Godmar Back
`Department of Computer Science
`Virginia Tech
`Blacksburg, VA 24060
`Phone: (540) 231-3046 work
`PhD Computer Science, University of Utah
`Cumulative GPA 3.96
`1994 to 2002
`Dissertation Topic: “Isolation, Resource Management and Sharing in the KaffeOS Java
`Runtime System.” (2003 ACM SIGPLAN Doctoral Dissertation Award)
`Study of Computer Science, Technical University of Berlin
`Study of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vordiplom,
`Humboldt University of Berlin
`1992 to 1994
`1989 to 1992
`Associate Professor
`Assistant Professor
`Virginia Polytechnic and State University, Department of Computer Science
`2010 to present
`2004 to 2010
`Current research interests include: operating and runtime systems, virtualization, software
`engineering, software visualization, web technology, cloud-based systems, high-performance
`computing, domain-specific languages, and library technology.
`Postdoctoral Scholar
`Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
`2001 to 2004
`Research on static analysis tools for systems: developed MJ system for checking properties
`and implementing bug-finding analyses in Java code.
`Design and implementation of DataScript, an input description language that supports code
`generation. Published in GPCE’02.
`Research Assistant
`University of Utah, Computer Systems Laboratory
`1995 to 2001
`Dissertation research on runtime systems that support multiple applications. Published in
`OSDI’00, Usenix’00, and HotOS’99.
`Research on component-based operating systems (OSKit) and microkernel systems (Fluke).
`Published in OSDI’96 and SOSP’97. This research was supported in part by the Defense
`Advanced Research Projects Agency..
`Associate Professor
`Assistant Professor
`Virginia Polytechnic and State University
`2010 to present
`2004 to 2010
`Fall 2016: taught undergraduate course CS3984, “Cloud Software Engineering.”
`Spring 2013, 2015, 2017: taught undergraduate course CS4284, “Systems and Networking
`Fall 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016: taught undergraduate ACM ICPC programming team class.
`Spring 2011, 2014: taught graduate course CS6204, “Execution Environments for Cloud
`Applications.” Developed course material for this class.
`Spring 2010: taught undergraduate course CS1114, “Introduction to Software Design.”
`Realtime 2009
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`Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Fall 2014, Spring 2016: taught undergraduate
`course CS3214, “Computer Systems.” Developed project software and course material for
`this class.
`Fall 2004, 2005, 2007, 2012, 2013, 2015: taught graduate course CS5204, “Operating
`Systems.” Developed course material for this class.
`Spring 2005, 2006, 2009, 2012: taught graduate course CS5565, “Network Architectures
`and Protocols.” Developed project software and course materials for this class.
`Spring 2006, Fall 2006, Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Fall 2008: taught undergraduate course
`CS3204, “Operating Systems.” Developed course material and lecture notes for this class.
`Spring 2007: taught graduate course CS6304, “Advanced Topics in Program Analysis.”
`Developed course material for this class.
`Frequent guest lectures in CS2204, CS4414, CS6604, CS5984, CS3214, ECE2574.
`Stanford University
`2002 to 2003
`Taught systems elective CS143, “Introduction to Compilers.” Designed projects and course
`materials for class.
`Guest lecturer in CS240, “Advanced Operating Systems.”
`Teaching Assistant
`University of Utah, Department of Computer Science
`1994 to 1995
`Helped teach senior-level undergraduate/entry-level graduate courses: operating systems,
`networking, and compilers. Developed and graded assignments and course projects for stu-
`Guest lecturer in CS3510 “Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures.”
`Compaq Western Research Laboratory, Palo Alto
`Summer 1999
`Research on Java virtual machines running on low-power devices. Published in SIGMET-
`Konrad-Zuse-Institut in Berlin, Germany
`Summer 1994
`Research on parallel programming models for branch-and-cut algorithms on the Cray T3D.
`Mummert+Partner Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Berlin, Germany
`1991 to 1994
`Developed client/server software with SAP R/3, Oracle, AIX. Administered Internet site.
`Ruslan Nikolaev, 2013
`Mehmet Belgin, 2010
`Shahrooz Feizabadi, 2006
`Xiaozhong Pan, 2015
`Sushrut Shirole, 2014
`Sony Vijay, 2013
`Brian McDaniel, 2012
`Brian Nicholson, 2011
`Amarjyoti Deka, 2010
`Jaishankar Sundararaman, 2008
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`Tilottama Gaat, 2008
`Nathan Baker, 2007
`Abhijit Deodhar, 2007
`Vijay Kumar Muthukumaraswamy Sivakumar, 2007
`Prasad Gopal, 2006
`Veena Basavaraj, 2006
`[1] Annette Bailey and Godmar Back. Streamlining access to library resources with LibX. In
`Edward Iglesias, editor, Robots in Academic Libraries: Advancements in Library Automation,
`Advances in Library and Information Science (ALIS) Book Series, pages 62–90. IGI Global,
`April 2013.
`[2] Godmar Back and Annette Bailey. Tools and technologies: Visualizing research activity in
`the discovery layer in real-time. In Lauren Magnuson, editor, Data Visualization: A Guide to
`Visual Storytelling for Librarians, pages 45–65. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD, 2016.
`[1] Godmar Back and Wilson C. Hsieh. The KaffeOS Java runtime system. ACM Transactions
`on Programming Languages and Systems, 27(4):583–630, July 2005.
`[2] Annette Bailey and Godmar Back. LibX - a firefox extension for enhanced library access.
`Library Hi Tech, 24(2):290–304, 2006.
`[3] Annette Bailey and Godmar Back. Retrieving known items with LibX. The Serials Librarian,
`53(4):125–140, 2007.
`[4] Shahrooz Feizabadi and Godmar Back. Garbage collection-aware utility accrual schedul-
`ing. Real-Time Systems, 36(1-2):3–22, 2007.
`[5] Krishnaraj Varma, Hima B. Damecharla, Amy E. Bell, Joan E. Carletta, and Godmar Back. A
`fast JPEG2000 encoder that preserves coding efficiency: The split arithmetic encoder. IEEE
`Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, 55(11):3711–3722, December 2008.
`[6] Godmar Back and Annette Bailey. Web services and widgets for library information sys-
`tems. Information Technologies and Libraries, 29(2):76–86, June 2010.
`[7] Mehmet Belgin, Godmar Back, and Calvin J. Ribbens. Operation stacking for ensemble
`computations with variable convergence. International Journal of High Performance Comput-
`ing Applications, 24(2):194–212, 2010.
`[8] Mehmet Belgin, Godmar Back, and Calvin J. Ribbens. A library for pattern-based sparse
`matrix vector multiply. International Journal of Parallel Programming, 39(1):62–87, 2011.
`[9] Godmar Back and Annette Bailey. Hacking Summon 2.0 the elegant way. code4lib Journal,
`(26), October 2014.
`[1] Bryan Ford, Mike Hibler, Jay Lepreau, Patrick Tullmann, Godmar Back, and Stephen
`Clawson. Microkernels meet recursive virtual machines. In Proceedings of the Second Sym-
`posium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), pages 137–151, Seattle, WA,
`October 1996. USENIX Association.
`[2] Bryan Ford, Godmar Back, Greg Benson, Jay Lepreau, Albert Lin, and Olin Shivers. The
`In Proceedings of the 16th ACM
`Flux OSKit: A substrate for OS and language research.
`Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), pages 38–51, St. Malo, France, October
`[3] Godmar Back, Wilson C. Hsieh, and Jay Lepreau. Processes in KaffeOS: Isolation, resource
`In Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Operating
`management, and sharing in Java.
`Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), pages 333–346, San Diego, CA, October 2000.
`USENIX Association.
`[4] Godmar Back, Patrick Tullmann, Leigh Stoller, Wilson C. Hsieh, and Jay Lepreau. Tech-
`niques for the design of java operating systems. In Proceedings of the USENIX 2000 Annual
`Technical Conference, pages 197–210, San Diego, CA, June 2000. USENIX Association.
`[5] Keith Farkas, Jason Flinn, Godmar Back, Dirk Grunwald, and Jennifer Anderson. Quan-
`tifying the energy consumption of a pocket computer and a java virtual machine. In Pro-
`ceedings of SIGMETRICS ’00, pages 252–263, Santa Clara, CA, June 2000.
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`[6] Wilson C. Hsieh, Dawson R. Engler, and Godmar Back. Reverse-engineering instruction
`encodings. In Proceedings of the USENIX 2001 Annual Technical Conference, pages 133–146,
`Boston, MA, June 2001. USENIX Association.
`[7] Godmar Back. Datascript - a specification and scripting language for binary data.
`Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering
`Proceedings (GPCE 2002), published as LNCS 2487, pages 66–77, Pittsburgh, PA, October
`2002. ACM.
`[8] Shahrooz Feizabadi and Godmar Back. Automatic memory management in utility ac-
`crual scheduling environments. In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on
`Object and component-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC 2006), pages 11–19,
`Gyeongju, South Korea, April 2006. IEEE.
`[9] Ted Kremenek, Paul Twohey, Godmar Back, Dawson Engler, and Andrew Ng. From un-
`In accepted to Seventh Symposium
`certainty to belief: Inferring the specification within.
`on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI ’06), pages 161–176, Seattle, WA,
`November 2006. USENIX Association.
`[10] Mehmet Belgin, Calvin J. Ribbens, and Godmar Back. An operation stacking framework
`In ICS ’07: Proceedings of the 21st annual international
`for large ensemble computations.
`conference on Supercomputing, pages 83–92, Seattle, Washington, 2007. ACM Press.
`[11] Jaishankar Sundararaman and Godmar Back. HDPV: interactive, faithful, in-vivo runtime
`state visualization for C/C++ and Java. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM Symposium on Soft-
`ware Visualization (SoftVis’08), pages 47–56, Ammersee, Germany, September 2008. ACM
`[12] Eli Tilevich and Godmar Back. Program, enhance thyself! demand-driven pattern-
`oriented program enhancement. In AOSD ’08: Proceedings of the Seventh International Con-
`ference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, pages 13–25, Brussels, Belgium, April 2008.
`ACM Press.
`[13] Mehmet Belgin, Godmar Back, and Calvin J. Ribbens. Pattern-based sparse matrix repre-
`sentation for memory-efficient smvm kernels. In ICS ’09: Proceedings of the 23rd interna-
`tional conference on Supercomputing, pages 100–109, New York, NY, USA, 2009. ACM.
`[14] Ben Pfaff, Anthony Romano, and Godmar Back. The Pintos instructional operating system
`kernel. In Proceedings of the 40th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
`(SIGCSE 2009), pages 453–457, Chattanooga, TN, March 2009.
`[15] Mehmet Belgin, Godmar Back, and Calvin J. Ribbens. Applicability of pattern-based
`sparse matrix representation for real applications. In Proceedings of International Conference
`on Computational Science, ICCS 2010, pages 203–211. Elsevier, Procedia Computer Science,
`[16] Evan K. Maxwell, Godmar Back, and Naren Ramakrishnan. Diagnosing memory leaks
`using graph mining on heap dumps. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGKDD international
`conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, KDD ’10, pages 115–124, New York, NY,
`USA, 2010. ACM.
`[17] Ruslan Nikolaev and Godmar Back. Perfctr-Xen: a framework for performance counter
`virtualization. In Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on
`Virtual Execution Environments, VEE ’11, pages 15–26, New York, NY, USA, 2011. ACM.
`[18] Brian McDaniel and Godmar Back. The cloudbrowser web application framework.
`Proceedings of the 3rd annual conference on Systems, programming, and applications: software for
`humanity (Wavefront Track), SPLASH ’12, pages 141–156, New York, NY, USA, 2012. ACM.
`[19] Ruslan Nikolaev and Godmar Back. Virtuos: an operating system with kernel virtualiza-
`tion. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles,
`SOSP ’13, pages 116–132, New York, NY, USA, 2013. ACM.
`[20] Hung-Ching Change, Bo Li, Godmar Back, Ali R. Butt, and Kirk W. Cameron. LUC: Limit-
`ing the unintended consequences of power scaling on parallel transaction-oriented work-
`loads. In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS
`’15, pages 324–333. IEEE, May 2015.
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`[21] Xiaozhong Pan and Godmar Back. Rich cloud-based web applications with cloudbrowser
`2.0. In Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC ’16, pages
`758–765. acm, April 2016. Best Paper Award.
`[1] Patrick Tullmann, Jeff Turner, John McCorquodale, Jay Lepreau, Ajay Chitturi, and God-
`mar Back. Formal methods: A practical tool for OS implementors. In Proceedings of the
`Sixth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HOTOS), pages 20–25, Cape Cod, MA,
`May 1997. IEEE Computer Society.
`In Proceedings of the
`[2] Godmar Back and Wilson C. Hsieh. Drawing the red line in java.
`Seventh Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HOTOS), pages 116–121, Rio Rico,
`Arizona, March 1999. IEEE Computer Society.
`[3] Shahrooz Feizabadi and Godmar Back. Java garbage collection scheduling in utility ac-
`crual scheduling environments. In The 3rd Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and
`Embedded Systems, OOPSLA 2005. ACM, October 2005.
`[4] Craig Bergstrom, Srinidhi Varadarajan, and Godmar Back. The distributed open network
`emulator: Using relativistic time for distributed scalable simulation. In Proceedings of the
`20th Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, pages 19–28, Singapore,
`May 2006. IEEE Computer Society.
`[5] Godmar Back and Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos. Application-specific system customization
`on many-core platforms: The VT-ASOS framework. In STMCS: Second Workshop on Soft-
`ware Tools for Multi-Core Systems (STMCS), San Jose, CA, March 2007.
`[6] Godmar Back and Annette Bailey.
`Increasing the visibility of web-based information
`In Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint
`retrieval systems via client-side mash-ups.
`Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL’08), page 418, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2008. ACM Press.
`[7] Mehmet Belgin, Godmar Back, and Calvin J. Ribbens. Pattern-based code generation for
`smvm kernels. Poster at Supercomputing 2008 (SC’08), November 2008.
`[8] Ganesh C.N., Jaishankar Sundararaman, Ali R. Butt, and Godmar Back. Replaycache:
`Exploiting similarities for predicting the future. Poster at 6th USENIX Conference on File
`and Storage Technologies (FAST 2008), February 2008.
`[9] Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos, Godmar Back, Jyotirmaya Tripathi, and Matthew Curtis-
`Maury. Vt-asos: Holistic system software customization for many cores. In NSF NGS’08:
`Workshop on Next Generation Software, Miami, Fl, April 2008.
`[10] Amarjyoti Deka and Godmar Back. Fine-grained isolation in web browsers using script
`spaces. Poster at Usenix WebApps 2010 (WebApps’10), June 2010.
`[11] Michael Woods, Godmar Back, and Stephen Edwards. An infrastructure for teaching cs1
`in the cloud. In ASEE Southeast Section Annual Conference, 2010.
`Winner of 2007 ALA/LITA Brett Butler Entrepreneurship Award for LibX.
`Winner of 2003 ACM SIGPLAN Doctoral Dissertation Award.
`Travel scholarship awards from Usenix, ACM, and IEEE for various conferences: SOSP 1997,
`HotOS 1999, OSDI 1999, Usenix 2000, OSDI 2000.
`Member of team that won 1995 Regional Annual ACM Programming Contest in the Mountain
`Program Committee Member, SPLASH/Wavefront 2013, Indianapolis, IN.
`Program Committee Member, International Workshop on Programming Support Innovations
`for Emerging Distributed Applications (PSI EtA - ## 2010)
`Program Committee Member, ICPP 2008, Portland, OR.
`Program Co-Chair for the Operating Systems track at ICCD 2005, San Jose, CA.
`Realtime 2009
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`External reviewer for Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2014, 2015 Journal of
`STEM Education 2013, NSF 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 IEEE Transactions on Parallel and
`Distributed Systems 2010, 2014, Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 2012,
`2015, IEEE Computer 2009, ASEE Southeast conference 2009, Proceedings of the IEEE 2008,
`ACM Transactions on Programming Languages 2008, Journal of the ACM 2007, 2009 Software
`Practice and Experience 2007, IET Software 2006-2007, Transactions on Information Systems
`(TOIS) in 2006-2007, USENIX’06, Journal of Systems and Software (2006), ICCD’05, USENIX’04,
`SOSP’03, OSDI’02, PACT’02, ECOOP’01, OSDI’96, EUROPAR’95, and Informatik Forum Jour-
`nal 2002.
`Realtime 2009
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