`(12) Ulllted States Patent
`Dubnicki et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,140,625 B2
`Mar. 20, 2012
`2007/0050590 A1*
`3332;232:333 ::
`3/3007 Syed Gt a1~
`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 711/170
`Inventors: C ezary Dubnicki, Monmouth Junction,
`NJ (US); Leszek G_ryZ’ Prmceton’ NJ
`(US); Krzysztof Llch0ta= Warszawa
`(PL); Cristian Ungureanus Princeton:
`NJ (US)
`Ben-Or, M., “Another Advantage of Free Choice: Completely Asyn-
`chronous Agreement Protocols”, Proc. 2nd ACM Symposium Prin-
`ciples Distributed Computing, p. 27-30, 1983.
`Dubnicki, C., et al., “FPN: A Distributed Hash Table for Commercial
`Applications”, 13th IEEE Int’l. Symposium High Peit Dist. Comput-
`( * ) Notice:
`(21) Appl No" 12/023,141
`(73) Assignee: NEC Laboratories America, Inc.,
`Inga P~ 120;128a 2004;
`Princeton NJ (US)
`Geels, D., Data Replication in OceanStore , University of Califor-
`nia, (EECS) Report No. UCB/CSD-02-l2l7, 2002.
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis mf>rI:c’
`ll§1}1,tI:1(lIl,(E)Sli)3:Ic1t (I,fcf'>:lr::fi;?
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`Architectures, p. 41-52, 2002.
`U.S,C. 15403) by 440 days,
`Leslie, M., et al., “Replication Strategies for Reliable Decentralised
`Storage”, IEEE Computer Society, Proc. lst Int’l. Conf., ARES,
`Lynch, N., et al., “Atomic Data Access in Distributed Hash Tables”,
`Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci., 2429, p. 295-305, IPTPS, 2002.
`Schneider, F., “Implementing Fault-Tolerant Services Using the State
`Machine Approach: A Tutorial”, ACM Comp. Surveys, 22(4), p.
`299.319, 1990,
`Jan‘ 31’ 2008
`Prior Publication Data
`Related U-S- Appncanon Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/890,661, filed on Feb.
`20, 2007.
`Primary Examiner — Peling Shaw
`(741) $107’719)’: A897”; 0" F17’7” * James Bnenoé —l05ePh
`K0 0
`Int. Cl.
`G06F 15/16
`G06F 7/00
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`............... .. 709/205; 709/206; 707/El/032
`(58) Field of Classification Search ........ .. 709/205-206;
`707/ 10, 100, E17, 32, 395 .32, El7.032
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`2004/0215622 A1
`10/2004 Dubnickiet al.
`2005/0135381 Al*
`6/2005 Dubnickiet al.
`...... .. 370/395.32
`A fixed prefix peer to peer network has a number of physical
`nodes. The nodes are logically divided into a number of
`storage slots. Blocks of data are erasure coded into original
`and redundant data fragments and the resultant fragments of
`data are stored in slots on separate physical nodes such that no
`physical node has more than one original and/or redundant
`fragment. The storage locations of all of the fragments are
`organized into a logical virtual node (e.g., a supernode). Thus,
`the supernode and the original block of data can be recovered
`even if some of the physical nodes are lost.
`20 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 20, 2012
`Sheet 1 of8
`US 8,140,625 B2
`r-—I l\) 93
`|— n— l\)C‘
`>— u— l\.) 9--
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 20, 2012
`Sheet 2 of8
`US 8,140,625 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 20, 2012
`Sheet 3 of8
`US 8,140,625 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 20, 2012
`Sheet 4 of8
`US 8,140,625 B2
`Supemode 226
`‘ 1101
`Cardinality = 6
`Component 214a 01101 _
`Component 2156 01101
`Component218b 01101
`Component 220d 01101
`FIG. 4
`Component 222a 01101
`Component 224a 01101
`Supernode A
`404 H1
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 20, 2012
`Sheet 5 of8
`US 8,140,625 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 20, 2012
`Sheet 6 of8
`US 8,140,625 B2
` 606
`61 O
`6 1 6
`FIG. 6
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 20, 2012
`Sheet 7 of8
`US 8,140,625 B2
`FIG. 7
`71 6
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 20, 2012
`Sheet 8 of8
`US 8,140,625 B2
`FIG. 8
`US 8,140,625 B2
`This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional
`Application No. 60/890,661 filed Feb. 20, 2007 which is
`incorporated herein by reference.
`The present invention relates generally to peer to peer 10
`networking and more particularly to storing data in peer to
`peer networks.
`Peer to peer networks for storing data may be overlay
`networks that allow data to be distributively stored in the
`network (e.g., at nodes). In the peer to peer networks, there are
`links between any two peers (e.g., nodes) that know each
`other. That is, nodes in the peer to peer network may be
`considered as being connected by virtual or logical links, each
`of which corresponds to a path in the underlying network
`(e.g., a path of physical links). Such a structured peer to peer
`network employs a globally consistent protocol to ensure that
`any node can efliciently route a search to some peer that has
`a desired file or piece of data. A common type of structured
`peer to peer network uses a distributed hash table (DHT) in
`which a variant of consistent hashing is used to assign own-
`ership of each file to a particular peer in a way analogous to a
`traditional hash table’s assignment of each key to a particular
`array slot.
`However, traditional DHTs do not readily support data
`redundancy and may compromise the integrity of data stored
`in systems using DHTs. To overcome these obstacles, data
`items are N-way replicated, but this results in high storage
`overhead and often requires multiple hashing functions to
`locate copies of the data. Further, it is diflicult to add support
`for monitoring data resiliency and automatic rebuilding of
`missing data.
`Accordingly, improved systems and methods oforganizing
`and storing data in peer to peer networks are required.
`ity of the physical nodes, facilitates communication between
`the physical nodes associated with the components to deter-
`mine if a component is lost, and if a component is lost,
`initiates a recovery procedure. The recovery procedure
`involves evaluating a plurality of new host locations for a
`replacement component, voting on the plurality of replace-
`ment locations, and creating a replacement component from
`data in the original components.
`These and other advantages of the invention will be appar-
`ent to those of ordinary skill in the art by reference to the
`following detailed description and the accompanying draw-
`FIG. 1 is a diagram of an exemplary peer to peer network
`according to an embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 2 is a diagram of an exemplary peer to peer network
`according to an embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 3 is a diagram of an exemplary peer to peer network
`according to an embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 4 is a depiction of data to be stored in a peer to peer
`FIG. 5 is a flowchart of a method of storing data in a fixed
`prefix peer to peer network according to an embodiment of
`the present invention;
`FIG. 6 shows a flowchart ofa method ofoperation ofa node
`in a fixed prefix peer to peer network according to an embodi-
`ment of the present invention;
`FIG. 7 shows a flowchart of a generic change method; and
`FIG. 8 is a schematic drawing of a controller.
`The present invention extends the concept of Distributed
`Hash Tables (DHTs) to create a more robust peer to peer
`network. The improved methods of storing data described
`herein allow for a simple DHT organization with built-in
`support for multiple classes of data redundancy which have a
`smaller storage overhead than previous DHTs. Embodiments
`of the invention also support automatic monitoring of data
`resilience and automatic reconstruction of lost and/or dam-
`aged data.
`The present invention provides greater robustness and
`resiliency to the DHT-based peer to peer network known as a
`Fixed Prefix Network (FPN) disclosed in U.S. patent appli-
`cation Ser. No. 10/813,504, filed Mar. 30, 2004, now U.S. Pat.
`No. 7,304,994, issued on Dec. 4, 2007, and incorporated
`herein by reference. Unlike traditional peer to peer networks,
`FPNs and networks according to the present
`known as FPNs with Supernodes (FPN/SN), are constructed
`such that the contributed resources (e.g., nodes) are dedicated
`to the peer to peer system and the systems are accordingly
`significantly more stable and scalable.
`FIGS. 1-3 depict various illustrative embodiments of peer
`to peer networks utilizing FPN/SNs. FIGS. 1-3 are exemplary
`diagrams to illustrate the various structures and relationships
`described below and are 11ot meant to limit the invention to the
`The present invention generally provides a method of oper-
`ating a fixed prefix peer to peer network having a plurality of
`physical nodes logically divided into storage slots.A set ofthe
`storage slots host components and are logically organized 45
`into a virtual node. A physical node receives a message with
`identification information indicative of a version of a compo-
`nent hosted on another physical node, determines a relative
`age ofthe component based on the identification information,
`and if the version of the component hosted on the second 50
`physical node is newer than a version of the component
`hosted on the node, stores the identification information as a
`component skeleton at a storage slot on the node. The node
`also determines if the identification information stored at the
`storage slot on the first physical node activates a component 55
`and, ifthe identification information activates the component,
`activates the component by hosting the component on the
`The present invention further provides a method of opera-
`tion a node of a peer to peer network having a plurality of 60
`physical nodes each having a plurality of storage slots. The
`peer to peer network stores data in the plurality of storage
`slots, associates a plurality of components with a plurality of
`the storage slots, associates each component with the physical
`node that has the storage slot that hosts the component, asso-
`ciates a set of the components logically as a virtual node
`where the virtual node comprises storage slots from a plural-
`specific network layouts shown.
`FIG. 1 is a diagram of an exemplary peer to peer network
`100 foruse with an embodiment of the present invention. The
`peer to peer network 100 has a plurality of physical nodes
`102,104,106, and 108 that communicate with each other
`through an underlying transport network 110 as is known.
`There is no restriction on the location, grouping, or number of
`the physical nodes 102-108 with regards to the present inven-
`tion. Though depicted in FIG. 1 as four physical nodes 102-
`US 8,140,625 B2
`108, it is understood that any number ofnodes in any arrange-
`ment may be utilized. Similarly, the physical nodes 102-108
`may vary in actual storage space, processing power, and/or
`other resources.
`Physical nodes 102-108 each have associated memories
`and/or storage areas (not shown) as is known. The memories
`and/or storage areas of physical nodes 102-108 are each logi-
`cally divided into a plurality of slots approximately propor-
`tional to the amount of storage available to each physical
`node. That is, the memory and/or storage area of physical
`node 102 is logically divided into approximately equivalent-
`sized slots 112a, 112b, 112c, and 112d, the memory and/or
`storage area of physical node 104 is logically divided into
`approximately equivalent-sized slots 114a, 114b, 114c, and
`114d, the memory and/or storage area ofphysical node 106 is
`logically divided into approximately equivalent-sized slots
`116a, 116b, 116c, and 116d, and the memory and/or storage
`area of physical node 108 is logically divided into approxi-
`mately equivalent-sized (e.g., in terms of storage capacity)
`slots 118a, 118b, H80, and 118d. A physical node may be
`logically divided in that its memory and/or storage allocation
`may be allocated as different storage areas (e.g., slots). Physi-
`cal nodes 102-108 may be divided into any appropriate num-
`ber of slots, the slots being representative of an amount of
`storage space in the node. In other words, data may be stored
`in the nodes 102-108 in a sectorized or otherwise compart-
`mentalized manner. Ofcourse, any appropriate division ofthe
`storage and/or memory of physical nodes 102-108 may be
`used and slots 112a-d, 114a-d, 116a-d, and 118a-dmay be of
`unequal size. Further, slot size may not be static and may
`grow or shrink and slots may be split and/or may be merged
`with other slots.
`Each physical node 102-108 is responsible for the storage
`and retrieval of one or more objects (e.g., files, data, pieces of
`data, data fragments, etc.) in the slots 112a-d, 114a-d, 116a-
`d, and 118a-d, respectively. Each object may be associated
`with a preferably fixed-size hash key of a hash function. In
`operation, one or more clients 120 may communicate with
`one or more ofphysical nodes 102-108 and issue a request for
`a particular object using a hash key.
`Slots 112a-d, 114a-d, 116a-d, and 118a-dmay also each be
`associated with a component of a virtual (e.g., logical) node
`(discussed in further detail below with respect to FIGS. 2 and
`3). Herein, components are not physical entities, but repre-
`sentations of a portion of a virtual node. That is, components
`may be logical representations of and/or directions to or
`addresses for a set or subset of data that is hosted in a particu-
`lar location in a node (e.g., hosted in a slot). Storage locations
`of data fragments (e.g., data fragments discussed below) are
`logically organized into a virtual node.
`FIG. 2 is a diagram of a portion of an exemplary peer to
`peer network 200 for use with an embodiment of the present
`invention. The peer to peer network 200 is similar to peer to
`peer network 100 and has a plurality of physical nodes 202,
`204, 206, 208, 210, and 212 similar to physical nodes 102-
`108. Physical nodes 202-212 are each logically divided into a
`plurality of slots approximately proportional to the amount of
`storage available to each physical node. That is, physical node
`202 is dividedlogically into slots 214a, 214b, 214c, and 214d,
`physical node 204 is divided logically into slots 216a, 21617,
`216c, and 216d, physical node 206 is divided logically into
`slots 218a, 218b, 218c, and 218d, physical node 208 is
`divided logically into slots 220a, 220b, 220c, and 220d,
`physical node 210 is divided logically into slots 222a, 222b,
`222c, and 222d, and physical node 212 is divided logically
`into slots 224a, 224b, 2240, and 2240/. For simplicity of
`discussion and depiction in FIG. 2, since each slot 214a-d,
`216a-d, 218a-d, 220a-d, 222a-d, and 224a-d hosts a compo-
`nent, the component corresponding to its l1ost slot is referred
`to herein with the same reference numeral. For example, the
`component hosted in slot 214c of physical node 202 is
`referred to as component 214c.
`A grouping of multiple components is referred to as a
`virtual node (e.g., a “supemode”). In the example of FIG. 2,
`supemode 226 comprises components 214b, 216c, 218b,
`220d, 222a, and 224a. A virtual node (e.g., supemode) is thus
`a logical grouping of a plurality of storage locations on mul-
`tiple physical nodes. The supernode may have any number of
`components—where the number of components is the super-
`node cardinality (e.g., the number of components in a super-
`node)—associated with any number of physical nodes in a
`network and a supemode need not have components from
`every physical node. However, each component of a supem-
`ode must be hosted in slots on different physical nodes. That
`is, no two components in a supemode should be hosted at the
`same physical node. The total number of components in a
`supemode may be given by a predetermined constant—su-
`pernode cardinality. In some embodiments, the supemode
`cardinality may be in the range of 4-32. The supernode car-
`dinality may be a predetermined (e.g., desired, designed, etc.)
`number of data fragments.
`In some embodiments, a larger supernode cardinality is
`chosen to increase flexibility in choosing data classes. In
`alternative embodiments, a smaller supernode cardinality is
`chosen to provide greater access to storage locations (e.g.,
`disks) in read/write operations. Here, data classes define a
`level of redundancy where lower data classes (e.g., data class
`low) have less redundancy and higher data classes (e.g., data
`class high) have more redundancy. There may be a number of
`data classes equal to the predetermined supernode cardinality.
`The lowest data class is defined as having no redundant frag-
`ment and the highest class is defined as having (supemode
`cardinality—l) redundant fragments.
`In an exemplary embodiment, data class low may refer to a
`single redundant fragment and data class high may refer to
`four redundant fragments. Of course, any appropriate number
`of data fragments may be set for data class low and/or data
`In this exemplary embodiment, data blocks that
`are classified by user as data class low will be divided into a
`number of fragments equal to a supemode cardinality, where
`there are (supernode cardinality—l) original fragments and
`one redundant fragment. Accordingly, one fragment may be
`lost and the data block may be recreated. Using data class high
`(e.g., four redundant fragments) a block of data will be
`divided into fragments such that four of them will be redun-
`dant. Thus, four fragments may be lost and the original block
`of data may be recreated. Fragmentation, especially redun-
`dant fragments, is described in concurrently filed, commonly
`assigned and co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No.
`12/023,l33,filed on Jan. 31, 2008, entitled “Method and
`Apparatus for Storing Data in a Peer to Peer Network,”incor-
`porated by reference herein.
`Components ofthe supernode may be considered peers and
`may similarly associated (e.g.,
`in a hash table, etc.),
`addressed, and/or contacted as peer nodes in a traditional peer
`to peer network.
`FIG. 3 depicts a high level abstraction of an exemplary peer
`to peer network 300 according to an embodiment of the
`invention. Peer to peer network 300 is similar to peer to peer
`networks 100 and 200 and has multiple physical nodes 302,
`304, 306, and 308. Each of the physical nodes 302-308 is
`divided into multiple slots as described above. In the particu-
`lar example ofFIG. 3, each ofthe physical nodes 302-308 has
`eight slots. As in FIG. 2, each slot 310, 312, 314, 316, 318,
`US 8,140,625 B2
`320, 322, or 324 hosts a component 310, 312, 314, 316, 318,
`320, 322, or 324. Components 310-324 are each associated
`with a corresponding supemode and are distributed among
`the physical nodes 302-308. In this way, eight supemodes are
`formed, each with one component 310-324 on each of the
`four physical nodes 302-308. For example, a first supernode
`is formed with four components—component 310 hosted on
`physical node 302 (e.g., in a slot 310), component 310 hosted
`in physical node 304 (e.g., in a slot 310), component 310
`hosted in physical node 306 (e.g., in a slot 310), and compo-
`nent 310 hosted in physical node 308 (e.g., in a slot 310). The
`first supemode, comprising components 310, is shown as
`dashed boxes. A second supemode comprises the four com-
`ponents 312 hosted in physical nodes 302-308 and is shown
`as a trapezoid. Of course, these are merely graphical repre-
`sentations to highlight the different components comprising
`different supemodes and are not meant to be literal represen-
`tations of what a slot, component, node, or supernode might
`look like. The remaining six supernodes are formed similarly.
`To facilitate data storage using the supernodes as described
`and shown in FIGS. 1-3, the fixed prefix network model of
`DHTs (e.g., FPN) may be extended to use supernodes. Any
`advantageous hashing function that maps data (e.g., objects,
`files, etc.) to a fixed-size hash key may be utilized in the
`context ofthe present invention. The hash keys may be under-
`stood to be fixed-size bit strings (e.g., 5 bits, 6 bits, etc.) in the
`space containing all possible combinations of such strings. A
`subspace of the hashkey space is associated with a group of
`bits of the larger bit string as is known. For example, a group
`of hash keys beginning with 110 in a 5 bit string would
`include all hash keys except those beginning with 000, 001,
`010, 011, 100, and 101. That is, the prefix is 110. Such a
`subspace of the hashkey space may be a supernode and a
`further specification may be a component of the supemode.
`The prefix may be fixed for the life of a supemode and/or
`component. In such embodiments, the peer to peer network is
`referred to as a fixed-prefix peer to peer network. Other meth-
`ods of hashing may be used as appropriate.
`FIG. 4 is an exemplary supernode composition and com-
`ponent description table 400 according to an embodiment of
`the present invention. The supemode composition and com-
`ponent description table 400 may be used in conjunction with
`the peer to peer network 200, for example. Each supernode
`(e.g., supernode 226) is described by a supernode composi-
`tion (e.g., with supernode composition and component
`description table 400) comprising the supernode prefix 402,
`an array 404 of the component descriptions, and a supernode
`version 406. Since each component has a description as
`described below, the array 402 size is equal to the supernode
`cardinality. The supernode version 406 is a sequence number
`corresponding to the current incarnation of the supemode.
`Each supernode is identified by a fixed prefix 402 as described
`above and in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/813,504,
`now U.S. Pat. No. 7,304,994, issued on Dec. 4, 2007. For
`example, in hashing and/or storing data in peer to peer net-
`work 200 according to supemode composition and compo-
`nent description table 400 in which hash keys are fixed size bit
`strings, the supemode 226 has a fixed prefix of 01 101 . There-
`fore, any data that has a hash key beginning with 01101 will
`be associated with supernode 226.
`In operation, each component (e.g., 214b, 216c, 218b,
`220d, 222a, 224a, etc.) in the component array 404 is
`described by a component description comprising a fixed
`prefix 408, a component index 410, and a component version
`412. All components of the supernode (e.g., in array 404) are
`also assigned the same fixed prefix for their lifetime. The
`component index 410 of each component corresponds to a
`location in the supemode array. A component’s index is fixed
`for the component’s lifetime and is an identification number
`pointing to the particular component. A component index is a
`number between 0 and (supemode cardinality—1). A com-
`ponent’s version is a version number sequentially increased
`whenever the component changes hosts (e.g., nodes). In some
`embodiments, described in detail below, a component may be
`split or moved from one physical node to another and its
`version is increased in such instances.
`Supernode composition and component description table
`400 is an example of an organization of the information
`related to physical nodes, supernodes, and their respective
`components. Of course, one skilled in the art would recognize
`other methods of organizing and providing such information,
`such as storing the information locally on physical nodes in a
`database, storing the information at a remote location in a
`communal database, etc.
`Updated indications of the supernode composition are
`maintained (e.g., in supemode composition and component
`description table 400, etc.)
`to facilitate communication
`amongst peers. Further, physical nodes associated with the
`components maintain compositions of neighboring physical
`and/or virtual nodes. To maintain such compositions, physi-
`cal nodes associated with components ping peers and neigh-
`bors as is known. In this way, a physical node associated with
`a component may internally ping physical nodes associated
`with peers in the component’s supernode to determine virtual
`node health and/or current composition. Further, a physical
`node associated with a component may externally ping physi-
`cal nodes associated with neighbors (e.g., components with
`the san1e index, but belonging to a different supernode) to
`propagate and/or collect composition information. Of course,
`other systems and methods of organizing and/or keeping
`track of supemodes and their components, including version/
`incarnation information may be used as appropriate.
`FIG. 5 is flowchart of a method 500 of organizing a frame-
`work (e.g., a skeleton) of a component in a fixed prefix peer to
`peer network with supernodes. A component skeleton may be
`organized (e.g., created and/or stored) on a physical node
`(e.g., physical nodes 202-212) to reserve storage space for a
`(e.g., components 214a-d, 216a-d, 218a-d,
`220a -d, 222a-d, 224a-d, etc.). That is, the component skel-
`eton may provide indication the a slot on the physical node is
`utilized. The method begins at step 502.
`In step 504, a message is received from a remote peer (e.g.,
`another component of a supemode and/or physical node) at a
`destination node (e.g., physical nodes 202-212). The message
`may contain information about the description (e.g., compo-
`sition) of the remote peer as described above with respect to
`FIG. 4. The composition may be as discussed above and/or
`may include a composition identification of the remote peer
`including a prefix and composition version number. The
`method may proceed simultaneously and/or in series to
`method steps 506, 514, and/or 518.
`In step 506, a determination is made as to the age (e.g.,
`incarnation, version, etc.) of the composition. If the compo-
`sition is older than the newest composition known by the
`destination node (e.g., ifthe composition l1as a lower version
`number), the message is rejected at step 508 and the method
`ends at step 522. If the composition is newer than the young-
`est composition known by the destination node (e.g., if the
`composition has a higher version number), the method pro-
`ceeds to step 510. Here, a composition is “known by” a node
`ifthe node has such information stored at the node, ifthe node
`has received information indicative of such compositions,
`US 8,140,625 B2
`and/or if the node has access to (e.g., via a controller 700
`and/or supemode composition and component description
`table 400) such information.
`In step 510, information about the skeleton (e.g., a compo-
`sition and/or component index) is stored at the destination 5
`node. In this way, a component skeleton is created. A reply
`message is then sent to the originating node (e.g., the remote
`peer) in step 512 indicating success or failure of component
`Following step 512, the method 500 may return control to
`step 504. That is, after a skeleton is created, the physical node
`hosting the skeleton receives information about each new
`composition and determines if the newly received composi-
`tion is newer than the present composition. If the newly
`received composition is newer, it replaces the older compo-
`sition at the node (e.g., is stored as in step 510).
`In step 514, a check is performed to determine ifthe present
`composition activates the component related to the compo-
`nent skeleton. A composition activates the component if the
`composition is newer than the composition that is part of the
`skeleton identifier, has the same index as the component, the
`same prefix or a longer prefix than the skeleton, and the
`incarnation of the physical node hosting the component is the
`same incarnation as the new component. In step 516, the
`component is activated. That is, the component is hosted on
`the new physical node. If the composition does not activate
`the component, the method returns control to step 504 to
`receive more messages.
`In step 518, a check is performed to determine ifthe known
`compositions (e.g., all the compositions received in messages
`in step 504) obsolesce component skeleton. The component
`skeleton is determined to be obsolete if a set of the known
`compositions are newer than the component skeleton’s com-
`position and all of the compositions of the set cover the space
`represented by the skeleton’s prefix and index. IIere, the
`space represented by the skeleton’s prefix and index is the
`Cartesian product ofhashing space and index space spanning
`from zero to supemode cardinality minus one. If the compo-
`nent skeleton is obsolete, the skeleton is removed in step 520.
`If it is not, the method returns control to step 504 to receive
`more messages. The method ends at step 522.
`FIGS. 6A and 6B depict a flowchart of a method 600 of
`operation of nodes in a fixed prefix peer to peer network
`according to an embodiment of the present invention. The
`method 600 may be performed in a network as described
`above with respect to FIGS. 1-4 wherein the fixed prefix
`network extends an FPN to include supernodes. Further, con-
`ventional functions ofpeer to peer networks, especially FPNs
`as disclosed in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/813,504,
`filed Mar. 30, 2004, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,304,994, issued on
`Dec. 4, 2007, and Incorporated herein by reference, may be
`modified for use with the present invention. Accordingly, it
`should be understood that certain method steps ofmethod 600
`described herein may be performed in other orders and are
`meant to be illustrative. One of skill in the art would recognize
`the necessary modifications to the conventional use of a peer
`to peer network that would be applied with an FPN/SN sys-
`tem described herein. The method starts at step 602 in FIG.
`In step 604, a new physical node is added. The physical
`node may be a physical node similar to physical nodes 102-
`108, 202-212, and 302-308 ofFIGS. 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
`In step 606, the new physical node locates a live physical
`node in a peer to peer network (e.g., networks 100, 200, 300,
`etc.). To find a live physical node, the new physical node may
`locate the live node via a predetermined (e.g., user supplied,
`system supplied, etc.) list of nodes in the network. In the
`context of the present invention, a live node is a node having
`data currently stored thereon. In an alternative embodiment,
`the new physical node may use a Service Location Protocol
`(SLP) as is known to find one or more live physical nodes in
`the network.
`In step 608, an empty physical node method is performed.
`A physical node may be considered to be “empty” where
`there are no active components (e.g., components 214a-d,
`216a-d, 218a-d, 220a-d, 222a-d, and 224a-cl), no obsolete
`components, no component skeletons (as described above
`with respect to FIG. 5), and no user supplied data stored at the
`node. Accordingly, method step 608 may be performed when-
`ever a physical node in a fixed prefix network with supernodes
`is found to be empty even if it is not a newly added node from
`step 604. The method may be performed as follows:
`The empty node transmits a number of empty node probes
`to nodes that have been identified as having more than one
`component from their node statistics. Node statistics may be
`a summary of information about a physical node such as the
`number of used slots, the number of free slots, the number of
`hosted components, total storage size, free disk space, etc. If
`there are not enough nodes, the empty 11ode transmits the
`remainder ofthe necessary probes by generating random long
`prefixes and transmitting the empty node probes to those
`prefixes. In embodiments having a relatively small number of
`physical nodes, all nodes may be contacted. In embodiments
`having large numbers

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