Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 1
` ________________
` ________________
` Petitioner,
` V.
` Patent Owner.
` _________________
` Case IPR2016-01737
` Patent 8,880,862 B2
` _________________
` November 2, 2017, 9:30 a.m.
` Hilton Garden Inn
` 900 Plantation Road
` Blacksburg, VA 24061
`REPORTED BY: Mary J. Butenschoen, RPR, #44952
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`4 5
`8 9
` 1
`APPLE 1046
`Apple v. Realtime Data


`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 2
` A P P E A R A N C E S:
` Andrew Patrick
` R. Andrew Schwentker
` The McPherson Building
` 901 15th Street, N.W., Suite 700
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` Joseph F. Edell
` 5301 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
` Fourth Floor
` Washington, DC 20015
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 3
` I N D E X
`By Mr. Schwentker 5
`By Mr. Edell 162
` * * * * *
` E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 1 U.S. Patent No. 8,880,862 8
`Exhibit 2 Motion to Amend in
` Case IPR2016-01737 8
`Exhibit 3 Motion to Amend in
` Case IPR206-01738 8
`Exhibit 4 Expert Declaration in Support
` of Patent Owner's Reply 8
`Exhibit 5 Expert Declaration in Support
` of Patent Owner's Response 8
`6 7 8
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 4
` E X H I B I T S (Continued)
`Exhibit 6 Expert Declaration in Support
` of Motion to Amend (1737) 40
`Exhibit 7 Expert Declaration in Support
` of Motion to Amend (1738) 40
`Exhibit 8 Expert Declaration in Support
` of Patent Owner's Response 76
`Exhibit 9 U.S. Patent No. 6,374,353 139
`Exhibit 10 U.S. Patent No. 6,317,818 140
`Exhibit 11 U.S. Patent No. 6,434,695 155
` *******
`5 6
`8 9
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 5
` P R O C E E D I N G S
`Whereupon at 9:44 a.m.,
`after having first been duly sworn to tell the
`truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,
`was examined and testified as follows:
` Q Good morning. Sorry about the noise.
`My name is Andy Schwentker. I'm from the law firm
`Fish & Richardson in Washington, D.C.
` Could you please state your name.
` A My name is Godmar Back. First name
`is spelled G-O-D-M-A-R, Godmar.
` Q And how do you like to pronounce your
`last name?
` A Back.
` Q I understand you have been deposed
`before so I won't waste a lot of time going over
`ground rules. But if you don't understand a
`question please let me know and I'll try to rephrase
`it. And if you need a break please let me know and
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 6
`I'll try to accommodate. Does that sound good?
` A It does.
` Q And you are still a professor at
`Virginia Tech?
` A I am, yes.
` Q And did you do anything to prepare
`for your deposition today?
` A I did. I reread the declarations I
`have submitted in this case, among others.
` Q And what do you mean by among others?
`Are you referring to other declarations or other
` MR. EDELL: This is Joe Edell from
` Fisch Sigler on behalf of the Patent Owner,
` Realtime Data. I want to caution Doctor
` Back to not reveal any conversations you
` had amongst counsel, but you can answer the
` question by identifying documents you
` recall that you reviewed in order to answer
` Mr. Schwentker's question.
` THE WITNESS: Yes, I reviewed and
` reread additional documents, such as the
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 7
` amended claims and questions, such as the
` patent in question and a few other
` documents.
` Q And by the patent in question, are
`you referring to U.S. Patent Number 8,880,862?
` A I think that's correct, the '862
` Q Okay. So if we talk about the '862
`patent, you'll know what I'm referring to?
` A I do.
` Q And you understand the Realtime Data,
`LLC, claims to be the owner of the '862 patent?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` Q Is that correct?
` A I am not certain about the legal
`aspects of this, but I think this is the name that
`appears on the patent.
` Q If I refer to Realtime Data, LLC, as
`Patent Owner, will you understand who I'm referring
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 8
` A I will.
` (Deposition Exhibit 1 was marked for
` identification.)
` Q Doctor Back, the court reporter has
`handed you what's been marked as Exhibit 1. It's
`also identified as Apple 1001. And do you see that
`this is U.S. Patent Number 8,880,862?
` A Yes, that's what it appears to be.
` Q That's the '862 patent you were
`referring to before?
` A Yes, it is.
` (Deposition Exhibits 2-5 were marked
` for identification.)
` Q I wanted to go ahead and introduce
`several of the documents we're going to be talking
`about today. So the court reporter has handed you
`Exhibit -- a document marked as Exhibit 2, which is
`Patent Owner's Motion to Amend in Case
`IPR2016-01737. Do you see that?
` A I see on the front page it says
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 9
` Q And below that it says Patent Owner's
`Motion to Amend?
` A It does.
` Q And is this one of the documents you
`reviewed in preparing for your deposition?
` MR. EDELL: And Doctor Back, I
` caution you just answer yes or no.
` THE WITNESS: Would it be possible to
` look at the declaration that I've
` submitted?
` Q Sure. Yeah, we'll get to that in
`just --
` A Okay. I think I did. Yes, I did
`review this Patent Owner's Motion to Amend.
` Q And if you could turn to, after page
`26, there's a page marked "i" that has the title
`Claimed Appendix at the top.
` A I see that.
` Q And it goes through page xii?
` A Yeah, I see that.
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 10
` Q Okay. And are these -- earlier you
`said that you reviewed amended claims to prepare for
`your deposition. Are these the amended claims, or
`at least some of the amended claims, you were
`referring to?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I think these pages
` list the amended claims that are part of
` this -- of the 1737 Motion to Amend.
` Q Okay. And you reviewed those for
`your deposition?
` A Yes, I did.
` Q Okay, great.
` Let's turn to the next exhibit, which
`is marked as Exhibit 3. And this is a -- this is in
`case IPR2016-01738, and it's another Patent Owner's
`Motion to Amend. Do you see that?
` A I see that the front page says Patent
`Owner's Motion to Amend, and the number ends in
` Q And did you review this document in
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`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 11
`preparing for your deposition?
` MR. EDELL: Same instruction, Doctor
` Back.
` THE WITNESS: Yes, I did review this
` motion.
` Q And again, after page 22 there's a
`claims appendix on page i through xi. Do you see
` A I do see that.
` Q And are those the amended claims in
`the 1738 proceeding that you reviewed in preparing
`for your deposition?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I think those are the
` amended claims at issue in the 1738.
` Q And just to make sure we're on the
`same page, you've referred to the 1737 and 1738
`proceedings. If we talk about those two
`proceedings, will you understand that we're
`referring to case IPR2016-01737 and case
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 12
` A Yes, 1737 and 1738.
` Q All right. Now, let's turn to
`Exhibit 4 that the court reporter has handed you,
`and that is in case -- case IPR2016-01737, and it's
`titled Expert Declaration of Dr. Godmar Back in
`Support of Patent Owner's Reply to its Motion to
` Do you see that?
` A Yes, I see that on the front page.
` Q Okay. So is this your Declaration in
`Support of the Patent Owner's Reply to its Motion to
`Amend in the 1737 proceeding?
` A Yes, this is my Declaration in
`Support of the Patent Owner's Reply to its Motion to
` Q And specifically in the 1737?
` A In the 1737, correct.
` Q And did you review this in preparing
`for your deposition?
` A Yes, I did.
` Q Is there anything that you saw in
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`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 13
`reviewing the declaration that was incorrect --
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` Q -- in your review?
` A I did not see anything that was
`incorrect, although I discovered a typo on page 6.
`I misspelled "according". There should be 2 c's. I
` Q That's the only error you noticed
`that you wanted to correct?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I did not discover any
` content I wish to correct.
` Q Okay, great. Thank you. All right.
` Finally, turning to what the court
`reporter has marked as Exhibit 5, on the front page
`this also says Case IPR2016-01737, and it's titled
`Expert Declaration of Dr. Godmar Back in Support of
`the Patent Owner's Response.
` Do you see that?
` A I see that it says that on the front
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 14
` Q Okay. And is this -- is this your
`declaration that you submitted in support of the
`Patent Owner's response in the 1737 proceeding?
` A So this is -- appears to be a
`declaration that I have submitted earlier in support
`of the Patent Owner's response, but it is not a
`document I have reviewed in preparation for today.
` Q Okay. Have you reviewed it in the
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form. And
` just, again, I'm going to caution you not
` to reveal any discussions you had with
` counsel.
` THE WITNESS: This is not -- not
` something I looked at for today. It's my
` understanding that this is not something
` that this deposition was about.
` Q Okay. But you did write this
`declaration, correct?
` A I did.
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`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 15
` Q Are you -- is there anything that
`you're aware of that you wish to correct in this
` A There's nothing that I would correct,
`but, again, I did not review this document in
`preparation for today's testimony.
` Q Okay. So let's turn back to Exhibit
`4, which is your Declaration in Support of Patent
`Owner's Reply to its Motion to Amend.
` A All right.
` Q Yes. Could you turn to paragraph 3,
` A The paragraph that starts, In forming
`my opinions?
` Q Yes.
` A Okay.
` Q In that paragraph you state that
`you've reviewed and considered materials identified
`in your prior declaration of June 14, 2017, and
`relevant portions of Apple's invalidity contentions
`from the district court litigation.
` Do you see that?
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 16
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Yes, that's what it
` says in this paragraph.
` Q Can you tell me which materials you
`reviewed before signing this declaration?
` A So as I stated in the declaration, I
`reviewed and considered the materials identified in
`the paragraph above. That's paragraph 2, and that
`includes the Doctor Neuhauser's declaration, Exhibit
`1030, the cross-examination testimony, the reply in
`support of the Patent Owner's motion, and then there
`was mentioned in the remainder of this paragraph.
` Q Okay. Did you -- did the materials
`you reviewed and considered include the '862 patent?
` A So in this declaration I was asked to
`address the task whether the proposed amended claims
`find support in the specification of the '862
`patent, and so I reviewed the specification of the
`'862 patent in order to answer this question.
` Q And did the materials you reviewed
`include the references identified in Patent Owner's
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 17
`Motion to Amend?
` MR. EDELL: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Could you clarify
` specifically which references you're
` referring to that's in the 1737 Motion to
` Amend?
` Q Yes. So referring to Exhibit 2,
`which is the Patent Owner's Motion to Amend in the
`1737 Proceeding, do you understand that this motion
`to amend identifies certain references?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Again, could you be
` more clear about are you referring to
` Petitioner's references or references that
` appear in the motion to amend? Which
` specific references is your question about?
` Q If you could turn to page 19 of the
`Exhibit 2, the Patent Owner's Motion to Amend. And
`the last line says -- and this goes over to page 20
`as well. It says: The Petitioner in this
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 18
`proceeding relies on five prior references.
`Sukegawa, Dye, Settsu, Burrows and Zwiegincew.
` Do you see that?
` A Yes, I see that.
` Q So did you review and consider those
`references in drafting your Declaration in Support
`of Patent Owner's Reply to its Motion to Amend?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: So those are the
` references that I considered -- may have
` considered in the declaration I submitted
` in support of the motion to amend, but I
` don't think I'm stating this in the
` declaration that I submitted in support of
` the Patent Owner's reply, which is a later
` declaration.
` Q But have you -- have you reviewed
`those references?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I have reviewed them.
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 19
` Q You're familiar with them?
` A I am.
` Q And if you could turn to page 24 of
`Exhibit 2. There's a section B and below that the
`first paragraph says: Beyond the above references,
`four material references were at issue during the
`prosecution of the '862 patent and the applications
`to which it claims priority: U.S. Patents 6,539,456,
`which is called Stewart, 6,173,381, which is called
`Dye, 6,434,695, which is called Esfahani, and 603 --
`excuse me, 6,073,232, and we just call it Kroeker.
` Do you see that?
` A I see where that has spelled out.
` Q Have you reviewed the Stewart, Dye,
`Esfahani, and Kroeker references identified here?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: So I have reviewed them
` to the extent to answer the question
` whether the proposed amended claims in the
` 1737 and 1738 proceedings are patentable
` over these references.
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 20
` Q So you are familiar with those
` A To the extent that it concerns the
`patentability of the proposed amended claims.
` Q All right. Now, turning back to
`Exhibit 4. I apologize about all the papers.
`Looking at Exhibit 4, which is your -- again, your
`Declaration in Support of the Patent Owner's Reply
`to its Motion to Amend, could you turn to paragraph
`6, please?
` A Starting with, My professional
`background and curriculum vitae?
` Q Oh, I'm sorry, strike that.
` Sorry. So earlier you said that you
`did review the '862 patent in preparing this
`declaration; is that right?
` A That's correct.
` Q When you read the '862 patent, did
`you understand its contents?
` A I did.
` Q Was there anything in the '862 patent
`that you didn't understand?
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`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 21
` A Not that I am aware of.
` Q Was there anything in the '862 patent
`you didn't understand how to implement?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: So I was not
` specifically asked to address the
` feasibility of the implementation of the
` patent.
` Q Are you familiar with the System's
`Architecture Section of the '862 patent?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Could you point me out
` the section you're referring to?
` Q Sure. Let's turn to Exhibit 1, which
`is the '862 patent. And if you turn to column 5.
` A I have column 5.
` Q Okay. Around line 27 or so there's a
`section titled System Architectures. Do you see
` A Yes, I see that. I'm familiar with
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`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 22
`that section.
` Q Okay. And I believe this section
`goes from column 5, line 27, through column 11, line
` A Yes, it does.
` Q So you're familiar with the section?
` A I am.
` Q If you turn back to column 5, lines
`28 through 32 right under the heading System
`Architectures, states that, The present invention is
`directed to data storage controllers that provide
`increased data storage/retrieval rates that are not
`otherwise achievable using conventional disk
`controller systems and protocols to store/retrieve
`data to/from mass storage devices.
` Do you see that?
` A Yes, that's what it says here.
` Q Do you understand that the amended
`claims use the word "preloading"?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Which of the amended
` claims are you asking about? Because I
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`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 23
` don't think they all do.
` Q Are you distinguishing between
`independent and dependent claims?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: My question was asking
` when you say "the amended claims" I wanted
` to make sure I'm -- you and I are talking
` about the same amended claims.
` Q All right. Do you have an
`understanding of which claims use the word
`"preload", which of the amended claims use the word
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: I can -- I can double
` check if you would like me to look at the
` proposed amended claims to see which ones
` do.
` Q Sure. And that would be in Exhibits
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`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 24
`2 and 3?
` A You are talking about the 1737 or 38?
` Q Both.
` A So the 1737 Amended Claim 118 uses
`the claim terms "preloading" and "preloaded." So
`does Amended Claim 122. As does Amended Claim 124.
`The term also appears in Claim 133. The term
`appears in Claim 145. Also in 157.
` So those appear to be the occurrences
`in the 1737. I'm now looking at the 1738.
` Q Before you turn to 1738, let me ask
`one follow-up question about 1737. I believe you
`identified all of the independent amended claims; is
`that correct?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: So I am not certain if
` the term "preloading" or "preloaded" occurs
` only in the independent claims or also
` dependent claims. I am not certain. I
` would have to carefully check.
` Q But at a minimum it appears in all of
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`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 25
`the independent amended claims. Is that accurate?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: My understanding is
` certain independent claims at issue in the
` 1737. This is 118 is one of them, it does
` appear there. And 122 I believe is also an
` independent claim, and it appears there as
` well. Claim 124 is also independent claim,
` and it appears there as well.
` But here Claim 133 is dependent
` claim; it appears there as well.
` Q Okay. So it appears in -- the word
`"preloading" or "preloaded" appears in at least one
`dependent claim, but it also appears in all of the
`independent amended claims; is that correct?
` MR. EDELL: objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: It -- it appears in at
` least one dependent claim and it appears to
` appear in all the independent claims that
` are at issue in the 1737.
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`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 26
` Q And then let's turn to Exhibit 3 from
`the 1738 proceeding. And if you could do the same
`that you just did for the 1737.
` A Okay. So I'm going to talk about
`dependent and independent. Claim 174 is an
`independent claim and it includes the term
`"preloading". Claim 177 -- or Amended Claim 177 is
`an independent claim and it includes the term
`"preloading". Amended Claim 179 is an independent
`claim and it includes the term. Claim 196 is a
`dependent claim and it includes the term
`"preloaded". And I think that's it. So all the
`independent claim and at least some dependent claims
`include that term.
` Q Okay, great. Thank you.
` A Amended claims.
` Q Yes, thank you.
` So turning back to the '862 patent
`and the portion in column 5 we were talking about
`in -- right under System Architectures.
` Let's see, is it your opinion that
`the -- that the claimed preloading in the amended
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`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 27
`claims is made possible through use of a data
`storage controller similar to that described by the
`'862 patent in the System Architectures section?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: Yes, sir, that's
` correct. Refer you to paragraph 9 in the
` Declaration in Support of the Patent
` Owner's Reply, I state that the data
` storage controller can proceed to preload
` the portions of the computer operating
` system from the boot device.
` Q Further down in column 5 of the '862
`patent starting at line 63 and then going through
`column line -- column 6, line 53 or so, the '862
`patent addresses figure 1 which is described as
`illustrating a data storage controller 10 according
`to one embodiment of the present invention.
` Are you familiar with figure 1?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I think figure 1 is
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`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 28
` referring to this -- figure 1 in the
` patent.
` Q And are you familiar with that
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Yes, I am.
` Q Looking at column 5 starting at line
`63 through column 6, line 3, the '862 patent
`describes the data storage controller 10 as
`comprising -- and I'll read from starting at line 66
`here: A data compression engine 12 for
`compressing/decompressing data (preferably in
`realtime or pseudo realtime) stored/retrieved from a
`hard disk 11 (or any other type of mass storage
`device) to provide accelerated data
` Do you see that?
` A Yes, I -- that is what it says here.
` Q In your opinion, does the described
`data storage controller 10 correspond to the boot
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`Dr. Godmar Back - November 2, 2017
`Page 29
`device controller of the amended claims?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, scope.
` Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: So in my declaration I
` don't directly refer to figure 1 in the
` '862 patent. I think figure 1 illustrates
` one embodiment of the invention claimed by
` the '862 patent.
` Q Okay. In that embodiment is it your
`opinion that the data storage controller 10 that's
`described corresponds to the boot device controller
`of the amended claims?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, scope.
` Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I think it would be one
` example as envisioned by the specification
` of the '862.
` Q Are there other examples envisioned
`by the specification of the '862 patent?
` A Yes. The s

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