`Katz et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,103,906 B1
`Sep. 5, 2006
`9/1996 Sampat et al.
`5,557,724 A *
`5,586,264 A * 12/1996 Belknap etal.
`5,761,417 A *
`6/1998 Henley et al.
`.............. .. 725/43
`4/2000 Gardell et al.
`6,049,831 A *
`272325231512 11222:
`2002/0088011 A1*
`7/2002 Lalrsrililln etal 3.
`' """""" "
`Inventors: Neil Katz, parkland, FL (US); Bruce 1)_
`Stem’ Yorktown Heights’ NY (US)9
`Barry E. Willner, Briarcliif Manor, NY
`(73) Assignee:
`( * ) Notice:
`International Business Machines
`Corporation, Ammnk, NY (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U~S~C~ l54(p) by 682 daY5~
`0 673 l60
`'t d b
`y exammer
`C1 e
`Primary Exam,‘ne,»iKieu_Qanh Bui
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or F1'rm—Akerman Senterfitt
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/676,545
`Sep- 292 2000
`Int‘ Cl‘
`H04N 7/173
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`.......................... .. 725/87; 725/88; 725/91;
`725/923 725/933 725/98
`Of Classification Search ................ ..
`725/87, 91, 93, 98, 92, 88, l0l'l03, ll5,
`725/115, l35, l46; 385/45, 58, 83
`See applleallell file fer eemplele Seareh l1l5l01'Y~
`References Clted
`5,442,390 A *
`8/1995 Hooper et 11 .............. .. 725/90
`5,453,779 A *
`9/1995 Dan et al.
`..... ..
`5,461,415 A * 10/1995 Wolfet al.
`................. .. 725/88
`5,528,513 A *
`6/1996 Vaitzblit et al.
`.......... .. 718/103
`A method for providing configurable access to media in a
`media-on-demand system also can include delivering the
`media to a first client device in a format compatible with the
`first client device; interrupting the delivery of the media;
`recording a bookmark Specifying a position in the media
`where the interruption occurred; and resuming delivery of
`the media t0 a seeend client deviee, the resumed delivery
`beginning at a position in the media specified by the
`recorded bookmark. The method further can include iden-
`tifying device properties for each of the first and second
`client devices; delivering the media to the first client device
`in a format compatible with the identified device properties
`for the first client device; and, delivering the media to the
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`P P
`11 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`Client Device 1
`no - PC Access to Delivered
`Media (DM)
`Access Networks
`Server (MODS)
`Client Access Device 2
`- TV, PC, Wireless Device
`Access to Delivered Media
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 5,2006
`Sheet 1 of 6
`US 7,103,906 B1
`Client Device 1
`110 - PC Access to Delivered
`Media (DM)
`Access Networks
`Server (MODS)
`Cl'ent Access Dev'ce 2
`- TV, PC, Wireless Device
`Access to Delivered Media
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 5,2006
`Sheet 2 of 6
`US 7,103,906 B1
`FIG. 2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 5,2006
`Sheet 3 of 6
`US 7,103,906 B1
`Client Device 1
`no - PC Access to Delivered
`Media (DM)
`Server (MODS)
`Cl'ent Access Device 2
`- TV, PC, Wireless Device
`Access to Delivered Media
`FIG. 3
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 5,2006
`Sheet 4 of 6
`US 7,103,906 B1
`User Identification
`Delivered Media identification
`Billing Information
`MODS Identification
`DM Identification/this MODS
`Time code of last viewed second 425
`Time code of beginning of last scene in
`Last Format Used
`Transaction Identification
`FIG. 4.
`Information on
`last viewing
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 5,2006
`Sheet 5 of 6
`US 7,103,906 B1
`FIG. 5
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 5,2006
`Sheet 6 of 6
`US 7,103,906 B1
`615 - PC Access via cable
`modem to DM
`Client Device 1
`ISP Server
`Server (NIODS)
`Client Access Device 2
`- Wireless Device
`Access to Delivered Media
`FIG. 6
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`US 7,103,906 B1
`(Not Applicable)
`(Not Applicable)
`1. Technical Field
`The present invention relates to the field of multimedia
`transfer and control. More particularly, the instant invention
`relates to a method and apparatus for dynamically control-
`ling and referencing digital media independent of the point
`of access.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`Users, both business and consumers, are increasingly
`becoming accustomed to having large amounts of digital
`data delivered from various media-on-demand (MOD) sys-
`tems. The continuing evolution from narrowband to broad-
`band networks has fueled a growing need for digital data
`delivery by facilitating the transmission of broadband data
`not only by wired means, but also by wireless means. For
`example, the Internet, with its myriad of text, audio and
`video content, and its omnipresent availability, can provide
`consumers with a wealth of information that is practically
`accessible from anywhere through numerous wired and
`wireless means. As networks which provide access to digital
`data continue to evolve, the networks improve their ability
`to more efficiently distribute and serve bandwidth demand-
`ing streaming audio and video content to consumers.
`Various forms of wired access methodologies have been
`created to provide consumer access to the various broadband
`networks. For example, cable modem service provided by
`cable service operators can provide Local Area Network
`(LAN) type access speeds via the same coaxial cable that
`carries cable signals to the premises of a subscriber. The
`cable modems used in these systems can support transmis-
`sion speeds on the order of several megabits per second
`depending upon whether the network is engineered to use a
`symmetrical or an asymmetrical topology. These systems are
`orders of magnitude faster than narrowband systems, which
`typically can provide transmission speeds ranging from 28
`Kbps to 56 Kbps. Digital Subscriber Loop (DSL) technol-
`ogy also can provide broadband access to subscribers, albeit,
`through traditional Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS)
`copper twisted pair lines. DSL modems, although not as fast
`as cable modems today, are touted to provide downstream
`speeds approaching 2 Mbps and upstream speeds approach-
`ing 512 Kbps depending upon the underlying network
`Several wireless access technologies have been used to
`provide broadband wireless access to consumers. For
`example, the Reunion Broadband Wireless Access (BWA)
`manufactured by Nortel Networks Corporation of Bramp-
`ton, P.O. provides a digital point-to-multipoint technology
`operating at frequencies ranging from 24 GHZ to 38 Ghz.
`Additionally, BluetoothTM, a wireless technology for pro-
`viding a short range radio link between various small form
`factor data devices, can operate at 2.45 GHZ with transmis-
`sion speeds of 721 Kbps. Finally, various other technologies,
`such as Fixed Wireless Loop, Wireless Local Loop, Local
`Multipoint Distribution System (LMDS) and Multichannel
`Multipoint Distribution System (MMDS) have be used to
`provide broadband access to subscribers.
`The growth and gradual switch from narrowband to
`broadband access and services has eased user access to
`digital media by decreasing download time, consequently
`increasing user willingness to access digital media networks.
`This growth in network access and subscriber willingness
`has fueled the need to provide subscriber terminals to access
`the various broadband services. Typical subscriber access
`devices include, PCs, TVs, set-top boxes, handheld com-
`puters, wireless LAN devices, and audio devices that have
`the capability to download digital media content from the
`Internet for later playback and viewing.
`Consequently, a new problem of user/subscriber control
`over the transmission of digital media has arisen from the
`development of MOD services, broadband access and the
`existence of a myriad of access devices, each having its own
`capabilities and access characteristics. Current systems lack
`functionality for accessing specific digital media on a first
`access device in a viewing session, and subsequently con-
`tinuing the viewing session by allowing access of the same
`digital media from a second access device. For example,
`with present systems, a user viewing a movie delivered
`through a TV at home, cannot terminate the delivery of the
`movie only to resume the delivery of the same movie at a
`later time. Additionally, current systems do not permit one to
`resume delivery of a movie at a later time through a different
`access device, for example a PC. Finally, current systems do
`not permit the resumption of the delivery of the movie to an
`access device positioned in a location that differs from that
`in which the original access began, namely,
`the home.
`Accordingly, given the limitations and inflexibility present
`in current MOD systems, there exists a need to provide a
`more efficient and flexible system and method for providing
`configurable access to digital media in a MOD system.
`The present invention can include a method for providing
`configurable access to media in a media-on-demand system.
`The method can include the steps of delivering the media to
`a first client device through a first communications link;
`recording a bookmark specifying a position in the media;
`and delivering the media to a second client device through
`a second communications link. Significantly, the delivery to
`the second client device can begin at the position specified
`by the recorded bookmark. The method can further include
`the steps of identifying device properties for each of the first
`and second client devices; and, delivering the media to the
`first and second client devices through the respectively
`established first and second communications links. Notably,
`the client device properties can include the client device
`type, particular media formats which can be processed by
`the client device and the type of communications link which
`can be supported by the client device.
`In one aspect of the present invention, the media can be
`delivered to first and second client device sessions through
`first and second communications links respectively. Gener-
`ally, in this aspect of the present invention, the first and
`second client device sessions can reside in a single client
`device. However, the invention is not limited in this regard
`and the first and second client device sessions can reside in
`first and second client devices.
`Notably, the media can be delivered in a format compat-
`ible with the identified device properties. Specifically, in one
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`US 7,103,906 B1
`aspect of the invention, the media is stored in a media-on-
`demand server (MODS) and delivered to the first and the
`second client devices via the first and the second commu-
`nications link respectively. In another aspect of the inven-
`tion, the step of delivering the media to the first client device
`via the first communications link, can include receiving the
`media from the MODS in an intermediate server. In the
`intermediate server, the media can be converted to a format
`compatible with the identified device properties of the first
`client device; and the converted media can be delivered to
`the first client device via the first communications link.
`in a format compatible with the identified device properties
`for the first client device; and, delivering the media to the
`second client device in a format compatible with the iden-
`tified device properties for the second client device.
`The present invention also can include a user-controlled
`media-on-demand system. The system can include a media-
`on-demand server (MODS) for delivering media to client
`device sessions; a first communications link between the
`MODS and a first client device session; a second commu-
`nications link between the MODS and a second client device
`session; and, a bookmark in the MODS specifying a position
`in the delivered media. Notably,
`the MODS can deliver
`media to the first client device session over the first com-
`In another aspect of the invention, the step of delivering
`the media to a second client device via the second commu-
`nications link can include receiving the media in an inter-
`mediate server from the MODS. In the intermediate server,
`the media can be converted to a format compatible with the
`identified device properties of the second client device.
`Subsequently, the converted media can be delivered to the
`second client device via the second communications link.
`In one aspect of the present invention, the method also can
`include the steps of storing the media in selected ones of a
`plurality of media-on-demand servers. Each MODS in the
`plurality of media-on-demand servers can store the media in
`at least one format compatible with a selected device type.
`A MODS can be selected for delivering the media to the first
`client device. The selected MODS can have stored thereon
`the media in a format compatible with the first client device.
`Subsequently, the media can be delivered from the selected
`MODS in a format compatible with the first client device.
`Likewise, a MODS can be selected for delivering the media
`to the second client device, wherein the selected MODS has
`stored thereon the media in a format compatible with the
`second client device. Subsequently, the media can be deliv-
`ered from the selected MODS in a format compatible with
`the second client device.
`The selecting step can further include determining if a
`MODS is available for delivering the media to the first client
`device in a format compatible with the first client device. If
`it is determined that a MODS is not available for delivering
`the media to the first client device in a format compatible
`with the first client device, a MODS can be selected for
`delivering the media to the first client device. Notably, the
`selected MODS can contain the media in a standard format.
`As such, the media in the standard format can be converted
`to a format compatible with the first client device.
`Similarly, the selecting step can further include determin-
`ing if a MODS is available for delivering the media to the
`second client device in a format compatible with the second
`client device. If it
`is determined that a MODS is not
`available for delivering the media to the second client device
`in a format compatible with the second client device, a
`MODS can be selected for delivering the media to the
`second client device. Notably,
`the selected MODS can
`contain the media in a standard format. As such, the media
`in the standard format can be converted to a format com-
`patible with the second client device.
`A method for providing configurable access to media in a
`media-on-demand system also can include delivering the
`media to a first client device in a format compatible with the
`first client device; interrupting the delivery of the media;
`recording a bookmark specifying a position in the media
`where the interruption occurred; and resuming delivery of
`the media to a second client device, the resumed delivery
`beginning at a position in the media specified by the
`recorded bookmark. The method further can include iden-
`tifying device properties for each of the first and second
`client devices; delivering the media to the first client device
`the MODS can deliver the
`munications link. Similarly,
`media to the second client device session over the second
`communications link beginning at the position specified by
`the bookmark. Notably, the first and second client device
`sessions can reside in first and second client device sessions.
`Alternatively, the first and second client device sessions can
`reside in a single client device.
`In one aspect of the invention, the system can also include
`an intermediate server disposed between the MODS and the
`client devices. In particular,
`the intermediate server can
`receive the delivered media from the MODS. Also,
`intermediate server can identify device properties for each of
`the client devices. In consequence, the intermediate server
`can convert the delivered media to a media format compat-
`ible with the identified device properties for each client
`device. Finally,
`the intermediate server can deliver the
`converted media to the client devices.
`In another aspect of the invention, the system can include
`a plurality of media-on-demand servers. Each MODS in the
`plurality of media-on-demand servers can store media in at
`least one format compatible with a specific device type.
`Also, the system can include an intermediate server which
`can identify a device type of a client device. In consequence,
`the intermediate server can select a MODS in the plurality
`of media-on-demand servers for delivering the media to the
`client device. The selected MODS can store the media in a
`format compatible with the identified device type. Upon
`being selected, the MODS can deliver the media to the client
`device in the format compatible with the identified device
`In yet another aspect of the present invention, the system
`can further include a backup MODS for storing media in a
`standard format compatible with a standard device type;
`and, a conversion filter in the intermediate server. The
`intermediate server can determine if a MODS in the plurality
`of media-on-demand servers is available for delivering the
`media to the client device in a format compatible with the
`client device. The intermediate server also can select the
`backup MODS if it is determined that no MODS is available
`for delivering media to the client device in a format com-
`patible with the client device. The backup MODS can
`deliver the media to the intermediate server in the format
`compatible with the identified device type. As a result, the
`intermediate server can convert
`the media to a format
`compatible with the identified device type in the conversion
`There are presently shown in the drawings embodiments
`which are presently preferred, it being understood, however,
`that the invention is not limited to the precise arrangements
`and instrumentalities shown, wherein:
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`US 7,103,906 B1
`FIG. 1 is an exemplary network architecture diagram
`illustrating various network entities of the invention;
`FIG. 2 is an exemplary flow diagram illustrating the
`messaging that occurs between a client device and a MODS
`in the startup process;
`FIG. 3 illustrates an alternate network architecture for the
`network illustrated in FIG. 1, wherein the MODS is medi-
`ated by an ISP;
`FIG. 4 illustrates the fields in an exemplary bookmark;
`FIG. 5 is an exemplary flow diagram illustrating the
`messaging that occurs between a MODS and ISP;
`FIG. 6 illustrates is an exemplary network having a
`plurality of MODS and a plurality of service providers each
`servicing a different client device type is disclosed;
`The present invention is a user-controlled, multi-device,
`media-on-demand system. The media-demand- system of the
`present system can provide users with the ability to receive
`delivered media across a network in a client device through
`a communications
`link to a media-on-demand server
`(MODS) regardless of the properties of the client device and
`the characteristics of the communications link. Specifically,
`the MODS can deliver particular media to the client device
`in a format consonant with the properties of the client device
`which can include device type, acceptable media format and
`communications link speed and reliability.
`Significantly, the user can interrupt the delivery of the
`delivered media to a client device session in a client device,
`and subsequently the user can resume the delivery of the
`delivered media in a seamless manner. Notably, the delivery
`can resume in a new client device session in a different client
`device, or in a new client device session in the same client
`device as the initial client device session. Additionally, the
`delivery can resume regardless of the timing of the resump-
`tion of the delivery and of the properties of the client device
`through which the user receives the resumed delivery.
`Specifically, the user can resume the delivery of a previ-
`ously interrupted reception of delivered media through a
`particular client device and a corresponding communica-
`tions link each of which may have properties which differ
`from the client device and corresponding communications
`link of the interrupted delivery. Upon resumption of the
`the properties of the new client device can be
`determined and the format of the delivered media dynami-
`cally changed to accommodate the new client device. More-
`over, the delivery can resume at a position in the delivered
`media corresponding to the position in the delivered media
`which had been most recently delivered to the client device
`prior to the interruption.
`FIG. 1 is an exemplary network architecture diagram
`illustrating the various network entities of the invention in
`accordance with the inventive arrangements. As illustrated
`in the figure, the major network entities can include a MODS
`100, Access Networks 105 and a first client access device
`110 exemplarily illustrated as PC Access to Delivered Media
`consisting of computers 110-1, 110-2 and 110-3. A second
`client access device 120 is exemplarily illustrated as a TV,
`PC, Wireless Device Access to Delivered Media consisting
`of a laptop computer 120-1, a handheld device 120-2, a
`desktop computer 120-3 and a wireless telephone 120-4.
`Client access devices (client devices) 110 and 120 are
`connected to access networks 105 via connections 107 and
`117. Connections 107 and 117 may be wired or wireless
`connections. Typical wired connections include but are not
`limited to narrowband POTS, xDSL, Hybrid Fiber Coaxial
`(HFC) and cable, which can utilize twisted pair copper
`wires, coaxial cable,
`fiber or any combination thereof.
`Typical wireless connections include but are not limited to
`Cellular, PCS, CDPD, GPRS and Bluetooth each which
`typically operate at frequencies in the range of 900 MHz to
`38 GHz.
`The MODS 100 can be comprised ofa plurality of access
`interfaces since it supports access by different kinds of client
`devices. For example, the MODS 100 can have a Ethernet
`interface that supports a TCP/IP stack, an X.25 interface to
`support communication with public data networks that uti-
`lize the X.25 protocol, or a T1 interface to support traffic
`from a public switched telephone network (PSTN).
`In addition to supporting various access methodologies,
`the MODS 100 can store delivered media in a variety of
`formats, wherein each format is compatible with a particular
`type of client access device. For example, the MODS 100
`may store particular delivered media in MPEG1, MPEG2,
`Digital Video Broadcast, Quicktime, etc. As a result, the
`ability to store delivered media in different formats provides
`the flexibility to serve delivered media to differing types of
`client devices.
`Alternatively, the MODS 100 merely can store a single
`default format of the delivered media. However, when a
`request for delivered media is received from a client device
`having a particular device type, the MODS 100 can identify
`the device type and transcode or convert the delivered media
`from the default format to a format compatible with the
`identified client device type. For example, if the device type
`of client access device 120-1 can process delivered media
`formatted in the WML protocol, upon receiving a request for
`delivered media from the client access device 120-1, the
`MODS 100 can transcode the delivered media from the
`default format to WML.
`In one representative embodiment of the invention, when-
`ever a client device, for example client device 110, attempts
`to access delivered media services through the MODS 100,
`the MODS 100 can attempt to identify device type of the
`client device 110. In particular, the MODS 100 can send an
`initial query to the client device 110 requesting that the client
`device 110 report its device type. Alternatively, the client
`device 110 can transmit the device type indication with the
`initial access request. Hence, the client device type can be
`identified with a minimum of communications required.
`FIG. 2 illustrates an exemplary startup sequence between
`the MODS 100 and a client device 110-1. As shown in the
`figure, client device 110-1 can request media delivered from
`a MODS 100 and can issue a service request 200. MODS
`100 can respond with a query 205, requesting the device
`type for client device 110-1. Client device 110-1 can respond
`with a device type reply 210. In addition to identifying the
`client device type, the MODS 100 can request additional
`information about the configuration of the client device
`110-1 by issuing a capability request 215 to the client device
`110-1. The client device 110-1 can report its configuration
`with a capability reply message 220. Alternatively,
`MODS can assume a default configuration based on the
`device type provided in the device type reply 210.
`Configuration information can include, but is not limited
`to screen characteristics, such as size, color or grayscale, I/O
`capabilities such as speakers, printer types, supported media
`formats and buffer size. While it might be preferable to
`acquire the configuration information dynamically, it should
`readily be understood by one skilled in the art that altema-
`tive methods are possible without departing from the spirit
`of the invention. For example, the client device configura-
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1033
`US 7,103,906 B1
`the time a user
`tion information could be acquired at
`subscribes to a delivered media subscription. Alternatively,
`the client device configuration information can be provided
`manually. Finally, the client device configuration inforrna-
`tion can be acquired from client device configuration data
`which can be pre-stored in a database and indexed according
`to client device type or user.
`In a representative embodiment of the present invention,
`the client device 110-1 can have corresponding configura-
`tion information which has been pre-stored in static memory
`of the client device, such as a Read-Only-Memory (ROM).
`In consequence, the configuration information can be trans-
`ferred electronically to the MODS 100 over the network
`105, either at the initial access or when the client device
`110-1 accesses the network 105. In the latter case, if there
`are changes to the client device configuration, the ROM can
`be reprogrammed such that the updated client device infor-
`mation can remain available to the MODS 100.
`Returning now to FIG. 2, the delivery of media from the
`MODS 100 to clients 100 can be a for-fee service wherein
`the user pays a fee in exchange for the on-demand delivery
`of media content, for example a movie or song. Accordingly,
`for security purposes, an authentication exchange between
`the client device 110 and the MODS 100 can be used to
`facilitate access to services and billing. There are various
`methods that are well known in the art that can be used to
`authenticate and grant access to particular network services.
`For example, the Secured Socket Layer (SSL) protocol uses
`a public key cryptography to authenticate and encrypt infor-
`mation that is transferred over the Internet using TCP/IP.
`Authentication and encryption can be used to secure the
`transmission of transaction messages 225 and 230 which can
`further the goals of ensuring a secure transaction.
`Due to the varied nature of the type of communication
`links that can be used for communication between the client
`device 110-1 and the MODS 100,
`the MODS 100 can
`attempt to evaluate the connection by using, for example,
`pacing stream 235. Hence, MODS 100 could use the pacing
`stream 235 consisting of a regulated stream of messages sent
`to client device 110-1, in order to ascertain the bandwidth of
`the connection. Metrics such as the arrival times and the
`interstitial times can be measured by the client device 110-1
`and reported to the MODS 100 through a respond with
`bandwidth message 240. These metrics then can be used to
`determine network latency and the bandwidth requirements.
`Although the metrics can be measured by the MODS 100, in
`one representative embodiment, the metrics are measured by
`the client device 110-1.
`Referring now to FIG. 3, an alternative architecture to that
`disclosed in FIG. 1 is shown, wherein access to the MODS
`100 is mediated by an ISP server 300. From a network
`provider perspective, the MODS 100 does not have to be the
`same operating entity as that of the ISP server 300. Hence,
`whenever the client device 110-1 attempts to access a
`service offered by the MODS 100, the ISP 300 can mediate
`the transaction. Specifically,
`in one embodiment of the
`invention, a capability exchange can precede the MODS
`transaction for the delivered media. During the capability
`exchange, the ISP 300 can query the client device 110-1 for
`the client device type and can mediate the transaction
`between the MODS 100 and the client device 110-1 accord-
`ing to the identified client device type. In a further aspect of
`the invention, since the MODS 100 can store the delivered
`media, the delivered media can be sent to the client device
`110-1 through the ISP server 300.
`Significantly, the MODS 100 can store bookmarks within
`the local memory of the MODS 100. The bookmarks can be
`used in the conventional sense inasmuch as the bookmarks
`can store a location in the delivered media related to a
`position in the delivered media which most recently had
`been transmitted to the client device 110-1. Notably, the
`bookmark does not necessarily store the position in the
`delivered media which had been transmitted most recently to
`the client device 110-1. Rather, the bookmark also can store
`a position preceding that position which had been most
`recently transmitted to the client device 110-1 so that the
`resumption of delivery of the delivered media at a later time
`can overlap the delivered media previously transmitted to
`the client-device 110-1.
`While the MODS 100 can retain a subscriber record
`which can contain a bookmark indicating the subscribers
`delivered media history, in one embodiment of the present
`invention, the ISP 300 can retain the subscriber record and
`the MODS 100 can retain at least a partial copy of the
`subscriber record. One reason for this system of dual reten-
`tion is that a user may have several bookmarks of which
`many may never be used. Notably, the several bookmarks
`may have been created based upon the delivery of media to
`a single client device or to a plurality of different client
`devices having dilfering formats. As an example,
`in the
`architecture shown in FIG. 3, since the ISP 300 provides the
`delivered media received from the MODS 100 to the client
`device 110-1, the ISP 300 maintains the subscriber record.
`In a further aspect of the invention, copies of the book-
`mark can be stored both at the ISP 300 and at the MODS
`100. In consequence, in the event the copies of the bookmark
`fall out of synchronization, such as can happen whenever
`there is a power outage during a software upgrade, then the
`user of a client device 110-1 can be given the option to select
`which copy of the bookmark is the correct copy. Once the
`correct version of the bookmark has been identified, the
`correct version can be used to overwrite the incorrect
`version of the bookmark. The process of updating mis-
`matched copies of the same bookmark can be encoded in a
`Java applet. Specifically, when a request is made to access
`information in a time code field of the bookmark record
`stored in the ISP 300, the copy of the bookmark stored in the
`MODS 100 can be checked to ensure that the time code
`entries are the same. In the case where the time code entries
`are not the same, the Java applet can request that the user

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