Godmar Back - December 7, 2017
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` _____________________________
` )
` APPLE, INC., )
` Petitioner, )
` )
` V. ) Case IPR2016-01737
` ) Patent 8,880,862 B2
` Patent Owner. )
` )
` _____________________________)
` December 7, 2017 (Thursday)
` 9:30 a.m
`REPORTED BY: Mary J. Butenschoen, RPR, #44952
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`3 4 5
` 1
`APPLE 1047
`Apple v. Realtime Data


`Godmar Back - December 7, 2017
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` A P P E A R A N C E S
` Andrew Patrick
` R. Andrew Schwentker
` Joseph F. Edell
` Alyssa H. Ruderman
`2 3
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` I N D E X
`By Mr. Schwentker 4
`By Mr. Edell 154
` * * * * *
` E X H I B I T S
` (None)
` * * * * *
`2 3
`6 7
`8 9
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
`Whereupon at 9:37 a.m.,
`after having first been duly sworn to tell the
`truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,
`was examined and testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, Doctor Back. For the
`record, this is Andy Schwentker from Fish &
`Richardson on behalf of Petitioner Apple. Could you
`please state your full name for the record.
` A My name is Dr. Godmar Back.
` Q The court reporter has handed you two
`documents. The first one is in case IPR 2006-01737,
`and it's title Expert Declaration of Dr. Godmar Back
`in Support of Patent Owners Supplemental Response to
`its Motion to Amend. Do you see that?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q And is this your declaration?
` A Yes, it is.
` Q And you submitted this on December 1,
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`2017; is that correct?
` A Yes, I did.
` Q The other document has the same title
`but is in Case IPR 2016-01738. Do you see that?
` A I do.
` Q And is this your declaration as well?
` A It is.
` Q And you submitted this declaration on
`December 1, 2017; is that correct?
` A Yes, I did.
` Q Or at least you signed it on that
` A I signed it on that date. I think
`counsel did the actual submission.
` Q Right. And I don't recall if that
`submission took place on the 1st or not, but you
`signed both of these declarations on December 1,
`2017, right?
` A Yes. I think there was an issue with
`an extension because of a family emergency for one
`of the counsel.
` Q Are these -- so it's my understanding
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`that these declarations are the same. Is that
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` For the record, this is Joe Edell,
` counsel for Patent Owner Realtime Data,
` joined today by Alyssa Ruderman, both from
` the firm Fisch Zigler.
` THE WITNESS: They relate to two
` different proceedings but they make the
` same arguments.
` Q Okay. And so if -- if I refer to one
`of the declarations during your deposition today,
`will you understand that my question applies equally
`to both declarations?
` A I do, as long as it is not referring
`to those things that are different in the two
` Q Okay. But there aren't any
`differences between the actual text of the
`declarations; is that right?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
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` THE WITNESS: I'm not entirely
` certain, but I do not believe so.
` Q Okay. Let's see, and these are
`your -- I believe your third declarations submitted
`in the 1737 and 1738 proceedings; is that right?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't believe so. I
` think those are the third -- this is the
` third kind of declarations in the motion to
` amend proceedings, not in the 1737 IPR.
` Q Okay. So are these your fourth
`declarations in the 1737 and 1738 proceedings?
` A I think it would be.
` Q Okay. So if I refer to your fourth
`declaration, you'll understand that I'm referring to
`these declarations?
` A I do.
` Q Okay. I'd like for you to turn to
`paragraph 5 of your declaration.
` And in that paragraph you state that
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`in forming your opinions you have reviewed and
`considered the materials identified in the
`paragraphs above. Those identified in your prior
`declarations of June 14, 2017, and October 11, 2017.
`And the materials cited and discussed in this
` Can you state for the record which
`materials you reviewed before signing this
` MR. EDELL: Doctor Back, I just
` caution you, in replying to the question,
` don't reveal any discussions you had with
` counsel.
` THE WITNESS: As it says in paragraph
` 5, I reviewed and considered the materials
` identified in the paragraphs above. And
` that is referring to paragraph 1, 2, 3, 4,
` which talks about a number of documents
` related to these proceedings, as well as
` those identified in prior declarations.
` Q In paragraph 4 which you referred to,
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`you state that you were asked to consider Apple's
`arguments, Doctor Neuhauser's declaration, and
`Doctor Neuhauser's cross-examination testimony to
`determine whether those materials affect the
`analysis and conclusions stated in your declarations
`of June 14, 2017, and October 11, 2017.
` Did you review all of these materials
`and the references cited in those materials while
`preparing this declaration?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I reviewed all of these
` materials. Specifically, this paragraph
` refers to the supplemental response and the
` accompanying declaration, and with respect
` to the references in those documents I
` reviewed them to the extent it was
` necessary to form my opinions.
` Q I'd like you to turn to Page 10 of
`your declaration. Starting on Page 10, Paragraph
`25, and then continuing on to the next pages 11 and
`12, there are paragraphs 26 and 27.
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` A I see those.
` Q In these paragraphs you cite three
`issues of PC Magazine. A December 1, 1999, issue, a
`March 7, 2000 issue, and, a March 21, 2000 issue.
`Do you see that?
` A I do.
` Q Did you fully review those documents
`before signing your fourth declaration?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I examined the
` material, the advertisements, that are
` presented as excerpts in my declaration.
` Q So you only reviewed the excerpts?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: In the context of these
` proceedings, Apple put forth that a person
` of ordinary skill would have been motivated
` by a cost advantage to perform certain
` modifications to Sukegawa's system.
` Therefore, I was interested in the
` question what would the view of a person of
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`Godmar Back - December 7, 2017
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` ordinary skill be at the time of the
` invention with respect to the relative cost
` of flash and RAM.
` This reference that I'm citing to
` provides the necessary data that would have
` influenced the opinion of a person of
` ordinary skill in the art. That's why I'm
` citing to it.
` Q I understand. My -- I guess my
`question is did you review only the excerpts that
`are included as exhibits?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: That is correct.
` Q Did you -- okay. So you didn't
`review the entire issues of the PC Magazine that you
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I did not.
` Q Did you find these issues of PC
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`Magazine yourself?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, and I caution
` you not to discuss or refer to any
` discussions you had with counsel.
` THE WITNESS: So I -- I -- I
` collaborated on this with counsel. I
` basically had them go out and look up this
` information.
` Q Was this information that you
`recalled from the time period?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` MR. SCHWENTKER: Strike that.
` Q In other words, did you remember
`there were particular issues of PC Magazine that
`would be helpful?
` MR. EDELL: Object to the form, and I
` instruct you not to refer to any
` discussions you have had with counsel.
` THE WITNESS: I know and a person of
` ordinary skill would know that the relative
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` price of flash and RAM has been changing
` historically.
` We know that a long time ago, in
` 1980, flash was significantly more
` expensive. We know today it is cheaper on
` a appropriate basis. At some point the
` price ratio changed.
` We were interested in finding out
` what was the person -- what was the view of
` a person of ordinary skill as of February
` 2000, which Doctor Neuhauser acknowledges
` the appropriate time, the time of the
` invention. And so looking at magazines
` that a person of ordinary skill in the art
` would read seemed an appropriate reference.
` Q I'm just trying to get a sense of
`whether you remembered that, oh, yeah, there are
`these, you know, issues of PC Magazine from around
`the time period that will show what the cost of
`flash and RAM was at the time. Let's go find those.
` A Yes, I did remember that there were.
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` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I did remember that
` there were trade publications at the time
` that a person of ordinary skill would have
` looked to.
` Q But not specifically PC Magazine.
` MR. EDELL: Object, form.
` THE WITNESS: No, PC Magazine as
` well. It is a relevant magazine.
` Q So you specifically remembered that
`PC Magazine from the time would show what the cost
`of flash and RAM were?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I suggested to do
` research in relevant trade publication of
` the period, of the time period such as PC
` Magazine, yes.
` Q Were there any other trade
`publications you suggested?
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` MR. EDELL: Objection, form. I -- I
` actually instruct you not to answer.
` Q Were there any other trade
`publications you thought of?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: In my declaration I'm
` citing to the publication upon which I
` relied in order to form my opinion that a
` person of ordinary skill in the art would
` not have been motivated by cost to combine
` Sukegawa with DRAM in the manner the
` petitioner has proposed.
` Q In paragraph 25 you say there's
`evidence to demonstrate the flash memory could be
`obtained for a significantly smaller cost than DRAM
`on a per megabyte basis as of February 2000. Do you
`see that?
` A Yes, I see where it says that.
` Q How did you reach this conclusion?
` A It is based on the advertisement to
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`which I am citing which shows a lower per megabyte
` Q Okay. So the basis for that opinion
`is what's set forth in the remainder of paragraph
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: The remainder of
` paragraph 25 demonstrates by example why I
` believe that a person of ordinary skill
` would reach that conclusion.
` In other words, as I say, it presents
` evidence that flash memory could be
` obtained for significantly smaller cost
` than DRAM on a per megabyte basis as of
` February 2000.
` Q I'm just trying to make sure the
`basis for that opinion is what you cite from PC
`Magazine; is that right?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I am presenting
` evidence from PC Magazine to back up my
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` opinion that a person of ordinary skill
` would not have been motivated. And I think
` it is evidence that flash memory could be
` obtained for a significantly smaller cost
` than DRAM.
` Q In the next paragraph, paragraph 26,
`you state that subsequent issues of PC Magazine from
`the relevant time frame show that flash remained
`available at a lower cost than RAM on a per megabyte
`basis, even as the cost of both types of memory
`continued to drop. Do you see that?
` A I see where it says that.
` Q And is that opinion based on the
`evidence you cite from PC Magazine?
` A Yes, it relates to the -- to the
`second ad cited to -- produced, in fact, in
`paragraph 26.
` Q And then in paragraph 28 you say that
`a POSA would have been aware that the cost of flash
`memory was dropping relative to RAM prior to
`February 2000 and that by February 2000 RAM could in
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`fact be more expensive or at least equally as
`expensive as flash on a per megabyte basis.
` Do you see that?
` A Yes, I see where it says that, and
`that is correct as well.
` Q And is that opinion based on the
`evidence you cite from PC Magazine?
` A Yes, it is. It says it is,
`therefore, and that is referring to the evidence
`presented in the previous three paragraphs.
` Q Okay. So in reaching the conclusions
`stated in paragraphs 25 through 29 of your
`declaration, did you rely only on the three issues
`of PC Magazine referred to in those paragraphs?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: There are three issues
` of PC Magazine and the advertisements of
` which I am presenting excerpts in forming
` my opinion that a person of ordinary skill
` would have been aware of the price drop in
` the cost of flash memory to the point that
` they would realize that RAM could in fact
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` be more expensive, or in fact equally as
` expensive, and, therefore, would not have
` used cost as motivation to augment Sukegawa
` system in the way proposed.
` Q I'm -- I'm just trying to make sure
`that the -- what you base the opinion on is the
`evidence you cited from PC Magazine in these
`paragraphs and not something else.
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I have cited the
` documents from which I relied in forming
` this opinion.
` Q Okay. Did you review any other trade
`publications in forming your -- strike that.
` In the context of working on the --
`your fourth declaration, did you review any other
`trade publications?
` MR. EDELL: You can answer yes or no.
` THE WITNESS: I personally did not
` review any other trade publications because
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` I think that the evidence that we found
` clearly demonstrates and backs up my
` opinion that a person of ordinary skill
` would have been aware of the price drop,
` would have been aware of flash, and would
` have been aware that RAM could in fact be
` more expensive, and, therefore, would not
` have been motivated by cost to modify
` Sukegawa system.
` Q When you say the evidence that we
`found, who are you referring to?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` Objection, don't reveal any conversations
` you had with counsel.
` THE WITNESS: As I mentioned earlier,
` I had counsel go out and look up relevant
` information from the time of the invention.
` So "we" here is referring to myself and the
` counsel that I work with.
` Q Before signing your declaration, did
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`you conduct a study of the markets for flash memory
`and for RAM during the relevant time frame?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: My task was not to
` conduct a study of pricing. My task was to
` examine whether a person of ordinary skill
` would have viewed cost as a significant
` motivation to modify Sukegawa system.
` With the evidence I presented it is
` my opinion that a person of ordinary skill
` would not have been motivated by cost to
` modify Sukegawa system in this way.
` Q In these paragraphs 25 through 28 you
`referred to issues of PC Magazine from December 1,
`1999, March 7, 2000, and March 21 2000. Is it your
`opinion that materials published after February of
`2000 can be relevant to issues of patentability in
`these proceedings?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: So it seems like a
` legal question that I'm not certain of, but
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` I would like to reiterate why we were
` looking at time the period of February
` 2000, because it is the time of the
` invention, and I believe that your expert,
` Doctor Neuhauser, acknowledged that to him
` that time period was the relevant time
` period that he used to form his opinions,
` which I was asked to valuate, so,
` therefore, I was using the same time
` period.
` Q You would agree that the March 7,
`2000, issue is from after February of 2000, right?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, the -- as I point
` out in paragraph 26, the March 7 issue
` presumably was prepared before March 7.
` Q But you don't have any evidence that
`it was published before March 7, do you?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: The March 7 issue was
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` published on March 7, and as I point out in
` paragraph 26 it was necessarily prepared
` before March 7. Not presumably. Strike
` that from earlier. Necessarily prepared
` before March 7.
` Q You understand that the '862 patent
`claims priority to a provisional application filed
`on February 3 of 2000, correct?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: So I take your word for
` it that it's the correct priority date. I
` would have to see the patent to confirm the
` exact date.
` Q The court reporter has handed you a
`copy of U.S. Patent Number 8880862. Do you see
` A I do.
` Q And on the first page on the
`left-hand side about halfway down do you see where
`it says: Provisional application number 6180114
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`filed on February 3, 2000?
` A Correct, I see that.
` Q Okay. So does this confirm for you
`the '862 patent claims priority to an application
`filed on February 3, 2000?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I think it does.
` Q So the March 7, 2000, issue of PC
`Magazine was published more than a month after the
`date to which the '862 patent claims priority,
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I think that the
` evidence that I'm presenting here which
` dates from issues December 1, 1999, March
` 7, 2000, and March 21, 2000, are relevant
` to the knowledge a person of ordinary skill
` would have had at the time of the invention
` February 3, 2000.
` Q You agree, though, that the March 7,
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`2000, issue of PC Magazine was published more than a
`month after the February 3, 2000, date, right?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: As I state in my
` declaration it was published March 7 and
` necessarily prepared before March 7.
` Q And March 7 comes off February 3,
` A It does.
` Q Okay. So --
` A May I -- may I add that the context
`in which this discussion is -- is taking place, I
`argue in paragraphs 18 to 28 the information that
`would have influenced a person of ordinary skill in
`the art and part of this is that based on the
`evidence that is presented here such as the Dye
`evidence that Doctor Neuhauser discussed as well as
`the relevant advertisement in these trade
`publications give us strong reason to believe that a
`person of ordinary skill would have been aware that
`a significant price drop of flash drive to RAM was
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`taking place and would have been aware that flash
`could be obtained for less cost, and, therefore,
`would not have been motivated by cost to perform the
`combination of Sukegawa in the manner that the
`petitioner has proposed, and it was examining
`whether a person of ordinary skill would have been
`motivated to do so what I was asked to examine. So
`that was my task.
` Q Okay. Right now I'm specifically
`asking about the issues of PC Magazine you cited,
`and, particularly, the March 7, 2000, issue, and the
`March 21, 2000, issue. And you would agree that
`both of those were published after the date -- after
`the February 3, 2000, date of the '862 patent,
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: So March 7 is a later
` date than February 3, 2000, that's correct.
` Q And March 21 is also a later date
`than February 3, 2000, correct?
` A Yes, it is.
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` Q So my -- my question for you, is it
`your opinion the materials published after February
`3, 2000, can be relevant to issues of patentability
`in these cases?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I would not agree to
` the statement in the way you proposed it.
` Certainly information around that time
` clearly relevant, but if you were to
` present information from five, ten, fifteen
` years later it would not give us any
` information as to what would have
` influenced a person of ordinary skill at
` the time of the invention.
` Q Where would you draw the line between
`what is clear -- strike that.
` With respect to evidence dated after
`the February 3, 2000, date, where would you draw the
`line between evidence that, as you say, is clearly
`relevant and evidence that you would not consider to
`be relevant?
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` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: So this is not a task I
` was asked to address here.
` Q Okay. So you don't have an answer?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I was not asked to
` address this, and so, no, I don't have an
` answer for this -- for you on this at this
` point.
` Q But you do think that the March 7 and
`March 21, 2000, issues of PC Magazine are relevant
`to the issues of patentability in these proceedings,
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` Objection, relevance.
` THE WITNESS: I think they are
` relevant to provide us with information
` regarding the knowledge that a person of
` ordinary skill would have had at the time
` of the invention in February of 2000.
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` Q Okay. So you would agree that at
`least some materials from after February 3, 2000,
`can be relevant to the issues of patentability in
`these proceedings?
` MR. EDELL: Objection, form.
` Objection, relevance.
` THE WITNESS: My statement is
` specifically that the materials that I am
` presenting here are relevant to the
` knowledge a person of ordinary skill would
` have had at

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