`United States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,484,257 B1
`Nov. 19, 2002
`(76) Inventor: Alonzo Ellis, 335 Elan Village La., San
`Jose, CA (US) 95134
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U‘SC' 154(k)) by 0 days‘
`(21) APPL N05 09/259,885
`(22) Filed:
`Feb 27’ 1999
`(51) Int. Cl.7 .......................... .. H04K 1/ 10; H04L 9/08;
`H04L 9/12; H04L 5/20
`(52) US. Cl. ....................... .. 713/153; 713/201; 380/33;
`380/34; 380/279
`(58) Field of Search ............................... .. 713/ 153, 201;
`380/33, 34, 37, 38, 279; 370/325, 326,
`343, 480; 375/240; 455 /59, 61
`References Cited
`6,195,751 B1 * 2/2001 Caronni et al. ........... .. 713/163
`* Cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner—Justin T. Darrow
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Michael Hetherington;
`Woodside Intellectual Property LaW Group
`sefslcgtrll dlsmbuted arihit-ecmlre hprlclwldes E1 sojtwgi?
`0 6 major compu a-lonaAc a -enge-S ace -W1
`so u
`PIOVI' mg secure communication.
`registration entity is
`identi?ed as the session arbitrator through Which N devices
`on a netWork dynamically participate in establishing, main
`taining and destroying cryptographic sessions. Session keys
`are generated by one or more devices registered With the
`registration server. Multiparty key agreement is used to pass
`session keys to all parties involved in the encrypted session.
`All sessions appear to be local to the arbitration server,
`hoWever individual session are maintained by several
`devices operating as a collective. Encrypted stream parti
`tiOning and Computational resource allocation to decrypt the
`individual partitions in such Way as to ensure system sta
`bility With increasing session demands is introduced in the
`architecture. This provides a cryptographic system architec
`ture With encryption/decryption processing poWer limited
`only by the number of participants in the collective and
`netWork bandWidth or latency.
`5,966,442 A * 10/1999 Sachdev .................... .. 380/10
`6,134,225 A * 10/2000 Pham et a1. .............. .. 370/316
`10 Claims, 15 Drawing Sheets
`Bandwidth Slicing Block Diagram
`Point to Multi-Point to Point Model
`8 agent model shown (can be extended to N agents)
`ernege'vtgzl Packets
`crypted ~1'2'3'4‘
`Packets 2
`Packets 3
`11213147 decrypted
` m pted
`pac ets
`5’ '
`’ L
`760 Q
`*Packets 9-N
`follow round
`robin algorithm
`7,8 \
`IBM / Softlayer v. ZitoVault
`Ex. 1001 / Page 1 of 24

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 2002
`Sheet 1 0f 15
`US 6,484,257 B1
`Test 1 Configuration
`Destination C|ient2
`Destination C|ient1
`Bot?eNeCk '
`(Decrypts Traf?c then
`forwards to client)
`Main Server
`Fig. 1
`Ex. 1001 / Page 2 of 24

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 2002
`Sheet 2 0f 15
`US 6,484,257 B1
`CryptoScaie Test
`225 Q
`230 Q
`Q Agent
`Destination Ciient2
`Destination Clienti
`No BottleNeck
`Main Server
`Fig. 2
`Ex. 1001 / Page 3 of 24

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 2002
`Sheet 3 of 15
`US 6,484,257 B1
`Agenti interface and environment
`Incoming packet (input)
`Outgoing packet
`discarded packet (decision)
`Outgoing control request (send)
`Incoming control response ( receive)
`Fig. 3
`Ex. 1001 / Page 4 of 24

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 2002
`Sheet 4 of 15
`US 6,484,257 B1
`4022 "'3'" Serve’
`Entit IEventDia ram
`410 "
`Control/Setup information
`415 \
`j initializationAcknowledgment
`-- -
`Agent Notification of new Client _/425
`Accept or deny client based
`on avai'able resources
`Control/Setup !nformat|on
`Agents Assignment ’
`Initialization Acknowledgment
`I Ready
`Control Message/Begin
`Tunnels encrypted packets
`to Main Server
`455'\ Fonivards packets to Agents
`Processes packets
`Tunnels encrypted packets
`to Main Server
`Forwards packets to Agents'
`Processes packets
`470 —\
`Control/Comp etion Message Sent/Connection Closed
`480 j Ack/ Connection Closed
`Ex. 1001 / Page 5 of 24

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 2002
`Sheet 5 0f 15
`US 6,484,257 B1
`Ex. 1001 / Page 6 of 24

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 2002
`Sheet 6 0f 15
`US 6,484,257 B1
`mm .5
`3mm /\
`96%? 2 e 858 t @258;
`cozméwwu E5 6: E Em? 2&5 .:
`f 222 \L
`Ex. 1001 / Page 7 of 24

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 2002
`Sheet 7 0f 15
`US 6,484,257 B1
`tlNctient traffittz on each
`Backbone Router 1GBPS DES % lPSec Tunnel
`agent ip table
`: unnrm :
`Gateway Server
`Master ip table
`Agent 2
`Agent 3
`0 O 0 O O 0 0 IE
`Intelligént Hub
`agent ip table
`Agent N
`- Frg. 6
`Ex. 1001 / Page 8 of 24

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 2002
`Sheet 8 of 15
`US 6,484,257 B1
` z-m293%02wm/E?J3w293$20%QRx29_omn_NNmmxomm/.J3.3Ze_om.n_w.$.m
`Ex. 1001 / Page 9 of 24
`Ex. 1001 / Page 9 of 24

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 2002
`Sheet 9 0f 15
`US 6,484,257 B1
`/ 96 LTYP s30
`3” ‘é‘EASESL'?S
`__§EE FIG- 10
`Y% 834
`I /
`Yes 824
`‘I /
`Y T
`Fig 8
`Ex. 1001 / Page 10 of 24

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 2002
`Sheet 10 0f 15
`US 6,484,257 B1
`525 NO
`Fig. 9
`Ex. 1001 / Page 11 of 24

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 2002
`Sheet 11 0f 15
`US 6,484,257 B1
`— No——>
`N ---Ye3-——> REDIRECTIO
`Fig. 10
`Ex. 1001 / Page 12 of 24

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 2002
`Sheet 12 0f 15
`US 6,484,257 B1
`N° —’
`SEE FIG. 12
`N0 __+
`N _
`‘A cL'ENT’é‘ég'éEE'éTs'cAT'oN
`H 1 1
`g I
`Ex. 1001 / Page 13 of 24

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 2002
`Sheet 13 0f 15
`US 6,484,257 B1
`l /
`1235 No
`Fig. 12
`Ex. 1001 / Page 14 of 24

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 2002
`Sheet 14 0f 15
`US 6,484,257 B1
`A Composition Restrictions
`5 Agenti
`_‘ '
`\ @ Agents int n fun '
`don't rely
`‘ '
`System Behavior Cannot Be
`Internal Trace
`KA OutputAgentk
`:l —>
`@ & Q9
`/\ OutputTrace
`Ex. 1001 / Page 15 of 24

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 2002
`Sheet 15 0f 15
`US 6,484,257 B1
`AHTOgéTA @493)
`HQ @
`@ ATO “‘
`1 ‘EA “"
`uTo ‘
`Fig. 14
`Ex. 1001 / Page 16 of 24

`US 6,484,257 B1
`The ?eld of the present invention relates generally to the
`encryption and decryption of data conducted over a distrib
`uted computer netWork. In particular, the ?eld of the inven
`tion relates to a softWare architecture for conducting a
`plurality of cryptographic sessions managed over a distrib
`uted computing environment.
`An N session distributed architecture is described Which
`solves the problems encountered With providing a secure
`netWork. The present softWare solution boosts performance
`to previously unattainably high levels and provides a prac
`tical security solution capable of servicing N simultaneous
`cryptographic session using a distributed computing envi
`ronment Without additional encryption decryption hardWare
`at Wire-speed levels. An aspect of the invention provides a
`solution, Which overcomes the netWork bandWidth latency
`barriers to secure encryption. Another aspect of the inven
`tion provides a scalability solution to the problem of pro
`cessor saturation due to encryption decryption loads.
`There is a groWing need to provide for secure commerce
`on computer networks, Which does not require costly non
`scalable computational resources. Corporations noW have
`critical needs for ensuring the security of data that traverses
`their netWorks. Information Systems (IS) managers have
`attempted to cope With those needs by installing and man
`aging expensive hardWare to provide protection of data. In
`the case Where data must be transferred betWeen sites, IS
`managers can dictate their security needs to the telephone
`companies Who manage the transfer of data betWeen mul
`tiple sites. HoWever, there are several problems limiting the
`transfer of data networking. Such concerns are as folloWs:
`NetWork Availability (also knoWn as uptime);
`NetWork bandWidth (the amount of data that the overall
`netWork can handle over a particular time slice);
`Quality of Service: ensuring that pre-determined service
`levels, such as bandWidth congestion alloWances and
`netWork latency, are consistently met for all hosts
`connected to the netWork;
`Security: ensuring that sensitive data are protected as it
`traverses the netWork and those unauthoriZed parties do
`not compromise that data or the netWork itself.
`Monitoring/Auditing (the capability to verify that the
`above needs are being met and the ability to instantly detect
`and react to any deviation from preset expectations).
`When considering a neW technology that Will impact a
`netWork, an IS manager must address the foregoing issues.
`After these requirements are met, factors of cost and scal
`ability must be considered. IS managers are constantly
`looking for Ways to meet the above requirements While
`reducing the cost of supporting their netWork. Managing the
`cost of expanding a netWork to address increased bandWidth
`requirements of users is a major problem for IS managers
`Point-to-Point Encryption
`Point-to-point link level encryption has a disadvantage in
`that it is not scaleable. For example, there is a dramatic and
`non-linear cost difference in installing and maintaining a 128
`k Frame Relay link versus a 1.544M Frame Relay link. The
`cost problem is not limited to bandWidth, but rather is also
`greatly affected by the addition of neW groups of hosts as
`additional connection points. Related equipment also must
`be installed and maintained. Point-to-point encryption also
`has cost disadvantages. Point-to-point link level encryption
`is usually all or none meaning that all data both public and
`private are encrypted over this link. This additional overhead
`is acceptable in some cases but undesirable in others.
`Since link level encryption requires static routes to be
`created it does not integrate easily into the Internet
`paradigm, Which requires packets to be dynamically routed
`from point to point. A netWork layer (or higher) encryption
`solution is required in order to ?t easily into the frameWork
`of routable IP packets. Currently there exists a transport
`level security mechanism for application programs using
`SSLv3 (secure sockets layer). SSL Was developed in 1995
`When a universally recogniZed security mechanism at the IP
`layer did not exist. This has been the most commonly used
`protocol for providing secure applications.
`The three protocol capabilities of SSL include
`authentication, encryption and key exchange. In IPSec these
`are provided as separate protocols (AH, ESP and IKE).
`In SSL most of the communications protocol data is
`passed in plaintext, only the application header and actual
`data sent to the application is cryptographically protected.
`The encryption and integrity protection for the data and not
`the communications as in IPSec, Which protects both, are
`handled by the record protocol. The negotiation of neW
`crypto algorithms and keys is handled by the handshake
`protocol. Finally, any errors that have occurred are handled
`by the alert protocol. SSL maintains its security state based
`on the session associated With a particular set of host
`addresses and ports.
`SSL sessions are established in four steps. In Step 1 the
`sender sends a hello message to the receiver containing
`random data. In Step 2 the receiver sends the sender his/her
`public key embedded in a signed certi?cate. In step 3 the
`sender encrypts a shared secret key and a change cipher spec
`sWitch (to determine the proper cipher to use) With the
`receiver’s public key and sends it to the receiver. In step 4
`the receiver sends a reply using the shared secret key (after
`decrypting the info in step 3 With his private key) and a
`“?nished” message. Both sides noW can begin communica
`tions. Using the record protocol, all data that passes betWeen
`the tWo parties are encrypted and hashed and the recipient
`checks this hash upon decryption to make sure that the data
`have not been modi?ed in transit.
`The neWest version of SSL (3.0) supports RSA key
`exchange, Dif?e-Hellman anonymous or signed (the most
`common implementation is SKIP) and ForteZZa using SKIP
`JACK. TLS (Transport Level Security) and PCT (Private
`Communication Technology) by Microsoft are both varia
`tions on SSL that are vying for standards approval by the
`IETF. A major disadvantage of all versions of SSL is that
`SSL is ineffective against many of the neWer communica
`tions level (beloW transport level) attacks, Which are tech
`nically called SYN Flooding, Buffer Overruns and Traf?c
`IPSec is a conventional protocol for securing IP traffic as
`it traverses the Internet, an Extranet or any IP based local,
`metropolitan or Wide area netWork. IPSec can be incorpo
`rated With Ipv4 to provide security for host to host, host to
`subnet and subnet to subnet communications, Which are not
`available With SSL.
`Ex. 1001 / Page 17 of 24

`US 6,484,257 B1
`The objective for securing large corporate networks is to
`allow the proper insiders or outsiders to access corporate
`data transparently While keeping unintended parties from
`accessing the same data or denying service to those Who
`should be accessing the data. In the past, FireWalls have been
`used as a means for ?ltering incoming and outgoing traf?c.
`FireWalls have been combined With access servers to authen
`ticate parties before they are alloWed access to any resource
`inside or outside the ?reWall.
`FireWalls have evolved to include neW protocols that
`alloW them to safely transfer data betWeen themselves and
`another party over the Internet. This function is knoWn as
`creating a virtual private netWork (a private netWork over the
`public Internet).
`The IPSec protocol uses tWo underlying protocols to send
`data securely. IPSec adds tWo additional packet headers to a
`packet to handle each of the tWo protocols. The headers both
`contain a numerical value knoWn as the SPI (security
`parameters index) to identify the crypto keys and procedures
`to use With it. The ?rst header, AH (authentication header),
`provides integrity checking and keying information to keep
`attackers from computing alternate checksums that check
`correctly. The second header, ESP, encrypts the contents of
`the remainder of the packet.
`IPSec supports a number of algorithms for authentication
`and encryption. Examples are KeyedMD5 and SHA-l (for
`AH), DES, Triple DES, and RC4 (for ESP). In addition to
`this, IPSec automatically handles the creation of security
`associations betWeen hosts through key management.
`Manual keys can be used Which alloW hosts to be con
`?gured manually With the proper shared secret keys. More
`common is the use of Simple Key Interchange Protocol
`(SKIP) Which negotiates and exchanges session keys
`betWeen IPSec hosts. ISKAMP (Internet Security Associa
`tion and Key Management Protocol) is a general purpose
`protocol intended to manage security associations and man
`age key exchanges using Oakley or IKE. Tunneling is also
`used. In tunnel mode the ?nal destination IP header is
`encrypted and a gateWay IP header is added to alloW router
`to route the packet to the gateWay server. In transport mode
`the IP header is not encrypted.
`IPSec is meant to protect traf?c betWeen hosts. HoWever,
`With the Wide range of applications currently in use (email,
`broWsers, ?le transfer, remote terminal access, multimedia,
`database and so on) it becomes cumbersome to implement.
`IPSec provides an advantage over SSL because it can
`protect against the neWer protocol attacks such as SYN
`?ooding and buffer overruns. In the SYN ?ooding attack
`mentioned above IPSec Would block illegitimate SYN mes
`sages because they require a valid AH With a valid crypto
`graphic checksum. Attackers cannot generate numerous
`requests from random hosts because they cannot generate a
`valid AH for every such host. In the buffer overrun attack,
`the destination host Will discard any IP packets Which are not
`properly formatted for IPSec. That is, packets must come
`from a valid host and be properly formatted for TCP before
`TCP processes them, thereby protecting the host from this
`type of attack.
`Although SSL and IPSec can be combined to gain added
`protection and ?exibility, these systems fail to address the
`problems of increased cost of implementation and scalabil
`ity. Another major problem not addressed by SSL and IPSec
`is managing the cost of expanding a netWork to address
`increased bandWidth requirements of users.
`The introduction of constantly changing standards and
`encryption/decryption schemes has greatly increased the
`burden on computer resources to provide secure communi
`cation. The computational demands are currently being
`addressed With the addition of special encryption/decryption
`ASICs (Application Speci?c Integrated Circuits) or hard
`Ware. HoWever, as hosts are called, a doubling of hardWare
`must be added to meet demands from both source and sink
`A conventional attempt to address the above de?ciencies
`includes the use of hardWare to handle encryption and
`decryption of data traffic. HoWever, this is expensive and
`sloW in that it increases the computational burden on the
`CPU When encrypting and decrypting data. The hardWare
`approach also has a disadvantage in that it is not scaleable.
`Alternative softWare architectures have been tried and
`discarded. The conventional softWare point to point client
`server model cannot scale adequately. Increased demand for
`secure sessions can lead to system failure as processing
`resources become unavailable on either side. Employing a
`central server model has been tried and found inadequate.
`The central gateWay server in a distributed system environ
`ment becomes saturated With increased demand for decryp
`tion services. Tests Were done to compare the performance
`of a conventional centraliZed server architecture model, as in
`FIG. 1, against an invention architecture topology in FIG. 2.
`These con?guration performance tests and results are dis
`cussed infra
`Conventional distributed architecture is unable to manage
`the increase in secure session demand due to instability
`arising from uneven processor computational loads, propa
`gation delays and computer or netWork latency, all of Which
`cause loss in synchronicity With collective processors. For
`these reasons current solutions are inadequate to overcome
`the barriers mentioned above.
`Therefore, What is needed is a neW method for encryption/
`decryption Which is in?nitely scaleable in the number of
`simultaneous sessions capable of being processed by a
`What is also needed is an encryption/decryption system
`Which is in?nitely scaleable in terms of bandWidth betWeen
`clients and servers.
`What is also needed is an easily implemented softWare
`solution Which provides end-to-end encryption/decryption
`in a distributed netWork While increasing processing poWer
`Which eliminating latency as bandWidth increases.
`In accordance With the foregoing and other objectives, an
`aspect of the invention provides a distributed softWare
`solution for encryption/decryption Which is in?nitely scale
`able in the number of simultaneous sessions capable of
`being processed by a server and in terms of bandWidth
`betWeen clients and servers. Another aspect of the invention
`provides end-to-end encryption in a distributed netWork and
`combines the processing poWer of all computers connected
`to the system to enable bandWidth to be in?nitely scaleable
`and to reduce latency substantially to Zero.
`Another aspect of the invention provides a softWare
`architecture for encryption/decryption by partitioning the
`client traffic into units Which can be processed across a
`distributed netWork of hosts Without introducing netWork
`instabilities. A further aspect of the invention increases
`packets per second throughput and overcomes latency.
`Another aspect of the invention implements a mathematical
`method ensuring a stable partitioning and processing of
`encrypted traf?c to meet the increase in secure session
`In accordance With another aspect of the invention, the
`softWare architecture has three primary components:
`Ex. 1001 / Page 18 of 24

`US 6,484,257 B1
`Manager, Client and Agent. The manager software resides
`on a gateWay server and manages all aspects of controlling
`the system. Client, server, and agents are created on the
`manager. The manager controls client access levels. Certi?
`cate information is imported and stored by the manager or
`optionally generated by the manager. The manager does
`performance monitoring. The manger performs auditing.
`Network address translation is handled by the manager for
`tunneled traf?c from the client
`The client softWare resides on the desktop of internal
`hosts, the desktop/laptop of remote users and the desktops of
`remote of?ces. The Client softWare provides a simple GUI
`interface for clients to con?gure dial-up information and use
`either a dial-up connection or a netWork connection to the
`local VPN server.
`The agent softWare handles the negotiation of security
`keys, security associations and establishes the IPSec link
`betWeen itself and the server. Agent softWare can run as a
`stand alone process or exist as part of the client softWare.
`The agent softWare is responsible for encrypting and
`decrypting communication traffic as it arrives from the
`clients via the server. All of the agents operate as distributed
`system to share the load of the encryption and decryption
`over all of the agent CPUs.
`These and other aspects and advantages of the invention
`may be appreciated from the folloWing detailed description
`together With the draWings in Which:
`FIG. 1 shoWs a test con?guration for performance mea
`surements for a conventional netWork architecture;
`FIG. 2 shoWs a CryptoScale test con?guration for perfor
`mance measurements in accordance With an aspect of the
`FIG. 3 shoWs an agent interface and environment in
`accordance With an aspect of the invention;
`FIG. 4 shoWs an abbreviated entity/event diagram in
`accordance With an aspect of the invention;
`FIG. 5A shoWs a tunneling packet NetWork Layer Model
`decomposition in accordance With an aspect of the inven
`FIG. 5B shoWs a ?nal destination packet NetWork Layer
`Model decomposition in accordance With an aspect of the
`FIG. 6 shoWs a distributed netWork topology for the
`invention architecture in accordance With an aspect of the
`FIG. 7 shoWs discrete packet transport across a netWork
`in accordance With an aspect of the invention;
`FIG. 8 shoWs a ?oWchart of the invention main process in
`accordance With an aspect of the invention;
`FIG. 9 shoWs a ?oWchart of the authentication and
`registration process in accordance With an aspect of the
`FIG. 10 shoWs a ?oWchart of the client process in
`accordance With an aspect of the invention;
`FIG. 11 shoWs a ?oWchart of invoking agent methods
`connections process in accordance With an aspect of the
`FIG. 12 shoWs a ?oWchart for passing session connec
`tions in accordance With an aspect of the invention;
`FIG. 13 shoWs the automata composition restrictions in
`accordance With an aspect of the invention;
`FIG. 14 shoWs the overall relationship betWeen automata
`and the automaton in accordance With an aspect of the
`In accordance With an aspect of invention, the manager or
`main server, agent and client are all designed to operate
`transparently Within any distributed netWork Which uses an
`internet protocol (IP). Examples of such distributed net
`Works may employ Ethernet, Token Ring, Synchronous
`Optical NetWork (SONET), ATM, Gigabit Ethernet
`netWorks, or the like. They Will not disrupt netWork traf?c
`?oWing on the host machines or on the Wire. The invention
`uses client server and agent technology to establish end to
`end or “?nal mile” security links to the ?nal destination
`inside the business netWork.
`Manager InitialiZation
`Referring to FIG. 4, the manager Will load the policy ?le
`(or read it from the database) upon initialiZation. The IKE
`engine Will start on the server and receive setting informa
`tion from the server daemon based on What it has loaded
`from the policy ?le. Encryption/decryption settings Will be
`set, integrity checking settings Will be set, re-keying settings
`Will be set and access time information Will be set on the
`manager. At this point, the server (and IKE engine) Will
`establish a connection With the agents listed in the policy ?le
`and (after establishing a secure session) upload VPN rules
`(security associations, netWork address translation tables,
`etc) to the agent.
`Agent InitialiZation
`Referring to the event diagram in FIG. 4, upon initialiZa
`tion the agent performs an authenticated DH key exchange
`in order to establish a session key With the Manager. To
`prevent “man in the middle” attacks the agent’s and server’s
`certi?cates are attached to the messages exchanged (along
`With signatures and message digests to verify the certi?cates
`and to make sure the message is not modi?ed in transit) for
`session key negotiation. After a session key is established
`the manager sends the SA and vpn policy information to the
`agent and the IKE engines on the manager and agent
`exchanging keying information.
`Client InitialiZation/Authentication
`Upon initialiZation the client contacts the gateWay server
`and authenticates using RADIUS, TACACS+, a pre-shared
`passWord or X509 certi?cate. Once the client is
`authenticated, it negotiates the session key With the gateWay
`server. After the session key is established, the client doWn
`loads the VPN policy information from the server (security
`associations, netWork address translation tables, etc). With
`the VPN policy information established, the client’s IPSec
`engine begins communication With the gateWay server and
`ultimately With the ?nal destination.
`Cryptoscale is the invention architecture comprised of
`manager or main server, agents and clients to boost perfor
`mance to exceptional levels Without the use of additional
`hardWare. This technology alloWs softWare-based VPN
`solutions to perform at Wire-speed levels. The architecture is
`based on an asynchronous distributed model but provides
`critical key synchroniZation Within some components of the
`architecture. The system consists of separate components,
`agents that exist as atomic objects With Zero Wait states, that
`process data in an arbitrary order and at arbitrary relative
`speeds. Speci?c timing considerations are ignored With the
`exception of re-keying time constraints and IP time-to-live.
`The entire system is modeled as a ?nite state machine.
`Transitions in state are caused by an encryption/decryption
`computation (a DES CBC block for example) on an agent.
`There is a synchroni

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