`' 1,1 15,459.
`Patented Oct. 27, 1914.
`, E‘MWI
`Natus Medical Inc., Natus Neurology Inc.,
`Embla Systems LLC and Embla Systems Ltd.
`Ex. 1005, p. 1
`PatentedOot. 27, 1914.‘
`Speci?cation of Letters Patent.
`Application ?led March 4, 1912. Serial No. v681,505.
`To all whom it may concern :
`Be it known that I, ALKOURY ANTONIOUS
`ABIZAID, a subject of the Sultan of Turkey,
`residing at 1Washington, District of Colum
`bia, have invented certain new and useful
`Improvements in Buckles, of which the fol
`lowing is a full, clear, and exact speci?ca
`' tion.
`My invention relates to suspender buckles,
`and has' for its object the provision of a
`buckle which may be stamped out of a single
`piece of sheet metal, which may be readily
`adjusted to any point of the webbing, and
`by which the webbing may be effectually
`secured so that accidental release of the web
`, bing will be avoided.
`Various forms of the invention are illus
`trated in the accompanying drawings,
`which are to be taken as a part hereof, and
`the invention consists in certain novel fea
`tures . of construction and arrangement
`which .will be hereinafter particularly set
`In the drawings :——Figure l is a front
`elevation; and Fig. 2 is a central vertical
`, section of a buckle embodying the invention,
`the webbing being indicated in‘ dotted lines;
`Figs. 3, and 4 are, respectively, a front eleva
`tion and a vertical section of a modi?cation;
`Figs. 5 and 6 are similar views of another
`Referring now particularly to Figs. 1 and
`2, the buckle consists of a substantially rec
`tangular frame having end bars 1 connected
`by upper and lower cross bars 2, 3, the upper
`cross bar being preferablyprovided with a
`slot 4: to receive an adjusting tab indicated
`in dotted lines. The lower edge of the up
`per cross bar 2 is formed with teeth 5 which
`are adapted to take into the webbing and
`thereby hold the buckle at the point to
`which it may be adjusted. The teeth are
`shown as projecting rearwardly to more ef
`fectually engage the webbing. Between the
`upper and lower cross bars’ coacting inter
`mediate cross bars 6 and 7 are provided,
`said cross bars being formed integral with
`the frame simultaneously with the cutting
`of the frame from the blank. As shown
`best in Fig. 2, the cross bars 6 and 7 are
`pressed to opposite sides of the frame so as
`to be slightly offset therefrom and consti
`tute web-gripping jaws or rests around
`which the webbing is secured. The metal
`between the bars is cut away, leaving an
`open space 8, and the upper bar 6 has teeth
`9 formed on itslower edge of such length
`that their ends project over the upper edge
`of the lower bar, the separation of‘the teeth
`from- the lower bar forming small notches
`10 in the upper edge of the same as will be
`readily understood-
`In threading the webbing or band,'consti
`tuting vthe strap or main body of the‘ sus-
`ponders, into the buckle, the end of the web
`bing is passed over the bar 6 from ‘the rear
`and is then carried down in front of the
`same and inserted between the same a'ndthe
`bar 7 and permitted ‘to hang free, behind
`said bar. The main body of the webbing
`is then doubled on itself and brought up in
`rear of the buckle, a bight‘or loop being
`thus formed to carry the cast off or cord
`holdershown in dotted lines at A. From
`the said ‘bight, the webbing is passed up
`wardly and forwardly over the lower cross
`bar 3, thence in front of bar 6 and the web
`bing thereon,and then upwardly and rear-_
`wardly between said bar and the upper cross
`bar 2, being thereby brought against the
`teeth 5 so that‘the buckle cannot slip downs
`wardly on the webbing. Moreover, the
`downward pull exerted on the webbing
`when the suspenders are in use, causesthe
`end portion of the webbing to engage the
`teeth 9 and be thereby pressed into the
`notches 10 so that it will be ?rmly gripped
`between the bars 6 and 7. The pressure of
`the rearmost fold or ply of the depending
`bight of the webbing against the webbing
`end holds the same against the bar 7 and
`aids the teeth in preventing slipping of the
`In the forms shown in Figs. 3 and Q the
`gripping bars 16 are offset from the
`frame, the adjacent edges of the bars being
`cut zig zag thereby forming wide alternat
`ing teeth on the adjacent edges of the jaws.
`In Figs. 5 and 6, the upper gripping jaw
`or bar 6’ is the same form as in Fig. 1, but
`the upper. edge of the lower jaw 7’ is in the
`same horizontal plane as the lower edge of
`the upper jaw. An additoinal cross bar 17,
`is provided adjacent the upper gripping jaw
`but spaced therefrom, the adjacent runs of
`the webbing passing above and below this
`bar, as shown in Fig. 6.
`From the foregoing description, taken in
`connection with the accompanying draw~
`ings, it will be seen that I have provided a
`buckle of exceedingly simple form which‘
`may be stamped out of a single piece of
`Natus Medical Inc., Natus Neurology Inc.,
`Embla Systems LLC and Embla Systems Ltd.
`Ex. 1005, p. 2
`sheet metal and thus produced at a very
`slight cost. The buckle may be easily ad
`justed to any desired point of the webbing,
`and, when so adjusted, will engage the Web
`bing so as to effectually retain the adjust
`Having thus fully described my invention.
`what I claim as new and desire to secure by
`Letters Patent of the United States is :—
`1. As a new article of manufacture, a
`bucklecomprising a frame, a pair of bars
`extending across and pressed outwardly
`from the plane of the frame in opposite dia
`rections to provide a space between them,
`one bar having one longitudinal edge pro
`vided with regularly spaced notches and
`the other bar having one longitudinal edge
`provided with teeth complemental to and
`arranged in alinement with said notches.
`'2. The combination with a buckle, com
`prising a frame provided with webbing en
`gaging means, a pair of bars extending
`across and pressed ‘outwardly from the
`plane of the frame in opposite directions to
`provide a space between them, one bar hav
`ing one longitudinal edge provided with
`regularly spaced notches and the other bar
`having one longitudinal edge provided with
`teeth complemental ' to and arranged in
`alinement with said notches, of a webbing
`passed through the frame from the rear be
`tween said pair of bars, thence passed
`around the upper of said bars and through
`the frame to the back thereof, thence folded
`upon itself to form a depending loop, thence
`passed through the frame from the back be—
`tween the lower part of the frame and the
`lowermost of said pair of bars, and ?nally
`passed through the frame from the front be
`tween the uppermost of said pair of bars
`and the upper part of the frame, where
`said web is engaged by the webbing engag
`ing means carried by the upper part of the
`In testimony whereofI have signed'my
`nameto this speci?cation in the presence of
`two subscribing witnesses.
`lVitnesses :
`(Jr-ms. E. BIORDON,
`Copies of this patent may be obtained for ?ve cents each, by addressing
`Washington, D. G.”
`the ‘_‘ Commissioner of Patents,
`Natus Medical Inc., Natus Neurology Inc.,
`Embla Systems LLC and Embla Systems Ltd.
`Ex. 1005, p. 3