`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Oct. 31, 2006
`References Cited
`........... .. 379/67.1
`6/1992 Cmgun et al.
`6/1996 Brusaw
`6! 1997 Schuchman et :11.
`6/1998 Hidary et al.
`8/1998 Payton
`6/1999 Mankovitz ................ .. 455/419
`11/1999 Mano et :11.
`11/1999 Gopinath
`11/1999 Simmonset al.
`11/1999 Burns et al.
`12! 1999 Yiu
`4/2000 Macraeet a.l.
`4/2000 Kikinis
`8/2000 Allport
`1/2001 Perlman
`1/2001 Madsen et al.
`............ .. 348/460
`..................... .. 341/175
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`6,008,777 A
`6,052,145 A "
`6,055,566 A
`6,104,334 A "
`6,169,879 B1
`6,181,284 B1
`Inventor: Craig M. Janik, Los Altos Hills, CA
`(73) Assignee: Simple Devices, Cypress, CA (US)
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. l54('b) by 530 days.
`(21) App]. No.: 09/924,646
`Aug. 7, 2001
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2002/0068558 A1
`Jun. 6, 2002
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 09/841,268,
`filed on Apr. 24, 2001.
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/ 199,638, filed on Apr.
`25, 2000, provisional application No. 60/268,434,
`filed on Feb. 12, 2001, provisional application No.
`60/223,872, filed on Aug. 8, 20()0.
`Int. Cl.
`H04L 12/58
`H04M 1/725
`H04Q 702
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`................................ 455/412.1; 379/110.1;
`348/460; 348/552
`(58) Field of Classification Search ........... .. 455/422.1,
`455/418-420, 3.03, 3.06, 41.2, 550.1, 515,
`455/553.1, 4.1, 414, 2.01, 403, 412, 412.1;
`379/1021, 102.2, 102.3, 67.1, 102.01, 102.02,
`379/102.03, 110.1; 709/218-219, 246, 217,
`709/203, 237, 206, 224; 348/552, 460
`See application file for complete search history.
`2 343 073
`European Search Report, Application No. EP 01 95 9676 1 US
`0124933, The Hague, Sep. 16, 2004 (5 pages).
`Primary Examiner—William D. Cumming
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Gary R. Jamsik
`A system and a method for providing content, management
`and interactivity for client devices are provided. Digital data
`based on user
`specified preferences
`is automatically
`obtained and transferred.
`7 Claims, 42 Drawing Sheets
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Page 2
`6,496,692 B1
`6,509,908 131*
`6,535,590 131*
`6,539,433 131*
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`2002/0011923 A1
`2002/0073248 A1
`12/2002 Shanahan
`............... .. 345/716
`1/2003 Croy et a1.
`3/2003 Tidwell et al.
`....... N 379/110.01
`3/2003 Tominaga et a1.
`........ .. 709/246
`11/2003 Evans et a1.
`........... .. 455/412.1
`1/2002 Cunningham et a1.
`5/2002 Janik et 31.
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`$3 3?/33:3: A,
`* cited by examiner
`3/2001 Schultheiss ............... .. 348/552
`6,208,384 131*
`6/2001 Ghori 6ta1~
`~~ 455/63
`6,243,772 131*
`7/2001 Dara-Abrams 6ta1~
`6,259,707 B1
`7/2001 Margulis
`6,263,503 B1
`........ .. 709/203
`6,304,895 B1 * 10/2001 Schneider et al.
`6,321,991 131*
`11/2001 Knowles .............. .. 235/472.01
`5,325,932 B1
`12/2001 Wu et 31,
`6,353,635 131*
`3/2002 Montague et a1.
`6,401,059 B1
`6/2002 Shen a a
`6,437,836 131
`8/2002 Huang et a1.
`6,467,089 B1 * 10/2002 Aust et al.
`............... .. 455/2.01
`....... .. 455/3.03
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31,2006
`Sheet 2 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
` @_ fi@_%E|_
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`US 7,130,616 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
` E363O8_>mo._u8.§n_o_E_<‘E
`o j
` jj_
` §:
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
` ..eo_em552$toueui1case.=u_:oo@@EE..>o;.E.»naE..
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
` E£:ou@_4_mason2212§.:_2L_musofioa_EE.._oo.Io_vEI€ 7xoEméom=o_._o>
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
`m_aE_w_s_§s_s1o.@ mcozmmmmzm
` 62522.8E28__<§_o|_2m__::_330%_s_m
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
` 5/12§@3:w=5uoo>2azxuamu=__:o
` Ew85awSe®®03®«,03®>mu_.u_282:5>mummum>>>mumm:._.>mu:o§
` E_£83853525c __<=...w_musem_nE_m
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
`«meet:t8Eu_:IousoE2=oorWE____.:a_o_ 9...:.a._ooHmE_._o>E$93gm: .2o_9_u
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
` 92..m_8Hm3_§.»..._:9.3gm_.....:o_&acometsIousoEuEou@E .uE££
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U S. Patent
`Oct. 31,2006
`Sheet 13 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exh
`1 it 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
`_.HE._._.__....,\ -
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31,2006
`Sheet 15 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31,2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`Sheet 21 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
` Y
`Tag button activated
`on audio device remote
`IR signal sent from
`> remote to audio device
`Tag button activation
`> message sent from audio
`device to core module
`core module receives
`tag activation message
`core module determines
`current content source
`read time and
`date in core
`search file for
`°°'° 3°°'°" 3t'°°"'
`for embedded
`if terrestrial
`if local file
`core request FM
`frequency from
`audio device
`core acquire
`URL stream
`core append above
`information to
`message, send
`to tag server on
`add tag information
`t0 "SW3 109 °99|'99°“°fl
`server searches for
`content source,
`appropriate. forwards
`tag to content
`search on tag data. append
`links to user's tag
`aggregation page
` FHG. 2’fl
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
` _m_uouq_N50>.25mmmw_n_
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31,2006
`Sheet 23 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`Sheet 24 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Home PC Information Appliance Sewer Setup Flow Chart
`At website. select
`wireless transceiver
`transceiver into USB ’ ’ s°t,,‘,’,,§,‘,',;$,',',°;s 3)
`connected to the PC)
`Plug wireless
`ect t
`P°’t °" PC
`Server downloads system
`control application software onto
`the client PC (wireless
`transceiver drivers. BIOS
`modification program, automatic
`dialup and scheduling
`Automatic dialup is
`set to initiate after
`in very eariy
`installs onto PC
`application is loaded
`and user chooses
`hours of automatic
`FIIG, 24
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Software at the
`website server polls
`the PC and verifies the
`existence of the
`802.11 transceiver
`connected to PC
`BIOS is modified to
`start computer
`automatically during
`specified hours to
`automatic operation
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`Sheet 25 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Client Device Content Selection Interface
`client deVi¢9
`setup website
`User is
`presented with a
`selection of
`client devices
`that can be
`User specifies the
`type of client device
`Other client device
`> feature options are
`Use’ 5°'°°t5 "
`"“"“b°’ °i
`options for
`Client device
`content options
`are presented
`User may or
`"my "°l "'°k°
`» User logs off
`of website
`FUG. 25
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`Sheet 26 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Home PC Storage Sewer Operation Sequence
`Overnight Connection and Caching Example
` Internet
`BIOS timer automatically
`boots computer
`Offlinfi _ Computer dials up
`via modem
`’ IA sewer is accessed
`i.e., DSL) - user preferences are
`used to select content
`for downloading
`onlme (aIways—on,
`Content downloading
`begins and runs for
`some length of time
`After download is
`connection is either
`tenninated or maintained
`is cached
`on the PC hard‘
`User initiates
`streaming of data
`to device using an
`interface on the
`node device —
`content is sent via
`At a predetermined
`time (set by user)
`the content is
`streamed to N node
`d°V'°9s M the
` User may interact
`with node device,
`two-way interaction 4
`exists between node
`device on PC
`FHG, 26
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`Sheet 27 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`Sheet 23 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
` Flash memory
`AC/DC power convetslon
`Switched AC
`wireless LAN
`IV or radio tuner
`dispgay driver / display
`HQ. 28
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`Sheet 31 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`Sheet 32 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`Sheet 33 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`Sheet 34 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`Sheet 37 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`US 7,130,616 B2
` .__uo_u_5%n:Eu2En....a__o~..uE__fie©
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`Sheet 41 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
`V._uSn_EooEQ_wcoo@4.v A
`..§_%_:%3a2...3&976.:_§$m@asfiamg .oRo8__
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 31, 2006
`Sheet 42 of 42
`US 7,130,616 B2
`;Eaum@7@E®>Au>xuam&1_eonm_8HmoEo>EseaEm2m=5._e_em 2m__._m_=Qu&..Rw_SE6.50_mo__.._fizuumgno;fizoomflw>PQQO8=*5...E3$\oEa_uIam\na:omR._uo_o_/mou_>ooo_9Em/Ho\\\uoEwmo._uv<=Tv@.wEpmb2m_:MWnu._._o>o._EL
`Netflix, Inc. Exhibit 1007
`US 7,130,616 B2
`This patent application is a Continuation-in-part (CIP) of
`patent application Ser. No. 09/841,268, filed Apr. 24, 2001,
`entitled “System for Providing Content, Management, and
`Interactivity for Thin Client Devices.”
`This application claims the benefit of the filing date of the
`following U.S. patent applications:
`U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/ 199,638, filed
`Apr. 25, 2000, entitled “System for Presenting Data and
`Content from the Internet on Client Devices”;
`U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/841,268, filed Apr. 24,
`2001, entitled “System for Providing Content, Management,
`and Interactivity for Thin Client Devices”;
`U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/268,434, filed
`Feb. 12, 2001, entitled “System for Delivering Content to
`Client Devices”, and
`U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/223,872, filed
`Aug. 8, 2000, entitled “Home PC to Electronic Player
`Device Content Delivery System”.
`invention relates generally to ubiquitous
`The present
`computing devices and, more particularly, to a system for
`providing content, management, and interactivity for client
`The rapid buildup of telecommunications infrastructure
`combined with substantial
`in Internet-based
`businesses and technology has brought Internet connectivity
`to a large segment of the population. Recent market statistics
`show that a majority of households in the U.S. own at least
`one personal computer (PC), and a significant number of
`these PCs are connected to the Internet. Many households
`include two or more PCs, as well as various PC productivity
`such as printers,
`scanners, and the like.
`Decreases in the cost of PC components such as micropro-
`cessors, hard disk drives, memory, and displays, have driven
`the commoditization of PCs. Although the majority of
`household PCs are connected to the Internet by dialup
`modem connections, broadband connectivity is being rap-
`idly adopted, and is decreasing in price as a variety of
`technologies are introduced and compete in the marketplace.
`A large majority of households in the U.S. and Europe are
`viable for at least one or more type of broadband connection,
`such as cable, DSL, optical networks, fixed wireless, or
`two-way satellite transmission.
`A market for home networking technology has emerged,
`driven by the need to share an Internet connection between
`two or more PCs, and to connect all the PCs to productivity
`peripherals. There has been innovation in local area network
`(LAN) technology based on end-user desire for simplicity

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