Apple 1015
`U.S. Pat. 6,470,399
`Apple 1015
`U.S. Pat. 6,470,399

`On the cover: Photomicrograph of crystals of vitamin B1.
`(Dennis Kunkel, University of Hawaii )
`Included in this Dictionary are definitions which have been published previously in the following works; P. B.
`Jordain, Condensed Computer Encyclopedia, Copyright © 1969 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. I.
`Markus, Electronics and Nucleonics Dictionary, 4th ed., Copyright © 1960, 1966, 1978 by McGraw—Hill, Inc.
`All rights reserved. J. Quick, Artists’ and Illustrators’ Encyclopedia, Copyright © 1969 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All
`rights reserved. Blakiston’s Gould Medical Dictionary, 3d ed., Copyright © 1956, 1972 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All
`rights reserved. T. Baumeister and L. S. Marks, eds., Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 7th ed.,
`Copyright © 1958, 1967 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved.
`In addition, material has been drawn from the following references: R. E. I-Iuschke, Glossary of Meteorology,
`American Meteorological Society, 1959; U.S. Air Force Glossary ofStandardized Terms, AF Manual 11-1, vol.
`1, 1972; Communications-Electronics Terminology, AF Manual 11-1, vol. 3, 1970; W. H. Allen, ed., Dictionary
`of Technical Terms for Aerospace Use, lst ed., National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1965; J. M.
`Gilliland, Solar-Terrestrial Physics: A Glossary ofTerms and Abbreviations, Royal Aircraft Establishment Tech-
`nical Report 67158, 1967; Glossary ofAir Trafiic Control Terms, Federal Aviation Agency; A Glossary ofRange
`Terminology, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, National Bureau of Standards, AD 467-424; A DOD
`Glossary ofMapping, Charting and Geodetic Terms, lst ed., Department of Defense, 1967; P. W. Thrush, comp.
`and ed., A Dictionary ofMining, Mineral, andRelated Terms, Bureau of Mines, 1968; Nuclear Terms: A Glossary,
`2d ed., Atomic Energy Commission; F. Casey, ed,, Compilation of Terms in Information Sciences Technology,
`Federal Council for Science and Technology, 1970; Glossary ofStinfo Terminology, Office ofAerospace Research,
`U.S. Air Force, 1963; Naval Dictionary ofElectronic, Technical, and Imperative Terms, Bureau of Naval Person-
`nel, 1962; ADP Glossary, Department of the Navy, NAVSO P-3097.
`Fifth Edition
`Copyright © 1994, 1989, 1984, 1978, 1976, 1974 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United
`States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication
`may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without
`the prior written permission of the publisher.
`ISBN 0-07-042333-4
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terrns/
`Sybil P. Parker, editor in chief..-—5th ed.
`ISBN O-O7-042333-4
`1. Science—Dictionaries.
`1. Parker, Sybil P.
`2. Technology——Dictionaries.
`Copyright © 1994. Exclusive rights by McGraw-Hill, Inc. for manufacture and export. This book cannot be re-
`exported from the country to which it is consigned by McGraw-Hill. The International Edition is not available in
`North America.
`When ordering this title, use ISBN 0-07-113584-7.

`Drawing of a microcercous
`cercaria showing small tail.
`(From R. M. Cable, An Illustrated
`Laboratory Manual of
`Parasitology, Burgess, 1958)
`buccalR mouth
`head organs
`vas deferens
`’ glands
`Ventral View of Heteraxinoides
`xanthophilis (Hargis), an
`ectoparasite of the spot fish
`(Leiostamus xanthurus).
`{ [mi-kr6-kam 'pyiid-
`minicomputer. Also known as micro.
`or )
`microcomputer development system [COMPUT sci] A
`complete microcomputer system that is used to test both the
`software and hardware of other microcomputer-based systems.
`{ jmi-kr6~kam‘ di'vel'9p-mont ,sis-tam ]
`mécroconsumer See decomposer.
`{ [nit-kr-:3--k9n'sii-mar }
`[ELECTR] A microcomputer, microproces-
`sor, or other equipment used for precise process control in data
`handling, communication, and manufacturing.
`k9n't:6l-or }
`microcopy [GRAPHICS] A photographic reproduction that is
`too small to be read without magnification.
`[ ‘mi-kr6,k'2ip-E }
`microcoquina [PETR] A clastic limestone composed wholly
`or pa1*;ially of cemented sand—size particles of shell detritus.
`{ lmi-kro-ka'ké-no }
`[INV zoo] A superfamily of ectoparasitic
`trematodes in the subclass Monogenea.
`e~9 }
`microcoulomb [ELEC] A unit of electric charge equal to one-
`millionth of a coulomb. Abbreviated ptC.
`{ {mi-kr6'kii,lam ]
`microcrack See microfissure.
`{ ‘mi-kro,krak }
`[CRYSTAL] Composed of or containing
`crystals that are visible only under the microscope.
`[ {mi-
`kr6'krist-al-an }
`microcrystalline wax [MATER] A petroleum wax containing
`small, indistinct crystals, and having a higher molecular weight,
`melting point, and viscosity than paraffin wax; used in laminated
`paper and electrical coil coating.
`{ [mi-kr5'krist-al-an 'waks }
`[VERT zoo] The equivalent name for Cyprino-
`{ ,mi-kr6-sa'pre,né}
`{ ‘mi-kro,sist }
`[MED] A very small cyst.
`microcyte [MED] A red blood cell whose diameter or mean
`corpuscular volume or both are more than two standard devia-
`tions below the normal mean. Also known as microerythro-
`'mi‘krs,sit }
`microcythemia [MED] Blood characterized by the presence
`of small red blood cells.
`{ [mi-kro-si‘thé-me-9 ]
`microcytic anemia
`[MED] Any form of anemia in which
`small erythrocytes occur in the blood.
`{ {mi-lcrajsid-ik 9'ne-
`me-9 }
`microcytosis [MED] A blood disorder characterized by a pre-
`ponderance of microcytes.
`,rn’i-kra-si'to-sas }
`microdactyly [MED] A condition of abnormal smallness of
`fingers or toes.
`,mi~kro‘dak~ts~lé ]
`[SPECT] Ahigh—sensitivity densitometer
`used in spectroscopy to detect spectrum lines too faint on a
`negative to be seen by the human eye.
`[ §mi-l<r6,den-s9'tam-
`ad-or }
`microdiagnostic program [COMPUT SCI] A microprogram
`that tests a specific hardware component, such as a bus or store
`location, for faults.
`[ {mi-kr6,di~9g'néis-tik ‘pro-gram ]
`[ENG] A type of diffusiometer in which
`diffusion is measured over microscopic distances, greatly re-
`ducing the time required for the measurement and the effects of
`Vibration and temperature changes.
`,mi-kr(')-d9'fyiiz'9r }
`microdisk [COMPUT sci] A small floppy disk with a diameter
`between 3 and 4 inches (7 and 10 centimeters), Also known
`as microfloppy disk.
`{ ‘mi~kr6,disk }
`[BIOL] Dissection under a microscope.
`{ :m‘i~kr6~di'sek'sh9n ]
`[PALEON] An extinct superfamily of gas-
`tropod mollusks in the order Aspidobranchia.
`mo'tas-é-9 ]
`microearthquake [GEOPHYS] An earthquake with a low in-
`tensity, usually less than 3 on the Richter scale. Also known
`as microquake.
`,mi-kr6’9i’th,kwaTtk }
`[PHYS CHEM] Electrolysis of small quan-
`tities of material.
`[ }mi~kr6-i,lek‘tral-a~sas ]
`microelectronic cércuitry See microcircuitry.
`i,lek'tran~ik 'sar-ks-tre ]
`[ELECTR] The technology of constructing
`circuits and devices in extremely small packages by various
`techniques. Also known as microminiaturization; microsystem
`{ {mi-kr6~i,lek‘tr’cin-iks }
`[ANALY CHEMJ Direct microscopic
`observation and measurement of the velocity of migration of
`ions or other charged bodies through a solution toward oppo-
`: mi'kr6-
` I pacitof
`1 d'stn'buted over a part of phase space
`A mulfiintil/iilhiri an infinitesimal range.
`_ .~ -
`3“ SaE:LbE9cT}R} Any very small capacitor used in
`usuauy consisting of a thin film of dielectric
`Klilled between electrodes.
`[ :mi-kro«ko'pas- ad-
`[CHEM ENG] A capsule with a plastic or wax-
`le V-mg a diameter anywhere from well below 1
`2000 micrometers.
`{ ‘mi-kr6,kap'sal }
`:._‘¥...= am over
`[GRAPHICS] A type of inicrotext, consisting of
`7.5 by 12.5 centimeters in size prepared
`gjlzrnlgiisimeter film, commonly at a reduction of 20
`' ‘Bio:
`'mi~kro kardl
`5_a3’W“' [£YTOL]
`IA micronucleus within a layer of cyto-
`{ ‘mi-kr9,sel }
`- mm [CYTOL] The centrosome, or a group of cen-
`‘ng as the dynamic center of a cell.
`( mi-
`flung‘ fimcllonl
`An individual with microcephaly.
` fi: 3[:1[-;D] The condition of having an abnormally
`had, with a circumference less than two standard devia-
`wow me mean,
`[ ,mi-kr6'sef-9-lé }
`[iNv zoo] Having short antennae.
`‘ mast
`us cercaria
`[INV zoo] A c_ercaria with a very
`‘broad tail.
`{ }mi~kro:sar-kas s9r‘kar<—e-9 }
`nnet plate
`[ELECTR] A plate that consists of ex-
`,§§]ynnallcylinder—shaped electron multipliers mounted side
`ads, to provide image intensification factors as high as
`; Also known as channel plate multiplier.
`mam-t-9'l'plfit I
`fiwlumistry [BIOCHEM] The chemistry of individual cells
`jidminme organisms.
`[CHEM] The study of chemical reac-
`g'n;,__itsiiig small quantities of materials, frequently less than 1
`or 1 milliliter, and often requiring special small ap-
`{ jmi-kro'kem-9-stré ]
`[VERT zoo] A suborder of the mammalian
`n7icrChiroptera composed of the insectivorous bats.
`|a‘nki‘ripta-rs }
`[i-i0RoL] A spring—driven, fast—moving
`deckcapable of indicating time intervals as small as l/2000 of
`miiiute; used as atiming device in micromotion studies.
`[ :mi~
`bll‘h’3'll§lT1‘9(l'9r }
`mvcircuitry [ELECTR] Electronic circuit structures that are
`utters of magnitude smaller and lighter than circuit structures
`yoduced by the most compact combinations of discrete com-
`punts.‘ Also known as microelectronic circuitry; micro-
`{ ‘mi-kro's9r~ka-tre }
`d:mclfi:u|ation [PH\lSl0] The flow of blood or lymph in the
`totals of the microcirculatory system.
`éztocirculatory system [ANAT] Those vessels of the blood
`flllymphatic systems which are visible only with a microscope.
`i?Im’Ki‘o'sarkye-la,tor-é ,sis-tam }
`fmclllnate [cLiMAroL] The local, rather uniform climate
`nkpzceliicfplace or habitat, compared with the climate of the
`0 which it is a pan.
`{ [mi-kr6'kli-met ]
`[CLIMATOL] The study of a microclimate,
`mmgthe Study ofprofiles oftemperature, moisture and wind
`lowest stratum of air, the effect of the vegetation and of
`_llS, and the modifying effect of towns and buildings.
`llnrkro *
`.kli'ma tal-age }
`[MINERAL] KAlSi3O8 A triclinic potassium—rich
`ally containing minor amounts of sodium; may be
`l1}l6,pale—yellow, brick-red, or green, and is generally
`fiaocnenled by crosshatch twinning.
`'mi'kra,klin }
`[INV zoo] Microsepta in certain anemones.
`"'1‘h'e.nem }
`[MICROBIU] A family of gram—positive
`_ emoorganotrophic organisms with respiratory or fer-
`VC metabolism.
`{ [mt-kro-kak'sas'e,e ]
`[_C0N_IPUT sci] A code that employs microinstruc—
`mordinarily used in programming.
`[ ‘mi-kr6,k6d }
`[ELECTR] A microprocessor combined with
`m the otheinterface devices, some type of external memory,
`“em _
`r elements required to form a working computer
`ill 15 Smaller, lower in cost, and usually slower than a

`random-access disk file
`1 649
`{ ‘ran-
`ad of each user getting an individual narrow band.
`i5“.ak5es di'skrét e'dres }
`flmfaccess disk file
`[COMPUT sci] A file which is con-
`a disk having one head per track and in which con-
`Wivznrecoyds are not necessarily in consecutive locations.
`evtw, ;ak,ses ‘disk in i
`lW‘m_acce5s input/output
`[COMPUT sci] A technique
`.h minimizes seek. tirrie and overlaps with processing.
`wrdam }ak,Ses 'in,put aut,put }
`l m.access memory [COMPUT sci] A data storage de-
`. having the property that the time required to access a ran-
`gi selected datum does not depend on the time of the last
`‘as: or the location of the most recently accessed datum.
`viated RAM. Also known as direct-access memory; di-
`fiaccegs storage; random-access storage; random storage;
`igifonnly accessible storage.
`ran-dam ,ak,ses mem-re }.
`mdanpaccess programming [coMr>UT sci] Programming
`ajmout regard for the time required for access to the storage
`a -50“; called for in the program, in contrast to minimum-
`ran-dam ,ak,ses pro,gram-irj }
`mdonpaccess storage See random-access memory.
`ibmiak.S<=S 'SI0I“1J }
`m coil
`[PHYS CHEM] Any of various irregularly.coile‘d
`iymers mg: cpr; occur in solution. Also known as cyclic coil.
`[ORG CHEM] Resin copolymer in which
`mmolecules of each monomer are randomly arranged in the
`V erbackbone.
`{ ‘ran-dam k6'péil-i-mer )
`mdom diffusion chamber See reverberation chamber.
`mdijfyfi-zhan ,cham-bar.) .
`mom digit
`[STAT] Digit taken from altable of random
`umbers according to some specified probability rule.
`[ ‘ran-
`e;m'dij-st ]
`[STAT] An error that can be predicted only on
`mdom error
`istatistical basis.
`{ ‘ran-dam ‘er-or }
`mdom experiments
`[STAT] Experiments which do not al-
`ways yield the same result when repeated under the same con-
`{ ‘ran-dam ik'sper-e'm9ns }
`random forecast
`[METEOROL] A forecast in which one of a
`ictof meteorological contingencies is selected on the basis of
`tliiiiice; it is often used as a standard of comparison in deter-
`mining the degree of skill of another forecast method.
`{ ‘ran-
`tam 'f0r,kast ]
`[MATH] A function whose domain is an
`nieival of the extended real numbers and has range in the set
`dnindom variables on some probability space; more precisely,
`trapping of the cartesian product of an interval in the extended
`mls with a probability space to the extended reals so that each
`scctionisarandom variable.
`{ ‘ran-darn 'f9i3k-shen }
`Ilidom interstratitication
`A crystalline
`Inicture in which two or more types of layers alternate in a
`{ ‘ran-dam ,in-tar,strad‘i-fa'ka-shon}
`[STAT] Assigning subjects
`to treatment
`:0a:p}s by use of tables of random numbers.
`lidomlzed blocks
`[STAT] An experimental design in which
`Various treatments are reproduced in each of the blocks and
`l_H3_ndomly assigned to the units within the blocks, permitting
`estimates of error to be made.
`[ ‘ran-de,mizd 'bliiks ]
`"F|°ml:eld jitter
`Jitter by means of noise modu-
`ran-d9,mizd 'jid-or }
`lzed test
`[STAT] Acceptance or rejection of the null
`is by use of a random variable to decide whether an
`on causes rejection or acceptance.
`‘Walling scheme [COMPUT sci] A technique of distrib-
`:3‘°°0{dSamong storage modules to ensure even distribution
`{ ‘ran-de,miz'ii_] ,ském }
`[ENG] One of a group of various lengths of
`3°38 delivered by the manufacturer, usually 13-23 feet (4-7
`)l‘_’"8~ Also known as mill length.
`[ ‘ran-dam 'lei]kth }
`‘hm line
`[ENG] A trial surveying line that is directed as
`k 3'38 circumstances permit toward a fixed terminal point
`m§m3““°1 be seen from the initial point. Also known as
`no “averse.
`{ ‘ran-dem 'lin }
`[GEN] A mating system in which there is an
`.h§52‘;PP0nunity for all male and female geametes to join in
`l ‘ran-dem ,mad-ii] ]
`[MATH] A form of random stochastic process
`[ ‘ran~d9m ‘stor-
`[PHYS] Noise characterized by a
`arising in control theory.
`large number of overlapping transient disturbances occurring at
`random, such as thermal noise and shot noise. Also known as
`fluctuation noise.
`{ ‘ran-dam 'noiz }
`1. A mathematical
`random number generator
`[COMPUT sci]
`program which generates a set of numbers which pass a random-
`ness test.
`2. An analog device that generates a randomly fluo-
`tuating variable, and usually operates from an electrical noise
`[ ‘ran-dam 'nem-bar ,jen-a,rad-or }
`random numbers
`[MATH] A listing of numbers which is
`nonrepetitive and satisfies no algorithm.
`‘ran~d9m ‘nem-
`berz ]
`random ordered sample [sTAT] An ordered sample of size
`5 drawn from a population of size N such that the probability of
`any particular ordered sample is the reciprocal of the number of
`permutations of N things taken 5 at a time.
`'ran~d9m jordard
`'sam-pol ]
`{ ‘ran-dam 'pra-ses }
`random process See stochastic process.
`random pulsing [COMMUN] Continuous, varying,pu1se-rep-
`etition rate, accomplished by noise modulation or continuous
`frequency change.
`[ ‘ran-dam ‘pols-ii] )
`random sampling [STAT] A sampling from some population
`where each entry has an equal chance of being drawn.
`[ ‘ran-
`dom ‘Sam-plir_) I
`[ENG] A sampling voltmeter
`random-sampling voltmeter
`which takes samples of an input signal at random times instead
`of at a constant rate; the synchronizing portions of the instrument
`can then be simplified or eliminated.
`‘ran-dam Isam-plirj
`'v6lt,méd‘or ]
`random sequence [MET] A longitudinal sequence of weld
`beads deposited in random increments.
`{ ‘ran-dom ‘Se-kwons }
`random start
`In a systematic sample, the random
`selection of a starting point in the first sample block followed
`by taking that value in the same position in every succeeding
`[ ‘ran-dem ‘start )
`random storage See random-access memory.
`ii 1
`[CRYSTAL] A crystal structure in which
`random structure
`different types of atoms are associated with the various points
`in a crystal lattice in a random fashion.
`'ran'd9m 'str9k'
`char ]
`random superimposed coding [COMPUT sci] A system of
`coding in which a set of random numbers is assigned to each
`concept to be encoded; with punched cards, each number cor-
`responds to some one hole to be punched in a given field.
`{ ‘ran-
`dom fisii-per-im'p<')zd 'k6d‘ir_] ]
`{ ‘ran-dam tre'v9rs }
`random traverse See random line.
`random variable [MATH] A measurable function on a prob-
`ability space; usually real valued, but possibly with values in a
`general measurable space. Also known as chance variable;
`stochastic variable; variate.
`[ ‘ran-dam 'ver-é-9-bel }
`random vector See diverse vector.
`[ ‘ran-dem 'vek-ter }
`random vibration [MECH] A varying force acting on a me-
`chanical system which may be considered to be the sum of a
`large number of irregularly timed small shocks; induced typi-
`cally by aerodynamic turbulence, airborne noise from rocket
`jets, and transportation over road surfaces.
`[ ‘ran-dam vi'bra-
`shen ]
`random walk [MATH] A succession of movements along line
`segments where the direction and possibly the length of each
`move is randomly determined.
`[ ‘ran-dam ‘wok ]
`random winding [ELEC] A coil winding in which the turns
`are positioned haphazardly rather than in layers.
`{ ‘ran-dom
`‘wind'iI_] }
`[MET] A nickel powder prepared from an alloy
`Haney nickel
`of nickel and aluminum in equal parts by preferentially dissolv-
`ing the aluminum in a warm solution of sodium hydroxide.
`'ra-né ,nik~9l }
`[PETR] A unit of subdivision in the C.I.P.W. (Cross-
`Iddings-Pirsson—Washington) classification of igneous rocks.
`i ran )
`[civ ENG] Any series of contiguous townships of the
`U.S. Public Land Survey system.
`1. In printing
`telegraphy, that fraction of a perfect signal element through
`which the time of selection may be varied to occur earlier or
`later than the normal time of selection without causing errors
`while signals are being received; the range of a printing tele-
`graph receiving device is commonly measured in percent of a
`perfect signal element by adjusting the indicator. 2. Upper and

`cw; fuel element
`ready-mixed concrete
`‘red a,rai'ind
`[ ré‘ak-tar 'fyul
`fiWfue|element See nuclear fuel element.
`ant l
`iigfuet pelletSee nuclear fuel pellet.
`{ re'ak-tor 'fyul ,pel-
`[NUCLEO] The time required for the power of
`flcmlem reactor to increase by a factor of e —' 2.72 for a given
`. “Cation C0l'1StaIE[.
`{ re'ak-tar ,pir~e~ed }
`[NUCLEO] The science of the interaction of
`articles and radiations characteristic of nuclear
`clgmfima-ry p
`‘swim matter in bulk.
`{ re ak-tar ,fiz-iks }
`[NUCLEO] A large tanklike structure built to
`£21! radioactive materials from escaping from the reactor
`fiassocjated equipment.
`{ re'a.k-tor ,ves-9l_]
`id [COMMUN] To understand clearly, as in radio commu-
`1. To acquire information, usually
`orm of stora e in a com uter. 2. To convert ma -
`‘’ 36“
`‘mdmacharge storage tube.
`{ red }
`"ground number See read-around ratio.
`gt-around ratio [COMPUT sci] The number of times that a
`‘cum bit in electrostatic storage may be read without seri-
`ml’ affecting nearby bits. Also known as read-around num-
`| ‘red a,raund ,ra-sho ]
`{ ‘red,bak _,chek }
`ad-back check See echo check.
`mddiode [ELECTR] Ahigh-frequency semiconductor diode
`,,m]5t;ing of an avalanching pn junction, biased to fields of
`hundred thousand volts er centimeter, at one end of a
`figirresistaiice carrier serving as a drift space for the charge
`{ ‘red ,di,6d }
`[COMPUT sci] Adevice that converts information from
`mefonn to another, as from punched paper tape to magnetic
`[GRAPHICS] A projection device for viewing an enlarged
`gicroimage with the unaided eye.
`{ ‘red-er }
`[COMPUT sci] A service routine that reads
`ninput string, stores programs and data on random-access
`mi-age for later processing, identifies the control infomiation
`wntained in the in ut strin , and stores this control information
`. g
`xcparately in the appropriate control lists.
`{ ‘red-or in't9r-pr9d-
`[COMPUT sci] An input/output unit
`iaader-punch equipment
`which can unch com uter results on cards and read card data
`{ ‘red-er 'p9nch i,kwip-mant )
`[COMPUT sci] A condition in which the content of
`astoiage device cannot be electronicall
`‘red er‘
`[COMPUT sci] A device that converts digital infor-
`Iittion stored on a magnetic tape, drum, or disk into electrical
`signals usable by the computer arithmetic unit.
`{ ‘red ,hed }
`[COMPUT sci] To sense information contained in some
`mice and transmit this information to an internal storage.
`l ‘tédfiin ]
`Mdiness review [COMPUT sci] An on-site examination of
`53adequacy of preparations for effective utilization upon in-
`fillation of a computer, and to identify any necessary corrective
`[_'red-i-nos ri,vyii }
`htllness time
`[ENG] The len th of time re uired to obtain
`3 _
`lllled system ready to perform its intended function (read-
`‘33 lime includes warm-up time); the time is measured from
`'P0lI1t_when the system is unassembled or uninstalled to such
`as it can be expected to perform as accurately as at any
`_“m€; maintenance time is excluded from readiness time.
`h°d'§'nas ,tim }
`“"9 _lENG]
`1. The indication shown by an instrument. 2.
`:‘]°“:f19n of the readings of one or more instruments.
`linear process by which amino acid sequences are
`d by the protein-synthesizing system of a cell from
`"‘§€nger ribonucleic codes.
`'rEd-irJ }
`[MOL BIO] A nucleotide sequence that starts
`all initiation codon, partitions the subsequent nucleotides
`hgnffnes of amino acid—encoding triplets, and ends with a
`In “On codon.
`{ ‘red-iij ,fram }
`[OPTICS] Aset of microscopes used to
`hermfi division circle of a transit circle in order to precisely
`the inclination of the telescope.
`'red‘ir} ,mi-
`.Sltop5 }
`"9 mistake
`in 83
`vi al~
`[MOL BIO] The incorrect placement of one
`{ ‘red ion-le 'stor
`or more amino acid residues in a polypeptide chain during ge-
`netic translation.
`'red'iI] m9'stak }
`reading point See breakpoint.
`{ ‘red-ii) ,point }
`reading rate
`[COMPUT SCI] Number of characters, words,
`fields, blocks, or cards sensed by an input sensing device per
`unit of time.
`{ ‘réddg ,rat }
`reading station [COMPUT sci] The position in a punched-card
`machine at which the data on the card are read, by sensing the
`positions of the holes, and converted into electrical impulses.
`Also known as sensing station.
`{ ‘red-in ,sta-shen }
`read-in program [COMPUT sci] Computer program that can
`be put into a computer in a simple binary form and allows other
`programs to be read into the computer in more complex forms.
`{ ‘red ,in program }
`read-only memory [COMPUT sci] A device for storing data
`in permanent, or nonerasable, form; usually a static electronic
`or magnetic device allowing extremely rapid access to data.
`Abbreviated ROM. Also known as read-only storage.
`{ ‘red
`:on-1e ‘mem~re }
`read-only storage See read-only memory.
`ii I
`[COMPUT sci] A peripheral device, such
`read-only terminal
`as a printer, that can only receive signals.
`‘red :6n'lé ‘tar-
`man-sl }
`1. The presentation of output infor-
`[COMPUT sci]
`mation by means of lights, printed or punched tape or cards, or
`other methods.
`2. To sense information contained in some
`computer internal storage and transmit this information to a
`storage external to the computer.
`[ ‘réd,aut }
`readout station [COMMUN] A recording or receiving radio
`station at which data are received, as the transmitter in a missile,
`probe, satellite, or other spacecraft reads the data out.
`,sta~sh9n }
`[COMPUT sci] An input-output unit of a
`read-punch unit
`computing system which punches computed results into cards,
`reads input information into the system, and segregates output
`cards; the read-punch unit generally consists of a card feed, a
`read station, a punch station, another read station, and two output
`card stackers.
`{ ‘red 'pench ,yii-not }
`read screen [COMPUT sci]
`In optical character recognition
`(OCR), the transparent component part of most character readers
`through which appears the input document to be recognized.
`{ ‘red ,skrén }
`readthrough [GEN] Transcription beyond a termination se-
`quence due to failure of ribonucleic acid polymerase to recog-
`nize the termination codon.
`'réd,thn'i }
`read time [COMPUT sci] The time interval between the instant
`at which information is called for from storage and the instant
`at which delivery is completed in a computer.
`{ ‘red ,tim }
`read-while-writing [COMPUT sci]
`T316 reading of a record or
`group of records into storage from tape at the same time another
`record or group of records is written from storage to tape.
`{ ‘red ,wil ‘rid-ii] )
`[COMPUT sci] A path along which infor-
`read/write channel
`mation is transmitted between the central processing unit of a
`computer and an input, output, or storage unit under the control
`of the computer.
`{ ‘red ‘rit ,chan'9l }
`read/write check indicator
`[COMPUT sci] A device incor-
`porated in certain computers to indicate upon interrogation
`whether or not an error was made in reading or writing; the
`machine can be made to stop, retry the operation, or follow a
`special subroutine, depending upon the result of the interroga-
`[ ‘red 'rit 'chek ,in~da,kad-er ]
`read/write comb [COMPUT sci] The set of arms mounted with
`magnetic heads that reach between the disks of a disk storage
`device to read and record information.
`{ ‘red ‘rit ,k6m }
`read/write head [COMPUT sci] A magnetic head that both
`senses and records data. Also known as combined head.
`{ ‘red
`‘fit ,hed }
`[coivipur sci] A computer storage in
`read/write memory
`which data may be stored or retrieved at comparable intervals.
`{ ‘red 'rit ,mem-re }
`read/write random-access memory [COMPUT sci] A ran-
`dom access memory in which data can be written into memory
`as well as read out of memory.
`‘red ‘rit ‘ran-dam 'ak,ses
`,mem-re }
`ready [ORD] Of a weapon, aimed, loaded, and prepared to
`{ ‘red-é }
`ready-mixed concrete [MATER] Concrete mixed away from

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