Third Edition
`APPLE 1027

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`Acquisitions Editor: Kim Fryer
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`Kurt Meyer, Robert Lyon, Roslyn Lutsch

`< ;a1iliti“g‘..¢1i:iigtéim
`which have speeds of S00 kilobits per second
`tKbps), can generally transmit data faster than cur~
`rent conventional modems. See also coaxial cable,
`72. A
`cabling diagram \l«:fi'b;>—léng
`plan that shows the path of cables that attach com-
`puter system components or peripherals. Cabling
`diagrams are particularly important for explaining
`the connection of disk drives to a disk controller.
`77. A special memory subsystem in
`cache \l:ash\
`which frequently used data Values are duplicated
`for quick access. A memory cache stores the con-
`tents of frequently accessed RAM locations and the
`addresses where these data items are stored. \\’/hen
`the processor references an address in memory, the
`cache checks to see whether it holds that address.
`If it does hold the address, the data is returned to
`the processor;
`if it does not, a regular memory
`access occurs. A cache is useful when RAM accesses
`are slow compared with the microprocessor speed,
`because cache memory is always faster than main
`RAM memory. See also disk cache, wait state.
`cache card \l<.asl1'
`77. An expansion card
`that increases a system’s cache memory. See also
`cache, expansion board.
`72. See cache.
`cache memory \l<ash’ mem‘ar—e\
`CAD \l{2lCl, C‘A—D’\
`7-2, Acronym for Computer-
`aided design. A system of programs and WO1‘l{St21~
`tions used in designing engineering, architectural,
`and scientific models ranging from simple tools to
`buildings, aircraft,
`integrated circuits, and mole»
`cules. Various CAI) applications create objects in
`two or three dimensions, presenting the results as
`wire~frame “skeletons,” as more substantial models
`with shaded surfaces, or as solid objects. Some pro-
`grams can also rotate or resize models, show inte-
`rior views, generate lists of materials required for
`construction, and perform other allied functions.
`CAD programs rely on mathematics, often requir-
`ing the computing power of a high-performance
`workstation. See also CAD/CAM, [—CASE.
`CAD/CAM \l<ad’l<am, C—A—D‘C—A—tVI’\ n. Acronym
`for eomputer—aided design/Computer»-aided man~
`ufacturing. The use of computers in both the
`design and manufacture of a product. With CAD/
`a product, such as
`a machine part,
`designed with a CAD program and the finished
`design is translated into a set of instructions that
`can be transmitted to and used by the machines
`dedicated to fabrication, assembly, and process
`control. See also CAD, 1—CASE.
`CADD \C‘A—D~D’, kad-D’\
`72. See computer—aided
`design and drafting.
`caddy \kad’é\ 71. A plastic carrier that holds a CD~
`ROM and is inserted into a CD—ROM drive. Some
`personal computers, especially older models, have
`CjD—ROM drives that require the use of a caddy.
`Most current CDAROM drives do not require a
`caddy. See the illustration.
`72. Acronym for eomputeruaided
`CAE \C‘A~E’\
`engineering. An application that enables the user
`to perform engineering tests and analyses on
`created with a
`In some
`instances, capabilities such as logic testing that are
`generally attributed to CAB applications are also
`part of CAD programs, so the distinction between
`CAD and CAE is not a hard—and~fast one. See also
`71. Acronym for eomputer—aided (or
`CAI \C‘A~1’\
`instruction. An educational
`program designed to serve as a teaching tool. CAI
`programs typically use tutorials, drills, and ques-
`tion—and—answer sessions to present a topic and to
`test the student's comprehension. CA1 programs
`are excellent aids for presenting factual material
`and for allowing students to pace their learning
`speed. Subjects and complexity range from begin-
`ning arithmetic to advanced mathematics, science,
`history, computer studies, and specialized topics.
`See also I—CASF.. Compare CBT, CM1.
`CAL \C‘A-L’\
`77.. Acronym for coinputer—assisted
`(or computer—augmented) learning. See CAI.

`' 7f‘=ii>P1i¢=si.'t
`Idifi. -ifitcrface.-I
`long cited as a shortcoming of the Macintosh corn-
`pared with IBM PCs and compatibles. This feature,
`along with other layout changes and the addition
`of new keys and lights, makes the Apple Extended
`Keyboard quite similar
`in form to the IBM
`enhanced keyboard. See the illustration. See also
`enhanced keyboard.
`11. The second computer
`Apple 11 \ap‘l
`introduced by the Apple Computer Corporation, in
`April 1977. The Apple II featured 4K dynamic
`RAM, expandable to 48K (with 16K chips), and
`used the 6502 microprocessor. The Apple II was
`the first computer to offer a TV video adapter as
`an optional alternative to a color computer moni-
`It also featured sound and eight expansion
`slots. See also 6502.
`Apple key \ap’l ke‘\ n. A key on Apple keyboards
`labeled with an outline of the Apple logo
`the Apple Extended Keyboard, this key is the same
`as the Command key, which functions similarly to
`the Control key on IBM and compatible key-
`boards. It is generally used in conjunction with a
`character key as a shortcut to making menu selec-
`tions or‘ starting a macro.
`Apple Macintosh \ap‘l mak’an—tosh\
`17.. See Mac-
`Apple Newton \ap‘l n('5'0’tan\ 72. See Newton.
`11. A script
`used with Macintosh computers running under the
`System 7 operating system to execute commands
`and automate functions. See also script.
`Appleshare \ap'l-sh€rr‘\
`12. File server software
`that works with the Mac OS and allows one Mac-
`intosh computer to share files with another on the
`same network. See also file server, Mac OS.
`applet \a’pl:—)t\ 11. A small piece of code that can be
`transported over the Internet and executed on the
`recipient’s machine. The term is especially used to
`refer to such programs as they are embedded in
`line as objects in HTML documents on the World
`\Wide Wei .
`'11. An inexpensive local
`AppleTalk \ap’l tiik‘\
`area network developed by Apple that can be
`used by Apple and non—Apple computers to
`communicate and share resources such as print-
`ers and file servers. Non-Apple computers must
`be equipped with AppleTalk hardware and suit-
`able software. The network uses a layered set of
`protocols similar
`to the ISO/OSI model and
`transfers information in the form of packets
`called frames. AppleTalk supports connections
`to other Apple'l'alk networks through devices
`known as bridges, and it supports connections
`to dissimilar networks through devices called
`gateways. See also bridge, frame (definition 2),
`11. A program de-
`application \a‘pl;--ls:?1'sh9n\
`signed to assist in the performance of a specific task,
`such as word processing, accounting, or inventory
`management. Compare utility.
`application binary interface \a—pla-ka‘sl1an bi‘-
`ner‘-e in’t;>r-firs, bi‘nZtr-é\ n. A set of instructions
`that specifies how an executable file interacts with
`the hardware and how information is stored. Acro-
`71;)/772.‘ ABI. (A‘B-I’). Compare application program-
`ming interface.
`Apple Extemlezl Keyboard.

`;: jr.arbitrat:oiti: ~
`application-centric \a‘pla-ka‘shen-sen’trik\
`Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an operating
`system in which a user invokes an application to
`open or create documents (such as word process-
`ing files or spreadsheets). Command-line inter-
`faces and some graphical user interfaces such as
`the \\’/indows 3.x Program Manager are applica-
`tion-centric. Co111pczre document-centric.
`application developer \a-pla-kaishan da-vel’9—
`11. An individual who designs and analyzes
`the appearance and operation of an application
`application development environment \a-pla-
`11, An integrated suite of programs
`for use by software developers. Typical compo-
`nents of application development environments
`include a compiler, file browsing system, debug-
`ger, and text editor for use in creating programs.
`application development
`ka“sh.:~n da—vel’ap-mant lang‘waj\
`11. A computer
`language designed for creating applications. The
`term is usually restricted to refer to languages with
`geared toward
`record design, form layout, database retrieval and
`update, and similar tasks. See also application,
`application generator, -’iGL.
`application development system \a-pla—ka‘sh9n
`da—vel’ap—mont sis‘tam\
`11. A programming envi-
`ronment designcd for
`the development of an
`application, typically including a text editor, coin-
`piler, and linker, and often including a library of
`common software routines for use in the devel-
`11. See pro-
`oped program.
`application file \a‘pl9-kZ1’slion fil‘\
`gram file.
`application gateway \a-pla-kaishan g2'1t‘w;"1\
`Software running on a machine that
`tended to maintain security on a secluded net-
`work yet allow certain traffic to go between
`the private network and the outside world. See
`also firewall.
`\a-pla—ka‘shan jen’ar—'Et-
`application generator
`11.. Software for generating source or machine
`code for
`running an application based on a
`description of the desired functionality. Limited in
`scope, application generators are included with
`some database programs and use built-in instruc-
`tion sets to generate program code, See also appli-
`application heap \a‘pla-l<:a'sh9n hép‘\ 11. A block
`of RAM used by an application to store its code,
`records, document data, and other
`information. See also heap (definition 1), RAM.
`application layer \a‘pla-k§i’shan lat‘,
`The highest layer of standards in the Open Sys-
`tems Interconnection (OSI) model. The applica-
`tion layer contains signals that perform useful
`work for the user, such as file transfer or remote
`access to a computer, as opposed to lower levels,
`which control the exchange of data between trans-
`mitter and receiver. See also ISO/OSI model.
`application processor \a‘pla-k2"1’shan pros‘e—sar\
`11. A processor dedicated to a single application.
`application program \a‘pl:-J—l<:2"t'shan prcTgram\
`11. See application.
`application programming interface
`ka‘shan pr6‘gra-méng in’t;—)r-f:’ts\ or application
`program interface
`pro‘ gram
`in’tar-fz'ts\ 11. A set of routines used by an applica-
`tion program to direct the performance of proce-
`computers operating system.
`Acro11y111.- API (A‘ P-I ’).
`application shortcut key \a-pl9—kz"1‘shan sh6rt’kut
`11. A key or combination of keys that when
`pressed will quickly perform an action within an
`application that would normally require several
`user actions, such as menu selections. Also called
`keyboard shortcut.
`application software \a-pla-k{i‘shan soft '-war-\
`See application.
`appl.iCatio11—specific integrated circuit
`kaishan-spa-sifik in‘ta-gra-tad sar’kat\ 11.. See gate
`application suite \a—pla-k'Zt’sh9n swet‘\
`suite (definition 1).
`.aq \dot‘A-Q’\
`17, On the Internet, the major geo-
`graphic domain specifying that an address is
`located in Antarctica.
`11. See
`11. On the Internet, the major geo-
`.ar \clot‘A-R’\
`graphic domain specifying that an address is
`located in Argentina.
`arbitration \ar‘ba-tra’shan\
`11. A set of rules for
`a machine
`resolving competing demands
`resource by multiple users or processes. See also

`site on which it resides. See also HTML document,
`Web site.
`00 \O—O’\ adj. See Object—oriented.
`OOI’ \o—?3p, O‘O»P’\
`71. See object—oriented pro-
`opcode \op’k6d\ 77.. See operation code.
`openl \6’pan\ adj. Of, pertaining to, or providing
`accessibility. For example, an open file is one that
`can be used because a program has issued an
`“open file” command to the operating system.
`openz \6’pon\
`2219. To make an object, such as a
`file, accessible.
`open architecture \6‘pon
`1. Any computer or peripheral design that has pub-
`lished. specifications. A published specification lets
`third parties develop add—on hardware for a com-
`puter or device. C'o777pm‘e closed architecture (defi-
`nition 1). 2. A design that provides for expansion
`slots on the motherboard,
`thereby allowing the
`addition of boards to enhance or customize a sys
`tem. Compare closed architecture (definition 2).
`OpenDoc \6’pan—dok‘\
`77. An object~oriented
`application programming interface
`enables multiple independent programs (compo-
`nent software) on several platforms to work
`together on a single document (compound docu-
`ment). Similar to OLE, OpenDoc allows images,
`sound, video, other documents, and other files to
`be embedded or linked to the document. Open—
`Doc is supported by an alliance that
`Apple, IBM, the Object Management Group, and
`the X Consortium. See also application prograrn—
`ming interface, component software. Compme
`ActiveX, OLE.
`77. A file that can be read
`open file \6‘pon lTl’\
`from, written to, or both. A program must first
`open a file before the file’s contents can be used,
`and it must close the file when done. See also
`Open Financial Connectivity \o‘pon f;>—nan‘shal
`ko-nek—tiv’a—te\ 77. The Microsoft specification for
`an interface between electronic banking services
`and Microsoft Money personal finance software.
`Acro17ym.- OFC (O‘ F-C ’).
`17.. A consortium of
`Open Group \6’p;>n gr6'op‘\
`computer hardware and software manufacturers
`and users from industry, government, and aca-
`demia that
`is dedicated to the advancement of
`information systems. The Open
`Group was formed in 1996 as a consolidation of
`the Open Software Foundation and X/Open Com-
`pany Limited.
`OpenMPEG Consortium \6‘pan-M’peg
`s6r‘shtrm, M‘P~E—G’, kan-sor“sl1e—urn\
`77. An inter-
`national organization of hardware and software
`developers for promoting the use of the MPEG
`standards. Acro77ym.- OM—l (O‘M-wan’). See also
`77. A computer facility
`open shop \o‘pan shop’\
`that is open to users and not restricted to program-
`mers or other personnel. An open shop is one in
`which people can work on or attempt to solve
`computer problems on their own rather than
`handing them over to a specialist.
`Open Shortest Pat11F'r1'st \o‘pan slloftast path
`farst’\ 71. See OSPF.
`Open Software Foundation \6‘p;>n soft'war foun-
`da‘sh:,»n\ 77. See OSF.
`17. A publicly
`open standard \<3‘pan stan’dard\
`available set of specifications describing the char-
`acteristics of a hardware device or software pro-
`gram. Open standards are published to encourage
`interoperability and thereby help populari7.e new
`technologies. See also standard (definition 2).
`open systeln \6‘pan si’stom\ 77.. 1. In communica-
`tions, a computer network designed to incorporate
`all devices———regardless of the manufacturer or
`model——-that can use the same communications
`facilities and protocols. 2. in reference to com—
`puter hardware or software, a system that can
`accept add-ons produced by tlrircl—party suppliers.
`See also open architecture (definition 1).
`\(")‘ pan
`Open Systems Interconnection model
`sfstams inatar~ko—nek'shan mod‘al\
`17.. See ISO/
`OSI model.
`12. The object of a mathe-
`operand \op’ar~and‘\
`matical operation or a computer instruction.
`operating system \op’ar~z”r—teng si‘st9m\
`77.. The
`software that controls the allocation and usage of
`hardware resources such as memory, central pro~
`cessing unit (CPU) time, disk space, and peripheral
`devices. The operating system is the foundation on
`which applications are built. Popular operating
`systems include Windows 95, Windows NT, Mac
`OS, and UNIX. AC7'o77ym.- OS (O—S'). Also called

`1217. To analyze a program to
`profile \pr<3’l‘il\
`determine how much time is spent
`in different
`parts of the program during execution.
`Profiles for Open Systems Internetworking
`Technology \pr6‘lTlz for 6‘pan sfstamz in‘tor—
`net’wor—kéng tek-nol‘a~jé\
`72. See POSIT.
`prograin \pr6’gram\
`71. A sequence of instruc~
`tions that can be executed by a computer. The
`term can refer to the original source code or to the
`language) version.
`called software. See also program creation: rou-
`tine, statement.
`progrzun card \pr6'gram kard‘\
`ROM card.
`17.. See PC Card,
`kar‘ trij\
`program cartridge \pro’gram
`ROM cartridge.
`program counter \pr6’gram koun‘tar\ 12. A regis—
`ter (small, high—speed memory circuit Within a
`microprocessor) that contains the address (loca
`tion) of the instruction to be executed next in the
`program sequence.
`7-2. The
`program creation \pr€>’gram kre—a‘shan\
`process of producing an executable file. Tradition-
`ally, program creation comprises three steps: (1)
`compiling the high—level source code into assem-
`bly language source code;
`(2) assembling the
`assembly language source code into machine»
`code object files; and (3) linking the machine~code
`object files with various data files, run—time files,
`and library files into an executable file. Some com-
`pilers go directly from high—leve1
`machine~code object, and some integrated devel~
`opmcnt environments compress all
`three steps
`into a single command. See also assembler, com-
`piler (definition 2), linker, program.
`program file \pr6’gram lTl‘\ a. A lisk file that
`contains the executable portion(s) of a computer
`program. Depending on its size and complexity,
`an application or other program, such as an oper-
`ating system, can be stored in several different
`files, each containing the instructions necessary for
`some part of the programs overall functioning.
`Compare document file.
`71. A
`program generator \pr6’gram jen\or—E1—t;>r\
`program that creates other programs (usually in
`source code) based on a set of specifications and
`relationships given by the user, Program genera-
`tors are often used to simplify the task of creat~
`ing an application. See also /iGL, application
`77. A copy,
`program listing \pr6’gram li‘steng\
`usually on paper, of the source code of a program.
`Some compilers can generate program listings
`with line numbers, cross~references, and so on.
`72. The logic
`program logic \ program loj‘ik\
`behind the design and construction of a pro-
`gram—-——that is, the reasons it works the way it does.
`See also logic error.
`programmable \pr6—gram'o—bl‘\ aaf/'. Capable of
`accepting instructions for performing a task or an
`operation. Being programmable is a characteristic
`of computers.
`programmable function key \ pr<')—gram‘a—bl funk
`shon ké‘\ a. Any of several, sometimes unla-
`beled, keys on some third-party keyboards that
`allow the user to “play back” previously stored
`key combinations or sequences of keystrokes
`called macros. The same effect can be achieved
`standard keyboard and a keyboard
`with a
`enhancer, the latter of which intercepts the key»
`board codes and substitutes modified values; but
`function keys
`accomplish this
`without requiring RAM-resident software. Com~
`pare keyboard enhancer.
`programinable interrupt controller
`in’tar—upt kan—trE>‘lar\
`71. An Intel chip that
`requests CIRQS).
`machines use two programmable interrupt con-
`trollers to accommodate a maximum of 15 IRQS.
`The programmable interrupt controller has been
`replaced by the advanced programmable interrupt
`controller (APIC), which supports multiprocess-
`ing. Acronym: PIC (P‘I—C’). See also IBM AT, IRQ.
`programmable logic array \pi'o~gi‘aina—l3l
`77.. See field—programmable logic array.
`programmable logic: device \ pr6~gram‘9—bl l0j’—
`ik da—vis‘\
`71. A logic chip that is programmed by
`the customer rather than by the manufacturer. Like
`a gate array, a programmable logic device consists
`of a collection of logic gates; unlike a gate array, a
`programmable logic device need not have its pro~
`gramming completed as part of the manufacturing
`process. Acronym: PLD (P‘L—D’). See also logic
`chip. Compare gate array.
`prograimnable read~only rneinory \ prr')~gram‘-
`a—bl réd‘6n‘lé mem’ar—é\
`-17.. See PROM.

`program maintenance \p1‘c'>’g1‘an'1 man‘ta—n9ns\
`14. The process of supporting, debugging, and
`upgrading a program in response to feedback
`from individual or corporate users or the market-
`place in general.
`programmatic interface \pro—gr9-mat‘ik
`fas\ n. 1. A user interface dependent on user com~
`mands or on a special programming language, as
`contrasted with a graphical user interface. UNIX
`and MS—DOS have programmatic interfaces;
`Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows have
`graphical user interfaces. See also command-line
`interface, graphical user interface, iconic interface.
`2. The set of functions any operating system
`makes available to a programmer developing an
`application. See also application programming
`Programmed Inquiry, Learning or Teaching
`\pr6‘gramd in’kwar-e lafinéng or te’chéng\
`11. 1. An individual
`programmer \pr6’gram~ar\
`who writes and debugs computer programs.
`Depending on the size of the project and the work
`environment, a programmer might Work alone or
`as part of a team, be involved in part or all of the
`process from design through completion, or write
`all or a portion of the program. See also program.
`2. In hardware, a device used to program read-
`only memory chips. See also PROM, ROM (defini-
`tion 2).
`pr0gramme1"s switch \pr6’gram—arz swich‘\ n.
`A pair of buttons on Macintosh computers that
`enable the user to reboot the system or to enter a
`command—line interface at a low level of the oper-
`ating system. Originally, only programmers testing
`software were expected to need those functions,
`so early models of the Macintosh hid the buttons
`inside the cabinet and supplied a plastic clip that
`could be attached so that the programmer could
`push them. In many later models the buttons are
`built into the cabinet; the button to reboot the sys-
`tem is marked with a triangle pointing leftward,
`and the other button is marked with a circle.
`programming \pro’gram—éng\ n. The art and sci-
`ence of creating computer programs. Program—
`ming begins with knowledge of one or more
`programming languages, such as Basic, C, Pascal,
`or assembly language. Knowledge of a language
`alone does not make a good program. l\«luch more
`can be involved, such as €Xp€1'tlS€
`in the theory of
`algorithms, user interface design, and characteris-
`tics of hardware devices. Computers are rigorously
`logical machines, and programming requires a
`similarly logical approach to designing, writing
`(coding), testing, and debugging a program. Low-
`level languages, such as assembly language, also
`require familiarity with the capabilities of a micro-
`processor and the basic instructions built into it. in
`the modular approach advocated by many pro-
`grammers, a project is broken into smaller, more
`manageable modules——stand-alone
`units that can be designed, written,
`tested, and
`debugged separately before being incorporated
`into the larger program. See also algorithm, kludge
`(definition 2), modular design, object-oriented
`programming, spaghetti code, structured program-
`programining language \pro’gram—éng lang‘waj\
`72. Any artificial language that can be used to define
`a sequence of instructions that can ultimately be
`processed and executed by the computer. Defining
`what is or is not a programming language can be
`tricky, but general usage implies that the transla-
`tion process—from the source code expressed
`using the programming language to the machine
`code that the computer needs to work with——be
`automated by means of another program, such as
`a compiler. Thus, English and other natural lan»
`guages are ruled out, although some subsets of
`English are used and understood by some fourth-
`generation languages. See also 4GL, compiler (def~
`inition 2), natural language, program,
`Progranuning Language I \pr6‘gram—<':ng lang‘w;)j
`won’\ 71. See PL/I.
`program specification \ program spes-a-fa—k2T-
`sh9n\ 11. In software development, a statement of
`the goals and requirements of a project, as well as
`the relation of the project to other projects.
`program state \pro’gram stz1t‘\
`7’l. The condition
`of a program (stack contents, memory contents,
`instruction being executed) at a given moment.
`program statement \pr6’gram stat‘mont\ 17.. The
`statement defining the name, briefly describing the
`operation, and possibly giving other information
`about a program. Some languages, such as Pascal,
`have an explicit program statement; others do not,

`property sheet‘
`or they use other forms (such as the ma1'n(
`tion in C).
`) func-
`project \pra-jekt’\ 12. An operator in the relational
`algebra used in database management. Given rela-
`tion (table) A, the project operator builds a new
`relation containing only a specified set of attrib-
`utes (columns) of A.
`11. A
`Project Gutenberg \proj‘ekt g6f>’tan—barg\
`project that makes the texts of books that are in
`the public domain available over the Internet. The
`files for the books are in plain ASCII,
`to make
`them accessible to as many people as possible,
`Project Gutenberg, based at the University of Illi~
`nois at Urbana-Champaign, can be reached at
` via FTP or through the Web
`page http://www.promonet/pg/. See also ASCII.
`projection—joi11 normal form \ pro—jel<‘shan-join
`nor-mal form'\ 17. See normal form (definition 1).
`project life cycle \proj‘ekt
`sequence of preplanned stages for taking a project
`from beginning to end.
`project management \proj‘el<t man’9j—mant\
`The process of planning, monitoring, and control-
`ling the course and development of a particular
`for Programming in
`17.. Short
`Prolog \pr6’log\
`Logic. A language designed for logic program-
`ming. Prolog evolved during the 19705 in Europe
`(primarily France and Scotland), and the first Pro-
`log compiler was developed in 1972 by Philippe
`Roussel, at the University of Marseilles. The lan-
`guage has subsequently attained wide use in the
`field of artificial intelligence. Prolog is a compiled
`language that works with the logical relationship
`between pieces of data rather than mathematical
`relationships. See also artificial intelligence.
`PROM \ prom, P’rom, P‘R—O—l\/I’\ n. Acronym for
`programmable read—only memory. A type of read-
`only memory (ROM) that allows data to be written
`into the device with hardware called a PROM pro—
`grammer. After a PROM has been programmed, it
`is dedicated to that data, and it cannot be repro-
`grammed. See also EEPROM, EPROM, ROM (defi-
`nition 2).
`PROM blaster \prom’ bla‘star, P’rom, P‘R—O—M’\
`12. See PROM programmer.
`PROM blower \prom’ bl6‘ar, P’rom, P‘R—O—M‘\
`a. See PROM programmer.
`promiscuous-mode transfer \ pi‘a—1nis‘l<yc'5"o~as—
`mod‘ trans’far\ n. In network communications, at
`trans~fer of data in which a node accepts all pack-
`ets regardless of their destination address.
`PROMprogra1m11er \prom’ pr6‘gram—or, P’rom,
`11. A hardware device that records
`instructions or data on a PROM (programmable
`read—only memory) chip or an EPROM (erasable
`programmable readsonly memory)
`chip. Also
`called PROM blaster, PROM blower. See also
`71. 1. In command—driven sys-
`prompt \prompt\
`tems, one or more symbols that indicate where
`users are to enter commands. For instance, in MS-
`the prompt is generally a drive letter fol-
`lowed by a “greater than” symbol (C>). In UNIX,
`it is usually %, See also command—driven system,
`DOS prompt. 2. Displayed text indicating that a
`computer program is waiting for input from the
`72. An
`propagated error \prop‘.:->~ga—tad
`error used as input to another operation, thus pro-
`ducing another error.
`propagation \prop‘a—g5.’sh9n\
`71. Travel of a sig-
`nal, such as an Internet packet, from its source to
`one or more destinations. Propagation of mes-
`sages over different paths with different lengths
`can cause messages to appear at a user's computer
`with varying delivery times. See also propagation
`propagation delay \prop‘a~géi’shon
`The time needed by a communications signal to
`travel between two points;
`in satellite links, a
`noticeable delay of between one—quarter second
`and one—half second, caused by the signal travel~
`ing through space.
`property \prop’ar—té‘\ 72. In Windows 95, a char~
`acteristic or parameter of an object or device.
`Properties of a file, for example, include type, size,
`and creation date and can be identified by access-
`ing the file’s property sheet. See also property
`property sheet \prop’9r~té shét‘\ ’n. A type of
`dialog box in Windows 95, accessed by choosing
`Properties in the File menu or by right—clicking on
`an object and selecting Properties, that lists the
`attributes or settings of an object such as a file,
`application, or hardware device. A property sheet

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