IPR 2016-01794
`American Vehicular Sciences
`Exhibit 2021


`Attorney Docket No. ATI-367
`Patent No.:
`Issue Date:
`Serial No.:
`David BREED
`January 27, 2009
`May 18, 2005
`Inflator System
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Attn: Certificate of Correction Branch
`January 29, 2009
`Submitted herewith is a proposed Certificate of Correction for the above—
`referenced patent.
`The change to the Claims is the result of an error which arose on the part of the
`US. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). As such, there is no fee for requesting this
`Certificate of Correction.
`Brian Roffe, Esq.
`11 Sunrise Plaza, Suite 303
`Valley Stream, New York 11580-6111
`Tel: (516) 256-5636/ Fax: (516) 256-5638
`Certificate of Correction
`'FEB _ 4 2009


`: 7,481,453
`APPLICATION NO.: 11/131,623
`1 January 27, 2009
`David 8. Breed
`It is certified that an error appears or errors appear in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent
`is hereby corrected as shown below:
`Column 274, line 1, after "device", change "affanged" to --arranged--.
`PTO/SBI44 (04-05)
`Approved for use through 04/30/2007. OMB 0651-0033
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
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`The Patent Term Adjustment is 307 day(s). Any patent to issue from the above—identified application will
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`David S. Breed, Boonton Township, NJ;
`IR103 (Rev. 11/05)


`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO. Box 1450
`313- 1450
`Alexandria1 Virginia 22
`David S. Breed
`VALLEY STREAM, NY 11580-6111
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`PTOL—90A (Rev. 04/07)


`Application No.
`Response to Rule 312 Communication
`Art Unit
`-- The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address —
`1. IX The amendment filed on 24 November 2008 under 37 CFR 1.312 has been considered, and has been:
`a) El entered.
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`c) I:I disapproved because the amendment was filed after the payment of the issue fee.
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`d) I] disapproved. See explanation below.
`e) D entered in part. See explanation below.
`/John Q. Nguyen/
`Supervisory Patent Examiner, Art Unit 3616
`/Joseph Rocca/
`Examiner, Art Unit 3616
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL-271 (Rev. 04-01)
`Reponse to Rule 312 Communication
`Part of Paper No. 20081205


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`W N
`ovember 24 , 2008
`Ilil3| .523
`David 5. Breed
`ATTORNEY nocxtrr mt
`ATI 3tt7
`(.‘thl-‘lKMA t‘l()N Nn
`pmzv l‘All) lh’SUE FIZE
`TOT/ti. Hat-m mu'
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`11/25/2008 HUUUNG2
`00000075 500266
`03 FC:6001
`3.00 09


`NUU-E4-E’868 16:35 From:BRIRN RUFFE ESQ
`P 8/14
`Examiner: Joseph M. Rocoa
`Art Unit: 3616
`Application of:
`Serial No.:
`Continuation No.:
`Filing Date:
`Customer Number:
`David S. Breed
`May 18, 2005
`lnflator System
`Mail Stop Issue Fee
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Notice ofAllowance Dated
`August 26, 2008
`Attorney Docket No. Ail—367
`Dear Sir:
`, Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §l .312, please amend the above-identified application as follows.
`Amendments to the Specification are set forth on page 2 of this paper.
`' Amendments to the Claims are reflected in the listing of claims which begins on page 3 of this
`Remarks/Argumems begin on page 13 of this paper.
`l hereby certify that this Amendment is being
`transmitted by facsimile to the US. Patent and
`Trademaflc Office on November 24, 2008.
`(571) 273-2885.
`Brian Rofl'e
`PAGE 2114 " RCVD AT 1112412008 4:40:23 PM [Eastern Standard Time]*SVR:USPTo-EFXRF-5I10* DNISI2732885 * (18105162565638 * DURATION (mm-ss):05-30


`U.S. patent application Ser. N0. 11/ 13 I .623
`Amendment under 37 C.F.R. §l .312 dated Nov. 24, 2008
`Please amend the paragraph in the specification beginning on page 1, line 20 as follows:
`a continuation-in-pan of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/962,827 filed Nov. 3, 1997,
`now U806609903 which is a continuation-ling of us. patent application Ser. No. 08/476,076 filed Jun.
`7, 1995, an U§OSé84701;
`PAGE 3W RCVD AT 11I24I2003 4:40:23 PM [Eastern Standard Time] ‘ SVR1USPTO-E‘XRF-il10 * DNIS:2732385 " CSID:5162565638 " DURATION (mm-ss):05-30


`P 4’14
`I Ill 3 1,623
`US. patent application Ser. No.
`Amendment under 37 CPR. §l .312 dated Nov. 24, 2008
`This listing of claims will replace all prior versions, and listings, of claims in the application.
`Listing of Claims:
`(Previously Presented) A method for inflating an airbag in a vehicle to protect an occupant in
`the event of a crash involving the vehicle, comprising:
`arranging an inflator having a propellant in the vehicle;
`igniting the propellant afier determination ofa crash involving the vehicle to generate gas therefrom;
`directing the gas into an airbag to cause the airbag to deploy;
`- forming at least one variable gas flow port to enable a variable flow of gas into the airbag during
`deployment, the at least one variable gas flow port being formed in a flow path ofthe generated gas between a
`location at which the gas is generated and the airbag or being formed at a location between a location where the
`inflator. is attached to a supporting base and the airbag; and
`comrolling pressure in the airbag based on the occupant by varying the at least one variable gas flow
`port and thereby providing for a controlled pressure in the airbag.
`(Previously Presented) The method ofclaim 1, wherein the variation in the flow ofgas into
`the airbag is obtained by varying a flow of aspirating gas into a mixing chamber in which the aspirating gas
`mixes with gas generated from the propellant, the mixing chamber being located between the location at which
`the gas is generated and the airbag.
`The method ofclaim 2, wherein the inflator has at least one variable passage
`through which the gas flows in a path toward the airbag, the cross-sectional area of the at least one passage
`being controlled based on the pressure in the mixing chamber.
`(Previously Presented) The method ofclaim 1, further comprising arranging the inflatOr and
`the airbag in ahousing having a cover exposed to a passenger compartment ofthe vehicle, the pressure in the
`airbag being controlled during deployment when the cover is interposed between the airbag and the occupant
`based on the occupant's position relative to the cover.
`(Previously Presented) The method ofclaim 4, wherein pressure in the airbag is controlled to
`prevent injury to the occupant when the occupant is leaning on the cover and preventing deployment of the
`PAGE 4l14 * RCVD AT 11049008 4:40:23 PM [Eastern Standard Time] * SVRIUSPTOEXRF-Silfl * DNIS:2?32885 ‘ CSlD25162565638 ’ DURATION (mm-ss):05-30


`U.S. patent application Ser. No. l I/l31,623
`Amendment under 37 C.F.R. §l .3 l2 dated ‘Nov. 24, 2008
`(Previously Presented) The method ofclaim l , wherein the at lemt one variable gas flow port
`comprises a plurality of variable gas flow ports, the size ofthe ports being dependent on pressure exerted by
`the occupant against the airbag.
`(Previously Presanted) The method ofclaim 4, wherein the step ofcontrolling premue in the
`airbag comprises opening ports when the occupant is leaning on the cover and preventing deployment ofthe
`airbag such that gas generated from the propellant flows out through the ports and not into the airbag when the
`occupant is leaning on the cover and preventing deployment of the airbag.
`The method ofclaim I, wherein pressure in the airbag is controlled based on
`the occupant‘s position relative to the airbag.
`(Previously Presented) A method fer controlling combustion ofa propellant which produces
`gas when burning, the gas being used to inflate an airbag on a vehicle, comprising:
`housing the propellant in a combustion chamber on the vehicle;
`fermiug a mixing chamber in which the gas generated upon combustion ofthe propellant mixes with :1
`HOW of aspirating gas with the mixed flow being directed into the airbag;
`providing at least one exit conduit from the combustion chamber thr0ugh which gas generated upon
`combustion of the propellant flows into the mixing chamber; and
`adjusting the cross-sectional area ofthe at least one exit conduit during combustion ofthe propellant to
`thereby continuously control the pressure in the combustion chamber and thus the rate of combustion of the
`l l .
`(PreviOusly Presented) The method ofclaim 10, wherein the combustion chamber is det'med
`by a gas generator, further comprising mounting the gas generator to a base to thereby define a nozzle between
`the gas generator and the base which constitutes an exit conduit.
`The method of claim ll, wherein the cross—sectional area ofthe nozzle is
`adjusted by mounting the gas generator to the base via an elastic or flexible supporting structure which holds
`the gas generator against the base.
`PAGE 5114 ' RCVD AT 11i24l2008 4:40:23 PM [Eastern Standard Time]* SVRIUSPTO-EXRF-fllo ' DNIS:2732885 * CSiDl51G2565638‘ DURATION (mm-ss):05-30


`US. patent application Scr. No. l l/131,623
`Amendment under 37 C.F.R. §l .3 12 dated Nov. 24. 2008
`(Previously Presented) The method ofclaim 12, wherein the gas generator moves apart from
`the base to thereby increase the cross-sectiOnal area of the nozzle when pressure in the combustion chamber
`exerts a force greater than the force provided by the Supporting structure.
`The method of claim 1 1, further comprising maintaining a minimum cross-
`sectional area of the noule by arranging supports between a surface of the gas generator facing the base and
`the base.
`The method of claim 11. wherein the cross-sectional area of the nozzle is
`adjusted by mounting the gas generator to the base via a deformable supporting structure.
`(Previously Presented) A system for controlling combustion ofa propellant which produces
`gas when burning, the gas being used to inflate an airbag on a vehicle, comprising:
`a housing; and
`an inflator including a combustion chamber having a propellant which generates gas upon burning,
`said housing defining a mixing chamber in which the gas generated upon combustion of said
`propellant mixes with a flow of aspirating gas with the mixed flow being directed into the airbag;
`said inflator being mounted to said housing to define at least part of at least one exit conduit from said
`cembustiOn chamber and through which gas generated from said propellant flows into the mixing chamber and
`such that said at least one exit conduit is capable of having an adjustable cross-sectional area during
`combustion of said propellant to thereby continuously control the pressure in said combustion chamber and
`thus the rate of combustion of said propellant.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 16, wherein the cross-section! area of said at
`least one exit conduit is controlled based on the pressure in said cembustion chamber.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim l6, further comprising an elastic or flexible
`supporting structure for mounting said inflator to said housing and loading said inflator toward said housing,
`the cross-sectional area ofsaid at least one exit conduit being adjustable based on pressure diti’erences between
`a pressure in said combustion chamber and a pressure provided by said supporting structure.
`The system of claim 18, further comprising support structure arranged
`between a surface of said inflator facing said housing and said housing for maintaining a minimum cross-
`PAGE 6H4 * RCVD AT 11I24I2008 4:40:23 PM [Eastern Standard Time]*SVR:USPTO£FXRF-5l10* DNISZZT32885 ’ CSID:5162565638 * DURATION (mmss):05-30


`mU-B‘i-E’QBB 16:36 FrjomiBRIRN ROFFE ESQ
`US. patent application Scr. No. ll/l3l,623
`Amendment under 37 C.F.R. §l.312 dated Nov. 24, 2008
`sectional area of said at least one exit conduit.
`The system ofclaim 16, further comprising a defomrable supporting structure
`‘for mounting said int‘lator to said housing, the cross-sectional area of said at least one exit conduit being
`adjusted upon defamation of Said Supporting structure.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 16, wherein said housing defines at least one
`variable gas flow port which enables gas flow from an interior of said housing to an exterior ofsaid housing,
`said at least one gas flow port enabling gas to flow into said mixing chamber defined by said housing and
`combine with gas generated from said propellant and flowing through said at least one exit conduit which then
`flows out of said housing into the airbag.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 2i, firr-ther comprising a cover releasany
`mounted to said housing for covering the airbag, said at least one gas flow port being defined between said
`cover and a remaining part of said housing.
`The system of claim 2|, wherein the cross-sectional area of said at least one-
`exit conduit is controlled based on the preSSure in said mixing chamber.
`(Previously PreSented) An occupant protection system for protecting an occupant in a vehicle
`in the event of an accident involving the vchicle, comprising:
`at least one airbag arranged to deploy into a passenger compartnient of the vehiclcj
`an inflator system for inflating said at least one airbag, said inflator system c0mprising a housing, and
`an inflator including‘a combustion chamber having a propellant which generates gas upon burning, said
`housing defining a mixing chamber in which the gas generated upon burning ofsaid propellant mixes with a
`flow of aspirating gas with the mixed flow being directed into said at least one airbag, said inflator being
`mounted to said housing to define at least one exit conduit from said combustion chamber and through which
`gas generated from said propellant flows into said mixing chamber, said at least one exit conduit having an
`adjustable cross-sectional area; and
`an initiation device arranged to initiate burning ofsaid propellant in response to an accident involving
`the vehicle such that upon burning of said propellant, gas is generated and flows through said at least one exit
`conduit into said at least one airbag to inflate said at least one airbag.
`PAGE n14 ‘ RCVD AT 11124i2008tz40:23 PM [Eastern Standard Time]*SVR:USPTOEFXRF-5l1fl* DNIS:2732885 * CSID:5162565638 " DURATION (mm-ss):05-30


`US. patent application Ser. No. ll/l3l,623
`Amendment under 37 C.F.R. §l.3 12 dated Nov. 24, 2008
`(Previously Presented) The. system of claim 24, wherein said housing defines at least one
`variable gas flow port which enablcs gas flow from an interior of said hOusing to an exterior of said housing,
`said at least one gas flow port enabling gas toflow into said mixing chamber defined by said hausing and
`combine with gas generated frorn said propellant and flowing through said at least one exit conduit which then
`flows out of said housing,
`The system of claim 25, wherein the cross-sectional area of said at least one
`exit conduit is controlled based on the pressure in said mixing chamber.
`The system of claim 25, wherein said inflator system further comprises a
`cover releasany mounted to said housing and covering said at least one airbag priorto inflation of said at least
`one airbag, said at least one gas flow port being defined between said c0vcr and a remaining part of said
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 24, wherein the cross-sectional area of said at
`least one exit conduit is controlled based on the pressure in said combustion chamber.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 24, wherein said inflator system further
`comprises an elastic or flexible supporting structure for mounting said inflator to said housingand loading said
`inflator toward said housing, the cross—sectional area ofsaid at least one exit conduit being adjustable based on
`a pressure difference between a pressure in said combustion chamber and a pressure provided by said
`supporting structure.
`The system of claim 29, wherein said inflator system further comprises
`support structure arranged between a surface of said inflator Facing said housing and said housing for
`maintaining a minimum cross-sectional area of said at least one exit conduit.
`3 l .
`(Previously Presented) A method for inflating an airbag in a vehicle to protect an occupant in
`the event of a crash involving the vehicle, comprising:
`arranging an inflator having a propellant in the vehicle;
`igniting thepropellant afier determination of‘a crash involving the vehicle to generate gas therefrom;
`directing the gas into an airbag;
`controlling pressure in the airbag by varying the flow of gas into the airbag; and
`PAGE 8l14 * RCVD AT 11l24l20084140:23 PM [Eastern Standard Time]*SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-5l10‘ DNIS:2732885 * CSIDI5162565533 * DURATION (mm-ss):05-30


`U.S. patent application Scr. No. l l/l31,623
`Amendment under 37 C.F.R. §l.3 [2 dated Nov. 24. 2008
`arranging the inflator in a housing having a cover exposed to a passenger compartment ofthe vehicle,
`the preSSure in the airbag being controlled based on the occupant’s position relative to the cover,
`the step of controlling presswe in the airbag based on the occupant comprising forming variable gas
`flow ports, the size of the gas flow ports being dependent on pressure exerted by the occuth against the
`each ofthe gas flow ports being formed in a flow path ofthe generated gas between a location at which
`the gas is generated and the airbag or being formed at a location between a location where the inflator is
`attached to a supporting base and the airbag.
`(Previously Presented) A method for inflating an airbag in a vehicle to protect an occupant in
`the event of a crash involving the vehicle, comprising:
`arranging an inflator having a propellant in the vehicle;
`igniting the propellant after determination ofa crash involving the vehicle to generate gas therefrom;
`directing the gas into an airbag; and
`controlling pressure in the airbag by varying the flow of gas into the airbag;
`the step ofcontrolling pressure in the airbag based on the Occupant comprising forming variable gas
`flow ports, the size of the gas flow ports being dependent on preSSure exerted by the occupant against the
`each ofthe gas flow ports being formed in a flow path ofthe generated gas between a location at which
`the gas is generated and the airbag or being formed at a location between a location where the inflator is
`attached to a supponing base and the airbag.
`(Previously Presented) A method for controlling combustion ofa propellant which produces
`gas when burning, the gas being used to inflate an airbag on a vehicle, comprising;
`housing the propellant in a chamber on the vehicle, the chamber being defined by a gas generator;
`mounting the gas generator to a base to thereby define a nozzle between the gas generator and the base
`which constitutes an exit conduit;
`arranging the exit conduit in flow communication with the chamber; and
`adjusting the cross—sectional area of the exit conduit during combustion of the propellant to thereby
`continuously control the pressure in the chamber and thus the rate of combustion of the propellant. the cross-
`sectional area of the nonle being adjusted by mounting the gas generator to the base via an elastic 0r flexible
`suppOrting structure which holds the gas generator against the base.
`PAGE 9114 ‘ RCVD AT 1112412008 4:40:23 PM [Eastern Standard Time]* SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-5l10 ‘ DNIS:2?32885 ‘ CSlDI5162565638 ‘ DURATION (mmss):05:30


`NUU-E4-8888 16:3? FromiBRIRN ROFFE ESQ
`US. patent applicatiOn Ser. No. 11/131 .623
`Amendment under 37 CPR. §l.3 I 2 dated NOV. 24, 2008
`(Previously Presented) The method ofclaim 33, wherein the gas generator moves apart from
`the base to thereby increase the cross-sectiOnal area ofthe nonlc when pressure in the chamber exerts a force
`greater than the force provided by the supporting structure.
`(Previously Presented) A method for controlling combustion ofa propellant which produces
`gas when burning, the gas being used to inflate an airbag on a vehicle, comprising:
`housing the propellant in a chamber on the vehicle, the chamber being defined by a gas generator;
`mounting the gas generator to a base to thereby define a nozzle between the gas generator and the base
`which constitutes an exit conduit:
`arranging the exit conduit in flow communication with the chamber;
`adjusting the cross-sectional area of the exit conduit during combustiOn of the propellant to thereby
`continuously control the pressure in the chamber and thus the rate of combustion of the propellant; and
`maintaining a minimum cross-sectional area ofthe nozzle by arranging supports between a surface of
`the gas generator facing the base and the base.
`(Previously Presented) A method for eontwlllng Combustion ofa propellant which produces
`gas when bunting, the gas being used to inflate an airbag on a vehicle, comprising:
`housing the propellant in a chamber on the vehicle, the chamber being defined by a gas generator;
`mounting the gas generator to a base to thereby define a nozzle between the gas generator and the base
`which constitutes an exit conduit;
`arrangingthe exit conduit in flow communication with the chamber; and
`adjusting the cross-sectiOnal area of the exit conduit during combustion of the propellant to thereby
`continuously control the pressure in the chamber and thus the rate of combustion ofthe propellant, the cross-
`sectional area of the nozzle being adjusted by mounting the gas generator to the base via a deformable
`supporting structure.
`(Previously Presanted) A system for controlling combustion ofa propellant which produces
`385 when burning, the gas being used to inflate an airbag on a vehicle, comprising:
`a housing;
`an inflator including a chamber having a propellant which generates gas upon burning, Said inflator
`being mounted to said housing to define at least part of at least one exit conduit therebetween in flow
`communication with said chamber and through which gas generated from said propellant flows into the airbag
`and such that said at least one

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