`Application Number:
`International Application Number:
`Confirmation Number:
`Title of Invention:
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Joe Mullis
`Customer Number:
`Noel C. Gillespie/angelica zepeda
`Filer Authorized By:
`Noel C. Gillespie
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Receipt Date:
`22-OCT—201 3
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`NCCOHC< o:afloim
`_. ESQEoo
`FIG. 2A
`FIG. 2B
`FIG. 2C
`FIG. 3
`FIG. 4
`FIG. 5
`FiG. YB
`FIG. 9A
`Atty. Docket No.: ll6546-5700CN
`Various embodiments of RFID switch devices are disclosed herein. Such RFID switch
`devices advantageously enable manual activation/deactivation of the RF module. The RFID
`switch device may include a RF module with an integrated circuit adapted to ohmically
`connect to a substantially coplanar conductive trace pattern, as well as booster antenna for
`extending the operational range of the RFID device. The operational range of the RFID
`switch device may be extended when a region of the booster antenna overlaps a region of the
`conductive trace pattern on the RF module via inductive or capacitive coupling. The RFID
`switch device may filrther include a visual indicator displaying a first color if the RFID
`switch device is in an active state and/or a second color if the RFID switch device is in an
`inactive state.
`DOCS 116546—5700UT/185395 8.1
`Atty. Docket No.: ll6546-5700CN
`What is claimed is:
`1. An RFID device comprising:
`a booster antenna adapted to extend the operational range of the RFID device;
`an RF module comprising an integrated circuit and a set of one or more conductive
`traces, wherein at least one conductive trace of said set of one or more conductive traces is
`adapted to electrically couple to a coupling region of the booster antenna when the coupling
`region of the booster antenna is located in a first position relative to said set of one or more
`conductive traces; and
`a switching mechanism adapted to change the position of the coupling region of the
`booster antenna relative to the position of said at least one conductive trace.
`DOCS 116546—5700UT/185395 8.1
`Atty. Docket No.: ll6546-5700CN
`RFID Switch Tag
`1. Field of the Invention
`The embodiments described herein relate generally to the field of radio-
`frequency identification (RFID) devices, and more particularly, to RFID switch tags.
`2. Related Art
`Conventional RFID tags lack the ability to be deactivated. However, there are
`certain situations where it
`is actually desirable to have an RFID tag deactivated.
`in the context of traveling, RFID tags will often contain sensitive personal
`information stored within, for instance, an e—Passport, a visa, or a national identification card.
`Such information may contain the traveler’s name, birth date, place of birth, nationality,
`and/or biometric information associated with that traveler. This information is intended to be
`read only by customs officials or other governmental authorities when the traveler enters or
`exits a country. However, since the read range of RFID tags can extend up to 30 feet, since
`an RFID tag does not need to be directly in the line of sight of an RFID reader, this sensitive
`information may be read by any number of unauthorized individuals as the individual walks
`through a train station or an airport. Unless the traveler houses his travel documents within a
`Faraday shield or other type of electro—resistant casing (which most travelers do not have),
`the sensitive information stored within the RFID tag remains perpetually at risk of being read
`by these unauthorized parties.
`second example,
`consider RFID tags
`that are installed within
`automobiles, where such tags are used to facilitate automatic billing for the repeated use of
`certain toll-roads.
`In some of these toll-roads, the use of a car-pool lane is considered free of
`charge (which may be validly used, for example, when the automobile is housing at least one
`passenger other than the driver). Since a driver’s RFID tag may not be deactivated, however,
`the RFID tag may respond to an interrogation signal issued from the toll—gate even when the
`driver has validly used the carpool lane. The result is that the driver may be billed for using
`the toll—road even when such use should have been considered free of charge because of the
`driver’s valid use of the car-pool lane.
`DOCS 116546—5700UT/185395 8.1
`Atty. Docket No.: ll6546-5700CN
`What is needed is a system for an RFID tag that may be easily activated or
`Ideally, the system should be versatile and provide a clear sensory indication of
`the operational status of the RFID tag (i.e., activated or deactivated).
`Various embodiments of the present invention are directed to RFID switch
`devices. Such RFID switch devices advantageously enable manual activation/deactivation of
`the RF module. The RFID switch device may include a RF module with an integrated circuit
`adapted to ohmically connect to a substantially coplanar conductive trace pattern, as well as
`booster antenna for extending the operational range of the RFID device. The operational
`range of the RFID switch device may be extended when a region of the booster antenna
`overlaps a region of the conductive trace pattern on the RF module via inductive or capacitive
`coupling. In some embodiments, all or a portion of the booster antenna may at least partially
`shield the RF module when the RFID switch device is in an inactive state. The RFID switch
`device may further include a visual indicator displaying a first color if the RFID switch
`device is in an active state and/or a second color if the RFID switch device is in an inactive
`In a first exemplary aspect, an RFID device is disclosed.
`In one embodiment,
`the RFID device comprises: a booster antenna adapted to extend the operational range of the
`RFID device;
`an RF module comprising an integrated circuit and a set of one or more
`conductive traces, wherein at least one conductive trace of said set of one or more conductive
`traces is adapted to electrically couple to a coupling region of the booster antenna when the
`coupling region of the booster antenna is located in a first position relative to said set of one
`or more conductive traces; and a switching mechanism adapted to change the position of the
`coupling region of the booster antenna relative to the position of said at least one conductive
`In a second exemplary aspect, an RFID transponder is disclosed.
`In one
`embodiment, the RFID transponder comprises: a first substrate comprising a first conductive
`trace pattern, wherein at least a portion of the first substrate is adapted to serve as an antenna
`for the RFID transponder; a second substrate comprising an integrated circuit and a second
`conductive trace pattern, wherein at least a portion of the second conductive trace pattern is
`adapted to electrically couple with at least a portion of the first conductive trace pattern when
`the first substrate is located in a first position relative to the second substrate; and a switching
`DOCS 116546—5700UT/185395 8.1
`Atty. Docket No.: ll6546-5700CN
`mechanism adapted to switch the position of the first substrate between a first position and at
`least a second position.
`In a third exemplary aspect, an RFID device is disclosed. In one embodiment,
`the RFID device comprises: a booster antenna adapted to extend the operational range of the
`RFID device; a first RF module comprising a first integrated circuit and a first conductive
`trace pattern, wherein at least a portion of the first conductive trace pattern is adapted to
`electrically couple to a coupling region of the booster antenna when the coupling region of
`the booster antenna is located in a first position relative to the first conductive trace pattern; a
`second RF module comprising a second integrated circuit and a second conductive trace
`pattern, wherein at least a portion of the second conductive trace pattern is adapted to
`electrically couple to the coupling region of the booster antenna when the coupling region of
`the booster antenna is located in a second position relative to the second conductive trace
`pattern; and a switching mechanism adapted to change the position of the coupling region of
`the booster antenna relative to the positions of said first and second RF modules.
`In a fourth exemplary aspect, an RFID device is disclosed.
`In one
`the RFID device comprises: a first booster antenna adapted to extend the
`operational range of a first RF module; a second booster antenna adapted to extend the
`operational range of a second RF module; the first RF module comprising a first integrated
`circuit and a first conductive trace pattern, wherein at least a portion of the first conductive
`trace pattern is adapted to electrically couple to a coupling region of the first booster antenna
`when the coupling region of the first booster antenna is located in a first position relative to
`the first conductive trace pattern; a second RF module comprising a second integrated circuit
`and a second conductive trace pattern, wherein at least a portion of the second conductive
`trace pattern is adapted to electrically couple to the coupling region of the second booster
`antenna when the coupling region of the second booster antenna is located in a second
`position relative to the second conductive trace pattern; and a switching mechanism adapted
`to change the position of the coupling region of the first booster antenna relative to the first
`RF module, and the position of the coupling region of the second booster antenna relative to
`the second RF module.
`In a fifth exemplary aspect, an RFID device is disclosed.
`In one embodiment,
`the RFID device comprises: a first booster antenna adapted to extend the operational range of
`an RF module as used with a first RFID service; a second booster antenna adapted to extend
`the operational range of the RF module as used with a second RFID service; the RF module
`comprising an integrated circuit and a conductive trace pattern, wherein at least a portion of
`DOCS 116546—5700UT/185395 8.1
`Atty. Docket No.: ll6546-5700CN
`the conductive trace pattern is adapted to electrically couple to a coupling region of the first
`booster antenna when the coupling region of the first booster antenna is located in a first
`position relative to the conductive trace pattern; and wherein at
`least a portion of the
`conductive trace pattern is adapted to electrically couple to a coupling region of the second
`booster antenna when the coupling region of the second booster antenna is located in a
`second position relative to the conductive trace pattern; and a switching mechanism adapted
`to change the position of the RF module relative to the respective coupling regions of the first
`and second booster antennas.
`features and advantages of the present
`invention should become
`apparent from the following description of the preferred embodiments, taken in conjunction
`with the accompanying drawings, which illustrate, by way of example, the principles of the
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`Various embodiments disclosed herein are described in detail with reference to
`the following figures. The drawings are provided for purposes of illustration only and merely
`depict typical or exemplary embodiments. These drawings are provided to facilitate the
`reader’s understanding of the invention and shall not be considered limiting of the breadth,
`scope, or applicability of the embodiments.
`It should be noted that for clarity and ease of
`illustration these drawings are not necessarily made to scale.