1:-étml-:11: HrIl}::—:i- 199:;
`AS5!."tI-:1-_'T-‘ .'-H.-1 H01’: 31, 1993 E;.j[;i.;.r.
`lnpu1.:I'0uI.put Vuinhles
`:'J.|t.1In. -X:
`LC-C.-kI__&_N‘TJ 'nUvT'-‘Ha II'r.IL.]'1'_-we nu-'_=. :«:E'_='1;=(r;»;—-,_}I;_-5
`Description uffllnta D1l.g'rnn| Variables
`Status nf Dataln input at pm I.
`Values: II = s'.npu.t_tdIe; indicate: nu nctivity
`—II', indicates activity
`New that Dataln DO may be Ilnuiuillmd during collision
`bul. Hunt it is a ti-:III’t care in all illatrlnttln WI1.t.'n this is true.
`(‘all ln lK"
`Htutun of Contra-1In input n1. port K
`Vahlr-ti: SQE = s.tg71m'_que:u’:'r_-v rrmr . k!itlIIZl!I.i'l|I oaflisiun
`-S-QE '. indicates no callunun
`'l‘ype :1!’ nutput repeater L‘. zmurcing 1.1 port K.
`‘v.’uIutra: Idle : Repeater :5 not lrnnnmtuing
`-Idle ; Repeater IE trannnlitttatg i’n-.nmh'ee Pattern
`cur Data at Jam or T‘INIJ“‘nuM.
`l'rea.I:nJ:1l-2 Pattern ; RI.~ptI+It.|-r :5 mmrt-.-unfi alternaiing 1'5 and
`0'9 on part III.
`Data ; Repeater is 1'UpuIil:i|]].{ um.“ fi'm1m un p-nrt X.
`Jam ; Repeater iu nnu1'I!i|1gJn||| on pun‘. K.
`Twuflnes ; Repeater i.-1 :mLm:i|ig1wn cmu=II':I:u'I.'iVE'.* Manchti-I-Iler
`encuded nn-ea an ].mr1. X
`I}i..-1|I.hit-0:11 I PU
`Us-erridc afflut {Xi
`Vnlupa; -l'JI'-'; Disable repeater '.r.1n.smJ.nauun regardless of-.-alue or {jut ax:
`-IJN ', Repeater uananfismnn tit-pt-ndn rm the 1.-aiue UFO-at {X5
`Perl. V1:-inblen
`Tnummit Time: indicates llLI.I't‘lhrr of tutu transmitted on port x.
`Valumr Fugitive integers
`Int:-It~ Pl‘£|Gl.!iIfl Flags
`All retetved date flame bits have hr-on n--ml.
`B-It Transmittr.-d
`Indicates a bit‘.-.1as been l‘.r:l.I'.Li.1'!'.'.Itrd by the rt-peat:-.r unit
`Indicates the repeater has detrdnd this .‘-1-I-‘I1 and is ready to seat! {hm rum.-ivutl tintu. “Tim search in:
`31-1) shall not begin before l6 hits Iiuwr! |:u.-1.rn I!‘l.'(1E'-iifed. Nate. transmit and receive ctu-cit differences
`nhnli elm be accummndated.
`Walt Timur for the end ef Lrannmil. nvctrunry time [see}. It in Hlznrtud |)_~,.* HtnrL'l‘w_1_ '1"w1]Jone
`in nlatinfied when the end of trnna|nI'1. rI.'1'.‘t:Wl‘I‘_1r time is completed.
`‘ 6I'O 1V6 - H
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1026

`IECFLEC BS0243 I 1993
`xmsuisss and 302.3, 1993 1'-Jdition
`Wait Timer for the end of carrier recovery 1'.:'.rne{see It is started by Sta.rt."I‘w2. Twflflene is
`satisfied when the timer has expired.
`Wait Timer For length of continuous output {see 9.6.5}. It is started by StartTw3. 'I‘w3Done is satis-
`fied when the timer has expired.
`Wait Timer for time to disable output for Jabber Lockup Pm-tefltimi (see 9.6.5]. It is started by
`Stsrt'I‘w:1. 'I‘w4Done is satisfied when the timer has taipired.
`Port Fuzzlctions
`Port {That}
`A function that returns the designation of a port passing the best condition. For example. Fort
`[Co11In=SQE} returns the designation: X for a port that has SQE true. If multiple ports meet the
`best eondition, the Port function will be assigned one and only one ofthe acceptable values.
`Port Designation
`Ports are referred to by number. Port information is obtained by replacing the X in the desired i"u.m:tion
`with the number of the port of interest. Ports are referred to in general as follows:
`Indicates a.T.l repeater ports are In be considered. All ports shall meet beat oonditions in order
`for the test to pass.
`Indicates all ports are to be considered. One or more ports shall meet the real. conditions in
`order for the test to pass.
`Indicates all ports are to he considered. One, hut not more than one. port shall meet the test
`condition in order for the test to pass.
`Generic port designator. When X is used in a state diagram, its value is local to that diagrain
`and not global to the set of state diagrams.
`Ia defined by the Port function on exiting the IDLE state of Fig 9~2. It indicates. a port that
`caused the exit from the IDLE state.
`Is defined by the Port function on exiting the TRANSM'['I' -COLLISION. state of Fig 9-2. It indi-
`cates the only port Where C-ol1In=SQE.
`Indicates all parts except N should he oonsidered. All parts considered shall meet the test eon-
`ditions in order for the test to pass.
`Indicates all ports except M should he considered. All parts considered shall meet the teat eunu
`djtions in order for the test to pass.
`Indicates any port other than N meeting the test conditions shall cause the test to pass,
`Indicates any port other than M meeting the test conditions shall cause the test to pass.
`‘ 6I'O 1V6 -
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1026

`'|F'3'|'1'1}'}|' 5:9-U2‘ Ii
`.'s-W1‘-"EH E1 R2’: >.'E".E.E. M’?-3 ‘F.-d:'.‘-nr:
`L.q‘_rI_'.-U. .1.~'::n :\u:.' FIlJI'L_1'..T'I"1.'h' Af1F'...\ !n‘F,"|"'u'-r'|;‘_\F._E-{:7-_‘
`cam flu“ "5;
`:[I|{'*l'IIr'PID.ItqIIn -Tfil
`Culllnlliifl aiflizlflnlufitolfln In 10:"
`filflflw-Ir; uplj I _p_ u I-
`|1u'r IALIKNI - Hllniall Fnnthrn
`Cnlllrl MHYENI -$0!
`1'.-man-n '|.un:'i:1:-iillial-IL! -EE-
`numnrul J’
`flIlI.l.lI.LIM -I Dill
`Cullln I
`I---lln 4|.
`: 11":-up -'_u“
`'_III N
`I-u . .. »
`C31‘! LAHVHH —- SDI.
`t-=Iw.u-.:- 5101 ~ '1:A:..>.»n- T-.l'DnrII
`T'i,|i:luu-ru-|!(4arn . mg]
`Du! {Fl-l.I.l1\-I] I Hm
`. nu
`‘*'*"**-"-'-3*“'-" '
`um mu] = meT
`Call!-‘.4|n|fl’1-19' I
`Hg in
`Rcpcnwr Unit. State Diagram
`Aerohive -
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1026

`[3".l.'|'5'.[.' ‘iH".'.‘._i
`""'1"*'!':I' 5.} - r
`-, J'.J:-I4 17.}:-.521
`£'"""“'" " " "W
`rwinm Llonn
`l'nIJIII|_A'I I i -u. SOT
`Dllflfll I Id.|-I "'
`--- Trnnsn-uI.u<:
`' IJ.Ju_u',lNl'.
`:1‘1II 'I'HXJ 1-
`II‘. Trlrumln-|-u
`Fig 9-3
`I‘.t‘I!1H:mit Timer State Uialflrlm
`for Part I
`Tu‘? Emir: Diagram
`D ulrlnlul
`tlinlanloout - 3;
`ouum H M].
`TH-‘|iDrmo'DurIA|\|Y} = E
`'\|\‘F| 9 r;,.-rm.»
`'.|ddlI|1-. u.'
`. (IR
`slid lffil
`Fig 9.5
`M-FLU Jllhtlfr lo¢'u:|t-.Ip F|'<:tr.'.cti-an State Diagram
`‘ 6I'O 1V6 -I
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1026

`IS-0.-‘TED 8802-3: 1993
`ANSDTEEE Shl 802.3. 1993 Edition
`9.6.2 Data and Collision Handling. 'l'l‘Ie moeater unit shall implement the CA-RRlER_UN function for
`all its ports. Upon detection of carrier from -one port, the repeater unit shall repeat all received signals in
`the Data Frame from that port to the other port [or ports}.
`The repeater unit data and collision-handling algorithm shall he as defined in Fig 32,
`9.6.3 Preamble Regeneration. The repeater unit shall output at least 56 bits of preamlale followed by
`the SFD. When the repeater unit must send more than 56 hits, the maximum length preamble pattern it
`shall send is the number received plus 5.
`9.8.4 Fragment Extension. If the received bit sequence from CARH'.lEll_ON to CA.ElEIER_{)FF is
`fewer than 96 bits in length, including preamble, the repeater unit shall extend the output hit sequence
`with Jam such that the total number of hits output from the repeater unit shall er] ual 96.
`9.6.5 MAU Jabber Loeliup Protection. MAU Jabber Loclrup Protection must operate as shown in the
`MAU Jabber Lockup Protection state diagram. The repeater unit shall interrupt its output it’ it hm trans-
`mitted continuously for longer than 5 ms or 51] Bill} hit times — 20% + 50%. The repeater unit shall then,
`after 96 to 116 bit times (9.6 to 11.6 as}, re-enable transmissions.
`9.6.3 Auto-I.’artitioning:'Reoonne¢tio11 {Optional}
`9.6.6.] Overview. In large multisegrnent networks it may be desirable that the repeater unit protect
`the network from some fault conditions that would halt all network communication. A potentially likely
`cause nfthi:-i condition could be due to a cable break, a faulty connector, or a faulty or missing termination,
`ln order to isolate a Faulty segroenlfs collision activity from propagating through the network, the
`repeater unit may optionally implement an auto-partition algorithm and, on detention of the malfunction
`being cleared, an auto-reconnect-ion algorithm.
` Detailed Auto-Partitionflteeonneetion Algorithm State Diagram. Repeater sets with
`IIJBASE-T MAUS shall implement an auto-partitienfreconnectien algorithm on those parts. The repeater
`unit may optionally; implement an auto-pa.rtitin-n."reeonnection algorithm that protects the rest of the net-
`work from an open-eircuited segment. If the repeater unit provides this function, it shall -conform to the
`state diagram of Fig 9-6.
`The algorithm defined in Fig 9-6 shall isolate a segment. from the network when one of the following two
`conditions has occurred on the segment:
`(1) Wlien a consecutive collision oount has been reached; or
`(2) When a single collision duration has exceeded a specific amount of time.
`‘When a segment is partitioned, D-ataln (IX) and Collin (X) from that segment are forced to II (input idle}
`and —SQE I'.no collision), respectively, so that activity on the port. will not affect the repeater unit. Output
`From the repeater to the segment is not blocked.
`The segment will be reinstated when the repeater has detected activity on the segment for more than the
`number of bits specified for Twfi without incurring a collision.
`‘ 6I'O 1V6 - 5
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1026

`Description of Slum Diagram ‘Variables and Constanta
`-?""'l"!E':E'..". '~'l=
`. 1115:!
`i‘ .=Lr-I‘-2 11
`Pun Cunntnnta
`Tia» 11ur1‘|h£-1' of coins-ecu111.'e ¢o1l1:nnn- 'ti'.ut znur-.1 occur before a E1-.‘fi'I‘.‘_n'n1 1-.
`.-«hull h+- g-mute-r l'.ha.I1 30.
`'I"::u vaiue
`lnputJ{II.:I.p1:I. Variables
`II-I !‘ru.-I-H.'a'1IfX‘:
`11:51:: In Ii-um |,]-.9 MAU an purt X E'1'Im- nnpui in guled by the p:1r!.i1:inn .-+1.-m- u.m_r;m.. 1., pmdugg
`II'n'L..-IInlX’|'1u1_hE main stale nmrhirn: ‘I
`II = £}'1L::I:zE_fc]'!e . nu a:'1Lv11_w.'
`I.’ 2 input rm: 1dJ1- , uni-.-atu
`"nntrr-E Input from the .\.L-ti.’ I11". port )1 TI1I.-iIr_['.ulI:"- gate-cl '3;rL'1:_- gmnumr .-.r.-.1. m..-;.;].'..-..:. 1;: pm.
`uiucr I "I:-LE n [XI to -'.J':iE :‘l'J:}_2I1 :i'..=':'Li* fT..||'.'h|_.'pI* I
`‘.".} ur-.-_ .."e'C._fE'. : .ng.'t:::.’_.';':.'::J'a'I_'._e'r.v-hr , uu}.I'.s1.'- mill!-i-::-n
`-.‘:'-QE : ififiicfltufi nu culli.-nun
`Part Vnriulrlt-.1.
`l"-tmHI'I‘.II|!vo=. pnrt cflififiiflil I:m.lnI. nn H prIrI.1'I'IIl.'|J' purl. K. P.a_1't.'jtjo|:n]]g ||['_|:||‘["f| nn 3.
`I”.-:l4i]11It hlvlng reached.
`|‘1m:Ti\'E integcrn up 14: n inrnnn.-ul H:-ml‘. ail" t‘.!_.'1,im:‘L
`|_prI"i""_| (aunt of
`lntttr-I‘:-m:-es-m Flags
`'|.|-'.4.1. Timur Fur length cfpuu.-kc: vutlmu‘. -min-;-an |L= -.-.'.]m':.-1'na|_‘h.:m-1-..u1...451:..m1 _-1.2.1.,-,,“._,._,t._,-__
`II in .-ahlrlud |:I_1.' 5L:ll'tTv-'5. TH .'-I!)fIl'-l' I.-.1=I.11.-Ifu-dw':1-_-n the timer ha,-; e_1[r,r._ui
`l-[mi] ;;nrI .111: nlrm hi.-_ 1.3195, 1:
`‘-‘I’-'-.:t Ti:::1=r$'nrexceas*.veiength:nt"L'n|l1e4|nn I:-~ 1'.'i}:Ie5ha_'li be inetwe-en.
`'..*I :«l‘.:u'tuI-«J hy i":ita1't'l"--'5. Twfi nurw IH rmtmrh-«I whun the timer has e-xpirul
`‘ 6I'O 1V6 -
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1026

`J:-iurll-it.‘ rmu'_I.;1 : man
`AN.-‘»I.’lF'_F‘.}‘. -'.m an: .1 L993 Eds‘-.i:L.
`LEIFI=*J_ A511 M L'I B.:_-i'1=1.:'1'.\:~.' 3.111-La §iE'E"&'|'.}Hl§.‘5
`Cullln [ll -‘l'.‘|Pc-nlnlilll
`fill." .“'.'|
`'3 nPl'-'-In
`Iufiflunl I
`'1 l.':.;.'‘‘1lI:.'.1l'l' Im.1IIHI-I-
`n:,E[1‘|'=r_'::('::.‘1. " I
`CEIK] =0
`Ultdn llI=D|FI'l'IaII'|'I'lI.I
`MP1,-.1 .|.§.
`I v
`._.,l .. ._.
`nu -
`C-Hun ml =fi
`'" ""*."“.“1“.":'3! . . . --
`73.4!" {IE -'__|. 210$ tn”. bl
`3""l'I-tIu'|l: I -
`I|"rn¢InIIl|a uir
`Twimhnt and
`i ‘H! .-cull! =
`cm «Tin-
`rl---r-.-1 u'r'|._-mzr-rzr.
`um:-I nq=n
`EIITII1 lat;-Jsfi
`ctilu =5
`Fin II-B
`Partitioning state Diagram for Pm-1: X
`Aerohive - Ex
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1026

`ISOHEC 3392-3 : 1993
`ANEIHEEE Std 302.3, 1993 Edition
`9.’? Electrical Isolation. There are two electrical power distribution environments to be considered that
`require different electrical isolation properties.
`EnvironmentA.-—- When a LAN or LAN segment, with all its associated interconnected equipment, is
`entirely contained within a single lowuvoltage power distribution system and within
`a single building.
`Environment B — When a LAN crosses the boundary between separate power distribution systems or
`the boundaries of a single building.
`The repeater unit shall comply with applicable local and national codes related to safety. See ECl'\-IA-9'?
`9.7.1 Environment A Requirements. Attachment of network segments via repeaters (sets) possessing
`internal MAUs requires electrical isolation of 500 Vrms, 1 minute withstand. between the segment and the
`protective ground of the repeater unit.
`For repeater ports that connect to external MAUs via an AU Interface, the requirement for isolation is
`encompassed within the isolation requirements of the basic MAU Standard. {See,, and
`143.11.) The repeater unit shall not require any electrical isolation between exposed AU Interfaces or
`between exposed AU Interfaces and chassis ground of the repeater unit. No isolation boundary need there-
`fore exist at anyAUI oompatible interface {that is “D” connector) provided by a repeater unit.
`9.7.2 Environment B Requirements. The attachment of network segments, which cross environment
`A boundaries, requires electrical isolation of 1599 Vrms, 1 minute withstand, between each segrrlent and
`all other attached segments and also the protective ground of the repeater unit.
`It is recommended that this isolation be provided by the use of external M.AUs connected by AU Inter-
`faces. If internal MAUs are used the segments shall be installed such that it is not possible for an equip-
`ment user to touch the trunk cable screen or signal conductor. A repeater of this variety requires
`professional installation.
`The requirements for interconnected coaxial cableielectrically conducting LAN segments that are pa:r~
`tially or fully external to a single building environment may require additional protection against lightning
`strike hazards. Such requirents are beyond the scope of this standard. It is recommended that the above
`situation be handled by the use of a noneleotrioally conducting IEL {for example, fiber optic).
`It is assumed that any nonelectrically conducting segments will provide sufficient isolation within that
`media to satisfy the isolation requirements of environment B.
`9.9- Reliabi]ity.A 2—p-ort repeater set shall be designed to provide a mean time between failure EMTBFJ of
`at least 59 D99 hours of continuous operation without causing a communication failure among stations
`attached to the network mediurn. Repeater sets with more than two parts shall add no more than 3.45 X
`10"“ failures per hour for each additional port.
`The rep-eater set eleetronim shall be designed to minimise the probability of component failures within
`the repeater electronics that prevent communication among the other M.AUs on the individual coaxial
`cable segments. Connectors and other passive components comprising the means of connecting the
`repeater to the coaxial cable shall be designed to minimise the probability oftotal network failure.
`9.9 Medium Attachment Unit and Basel]-and Medium Specification for a Vendor-Independent
`9.9.1 Scope
` Overview. A vendor-independent FOIRL provides a standard means for connecting only two
`repeater units. It thus extends the network length and topolopsr beyond that which could be achieved by
`illterconnecting coaxial segnmnts via repeater sets only. as defined in 8.6 or 10.7. A vendor-independent
`FUIHL ifl p£Il'tiI11Jla1'ly suited for interconnecting coaxial segments located in different buildings. The
`FDMAU described in this document is not intended for use in connecting lJTEs.
`In particular, this section defines the following;
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1026

`TSDHEC Bfillfl-3 : I993
`ANSULEEE Std 8112.3, 1993 Edition
`l.(lfln'-lL.1°|lNll'l ME'l‘ROPClL1TA_l‘vl AREA NE'I'WC|H.l{S.'
`Ill) The functional, optical, electrical, and mechanical characteristics of a fiber optic MAU {FDMAUl
`suitable for interfacing to a repeater unit, either directly {FDMAU and repeater unit integrated into
`a single package] or via an AU! meclianical connection.
`(2) Various optical fiber sizes suitable for cormecting only two FDMAUS.
`A schematic of the vendor-independent FOIRL and_its relationship to the repeater unit is shown
`in Fig 9-7. The vendor-independent FCIIRL comprises an optical fiber cable link segment, a vendor-
`independent FOl'I-[AU at each end of the link segment and, if present, AUI cables.
`The purpose of this specification is to enable interop-erability of FDM.Al_ls that originate From clif-
`ferent manufacturers, thereby i‘a-cilitalilig the development of simple and inexpensive
`links (IRLs]-. To satisfy this objective, the FOMAU has the following general characteristics:
`(a) Enables coupling‘ the repeater unit PLS directly. or by way of the ALU mechanical connection,
`to the explicit baseband optical fiber cahle link segment defined in this section of the standard.
`(bl Supports signaling at a data rate of 10 Mb-|'s.
`Provides for driving up to lllflll m of an optical fiber cable lin.lL segment.
`(cl) Operates indistinguishahly from a repeater set MAU, as defined in Section B, 10, or 14 when
`viewed From the AU interface.
`{cl Supports IUEASE2, l(lB.ASE5, and lIllB.t'-l.SE—T system configurations as defined in Sections 3,
`111}, and 13 ofthis standard.
`{ll Allows integration of the FOMAU into a single package with the repeater unit, thereby elimi-
`nating the need for an AUI mechanical connection.
`The iniplementation may incorporate additional features, for example those that allow compatibility
`with vendor-dependent FU'MAUs, as in The means to support these features are beyond the scope
`of‘ this subsection.
` Application Perspective: FDMAU and Medium Objectives. This section states the broad
`olnjeetives underlying the vendor-independent FOFRL specification defined throughout this section of the
`standard. These are as follows:
`(1) Provide the physical means for connecting only two repeater units.
`(2) Define a physical interface for the vendor-independent FOMAU component of the vendor-i.ndepen-
`dent FDIEL that can be implemented independently among different manufacturers of hardware
`and achieve the intended level e-l'-compatibility when interconnected in a common IRL.
`{3} Provide a communication channel capable of high bandwidth and low bit error rate performance.
`The resultant BER of the FOIRL should be less than one part in 101'”.
`(4) Provide a means to prevent packet transmission through an FDIEL when transmission capability in
`one or both directions is disrupted.
` Compatibility Considerations. All implementations of the ventlor-independent FUMAU
`shall be compatible at the FDMDI and at the AUI [when physically and mechanically implemented}.
`This standard provides an optical fiber cable link segrnent specification for the intercomiection of only
`two FOMAU devices. The medium itself. the filnctional capability of the F(}l‘u'.'l.AU, and the AU] are defined
`to provide the highest possible level of compatibility among devices designed by_di:i’ferent manufacturers.
`Designers are free to implement circuitry within the FDMAU in an application-depearident manner pro-
`video the FDMDI and AU] are satisfied. {The provision of the physical and mechanical implementation of
`the AUI is optional.)
` Relationship to..PJ.lI.A close relationship exists between this section and Section 7. This sec-
`tion spccifics all of the physical medium parameters, all of the FUPMA logical functions residing in the
`FOMAU, and references the AUI defined in Section 7 with the exception of the signe.l_o'uolii§}I_error mes-
`sage Test of 'l'.2.1.2.:1E3'J, which shall not be implemented, that is, shall not be enabled when connected to a
`repeater unit.
`NOTE: The specification ofa FOMAU component requires the use efhoth this section and Section "F for thc.n.UI spscificatinrus.
` Mode uf Operation. The FOMAU functions as a direct connection between the optical fiber
`cable link segment and the repeater unit. During collision—free operation, data from the repeater unit is
`‘ ero 1Ve -:
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1026

`if-SOIIEC 8l‘5(J2-.'5 : 199:5
`:’\N5:'lfII-CEFJ .'-ltd 8023, 1993 Edition
`' See 9.511 3 for impIemenIalion reqmrements.
`Fig 9-7
`Schematic of the Vendor-Independent FOIRL and Its Relationship to the Repeater Unit
`transmitted into the FOMAU’s transmit optical fiber, and all data in the FOM.AU’s receive optical fiber is
`transmitted to the repeater unit.
`9.9.2 FOMAU Functional Specifications. The FOMAU component provides the means by which sig-
`nals on the three AUI signal circuits are coupled;
`Aerohive - I
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1026

`ESOIIEC B-B02-3 : 1993
`ANSI.-"J.'EEE Std 8-02.3, 1993 Edition
`r.ce-«mum METHOPOIJTAN AREA Nnrwom-cs;
`11) From the repeater unit into the FOMAU's transmit optical fiber, and
`(2) From the FOMAU’s receive optical fiber to the repeater unit.
`‘Tb achieve this basic objective, the FGMAU component contains the following functions] capabilities to
`handle message flow between the repeater unit and the optical fiber cable link segment:
`(a) Ttnnsmir Fam,~.ti4_-n.
`lib] Receive Function
`: The ability to receive serial bit streams from the attached repeater
`unit and transmit them into the FDM.AU’s optical fiber.
`: The ability to receive serial data bit streams from the FC|MAU’s
`receive Optical fiber and transmit them to the attached repeater
`(cl Collision Presence Function
`: The ability to detect, and report to the attached repeater unit, an
`FOIRL collision.
`id} Jabber Functilon
`l.'.-ow Li,g.i1rLece.i
`Detection Faicction
`I The ability to automatically interrupt the Transmit Function and
`inhibit an abnorrnally long output data stream.
`: The ability to automatically interrupt the Receive Function and
`inhibit the reception of signals from the FOMAU’s receive optical
`fiber which could result in abnormally high E-Ells.
` Transmit Function H.equiren1ents.At the start of a packet transmission into the FURL-°LU’s
`transmit optical fiber, no more than two bits (two full bit cells} of information may be received from the DD
`circuit and not transmitted into the FOMAll's transmit optical fiber. In addition, it is permissible for the
`first bit sent to contain encoded phase violations or invalid data. All successive bits of the packet shall be
`transmitted into the F0llrlAU’s transmit optical fiber and shall exhibit the following:
`(1) No more edge jitter than that given by the sum of the worst-case edge jitter components specified in
`,, and 9.9.-1.1.7, and
`(2) The levels and waveforms specified in
`The FCIMAU DO circuit shall comply with the AUI specification for receivers given in 7.4.2. The
`FOMAU's DI circuit driver shall comply with the 1'-!.Ul.' specification for drivers given in 'i'.d-.1.
`The Steady-state propagation delay between the DU circuit receiver input and the FOMAU's transmit
`optical fiber input shall not exceed one-half a bit cell. It is recommended that the designer provide an
`implementation in which a minimum threshold level is required on the D0 ci_rcuit to establish a transmit
`bit stream.
`The higher optical power level transmitted into the FCIMA.U's transmit optical fiber shall be defined as
`the low (L0) logic state on the optical fiber link segment. There shall be no logical signal inversions
`between the DD c:'u'cui1. and the FDMAU“s transmit optical fiber, as specified in
`The diflerence in the start-up delay {bit loss plus invalid bits plus steady-state propagation delay), as dis-
`tinct from the absolute start-up delays, between any two packets that are separated by 9.6 ps. or less shall
`not exceed 2 bit cells.
`The FDMAU shall loop back a packet received from the DD circuit into the DI circuit. At the start of a
`packet transmission, no more than five bits of information may be received from the DO circuit and not
`transmitted into the D1 circuit. It is permissible for the first bit sent to contain encoded phase violations or
`invalid data. All successive bits of the packet shall be transmitted into the DI circuit and shall exhibit no
`more edge jitter than that specified for signals transmitted into the DI circuit by the Receive Function, as
`specified in The steadjeatate propagation delay between the DU circuit receiver input and the DI
`circuit driver Output for such signals shall not exceed one bit cell. There shall be no logical signal inver-
`sions between the DD circuit and the DI circuit during collision—free transmission.
`When the D0 circuit has gone idle after a packet has been transmitted into the FC-lv'l_AU’s transmit
`optical fiber, the FCIMAU shall not activate the Collision Presence Function so as not to send the
`si, message ‘Test of,3(3) to the repeater unit.
`During the idle state ofthe DD circuit, the "I‘raJ1srnit Function shall output into the transmit optical fiber
`an optical idle signal as specified in 9.9.-1.1.4. The transmitted optical signals shall exhibit the" optical
`power levels specified in 9.9.-4.1.8. At the end of a packet transmission, the first optical idle signal pulse
`Aerohive - E
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1026

`l5_iU'.I'l'EC B802 3 : 1993
`M‘1'l'll:'lFJEE Std 3l'!2_Fl,
`lfl-Q3 Edition
`transition to the hightar optical power level must occur no HUD1‘1EI' than 400 ns and no later than 21D[) no
`after the packets last transition to the lower optical power level. This first optical pulse must meet the tim-
`ing requirements oi'9.E|'.-1.1.4.
`The F'OMAU shall not introduce cxtrancnus optical signals into thc transmit optical fiber under normal
`operating conditions, including powering-up or powering-down of the FCIMAU,
` Receive Function Requirents. At the start of a packet reception from the F-DMAU’s
`receive optical fiber, no more than two hits (two full bit cells) of information may be received From the
`F0-MAU"s receive optical fiber and not transmitted into tl1e DI circuit. It is permissible for the first bit
`transmitted into the DI circuit to contain encoded phase violations or invalid data. All successive hits of the
`packet shall be transmitted into the DI circuit and shall exhibit the following:
`{1} The levels and waveforms specified in '':7.4.1. and
`{2} No more edge jitter than that given bythe sum of the worst-case edge jitter components spocificd in
`,, 9.9.-1-.1.'I", 9.9.4-.22, and
`The steady-state propagation dclajr bctwccn the output ofthc F‘OMAI.l‘s rcceivc optical fiber and the out»-
`put of the DI circuit driver shall not exceed one-half a bit cell. There shall be no logical signal inversions
`between the FDMAU's receive optical fiber and the DI circuit during collision—free operation, as specified in
`The clifiicrcnoc in the start-up delay (bit lose plus invalid bits plus steady-state propagation delay), as dis-
`tinct. from the absolute start-up delays. between any two packets that are separated by 9.6 ps or less shall
`not exceed 2 bit cells.
`The FUMAU shall not introduce extraneous signals i_nto the DI circuit under normal operating condi-
`tions, including po‘weri.'ng—up or poweringdown of the FUMAU.
` Collision Presence Function Requirements. The signal presented to the CI circuit in the
`absence of an SQE signal shall be the LDL signal.
`The signal presented to the CI circuit during the presence cfa collision shall be the CS0 signal, a periodic
`pulse waveform offrequency 10 llrll-lz +25 % -15% vrith pulse transitions that are no loss than 35 ns and no
`greater than '70 ns apart at the zero crossing points. This signal shall be presented to the CI circuit no more
`than 3.5 bit times after the simultaneous appearance of signals at both the input of the F‘DMAU’s transmit
`optical fibcr and the output of the l*‘0hL’tl.T‘s receive optical fiber. This signal shall be deasserterl no earlier
`than 4.5 hit times and no later than '3 bit tirnca alter the above defined collision condition ceases to exist.
`During a collision, if a packet is received at the DD circuit before a packet is received at the FDMAU’s
`receive optical fiber, then only the packet received at the DD circuit shall be transmitted into the D1 circuit,
`as specified in Conversely, ii'du_ri_ng a collision a packet is received at the FDMAU’s n;'~c{:ivc optical
`fiber before a packet is received at the DD ::irc1.11't, then only the packet received at the F'DMAU’s receive
`optical fiber shall be transmitted into the DI circuit, as specified in In the event of both packets
`being received at their rt.-an-:-ctlve ports within 3.5 bit times of each other, then cithcr one. but only one, of
`the packets shall be selected to be transmitted into the DI circuit.
`The Collision Function shall not introduce extraneous signals into the CI circuit under normal operating
`mnditiflns. including powering-up or powering-down oi the FDMAU.
` Jabber Function Requirements. The FOMAU shall have the capability, as defined in Fig 9-
`9, to interrupt a transinission from the repeater that exceeds a time duration determined by the
`FOMAU. This time duration shall not be less than 20 ms nor rruirc than 150 me. if thc packet beingtra.ns-
`mitted is still being transmitted after the specified time duration, the FIDMAU shall activate the Jabber
`Function by the following:
`(1) First inhihciting the transmission of bits from its D0 circuit into its transmit optical fiber,
`Iii-’l Then transmitting into its transmit optical fiber the optical idle signal specified in, and
`(33 Presenting the CS0 signal to the GI circuit.
`Unite the el'I‘m" condition has been cleared, thc FUMAU shall reset the Jabber Function and present the
`llJL signal to the C1 circuit:
`‘ ero 1Ve - E
`Aerohive - Exhibit 1026

`ISCMIEC BBll2—3 : 1.993
`ANSUIEEE Std 302.3, 1993 Edition
`(a) On power reset, and
`(b) Optionally, automatically after a continuous period of 0.5 s i 50% of inactivity on the DO circuit.
`The FDMAU shall not activate its Jabber Function when operated under the worst-case Jabber Lo-cltup
`Protection condition specified in 9.6.5.
`When both the Jabber Function and the Low Light Level Detection Function (see} have been acti-
`vated, the Jabber Function shall override the Low Light Level Detection Function.
` Low Light Level Detection Function Requirements. The FOMAU shall have a low light
`level detection capability, as defined in Fig 9-10, whereby it shall interrupt the reception of both the optical
`idle signal and packets from the FOMA.U”a receive optical fiber when reliable reception can no longer be
`assured. This error condiifion shall not be activated if the [leak -optical power level at the output of tho
`FOMAU’s receive optical fiber exceeds -2’? dBm_ It shall be activated before the peak optical power level at
`the output of the F'DMAU-"s. receive optical fiber has fallen to a level that is lower than the peak. optical
`power level that corresponds to a BER = 104” for the FUMAU under consideration. Once this error condi-
`tion has been activated, the F01‘:-[AU ah all, no earlier than 30 hit times and no later than QDD bit times
`(1) Disable its Receive Function so that the transmission of hits from its receive optical fihcr to the DI
`circuit is inhibited,
`(2) Assure that only the optical idle signal is transmitted into its transmit optical fiber, irrespective of
`the state of the DO circ

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