Filed on behalf of TQ Delta, LLC
`By: Peter J. McAndrews
`McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd.
`500 W. Madison St., 34th Floor
`Chicago, IL 60661
`Tel: 312-775-8000
`Fax: 312-775-8100
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2016-01760
`Patent No. 9,094,268


`Patent Owner’s Reply in Support of Its Motion to Exclude
`U.S. Patent No. 9,094,268
`PARAGRAPHS 1-10, 14, AND 16-25 OF EXHIBIT 1012 AND 1016
`Paragraphs 1-10, 14, and 16-25 of Exhibit 1012 and Exhibit 1016 should be
`excluded under Fed. R. Evid. 402 and 403. Exhibit 1012 is the declaration of Dr.
`Kiaei, and Exhibit 1016 is a copy of U.S. Patent No. 5,909,463. Both were
`submitted for the first time with Petitioner’s Reply.
`Paragraphs 1-4, 7, 24, and 25 of Exhibit 1012 Are Not Relevant
`Petitioner takes the position that Paragraphs 1-4, 7, 24, and 25 of Exhibit
`1012 are relevant to this proceeding even though the Reply does not even cite to
`those paragraphs. Paper No. 32 at 2-3. As a general matter, it goes without saying
`that evidence that is not relied upon by a party in its papers is not relevant to the
`proceeding. See SK Innovation Co. v. Gelgard, LLC, IPR2014-00679, Paper No.
`58 at p. 49 (P.T.A.B. Sept. 25, 2015) (excluding exhibits under Fed. R. Evid. 402
`“[b]ecause Patent Owner did not cite [to the exhibits] in this proceeding”).
`Moreover, Petitioner’s argument that Paragraphs 1-4, 7, and 24 are relevant
`because they are “responsive to certain assertions made by Dr. Chrissan in his
`Declaration, thus providing context for his testimony” is a non-starter. Id. at 3. If
`the “context” of Dr. Kiaei’s testimony is significant, Petitioner should have cited to
`Paragraphs 1-4, 7, and 24 of Exhibit 1012 in its Reply.


`Patent Owner’s Reply in Support of Its Motion to Exclude
`U.S. Patent No. 9,094,268
`In addition, Petitioner argues that Paragraphs 1-4, 7, and 24-25 should not be
`excluded because there is a strong public policy for making information filed in an
`administrative proceeding available to the public. Id. Under this logic, however,
`no exhibit a petitioner files with its papers should ever be excluded from an IPR –
`no matter how unrelated to the IPR. That cannot be the case. Moreover, excluded
`exhibits are not removed from the publicly accessible record – they just are not
`considered by the Board in rendering a final decision. For example, in Toshiba
`Corp. v. Optical Devices, LLC, IPR2014-01447, Paper No. 34, at 43-47 (P.T.A.B.
`Mar. 9, 2016) the Board excluded Exhibits 1015 and 1016 and stated that it would
`not consider those exhibits, yet those exhibits can still be accessed by the public on
`Docket Navigator for that proceeding. As such, Paragraphs 1-4, 7, and 24-25
`should be excluded from this proceeding as irrelevant.
`Lastly, the cases Petitioner relies on in support of its argument regarding the
`relevance of Paragraphs 1-4, 7, 24, and 25 are inapposite. In Liberty Mutual, the
`party opposing exclusion actually relied on the exhibits being challenged – unlike
`Petitioner here. See Liberty Mut. Ins. Co. v. Progressive Cas. Ins. Co., CBM2012-
`00010, Paper No. 35 at 14 (reply citing to challenged Exhibits 1033 and 1034).
`Moreover, in CoreLogic the Board merely said that, because it did not rely on
`testimony challenged as inadmissible by the petitioner, the petitioner’s motion to


`Patent Owner’s Reply in Support of Its Motion to Exclude
`U.S. Patent No. 9,094,268
`exclude was moot. The Board did not say that a party can include any testimony it
`wants as an exhibit – even if the party does not rely on it – just because the Board
`may end up not relying on the testimony in its Final Written Decision. See
`CoreLogic, Inc. v Boundary Sols., Inc., IPR2015-00219, Paper No. 48 at 12
`(P.T.A.B. May 19, 2016).
`Paragraphs 5-6, 8-10, 14, and 16-23 of Exhibit 1012 and Exhibit
`1016 Are Not Relevant
`As an initial matter, Petitioner mistakenly argues that Patent Owner failed to
`explain how and why the “newness” of the evidence found at Paragraphs 5-6, 8-10,
`14, and 16-23 and Exhibit 1016 renders it irrelevant. Paper No. 32 at 4. As stated
`in Patent Owner’s Motion, “[r]eply evidence . . . must be responsive and not
`merely new evidence that could have been presented earlier to support” the
`petition. Paper No. 26 at 3-4. For the many reasons provided in Patent Owner’s
`Motion, Paragraphs 5-6, 8-10, 14, and 16-23 of Exhibit 1012 constitute such
`improper “new evidence,” and, thus, those paragraphs are not relevant to this
`proceeding. See 77 Fed. Reg. 48612, 48620; 77 Fed. Reg. 48,756, 48,767; 37
`C.F.R. 42.23(b); The Scotts Company LLC v. Encap, LLC, IPR2013-00110, Paper
`No. 79 at 5-6 (P.T.A.B. June 24, 2014) (declarations submitted with reply that
`included material that supported petition considered untimely); Baxter Healthcare
`Corp. v. Millennium Biologix, LLC, IPR2013-00590, Paper No. 40, at 3 (refusing


`Patent Owner’s Reply in Support of Its Motion to Exclude
`U.S. Patent No. 9,094,268
`to consider evidence that did “not merely rebut points made in Patent Owner’s
`Response” but was “instead new evidence that could have been presented earlier”).
`Moreover, Petitioner’s only response to Patent Owner’s argument that the
`testimony found in Paragraphs 5-6, 8-10, 14, and 16-23 of Exhibit 1012 and
`Exhibit 1016 should have been submitted with the Petition is a non sequitur
`quotation from a Federal Circuit case that “[t]he purpose of the trial in an inter
`parties review proceeding is to give the parties an opportunity to build a record by
`introducing evidence.” See Paper No. 32 at 4. That quote does not explain why
`Paragraphs 5-6, 8-10, 14, and 16-23 and Exhibit 1016 should not have been
`submitted with the Petition. Moreover, nothing in that quote suggests that
`Petitioner can fill gaps in its Petition by introducing new evidence at any time it
`wants to in the proceeding – especially when Patent Owner does not have an
`opportunity to reply to that new evidence.
`At pages 4-5 of its Opposition, Petitioner purports to provide reasons why
`Paragraphs 5-6 and 8-10, Paragraph 14 and Exhibit 1016, Paragraphs 16-18,
`Paragraphs 19-21, and Paragraphs 22-23 are relevant. See Paper No. 31 at 4-5. In
`doing so, however, Petitioner just repeats a variation of the generic statement that
`“Dr. Kiaei’s testimony at Paragraphs X [or Exhibit 1016] is relevant to TQ Delta’s
`argument regarding Y” and that “This testimony evidences what persons of


`Patent Owner’s Reply in Support of Its Motion to Exclude
`U.S. Patent No. 9,094,268
`ordinary skill in the art understood at the time.”1 See id. Petitioner never actually
`addresses Patent Owner’s specific and detailed arguments as to why each of
`Paragraphs 5-6, 8-10, 14, and 16-23 and Exhibit 1016 constitutes new evidence
`that should have been submitted with the Petition or why submission of those
`paragraphs and Exhibit 1016 with the Reply is prejudicial to Patent Owner. See
`Paper No. 26 at 4-12. Nor does Petitioner explain how Paragraphs 5-6, 8-10, 14,
`and 16-23 and Exhibit 1016 are “responsive” to Patent Owner’s arguments. As
`such, Patent Owner’s arguments as to why Paragraphs 5-6, 8-10, 14, and 16-23 and
`Exhibit 1016 constitute improper new evidence remain unrebutted.
`Accordingly, the Board should exclude Paragraphs 5-6, 8-10, 14, and 16-23
`of Exhibit 1012 and Exhibit 1016 as irrelevant under Fed. R. Evid. 402.
`1 Petitioner supports its argument with the following quote: “The law is well
`established that the Board will not exclude evidence that is proffered to show what
`a [person of ordinary skill in the art] would have known about the relevant field of
`art.” See Paper No. 32 at 5-6. That quote cannot be found in the case to which
`Petitioner attributes it. Regardless, the quote does not support submitting evidence
`regarding knowledge of a relevant field for the first time in support of a reply.


`Patent Owner’s Reply in Support of Its Motion to Exclude
`U.S. Patent No. 9,094,268
`Paragraphs 1-10, 14, and 16-25 of Exhibit 1012 and Exhibit 1016
`Should Be Excluded Under Fed. R. Evid. 403
`Petitioner argues that Patent Owner did not demonstrate that the probative
`value of Exhibit 1012 is substantially outweighed by a danger of unfair prejudice,
`confusing the issues, misleading the jury, undue delay, or wasting time. Paper No.
`32 at 6-7. That is not the case. It is clear from Patent Owner’s Motion that
`allowing Paragraphs 1-10, 14, and 16-25 of Exhibit 1012 into evidence would, at a
`minimum, (1) confuse the issues because those paragraphs include new, untimely
`arguments that could be confused with the arguments found in the Petition, (2)
`prejudice Patent Owner because Patent Owner and its expert do not have an
`opportunity to submit papers in response to the new opinions found at those
`paragraphs, and (3) result in delay and wasted time because Patent Owner (if given
`the opportunity) and the Board may now have to address evidence that was
`belatedly and improperly submitted.
`Similarly, it is clear from Patent Owner’s Motion that allowing Exhibit 1016
`into evidence would, at a minimum, (1) confuse the issues because Exhibit 1016 is
`a new reference that Petitioner is relying on to support its obviousness arguments,
`(2) prejudice Patent Owner because Patent Owner and its expert do not have an
`opportunity to submit papers to discuss Exhibit 1016, and (3) result in delay and


`Patent Owner’s Reply in Support of Its Motion to Exclude
`U.S. Patent No. 9,094,268
`wasted time because Patent Owner (if given the opportunity) and the Board may
`now have to address the belatedly and improperly submitted Exhibit 1016.
` Petitioner further argues that the Board should not exclude Paragraphs 1-10,
`14, and 16-25 of Exhibit 1012 or Exhibit 1016 under Fed. R. Evid 403 because the
`Board is well positioned to determine and assign appropriate weight to evidence
`presented. Paper No. 32 at 7. This argument misses the point. That the Board is
`capable of weighing evidence does not change the fact that allowing the challenged
`paragraphs of Exhibit 1012 and Exhibit 1016 into evidence would still create
`unnecessary confusion, prejudice Patent Owner, and waste time for the reasons
`discussed above.
`Therefore, Paragraphs 1-10, 14, and 16-25 of Exhibit 1012 and Exhibit 1016
`should be excluded under Fed. R. Evid. 403.
`For at least the foregoing reasons and those provided in Patent Owner’s
`Motion to Exclude (Paper No. 26), Patent Owner respectfully requests that the
`Board exclude the evidence discussed above.
`Dated: October 23, 2017
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Peter J. McAndrews/
`Peter J. McAndrews
`Registration No. 38,547
`McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd.


`Patent Owner’s Reply in Support of Its Motion to Exclude
`U.S. Patent No. 9,094,268
`500 West Madison Street, 34th Floor
`Chicago, Illinois 60661
`Office: (312) 775-8000
`Fax: (312) 775-8100
`Lead Counsel for Patent Owner


`Patent Owner’s Reply in Support of Its Motion to Exclude
`U.S. Patent No. 9,094,268
`I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Patent
`Owner’s Reply in Support of Its Motion to Exclude was served on October 23,
`2017, via email to counsel for Petitioner at the following:
`Lead Counsel
`Back-up Counsel
`Theodore M. Foster
`USPTO Reg. No. 57,456
`Haynes and Boone LLP
`2323 Victory Ave., Suite 700
`Dallas, TX 75219
`Tel: 972-739-8649
`Fax: 972-692-9156
`Michael S. Parsons
`USPTO Reg. No. 58,767
`Haynes and Boone LLP
`2323 Victory Ave., Suite 700
`Dallas, TX 75219
`Tel: 972-739-8611
`Fax: 972-692-9003
`/Peter J. McAndrews/
`Peter J. McAndrews
`Registration No. 38,547
`David L. McCombs
`USPTO Reg. No. 32,271
`Haynes and Boone LLP
`2323 Victory Ave., Suite 700
`Dallas, TX 75219
`Tel: 214-651-5533
`Fax: 214-200-0853
`Telephone: 312-775-8000
`Facsimile: 312-775-8100

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