`United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`Apr. 29, 1997
`[451 Date of Patent:
`Dysart et a1.
`Inventors: John A. Dysart. Santa Clara; Peter S.
`Showman. Copertino; William M.
`Crow. San lose. all of Calif.; Peter M.
`Williams. Gloucestetshire. England;
`Brian W. McBride. Wokingham.
`England; John R. F. Senior. Thornbury.
`England; Charles H. Whelan.
`Placerville. Calif.; Brian Murdoch.
`Berkshire. England
`[73] Assignee: Hewlett-Packard Company. Palo Alto.
`[21] Appl. No; 231,861
`{22] Filed:
`Apr. 22, 1994
`Related US. Application Data
`[63] Continuation of Ser. No. 905,172, Jun. 24, 1992, abandoned,
`which is a continuation of Ser. No. 521,856, May 7. 1990,
`abandoned, which is a division ofSer. No. 186,516, Apr. 25,
`1988, Pat. No. 4,953,030.
`.................. GM 11130
`Int. C1.6
`[52] use]. ..................................... 39S1614;3641DIG.1;
`[53] Field of Search ................................... 3951650.700,
`3951600. 153. 157
`References Cited
`111987 Coleby et al. .
`511987 Hernandez et a].
`611987 Barker et a1.
`411988 Barker et a1.
`4,775,932 1011988 Oxley et al. .
`4,792,937 1211983 Picard.
`31.1989 Barker et al.
`911989 Patton et al.
`211990 Beardetal. .. 3451156
`4,962,475 1011990 Hernandez et al.
`1111990 Stefik et a1. .. 3951153
`411991 3131 et a1.
`.............. 3951159
`5,072,412 1211991 Henderson, Jr. et a1.
`811992 Courts.
`Lewis et 31.. “Shared Books: Collaborative Publication
`for an Office Information System”. Mar.
`23—25. 1983. ACM Conference on Qfiice Information Sys-
`tems, pp. 197—204.
`Smith et al.. “Designing the Star User Interface". Byte, Apr.
`1982. pp. 242—282.
`Henderson. Jr. et 31.. “Rooms: The Use of Multiple Virtual
`to Reduce
`Space Contention
`Window—Based Graphical User Interface”. ACM Transac-
`tions on Graphics, vol. 5. No. 3. Jul. 1986. pp. 211—243.
`Larry Tester. “The Smalltalk Environment.” Byte, Aug.
`1981. pp. 90—147.
`Kim et al.. “Composite Object Support in an Object—Ori-
`ented Database System”. OOPSLA ’8? Proceedings, Oct.
`4—8. 1987. pp. 118—125.
`(List continued on next page.)
`Primary Examiner—William M. Treat
`A method in a computer system provides for the establish-
`ment of a link between two object data structures. the link
`specifying shared data. A first user command specifies the
`shared data and specifies a first object data structure as
`source of the shared data. A second user command specifies
`a second object data structure with which the data will be
`shared. The first user command may be accomplished by a
`user highlighting the shared data and selecting a share
`command. As a result a link is constructed which includes a
`reference to the shared data. a first object data structure,
`which is the source of the shared data and a clipboard object
`The second user command may be accomplished by a user
`selecting on the computer display an area within a first
`window controlled by the second object and then selecting
`a paste command. The first object then may display the
`shared data in the area in the first window.
`46 Claims, 83 Drawing Sheets
`-/ \-
`‘ oaJect
`Apple v. Realtime
`Proceeding No. |PR2016-01737
`APPLE 1032
`Apple v. Realtime
`Proceeding No. IPR2016-01737
`APPLE 1032


`Page 2
`Norman Meyrowitz. “Intermedia: The Architecth'e and
`Construction of an 0bject~0riented Hypennedia System
`and Applications Framewor ” OOPSIA ’86 Proceedings,
`Sep. 29—Oct. 2. 1986. pp. 186-201.
`Gregg Foster. Collaborative Systems and Mulfiuser Inter-
`faces, Computer Science Division. Univ. of California at
`Berkeley. 1986.
`Xaox Corporation. VP Series Reference Library. Version
`1.0. 1985. pp. 1—60.
`Interleaf. Ina, Technical Publishing Software. Reference
`Manual. vol. 1. 1986. pp. iii—v. 15—1 through 16—19.
`Jazz Handbook. Lotus Development Corporation" 1985. pp.
`Mohammad A. Ketabchi et 31.. “Implementation of Persis—
`tent MuIti—User Object—Oriented Systems”. Digest of
`Papers. COMPCON. Spring 87. pp. 44—49.
`LC. Huskamp. “A Modular Operating System for the
`CRAY—l". Software Practice & Experience. vol. 16. No. 12.
`Dec. 1986. pp. 1059—1076.
`SveIre Sena—Sandbag. “PLUTO. a Data Base Management
`System”. Eriesson Technics. vol. 26. No. 3. 1970. pp.
`Ishikawa et a1.. "I'he Design of an Object—Oriented Archi~
`tecture”. 11th Annual International Sympositn’n on Corn-
`pnter Architecture. 1984. pp. 178—187.
`European Search Report for Application Number EP 89 10


`US. Patent
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