The inclusion of antivirus software
`with the DOS 6 upgrade will undoubtedly
`raise user awareness of the need for pro-
`tection against computer viruses. This
`will more than likely spur sales of more
`sophisticated programs, especially those
`that provide the features necessary for
`protecting an entire workplace. Whether
`you decide to stick with the software Mi-
`crosoft has given you or upgrade to more
`feature-rich programs, you now have ab-
`solutely no excuse to leave your system
`Microsoft provides two utilities with
`DOS 6 that extract the maximum perfor-
`mance from your disk drive: Defrag and
`SmartDrive. Defrag optimizes a disk’s ca-
`pacity by reorganizing the physical place-
`ment of the files and directories on the
`drive. SmartDrive speeds your com-
`puter’s access to its DOS drives by retain-
`ing the most frequently accessed infor-
`mation from those drives in memory.
`Although Microsoft distributed Smart-
`'Drive with DOS 5,
`the company has
`added a new feature that provides even
`better performance.
`IIEHIABBIIIB unsuuzss FILE sun!
`It is almost inevitable that with normal
`use files on a DOS drive will become frag-
`mented. This occurs when the contents
`of a file are stored in noncontiguous areas
`of the drive. While this condition is not
`dangerous to your files, it requires more
`movement of the disk drive’s read/write
`heads and slows down access to data.
`DOS 6’s Defrag reorders—-or defrag-
`i:uents—the files on a drive, ensuring that
`each file occupies a single, contiguous
`chunk of disk space. DOS can then access
`the defragmented files more quickly.
`Defrag is a subset of the SpeedDisk
`utility found in The Norton Utilities from
`Symantec Corp. (800-825-2504), and its
`command line and user interface are very
`similar to SpeedDisk’s. In fact, with the
`exception of a few command-line param-
`140 PCMAGAZINE Al‘-“RlL13.1993
`cur: smv
`DOS 6
`eters, menu selections. and defragmenta-
`tion strategies (such as file placement
`specification and the defragmentation of
`free disk space), Defrag fully measures
`up to SpeedDisk’s reputation as a quality
`defragmentation utility.
`Defrag also performs optimizations
`on drives compressed with Doublespace.
`Although it does not perform full defrag-
`mentation, Defrag is
`the only utility now
`available with this ca-
`Compared to Defrag‘s two strategies,.
`both No1'ton’s SpeedDisk and Compress
`(in Central Point Software's PC-Tools’,
`800-825-2504) offer five strategies that-
`give you greater control over perfor-
`mance and speed. Another option lets
`you decide which files to leave in place.
`But you can achieve virtually the same
`effect with Defrag by marking a file as
`SmartDn'1re can
`signfficentiy reduce
`' nanadirk
`Unless you are a
`power user
`absolute control over
`disk space organiza-
`tion. Defrag may be
`the only defragmcnta-
`tion utility you will
`ever need.
`DISK Glllllllltl SPEEDS
`pability. The
`SpeedDisk in Norton
`Utilities 7.0 also sup-
`ports Doublespace.
`simple unfragmenting
`of files. and total opti-
`Defrag performs the
`minimum amount of work needed to re-
`organize the files, usually leaving areas
`of free disk space scattered across the
`disk. With full optimization. Defrag rear-
`ranges all of the files and directories.
`compacting the used space into one area.
`and leaving a single. large free space on
`the hard disk. However, full optimization
`usually requires significantly more time
`to execute lhanjust unfragmenting files.
`Another option lets you sort directory
`entries on the hard disk in ascending or
`"descending order by any combination of
`name. extension, size. or date and time.
`While DOS 5 can view directory entries
`in a sorted order (an option on the DIR
`this feature actually stores
`the directory entries in sorted order.
`drives are. they all can be considered slow
`when compared to the CPU. Relatively
`speaking. your computer sits there twid-
`dling its thumbs while the disk drive takes
`interminable milliseconds retrieving a
`piece of data from the hard disk. How-
`ever. SmartDrive can significantly speed
`access to information on a disk drive.
`SmartDrive performs this magic by re-
`taining the most frequently accessed por-
`tions of the disk in memory. When a pro-
`gram (or DOS) requests a read from the
`disk, and SmartDrive notes that the infor-
`mation is already in memory, it simply
`transfers the data from its buffer to the
`program’s buffer.
`Originally introduced with Windows, _
`Microsoft also shipped SmartDrive with
`DOS 5. The major improve-
`in DOS 6's version of
`SmartDrive is a new feature
`called delayed write, or write
`caching. Write caching cap-
`tures the results of disk writes,
`and physically writes them to
`disk a second or two later.
`the write.
`SmartDrive can often collect
`several write requests and exe-
`cute them as a single write to
`the disk. saving the time that is .
`normally consumed by head .
`movement. Of course. should
`the system crash after a pro
`.j,- i A
`" *

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`com sronv
`DOS 6
`gram has requested a write, but before
`the physical write occurs, the data is irre-
`trievably lost.
`A second enhancement
`to Smart-
`Drive is called double buffering, a feature
`allows Sn1artDrive to interact properly
`with bus-mastering disk controllers.
`In DOS 6, SmartDrive is no longer a
`device driver. Microsoft has reconfigured
`the utility as an executable file, allowing
`you to install SmartDrive from AUTO-
`EXECBAT or from the DOS command
`line. In addition, after you have started
`SmartDrive, you can now request a dis-
`play of its status, flush the cache, and start
`or stop caching on individual drives with
`a simple command.
`Just as it has done with the other utili-
`ties included in the DOS 6 package, Mi-
`crosoft has limited SmartDrive’s flexibil-
`ity, while preserving its performance. For
`example, in an unusual move, Microsoft
`removed the option that allowed you to
`place SmartDrive‘s cache into expanded
`memory. Since you can use only ex-
`tended memory for the cache buffer. you
`cannot run Srr1artDrive unless your sys-
`tem has extended memory.
`NCache, a utility supplied with The
`Norton Utilities, and PC—Cache, a utility
`that comes packaged with PC Tools, both
`accept a wide range of cache sizes, such
`as 247K or 1,l42K. SmartDrive, however,
`only accepts cache sizes in 1MB incre-
`ments, such as 1,024-K or 2.l}48K. NCache
`also allows you to write-protect cached
`drives. This prevents programs from writ-
`ing to selected drives via DOS or BIOS.
`although NCache cannot prevent pro-
`grams from writing to disk if they access
`the hardware directly. Neither Smart-
`Drive nor PC-Cache supports this option.
`Finally, you can uninsta1lNCache and
`PC—Cache by using a command-line argu-
`ment, freeing up the memory that the
`utilities themselves are using. Smart-
`Drive offers no such option, but you can
`disable and reenable caching for one or
`more drives from the command line.
`While its performance and memory
`utilization are on equal ground with those
`of other
`third-party caching utilities,
`SmartDrive supports relatively few con-
`figuration options. While this may be per-
`fectly acceptable to the average user,
`hard-core power users may want to con-
`sider other products with which to fine
`tune their systems.
`Have you ever added a new driver to yo 1
`CONFlG.SYS file and then discover
`that it was incompatible with an existi
`driver? Your system probably choir
`and you probably searched around for =
`boot disk. If this sounds familiar, you
`love DOS 6’s Clean Boot feature: I-lit
`before CONFICLSYS processing be'
`and both CONFIG.SYS and AUT
`EXECBAT are skipped. If you pro
`in running your two basic configuratiq
`files. Among the new commands in CO _
`FIG.SYS is one that turns NumLock in
`New DOS
`_-It used-gobs that.IBM, -no‘! Microsoft,
`sold l)_I_3]_s throughout the retail mar-
`ket. .yjo'ti-"got'.a copy of DOS with
`youwanted to.‘
`upg;:_a_:ag,.y.ouhmi1iht I3BM‘s nos. And
`to buy.
`ireine-gr;hei.cImsics"tike -DOS 2.1 and
`DoS%a;$?= -
`stumbled with its3re-
`_ But when
`a"-version‘ many consid-
`not quite r.e'ady.for pr:i.1ne.time_,- _
`.se_nsed:aa..6.pportunity. The
`Mi¢r0s0f&’$._D'OS 5 upgrade.
`kit is'n'ow_ legendary. So what has be-
`IBM -prograutmers arteiiilsy at‘ work
`- o.'I1"thei.l' own DOS 6', targeted for re-
`lease in theiseoond quarter of this
`Asof February, the featnreset was not
`yet fl-omen, but you can expect IBM to
`compete in the“ same arena as Micro-
`soft. R'ca_l-time disk-compression soft-
`ware from a leading third-party devel-
`oper will be integrated into the
`operatingher-iiel ‘to help ensure
`safe operation,“-. is enlisting
`leading'thi.rd-party developers for an
`enhanoed='baekup program and a
`mernmy-management program. Ad-
`vanced antivirus software is being de-
`veloped in~.ho.use.
`Will it be a repackaged MS-DOS?
`Not likely. According to IBM, all of
`these enhancements will be based on
`001"c-.oode‘.differcnt from the code. base
`to‘ build Microso_ft’s DOS
`6.—Ge' forii:_'tproving'.'the DOS kernel
`itselfiitfeludtia-faster-and'smailer ker-
`'-nel-(oii=the-Tofder of'.1K'), "faster DOS:
`5i.:Io.'e'n I/0.-"faster
`specific to 386.ar1d
`2—-c.or:'n'patible components
`sutili as cretlit-card-size -memory
`and modems-
`142 PC MAGAZINE APRIL 13,1993
`‘That and more-sviifiikely'_sit atop
`thenew fea
`with Version5:‘ _
`fer utility, Inte111ational'§t;tJ1el'£tI3ds Or-
`sanizhfion (.I$0)~ata_nda-t_dsateen-ffentsst
`utilities for dealing with ejectableflock-'
`able media such. as-CD'—R'OMs,--and Ad- .
`vanced Power Management
`for laptops.
`:_i'.eI"ll'liS year, THM plans to intro-
`duoe Workplace Dos, which places
`osms.yy9,kPlg$ yuan on topof Dos‘-1 '
`so mgifoosiosgz, and UNIX users
`will beable to wor:k'fror_n_ a
`IBM competewith
`_It',‘]'1as every interr_§on' ofdoingso.
`as long as
`continues.-to_t_ak,e 4
`1398 development seri_ous_ly—antl- its; I.
`' I5f3S'6- efforts-certainty suggest_itis
`itlg just that—you'd be mistaken in _
`thinlrzing of Micnosoftas the-only DB8; r
`player in town. Cl

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`Multi-platfonn flexibility.
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`As a project manager,
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`The ideal corporate
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`covert stun
`DOS 6
`The DOS 6 Annotated File Listing
`Filenames alphabetized by extension.
`File ntrrne
`Gt-l{JlCE.CEIM "
`Compresgsion kernel: handles all tile compression
`and decompression.
`Accepts keyboard input in batch files.
`Displays the command prompt, interprets typed
`commands. and contains internal DDS commands.
`Compares the contents or hivo floppydislts.
`Copies the entire contents of one floppy disk to
`Redisplays and edits previous commands and
`supports the creation of simple macros.
`The DDS Shell and Task Swapper.
`A full-screen menu-driven editor.
`Formats a disk.
`Prints the contents are screen.
`Full-screen. rrtenuydriven. on-line DDS command
`Configures a keyboard tor a specilit: language.
`Fills the first BIIK otconventionat memory so that
`no programs load there.
`|l\lTERLNl(.EXE *'
`Provides access to upper memory on
`simulates errpentled memory‘ in
`extended rttemory.
`Errpands.cornprees‘ed _fi|es"iiom _d_t'e-setup disks.
`Decreases the time needed to open frequentty used I
`Compares thecontents of two files and disptays dis ' Ht
`diflerancas between them.
`"Creates. deletes. and activates hard disk partitions.
`Searches for specific test in a tilaor files.
`Parallel or serial file-translar client.
`Parallel or'sen'_a| fila-transier sewer.
`changes. or deletes adislr-voturrre label.
`Displays intormation about how memory is being
`Memory optimizer for 80386 and higher systems.
`Moves files or renames directories.
`Diagntics tool that displays information about
`system hardware and softyvare configuration.
`Provides national tarrguage supportfor all devices
`at once.
`Configures devices such as printers. monitors.
`keyboards. and cornrnunication ports.
`Enables thedisplay of output one screen at a time.
`Creates a starter: disk by copying the DOS 6 system
`files l|D.SY.S. MS-DOSSYS. t'JBLSPACE.BlN] and
`CD|'vlMANU.EUM to a disk.
`Graphicaliy displays the directory strtrcture of a
`path or drive.
`Restores a disk erased by the format command.
`Contains code-page information for EGA monitors.
`Enables programs to open data files in specified
`directories as if they vverairr the current directory.
`Disptays or changes file attributes.
`l-“rods and reports errors on a disk.
`Compression installation software and iuli-screen
`tool for maintaining compressed drives.
`Displays infonnetion that helps programmers test
`and debug DDS programs.
`Delragmenter: rerrrganizes tiles on a disk to
`optimite disk performance.
`Deletes all [lLD_DDS directories from a disk.
`Deletes directories and subdirectories.
`Lists and explains all DDS 5 commands.
`Reduces power consurnption on systems corrrpliant
`with APM lndvanced Power Management}.
`Prints unformatted test files.
`A programming anvironmanttor creating and
`executing BASIC-language programs.
`Replaces files in one-directory with files that
`have tiresome name in another directory.
`Restores backups made using the backup program
`from DDS versions previous to DOS 5.
`Reports the DOS version number to programs
`designed for a dilferent version.
`Provides support for sharing and locking tiles.
`Creates a dist: cache in expanded or extended
`Monitors Smartflrive cache performance under
`Sorts input and writes the results to the screen or
`a tile.
`Associates a path with a drive ietter.
`Restoresdeleted filesandtracksinionnationabout {
`Restores the previousversion of DOS after the DOS I
`6 Upgrade is installed.
`' Newrn BOSS
`146 P('t\.tACi.-‘\ZlNl.-'.

`etwol-king the 21st century
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`EISA Ethernet Adapter— l(}Ba:-;eT,
`B-.\=-C and AUI Connectors It Tower
`Chassis 0 14" VGAMonot:hmn1e
`Monitor - l.2MB 8: 1.44MB Floppy
`Drives 0 1 Year 0n—Site Service
`Intel i486SX, Running at 53M1-I7.
`0 2MB RAM 9 l.2.MB or 1.44MB
`Floppy Drive 0 14" Super VGA Color
`Monitor w/ 16-bit Windows Accelerator
`- 4-Bay Small Footprint Chassis - 10]-Key Keyboard 0 I6-bit
`Combo 1-‘.thernet Card lnc1uded—-l0Base'l', BNC and AUIConnec:1ots
`- Other options and upgrades available 0 Call for details and our latest
`telephone specials - Includes I Year On-Site Service
`O199.3.-iusrtin(.l:utnatrra4'\'ty.-inc AH R:_qi:r.u trtmtm‘ Mix-r,'um':nrmrnu:< al1r.mIt.l‘t1t1tr(IJ't'j<Jrr.flrL~T|':J'l‘I£r.'pnJfkt~z:i rtIJn_ll'tI|.'(lIPN1f1'.’J:’t'lN’j)Fly‘)(’lfl rgl't.\l'f|r.-1'(\‘JFii[.x'l}|'N’.\'. timed Its'r:vt'.-up mu mrJmlJ'.\.spt-L'n1It r,url_::
`rrrriifntwk-trruttvamririqtgeionr;z.swrrtarfur5f'fratc1’cbrp. PCM-E4
`.-1u.~'J't'rr 1.‘:-.m_f.n.'«-r .\'_t.s'Is'l11~ mi-run: be it-,\raurm-bi.-,'r:t1p:rigrrt;.\FJ_;-.;r',1;\Etur(.5gne,oJtt-
`urinal t'1>¢'l'£tt’_ttrice.l’:1r.'ts:tJr¢h;‘xr.'
`' ‘HEN:-.m'urI'\'.'aQ7'u'J1m'.lnrr:r_t;¢-truth-rrr rmnct‘

`DIWEII sronv
`DOS 6
`The DOS 6 Annotated File Listing
`wilit Mir:_rooo¥‘t'WlndDWs 3.0
`Enables DOS 6.f.E_r
`"in 386 E'nlianood.'m'ode.
`’|es -and directories.
`Lists the files on each setup disit.
`functions that change display graphics,
`control cursor movement. and reassign keys.
`Relocates compression kernel [DBL'SPACE.BlNl from
`conventional to upper memory.
`Supports different extended character sets
`[code pagesl.
`Creates a logical drive that can he used to refer
`to a physical floppy disk drive.
`Manages ‘extended memory.
`The DDS Basic Inoutitlutput--System [EllDSl that
`prepares the system at start-up and contains
`resident device drivers.
`A device driver that supports different keyboard
`Tlje DDS kernel: manages files. directories, memory.
`and environments.
`Fleserves a portion of RAM to simulate a veryfast
`disk drive.
`Contains information about running specific
`programs with DOS 6.
`Containsinfomtation that is hardvvare-specific or
`was availabletoo late to be printed in the manuals.
`' e_rt_t;i_<ii~tr_;.Lst
`_ HEA_|2lME_.TXT
`Antiyiros TSR: protects against unknown viruses.
`Antivims scanner and cleaner for DOS.
`New full-screen backup for DOS.
`toi_ivnv.etc_ *
`. Antivirus TSR: protectsagainst unknown viruses.
`Windows 3.1 File Manager extensionsx
`Aritivirus scanner and cleaner for Windows.
`Backup for ‘o'
`Undelete for Windows.
`Windows Tools program group.
`' Mscotaxexs *
`fidevice driver for the Disk Manager disk-
`partitioning program.
`Microsoft Mouse driver.
`Microsoft ED-HUM Extensions.
`143 PC .\»m(‘.A2,1t~:E APRIL 13. toes
`A device driver for the Speedster disk-partitioning
`Basic configuration.
`DOS 6 Upgrade installation program.
`Renamed as WNTDULSGHP during setup.
`Basic configuration for setting up devices.
`A sample EIBASIC program.
`d2_D'l co
`A sample DBASJIZ program.
`A sample UBASIC program.
`A sample DBASIC program.
`Update for older versions of the Codelfiew
`debugging program.
`Enables the display of extended characters of a
`specified code pageln graphics mode.
`Tracks deleted file information; functionality has
`been folded into U|'tlDELETE,EXE.
`Provides support for a Hercules monitor running
`with Editori1BASlC.
`Disables verification of a printer's status line.
`Code-page information for IBM Proprinters ll and
`Ill, Models 4201 and 4232.
`Code-page inforrnation ior IBM Proprinter )(24E
`Model 429?, XL24E Model 4203. and cornpatibles.
`Code—oage information for IBM Eluietwriter lll
`Printer Model 5202 and Compatibles.
`Redirects requests for disk operations on one drive
`to a different drive.
`Contains ‘code-page inforrnation for certain liquid
`crystal displays.
`The old DDS backup program, replaced by
`Compares the contents of two files or two sets of
`fires byte by byte.
`A line-oriented text editor.
`Converts executable tiles to binary format.
`Joins a disk drive with a directory on another disk
`Recovers readable information from a defective disk.
`Supports codebage switching for parallel-port

`supporting the 21st century
`HIGH #1 III 486 Service
`- I'IlI Support III PC W¢)I'I¢I*
`lc omen come and go. Aursun 2. been In for over eight
`: — vdth a phenomenal Y-'S‘5{. cusiomer rcpcat ptlrclizlsc rate!
`[MB VL-Bus Deluxe Windows Accelenuor 0 SMB Memory 0 256KB
`cache 0 540MB Hard Drive I 15'' Nl Super VGA Color Monitor
`, Z“: (;l;.[ Socket , -[WU w__Bu5 5105 , choice of Appficau-Om Soflware
`o begin with. \-re ofier awn-d—m'11rLinp, machines :11 3 fair price.
`e'vc won five PC M2Lgfl.'I..lI1E Editor's Choice Awards in three years.
`ch rm-(uni as bull! to your exact order, and Austin is the only ma:1u-
`rurer which hum:s~in 100% of your hardware and software. We con-
`lure the syslein. forunai the hard drive ‘.dJ'IClill:5I11.l.l\_.'(JllI‘ new software.
`" us. we use only lop—notch compom,-nts. For the price of our com-
`'1ors‘ regular 5'}-Elciils, we oflcr VESA Local Bus Systems...\Vindovns
`H rs will see an immediaic ditfercncc.
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`L e also offer a 50-day moncy—back guunmiec. and FRI-1|-1, o:1e—ycaI'.
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`iixiended W'd.l‘[".lll1i(.‘S are also available.
`a erful §>\_-“al|.‘l‘ll$. Lcmling-edge technology ma fair price. Service
`is d support rated #1 by Pi‘. World. No wonder our customers keep
`H1 M mm-~'
`cnu. 'I'Ol.l.-FIIEI
`GOIlBl'l'll'I'III'It‘ I-900-I33-I492
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`sax 1-512-1544351
`pg.» | ign on gpc 5.-nggqga-g
`Point of Sale Systems.
`IMB VL—Bus Deluxe Windows Accelerator - 8MB Mcmorv - 256KB
`came _ 250MB Hard DFM, _ 15.. N1 Super VGA Color Mgmitor
`. Z11: CPL: guckm . Two \-'L-B1_'|3 3105 . (;];01;;;_= of Appligafions Suf[\:\.'g_f[g
`ll-BGIDK-33 |lESfl-LB
`P¢lI'|'iO'l LE
`[MB VI.-Bus Windmw. Acceleralor
`- 4MB Memon; - 128KB Cache
`0 BOMB Hard Drive - 14'‘ N] Super
`VGA Color Monitor 0 Llpgmdeoble
`CPL] - PFS Window Works
`Plllliot LE
`1MB VL-Bus Windows
`Accelerator I /{MB Memory
`- 128KB Cache - 170MB
`Hard Drive - 14" Super
`VGA Color Monitor
`0 Upgratleable
`cPL1- PFS
`1./HMB 8: LZMB Floppy Drives - l0l—Kc=y Keyboard, Microsoft Mouse
`- Small l~‘oo1print Chm-ais I l're-Installed MS DOS 5.0 8: Windows 3.1
`0 MC.‘\f{‘.£‘ A1]ti\"Lt'LlS Software
`"‘\-with--.-lo Irz--' m--‘um’-u‘
`‘!{'1.|;.»riJ_ h'bv'rr.dr_‘r (‘I45 N<’\£k'£i'£_i,.'
`9 fléli.-lJJ.u‘rn'.'l_,i.\Iup4m'r')_|3Jr.'.'.Ir.\
`_-iu in .fr.»RL:-c-mxi r)mr,u-uFm.' mum:orn-ml;-mwies.J:-on-irhm-mmarfiar.=la'im'mrIrrpunrf-A-h'!=uI-[l'wIn‘mu_I"x'fJ'rP?1rim‘:{F}-‘:’|r"n'fJ'PI}'!-’!IIt’N WU‘-\'I’i\3"I'«"N"l'”’i"‘”“"I’l"F- *1-"'5""ll'-""I""1"'l"""‘*'

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