(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.2
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,024,567 B2
`Sep. 20, 2011
`Min-Gyu Han, Seoul (KR)
`(73) Assignee: Momocash Inc., Seoul (KR)
`(58) Field of Classi?cation Search ...................... .. None
`See application ?le for complete search history.
`References Cited
`5,986,565 A 11/1999 Isaka
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 124 days.
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) PCT Filed:
`Mar. 31, 2003
`(86) PCT No.:
`§ 371 (0X1)’
`(2), (4) Date:
`Sep. 30, 2004
`(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO03/084127
`PCT Pub. Date: Oct. 9, 2003
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2006/0179304 A1
`Aug. 10, 2006
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Mar. 30, 2002
`Nov. 18, 2002
`(KR) ...................... .. 10-2002-0017577
`(KR) ...................... .. 10-2002 -007 1 762
`Int. Cl.
`H04L 9/32
`H04L 9/30
`Us. or. ...... .. 713/168; 713/155; 713/169; 713/170;
`713/171; 713/172; 380/229; 380/247; 705/64;
`705/67; 705/72; 705/74; 705/75; 705/79;
`455/466; 455/410; 455/39; 455/411; 455/407
`Of?cial Action in corresponding European Patent Application EP
`037130556, dated Dec. 16, 2009.
`Primary Examiner * Syed A. Zia
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * LoWe Hauptman Ham &
`Bemer LLP
`A method for authenticating a user of certain service provided
`by a system through a ?rst communication channel, in one
`aspect including receiving an access request from a ?rst ter
`minal of the user through the ?rst communication channel;
`receiving an address or number of a second terminal of the
`user through the ?rst communication channel; transferring
`data including an identi?cation code, to the second terminal
`of the user through a second communication channel; receiv
`ing a user con?rmation response, including the user identi?
`cation code, from the second terminal of the user through the
`second communication channel; determining Whether the
`identi?cation code transferred to the second terminal is iden
`tical to the user identi?cation code received from the second
`terminal; generating an authentication code if it is determined
`that both the user identi?cation codes are identical to each
`other; transferring the user authentication code to the ?rst
`terminal of the user through the ?rst communication channel.
`4 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets
`Servlce user
`First comm
`Service provider
`Transfer service
`access screen
`u nuner 01‘ serum
`communication channel
`Display conflr
`on seven
`Transfer confirmation
`response including user
`identiiicatwn cede
`Generate user
`identiiicetlon code
`for tra Bi V to second
`commun- ca n channel
`‘} Second communication
`Confirm user
`ldennflcallon code
`Generate user
`authentication code
`Fl I'St OOl'lIllUnlCaI lo"
`Use service through
`use‘ auugggélcatlm m authentication code
`Use ser lee through user
`authent icet inn code
`Tr arisisr user
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 1

`US 8,024,567 B2
`Page 2
`6898 421 132*
`5/2005 Morietal
`2007/0158414 A1* 7/2007 Sasakura etal. ............ .. 235/380
`2011/0014870 A1* 1/2011 Koraichi et a1. ........... .. 455/412
`. 455/411
`6,993,323 B2* 1/2006 Kamma .... ..
`. 709/229
`7,337,229 132*
`2/2008 Dutta etal. .
`7,756,476 B2* 7/2010 Suzuki ...... ..
`7,769,687 B2* 8/2010 Gebb et a1. ..
`7,865,937 B1* 1/2011 White et a1.
`2002/0029169 A1* 3/2002 Okietal. .
`. 380/247
`2002/0031225 A1* 3/2002 Hines
`. 713/189
`2002/0095589 A1* 7/2002 Keech ..
`2002/0143634 A1* 10/2002 Kumar etal. .... ..
`. 713/201
`2002/0169988 A1* 11/2002 Vandergeestetal.
`. 370/352
`2002/0186688 A1* 12/2002 Inoue et a1. ...... ..
`.... .. 709/225
`2003/0028639 A1* 2/2003 Yamamoto et a1.
`2003/0061503 A1* 3/2003 Katz etal. ................... .. 713/200
`2006/0179304 A1* 8/2006 Han ............................ .. 713/168
`8/ 1999
`2001-0016153 A
`2001-0028964 A
`2001/0068124 A
`2001-0068124 A
`WO 01/15381 A1
`WO 01/54438 A1
`Wool/92999 A2 12/2001
`* cited by examiner
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 2

`US. Patent
`Sep. 20, 2011
`Sheet 1 0f 12
`US 8,024,567 B2
`<Convent ional user informat ion registrat ion process>
`Service user
`Service provider
`Access service
`Display access
`(login') screen
`registrat ion item
`Display user
`registrat Ion screen
`_Input _us.er_
`registrat lOl'i item
`(Sele t UlD/Passwor'd)
`Display registration
`compiet ion screen
`Transfer service
`access screen
`Transfer user
`registrat ion screen
`registrat ion user
`Transfer registration
`complet ion screen
`i 1
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 3

`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 20, 2011
`Sheet 2 of 12
`US 8,024,567 B2
`user authentication process>
`Service user
`Service provider
`Access service
`Transfer service
`HCCGSS screen
`Display access
`(login) screen
`ID and
`Input user
`ID and
`Confirm user
`Use service through
`user authentication
`authentication code
`authentication code
`Provide service
`through user
`authentication code
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 4
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 4

`US. Patent
`Sep. 20, 2011
`Sheet 3 of 12
`US 8,024,567 B2
`Select pay contents
`Select mobi le sett Iement
`Move to mobi ie sett iement page
`Input settlement information
`(telephone number ,
`resident regstrat ion number , etc. )
`Receive mobi ie phone SMS
`Input authent icat ion code web page
`Confirm authentication code
`Use pay contents
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 5

`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 20, 2011
`Sheet 4 of 12
`US 8,024,567 B2
`Service user
`First communication
`Service provider
`_ Generate_user
`identification code
`transfer to second
`communication channel
`lIII i
`_ Transfer_user
`identification code
`i Second communication
`Display access
`(login) screen
`Input number of second
`communication channel
`Display confirmation
`on second
`response of user
`Transfer confirmation
`iesnonse .incmdina user
`identification code
`authentication Code
`Transfer user
`authentication code
`39 Se’V'°° -
`User a”tgg3;'°at'°"
`First communication
`Use service through user
`authentication code
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 6

`US. Patent
`Sep. 20, 2011
`Sheet 5 0f 12
`US 8,024,567 B2
`Start service access through first
`communication channel
`Display access (iogin) screen
`input user mobile communication
`terminal number
`3i5\\_,,/"“\- Generate user identification code
`Transfer SMS message with the number
`32O\--//-_\input by user through wireless network
`Receive SMS message and display SMS
`message on mobile‘communication terminal
`325‘\—"//F\\ For example, ‘Push the.send button
`for access to site"
`Confirmation response of user
`(push the send button)
`Compare user identification code
`340\\_,,/”‘\ Generate user authentication code
`Transfer user authentication code
`345‘\—"”—\\ through first communication channel
`Use service through user
`.authentication code
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 7

`US. Patent
`Sep. 20, 2011
`Sheet 6 0f 12
`US 8,024,567 B2
`400w Sta" animate: tartar "'St
`405\/\ Display access ( login) screen
`410 \/\ input us’eér
`Ii engggréniin i cat ion
`415\/\ ‘Generate user ident i f icat ion code
`420 \_/'\ nuTmrbaenrsfianrplrgfpbyllauusge 3193183359? iirfil'lreflheess
`Receive WAP PUSH message and display
`the message ont mob} ieI communrcat iOi'i
`Cont i rmat ion response of user
`(push the send button)
`Transfer ident i if icat ion code to
`URL included in the message
`Compare user iden't ificat ionw code
`445w Generate user authentication code
`Transfer _user authent icat ion code
`through irrst communrcat ion channel
`Use service through user
`authent rcat IOI'I code
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 8

`US. Patent
`Sep. 20, 2011
`Sheet 7 0f 12
`US 8,024,567 B2
`Access to site
`Telephone number input
`nun ci'mauu
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 9

`US. Patent
`Sep. 20, 2011
`Sheet 8 of 12
`US 8,024,567 B2
`Start service access through first
`500 \/\ communication channel
`505 \/\ Display access ( iogin) screen
`510 \_/'\ Input user wired telephone number
`Generate user identification code and
`515' \/\ store it in user identif icat ion code
`management database
`_AHSftelephone connect ion wi th number
`il'lDU’t by user (display conf l rmat ion on
`wired telephone) .
`For example,
`w "Push the confirmation number displayed
`on screen for access to site"
`Confirmat ion response of user
`(iniyt the confirmation number)
`530 “3 Compare user ident if icat-ion code
`535 \_/’\ Generate user authent icat ion code
`Transfer user authentication code
`540 \/\ through first communicat ion channel
`Use service through user
`545 w authentication code
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 10

`US. Patent
`Sep. 20, 2011
`Sheet 9 0f 12
`US 8,024,567 B2
`Select pay contents
`Select settlement confirmation
`Receive SMS at second communication
`Confirmation response at second
`communication channel
`input settlement password
`Confirm settlement
`Use pay contents
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 11

`US. Patent
`Sep. 20, 2011
`Sheet 10 0f 12
`US 8,024,567 B2
`1. Selection of pay contents
`2. SMS reception at mobile phone I
`E] @ 5E
`15:! 1m
`E] (3
`F IG.6C
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 12

`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 20, 2011
`Sheet 11 0f 12
`US 8,024,567 B2
`5. Settlement con?rmation
`6. Use of pay content
`122:." I ‘m u » m | “HUB? (53%)
`ammo/1:02.24 42
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 13

`US. Patent
`Sep. 20, 2011
`Sheet 12 0f 12
`US 8,024,567 B2
`F IG.7
`2255 @5232
`BE 2 E95: $60 A
`8:81:52 6w:
`v Ememumcma 260
`:2 “8:352 5% 1
`8:82.552 5%
`382% g8
`............... A IvSZSEEES 656%
`88% H2:
`:2 $0 E2258 m ||||||| ‘I
`9:235 mBEow
`lililllillll Ill!
`$8 52%: SE3
`2:85 “3 .85
`=2 283555 .3:
`82mg 26> 2.8
`l i
`e326 6255 9:23
`own omK
`96522 $22;
`ESE 8% 336m.
`55$ 6% 212mm
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 14

`US 8,024,567 B2
`The present invention relates to a method and system for
`authenticating a user who wants to use a certain service and
`settling bills for use of the service at a web site on the Internet,
`and more particularly to a method and system for authenti
`cating a user who wants to use a certain service and settling
`bills for use of the service at a web site accessed through the
`Internet wherein only minimal basic information on the user
`is received by a ?rst communication channel, such as an
`Internet, with a relatively weak security and a process of user
`identi?cation and bill settlement is performed by a second
`communication channel, such as a wired or wireless tele
`phone network, with a relatively strong security, such that
`only an authenticated user can use the certain service.
`As well known to those skilled in the art, user authentica
`tion is an essential procedure for use in a certain information
`service or a certain on-line service. Such user authentication
`is typically performed through a user information registration
`step and a user identi?cation step, and thus, only an authen
`ticated user can use a certain service provided by a service
`provider. In such a conventional user authentication process,
`it is essentially required to input a user ID and a userpassword
`for access to a web site along with personal information on the
`user who wants to use the certain service.
`FIG. 1 shows a ?owchart for explaining a user authentica
`tion process using such a user ID and password and a bill
`settlement process for use of a certain service in the prior art.
`The user goes through a user information registration process
`when accessing a desired web site, and then, the user goes
`through a user authentication step whenever he/ she uses a
`certain service. Referring to FIG. 1, the conventional user
`authentication process is mainly classi?ed into two steps: i.e.,
`a user information input step of inputting basic information
`on the user (information required by a service provider,
`including name, address, social security number, contact
`number, kinds of user’s favorite contents, etc.), as shown in
`FIG. 1A; and a user authentication step of authenticating the
`user by checking a user ID and a user password, which are
`assigned by the user, as shown in FIG. 1B.
`However, there is a problem in that the conventional user
`authentication process shown in FIGS. 1A and 1B has no step
`for identifying a user. That is, in a case where a person under
`age performs the user information registration step by using
`an illegal social security number generation application, it
`cannot be checked in real time. Moreover, it is di?icult to
`monitor the illegal registration of the person under age even
`after the fact, if a great number of members are initiated.
`In addition, in order to obtain access to desired information
`at a great number of web sites from which a variety of services
`are provided, there exists inconvenience in that a user has to
`input the same personal information (name, address, social
`security number, contact number, etc.) every web site. Fur
`ther, there exists a problem in that a number of users often
`abandon the registration of personal information related to a
`bill settlement process due to a possibility of out?ow of the
`personal information when they input the information into a
`web site from which information is provided at a predeter
`mined cost. Furthermore, even in a case where there is no
`reliable relationship between a user and a web site, the user is
`reluctant to input the personal information into the web site.
`In addition, there is a problem in that users with user
`accounts in a plurality of web sites frequently confuses or
`forgets their own IDs and passwords registered on the plural
`ity of web sites.
`In order to solve one of the problems in the prior art in that
`there is no user identi?cation step, several web sites receives
`a photocopy of user identi?cation card via facsimile from a
`user who has completed the user registration step to identify
`the relevant user. However, it also raises another problem in
`that an advantage of the Internet, that is, a quick access to
`information, cannot be suf?ciently used.
`In addition, in order to solve a weak security corresponding
`to another problem in the prior art, there has been proposed a
`user authentication method using a mobile communication
`network. Korean Patent Laid-Open Publication No. 2000
`72433 discloses a user authentication method in which, when
`a user who wants to access a security-required system
`requests user authentication to an authentication system, the
`authentication system transmits a one-time password to a
`mobile communication terminal of the user, and the user
`con?rms this password through a screen of the mobile com
`munication terminal and manually inputs the con?rmed pass
`word through a computer for access to the desired system.
`However, although this method is a technique that is
`improved in view of security over other conventional user
`authentication methods, there still exists inconvenience in
`that the user must directly con?rm the transmitted one-time
`password through the screen of the mobile communication
`terminal and then manually input the password again.
`In addition, in order to solve the problem of the prior art in
`that the user registration step has to be performed every web
`site to use a variety of services provided by a number of web
`sites, there has been proposed a method in which a user can be
`commonly authenticated from a plurality of web sites through
`one user ID and one password by sharing user information
`among the plurality of web sites. However, this method can
`not be used widely due to con?ict of interest between web site
`administrators and high risk of out?ow of personal informa
`tion against user’s will.
`In addition, the prior art has a further problem in that, when
`a bill settlement is required for certain pay contents, a user
`must move to a settlement page for each individual service
`and then input certain settlement information (name, social
`security number, password, etc.) again.
`FIG. 1C shows a conventional bill settlement method for a
`used service. If a user selects pay contents and wants to settle
`a bill for reading of the contents by means of a mobile phone,
`he/ she moves a new web page for inputting information (tele
`phone number, social security number, etc.) required for
`settlement. Then, a certain SMS message including an
`authentication code is received and con?rmed by the mobile
`phone identi?ed by an input telephone number. Then, the
`con?rmed authentication code is input into the web page for
`completing the settlement. As mentioned above, such mobile
`phone settlement method shown in FIG. 1C has a complicated
`settlement process in that the user must move a corresponding
`settlement web page every use of pay contents, input settle
`ment information for each settlement, and further input an
`authentication code con?rmed on a screen of the mobile
`phone into the settlement web page.
`Korean Utility Model Registration No. 20-0193499 dis
`closes a system for settling a certain amount of money by
`using a mobile phone or a wired telephone. A settlement
`process performed in the settlement system is as follows. A
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 15

`US 8,024,567 B2
`user who wants to receive a service accesses a carrier server
`through a communication network by using a ?rst his/her own
`terminal. An access management and authentication con?r
`mation apparatus of the carrier server requests the user to
`input a telephone number and a pas sword of a second terminal
`through which he/ she can be called. The user inputs the tele
`phone number of the second terminal through which he/ she
`receives a call and the password by which he/she can be
`identi?ed as a right user, upon a request of the carrier server.
`The access management and authentication con?rmation
`apparatus that has received the telephone number and the
`password stores the password in a database and instructs a
`telephone call apparatus to call the second terminal. The
`telephone call apparatus calls the second terminal having the
`telephone number received by the instruction of the access
`management and authentication con?rmation apparatus. The
`access management and authentication con?rmation appara
`tus sends a message requesting to input the password to the
`user when the apparatus is connected to the user. The user
`called through the second terminal having the known tele
`phone number again inputs the password input at the initial
`access by using the called second terminal. The access man
`agement and authentication con?rmation apparatus again
`received the password compares the again received password
`with the already input password for user identi?cation, grants
`the user an authority to use the service when both passwords
`are identical to each other and causes a service providing
`apparatus to provide the service, and ?nally imposes a fee for
`service use on the telephone number owned by the user when
`the service use is ended.
`However, the disclosure of the Korean Utility model does
`not suggest a solution for the problem of the conventional
`settlement method that the settlement information has to be
`again input every settlement and the already input password
`has to be again input through the mobile phone.
`Accordingly, the present invention has been made keeping
`in mind the above problems occurring in the prior art, and an
`object of the present invention is to provide a user authenti
`cation method and system which is capable of removing a
`need of a user registration step by using one user ID, which is
`an address or an number (wired telephone, mobile commu
`nication terminal number, etc.) of a user terminal of a second
`communication channel such as a wired telephone network or
`a wireless network in a variety of web sites, for user authen
`Another object of the present invention is to provide a user
`authentication method and system which is capable of remov
`ing a risk of losing a user ID or password by using a user
`terminal address or number of a second communication chan
`Still another object of the present invention is to provide a
`user authentication method and system that is capable of
`performing a user identi?cation and authentication without
`requiring a separate step when the user requests an authenti
`Still another object of the present invention is to provide a
`user authentication method and system with a stronger secu
`rity compared to a conventional user authentication.
`Still another object of the present invention is to provide a
`settlement method and system that is capable of maximizing
`a user convenience upon settling bills by removing a re-input
`of settlement information when the user uses pay contents.
`In order to achieve the objects and solve the problems in the
`prior art, a method for authenticating a user according to a
`embodiment of the present invention comprising the steps of
`receiving an access request from a ?rst terminal of the user
`through the ?rst communication channel; receiving an
`address or number of a second terminal of the user through the
`?rst communication channel; transferring data for user iden
`ti?cation, including a user identi?cation code, to the second
`terminal of the user through a second communication chan
`nel; receiving a user con?rmation response, including the
`user identi?cation code, from the second terminal of the user
`through the second communication channel; determining
`whether the user identi?cation code transferred to the second
`terminal is identical to the user identi?cation code received
`from the second terminal; generating a user authentication
`code if it is determined that both the user identi?cation codes
`are identical to each other; and transferring the user authen
`tication code to the ?rst terminal of the user through the ?rst
`communication channel.
`Further, in order to achieve the objects and solve the prob
`lems in the prior art, a method for authenticating a user
`according to another embodiment of the present invention
`comprising the steps of receiving an access request from a
`?rst terminal of the user through the ?rst communication
`channel; receiving an address or number of a second terminal
`of the user through the ?rst communication channel; gener
`ating a user identi?cation code; transferring the generated
`user identi?cation code to the ?rst terminal of the user
`through the ?rst communication channel; receiving the user
`identi?cation code transferred to the ?rst terminal of the user
`from the second terminal of the user through a second com
`munication channel; determining whether the user identi?ca
`tion code transferred to the ?rst terminal is identical to the
`received user identi?cation code; generating a user authenti
`cation code if it is determined that both the user identi?cation
`codes are identical to each other; and transferring the user
`authentication code to the ?rst terminal of the user through the
`?rst communication channel.
`FIG. 1 is a ?owchart showing a conventional user informa
`tion registration process using a user ID and password, a user
`authentication process and a bill settlement process for a used
`FIG. 2 is a ?owchart showing an embodiment of an instant
`login user authentication by using the two different commu
`nication channels according to the present invention.
`FIG. 3 is a ?owchart showing an embodiment in a case that
`the second communication channel is a wireless network in
`the instant login user authentication by using the two different
`communication channels according to the present invention.
`FIG. 4 is a ?owchart showing another embodiment in a
`case that the second communication channel is a wireless
`network in the instant login user authentication by using the
`two different communication channels according to the
`present invention and a drawing showing a example of service
`performing the ?owchart.
`FIG. 5 is a ?owchart showing an embodiment in a case that
`the second communication channel is a wired telephone net
`work in the instant login user authentication by using the two
`different communication channels according to the present
`FIG. 6 is a ?owchart showing a embodiment of a instant
`lo gin method for settling bills authentication by using the two
`different communication channels and a drawing showing a
`example of service performing the ?owchart.
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1015
`Page 16

`US 8,024,567 B2
`FIG. 7 is a block diagram showing a embodiment of a user
`and settlement system authentication by using the two differ
`ent communication channels according to the present inven
`Hereinafter, the present invention will be in detail
`described by ways of preferred embodiments with reference
`to the accompany drawings.
`FIG. 2 is a ?owchart for explaining a user authentication
`process by means of two different communication channels
`according to the present invention. The user authentication
`process is performed between a user and a service provider.
`The user accesses a system of the service provider through a
`?rst communication channel such as an Internet (step 200).
`The service provider transfers a service access screen to a user
`computer upon a request of access from the user (URL input
`of a user system, a request of information requiring a user
`authentication, etc.) (step 205), and then displays the access
`(login) screen at a web browser of the user (step 210). The
`user inputs a terminal number (a wired telephone number or
`a mobile communication terminal telephone number) of a
`second communication channel such as a wired telephone
`network or a wireless network for user authentication into a
`corresponding section of the login screen for transferring the
`terminal number to the service provider (step 215). Then, the
`service provider generates a user identi?cation code for the
`user (step 220). The service provider transfers the generated
`user identi?cation code to the second terminal of the user such
`as the wired telephone or the portable telephone through the
`second communication channel such as the wires or wireless
`networks (step 225) for display of a certain message (for
`example, “Push the con?rmation button if you want to log
`in”) on a screen of the second terminal occupied by the user
`(step 230). The user who has received the user identi?cation
`code transfers a user con?rmation response including the user
`identi?cation code to the service provider for the identi?ca
`tion request of the service provider (steps 235 and 240). The
`service provider con?rms the user identi?cation code
`included in the user con?rmation response (step 245), com
`pares the user identi?cation code transferred from the user
`with the user identi?cation code transferred from the service
`provider to the user, determines the user as a lawful user when
`both user identi?cation codes are identical to each other and
`accordingly generates a user authentication code (step 250).
`The generated user authentication code is transferred to the
`?rst terminal of the user through the ?rst communication
`channel such as the Internet (step 260) and the user can use the
`service while giving/taking the user authentication code
`to/from the service provider (steps 265 and 270).
`FIG. 3 is a ?owchart for explaining an embodiment if the
`second communication channel is a wireless network in the
`user authentication method described in FIG. 2. The user
`accesses a system of the service provider through a ?rst
`communication channel such as an Internet (step 300). The
`service provider transfers a service access screen to a ?rst
`terminal of the user such as a computer upon a request of
`access from the user and then displays the access (login)
`screen at a web browser worked in the ?rst terminal of the user
`(step 305). The user inputs his/her mobile communication
`terminal number for user authentication into a corresponding
`section of the lo gin screen for transferring the terminal num
`ber to the service provider (step 310). Then, the service pro
`vider generates a user identi?cation code for the user (step
`The service provider transfers the generated user identi?
`cation code to the mobile communication terminal of the user
`(step 320). In this step, the service provider can transfer a
`message and the user identi?cation code, which are to be
`displayed at the mobile communication terminal of the user,
`along with a predetermined callback number by using a short
`message service (SMS) system. In this case, in order to set a
`call as the mobile communication terminal number of the user
`input in the ?rst communication channel, the service provider
`can use a CTI (Computer Telephone Integration) system that
`is a system for setting a call with the mobile communication
`terminal of the user through the wireless communication
`network by using the mobile communication terminal num
`ber of the user input in a computer (step 325). The user issues
`a user con?rmation response, which can be performed by
`only pushing a send button, in compliance with the message
`(for example, “Push the send button if you want to access this
`site”) displayed at his/her mobile communication terminal.
`The user identi?cation code transferred to the mobile com
`munication terminal of the user along with the user con?r
`mation response is transferred to the service provider through
`the callback number (step 330).
`According to another preferred embodiment of the present
`invention, a URL callback system can be used when the
`service provider transfers the user identi?cation code to the
`mobile communication terminal, as shown in FIG. 4.
`As well known to those skilled in the art, the URL callback
`transfers a uniform resource locator (URL) of a mobile home
`page (“phone page”) and the user identi?cation code inserted
`as a parameter for user identi?cation into the mobile homep
`age, instead of the callback number in the aforementioned
`SMS, to the mobile communication terminal of the user (steps
`420 and 425). When the user receives the URL and the user
`identi?cation code and pushes a con?rmation button on his/
`her mobile communication terminal, the mobile communica
`tion terminal

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