`I had with Windows.”
`—Wes Thomas, Contributing Editor, I/Vindows Joumai on Irl/.-‘na‘ows 3 Secrets
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`infoWon'dWindows Coiumnist
`-Apple 1Po54i i
`U.S. Pat. 9,189,437
`Apple 1054
`U.S. Pat. 9,189,437
`Here's praise for the first edition ..................... I
`more undocumented features, tips,
`other Windows book. "
`& Brent Heslop, Computer Currents
`Managing Editor, Windows Shopper's Guide
`...£"",.a·~<, is a storehouse offacts and figures that will
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`Swan, PC Techniques
`is just too much great stuff here . ... Simply stated, this
`a must for serious programmers. "
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`"This is the most thorough, well-researched, and in-depth computer
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`"Windows 3 Secrets is full ofjuicy tidbits for real Windows users. I
`use it myself!"
`- Stewart Alsop, Editor-in-Chief, Info World
`Windows 3.1
`By Brian Livingston
`Info World Windows Columnist
`Foreword by Cheryl Currid
`President, Currid & Company
`IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
`An International Data Group Company
`San Mateo, California 94402
`Windows 3.1 SECRETS
`Published by
`lOG Books Worldwide, Inc.
`An International Data Group Company
`155 Bovet Road, Suite 610
`San Mateo, CA 94402
`Copyright ©1992 by Brian Livingston. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
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`never have been, were it notfor the inspiration I received from this
`book. Brian's book has been combed from cover to cover, for
`months. It is the book Ifall asleep reading. There may not be any
`end to the gold mine that lies within it. Every day I wonder how I
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`About the Author
`Brian Livingston, Info World Windows Columnist, is the president of Windows
`Consulting in the Seattle, Washington area, which specializes in converting
`companies from character-based to graphically based applications.
`Mr. Livingston has been involved with computers since 1968, when he first
`learned programming in Fortran N on the IBM 360 mainframe series.
`After working in mainframe environments, Mr. Livingston moved to the DEC
`VAX architecture. In this setting, he concentrated on developing minicom
`puter database applications for a variety of companies. He was responsible
`for the development of early electronic-funds transfer software, and accom
`plished one of the first successful merge-purge operations to combine voter
`registration lists with 1980 U.S. Census data.
`Most recently, Mr. Livingston has been responsible for projects using the
`Windows and Macintosh environments across networks. He has helped
`companies convert from DOS to a complete suite of Windows applications,
`as well as move from copper-based to fiber-optic networks.
`Mr. Livingston is a contributing editor to Info World and Systems Integration
`magazines, and a member of PC World's User Advisory Board. He was a
`member of the Board of Directors of the Microcomputer Managers Associa
`tion from 1987 to 1991, and chaired the Micro Standards Committee, spon
`sored by the MMA and others, for two years. Mr. Livingston frequently
`speaks at such events as Comdex, PC Expo, the Windows & OS/2 Conference,
`Unix Expo, and other industry conferences.
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`• • •
`\1 r-a phi C S
`U n I v e r Sit Y
`Contents at a Glance
`Chapter 1: Read This First ............................................................................. 1
`Section A: Windows -It Just Keeps Getting Better .................... 13
`: The Secrets of Windows 3.1 ...................................................... 15
`Chapter 2
`Chapter 3: The Secrets of True Type ........................................................... 39
`Section B: Optimizing Your Windows Start-Up ............................. 67
`Chapter 4: Customizing Your Windows Start-Up ....................................... 69
`Chapter 5: Secrets of the Windows Appiets ............................................. 119
`Chapter 6: Secrets of Windows Applications ............................................ 157
`: Secrets of DOS Under Windows .............................................. 205
`Chapter 7
`Chapter 8: Programming in WordBasic .................................................... 311
`Section C: Exploiting Your Hardware .......................................... 369
`Chapter 9: Computers ................................................................................ 371
`: Disk Drives ............................................................................. .421
`Chapter 10
`Chapter 11: Keyboards ............................................................................... 459
`Chapter 12: Mice & POinting Devices ........................................................ 487
`: Modems and Communications .............................................. 509
`Chapter 13
`: Networks ................................................................................. 531
`Chapter 14
`: Printers ................................................................................... 575
`Chapter 15
`Chapter 16: Video Boards & Monitors ...................................................... 619
`Section D: Configuring Your System ............................................ 651
`Chapter 17: Installing and Configuring Windows ..................................... 653
`Chapter 18: Using Memory Managers ....................................................... 685
`Chapter 19: Configuring DOS 5 for Windows ............................................ 711
`Chapter 20: The Windows *.INI Files ......................................................... 725
`Chapter 21: Converting Your Company to Windows ............................... 745
`Section E: Excellence in Windows Shareware ............................ 777
`The Best in Windows Shareware ............................................................... 779
`Appendix A: Windows Technical Support
`and CompuServe ...................................................... 929
`Appendix B: Windows Information Resources ........................... 933
`Index ................................................................................................... 937
`Complete Installation for the Windows 3.1 Secrets Disks ....... 989
`Table of Contents
`: Read This First .............................................................. 1
`Chapter 1
`How to Use This Book .................................................................................... 1
`Who This Book Is For ................................................................................. 2
`Differences Between Windows 3.1 and 3.0 ............................................... 3
`How Commands are Explained ................................................................. 3
`Windows Terms .........................................................................................4
`How to Find the Good Parts ........................................................................... 5
`The Icons .................................................................................................... 5
`The Book's Overall Structure .................................................................... 6
`Giving You the Best Explanation Possible .................................................... 9
`As Windows Evolves ...................................................................................... 9
`Why I'm Telling You All This ....................................................................... 10
`Where Are the Acknowledgments? ............................................................. 11
`Section A: Windows -
`It Just Keeps Getting Better .................... 13
`: The Secrets of Windows 3.1 ...................................... 15
`Chapter 2
`The Arrival of Windows 3.1 .......................................................................... 15
`What's New in Windows 3.1 .................................................................... 16
`New Features for Windows Applications .................................................... 17
`TrueType .................................................................................................. 17
`Object Linking and Embedding ............................................................... 17
`How OLE Works ................................................................................... 18
`OLE: DDE That Works .......................................................................... 18
`Better Dynamic Data Exchanges ............................................................. 19
`Drag-and-Drop .......................................................................................... 20
`The End of the UAE Message Box ........................................................... 21
`New Capabilities for Windows Applications ............................................... 22
`Self-loading Executables .......................................................................... 22
`TOOLHELP.DLL Improves Access to Windows 3.1 ................................ 22
`New Features of Windows Applets .............................................................. 23
`New Control Panel Configuration Choices ............................................. 24
`The New Windows 3.1 File Manager ....................................................... 25
`A SmartDrive That's a Little Smarter ...................................................... 27
`Help That's Really Helpful ....................................................................... 28
`Multimedia and Pen Windows ..................................................................... 28
`Better DOS than DOS .................................................................................... 29
`Networking .................................................................................................... 31
`__________________Table of Contents
`System Administration ................................................................................. 32
`Windows 3.1 Anomalies ............................................................................... 34
`Disk Compression TSRs ........................................................................... 34
`Virus Checkers ......................................................................................... 35
`Stupid DOS Tricks .................................................................................... 36
`Multiple Boot Configurations .................................................................. 36
`N/ A in Windows 3.1 ...................................................................................... 36
`Real Mode Becomes an Unreal Mode at Last ......................................... 37
`Missing in Action: The Windows Executive ........................................... 37
`Summary ....................................................................................................... 38
`Chapter 3: The Secrets of TrueType ........................................... 39
`The Arrival of TrueType for Windows ........................................................ 39
`True Type is Always There ..................................................................... .40
`Freedom From Screen Fonts and Printer Fonts .................................... .40
`The Emergence of the Metafile Format ................................................. .41
`Finally, a Way to Send Your Favorite Typeface ..................................... .41
`Giving TrueType Faces "Multiple Master" Capabilities ............................ .44
`Automatic Type Fitting ............................................................................ 44
`Embedding Your New Typeface .............................................................. 45
`Windows 3.1 Brings You a New Cast of Characters .................................. .46
`How TrueType Works on Your Screen and Printer .................................. .48
`Displaying TrueType on Monitors ......................................................... .49
`Printing TrueType on Dot-Matrix Printers ............................................ .49
`Printing TrueType on Laser Jet Printers ................................................. 50
`Printing TrueType on PostScript Printers .............................................. 51
`Differences Between PostScript and TrueType Faces ............................... 52
`TrueType Is Included in Windows; PostScript Isn't ............................... 53
`Postscript Is Built into Typesetters; TrueType Isn't .............................. 53
`TrueType Hints Are in the Font; PostScript's (Mostly) Aren't .............. 54
`TrueType and Type 1 Differ on Device Independence .........:'................ 55
`How Hinting Affects the Look of Your Type ............................................... 56
`Secrets of Arial and Times New Roman ...................................................... 59
`Beyond TrueType: Other Scaling Technologies ......................................... 62
`Making Your Own Faces .............................................................................. 65
`Summary ....................................................................................................... 66
`Section B: Optimizing Your Windows Start-Up ............................. 67
`Chapter 4: Customizing Your Windows Start-Up ....... ............... 69
`WIN.COM ....................................................................................................... 70
`Undocumented Ways to Start Windows ................................................. 70
`The Ingredients Inside WIN.COM ............................................................ 75
`Making Windows Display Your Own Logo ............................................. 77
`Windows 3.1 Secrets__________________
`The Windows 3.1 File Manager .................................................................... 81
`Configuring Your File Manager ................................................................ 82
`A Batch File for Starting Windows .......................................................... 84
`Program Manager ......................................................................................... 85
`Working with Program Manager as the Windows Shell ........................ 85
`Organizing the Program Manager Group Windows ............................... 89
`Using the Program Manager to Tune Your Memory .............................. 94
`More Program Manager Secrets ............................................................. 98
`Recorder ..................................................................................................... 100
`Undocumented Features for Making an Autoexec for Windows ........ 100
`Seeing the Events You've Recorded ..................................................... III
`Macros Won't Run Automatically from WIN.INI ................................... 112
`Making an Icon Run a Macro ................................................................. 112
`Working Around Macro Recording Limitations ................................... 114
`Recording Actions with the Keyboard Instead of a Mouse ................. 116
`Alternatives to the Recorder ................................................................. 117
`Summary ..................................................................................................... 118
`Chapter 5: Secrets of the Windows Applets ............................ 119
`File Manager ................................................................................................ 120
`Adding Your Own Pull-Down Menus to File Manager .......................... 120
`Using the File Manager's New, Smaller Fonts ....................................... 122
`Printing Directories from File Manager ................................................ 123
`AssOCiating Files with Any Number of Extensions ............................... 125
`Avoiding Problems That Make Directory Windows Unstable ............. 126
`Using File Manager's Folder Icons ......................................................... 128
`The Undocumented Way to Show All Directories ............................... 130
`A Quick Reference for File Manager ...................................................... 131
`The Windows Executive ............................................................................. 131
`Using the MS-DOS Executive as a Second Shell .................................... 131
`SysEdit ......................................................................................................... 136
`WinHelp ....................................................................................................... 138
`Your Free Hypertext Applet .................................................................. 138
`Other Applets ............................................................................................. 141
`Calculator .................................................................................................... 143
`The Case of the Missing 'Advanced' Features ...................................... 143
`Control Panel .............................................................................................. 145
`Shrinking Your Wallpaper ..................................................................... 145
`Colors and Patterns May be "Stuck" if Control File is Lost ................. 148
`Timeslicing May Allow Incorrect Values .............................................. 148
`Notepad ....................................................................................................... 149
`Determining Notepad's Maximum File Size .......................................... 149
`__________________ Table of Contents
`Paintbrush ................................................................................................... 150
`16-Color vs. 256-Color Bitmaps ............................................................. 150
`Replacing the PrintScreen Function ..................................................... 150
`Windows - Upgrade Information ............................................................. 153
`Version 3.0a Upgrade ............................................................................. 154
`Version 3.1 Upgrade ............................................................................... 155
`How to Upgrade ..................................................................................... 155
`Summary ..................................................................................................... 156
`Chapter 6: Secrets of Windows Applications .......................... 157
`Installing Windows Applications ............................................................... 158
`Don't Install Windows Apps into the Windows Directory ................... 158
`How to Separate an App from the Windows Directory ....................... 159
`Upgrading a Windows Application ....................................................... 161
`Upgrading to New Versions of Windows .............................................. 163
`Running Windows Applications ................................................................ 165
`How Shall I Start Thee? Let Me Count the Ways .................................. 165
`The Fastest Ways to Start Windows Applications ............................... 165
`Launching without Program Manager or File Manager ....................... 169
`Running Windows 2.x Apps Under Windows 3.x ................................. 170
`Running Windows 3.x and 2.x on the Same Computer ........................ 171
`Protecting Windows Applications ............................................................. 171
`The Best Add-Ins .................................................................................... 172
`Optimizing Windows Applications ............................................................ 174
`Improving Window