`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,527,640 B2
`Sep. 3, 2013
`( * ) Notice:
`Inventor: Richard Reisman, New York, NY (US)
`(73) Assignee: Teleshuttle Tech2, LLC, New York, NY
`Subject. to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 183 days.
`(21) App1.No.: 12/552,992
`5611- 2, 2009
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2009/0319672 A1
`Dec. 24, 2009
`Related U-S- Applicatiml Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 10/434,042, filed on
`May 8, 2003, now Pat. No. 7,899,915.
`Int‘ Cl‘
`G06F 15/16
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`USPC .......................... .. 709/228; 709/227; 709/229
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`USPC ................................................ .. 709/227—229
`See application file for Complete Search history
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`TV Content
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` I mflsessionlg
`Enh ncemeni Co tent
`Cable Operator
`Device Set 2 --
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`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1029
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`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1029
`US 8,527,640 B2
`Page 4
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`(document states 2000).
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`(document states 2000).
`The PRAJA Event Suite: Event Management System, http://www.
`praja.com/products/ems_detail.htrnl, printed Sep. 11, 2000 (docu-
`ment states 2000).
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`ment states Jul. 26, 2001).
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`Jul. 2, 2004 (document states Sep. 2000).
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`limbo.ime.usp.br/educar2002/index.php?SkipTheAds, printed Jul.
`2, 2004 (document states May 23, 2002).
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`Chapter 17.3 Consumer Video and Networking Issues, tvhandbook.
`com, downloaded May 4, 2002 (document states “[p]ortions of this
`chapter were adapted from: Pizzi, Skip: ‘Internet and TV Conver-
`gence,’ in Interactive TV Survival Guide, Jerry C. Whitaker ed.,
`McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y., 2001”.
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`Battle over DTV standards goes global, By Junko Yoshida, http://
`www.eetimes.com/article/showArticle.jhtm1?articleID: 1 83 04239,
`printed Jul. 10, 2004 (document states Jun. 9, 2000).
`Displaying TV Broadcasts in Web Pages, http://developer.msntv.
`com/Developer/disp1aytv.asp, printed Mar. 5, 2002 (document states
`to Everstream, Campaign Director,
`everstream.com/cd.htm, printed Jul. 12, 2002 (document states
`Welcome to Everstream, Campaign Decision Engine, http://www.
`everstream.com/cde.htm, printed Jul. 12, 2002 (document states
`Welcome to Everstream, Benefits, http://www.everstream.com/ben-
`efits.htm, printed Jul. 12, 2002 (document states 2002).
`Ad Enabling the Next Generation of iTV & Broadband, downloaded
`Jul. 12,2002.
`Navic Network Services, http://navic.tv/servicesbody.htrnl, printed
`Jul. 13, 2002 (document states 2001).
`Click to Web Ads From TV Video Programming, http://www.adage.
`com/news.cms?newsId:33590, printed Jul. 12, 2002 (document
`states Dec. 10,2001).
`Coming Soon: Commercials on Demand, Alan Breznick, Cable Sales
`Professional, Spring 2002.
`Install WebTV for Windows 98, http://www.zdnet.com/filters/
`printerfriendly/0,6061,2227443-77,00.htrn1, printed Dec. 31, 2000
`(document states Mar. 17, 1999).
`W3C Workshop on Web Device Independent Authoring: Position
`Statements and Papers, http://www.w3.org/2000/ 10/DIAWorkshop/
`statements.html, printed Dec. 15, 2004 (document states Sep. 29,
`Developing TV Applications Using Internet Technology, http://
`www.w3.org/2000/10/DIAWorkshop/hayes/text.htrnl, printed Aug.
`6, 2004, target of “Developing TV Applications using Internet Tech-
`nology” link in W3C Workshop on Web Device Independent Author-
`ing: Position Statements and Papers (W3C Workshop on Web Device
`Independent Authoring: Position Statements and Papers states date of
`Sep. 29, 2000).
`TV Platform Technology Acquired for Basic Set-Tops, Dominic
`04apr/0400tptafb.htm, printed Dec. 26, 2000.
`WebTV for Windows,
`usingwindows/fun/artic1es/8 1 1Nov/funfoundation3 .asp,
`Aug. 14, 2000 (document states May 5, 1999).
`What do you want to see today?, http://broadcast.microsoft.com/,
`printed Aug. 14, 2000.
`System Software Components, http://msdn.microsoft.com/1ibrary/
`psdldbpc/intro_6wvn.htm, printed Aug. 14, 2000 (document states
`Jan. 5, 2000).
`AOLTV, Frequently Asked Questions, http://www.ao1tv.com/any-
`where/aoltv/faq.html, printed Jul. 1, 2001.
`Sony, AOL in PlayStation 2 Alliance, http://dailynews.yahoo.com/
`htx/nm/20010515/bs/tech_sony_aol_dc_1.htrnl, printed May 15,
`2001 (document states May 15, 2001).
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1029
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1029
`US 8,527,640 B2
`Page 5
`Industry Leaders Announce Plans to Power Smart Devices With
`Windows CE .NET, http://www.microsoft.corn/presspass/press/
`2002/jan02/01-07CustCommitPR.asp, printed Aug. 10, 2004 (docu-
`ment states Jan. 7, 2002).
`Telescript: General Magic Active Web Tools Roadmap Version 1.0
`Pre-release (chapters “Introduction” and “The view from 10,000
`feet”), General Magic, 1996.
`Commercialization of Personal IT Television “airboard”, http://
`www.sony.net/SonyInfo/News/Press/200009/00-044/, printed Aug.
`11, 2004 (document states Sep. 28, 2000).
`Meta Pad: IBM’s Prototype Modular Computer, http://domino.re-
`search.ibm.com/Comm/bios.nsf/pages/metapad.htrnl, printed May
`1, 2002 (document states Feb. 6, 2002).
`Modular Computing: The Next Generation of Personal Computing,
`http ://www. gigaweb. com/content_display/print_friendly/
`0,2482,260474,00.htrnl, printed Apr. 17, 2002 (document states Apr.
`16, 2002).
`Bringing Affordable Digital Television and the Next Generation of
`High Bandwidth Connectivity to the Home, http://www.pcdtv.org/
`PCDTV/press/, printed Dec. 31, 2000 (document states Aug. 21,
`PCDTV Frequently Asked Questions,
`PCDTV/more_info/, printed Dec. 31, 2000 (document states 2000).
`WinTV screen image, http:/www.hauppaguge.com/html/images/
`wtv2000.jpg, printed Dec. 31, 2000.
`Multi-Monitor FAQ, http://www.realtimesoft.com/multimon/faq.
`asp, printed Jan. 2, 2001.
`Realtime Soft UltraMon, http://www.realtimesoft.corn/ultramon,
`printed Jan. 2, 2001.
`HiFi-Link: Overview, http://www.xitel.com/content/hifilink.htm,
`printed Jul. 22, 2002.
`HiFi-Link: Why use a hifi-link, http://www.xitel.com/content/
`hifilink_why.htm, printed Jul. 22, 2002.
`Total Remote & Pocket PC, http://www.griffintechnology.com/
`griffinmobile/totalremote/index.htrnl, printed Nov. 20, 2003 (docu-
`ment states 2002).
`Total Remove v1.1x user guide, www.griffintechnology.com, down-
`loaded Nov. 20, 2003.
`Philips iPronto: Dashboard for the Digital Home, downloaded Nov.
`21, 2002 (document states 2002).
`Philips builds bridge between TV and PC, By Richard Shim, http://
`Aug. 11, 2004 (document states Nov. 19, 2002).
`HeadendWare Ir Adaptor for Cable Modems, ICTV, 2003.
`ICTV to Demonstrate Docsis-Based Device Enabling ITV Delivery
`to Cable Ready Digital Televisions, http://ictv.corr1/rr1ain/company/
`press_2003Feb10CR-DTVhtml, printed Aug. 11, 2004 (document
`states Feb. 10, 2003).
`One for All, Universal Remote Control (URC-9910) User’s Guide:
`Using the IIURF Command Center (p. 52-54), downloaded Dec. 17,
`2002 (document states Apr. 4, 2002).
`Xantech System Applications: p. 4-7, downloaded Dec. 28, 2002.
`Nirvis Slink-e, http://www.nirvis.com/slink-e.htm, printed Dec. 28,
`Slink-e Specs, http://www.nirvis.com/slinke_specs.htm, printed
`Dec. 28, 2002.
`printed Dec. 28, 2002.
`Nirvis Slink-e Help, Overview, http://www.nirvis.com/help/help.
`htm, printed Dec. 28, 2002.
`Nirvis Slink-e Help, IR Zones, http://www.nirvis.com/help/help.
`htm, printed Dec. 28, 2002.
`The SlinkX ActiveX Control, http://www.nirvis.com/he1p/SlinkX/
`slinkx.htrn, printed Dec. 28, 2002.
`SlinkX Methods, Properties and Events, http://www.nirvis.com/
`help/SlinkX/MethProp/methprop.htrn, printed Dec. 28, 2002.
`Nirvis User Downloads, http://www.nirvis.com/user_submitted.
`htm, printed Dec. 28, 2002.
`Nirvis FAQ, http://www.nirvis.com/nirvis_faq.htm, printed Dec. 28,
`Qcast Tuner PSE Software Review, http://broadq.com/reviews/
`ascully.pdf, printed Dec. 1, 2002.
`Microsoft’s X-Box Changes the Desktop Landscape, http://www.
`gigawebcom/Content/PIMRPA-032000-00020.htrnl, printed Dec.
`21, 2000 (document states Mar. 20, 2000).
`TiVo’s new Home Media Option, http://www.tivo.com/
`asp?article:162, printed Apr. 3, 2003 (document states Jan. 9, 2003).
`FAQs: TiVo Home Media Option, http://www.tivo.com/4.9.1.asp,
`printed Apr. 3, 2003).
`Industry briefs: Viant, Interactions (ACM), vol. 8, Issue 2 (Mar./Apr.
`Sony vs. Microsoft: The Fight for Interactive Television, Victoria
`Murphy, http://forbes.corn/2003/0 1/ 1 0/cz_vm_0 1 10tv_print.html,
`printed Sep. 9, 2004 (document states Jan. 10, 2003).
`The Inevitability of the Media Center and Media Gateway, By
`MediaCenterWhitePaper_030803.pdf, (archive.org states archive
`date of Mar. 30, 2003).
`www.POSM.tv: the Project for Open Source Media, http://posm.tv,
`printed Oct. 29, 2004 (doc

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