
`TQ Delta Exhibit 2009
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. TQ Delta, LLC
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`* ictionary
`Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
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`Maine coon
`2 : for the
`tha; leaves deep extensive wounds (a soldier’s leg mangled by shrap-
`2maim n (14c)
`1 obs : serious physical injury; esp : loss of a member of
`the body 2 abs : a serious loss
`‘main \'man\ 71 [in sense 1, fr. ME, fr. OE migen; akin to OHG magan
`strength, OE magan to be able; in other senses, fr. 2main or by shorten-
`ing —— more at MAY] (bef. 12c)
`1 : physical strength : FORCE —- used in
`the phrase with might and main 2 a : MAINLAND h : HIGH SEA 3
`: the chief part : essential point (they are in the ~ well-trained) 4 : a
`pipe, duct, or circuit which carries the combined flow of tributary
`branches of a utility system 5 a : MAINMAST‘ b : MAINSAIL
`1 : cmEF,
`2main adj [NHL fr. OE mégeny fr. mégen strength] (150)
`PRiNchAL (the ~ idea)
`2 : fully exerted : SHEER (~ force) (by ~
`strength) 3 obs : of or relating to a broad expanse (as of sea) 4 : con-
`nected with or located near the mainmast or mainsail 5 : expressing
`the chief predication in a complex sentence (the ~ clause)
`main chance n (1584) : the best chance for personal or financial gain
`I‘(Ikept an eye on the main chance)
`aine coon n (1935) : any of a breed of
`large long-haired domestic cats that have
`a very full tapered tail ~— called also coon
`cat, Maine cat
`main-frame \'man-.fram\ n (ca. 1964) : a
`computer with its cabinet and internal
`circuits; also : a large fast computer that
`can handle multiple tasks concurrently
`main-land \‘min-Jand, -lond\ n (14c) : a
`continent or the main part of a continent
`as distinguished from an offshore island
`or sometimes from a cape or peninsula
`—— main-land-er \-,lan-dor, —lan<\ n
`‘main-line \‘man-.lin\ V! (1938) slang : to
`take by or as if by injecting into a princi-
`pal vein ~ vi, slang : to mainline a nar-
`cotic drug
`2mainline adj (1941) : being part of an es-
`tablished group; also : being in the mainstream
`main line n (1841)
`1 : a principal highway or railroad line 2 slang : a
`principal vein of the circulatory system
` \‘man-lé\ adv (13C)
`1 obs : in a forceful manner
`most part : CHIEFLY
`1 : best male friend 2 : a man whose character or
`main man n (1967)
`work is most admired 3 : the most reliable or effective performer
`mainanast \'man-.mast, ~mast\ 71 (15c) :1 a sailing ship’s principal mast
`usu. second from the bow
`mains \‘manz\ adj (ca. 1927) Brit : of or relating to utility distribution
`mains (N voltage) (~ water)
`the principal sail on the
`main-sail \'man-.sal,
`'man(t)-sol\ n (15c) :
`mainmast — see SAIL illustration
`main sequence n (1925) : the group of stars that on agraph of spectrum
`versus luminosity forms a band comprising 90% of stellar types and
`that includes stars believed to be representative of the stages a normal
`star passes through for the majority of its lifetime
`maimsheet \‘mén-,shét\ n (15c) : a rope by which the mainsail is
`trimmed and secured
`main-spring \‘man-.sprirj\ n (1591)
`1 : the chief spring in a mechanism
`esp, of a watch or clock 2 : the chief or most powerful motive, agent,
`or cause
`main squeeze n (ca. 1968) slang : one’s principal romantic partner
`main-stay \'man-.sta\ n (15c)
`l : a ship’s stay extending from the main-
`top forward usu. to the foot of the foremast
`2 : a chief support
`main stem n (1832) : a main trunk or channel: as a : the main course
`of a river or stream 1) : the main street of a city or town
`lmain-stream \'m§n—,strém\ n (1831) : a prevailing current or direction
`of activity or influence :— mainstream adj
`Imajnan-eam \'man-'strém\ vt (1974) :
`to place (as a. handicapped
`child) in regular school classes
`Main Street n (ca. 1743)
`1 : the principal street of a small town 2 a
`: the sections of a country centering about its small towns 'b : a place
`or environment characterized by materialistic self—complacent provin-
`cialism c : MIDDLE AMERICA 3 — Main Street-er \'man-,strE—tor\ n
`maimtain \man-‘tan, mon.\ vt [DIE mainteinen, fr. OF maintenir, fr. ML
`manutene're, fr. L manu tenére to hold in the hand] (14c)
`1 : to keep in
`an existing state (as of repair, efficiency, or validity) : preserve from
`failure or decline (~ machinery)
`2 : to sustain against opposition or
`danger : uphold and defend (~ a position)
`3 : to continue or perse-
`vere in : CARRY 0N, KEEP UP (couldn’t ~ his composure)
`4 a ; to
`support or provide for (has a family to ~) 1: : SUSTAIN (enough food
`to ~ life) 5 : to affirm in or as if in argumeng: ASSER’I‘ (~ed that the
`earth is flat) — main-tain-abil-i-ty \-.ta-no-'bi-lo-té\ n -— main-tam-
`able \-‘ta-nc-bal\ adj —— main-tain‘er n
`syn MmAm, ASSERT, DEFEND, VINDICATE, IUS'I‘IFY mean to uphold
`as true, right, just, or reasonable. MAINTAm stresses firmness of con-
`Viction (steadfastly maintained his innocence). ASSERT suggests deter‘
`mination to make others accept one’s claim (asserted her rights). DE-
`FEND implies maintaining in the face of attack or criticism (defended
`his voting record). VINDICATE implies successfully defending (his
`success vindicated .our faith in him). JUSTIFY implies showing to be
`true, just, or valid by appeal to a standard or to precedent (the action
`was used to justify military intervention).
`maimte-nance \'mant-nan(t)s, 'man-t9n-an(t)s\ n BIKE, fr. MP, fr. OF
`fr._ maintenir] (14c) 1 : the act of maintaining : the state of being main:
`tamed : SUPPORT 2 : something that maintains
`3 : the upkeep of
`prOperty or equipment 4 : an officious or unlawful inter-meddling in a
`legal suit by assisting either party with means to carry it on
`mam-top \'man-,tap\ n (15c) : a platform about the head of the main-
`mast of a squareq'igged ship
`,me-, -tgr-\ n pl
`mai-tre d’ or mai-tre d’ \.ma-tra-‘dé,
`maitre d’s \-'déz\ (1950) : MAi’rRE D‘HOTEL
`ma‘i-tre d’hfi-tel \.ma-tra-(.)d6-'tel, ,me~; ,mat-d6-, Imam
`d’hatel \same\ [F, lit., master of house] (1538)
`1 a : MA?
`: HEADWAITER 2 : a sauce of butter, parsley, Salt peppe 011150140 5
`juice — called also maitre d’hétel butter
`maize \Imaz\ n [Sp maiz, fr. Taino mahiz] (1555) : INDIAN C
`ma-jes-tic \mo-‘jes-tik\ adj
`: having 01‘ exhibit'oRN
`: STATELY syn see GRAND ~— ma-jes-ti-cal-ly \.ti.k(9.)]é\m3 mam
`maj-es-ty \‘ma—jo—sté\ n, pl -ties [NEE maieste, fr.
`majestat—, majestas,‘ akin to L major greater] (14c)
`authority, or dignity 2 — used in addressing or referfin rat‘grllmwcT
`sovereigns and their consorts (Your illajesty) (Her [Val-e“:g ,0 feignng
`3 a 2 royal hearing or aspect : GRANDEUR h . 3’“ Govern.
`splendor of quality or character
`ma-jol-ioca \me-‘ja-li-ko\ also ma-iol-i-ca \~'yfi-\ n [It Maia].
`Maiolica, Maiorica Majorca] (1555)
`1 : earthenware COVE “‘0, fr. 0“
`opaque tin glaze and decorated on the glaze before firing, red Wllh a,
`ian ware of this kind 2 : a 19th century earthenware 111021317d=_an lhl.
`ralistic shapes and glazed in lively colors
`ima.jor \Ima-jor\ adj [ME maiour, fr. L major, compar of m
`great, large — more at MUCH] (15c)
`1 : greater in dignity
`portance, or interest (one of the ~ poets)
`2 ; greater ihmnkllm-
`quantity, or extent (the ~ part of his work)
`3 : having attairr‘l‘éarlber
`jority 4 : notable or conspicuous in effect or sco e :
`(a ~ improvement)
`5 : involving grave risk : segioucsfisfiwu
`6 : of or relating to a subject of academic study chosen as a fieldlllritm)
`cialization 7 a : having half steps betWeen the third and feunh “996
`seventh and eighth degrees (~ scale)
`11 : based on a majOr
`c : equivalent to the distance between the kemote 31.150315“
`tone (except the fourth and fifth) of a major scale (~ third)
`ing a major third abOVe the root (~ triad)
`’major n (1616)
`1 : a personrwho has attained majority 2 a . O
`is superior in rank, importance, size, or performance (econon'ucne that
`of the 011 Ns) b : a major musical interval, scale, key, or modem;m
`commissioned officer in the army, air force, or marine corps m kg:
`above a captain and below a lieutenant colonel 4 a : an academ'n m
`ject chosen as a field of specialization b : a student specializlfsui"
`such a field (a history ~> 5 pl : major league baseball ~
`3major vi (1913) : to pursue an academic major
`major axis n (1854) : the axis passing through the foci of an ellipse
`ma-jor-doomo \.ma-jor~'d6-(,)m6\ n, pl -mos [Sp mayordomo or oh; I,
`maiordomo, fr. ML major domus, lit., chief of the house] (1539)
`head steward of a large household (as a palace) 2 : BUTLER smwm .
`3 z a person who speaks, makes arrangements, or takes charge for an.
`ma-jor-ette \,ma-jo-'ret\ n (1940) : DRUM MAJORETI‘E 2
`major general n [F major général, fr. major, n. + général, adj., 3mm“
`(1642) : a commissioned officer in the army, air force, or marine corps
`who ranks above a brigadier general and whose insignia is two stars
`major histocompafibility complex n (1975) : a group of genes in mam-
`mals that function esp. in determining the histocompatibility an“ch
`found on cell surfaces
`ma-jor-i-tar-i-an \mo-. jér-a-‘ter‘é—an, -.jar-\ n (1942) : a person who be
`lieves in or advocates majoritarianism — majoritarian adj
`ma-jor-i-tar-i-an-ism \-é-a-,ni-Zam\ n (1942) : the philosophy or pm
`tice according to which decisions of an organized group should 1x
`made by a numerical majority of its members
`ma-jor-i-ty \ma-‘jor-a-té, -'jar<\ n, pl -ties (1552)
`state of being greater 2 a : the age at which full civil rights are accent
`ed b : the status of one who has attained this age
`greater than half of a total
`I) z the excess of a majority over their
`mainder of the total : MARGIN c : the preponderant quantity or than
`4 z the group or political party whose Votes preponderate 5 : the mili
`tary office, rank, or commission of a major — majority adj
`majority leader 7: (1952) : a leader of the majority party in a legislalht
`body (as the US. Senate)
`majority rule 71 (1893) : a political principle providing that a mic!!!)
`usu. constituted by fifty percent plus one of an organiZed group “‘3
`have the power to make decisions binding upon the Whole
`major league n (1891)
`1 : a league of highest classification in U,S.PN‘
`fessional baseball; broadly : a league of major importance in any 0m"
`ious sports 2 : BIG TIME 2 — major—league adj
`ma-jor-ly \'ma-j9r-lé\ adv (1956) : in a major way a : PRIMARILY'
`(was ~ a poet)
`: EXTREMELY 1 (was ~ annoyed)
`major-medical adj (ca. 1955) : of, relating to, or being a form 9" 1m“?
`ance designed to pay all or part of the medical bills of 1112110r lunm"
`usu. after deduction of a fixed initial sum .
`major order n (ca. 1741) : one of the Roman Catholic or Eastern ‘1“:
`cal orders that are sacramentally conferred and have a sacred Cm“
`ter that implies major religious obligations (as clerical celibaCY) -’
`used in pl.; compare MINOR ORDER
`major party n (1950) : a political party having electoral strensth [if
`cient to permit it to win control of a government usu. with GUIDE“? 3;
`regularity and when defeated to constitute the principal OPPOSluon
`the party in power
`major penalty 71 (ca. 1936) : a 5-minute suspension of a Play“ 1‘"
`hockey or lacrosse
`major premise n (1860) : the premise of a syllogism containing °
`jor term
`major seminary n (1945) : a Roman Catholic seminary gmng E’s“, {a
`entire six years of senior college and theological training 113un
`major orders
`major suit 71 (1916) : either of the suits hearts or spades havmg 5”!”
`scoring value in bridge
` 4

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