Society for the
`Protection of the Unborn through Nutrition).
`Janice Greene, a graduate of Columbia Univer-
`sity School of Nursing, is a candidate for a Ph.D.
`degree in biophysiology. A former staffnurse in the
`newborn nursery at Iarnaica Hospital, Queens, New
`York, she is the mother of two children.
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`challenges t|!:'m_.,,, . nm...,,.~»
`ISBN O-87857-273-2
` rmz the
`How did women of a hundred years ago ever do
`it? How did they manage pregnancy and childbirth
`without diuretics, amniocentesis, fetal rnonitors,
`twilight sleep, forceps delivery, and all the rest?
`“Better, lots better"—say the authors of Right
`from the Start. During the thousands of years
`women were having babies without hospitals—or
`doctors—they went through this most natural of
`experiences in a natural way. Instinctively, they
`knew that mothering begins at conception, not
`birth. There was a graceful, individual accommo-
`dation to the changes pregnancy brought to a
`woman’s body—more food, more exercise, then,
`eventually more rest. And when the time came,
`human birth was no more complicated than the
`birth of any other healthy mammal. Nurturing the
`infant with the mothers natural food supply was
`equally simple.
`Far from being just another book about baby
`care, this book shows how popular advice often
`interferes with the kind of mothering babies need
`for optimum growth and development—and how
`that advice creates extra work to boot! However,
`mothers who share this View must be prepared to
`deal with resistance from establishment obstetri-
`cians, hospital personnel, and well—meaning
`friends. This book provides the information and
`support these women need by analyzing every
`stage of pregnancy, childbirth, and the much-mis-
`understood first month after birth, and identifying
`unnecessary medical and social practices that usurp
`the mothefs role. Here are proven strategies for
`creating healthy, harmonious relationships, among
`Cover design by Barbara Field
`Cover photo by Carl Doney
`Petitioner Ex. 1028 Page 7
`Petitioner Ex. 1028 Page 7