`Patented Aug. 22, 1%1.
`mïílfawfe me,
`Natus Medical Inc., Natus Neurology Inc.,
`Embla Systems LLC and Embla Systems Ltd.
`Ex. 1004, p. 1
`1 ,001,054.
`Specification of Letters Patent. Patented aug.y 22, i911.
`Application ñled March `15, 1911. Serial No. 614,724.
`To all whom it may concern:
`Be it known that I, MILTON H. LAWRENCE,
`' citizen of the United States, residing at
`Larned, in the county of Pawnee and State of
`Kansas, have invented certain new and use
`ful-Improvements in Ground-Wire Fasten~
`ers, of which the following is a specific-ation.
`This invention comprehends certain new
`and useful improvements in electrical con
`ductors, and the invention has for its pri
`mary object a simple, durable and efficient
`construction of ground line conductor or
`fastener, which is composed of few parts
`that may be easily manufactured and as
`sembled and which is so arranged that the
`wire to be grounded may be easily secured
`thereto or detached therefrom whenever de
`lsired, the device being easily operated to
`placethe ground wire under the‘d'esired ten
`sion and to securely hold the same without
`l the use of soldering. And the invention also
`has for its object a simple device of this
`character which may be used again and
`again, the parts being so arranged that the
`Wire may be easily released whenever re
`, lVi h these and other objects in view as
`will more fully appear as the description
`proceeds, the invention consists in certain
`constructions, arrangements and combina
`tions of the parts that I shall hereinafter
`fully describe and claim. _
`For a full understanding of the invention,
`reference is (cid:173)to be had to the following de
`scription and accompanying drawings, in
`Figure 1 is a sectional side elevation of
`my improved ground wire fastener; and,
`Fig. 2 is a detail perspective view of the
`thimble of the device.
`Corresponding and like parts are referred
`to in the following description and indi-V
`cated in all the views of the drawings by the
`samfe reference characters.
`My improved ground rod or ground wire
`fastener, comprises a post or standard l in
`tended to be driven into the ground, sai‘d
`post being formed near one end with a
`tapered portion 2, the larger end of which
`is disposed outermost in preferably slightly
`spaced relation to a rounded head 3 which is
`formed on one end of the rod or post and
`which is preferably of a diameter, to extend
`beyond, the margin of the outer or upper
`end of the tapered portion 2.
`4 designates a tapered thimble which is
`designed to slide freely on the rod l and
`which is adapt-ed to be slipped upon the
`tapered portion 2 of the rod so as to securely
`hold the wire. Either the tapered portion 2
`or the interior Wall of the thimble 4 may be
`formed with a longitudinally extending
`groove, the thimble being provided with the
`groove in the present instance, as indicated
`at 5.
`From the foregoing description in con
`nection with the accompanymg drawing,
`the operation of my ground wire fastener
`wílì be apparent. When the device is to
`be used, the wire to be grounded is passed
`through the groove 5 between the rod and
`the thimble, and the lower end of the wire is
`bent up, as clearly illustrated in the draw
`ing. rl‘he rod is then driven into the ground
`until the wire _is at the proper tension,
`thereby making a tight joint without the use
`of solder, it being, of course, understood
`that‘the thimble ‘t is slipped upon the ta
`pered portion 2 of the rod. When the parts
`are in operative position, the end of the wire
`will not only _be held by having its end
`turned up around the lower edge of the
`thimble 4 and securely wedged in between
`the thimble and the tapered portion 2 of the
`rod, but the wire will be further maintained
`under proper tension, owing to the fact that
`above the thimble 4 the wire will be given
`an outward bend around the head 3, as
`clearly illustrated in the drawing.
`,In order to prevent the thimble 4- from
`slipping entirely off the rod,(cid:173) :and.z'~'thereby
`precluding the possibility of the thimble be
`ing lost, the rod is provided with'a trans
`versely extending pin 6, which projects
`therefrom as shown, so as to limit the move
`ment of the thimble in one direction.
`v Having thus described the invention, what
`is claimed as new is:
`l. A ground wire fastener, comprising a
`rod provided near one end with a tapered
`portion tapering toward the driving end
`of the rod, and a rounded head in spaced
`relation to said tapered portion, and of a
`diameter greater than said larger end and
`a thimble mounted to slide on the rod and
`adapted to be wedged upon the tapered por
`tion thereof.
`2. A ground wire fastener, comprising a
`rod, and means movable upon the rod for
`clamping a wire to the rod, the rod being
`formed contiguous to said means with means
`for forming a crimp in the wire independent
`Natus Medical Inc., Natus Neurology Inc.,
`Embla Systems LLC and Embla Systems Ltd.
`Ex. 1004, p. 2
`of the clamping means, whereby the wire
`will not only be clamped to the rod, but will
`be crimped or kinked in close proximity to
`its clamped portion.
`3. A ground Wire fastener, comprising a
`rod formed near one end with a tapered .por
`tion and at such end with a head spaced
`from the larger end of the tapered portion
`and of a diameter greater than such end, a
`tapered thimble adapted to slide> on the rod
`and to Wedge upon the tapered portion
`thereof, the thimble being formed in its in
`terior> wall with a longitudinal groove ex
`tending therethrough, and means on the rod
`to limit the movement of the thimble away
`from the tapered portion of the rod.
`In testimony whereof, I ailix my signature
`in presence of two Witnesses.
`Natus Medical Inc., Natus Neurology Inc.,
`Embla Systems LLC and Embla Systems Ltd.
`Ex. 1004, p. 3