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`ISBN: 978-0-544-16553-3 (hardcover with CD-ROM)
`Visit our website: www.hmhco.com
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Webster's New world college dictionary f Editors of Webster's New World
`College Dictionaries.-Fifth Edition.
`pages em
`ISBN 978-0-544-16606-6 (hardback) -ISBN 978-0-544-16553-3 (hardcover with cd-rom)
`1. English language-Dictionaries. I. Title: New world college dictionary.
`II. Title: World college dictionary.
`PE1628.W5629 2014
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`111,. ,1 t.dl I•> nng 111 target shooting -
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`1 < b . • ( ) k
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`s .:l'l'llg 1·
`s er-, to turn, bend > Gr kirko
`' h"ill,(~ < 1 r.
`L ,rorlirlll, round vessel) 1 a cm:ula~ band, usually of precious me:~{~~~
`0r1,.11 sl't w1th gems, wo rn on _the hng<~r as an o rnament or a s
`bol f
`bet rothal, marnagc, etc. 2 a ctrcular band of metal llastic etc ym d
`, . . .
`. .
`., use
`connect, hang~ stal, d~co1atc, etc. a th1ng o r thmgs a key ring ana ki
`,111d 3 a) a c1rcular hne, m ark , o r figure b) a line mark stain 'etc P1 n
`. a o ng
`. I
`I .
`the cdgl' or penp wry o · so met 1mg a ring of dirt around the inside of
`a hathrub] 4 ~he o uter edge or borde_r of something circular; rim, as of
`a whl'cl 5 a c1rcular cut m ade, or a c1rcle of bark cut from, around the
`tntnk or a branch of a tree 6 ANNUAL RING 7 any of the turns in a helix or
`sp1ral 8 a circ~l~r course, as in dancing 9 a nu~ber of people or things
`grouped 111 a cucle u10 a group .of people workmg together to advance
`th~ir o1v_n mte~·ests, esp._ ~y questionable or illegal manipulation and con(cid:173)
`trol, as 111 busmess, politics, etc. 11 an enclosed area, often circular for
`contests, exhibitions, etc. [a circus n'ng] 12 a) an enclosure, now us~ally
`a square, canvas-covered area set off by stakes and ropes, in which box(cid:173)
`ing and wrestling matches are held b) the sport or profession of boxing;
`prizefighting (with the) c) [pl.] Gym. two wooden rings suspended from
`a ceiling, used for acrobatic feats and routines (usually with the) d) [pl.]
`Gym. a competitive event in which the rings are used (usually with the) 13
`a contest or competition, esp. a political one, as in throw one's hat into the
`n'r1g: see phrase at HAT 14 Astmn. a thin, flat, reflective band of orbiting
`particles, probably ice crystals and dust, encircling a planet, as Saturn or
`Uranus, along its equatorial plane at altitudes below the Roche limit 15
`Cl11~m. CLOSEO CHAIN 16 Geom. the space between two concentric circles 17
`Math. a set of elements that has two operations, addition and multipli·
`cation, and the properties of being a commutative group under addition,
`of being closed and associative under multiplication and addition, and in
`which multiplication is distributive over addition -vt. ringed, ring'ing 1
`to surround or encircle with or as with a ring 2 to form into a ring or
`rings 3 to furnish with a ring or r ings 4 to put a ring through the nose of
`(an animal), as to prevent ro oting or fighting 5 to circle about and so hem
`in (animals) 6 in some games, to toss a ring, horseshoe, quoit, etc. so that
`it encircles (a peg) 7 to girdle (a tree) -vi. 1 to form in a ring or rings 2
`to move in a circular or cu1ving course; run, fly, ere. in circles or spirals
`•ring·a·le·vi·o (rhJ'<~le've o ' ) n. IT< prec. +RELIEVE] a children's game in
`which members of one group try to find and capture hiding members of
`another group: a captured player is kept in a circle drawn on the ground
`~nd is set free when tagged by a teammate
`nng bearer an attendant, typically a young boy, who formally carnes the
`?ngs at a wedding
`nng·bolt (rilJ'bolt') n. a bolt with a ring at the head
`nng·bone (-bon 1) n. any pathological bony growth on the pastern bones of
`? horse, often causing lameness
`nng·dove ( -duv') n. any of various Eurasian pigeons with markings around
`~he neck; _esp., a small dove (Streptopelia risoria)
`:nged (nljd) adj. 1 wearing or having a rin~ or nn~s 2 decorated . or
`a ~rked With a ring or rings 3 encircled by a nng or nngs 4 formed like
`. nng or of rings
`~~Bent Crin'j<~nt) adj. [L n'ngens, prp. of ringi, to gape] 1 havi~g. the
`ga ~th.W!de open; gaping 2 Bot. having its petals separated by a dtstmct
`· p. said of certain flowers
`~g·er' (rilJ'<~r) n. 1 a horseshoe or quoit thrown so that it encircles the
`· g 2 such a throw
`nng·er• ( ·
`11 h'
`u 2
`~'~IJ'<~r) n. 1 a person or thing that rings a be , c une, e c.
`oth~~g_J a) a horse, player, etc. fraudulently entered, or su~stituted for an(cid:173)
`tt~e ·~~a competition b) any substitute c) a person or rhmgvery closely
`~ing~r'hng another ( now usually dead ringer)
`Phvsiol'toluti~n (or fluid) (ri!J'<~rz) Mter S. Rin~er (1835·: 910) • En~
`siu'rn, a Dgls.r .i ~zochem., Med. a solution of the chlondes of s<?d!Um, potas
`that fond c?lcJUm in purified water that has the same osmotic pressure as
`dehvd U~d 111 blood or tissues used in physiological research, to correct
`~ng f' ration, etc.
`ding ~er the finger next to the little finger, esp. of the left hand: the wed(cid:173)
`g 18 usually worn on this finger
`ring· Rioja
`r:~~·gl_~ yltJ'git.) n., pl. ·git I Malay, lit., jagged: from the serrated edge of
`ll OIIJ.:Inol corns) the hnslc monetary unit of Malaysia: see the table of
`mnn1·tary units in the Reference Supplement
`rl~g·hala ( riiJ'hals ) 11., pl. -hale or -hale·ea (Afrik, obs. sp. of rinkals < Du
`~'"~ (~ceRING') +hats, neck: see COLLAR) a small, rough-skinned spitting
`(!Jhrn (1-J,.,utrlrrttu.~ lw11aclwtus) of S Africa that usually sprays jets of
`vcnrorn a1 the eyes of an aggressor
`rlng·lead·er ( rirJ'I('d' ar) n. I RING2 + LEADER) a person who leads others,
`esp. 111 unl~wful acts, opposiTion to authority, etc.
`rlng·let ( -Ia) 11. (dtm. of RING' ) 1 a little ring or circle 2 a curl of hair, esp.
`a long one - ring'let·ed adj.
`rlng·ma~·ter ( riiJ'mas't<~r, -mas'· ) n. a person who directs performances,
`as 1n a c 1rcus ring
`trr!ng·neck (rilJ'nek') n. a ring-necked bird, snake, etc.
`rmg-nec:ked ( riiJ'nekt ' ) adj. Zool. having a distinctive colored stripe or
`strrpes aro und the neck
`t'ring·necked duck a North American duck (Aythya col/aris), the male of
`which has a black breast, neck, and back with a faint coppery ring around
`the neck
`ring-necked pheasant an Asian game fowl (Phasianus co/chicus) with a
`whitish collar around the neck in the male, now widely introduced and
`bred in North America, Europe, etc.
`ttringneck snake any of a genus (Diadophis) of small colubrid snakes with a
`yellow or orange ring around the neck, common throughout North Amer·
`ica: also ring-necked snake
`Ring of Fire beltlike region, roughly surrounding the Pacific Ocean, char(cid:173)
`acterized by frequent volcanic and seismic activity caused by the colliding
`of moving crustal plates
`Ring of the Nibelung Gmc. Legend the ring made from the Rheingold by
`Alberich, leader of. the Nibelungs, a race of dwarfs
`ring ouzel a European thrush (Turdus torquatus) with a white crescent
`across the breast
`ring·side (riiJ'sid') n. 1 the space or place just outside the ring, as at a box(cid:173)
`ing match or circus 2 any place that provides a close view of something
`-adj., adv. at, in, or from this place
`ring-streaked ( ·strekt') adj. having streaks of color around the body
`ring·tail (rilJ'nil') n. a ring-tailed animal, as a cacomistle or raccoon
`ring-tail~ (-raid') adj. having colored bands or stripes around the tail
`ring·tone (·ton') n. a brief digital recording of music or other sound that
`plays whenever a call is received on a cell phone
`u ring·toss ( · tos') n. a game in which rings made of rope, etc. are tossed so
`as to encircle a peg
`ring·worm ( -wtmn') n. any of various contagious skin diseases caused by
`related varieties of fungus and characterized by itching and the formation
`of ring-shaped, discolored patches covered with scales or vesicles
`rink ( ril)k) n. ITME (Scot) , earlier re11k < OFr rene, RANK 1
`] 1 a) a smooth
`expanse of ice marked off for the game of curling b) a part of a bowling
`green of a suitable size for a match c) the players o n one side in a game of
`curling, bowls, or quoits 2 a) a smooth expanse of ice, often enclosed and
`artificially prepared, for ice-skating or hockey b) a smooth floor, usually
`of wood and enclosed, for roller-skating c) a building enclosing either of
`such rinks
`urink·y·dink (riiJ'ke diiJk') adj. [? altered < RICKY-TICK) [Slang] shoddy,
`cheap, wom·our, or corny
`rinse (rins) vt. rinsed, rins'ing ITME rincen < OFr rincer, earlier re'incier <
`VL •recentiare, to renew, rinse, purify < L recens, fresh, RECENT) 1 to wash
`lightly, esp. by dipping into water or by letting water run over, into, or
`through 2 a) to remove soap, dirt, or impurities from in this way, esp. as
`a final part of washing b) to remove (soap, dirt, etc.) in this way 3 to flush
`(the mouth or teeth) , as with clear water 4 a) to dip (fabrics, garments,
`etc.) into a dye solution b) to use a rinse on (the hair) -n. 1 the act of
`rinsing 2 the water or solution used in rinsing 3 a substance mixed with
`water and used to rinse or tint hair -rins'er n.
`rins·ing (rin'siiJ) n. [usually pl.] 1 a) the liquid in or with which anything
`has been rinsed b) DREGs 2 the act of one that rinses; rinse
`Ri·o ( re'o) infonnal name for Rro oE JANEIRO (the city)
`Ri·o Bran·co (re'oo b1Un1koo) city in W Brazil: capital of Acre state
`Ri·o Bra·vo (re'o brli'vo) Mex. name for the R1o GRANOE (river flowing into
`the Gulf of Mexico): also Rio Bravo del Nor·te (del nor'te)
`Ri·o de Ja·nei·ro (re'o da' zh<~ ner'o, -de'-; Port re'oo d;~ zh;~ na'roo) 1
`state of SE Brazil: 16,954 sq mi ( 43,911 sq km); cap. Rio de Janeiro 2 irs
`capital, a seaport in the SE coast
`Rio dela Plata see PLATA, Rio de Ia
`Ri·o de O·ro (re'o da or'o) fomzer name for SPANISH SAHARA
`Ri·o Gran·de (for 1, re'o grand'; -gran'de, -gran'da;for 2 & 3, Port re'oo
`gnm'd;~) HSp, lit., great rived 1 river flowing from S Colo. south through
`N.Mex., then southeast as the boundary between Texas and Mexico into
`the Gulf of Mexico: 1,885 mi (3,034 km) 2 river in SE Brazil, in the states
`of Minas Gerais & Sao Paulo; head stream of the Parana: c. 650 mi (1,046
`km) 3 seaport in SE Brazil, on the Atlantic
`Ri·o Gran·d• do Nor·te (re'oo grun'd;~ doo nor't<~) state of NE Brazil:
`20,582 sq mi (53,307 sq km); cap. Natal
`Ri·o Gran·de do Sui (re'oo grun'da doo scroll) southernmost state of Bra·
`zil: 108,905 sq mi (282,063 sq km); cap. Porto Alegre
`Ri·o·ja (re o'hii; Sp re o'ha) n. [sometimes r·] any of various wines, esp. dry
`red wines, produced in La Rioja, a region of N Spain