`warm American l
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`throng ~ thumbtack
`throng Ithrawng, throng/ 0 n. crowd, esp. of
`people. 0 v. 1 intr. come in great numbers. 2 tr.
`flock into or crowd around; fill with or as with
`a crowd.
`throt-tle [throt’l/ o n. 1 valve controlling flow
`of fuel, steam, etc., in an engine. Zlever or
`pedal operating this. a on. 1 choke; strangle.
`2 prevent the utterance, etc., of. 3 control (an
`engine or steam, etc.) with a throttle.
`through lthrtro/ (also thru) a prep. 1 a from end
`to end or from side to side of. b going in one side
`or end and out the other. 2 between or among.
`3 from beginning to end of (read through the let—
`ter). 4 because of (lost it through carolestness). 5
`up to and including (Alonday through Friday).
`0 adv. through a thing; from side to side, end to
`end, orbeginningto end. a anrilzadi. (oftraffic)
`going throngh a place to its destination. 1:: be
`through callaq. 1 have finished. 2 cease to have
`dealings. 3 have no further prospects (is through
`a: a politician). through and through thoroughly;
`Ihrough-out/thrmJ—éwt/ a prep. right through;
`from end to end of. o ado. in every part or
`throughput Ithrtfopc‘i'ét/ n. amount of material
`put through a process, esp. in manufacturing
`or computing.
`through-way Ithrd'fJ—way/
`(also thru’way)
`thoroughfare, esp. a highway.
`thvove past of rrnuva.
`thO‘V/l‘hlfi/ a 71.17: (paszthrewlflucT015partpan.
`thrown Ithronl) 1 propel with force through the
`air. 2 force violently into a specified position or
`state. 3 compel suddenly to be in a specified
`condition (thrown out of work). 4 turn or move
`(part of the body) quickly or suddenly (threw
`an arm out). 5 project or cast (light, a shadow,
`etc.). 6 abring to the ground in wrestling. h
`(of a horse) unseat (its rider). 7 calloq. discon—
`cert (the question threw me). 8 a cast (dice). b
`obtain (a specified number) by throwing dice.
`9 extend or provide (threw a bridge across the
`river). 10 operate (a switch or lever). 11 have
`(a fit or tantrum, etc.). 12 give (a party). 13
`collaq. lose (a contest or race, etc.) intention-
`ally. 0 n. 1 act of throwing or being thrown. 2
`distance a thing is or may be thrown. 3 light
`cover for furniture, etc. 4 (prec. by a) :1. each;
`per item (sold at 310 a throw). :1 throw away 1
`discard as useless or unwanted. 2 waste or fail
`to make use of (an opportunity, etc.). throw
`down the gauntlet (or glove) issue a challenge.
`throw good money after bad incur further loss in
`a hopeless attempt to recoup a previous loss.
`throw one’s hand in 1 abandon one’s chances
`in a card game, esp. poker. 2give up; with—
`draw from a contest. throw in 1 interpose (a
`word or remark). Zinclude at no extra cost.
`throw in the towel admit defeat.
`throw off 1
`discard. Zwrite or utter in an ofihand man~
`net. 3 confuse or distract (a person) from the
`matter in hand. 4emit. throw oneself at seek
`blatantly as a spouse or sexual partner. throw
`oneself into engage vigorously in. throw out 1
`put out forcibly or suddenly. 2 discard as un—
`wanted. throw over desert or abandon. throw
`stones cast aspersions. throw together 1 assem-
`ble hastily. 2 bring into casual contact. throw up
`1 collaq. vomit. 2 erect hastily. throw nne's weight
`around (or about) collaq. act with unpleasant
`self—assertiveness. on throw’a-ble adj. thrower
`11. (also in comb).
`throwva-way lthrésway/ o adi. 1 meant to be
`thrown away after (one) use. 2 (of lines, etc )
`deliberately underemphasized. o n_ thing to e
`thrown away after (one) use.
`ihrow-baok/thrébak/ n. 1 reversion to ancemal
`character. 2 instance of this.
`ihvu var. of THROUGH.
`thrum Ithrum/ o v. (thrummed, thrum-rning) 1
`tr. play (a stringed instrument) monotonoust
`or unskillfully. 2 fun: drum idly. o n. 1 such
`playing. 2 resulting sound.
`thrush1 [thrush] )1. any of various songbirds.
`thrush2 [thrush/ n. fungal disease, esp. one
`marked by whitish vesicles in the mouth and
`thrust lthrust/ o 21. (past and port pan. thrust)
`1 tr. push with a sudden impulse or with force.
`Ztr. (foll. by an, upon) impose (a thing) for.
`cibly. 31'ntr. stab, lunge suddenly.o 11. 15nd-
`den or forcible push or lunge. 2 propulsive force
`developed by a jet or rocket engine. 3 military
`ofiensive. 4 stress between the parts of an arch,
`etc. 5 chief theme or gist of remarks, etc.
`thru-way vat. of THROUGHWAY.
`thud lthud/ o 71. low dull sound as of a blow
`on a nonresonant surface. 0 who: (thud-lied,
`thud-ding) make or fall with a thud. no thud’
`ding-ly ado.
`thud late Middle English (originally Scots):
`probably fiom Old English thyddan 'to
`thrust, push’; related to thadeu ‘v-iolent
`wind.’ The noun is recorded earlier, denot-
`ing a sudden blast or gust ofwind, later the
`sound of a thunderclap, whence a dull heavy
`sound. The verb dates fiom the early 16th
`thug lthug/ 11. vicious rufiian. on thug’ get-y n.
`thug’gish adj. thug'gish-ly ado. thug’gist-ness n.
`ihu-li-um/thobleeam, thyoLo—l 2:. Chem. softme—
`trailic element ofthe Ianthanide series. 1 Symb.:
`thumb [thum/ o n. 1 short thick finger on the
`human hand, set apart from the other four. 2
`part of a glove, etc., for a thumb. o v. 1 rr. wear
`or soil (pages, etc.) with a thumb (well—rhumbed
`book). 2 imr. turn over pages with or as with a
`thumb. 3 tr. request or obtain (a lift) by signal—
`ing with a raised thumb. n all thumbs clumsy
`with one’s hands. thumb one’s nose 1 put one’s
`thumb up to one’s nose with fingers extended
`up, a gesture of contempt. 2 display contempt
`or disdain. thumbs-clown indication of rejection
`or failure. thumbs-up indication of satisfaction
`or approval. under a person's thumb completely
`dominated by a person. on thtlmhed adj. (also
`in comb.)
`thumb-nail Ithfimnayl/ n. 1 nail of a thumb. 2
`(attrib.) concise (thmnbnaz'l sketch).
`thumb-print /th\'rmprint/ n.
`impression of a
`thumb, esp. as used for identification.
`thumb-screw /thumslq6‘o/ n. 1 instrument of
`torture for crushing the thumbs. 2 screw with a
`flattened head for turning with the thumb and
`thumb-tack Ithfimtak/ n. tack with a flat head,
`pressed in with the thumb.


` worthy ~ wring
`ask) 1 estimable; deserving respect. 2 entitled
`to. 3 deserving. o n. (pl. —il1ies) worthy person.
`no wor’ihhly adv. wor’ihimess 71.
`worthy /\va@ee/ comb. farm forming adjectives
`meaning: 1 deserving of. 2 suitable for.
`would lwo‘éd, when uIISH‘CSSEd wad] o. aux. (3rd
`ring. would) past of Witt}, used esp: 1 a in
`reported speech (he saidhe would be home by eve-
`ning). bto express the conditional mood (they
`would have been killed if they had gone). 2 to ex—
`press habitual action (would wait every gaming).
`3 to express a question or polite request (wazlld
`you came in, please?) {3 to express consent (they
`would not help). u would-be often derag. desiring
`or aspiring to he.
`1 See note at SHALL.
`would’n't lwood’nt/ cont): would not.
`woundl /Wo_0ndl o 72. 1 injury done to living tis-
`sue by a cut or blow, etc. 2 injury to a person’s
`reputation or a pain inflicted on a person’s fee —
`ings. o rtzr. inflictawound on. no wound’ingsly
`adv. wound’less adj.
`wound2 part and part part. of wan
`wove past of WEAVEl.
`wo-ven past part. of \VEAVE‘.
`wow lwow/ 0 int. expressing astonishment or
`admiration. o 11. SI. sensational success. a utr.
`sl. impress or excite greatly.
`w.p.m. abbr. words per minute.
`wrack Irak/ n. = RACKZ.
`wraith Irayth/ 1;. ghost. nu wraiili’lilte adj.
`wrari=glelrénggoll o n. noisy argument, alterca—
`tion, or dispute. 0 v. 1 imr. engage in a wrangle.
`2 tr. herd (cattle).
`wran-gier Iréngglar/ 11. cowboy.
`wrap/rap! o utr. (wrapped,wrap-ping) 1 envelop
`infolded or soft encirclingmaterial. 2 arrange or
`draw (a pliant covering) around. a n. 1 shawl,
`scarf, etc. 2 material used for wrapping. 1: un-
`derwraps in secrecy. wrapped up in engrossed or
`absorbed in. wrap up finish off.
`\vrap=a-round [rapsrownd/ 0 adj. 1 (esp. of
`clothing) designed to wrap around. 2 curving
`or extending around at the edges. 0 n. anything
`that wraps around.
`wrapper Irapar/ n. 1 that which wraps; cover.
`2 loose enveloping tube or gown.
`wrap-ping/raping/ n. (esp. inpl.) material used
`to wrap. n wrapping paper strong or decorative
`paper for wrapping packages.
`wrasse lras/ 11. any of several species of bright~
`colored marine fish with thick lips and strong
`wrath Irath, roth, rawth/ n. literary extreme an-
`ger. on wraih'iul adj. wraih’iul~ly ado. wraih’
`hilvness n.
`wreak /reekl 1). tr. 1 express (vengeance or one’s
`anger, etc.). 2 cause (damage, etc.). on wreak’
`er 1:.
`wreath Ireeth/ n. (pl. wreaths lree_thz, Ieethsl)
`1 flowers or leaves fastened in a ring. 2 curl or
`ring of smoke or cloud.
`wreaihe Ireegil o. 1 tr. encircle as, with, or like
`a wreath. 21'ntr. (of smoke, etc.) move in the
`shape of wreaths. 3 tr. form into a wreath.
`wreck lrek/ 0 n. 1 destruction or disablement,
`esp. of a ship or automobile. 2 ship or automo—
`bile, etc., that has suffered a wreck. 3 greatly
`damaged thing. 4 collaq. dilapidated car. 0 'u. 1
`tr. cause the wreck of. 2 tr. completely ruin
`(hopes, chances, etc.). 3 z'nzr. suffer a wreck. 4
`tr. (as wrecked adj.) involved in a shipwreck.
`wreckage lrékij/ n. 1 wrecked material. 2 rem—
`nants of a wreck. 3 action of wrecking.
`wreck-er/rékar/ n. 1 person or thing that wrecks
`or destroys. 2 esp. llz'st. person on the shore who
`tries to bring about a shipwreck in order to
`plunder or profitby the wreckage. 3 person who
`removes wrecks or breaks them up for spares
`and scrap. 4 vehicle used to remove disabled
`cars, etc.
`wren Iren/ 11. small, usu. brown, songbird having
`an erect tail.
`wrench Irench/ o n. 1 violent twist or oblique
`pull or tearing ofif. 2 tool for gripping and turn—
`ing nuts, etc. 3 painful uproon'ng or parting. c
`on: 1 a twist or pull violently around or side—
`ways. b injure (a limb, etc.) by undue straining;
`sprain. 2 pull offwith a wrench. 3 distort (facts)
`to suit a theory, etc.
` adjustable
`wrest /rest/ a '0. tr. 1 wrench away from a per—
`son’s grasp. 2 obtain by effort or with difficulty.
`wresuile lrésal/ n n. 1 contest in which two
`opponents grapple and try to throw each other
`to the ground, esp. as an athletic sport. Zhard
`struggle. a v. 1 inn: take part in a wrestle. 2 tr.
`fight (a person) in a wrestle. 3 inn: struggle;
`contend. nu wres’ller 11. wres’iling 11.
`wveilch [tech] 11. 1 unfortunate or pitiable per—
`son. 2 reprehensible or contemptible person.
`wretch-ed /réchid/ adj.
`(wre‘lch-etl-er, wretch-
`ed-as‘l) 1 unhappyor miserable. 2 ofbad quality
`or no merit; contemptible. 3 unsatisfactory; dis—
`pleasing. on wreich’ edaly ado. t'lreich’ ed'nessn.
`wrig-gle lrigal/
`71. 11'mr. twist or mm with
`short, writhing movements. 2131:»: make wrig—
`gling motions, 3 tr. & intr. move or go in this
`way. 4 fun: practice evasion. o 71. act of wrig—
`gling. on wrig’gler n. wrig’gly adj. (wrig-gli-er,
`wright /rit/ n. (usu. in comb.) maker or builder
`(playwright; wlzeelwright).
`wring /ring/ 0 72.21: (past and past part. wrung
`lmngl) 1 a squeeze tightly. h squeeze and twist,
`esp. to remove liquid. 2 distress or torture. 3 ex-
`tract by squeezing. 4 obtain by pressure or im—
`portunity; extort. o 12. act ofwringing; squeeze.

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