Page 1
` JUDGE BRADEN: This is Judge Georgianna
`Braden. The reason why we've asked for this
`phone call with the parties is because, as I'm
`sure you're aware, the Federal Circuit recently
`issued an en banc decision in Aqua Products,
`Inc. versus Matal. I believe that occurred on
`October 4, 2017.
` So we are contacting the parties now
`because Patent Owner has filed a motion to
`amend -- contingent motion to amend in both
`proceedings. We are approximately six weeks
`away from oral arguments that are scheduled for
`November 30th, if the parties request them, and
`I would like to hear from both parties, starting
`with Patent Owner first, if you believe that
`Aqua Products has any impact on your motion to
`amend and if you believe any additional briefing
`is warranted in these proceedings.
` Patent Owner, we'll hear from you first
`on behalf of Realtime.
` MR. NOROOZI: Your Honor, I will begin.
`This is Kayvan Noroozi, and I'll also let my
`partner, William Rothwell, continue after I've
`made a few initial remarks, because this subject
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`Page 2
`has sort of been raised with the Board a few
`times before in various forms, both before Aqua
`Products came down and since, and so I think
`it's one that has largely been covered.
` Before the Aqua Products decision was
`issued, Patent Owner noted in its motion to
`amend that the Federal Circuit would be deciding
`Aqua Products en banc and that the decision
`could shift the burden from Patent Owner to
`Apple, and we preserve the right to have the
`revised standard apply to our motion to amend
`if, in fact, such a revised standard was handed
`down by the Federal Circuit.
` Apple sought additional briefing space
`for its response before Aqua Products come down
`on the basis that if Aqua Products were issued,
`it would bear the burden -- sorry, that if Aqua
`Products were issued in a manner that would
`place the burden on Apple, Apple would now have
`to say more and present more to the Board than
`it otherwise would have in light of its new
`burden. My partner William Rothwell can speak
`more to the conversation because I was not
`personally on the call.
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`Page 3
` But my understanding is that we
`explained that -- we had 25 pages of briefing in
`our affirmative motion when the burden was on
`us, and Apple had 25 pages to respond when the
`burden was not on them, and so there was no
`reason to give additional briefing or space for
`them to say more than we were able to say
`regardless of any shifts in burden. In fact,
`the Board denied additional pages on that basis,
`is my understanding, and went on to sort of
`defer the issue of what would happen if Aqua
`Products changed the law.
` Apple proceeded with the understanding
`that Aqua Products could come out the way that
`it did, and so they submitted very lengthy
`declarations, I believe over a hundred pages
`each, from their expert attempting to put down
`what they thought they needed to put down in
`light of the possibility that they would bear
`the burden under a shift in law in Aqua
` We took the deposition of Apple's
`expert. We addressed their arguments. We
`addressed the lengthy discussions and the
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`Page 4
`hundred-page-plus declarations and the reply
`briefs that we submitted just this Wednesday,
`and in our reply brief we addressed the import
`of Aqua Products to this proceeding, and we did
`all that within the 12-page limit of our reply.
` We also agreed with Apple, in order to
`get an extension, that Apple should be allowed
`to submit a further brief, not to exceed
`12 pages, to specifically and only discuss the
`importance of Aqua Products onto these motions
`to amend, but that Apple should not be
`permitted -- of course this is a point that
`Realtime made -- that Apple should not be
`permitted to provide new evidence or submit new
`expert testimony or make new arguments or
`submit new prior art.
` The record on those issues is now
`closed. Apple had a full opportunity to do all
`that in its response knowing that Aqua Products
`could come out the way that it did. And there's
`no reason to prejudice Realtime by sort of
`opening the record back up for Apple.
` So in short --
` JUDGE BRADEN: Counsel, I want to make
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`Page 5
`sure that I understand, that Patent Owner would
`agree to allow Petitioner 12 additional pages to
`respond --
` MR. NOROOZI: To specifically --
` JUDGE BRADEN: Yeah, go ahead.
` MR. NOROOZI: To specifically and only
`discuss the Federal Circuit's decision in Aqua
`Products and what impact it may have as a matter
`of law to the motions to amend, but not to
`introduce new arguments or evidence or facts or
`go back over the prior art and so forth.
` JUDGE BRADEN: Very good. Thank you.
`And did your colleague, Mr. Rothwell, have
`something additional to add?
` MR. ROTHWELL: No, that covers what I
`would have said.
` JUDGE BRADEN: Very good. Then we'll
`hear from Petitioner.
` MR. RENNER: Thank you, Your Honor.
`We'll start out by just noting that opposing
`counsel is correct that Apple and opposing
`counsel did discuss earlier the potential of
`Aqua Products, and it was in light of the page
`extension request that was earlier solicited.
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`Page 6
`Your Honors did decline to extend those pages.
` But our request was premised on not one
`thing. It was not just the ideas that could
`potentially be an Aqua Products decision that
`could change the burden. The request was
`actually borne of the nature of the prior art
`that was being applied, and it was a
`combination -- a complex combination was set
`forth -- to be set forth against the amended
` And while the Patent Owner was able to
`satisfy what they believed to be their
`submission requirements at the time, they were
`directed to the amendments in order to set forth
`an entirely new combination of references and to
`do so in a way that was adequate. To even
`expect that combination and apply it was what we
`were asking for pages for. In the event Aqua
`Products might come down and change the burden
`was an amplification of the problem that we
`foresaw with the currently then imposed --
`then-current-page limits that were in place.
` So we think that our request was clear
`on that point. And, Your Honors, when we talked
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`Page 7
`about that earlier in our last call, we'll
`recollect that we even had a discussion during
`that call, at the conclusion of that call that
`the page limits were not being moved, but to the
`extent that Aqua Products were to come down with
`a decision that shifted the burden away from
`Patent Owner, that there would be an opportunity
`to revisit what kind of submission would be
`appropriate. And it was not contemplated at
`that time that the submission would be limited
`to the legal argument about whether Aqua
`Products had an impact and what kind of impact
`it would have, but instead we were talking about
`the submission of argument as it related to the
`prior art against claims as amended and
`evidence. We talked about that as well. So,
`Your Honors, when we left that call as a parting
`audience, we had understood that we would be
`revisiting that issue to the extent there was a
`change in the burdens.
` Your Honor, I would like to note, at the
`outset you've asked for where we are in terms
`of: Do we think that Aqua Products has an
`impact? And what do we think would be
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`Page 8
`appropriate as briefing? I'd like to address
`those two points.
` As to whether it has an impact, we think
`the impact is rather monumental. To the extent
`there is a shift in burden that goes over to
`Petitioner for Aqua Products -- and there's over
`150 pages of opinion, as you know, in that
`decision -- but to the extent that's what is
`meant by Aqua Products, we would note that all
`of the prior submissions as it relates to the
`motions to amend in this case, the opposition
`that we put in and their rebuttal to it those
`were --
` THE REPORTER: I'm sorry, your words
`were cut off.
` Mr. Renner: Where I was heading was
`that Aqua Products has an impact as we think
`quite evident that the party who would own the
`burden is now for the first time aware of the
`fact that it owns the burden. And when we put
`our prior submissions in, those were all
`designed, those were all written with an eye
`toward a party that did not then own the burden.
` JUDGE BRADEN: I apologize for
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`Page 9
`interrupting you. I want to make sure that
`I'm -- let's go ahead and jump to this. If
`you're asking for additional briefing and you
`clearly don't want it limited to just legal
`arguments regarding Aqua Products, as Patent
`Owner would agree to, would you be requesting
`the addition of more evidence, or would you be
`able to make your case using evidence that is
`currently of record?
` MR. RENNER: Thank you, Your Honor.
`Your Honor, it's the former. We believe that
`our earlier submission -- well, we don't
`believe. Our earlier submission was made both
`in argument and in evidence as a party that did
`not own the burden of persuasion, Your Honor.
`And so we would absolutely want to have the
`opportunity to furnish evidence that would be
`consistent with ownership of that burden. We
`have ideas on how that might be accomplished,
`but I want to make sure I'm answering your
` JUDGE BRADEN: Please tell me. In what
`way would Petitioner propose? Would this
`include new declarations, new depositions?
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`Page 10
` MR. RENNER: Yes. Yes, Your Honor, and
`we were trying to think about how this could be
`accomplished in an efficient way, and so there
`were two ideas that we had, one of which we just
`don't think is very efficient, but I'll mention
`both just for the sake of giving you our
`thoughts fully on the item.
` Right now there is already an opposition
`that was filed, and there is a response, as you
`noted to that opposition on the record. Those
`papers exist. As I was starting to go into,
`they're written to the wrong standard, and so
`they're not really probative of the issues that
`come to a party that is owning that burden. So
`we think they have limited value. We actually
`think they might complicate.
` But one process that could be put in
`place might be that we furnish additional
`briefing, and that would include argument and
`evidence. So as to make sure that the Patent
`Owner isn't prejudiced, our intent here is not
`to prejudice the Patent Owner. They would have
`an opportunity to respond in briefly and I
`presume evidence in much the same way that they
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`Page 11
`do in a normal petition process. And then we
`would as the party owning the burden go last
`with a submission of a rebuttal. That's pretty
`complex when laid over top of the existing
`briefing. That ends up five papers. I'm going
`to gather that you're not exited about five
`papers on this issue.
` So the alternative that we had come to
`was warrant to some extent of that, but we
`actually that think those papers being
`misdirected, we would recommend expunging them
`and acting in a way that is consistent with a
`party owning the burden going first and last,
`and we would put in what would be a renewed
`opposition, one that is written and supportive
`of evidence that is consistent with us having
`the burden. The patient owner would follow and
`we would have the final paper on the item. And
`we think this is entirely consistent with the
`way a petition process runs.
` JUDGE BRADEN: Would you be to get this
`done along with the other items that are
`required under the scheduling order by
`November 30th?
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`Page 12
` MR. RENNER: Your Honor, the issue we
`think that the proceeding would have with that
`is, if there's evidence going in there's going
`to be a need almost certainly for -- someone is
`going to want to depose other people's experts.
`So I would expect the answer unfortunately is
` That said, I think that the rules
`contemplate schedules that can extend certainly
`beyond that date and even, if necessary,
`extending beyond the one year under, of course,
`exceptional circumstances. We actually would
`think this is such a circumstance. I don't know
`if that's a briefing schedule that would be
`necessitated. We haven't talked to opposing
`counsel. We would be happy to work with them on
`what could be a briefing schedule. But I think
`that schedule is probably an undoable one under
`almost any circumstance we can imagine,
`unfortunately. We're not happy about that. I
`gather you probably aren't as well.
` JUDGE BRADEN: Thank you Petitioner. I
`want to hear very briefly from Patent Owner.
` What I want you to address, Patent
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`Page 13
`Owner, is -- because I'm going to order
`additional briefing. So give me your thoughts
`about that additional briefing.
` MR. NOROOZI: Yes, Your Honor. I have
`two very important points that I would really
`request that the board consider in how it
`proceeds from here.
` First of all, there will absolutely be
`prejudice to Patent Owner if Petitioner is
`allowed to submit new evidence and argument even
`as to the existing prior art, that that will
`happen in terms of the timing because there will
`be timing constraints but more importantly the
`prejudice will occur to Patent Owner because
`Apple has already put forth its arguments. We
`have had the opportunity to cross-examine its
`experts and debunk those arguments and
`demonstrate why they are wrong and why they
`don't show unpatentability. And now Apple and
`its experts having seen our positions and our
`arguments and having sat through our
`cross-examination want to be able to take an
`entirely new bite of the Apple. In fact, they
`are so concerned about the record as it exists
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`Page 14
`that they have asked you to expunge the existing
`arguments and evidence including the
`cross-examination testimony of their expert.
`And I think that really speaks to the kind of
`prejudice that they are trying to work here. I
`find it very problematic and troubling.
` Now, the reality is, Your Honor, very
`quickly, that Apple has known about Aqua
`Products for the entirety of this proceeding and
`so they have been able to take it into account
`in everything they have done. They stated that
`their briefing and the way that this played out
`is now sort of moot because Aqua Products
`changed the standard. How so? How is that?
`They don't explain that. And it's not at all
`correct. The only thing that Aqua Products does
`is it shifts the burden. We knew that it might
`do that. And Apple had the same number of pages
`for briefing for its argument as patent owner
`did when we bore the burden, and Apple put forth
`hundreds of pages of declaration testimony and
`could have done anything it wanted in those
`declarations. So now that its best argument at
`that time have been debunk and is working at
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`Page 15
`losing and getting these claims amended in the
`event that the motions to amend are even
`relevant, Apple is coming back and trying to use
`Aqua as a basis to do an entire do-over and
`re-set. That's very prejudicial, Your Honor.
` So I would ask that if you grant
`additional briefing, that you please grant it in
`the way that we've already agreed to, which is a
`discussion of the legal aspects of Aqua Products
`and its importance to the motions to amend, but
`not to include any new evidence or argument as
`to the prior art even the prior art of record.
` MR. ROTHWELL: Your Honor, this is
`William Rothwell, what I was going to say is, I
`think the closest analog we have in terms of a
`major decision coming up mid stream -- I think a
`comparable situation is when the in re ellis
`situation came out and and that had a similar
`effect if there were pending proceedings, and
`that decision affected how those proceedings
`should be resolved.
` And as far as I'm aware, the way the
`Board handled that in that situation was to
`allow each side or in some cases only one side
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`Page 16
`four or five extra pages to address the legal
`issues and the ramifications of in re allis,
`which is what we're proposing here. I'm not
`aware of any situations in response to in re
`allis where there was sort of the entire do-over
`as being proposed here by Petitioner.
` MR. NOROOZI: And more broadly, to the
`extent that the Board has ever in any situation
`once given substantive briefing on evidence and
`argument after in re Alice, we don't think that
`that sort of a scenario is warranted here in
`light of Aqua Products, specifically because
`Apple knew that Aqua Products would come down
`and that it could come down the way it did.
`They had every opportunity to put in every
`argument and every piece of evidence that they
`wanted to before this decision came down. And
`so the premise that Aqua Products now triggers
`some new knowledge and event and information
`that requires Apple to get a do-over or even an
`add-on is just incorrect.
` MR. RENNER: Your Honor, if I may, I'd
`like to have an opportunity to respond.
` JUDGE BRADEN: You may have two minutes.
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`Page 17
` MR. RENNER: Thank you, Your Honor. I
`would think it is simply not appropriate to
`suggest there's weakness or otherwise to suggest
`anything on the merits as it relates to this as
`a consequence. The knowledge of a federal
`circuit case impendency does not in any way
`suggest that we know how a case will come down,
`what its holding will be, nor does it
`appropriately treat any kind of burden for a
`party to bring evidence that is not aligned to
`the currently applicable legal standard to the
`table and nor would a party. It's expense
`that's necessary to consequence, and we would be
`constantly betting on things that are not
` We're told that the arguments in
`evidence would have been made -- we thought in
`our last call that we had together that when we
`were denied the page count, we were told this
`would be something revisited, and even evidence
`was discussed at the time. Clearly there was
`limits on the number of pages we had and those
`were stressing already the application of what
`you now can see is a combination.
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`Page 18
` And as to Alice, it's a completely
`different legal point. It wouldn't be
`appropriate in any way at all for us to
`analogize the Alice decision in what's going on,
`as it didn't shift the burden among the parties.
`So the notion in any way informs this issue, we
`would absolutely take issue with.
` And I guess the final point in terms of
`prejudice, and our suggestion was an attempt to
`make sure there was no prejudice to either
`party. We're simply trying to have a proceeding
`go forward in a way that both parties can be
`heard on their proofs and those proofs be
`aligned to the burdens that are allocated to
`those parties.
` So, Your Honor, I think we're seeking a
`very fair opportunity for parties to be heard
`and for Your Honors to have not an undue amount
`of work nor an undo kind of extension in time
`appropriate here. Thank you.
` JUDGE BRADEN: Very good. The panel
`will take a momentary recess. We will confer,
`and then we will back on the line. So we ask
`that both the parties and the court reporter
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`Page 19
`please stay on the line. Thank you.
` - - -
` (Whereupon, a recess was held.)
` - - -
` JUDGE BRADEN: Case IPR2016-01738.
`Again, this is Judge Georgianna Braden, and
`along with me are Judges Chung and Stephens.
` Let me know, do I still have counsel for
`Petitioner on the line?
` MR. RENNER: You do, Your Honor. Thank
` JUDGE BRADEN: And do I still have
`counsel for Patent Owner on the line?
` MR. NOROOZI: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE BRADEN: And do I still have the
`court reporter?
` THE REPORTER: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE BRADEN: We are going to send out
`an order shortly that will explain everything
`that we discussed on this conference call, but
`we are going to order new briefing.
` Petitioner you will get a 12-page brief.
`With it you may submit a new supporting
`declaration. We need to work out schedule for
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`Page 20
`when you can have that.
` Would you be able to have your brief in
`it by Wednesday the October 25th or Friday the
`27th? Petitioner, is that doable?
` MR. RENNER: Your Honor, I believe so.
`If offline we find that it's not, we will
`certainly reach out, but thank you, Your Honor.
` MR. NOROOZI: Patent Owner, in
`opposition you will be allowed 12 pages. Patent
`Owner will also get to depose the declarant on
`the new declaration.
` Patent Owner, would you be able to have
`your opposition in by November 10th?
` MR. NOROOZI: Your Honor, we have
`another oral hearing in November. We also have
`several other briefs and various IPRs due that
`month, and I'm not sure that we could do it by
`November 10th.
` JUDGE BRADEN: Okay, here's what we're
`going to do. Petitioner, you get the 12-page
`for your opening brief. Patent Owner, you get
`12 pages for an opposition. Petitioner, in
`response you can have a five-page reply.
`Petitioner gets the new declaration support of
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`Page 21
`their opening brief. Patent Owner, you get to
`depose that declarant.
` Here's what we're going to do. I want
`parties to go offline. I want you to work out a
`schedule for me for when each of your briefs,
`opposition replies can be done. I want you to
`agree on a date for the deposition, if it's
` I want you to also know we are not going
`to expunge the original briefs. That way,
`Patent Owner, if you need to refer back to them
`in order to contest any inconsistency or
`credibility, you may do so.
` So I need the parties to go back, work
`out a schedule and submit it to the Board. Once
`we have that information, we will submit a new
`amended scheduling order that will cover all of
`these dates.
` Questions?
` MR. NOROOZI: Yes, Your Honor, I have a
`couple of questions.
` The first is, it's my understanding that
`if we think it's appropriate and necessary we
`can also include an expert declaration in
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`Page 22
`support of our briefing Patent Owner's briefing
`so long as we give Apple an opportunity to take
`a deposition if they need to; is that correct?
` THE WITNESS: That is authorized, yes.
`Once I have your schedule, we will amend the
`scheduling order for both these proceedings. We
`will be pushing back the November 30th hearing
`date. And if necessary, we will push back the
`deadline for both proceedings for a good cause.
` Did you have another question?
` MR. NOROOZI: I do, Your Honor. The
`second question is, while the 12 pages of
`briefing is limited, is there any limit that the
`Board is imposing on the length of the
`declaration that Petitioner can put in or the
`amount of new art or references or argument?
`Because without any kind of limitation on what
`their expert can say and can put in, they could
`obviously introduce an avalanche of new material
`through that expert declaration, and it would be
`quite difficult to grapple with in 12 pages of
`response of briefing for us.
` JUDGE BRADEN: I understand your
`concern, Mr. Noroozi. However, I do believe
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`Page 23
`that the Board's rules against incorporation by
`reference will prohibit Petitioner from doing
`such a thing. If the arguments cannot be made
`and amply supported in their brief, they can't
`be made and amply supported.
` MR. NOROOZI: Thank you, Your Honor.
` JUDGE BRADEN: Petitioner, you
`understand that, correct?
` MR. RENNER: Yes, Your Honor. Thank
` JUDGE BRADEN: Very good.
` Any other questions, Mr. Noroozi?
` MR. NOROOZI: None for me, Your Honor.
` JUDGE BRADEN: Any questions from the
` MR. EDELL: Your Honor, very briefly,
`this is Joe Edel for the Patent Owner.
` MR. EDELL: There's a third seating that
`affects this same -- it's a 1739 proceeding. In
`that proceeding there is no motion to amend. I
`just want to alert you to the fact that it
`current has the same schedule as these two
`proceedings we're discussing. So to the extent
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`Page 24
`you do change the schedule, I suggest you also
`suggest changing the schedule for the 1739 to be
`consistent with these schedules.
` JUDGE BRADEN: We will look and see if
`that's necessitated.
` Petitioner, did you have any other
`comments or questions?
` MR. RENNER: Just one which is also
`housekeeping. When would you like to see -- and
`obviously we'll work quickly to get a schedule
`together with our counterparts. I just want to
`make sure we're on time for you. So what
`schedule would you like to have us submit that,
`proposed schedule?
` JUDGE BRADEN: I would prefer to have it
`no later than noon Eastern time Tuesday,
`October 17th. That should be plenty of time for
`you guys to get together and agree on something.
` MR. RENNER: Agreed. Thank you.
` JUDGE BRADEN: Do we have any other
` MR. RENNER: None for Petitioner.
` JUDGE BRADEN: Any from Patent Owner?
` Very good. Hearing nothing further, we
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`are adjourned. Thank you very much. Gentlemen,
`have a very nice weekend.
`Page 25
`4 5 6 7 8 9
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