`Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics
`America, Inc., and LG Electronics, Inc.
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG.,
`Patent Owner
`U.S. Patent No. 9,189,437
`Patent Owner Papst’s Demonstratives
`Hearing Date: November 1, 2017
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 1


`• Petitioners Fail To Meet Their Burden To Establish Unpatentability
`Independent Claims 1, 39, 41, 43
`• Automatic File Transfer Process
`• “without requiring any user-loaded file transfer enabling
`software to be loaded on or installed in the computer at any
`time” (Claim 1)
`• “using customary device driver present in the BIOS” (Claim
`• “by a hard disk driver program which is matched to the
`host computer and part of a manufacturer installed BIOS of
`the host computer.” (Dependent Claim 8)
`• A/D converter “configured to acquire analog data from each
`respective analog acquisition channel” (Claim 39)
`• A/D converter “configured to simultaneously acquire analog
`data from each respective analog source” (Claim 41)
`• Testimony of Expert Gafford not disputed
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 2


`Automatic File Transfer Process . . .without
`requiring any user-loaded file transfer enabling
`software to be. . .installed in the computer at any
`time” (Claim 1)
`• Petition never addresses Aytac’s specialized software (Pet. at 43-44)
`• Petitioners’ Reply arguments:
`• CATSYNC’s synchronization and cache clearing functions are not
`explicitly claimed, therefore CATSYNC’s presence on host computer is
`irrelevant (Reply at 4)
`• CATSYNC not required to transfer a file (Reply at 13-14)
`• Papst’s Response:
`• CATSYNC’s functions enable transfer of the correct file requested
`(Response at 48-54)
`• CATCAS needed for enabling acquisition and transfer of faxes
`(Response at 45-47, 60; Ex. 2006 at ¶ 43)
`• CATSYNC is required for file transfer- Aytac discloses CATSYNC is used
`every single time a file is transferred (Response at 40-41, 60)
`• To meet negative limitations, Aytac must be modified to remove
`CATSYNC (Response at 45-47)
`• CaTbox would be inoperable without CATSYNC – CATSYNC is file
`transfer enabling software (Response at 48-54)
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex., 2012 p. 3


`The ‘437 Patent Teaches a Device That Does
`Not Rely on Specialized Software
`“The user is no longer responsible for installing the interface device 10 on the host device by
`means of specific drivers which must also be loaded; instead the interface device 10 is
`automatically readied for operation when the host system is booted”
`(‘437 patent at 7:22-26, Response at 30)
`“The interface device according to the present invention therefore no longer communicates
`with the host device or computer by means of a specially designed driver but the means of a
`program which is present in the BIOS system ...”
`(‘437 patent at 4:23-27; Response at 43)
`“Using a standard interface of a host device, the interface device according to the present
`invention permits communication with any host device. By simulating an input/output device
`to the host device and, in a preferred embodiment, by simulating a virtual mass storage
`device, the interface device is automatically supported by all known host systems without any
`additional sophisticated driver software.”
`(‘437 patent at 11:38-44; ‘144 Response at 44)
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 4


`Automatic File Transfer Process
`“wherein the processor is further adapted
`to be involved in an automatic file
`transfer process in which, when the i/o
`is operatively interfaced with the
`multi-purpose interface of the computer,
`and after the at least one parameter has
`been sent from the i/o port to the multi-
`purpose interface of the computer,
`processor executes at
`least one other
`instruction set stored in the program
`memory to thereby cause the at least one
`file of digitized analog data acquired from
`least one of the plurality of analog
`acquisition channels to be transferred to
`the computer using the customary device
`driver for the digital storage device while
`causing the analog data generating and
`processing device
`to appear
`to the
`computer as if it were the digital storage
`device without requiring any user-loaded
`file transfer enabling software to be
`loaded on or installed in the computer at
`any time..”
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 5


`Automatic File Transfer Process
`Board Construction
`requiring any user-loaded file transfer
`enabling software to be loaded”:
`“without requiring the end user to
`install or
`load specific drivers or
`software beyond that included in the
`operating system, BIOS, or drivers
`for a multi-purpose interface or SCSI
`(Decision at 12)
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 6


`“End User”
`• Automatic File Transfer Process limitations each employ “user” rather than “end
`user” (‘437 Patent at 12:40-43, 15:54-57, 16:36-39, 17:7-10)
`• The Tasler patents use “user” and “end user” interchangeably, even within the
`claims. (Response at 30; See Claim 1, 12:17-20, 12:40-43, Dependent claims 17,
`• No Dispute that CATSYNC would be installed by a user or end user. (See
`• Petitioners submit construction of “end user” is irrelevant. (Reply at 4)
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 7


`The ‘081 Aytac Patent
`Aytac discloses a multitasking communications device
`single site for
`CaTbox is “the open, programmable,
`processing for the answering machine, fax machine, copier,
`and telephone. This invention takes out the processing core
`from each one of these gadgets and gives the tasks to a single
`is the CaTbox. It builds a
`central processing unit
`multitasking operating system . . .”
`(‘081 at 5:9–14; Response at 36-37)
`As a standalone unit, CaTbox implements the following
`a. print files found in a spool directory and pointed to in a
`b. receive faxes and print them or store them on CaTdisc
`c. send faxes driven by keypad
`d. receive voice mail and store them on CaTdisc
`e. play voice mail back driven by keypad
`f. copy from scanner to printer
`g. other functions that may be programmed such as email
`retrieval, faxback and data modem based TCP/IP/PPP node,
`dial a phone number.
`(‘081 at 8:7-19; Response at 37)
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 8


`The ‘081 Aytac Patent
`“[i]n tandem with [ASPIDISK.SYS], a virtual device driver called CATSYNC.VXD 523 implements the
`synchronization between the operating system of PC 101 and that of CaTbox 102 that access the same CaTdisc 301.”
`(‘081 at 10:58–63; Response at 38-39)
`“CATCAS.EXE 524 implements the remote CAS modem function.”
`(‘081 at 11:6–37; Response at 39)
`CATSER.VXD is a virtual device driver program that “implements the remote modem (CaTmodem) function.”
`(‘081 at 11:38-40; Response at 39)
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 9


`Aytac’s Specialized Software
`39. Each
`specifically created for operation of the CaTbox. (Id. at
`10:52–11:64.) These drivers would have to be loaded by an
`end user because they are specific to the CaTbox, were
`developed by the inventor Aytac, and were not customary
`drivers that were typically present on most computers at the
`time of the invention of the ’437 patent. For example,
`CATSYNC.VXD is a program written by the inventor of the
`Aytac patent and is included in the source code submitted
`with the Aytac patent application. (See, e.g., Ex. 1006 at 77,
`(Ex. 2006, ¶ 39)
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 10


`CATSYNC.VXD Used In Every File Transfer
`CATSYNC.VXD 523 hooks the File I/O calls
`from the PC operating system (in this case
`Windows 95 520) and replaces the original call
`with the following:
`if File I/O for CaTdisc
`notify CaTdisc of beginning of File
`I/O receive acknowledgment
`flush File I/O caches for CaTdisc
`make the intended File I/O call
`notify CaTdisc of end of File I/O
`(Ex. 1004 at 10:67-11:5; Response at 39-40)
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 11


`CATSYNC.VXD Used In Every File Transfer
`Dr. Reynolds confirmed that CATSYNC.VXD is user-loaded, CaTbox specific
`software used in every single file input or output call (Ex. 2007 at 107:24-108:8;
`Ex. 2008 at 39:9-17; Response at 40-41)
`9 Would you agree that the CATSYNC driver is
`10 involved in file I/O calls from the PC to the
`11 A. Yes. It can be described as being involved in
`12 file transfers between the PC and the CaTdisc.
`13 Q. Would it be involved in every file I/O call
`14 from the PC to the CaTdisc?
`15 A. I believe you can say that from the words in
`16 Aytac at the bottom of Column 10.
`CATSYNC.VXD hooks the
`17 file I/O calls from the PC operating system.
`(Ex. 2008 at 39:9-17.)
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 12


`Aytac’s Specialized Software Is Required
`Dr. Reynolds confirmed necessity of CATSYNC and CATCAS at deposition
`5 Q. But what would Aytac say about his
`6 invention? I'm not interested in what Aytac would
`7 say about Tasler. I'm interested in what Aytac is
`8 saying to the person reading this patent.
`9 A. If the objective is to achieve all of the
`10 other things that Aytac is attempting to achieve in
`11 this embodiment, then he would not say they were
`12 superfluous, but that's not really the question
`13 here.
`14 Q. That's the question I'm asking. He says
`15 things like "We need to make sure that these calls
`16 do not corrupt local calls to CaTdisc"; is that
`17 correct?
`18 A. He says that, yes.
`19 Q. So based on that, would you understand him
`20 saying that a user who uses the CaTbox should
`21 install CATCAS and CaTsync to avoid corrupting
`22 local calls to the CaTdisc?
`23 A. If the user is attempting to accomplish
`24 all of the things in Aytac that go above and beyond
`25 simple reads and writes to the CaTdisc, yes.
`(Ex. 2007 at 96:5–25; Response at 50-51 (emphasis added))
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 13


`CATCAS Required to Acquire And Transfer
`Fax Files
`• For Automatic File Transfer Process, Petitioner relies on disclosure of
`acquisition and transfer of a fax file (Pet. at 43-44)
`• Dr. Reynolds cites Aytac’s teaching of CATCAS.EXE, which enables the
`host PC to receive faxes (Ex. 1001 at ¶ 110, citing Ex. 1004 11:25-27;
`Response at 45-47; Ex. 2006 at ¶ 43)
`• CATCAS is user-loaded file transfer enabling software (Response at 45-47;
`Ex. 2006 at ¶ 43)
`• Reply: “CATCAS used only in fax embodiment” (Reply at 16)
`• But see Pet. at 30, relying on receipt of fax by CaTbox modem as evidence
`of claimed data generation process.
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 14


`CATSYNC and CATCAS Prevent Corruption to
`Enable File Transfer
`“To view a fax, a Windows
`program also makes a file read call . . .
`We need to make sure that these calls
`do not corrupt local calls to CaTdisc.
`For example, while a fax is being sent
`from 30 PC, an incoming call may be
`in the process of being recorded on
`(Ex. 1004 at 11:25–37; Response at 48, 49, 60; Ex. 2006 ¶¶ 43-46)
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 15


`Petitioners’ Reliability Argument
`• Petitioners: Claims do not require reliable transfer of files/data, just
`ability to transfer one file/data (Reply at 5)
`• Papst does not argue that Aytac’s disclosed system is unreliable,
`distinguishing Geo. M Martin Co. v. All. Mach. Sys. Int’l (Reply at
`• Reliability only a concern if Aytac were modified to remove
`CATSYNC. (Response at 48-54)
`• CATSYNC is user-loaded file transfer enabling software
`(Response at 38-42, 48-54, 60)
`• Petitioners did not contest that file transfer could fail without
`CATSYNC or that CATSYNC required to prevent corruption
`of disk. (Reply at 6)
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 16


`Gafford’s Testimony Regarding
`CATSYNC.VXD Is Undisputed
`evidences both
`“43. The CATSYNC.VXD pseudo-code
`CATSYNC.VXD’s stated synchronization function, as well as a cache disabling
`function. Regarding synchronization, a person of ordinary skill would know that
`only one processor at a time can be allowed to modify one storage medium such as
`a disc. If CATSYNC.VXD were not installed in the host computer, the CaTbox
`device would be inoperable due to unreliability arising from lack of synchronization
`of two processors accessing the same disc, i.e., CaTdisc.”
`(Ex. 2006 at ¶ 43)
`Gafford: “46. A POSITA also understands that a cache cannot be maintained in the
`host computer for files resident on the CaTdisc because they may change due to
`activity in the CaTbox independently of accesses from the host PC, thus creating a
`difference between the data in the cache and the data on the CaTdisc and resulting
`in errors in operation of the user’s host PC programs that depend on accurate data
`being retrieved from the various media connected via the CaTbox.”
`(Ex. 2006 at ¶46)
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 17


`Not Obvious To Remove CATSYNC From Host
`• Dr. Reynold’s sole declaration statements regarding CATSYNC
`conclusory, unsupported by Aytac’s teachings, insufficient to show it
`would have been obvious to remove CATSYNC from host computer.
`(Ex. 1001 at ¶ 101; Response at 51-53.)
`• Gafford explains undisputed technical reasons why Dr. Reynolds’
`opinion is incorrect, including inability to achieve cache clearing
`function and introduction of timeout errors, resulting in inoperable
`system. (Ex. 2006 at ¶¶ 60-70.)
`Petitioners assert they never argued for modification to remove
`CATSYNC. (Reply at 20.)
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 18


`Not Obvious To Remove CATSYNC From Host
`Modification to remove CATSYNC would render CaTbox inoperable for its
`intended purpose: multitasking
`( Response at 48-53)
`61. A number of errors could occur if the CATSYNC.VXD
`driver were not
`including data corruption or
`incorrect data being read or written from the CaTdisc.
`Further, a host computer’s requests to read files from the
`CaTdisc would not work reliably if CATSYNC.VXD were
`not installed on the host computer. Because both the host PC
`processor and the CatBox processor may access the CaTdisk
`hard drive, and only one processor may access the CaTdisk at
`one time, CATSYNC.VXD is implemented to synchronize the
`two processors’ access of the CaTdisk to avoid conflicts.
`CATSYNC.VXD also ensures that the host PC acquires the
`requested file from the CaTbox, rather than a cached version
`of the file stored on the host PC. If CATSYNC.VXD were not
`installed, the CaTbox would not reliably respond to requests
`from the host PC to transfer files. Thus, CATSYNC.VXD is
`necessary and required to properly read files from the
`(Ex. 2006 at ¶ 61)
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 19


`“Using customary device driver present in the BIOS”
`(Claim 41) and “a hard disk driver program . . Part of a
`manufacturer installed BIOS” (Claim 8)
`• Aytac uses ASPIDISK driver, in tandem CATSYNC to retrieve files from
`CaTdisc. (Ex. 1004 at 10:58-62.)
`• A POSITA would understand that ASPIDISK not present in BIOS, and a driver
`in the BIOS would not be used to transfer data. (Ex. 2006 at ¶75)
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 20


`A/D converter “configured to simultaneously acquire
`analog data from each respective analog source” (Claim
`“configured to acquire analog data from each respective
`analog acquisition channel” (Claim 39)
`• Petitioners: this limitation satisfied because “each analog signal would need to
`be digitized.” (Pet. at 68, 69)
`• Fails to show Aytac discloses an A/D converter that acquires analog data
`from each of a plurality of analog sources. (Response at 57-59.)
`• Dr. Reynolds confirmed Aytac does not disclose a single A/D converter that
`converts analog data from the microphone and scanner. (Ex. 2008 at 47:16-
`• Each modem disclosed in Aytac would not use the same A/D converter.
`(Response at 59; Ex. 2006 at ¶ 74.)
`• SCSI irrelevant to analog data acquisition from multiple analog sources, SCSI
`transfers digital data. (Decision at 23-24; Response at 58; Ex. 2006 at ¶ 73.)
`Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG’s Patent Owner Demonstratives – Ex. 2012, p. 21

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