`(12) United States Patent
`Fallon et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45; Date of Patent:
`US 8,880,862 B2
`‘’‘Nov. 4, 2014
`( "‘ )
`I11ve11tors: James J. Fallon. Armonk. NY (US):
`John Buck. Oceanside. NY (US); Paul
`F. Pickel, Betlipage, NY (US); Stephen
`J. Melirlain. New York. NY (US)
`Realtirne Data, LLC. Arrnouk, NY (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term olthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.(I. 15403) by 0 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`Appl. No; l3ll18,122
`May 27. 2011
`Prior Publication Data
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`s.~...- appiicaumiHi;it};E£{££{;{i£§{.§'.;L;i}ééi{'i{i§.Ii{}ga.
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`Priirrrrry E.\'cm:.='r1er
`Suresh Suryawanshi
`Sterne, Kessler. Goldstein
`(74) Arrrrrney. Agem‘, or 1'-"firm
`& l"ox P.l..l..(‘.
`Systems and rnetltods for providing accelerated loading of
`operating system and application programs upon system boot
`or application launch are disclosed. In one aspect. a method
`for providing accelerated loading of an eperatmg system
`comprises the steps of: maintaining a list ofboot data used for
`booting a computer system: preloading the boot data upon
`initialization of the computer system: and servicing requests
`for boot data from the computer system using the preloaded
`boot data. In another aspect, a method for providing acceler-
`ated launching ofan application program oomprises the steps
`of: inaiutaining a list ofapplication data associated with an
`application program; preloading the application data upon
`launching the application program: and servicing requests for
`application data from a computer system using the preloaded
`application data.
`11? Claims, .13 Drawing Sheets
`Z!"-_. _.l.._.
`j Rnoalnc‘-IIfl_3IlI‘tuu|
`l smeimeeam !
` &S
`APPLE 1001
`APPLE 1001

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