`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,914,840 B2
`*Dec. 16, 2014
`(58) Field of Classification Search
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`Inventor: Richard Reisman, New York, NY (US)
`(73) Assignee: Convergent Media Solutions LLC
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`What is ITV?, MetaTV, downloaded Dec. 7, 2001 (document states
`Open TV Solutions for Interactive Television, http:/ /WWW.opentv.
`com/industry/tvexpertls _itvpaper.html, printed Feb. 15, 2001.
`Praja Products: Technology, http://WWW praja.com/products/tech-
`nology.html, printed Sep. 11, 2000.
`The PRAJA Event Suite: Event Experience System, http://WWW
`praja.com/products/event_exp_sys.htrnl, printed 9/11100 (docu-
`ment states 2000).
`The PRAJA Event Suite: Event Management System, http://WWW
`(document states 2000).
`The PRAJA Event Suite: Event Experience System: Detail, http://
`WWW praja.com/products/ees_detail.htrnl, printed Sep. 11, 2000
`(document states 2000).
`EMS Frequently Asked Questions, http://WWW.praja.com/support/
`ems_faq.html, printed Sep. 11, 2000.
`printed Sep. 11, 2000.
`Interactive Video Technologies Leads the Convergence of Multime-
`dia and the Internet, Press Release, http://videotechnologies.com/
`about us/pr/pr 01 170livop.htrn, printed Jul. 1, 2004 (document states
`Jan. 17,2001).
`Interactive Video Technologies: Internet Video Operating Platform,
`printed Feb. 5, 2001.
`Hotel Guests to Experience Interactive Television Services from
`InnMedia and MetaTV, http://WWW.thetimesharebeat.com/archives/
`2001/htl/htlmay70.htrn, printed Jul. 2, 2004 (document states May
`1 5, 200 1).
`MbTV Content/Advertising Manager, http://WWW.mbtv.com/tech-
`nology/admanager.htrn, printed Jul. 9, 2001.
`SkyScraper Interactive: Interactive Broadcast System, Triveni Digi-
`tal, PDF file properties “created” dated May 22, 2001.
`Time Warner Cable mailing: iWink, Time Warner Cable, 1999.
`Interactive Television and Its Impact on the Wireless Industry, Scott
`NeWnam, Wireless Business & Technology, Nov. 2002.
`Ops Eye Set-Tops to TrackVieWing, By Linda Moss, http://WWW.eff.
`org/Privacy/GII_NII ! sefiop_box_monitorinL960 5 20 article,
`printed Jul. 2, 2004 (document states May 20, 1996).
`The Webification of TV is happening, By Kevin Werbach, http://
`neWs.com.com/2010-1071-281523.htrnl, printed Jul. 2, 2004 (docu-
`ment states Jul. 26, 2001).
`An Interactive TV Reality Check, by Ken Freed, http://WWW.
`broadbandWeek.com/neWs/0009/print/0009 neWs 08.htrn, printed
`Jul. 2, 2004 (document states Sep. 2000).
`Skip-the-Ads TV Had Madison Ave. Upset, by Amy Harmon, http://
`limbo.ime.usp.br/educar2002/index.php?SkipTheAds, printed Jul.
`2, 2004 (document states Apr. 23, 2002).
`Standard Handbook ofVideo and Television Engineering, (Update)
`Chapter 17.3 Consumer Video and NetWorking Issues, tvhandbook.
`com, doWnloaded May 4, 2002 (document states “[p]ortions of this
`chapter Were adapted from: Pizzi, Skip: ‘Internet and TV Conver-
`gence,’ in Interactive TV Survival Guide, Jerry C. Whitaker ed.,
`McGraW-Hill, NeW York, N.Y., 2001”.
`Maybe TVs Should Just Stay Dumb, Robert La Franco, Red Herring,
`Aug. 2000.
`Interactive TV Revisited, HoWard Wolinsky, Upside, Aug. 2000.
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1031
`US 8,914,840 B2
`Page 6
`References Cited

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