Sp 2: :;.'r.21:.:.'.JJ31r L/id 3 9!
`32 Accelerator Cards T\
`That Will Pep
`Up Windows
`First Looks: FoxPro 12 Utilities That
`For Windows
`Capture, Convert,
`Heats Up the
`And Compress
`Database Wars
`Graphics Files
`CCC.CThe U|tim2_{te \
`Disk Compression
`Disk Optimization
`, How Novefl and
`' will Respond
`rBXBHFt3E}n':r>K¥¥***5-LJIGIT 'as1*35
`5-_L.!SHI3EID|IID‘37 srmoaoo
`mxv oz? unsnrmstori
`aura no 93
`'98 1'95
`APPLE 1011
`APPLE 1011

`cover Story
`7796 Ultimate
`Soflware Bundle
`Disk compression, memory management, file backup,
`virus protection—DOS has evolved to handle today’s
`toughest computing challenges, but while Microsoft
`sets a new standard, power users will always want more.
`OS 6 is a fine example of Software
`adapted. the best it could, to keep
`up with the times. Nothing in DOS
`6 is particularly revolutionary: there
`are no showstopping technological breakthroughs.
`The 1MB barrier is stilt firmly in place.
`Nonetheless. DOS 6 is vitally important for two
`reasons. Fit-st, through a series of minor additions and
`modifications, it competently answers a sizable por-
`tion of customer complaints about previous ommis-
`sions and shortcomings. Second. and perhaps more
`important, it builds into the operating system many
`of the utilities on which we‘ve come to depend. Built-
`in disk compression. memory management,
`backup. and virus protection are the meat of this DOS
`revision. Considering the upgrade’s $129.95 price tag
`108 PC MAGAZINE APR1L 1.1.1992.
`($49.99 until May 31), you might be hard-pressed to
`match the same bang for the buck in any third—party
`software combination. But how do the DOS 6 utilities
`stack up against similar offerings from software mak-
`ers‘? in this story, we compare DOS 6 to the leading
`third-party products in six important utility categories:
`disk compression, memory management, file backup.
`virus protection, disk caching and defragging. and con-
`figuration management. We also let PC Magazine’s
`experts tell you what’s still missing from DOS. as well
`as provide a list of tips to get you started.
`The bottom line is that DOS 6 will make life easier
`for many users. Compression will be as simple as typ-
`ing “DBLSP/ACE." Optimizing memory will require
`nothing more than entering “MEMMAKER." And
`because they are more accessible. these features will
`be used more than they’ve been in the past. Still.


`loads the compression driver. Until
`this driver is loaded, files stored on
`compressed drives are not visible,
`so the ordering of CONFIG.SYS
`commands is crucial. Doublespace
`eliminates this problem because
`compressed drives are “mounted"
`before CONFICLSYS processing
`begins. You can even store CON-
`FlG.SYS itself on a compressed
`drive or boot
`from a system-
`formatted floppy disk and still ac-
`cess compressed drives.
`DoubleSpace typically delivers
`a compression ratio on the order of
`l.Ei:l. It works on floppy disks as well as
`hard disks and offers you the choice of
`either compressing the existing files on
`a disk or leaving existing files alone and
`using only the free space on a disk for
`a compressed volume. DoubleSpace vol-
`umes are compatible with Windows and
`DOS utilities
`as SmartDrive,
`CHKDSK, and Defrag, as well as third-
`party utilities, so you need not handle a
`compressed drive with kid gloves. Dou-
`blespace itself may be run from the com-
`mand line or from an interactive. menu-
`fl 8 Include: NB IIIII Iflfllllvwslllil 1
`Hannah’: Iflfllfi. lntl-Ilfll. and llntlelota. II can
`antsmnnflcaly and mute Pug:-am Manager and
`onnunulhtn fill Manager.
`The big news in memory management is
`MemMaker, which automatically config-
`ures 386 and 486 PCs to load TSRs and
`device drivers into upper memory. It ana-
`lyzes your configuration and adds the
`commands to CONFIG.SYS and AU-
`TOEXECBAT in order to create upper
`driven control panel. For Stacker users,
`memory block (UMB) RAM and move
`residents of conventional memory up
`old way, you shouldn’t cast -».:.-‘
`Maker aside. It will detect
`- r-.1’
`sources of conflict in upper in 'i '
`ory that EMM386.EXE will
`(such as late~activatecl adap
`RAM buffers). And it cons‘
`all the permutations in dete us:
`ing where in upper memory 5.‘
`load TSRS and device dn —..
`Also, the Loadhigh and De "
`now In-'_"
`switches telling them what re v_4="'
`of upper memory to load a -
`gram or driver into.
`EMM386.EXE has underg -
`It now makes «:3
`UMB RAM available on most
`thanks to a more aggressive search if
`tine. On IBM PSr‘2s, it maps UMBs - 5
`the space in the F000h segment con .
`ing ROM BASIC, increasing availa
`UMB RAM even more. About half."
`E.MM386.EXE now goes into u :
`memory (in DOS 5, all 9K of it went ° '5
`EMM386.EXE now acts as a Vi
`Control Program Interface (V
`server at
`times, allowing vi-
`extended programs such as AutoC - D ‘-
`run in a V86-mode environment -.5.
`EMM386.EXE was
`started with
`NOEMS (no expanded or extent
`Doublespace converter available. Signif-
`icantly. compression and conversion are
`fully restartable processes. so you don't
`have to wony about losing everything on
`your hard disk in the event of an untimely
`power outage.
`Are there any downsides to Double-
`Space? Only two. It increases the number
`of drive letters; compress the C: drive and
`you'll end up with two drive letters: one
`for the compressed drive and one for the
`uncompressed host drive. Also, the pro-
`cess of restoring a compressed drive back
`to uncompressed form is difficult.
`Our Contributors: RICK AYRE is a
`technical director at PC Magazine Labs.
`Cnmsrornen BARR is a senior editor
`(West Coast) of PC Magazine. BEN Z.
`GOTTESMAN is a project leader for the
`software team at PC Magazine Labs. BOB
`FLANDERS is president and senior
`systems analyst at NC! Systems in
`Annandale, Virginia. EDWARD
`MENDELSON. Jr-:1=1= Pnosisr-:. and BARRY
`SIMON are contributing editors of PC
`110 PC MAGAZINE APRIL I3. :9-)3
`high. Even if you're a memory-manage-
`ment wizard who prefers to do things the
`DOS 6
`I-TI-H.‘ "Him is built
`into the DOS kernel. Type
`DBLSPACE and DOS 6 almost dou-
`bles the capacity of your hard disk.
`I1!-IIIIIEI program
`called Me-.mMaker autontaticaily
`frees up -conventional memory and
`writes your AUTOEXECBAT and
`CONFIGSYS files for you.
`Iflllll-T Illl-VIII and
`B ackup are built-in'menu-driven pro-
`grams with enough functionality for
`standalone users. Butthey won’t put
`third-party utilities out" of business.
`M versions ofBackup, Anti’-
`Virus, and Undelete areinclucled.
`I. ‘ll’ options enable you
`to bypass lockups by hitting F5 to
`clean boot your system. You can also
`step -through CONFIG.SYS line by
`line or choose from a. selection of con-
`TIC uFm’Ifll‘:'0neprogr u
`connects two PCS-so you can transfer"?
`files; another conserves battery life 0 n.
`Advanced Power Management-
`cornpliant laptops.
`was filed in late January
`against Microsoft by Stac-Electroni -—.-
`which alleges Microsoft's Double-
`Spaoe uses teclmoiogy patented by
`State. The complaint asksfor a jury
`trial and monetary damages.

`zineediters and
`mm mm
`DOS 6
`an interactive, full-screen backup
`and restore program. It doesn't
`tape drives or high-
`speed direct memory access
`(DMA) data transfers, but
`does compress data to reduce the
`number of floppy disks required.
`Microsoft Anti-Virus provides
`active and passive protection
`against hundreds of known (and
`unknown) viruses, while Micro-
`soft Undelete provides three lev-
`els of delete protection, DOS 5
`has only two. The new option is
`sentry undelete, which copies de-
`leted files to a hidden directory.
`These files can be undeleted
`Microsoft prud-
`uct executives in
`fifililets Execu-
`tives Dnline Fo-
`rum fur a discus-
`sion of DOS 6,
`fmm March 31 to
`April 4, 1993. You
`can follow the
`action by typing
`Gfl ZNT:EXEC at
`any CompuServe
`! prompt.
`) switch. But perhaps the
`_ aexs is its ability to al-
`expanded and extended
`from a shared pool, so
`__o longer have to choose he-
`... them at start-up.
`j": output from the" Mem
`-in has been changed to
`"'- readability. Mem also
`its two new switches: IF,
`lists free space, and IM,
`lists memory blocks that
`.'g‘.:. g to a specified program.
`. who routinely edit their
`YS files to boot custom
`rations for certain pro-
`will appreciate DOS 6‘s
`"'3: configuration options, which let
`ti fine a start-up menu in CON-
`S and then choose the desired
`ation each time you boot up.
`can be customized by varying the
`colors and specifying default
`ptions and time-out values. You
`en organize complex menus into
`ical menusandsubmenus.
`new start-up options will come in
`when a
`in CON-
`. YS or AUTOEXECBAT causes
`Pressing F5 when DOS‘s start-
`n is displayed initiates a clean
`hich bypasses CONFIGSYS and
`EXE'.C.BAT. Pressing F8 starts an
`'ve boot, which processes CON-
`S line byline and lets you execute
`each statement.
`new Choice command lets you
`“batch files that act on user input.
`specify the valid input keys and
`returns an ERRORLEVEL code
`fleets the key that was pressed.
`.-1 y also spice up CONFIG.SYS
`ds with a question mark to the
`the equal sign, so DOS will ask you
`want to execute a command.
`comes with three new utilities that
`th DOS and Windows versions:
`.. Backup (a subset of The Nor-
`cltup), Microsoft Anti-Virus (a
`_ Central Point Anti-Virus), and
`' ft Undelete. Microsoft Backup is
`haven’t been purged to make
`room for other files. The setup
`program adds commands invok-
`ing these programs to File Manager’s
`DOS 6 also comes with an enhanced
`SmartDrive similar to the one introduced
`with Windows 3.1. SrnartDrive now
`caches floppy disks as well as hard disks,
`performs write caching as well as read
`caching, and offers a double-buffering
`option so it can be safely loaded high on
`systems with non-VDS (Virtual DMA
`Services) hard disk controllers that per-
`form bus mastering. And to keep your
`disk running smoothly, DOS 6 comes
`with Defrag, a scaled-down version of
`The Norton Utilities‘ Speed Disk.
`Other new and improved commands
`in DOS 6 include Move, which moves
`files and renames subdirectories; Del-
`tree, which removes subdirectories, even
`if they contain files and other subdirect-
`ories; Numlock, which toggles Numbock
`on or off from CON}-"IG.SYS; and Micro-
`soft Diagnostics (MSD), a system infor-
`mation utility similar to diagnostic prod-
`ucts such as Quarterdeck's Manifest. The
`DIR command has been enhanced with
`a {C switch to display compression ratios
`for files stored on Doublespace drives.
`The Help command brings up a help sys-
`tem documenting every DOS command,
`replacing the documentation.
`DOS 6 contains a pair of treats for lap-
`top users. First. there‘s Interlink, which
`lets you cable two PCs together by serial
`or parallel port and access disk and
`printer resources of one from the console
`of the other. Second, there’s a driver
`named POWEREXE that enacts Ad-
`vanced Power Management (APM) on
`laptops that support it. Microsoft claims
`that the driver can extend battery life by
`25 percent on APM-compliant laptops
`and by 5 percent on non-APM models.
`Shortly before Microsoft was to ship
`DOS 6, it decided to drop the network
`component known as Workgroup Con-
`nection and sell it separately for $39.95.
`Microsoft reports that the component
`confused users;
`couldn’t connect to a network without it.
`Others thought it promised a full DOS-
`based peer-to-peer networking system.
`In fact, it provides only a client connec-
`tion to Windows for Workgroups, Win-
`dows NT, and LAN Manager networks.
`DOS 6 packs in so many bells and whis-
`tles that you may be left wondering where
`Microsoft could possibly go with version
`7. An obvious course would be to build
`in a DOS Protected Mode Interface
`(DPMI) super server similar to the one
`in Windows, enabling specially written
`applications to access more than 1MB of
`memory. Other options include adding a
`Virtual 86-mode multitasker and task
`switcher so that “old” DOS applications
`could run concurrently, and adding sup-
`port for installable file systems. But the
`computing world would be better served
`by a true 32-bit protected-mode operat-
`ing system built for the 1990s than it
`APRlLl3,19‘?3 rcsmoazme 111



`"would be by more band-aids and fixes to
`"a 19705-era system designed to run in real
`mode. Unofficial
`indications are that
`DOS 7 may contain elements of the
`"Win32 kernel—with0ut, of course,
`graphical user interface.
`.Is this DOS’s last stand? Don‘t bet on
`it. DOS currently runs on many tens of
`' millions of PCs around the world, quietly
`. ‘getting the job done day in and day out.
`Even if Microsoft stopped supporting it
`tomorrow, DOS would be around for
`years to come. DOS 6 is just one more
`"reason to stick with an old friend—and
`Wait to see what future releases may hold.
`.)- .-
`r 5
`Elam’ Disk
`Of. all the new utilities included in DOS
`.6',.DoubleSpace, the real-time disk com-
`pression utility that stores data in about
`:half the previously needed space, has the
`far-reaching implications. Those
`who were reluctant to use the compres-
`sion in third-party products like Stacker
`and SuperStorPRO will appreciate the
`comfort factor of an operating system-
`resident disk compressor.
`"Actually, it's been safe for years. Stac
`Electronics‘ Stacker (800-522-7822) and
`AddStor’s Superstar PRO (800-732-
`3133) have been compressing disks safely
`for years now, and SuperStor PRO has
`been bundled with Nove-ll‘s DR DOS 6.0
`"for more than a year.
`So how different is Microsoft's disk
`compression from Stacker and Superstor
`PRO? Not much. technically. And if you
`use Stacker or Superstar PRO, you can
`continue to use them under DOS 6. But
`Microsoft has added a few compelling
`When you first type DBLSPACE at
`the DOS prompt, the software creates
`a hidden file, called a compressed vol-
`ume file (CVF). on your hard disk. A
`device driver tricks the operating systc m
`into thinking that the file is a disk drive
`and gives it a new drive letter, D: for in-
`stance. The compression engine then in-
`tercepts the data headed for'the CVF
`116 PC MAGAZINE APRll.|3.l'J93
`DOS 6
`and compresses_ it before it's
`written to the disk. or uncom-
`presses the data as it’s read
`from the CVF.
`Stacker and SuperStor PRO
`their drivers
`CONFlG.SYS and then swap
`the drives, renaming drive C: as
`drive D:, and vice versa. Dual
`copies of CONFIG.SYS and
`on both drives.
`Using technology licensed
`from Vertisoft Systems (and
`previously used in Vertisoft’s
`product), Microsoft has put
`disk compression into the DOS kernel.
`The Double-Space device driver is loaded
`when you boot up by l0.SYS instead of
`by CONFlG.SYS. giving DoubleSpace
`an advantage over the others because it
`swaps drives before CONFIG.SYS is
`Since the operating system knows
`where the compressed files are stored, it
`doesn‘t have to synchronize any changes
`made to your AUTOEXECBAT and
`CONFlG.SYS files as
`it does with
`solid. Many of the traditional proble I"-
`that plague compression users—~sucl:l'_
`when the loss of a line in your C0 '
`FIG.SYS file or of a driver from yo
`hard disk means that you can no -.c__-‘.1
`access the compressed drive—ar
`there in DoubleSpace, because it i
`tightly integrated into the DOS kern
`This also makes it easier for iristallatt
`programs to find and modify CO
`Stacker or Superstor PRO. You can type
`DIRIC within a compressed volume to
`display the file compression ratio.
`As far as reliability goes, Microsoft
`three use a variation of the Dempel- .;
`compression algorithm. Microsoft
`appears to have made DoubleSpace
`Doublespace, Stacker, and SuperS
`PRO are more alike than different
`Compression Utilities
`Version 3.0
`Stacker LZS
`Superstar ~
`Froducls listed in alphabetical order
`I=‘r'ES Cl:NO
`List price
`Compression aigorithm
`Converts to another compression format
`Hardware compression availairle
`Automated uninstall routine
`Size of device driver
`User can load driver high
`Mounts a floppy disk drive under Windows
`Maximum number of wmpressed drives
`Size of iargest drive


`Seagate’s 200 MB ST3243
`Vet Affordable.
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`Seagate introduces the
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`This 3.5" low-profile drive features an
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`And you \_=v_i_fl find it. Because whether
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`But don’t wait too long. When
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`A1‘ is J 11.-gistI:r\'dlr.Id:I1I:irk of Initrnmhonal uusinm Man.-him-.: C'0r1'm S-:'ag,.1rv. um Sengnte ism. and II11‘
`Stung: by .‘in:.-Ipvpu: lugu are r;-gistnn.-d mnlcrnai-lc.s ulS¢.1g.m: Tochruylasgy. Inc. 0199'.‘ 5011331: ‘1 tfllnnlngy, Inc.
`<55? Seagate

`ersion the Microsoft Real-time Com-
`"-=i on ‘Format (MRCF), while Stac
`its version Stacker LZS and
`tor economically calls its version
`-'._'gu 1-Ziv. The algorithm searches a
`ffor repetitive data and replaces it with
`en that represents the contents. The
`E ting file can then be stored in about
`the space required by the uncom-
`' I file.
`The Lempel-Ziv algorithm works on
`ffly, meaning that it compresses a file
`it you write data to disk. and decom-
`'s data when you read from the disk.
`1-Ziv is a “lossless" algorithm,
`means that no data is lost during
`compression process.
`All three programs create a hidden
`a your hard disk where the com-
`files are stored, and all
`the Microsoft Windows permanent
`file into an uncompressed volume.
`speed at which the files are com-
`d and the approximate 2:1 com-
`" n ratio are comparable among the
`programs. Since we worked with a
`lease copy of DOS 6, we haven't re-
`actual compression test results
`. They will appear in an upcoming
`three programs come with utilities
`defragment and manage a com-
`:d volume, but there are some real
`' nces among the programs. And all
`t DOS 6 are able to optimize com-
`a. Doublespace and SuperStor
`can compress only 256MB of data
`' e, giving you 512MB of uncom-
`:-- data. Stacker can compress a
`drive, providing 2GB of uncom-
`‘is: greatest weakness of Double-
`is that it does not have an auto-
`, uninstall feature as do Stacker and
`' Stor PRO. To uninstall it, you must
`up the data that is stored on the
`leased drive. delete the drive, and
`" e the data to an uncompressed
`Microsoft also makes available a
`- that allows users to convert a
`r volume to a DoubleSpace vol-
`time-consuming process that
`at about 10 to 15MB per hour.
`e Windows interface is lame in all
`products. DOS 6 contains a File
`er dialog box that reports the size
`compression ratio of a hard disk that
`works directly with the Double_Spa_ce-
`compressed volumes to provide file man-
`agement and give DOS 6 users the ability --
`to share compressed files across a net-
`work, across communication links, and
`on floppy disks.
`In January, Stac Electronics filed a"
`lawsuit against Microsoft alleging that,
`the DoubleSpace utility uses technology-
`patented by Stac. While the complaint‘ " ‘H
`asks for both a jury trial and monetary
`damages, the lawsuit will not have any ef-
`fect upon the initial release and shipment.
`of DOS 6.
`‘ .
`While DoubleSpace may be the novelty ‘
`of DOS 6, MemMaker, a program that
`automatically optimizes memory on
`and higher computers. is equally appreci-
`ated. DOS 5 made it possible to use rnem-
`ory more efficiently. Now, DOS 6 makes-
`it easy, safe, and automatic.
`You probably know that your PC has‘
`upper memory—between 640K and
`1MB—much of which is unused. DOSS
`comes with a device driver called
`EMM386.EXE that
`converts unused
`space into usable RAM. Using the
`Devicehigh and Loadhigh commands in
`you can load files, drivers, and programs _
`into upper memory.
`Getting the right statement and syntax
`‘lv ‘I dc
`- .
`DOS 6
`has been compressed by Doublespace.
`The dialog box will also give a file-by»file
`compression ratio. But none of the Dou-
`blespace utilities operate under Win-
`dows; you’ll have to exit Windows if you
`wish to run them.
`While all three programs let you com-
`press a floppy disk, each takes a different
`approach. Floppy disks compressed with
`DOS 6 can be used only on a machine
`that uses DOS 6 and has DoubleSpace
`loaded in memory. It’s not possible to
`read the compressed files on that disk
`with earlier versions of DOS.
`Stacker comes with Stacker Any-
`where, a program that lets you compress
`a floppy disk and use it (both read and
`write) on any PC, even if the PC does not
`use Stacker. SuperStor PRO has a Uni-
`versal Data Exchange utility that lets you
`read from but not write to a floppy disk
`on any computer. SuperStor PRO is also
`the only program with a utility for both
`DOS and Windows so there's no need to
`drop to DOS to mount the drive.
`in the hopes of establishing a com-
`pression standard, Microsoft is licensing
`the MRCI API for free. The Microsoft
`Real-time Compression Interface API
`will allow third-party vendors to create
`software and hardware that work with
`DoubIeSpace. Some of the first utilities
`are expected from Symantec Corp. and
`Central Point Software. Eventually,
`hardware makers will put MRCI into
`hardware, and we expect to see Double-
`Space-compatible compression boards
`on the market pretty soon.
`Both Stac and AddStor are announc-
`ing new products that will address the
`changing landscape of data compression.
`Shortly, Stac will offer an
`MRCI-compliant product for
`DOS 6 users that will supplant
`DoubleSpace. According to
`Stac, this new product will be
`safer and faster, and will create
`tighter compression than what
`Microsoft is offering in its DOS
`6 package. Stac’s new compres-
`sor will be bundled with a slew
`of utilities, and, like Double-
`Space, will have the advantage
`of hooking into the DOS 6 ker-
`AddStor is planning a new
`MRCI-compliant utility that
`Type lflflllill attha Dflsnrolltntantlsaelmlnadlatugalae In
`the amount of memory avallaltle for applications.
`.t\PRILi3.19El3PCMAGAZ1NlE'. 119’ I i


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`3.6 pounds.
`At arne-re 3.6 pounds, it
`offers features and fimctions
`usually reserved for systems
`twice its weight.
`NL20T i386 SL 2OMHz
`LEASE: $52.r'MO.
`60MB (1 9:115} HARD DRIVE
`EDGELSI voa LCD ts.5*', can 1 430:
`5.3 LBS.
`3.3- x i 1- x :.a'-
`3.5 nouns WITH rowan
`M5-DOS 5.0
`9.5 " screen.
`Ever want to see your work
`up on the big screen? All it takes
`is a small-screen budget.
`Full keyboard.
`Your hands don't get smaller
`just because your computer does.
`So Dell gave it a fi.i|l-size.
`full-travel, 85—key keyboard.
`including special screen
`navigation keys in the familiar
`inverted-T layout.
`~ Series :3-‘stalls pirrtlmscd tiftrr 7.Fl.i92. For n cmnpictc copy. please cull our 'I'echFi.1x"“ line at I-8DD—9':'l'|-1329 ur write Dell USA L.!'‘.. 9503 Arboretum BIud.. Austin TX
`' anly;in- i'\.'L2D and NL25 mitrhxikn. ’l.c.-txirig crmrtml by Leasing l_'ii-imp.
`lrlL'. ‘Oat-slit sort-ice fvrmial-3d by liamt-TL-t' Sari-in‘: (Iurpomtiun. On-sir: sm-its rri.:i;\' not be uuailulvlr m :11-inn: “L’F!lIIlt'
`of Intel Cmpurntwn. .\vlH)0S and .'l:1:'tm.mIt are rt’_9;:snm'd rrrulemmk: and \Vr'ri..lm.i.-5 is .1 mulcrnarlt of .\{ima.suIi Cirrpnmrfmi. Luliu is u st-gr'sit>nrd rmiiemcnrk of Lritm lluut-lug-mt-vii Corp. JTURTLPNE
`proprietary nilrrest in th: rmrrks and Mines Ujlfll-llfilfi. DIUU3 Dull C-nnJ’r:ut>r Ciarfxmtlrini. All nglm rescrw.-.l.

`cover sronv
`DOS 6
`' Twelve Tips to Get
`Most Out of DOS 6 ,
`by Je_fl’'.se.
`‘ve got DOS 6 up and running
`on your PC, you may wonder what you
`can do to mal(e"the best use of it; "Some
`ofihe answersare.-obvious: Expand
`your diskspace-witli'DoubleSpaee, pro-
`tect yourselffroiu viruses with -the new
`an-tivirus utilities, and so on. But other
`solutions are notso obvious. Here-are
`twelve tips to help you use D056 to
`the. fullest.
`1 . Don't edit yourstart-up files
`to move T5115 and device drivers into
`upper memory; let Memllliaker do it for
`you. In DOS 5, converting CONFIG
`.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BA'-I‘ to load‘
`TSRs and device drivers high was a
`chore for all but the most sophisticated
`users. In DOS '6-, Memltliaker will make
`all the necessary. changes foryou. and
`it will optimize upper memory usage by.
`determining Where to load TSRs.a'nd
`device drivers in order to acliieire-the
`optimal "fit. Itriemllriaker -will also detect
`most adapter RAM conflicts-tliat
`EM.M3’86.EXE will not. This can help
`to avert the lockups that a default instal-
`lation of EM.M3'86.EXE causes on
`some PCs.
`If your PC oontains a network card,
`run Memlvlaker after logging on" to the
`network. This will ensure thatthe card's-
`RAM buffer is activated and
`by Memhrlaker.
`Tip" 2. Configure
`to provljde-In extra MK of upper mem-
`ory block (UMB) RAM. DOS 6’s
`EMM386'.EXE driver typically creates
`more upper memory than its counter-
`part in DOS 5 manages because it scans
`the Etltlllh segment of upper memory
`for unused address space. (DOS 5’s
`EMM386.EXE did not.) It does not,
`however, scan the region from €000]:
`to C5FFh on-1uostPCs,.leaving, po _
`tially, 24K of UMB space-unused. Use‘
`the Microsoft Diagnostics utility that _
`comes with DOS 6 to see-if this region
`is devoid ofROM and adapter
`If it is, add an I=CU00,-CSFF
`EMM386.EX£E_ in order to create 24 ;
`more-UMB -RAM.
`You can create additional-UMB
`RAM on some systems bystarting
`EMM386;EXE';witl1"a I-Iighseanswi '
`If this loelrsjitp your PC, perforrn a-cl
`boot witlrthe F5 key and I.s'-move" the
`I-Iighscam. switch‘. if I-Iighscart Works '
`your PC, MemMake'r will supply the
`ditional UMB RAM for you.
`3. Use-tlIenewD_6ltree'eo I-.
`mind to mmom- :mm __
`mind to more files. In the "p'as_'t,'ren'1
`ing it subdirectory that was:_1ft'empty
`meant deleting the t«“;les?i:t:ri't am, -_If-
`subdireetory co1_itained'oth'e1'-.
`o .
`tories, the,y,ha_d-t_o:.ti:e 'en:j.ptie'd and re - '
`-moved tob."I'1ie new Deltree; comm
`removes-a'sul:'idireet'ory no -matter
`else it 'contains—even'--other subdire
`tories. .Tt1'e new More command p
`videsyou with a ‘fast way to move 51
`from one location to another. It will
`rename subdirectories.-ajob that
`quired a foray into-'the._DOS Shell in
`Til) 4. Don’t throw-oIl'.t-DOS 5
`_yet!-Altliough-.the list of prograrns, «
`ers-, and ut'iIities.tl1_at will ship witl't.D
`6 wasn't finalized -at press tit‘.-fie;-it a
`pearedithat DOS 5-’s Mirror and Re?"
`cover cornniandslwould-b_e
`This-would be unfortunate;
`Mirror with a IPAR-'I’-N s.\i'-itr_:11i_s- a
`handy way"-to.b'ack3up”t-he partition _ :-
`bles on -your hard disk. and -Recover",
`though a potentially dangerous
`at the right place at the right time is re-
`garded by many normal people as PC
`voodoo. MemMaker automates optimi-
`zation. Even before you start Mem-
`Maker, DOS 6 works your system’s mem-
`EMM386.EXE conducts a search for free
`upper memory, and converts as much as
`200K into usable RAM, as opposed to the
`128K that DOS 5 recovers. And DOS 6
`dynamically allocates expanded (EMS)
`and extended {XMS) memory from a
`shared pool, making it unnecessary to
`specify EMS memory needs at boot-up.
`To really see improvements in memory
`managernent,just type MEMMAKER at
`the DOS prompt. MemMaker seeks out
`unused upper memory, checks to see
`what you have loaded in CONF]G.SYS
`and AUTOEXECBAT. and then tries to
`load devices and programs into upper
`You can run MemMaker in batch
`mode, which requires no user interven-
`tion, Express mode, which requires little
`intervention, or Custom mode,
`which offers advanced options. You can
`specify which drivers and programs to in-
`clude in optimizations. determine how
`aggresively to scan upper memory.
`choose to use the monochrome region to
`run programs. and specify how to opti-
`mize upper memory for Windows. You
`can also choose whether or not to keep
`your EMM386’s current exclude and in-
`clude regions, and whether or not
`move the Extended BIOS Data Area
`from conventional to upper memory.
`Memlviaker understands that upper
`memory is freed in blocks, so it uses block
`control to load programs into specific re-
`gions. It‘s also compression-aware. so it
`works with
`third-party compression
`products such as Stacker and SuperStor.
`It‘s also aware of programs such as
`SmartDrive that load themselvesinto up-
`per memory automatically.
`Finally, MemMaker is safe. It's de-
`signed so that no matter what kind of
`problem you encounter during optimiza-
`tion, the computer can recover without
`the need for specially-prepared boot-up
`disks. In fact, its recovery routines are
`among the cleanest we've encountered.
`and its undo feature is the best, bar none.

`com smtv
`DOS 6
`that have de-
`: a salvage
`a bad sectors. Before you throw
`3 OS 5, it’s probably a good idea to
`without this command. DBLSPACE.
`BIN remains in conventional memory,
`robbing your application programs of
`much needed RAM.
`.- you'll need its IPARTN switch to
`partition tablesbacked up with
`._ Since DOS 6-contains its own
`t command (without the
`TN switch), give the old one a new

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