`Filed Jan. 2, 1959
`Natus Medical Inc., Natus Neurology Inc.,
`Embla Systems LLC and Embla Systems Ltd.
`Ex. 1007, p. 1
`United States Patent 0
`Patented June 4, 1963
`Friedrich Sommer, Munich, Germany, assignor to Siemens
`and Halske Aktiengesellschaft Berlin and Munich, a
`corporation of Germany
`Filed Jan. 2, 1959, Ser. No. 784,517
`Claims priority, application Germany Feb. 28, 1958
`3 Claims. (Cl. 317-101)
`This invention is concerned with the wiring of electri
`cal circuits, especially the wiring of electronic apparatus
`employed in the communication lElItS, and with a method
`of effecting such wiring.
`Automation is increasingly being applied for providing
`the wiring of electrical apparatus. A method has become
`known according to which a wire is guided over a carrier
`provided with supports extending therefrom and is wound
`about the supports to eifect placement thereof. The op
`erations of the corresponding wiring device are controlled
`by means of a punched tape transmitter which permits
`within a predetermined number of possibilities selective
`wiring of diverse circuits.
`The invention is likewise concerned with the problem
`of wiring circuits in simple manner. According to the
`invention, a wire which is to form the wiring is placed
`on an insulating plate in accordance with a desired wir
`ing scheme, such plate functioning as a carrier, the wire
`being inserted loop-like into bores formed in the plate.
`The resulting wire loops form terminals for connecting
`structural elements such as resistors, capacitors and the
`like and/ or function to secure the wire on the plate.
`The method according to the invention distinguishes
`over the initially mentioned lcnown method by the use of
`a simple pre-perforated plate ‘as a‘ carrier for the wiring
`without requiring any particular supporting elements.
`This results in a saving of material and also in simpli?ca
`tion in the making of the carrier plates. The insertion of
`the wire in looped manner, in holes formed in the plate
`permits considerable simpli?cation of the device for ef
`fecting the wiring since such device need not provide for
`changing the guide direction upon insertion of a wire as
`is the case with known devices which require winding a
`wire about supporting members. It must also be consid
`ered that the method ‘according to the invention reduces
`the amount of wire since a wire loop requires less wire
`than is needed for winding wire about a support.
`The plate serving as a carrier is suitably made of in
`sulatin-g material and is provided with circular holes in
`accordance with the wiring requirements of a desired
`circuit or with circular holes extending screen-like in a
`plurality of rows. The latter is to be preferred particu
`larly in case the device for placing the wires is to be auto
`matically controlled ‘by a punched tape transmitter which
`may ‘be set to the wiring possibilities of the corresponding
`p The various objects and features of the invention will
`appear from the following description which will be ren
`dered ‘with reference to the accompanying drawings. In
`the drawings,
`FIG. 1 illustrates part of a carrier plate wired and pro
`vided with structural elements in accordance with the
`FIG. 2 indicates how the respective loops of wires
`drawn through holes formed in the carrier plate may be
`wedged in place; and
`FIG. 3 illustrates the manner of wedgin-g in place ter
`minal par-ts of structural elements by means of the looped
`portions of wires extending through holes formed in the
`carrier plate.
`Referring now to FIG. 1, numeral 1 indicates the car
`rier plate which is provided with holes such as 3 formed
`therein, and wires such ‘as 2 extending between predeter
`mined holes and secured therein in loop-like manner.
`The plate 1 also is provided with structural elements 4
`which are secured by such wiring, the respective struc
`tural elements 4 being disposed between desired holes
`formed in the plate.
`A manner in which structural circuit elements may be
`connected to the wiring 2, FIG. 1, is indicated in FIGS.
`2 and 3 showing as an example a component terminal 7
`extending into one of the holes in the plate 1 in which is
`anchored one of the loops 6 of a wire 2. The holes with
`the wire loops disposed therein form favorable means for
`receiving terminal conductors belonging to circuit ele
`ments to be connected. The holes form on the one hand
`a kind of guide and support for the wiring and on the
`other hand occupy small spaces in which solder (if used)
`can collect providing over a relatively large surface con
`tact with the wires and the terminal parts of the structural
`As shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, the respective wire loops
`are for the soldering advantageously carried beyond and
`protruding from the surface of the plate which faces away
`from the wiring surface, thus forming downwardly pro
`truding wire heads which may be tinned in a common
`immersion operation, the solder automatically drawing
`into the bores containing the wire loops and thereby ef
`feoting the soldering between the looped wiring and the
`terminal parts belonging to a corresponding structural
`circuit element.
`A preferred manner of wedging or anchoring the wire
`loops in place is indicated in FIG. 2. A bushing 5, which
`is made of metal, for example, a copper alloy, is pressed
`into the wire loop after drawing it into hole, such bush
`ing pressing the loop against the surface of the plate ad
`jacent the hole. The bushing may also be provided with
`?aring or funnel-like ends to secure it reliably in its seat
`in the hole. The funnel-like end of the bushing also
`facilitates insertion of the terminal wires of the corre
`sponding structural elements.
`As shown in FIG. 3, the use of bushings such as 5
`makes it possible to effect wedging of the terminal parts
`or wires of the structural elements by the wire loops.
`FIG. 3 shows a cross-sectional view through a connecting
`point extending approximately perpendicularly to the
`plane of the wire loop which lies ‘somewhat at the side of
`the bushing. The wire loop 6 is pressed by the bushing 5
`against the wall of the hole. The wire loop 6 is below
`the bushing 5 bent laterally to such extent that it extends
`prior to insertion of the terminal wire 7 of a structural
`element approximately to Ia line coinciding with the axis
`of the bushing. The insertion of the terminal wire 7 re
`sults in bending the wire loop somewhat laterally in oppo
`site direction, as indicated in dotted lines, thus imparting
`a wedging force to the terminal wire 7 and securing it and
`therewith the corresponding structural element securely
`in place.
`The wire used for the wiring may be a blank wire or
`an insulated wire. The latter is to be preferred when
`there are crossing points in the circuit scheme to be wired
`which have to be mutually insulated. The insulation may
`be easily stripped at the soldering points, for example, by
`abrading in common at the protruding portions of the
`wire loops as by a brushing operation or the like.
`Ohanges may be‘ made
`the scope and spirit of
`the appended claims which de?ne what is believed to be
`new and desired to have protected by Letters Patent.
`I claim:
`1. A wired circuit plate having electrical components
`provided thereon on one side thereof, said components
`being according to a desired circuit scheme electrically
`interconnected by means of circuit wires looped through
`Natus Medical Inc., Natus Neurology Inc.,
`Embla Systems LLC and Embla Systems Ltd.
`Ex. 1007, p. 2
`and deformed within holes which are preformed in said
`plate prior to the wiring thereof, whereby portions of said
`wires extending between holes are placed in ?rm intimate
`engagement with surface portions of said one side of the
`plate, and wherein the respective electrical components
`are provided with terminal wires which are extended
`through predetermined ones of said holes into engagement
`with the respective circuit wire portions looped there
`through for the purpose of soldering such terminal wires
`thereto, and a tubular member for clamping each of said
`looped wire portions in posit-ion within the corresponding
`2. A wired circuit plate having electrical components
`provided thereon on one side thereof, said components
`being according to a desired circuit scheme electrically
`interconnected by means of circuit wires looped through
`and deformed within holes which are preformed in said
`plate prior to the wiring thereof, whereby portions of
`said wires extending between holes are placed in ?rm inti
`mate engagement with surface portions of said one side
`of the plate, and wherein the respective electrical com
`ponents are provided with terminal wires which are ex
`tended through predetermined ones of said holes into
`engagement with the respective circuit wire portions
`looped therethrough for the purpose of soldering such
`terminal wires thereto, said looped wire portions extend
`ing through the corresponding holes in said plate and
`protruding therefrom at the other side thereof, bushing
`means inserted in said holes to‘ secure said looped wire
`portions therein in pressure engagement with the walls of
`the corresponding holes, the free ends of said protruding
`wire portions extending along lines coinciding approxi
`mately with the axis of the respective bushing means to
`effect clamping engagement with terminal wires of the
`respective electrical components upon insertion thereof
`into the respective bushing means.
`Great Britain _________ __ May 15, 1957
`3. A wired circuit plate having electrical components
`provided thereon on one side thereof, said components
`being according to a desired circuit scheme electrically
`interconnected by means of circuit wires looped through
`and deformed within holes which are preformed in said
`plate prior to the wiring thereof, whereby portions of said
`‘Wires extending between holes are placed in ?rm intimate
`engagement with surface portions of said one side of the
`plate, and wherein the respective electrical components
`are provided with terminal Wires which are extended
`through predetermined ones of said holes into engagement
`with the respective circuit wire portions looped there
`through for the purpose of soldering such terminal wires
`thereto, and bushing means disposed in said holes to se
`cure said looped wire portions therein in pressure engage
`ment with the walls of the corresponding holes, said bush
`ring means being funnel-shaped at the end thereof facing
`the wiring side of ‘said plate to facilitate insertion there
`int-o of terminal wires of said circuit components.
`References Cited in the ?le of this patent
`Lawrence ____________ .. Aug. 22, 19111-1
`Alden _______________ __ Nov. 13, 1928
`Hall __________________ __ May 5, 1936
`Mackey ______________ __ Sept. 11, 1956
`Little et al _____________ __ Sept. 1, 1959
`Frazier et al ____________ __ Dec. 1, 1959
`Worth et a1 _____________ __ Feb. 2, ‘1960
`Rayburn _____________ __ Aug. 16, 1960
`Morison ______________ __ Nov. 8, 1960
`Natus Medical Inc., Natus Neurology Inc.,
`Embla Systems LLC and Embla Systems Ltd.
`Ex. 1007, p. 3