(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2001/0007983 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Jul. 12, 2001
`US 20010007983A1
`(76) Inventor: J ong-II Lee, Koyang-City
`Correspondence Address:
`Ajay A. J agtiani
`J agtiani & Associates
`Democracy Square Business Center
`10379-B Democracy Lane
`Fairfax, VA 22030 (US)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Mar. 2, 2001
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`. . . . .. PCT/KR00/01469
`Dec. 15, 2000 (KR) . . . . .
`Dec. 28, 1999
`............................ .. 10-1999-063144
`Publication Classi?cation
`(51) Int. Cl? ................................................... .. G06F 17/60
`(52) Us. 01. ............................... .. 705/69; 705/64; 705/39
`Aelectronic monetary system comprising a mobile commu
`nication unit as an electronic Wallet for transactions includ
`ing electronic payments, money transfer, and recharging the
`electronic account.
`The security of the electronic transactions is con?rmed by
`circulating a con?rmation number through a loop formed by
`an E-Wallet managing server through the Wireless network to
`the mobile communication unit of the user.
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1014
`Page 1

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 1 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 1
`Computer Telephone
`g I I . . . - I I I I I I . . . I I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..-g Homepage ARS
`153 /
`Unit (E-Wallet)
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1014
`Page 2

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 2 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`1 10
`Input Password/Amount
`Key-in the received
`Confirmation Number
`K 8212
`<Ir§n§mit99n?xm§ti9nWm??? ......... .. \ \
`4 ........................................................ .. x w 7 Transmit for the con?rmation of the transaction
`V 7
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`Page 3

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 3 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 2B
`Input Password/Amount
`Key-in the received
`Confirmation Number
`Key-in Card numberNaiid Date
`Transmit Confirmation Number
`E-Waiiet Managing
`Server’s Homepage
`. - - l - I - - . I - . . - I - . I - - - I - . . I . . . I | I I - - - - - - I I - - - - - - - . - - I . - - . . I - - - - .
`Unit (E-Wailet) <
`Transmit for the con?rmation
`of the transaction
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1014
`Page 4

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 4 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 2C
`Input Name/Date/Amount
`Confirm for the transaction
`E-Wallet number/Password
`E-Waliet Managing
`Server's Homepage
`Key-in Con?rmatilon Number
`Transmit Confirmation Number
`. - . I - - - - - - - I I - I - I - - I I - I I - - I I - - I - - - u I I - - I I - I | - I - I - I I l . I - I I - I - | I .
`Transmit for the con?rmation
`Unit (E-Wailet)
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`Page 5

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 5 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 2D
`1 5O
`1 70
`E-Wallet Number/Password/Amount
`Key-in Confirmation Number
`Mobile .
`p Communicauon
`Service Unit
`Unit (EM/Qua)
`M.If’)???ETEU‘EF‘R'INW3? ......... .. Ram
`% 1%;
`4 .......................................................... ..
`Transmit for the con?rmation
`‘In “in 7’
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1014
`Page 6

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 6 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 3A
`E-Wallet Number/Password/Amouri
`Key-in Con?rmation Number >
`k S312
`S31 1
`Tr s '
`a. ....... .f‘l‘..I‘l'f.iii‘i'?Tfiffffi?ffTE? ......... ..
`\ .\ '
`Unit (E-WaIIet) <. .............................................................. .. &
`Transmit for the confirmation
`(balance, recharged amount)
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1014
`Page 7

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 7 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 3B
`E-VVallet Number/Password/AmounL
`Key-in Confirmation Number
`’ E-Wallet Managing
`Server’s Homepage
`Card NumberNaIid Date
`K 8323
`Transmit Confirmation Number
`@ .............................................................. ..
`Unit (EM/anew ‘. .............................................................. .. \
`Transmit for the con?rmation
`(balance, recharged amount)
`1 53
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1014
`Page 8

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 8 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 3C
`input Name/Date/Amount
`Confirm TransafotYon
`N 8332
`E-Wailet Number/Password
`E-Waiiei Managing
`Server’s Homepage
`Key in Confirmation Number
`K 8334
`Unit (E-Wallet)
`Transmit Con?rmation Number
`- - - - . . - - . . - - . . - - . . I . . . I . I . - . . . - . - I - - I - - - I - - I I | I I - . u I - . I - l - i ‘ ‘ . ‘ xx
`Transmit for the con?rmation
`(balance, recharged amount)
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1014
`Page 9

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 9 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`E-Waliet Number/Password/Amount
`Key in Confirmation Number
`Unit Service
`Transmit Confirmation Number
`comhg‘loubriliia?on 4. .............................................................. ..
`~ V
`Unit (EM/alien 4. .............................................................. ..
`Transmit for the con?rmation
`(balance, recharged amount)
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`Page 10

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 10 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 4A
`E-Wallet Number/F’assword/Amougt>
`1 2O
`Confirm the Balance
`E-Wallet Managlng
`Server's Homepage
`Target E-Wallet Qumber/Amount
`S4 14
`\\ i "
`Notify Transaction/Balance
`Mobne .
`Comrnumcatron ‘. .............................................................. .. \
`Unit (E-Wallet)
`‘KQ ‘
`1 53 Target
`4 ..... ..‘TPF‘TX.iii’???P?.?§YY.?I?1TI?.'1?§SFPE‘P‘E'TE?.....
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1014
`Page 11

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 11 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 4B
`E-Wallet Number/Password
`Balance Check
`E-Wallet Managing
`Server‘s Homepage
`Target E-Wqllet/Amount
`Notify Transaction/Balance
`Mobile .
`Communication ‘ ............................................................... ..
`Unit (E-Wallet)
`Notify Transaction/Balance
`‘ ................................................................................. ..
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1014
`Page 12

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 12 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 5A
`E-Wallet Number/Password
`’ Homepage
`E-Wallet Number/
`“0W6 . Communlcatlon ‘ ............................................................... .. \ Notify Transaction/Balance
`Unit (E-Wallet)
`\ \
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1014
`Page 13

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 13 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 5B
`E-Wallet Number/Password +
`Key-in Con?rmaltion Number + Homepage
`R S525
`E-WalletNumber/ Con?rm /_/
`Transmit Confirmation Number
`‘. .............................................................. .. N ‘\
`‘.. .............................................................. .
`Notify Transaction/Balance
`\ K
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`Page 14

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 14 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 6A
`Select menu or
`key in for balance
`check menu
`Service Company
`Notify Balance
`4,. ............................................................. ..
`S61 1
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`Page 15

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 15 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 6B
`1 50
`1 10
`E-Wallet Number/Password/Amoun'L
`Notify Balance
`L 8621
`Notify Balance
`Communication ‘- ............................................................. -.
`Unit E-Wallet
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1014
`Page 16

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 16 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 6C
`E-Waiiet Number/Passworel/Amount>
`Notify Baliwe
`E-Wallet Managing
`Server‘s Homepage
`Unit (E-Wailet)
`Notify Balance
`7: it
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1014
`Page 17

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 17 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`Message Encoder
`lDecoder Module
`FIG. 7
`RF Module
`Controller Module
`Output Module
`Input Module
`Memory Module
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`Page 18

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 18 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 8
`OP code
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 19 0f 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`Select menu
`or button
`for Amount
`FIG. 9A
`\ //
`Password/ Transaction
`Notify Transaction/
`‘ I . . . . - . - . . . . - - I I . . - I - . . . - - I I . . - - - - - I . . - - I - I - - - I . . . - I I I . . . - - I I . .
`QR} Tag
`R “Mir?
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`Page 20

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 20 of 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`Select menul
`button for
`E-Wallet nUmbeF/
`Amoum of USER 2
`FIG. 9B
`E-wallet Numberl
`Password of
`E—wallet numberof
`USER 2/Amount
`N t' T
`ozfy ransaclon rnoun
`t/B I
`of USER 2
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`Page 21
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`Page 21

`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 21 of 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 10
` S910
`Password/Amou nt
`or Confirmation
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`Page 22
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jul. 12, 2001
`Sheet 22 of 22 US 2001/0007983 A1
`FIG. 11
`Unit (E-Wallet)
`or Confirmation
`Notify Transaction/BaIance
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`US 2001/0007983 A1
`Jul. 12, 2001
`[0001] The present invention relates to an electronic mon-
`etary system, and particularly to an electronic money trans-
`fer system including electronic wallet for secure electronic
`transactions and an operating method thereof.
`invention relates to an electronic
`[0002] The present
`money system for implementing electronic money payment
`system as an alternative means to the conventional payment
`medium such as cash, checks, credit and debit cards.
`[0003] The conventional credit card allows the internet
`user to make a purchase from a vendor simply by recording
`the credit card number and validation date on the cyber
`voucher displayed on the user’s computer screen on the
`[0004] However, since the disclosure of the credit card
`number and the user’s information during the purchasing
`step is vulnerable to the attack from a hacker, the conven-
`tional credit card system is not adequate for an electronic
`commerce application.
`[0005] Furthermore, since the youngsters under eighteen
`years of age are not allowed to be issued a credit card, the
`conventional credit card system is not appropriate for the
`kids to use for paying for the small items such as MP3 music
`[0006] Furthermore, there is a tendency that the internet
`users dislike to use the credit card as a payment means
`especially for a small-size purchasing item because of the
`possibility of hacking problem.
`[0007] To resolve the security issue of the conventional
`credit card system, an electronic monetary system employ-
`ing an additional card with an encrypted number has been
`proposed. The following U.S. patents discloses the payment
`means and technique for electronic commerce on internet:
`U.S. Pat. No. 5,963,648, U.S. Pat. No. 5,920,629, and U.S.
`Pat. No. 5,953,423.
`[0008] The prior art disclosed in the abovementioned U.S.
`patents can be categorized into two approaches: a card
`system and an encrypted number system. Since the card
`system of the prior art employs a magnetic card or an IC
`card, the sellers have to be provided with a specific card
`[0009] Moreover, it is inconvenient because the customer
`does not have an alternative way to check his balance of
`account other than the card reader. The conventional card
`system still lacks the security means against the hacker’s
`[0010] As an another approach of the prior art,
`encrypted number system employs a series of the encrypted
`number having 12516 digits. The encrypted number system
`has merit in a sense that the encrypted number can be issued
`to a user instantly whenever the user applies for it.
`[0011] However, the encrypted number system of the prior
`art still suffers from the shortcoming in that the user has to
`memorize a long number of 12516 digits. Further, it is still
`difficult to tell the differences between the genuine user and
`the fake for a specific encrypted number under processing.
`In view of these problems, there is a need in the art
`for a secure and convenient electronic payment system,
`especially for an electronic money transfer on internet,
`which is not subject to these limitations.
`[0013] Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention
`to provide an electronic money transfer system and method
`wherein the electronic commerce can be performed in a
`secure and convenient way.
`It is further an object of the present invention to
`provide an electronic wallet and operating method wherein
`even small-size electronic commerce can be safely and
`conveniently performed.
`invention to
`is an object of the present
`[0015] Yet
`provide an electronic payment system including an elec-
`tronic wallet that allows the user to perform transactions
`such as the issue, the recharge, the transfer, and the checking
`of the balance.
`It is another object of the present invention to
`provide an electronic monetary system and method that
`allows the user to perform all kinds of electronic transac-
`tions on internet and/or wireless network.
`It is further an object of the present invention to
`provide an electronic monetary system including a mobile
`communication unit that allows the user to conduct elec-
`tronic commerce and transactions.
`In accordance with a broad aspect of the present
`invention, provided is an electronic monetary system that
`comprises an ARS server, a payment managing server, a web
`page of the payment managing server for interfacing the
`customers, and a mobile communication unit as an elec-
`tronic wallet.
`[0019] The ARS server allows the user to open a new
`electronic account, to recharge the electronic account, and to
`check the balance of the electronic account. The E-wallet
`managing server manages the overall electronic commerce
`and transactions between buyers and sellers.
`[0020] The unique feature of the present invention is that
`the genuine user of the current electronic transaction is
`confirmed under a procedure of circulating a certain confir-
`mation number through a loop comprising the ARS server,
`the user’s electronic wallet (preferably, the user’s mobile
`communication unit) and the wireless network.
`[0021] As a result, it becomes possible to implement a
`secure and convenient monetary system for electronic com-
`merce and transactions on internet.
`invention will
`features of the present
`[0022] Further
`become apparent from a description of the operating method
`and system taken in conjunction with the accompanying
`drawings of the preferred embodiment of the invention,
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`US 2001/0007983 A1
`Jul. 12, 2001
`which, however, should not be taken to be limitative to the
`invention, but are for explanation and understanding only.
`In the drawings:
`[0024] FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram illustrating the
`electronic monetary system in accordance with the present
`[0025] FIGS. 2A to 2D are schematic diagrams illustrat-
`ing the workflow of opening a new electronic account in
`accordance with the preferred embodiments of the present
`[0026] FIGS. 3A to 3D are schematic diagrams illustrat-
`ing the workflow of recharging the electronic account in
`accordance with the preferred embodiments of the present
`[0027] FIGS. 4A and 4B are schematic diagrams illus-
`trating the workflow of transferring electronic money in
`accordance with the preferred embodiments of the present
`[0028] FIGS. 5A and 5B are schematic diagrams illus-
`trating the workflow of an electronic purchasing scenario in
`accordance with the preferred embodiments of the present
`[0029] FIGS. 6A to 6C are schematic diagrams illustrat-
`ing the workflow of checking the balance of the electronic
`account in accordance with the preferred embodiments of
`the present invention.
`[0030] FIG. 7 is a schematic diagram illustrating the
`comprising blocks of a mobile communication unit as an
`electronic wallet in accordance with the present invention.
`[0031] FIG. 8 is a schematic diagram illustrating the
`format of the SMS message transmitted from a mobile
`communication unit as an electronic wallet in accordance
`with the present invention.
`[0032] FIGS. 9A and 9B are schematic diagrams illus-
`trating the workflow of performing an electronic commerce
`with an electronic wallet in accordance with the present
`[0033] FIG. 10 is a schematic diagram illustrating the
`workflow of applying for the issue of a new electronic
`account with an electronic wallet in accordance with the
`present invention.
`[0034] FIG. 11 is a schematic diagram illustrating the
`workflow of recharging the electronic account with an
`electronic wallet in accordance with the present invention.
`[0035] The present invention will be explained in detail
`with reference to the accompanying drawings.
`[0036] The present invention provides a method of elec-
`tronic monetary transfer through an electronic wallet.
`[0037] FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram illustrating the
`electronic monetary system in accordance with the present
`invention. Referring to FIG. 1, an E-wallet (electronic
`wallet) managing server 100, an ARS server 110, and a
`homepage 120 of the E-wallet managing server 100 are
`[0038] The user 150 has an access to the E-wallet man-
`aging server 100 through the internet 130 or the wireless
`network 140 and performs electronic transactions such as
`opening a new electronic account, recharging the account,
`transforming between accounts, and checking the balance.
`[0039] The user 150 also has an access either to the
`homepage 120 of the E-wallet managing server 100 or to the
`seller’s homepage 160 to conduct an electronic commerce.
`a preferred embodiment according to the
`[0040] As
`present invention, the user 150 can make a phone call to the
`ARS server 110 by his telephone unit 152 and perform
`various electronic transactions such as opening, recharging,
`transferring, and checking the balance of account.
`[0041] More preferably, a mobile communication unit 153
`can be used as an E-wallet for performing various electronic
`transactions such as opening the account, recharging the
`account, transferring money between accounts, and check-
`ing the valance of account.
`[0042] FIG. 2A is a schematic diagram illustrating the
`workflow of opening a new electronic account in accordance
`with a first embodiment of the present invention.
`[0043] Referring to FIG. 2A, the user 150 makes a phone
`call to the ARS server 110 of the E-wallet managing com-
`pany and keys in his phone number of the mobile commu-
`nication unit 153, his password, and the amount of money to
`be initially deposited in his new account (step S210).
`[0044] The ARS server 110 then sends a stream of a
`randomly generated confirmation number to the user’s
`mobile communication unit (E-wallet; 153) through a wire-
`less network (step S211). The confirmation number sent
`from the ARS server 110 is then displayed on the LCD
`monitor of the user’s E-wallet 153.
`[0045] After reading the confirmation number displayed
`on the display of his mobile communication unit, the user
`150 enters the confirmation number by using the buttons on
`the keypad of his mobile communication unit in order to
`send back the confirmation number. The successful circula-
`tion of the confirmation number through the loop via the
`occupant of the mobile communication unit implies that the
`genuine user is applying for an electronic money account to
`the ARS server 110 (step S212).
`[0046] Now, the randomly generated confirmation number
`has been circulated through a loop starting from the ARS
`server 110 through the user’s E-wallet, and finally back to
`the ARS server 110.
`In the case when the number entered on the user’s
`ARS call (step S212) is exactly the same number as the one
`transmitted by the ARS server 110 on the wireless network,
`the requested transaction can be approved by the E-wallet
`managing server.
`[0048] Finally, the E-wallet managing server 100 sends a
`message stating that the user’s request for opening a new
`electronic account has be successfully performed (step
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`US 2001/0007983 A1
`Jul. 12, 2001
`[0049] The first embodiment of the present
`depicted in FIG. 1A discloses a technique of identifying a
`genuine user by circulating a confirmation number from the
`server 110 through the E-wallet 153 to the user’s ARS phone
`[0050] Now, the user 150 can conduct an electronic com-
`merce on internet with his electronic money account. The
`amount of money the user has requested in the transaction
`now can be added to the total of the monthly invoice billed
`by the company of telephone service, for example.
`[0051] FIG. 2b is a schematic diagram illustrating the
`workfiow of opening a new electronic account in accordance
`with a second embodiment of the present invention.
`[0052] Referring to FIG. 2b, the user 150 can visit the
`homepage 120 of the E-wallet managing server 100 in
`accordance with the present invention and request to open a
`new electronic account on internet.
`[0053] The user can enter the information about the phone
`number of his mobile communication unit (i.e. E-wallet)
`153, his password, and the requested amount of money for
`his new electronic account (step S220) on internet.
`[0054] The E-wallet managing server 100 transmits a
`confirmation number (step S221) to the mobile communi-
`cation unit (or an E-wallet) identified by the phone number
`that the user entered at a step of S220.
`[0055] The user 150 now reads the confirmation number
`displayed on the screen of his E-wallet 153 and enters the
`received confirmation number in the appropriate box pro-
`vided on the E-wallet managing server’s homepage 120
`(step S222).
`[0056] Now, the request for a new electronic monetary
`account has been securely validated through a successful
`circulation of the confirmation number.
`[0057] Thereafter, the user 150 can choose either a credit
`card or a debit card for his payment means (step S223).
`Namely, the user 150 can enter his credit card number with
`the validation date at a step of S223.
`[0058] The user can expect to receive an invoice later next
`month for the requested transaction of the electronic money
`in his new account.
`[0059] As a preferred embodiment in accordance with the
`the confirmation message sent
`to the
`user’s E-wallet 153 can include the balance of account,
`and/or the amount of the issued electronic money through
`SMS (short message service) means at step S224.
`[0060] FIG. 2c is a schematic diagram illustrating the
`workfiow of opening a new electronic monetary account in
`accordance with a third embodiment of the present inven-
`[0061] Referring to FIG. 2c, the user 150 can open a new
`electronic account by transferring money from a bank
`account. Namely,
`the user 150 can provide information
`about the name of the sender, date of transfer, and the
`amount of transfer in the web page 120 of the E-wallet
`managing server 100 (step S 230) after sending the money
`to an account of the company of the E-wallet managing
`[0062] The E-wallet managing server 100 confirms the
`transfer of money for opening a new electronic account (step
`S231). Then the user 150 enters the phone number of his
`mobile communication unit (E-wallet) and password in the
`appropriate box provided by the homepage 120 of the
`E-wallet managing server 100 (step S232).
`[0063] Thereafter, the confirmation process in accordance
`with the present invention is followed. Namely, a randomly
`generated confirmation number is transmitted (step S233) to
`a mobile communication unit (E-wallet; 153). Then the user
`enters the confirmation number in the box of the homepage
`120 by referring to a stream of numbers displayed on the
`screen of the user’s E-wallet 153 (step S234).
`[0064] Finally, the E-wallet managing server 100 trans-
`mits an SMS message advising the confirmation for the
`completion of the requested transaction to the E-wallet 153
`of the user (step S235).
`[0065] FIG. 2D is a schematic diagram illustrating the
`workfiow of opening a new electronic monetary account in
`accordance with a fourth embodiment of the present inven-
`[0066] Referring to FIG. 2D, the fourth embodiment of
`the invention discloses a technique wherein the company for
`mobile communication service sends a bill to the user for the
`electronic money. In the meanwhile, the first embodiment,
`depicted in FIG. 2A, is related to a scheme wherein the
`company of ARS telephone service sends a bill for the
`electronic money.
`[0067] Referring to FIG. 2D, the user 150 supplies the
`information about the phone number of his E-wallet 153,
`password, and the requested amount of electronic money to
`the mobile communication service system 170 (step S240).
`In this case, the phone number of the user’s E-wal-
`let does not have to be entered by the user on the keypad
`because the mobile communication unit 153 is distinguish-
`able by the company of mobile communication service.
`the E-wallet managing server 100
`[0069] Thereafter,
`transmits a randomly chosen confirmation number to the
`mobile communication unit or the E-wallet 153 through a
`wireless communication network (step S241).
`[0070] Referring to the confirmation number displayed on
`the screen of the mobile communication unit or the E-wallet
`153, the user 150 can return the confirmation number to the
`mobile communication service unit 170 in order to complete
`the confirmation loop in accordance with the present inven-
`[0071] Finally, the mobile communication service system
`170 can transmit an SMS message stating the confirmation
`of the service rendered (step S243).
`[0072] FIG. 3A is a schematic diagram illustrating the
`workfiow of recharging an electronic account in accordance
`with a fifth embodiment of the present invention.
`[0073] The fifth embodiment of the present
`relates to a technique to recharge a certain amount of money
`to an electronic account while the company of the ARS
`communication service sends a bill corresponding to the
`recharged money later.
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`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1014
`Page 26

`US 2001/0007983 A1
`Jul. 12, 2001
`[0074] The electronic money that the user 150 has in his
`electronic account can be used for the electronic commerce
`like purchasing in an internet shopping mall and the elec-
`tronic account can be recharged with the electronic money
`by several methods depicted in FIGS. 3A to 3D.
`[0075] Referring to FIG. 3A, the recharging process in
`accordance with the fifth embodiment of the invention is
`similar to the opening process of a new electronic account
`depicted in FIG. 2A except for the entrance of the E-wallet
`number and the password just for the confirmation because
`the account is already opened.
`the ARS server 110 can send an SMS
`[0076] Finally,
`message to the E-wallet 153 for notifying the balance of the
`account or the recharged amount of electronic money (step
`[0077] FIG. 3B is a schematic diagram illustrating the
`workflow of recharging an electronic account in accordance
`with a sixth embodiment of the present invention.
`the electronic account is
`[0078] Referring to FIG. 3B,
`recharged with electronic money by making payments
`through the conventional credit card or the debit card.
`[0079] FIG. 3C is a schematic diagram illustrating the
`workflow of recharging an electronic account in accordance
`with a seventh embodiment of the present invention.
`the electronic account in
`[0080] Referring to FIG. 3C,
`recharged with electronic money by bank transfer, which is
`based on the third embodiment disclosed in FIG. 2C.
`[0081] FIG. 3D is a schematic diagram illustrating the
`workflow of recharging an electronic account in accordance
`with an eighth embodiment of the present invention.
`the electronic account is
`[0082] Referring to FIG. 3D,
`recharged with a certain amount of electronic money by
`adding the recharged amount of money to the bill from the
`company of mobile communication service, which is based
`upon the fourth embodiment depicted in FIG. 2D.
`[0083] FIG. 4A is a schematic diagram illustrating the
`workflow of transferring a certain amount of electronic
`money to a designated electronic account (target account) in
`accordance with a ninth embodiment of the present inven-
`[0084] Referring to FIG. 4A, the ninth embodiment dis-
`closes a technique that is applicable to a case when the
`receiver of the transferred money dose not have an elec-
`tronic account at a time of money transfer.
`[0085] First of all, a first user (sender; 150) enters his
`E-wallet number or the phone number of his mobile com-
`munication unit, his password, and the amount of money he
`wants to transfer in the box of the E-wallet managing
`server’s homepage 120 (Step S410) on internet.
`[0086] Then the E-wallet managing server 100 responds to
`the request of money transfer by advising the first user
`(sender; 150) of the balance of account (step S411).
`[0087] After examining the current balance of account, the
`sender 150 enters the E-wallet number of a second user
`(receiver; 953) and the amount of money transfer (step
`S412) on the web page of the E-wallet managing server.
`the E-wallet managing server 100
`[0088] Thereafter,
`opens a new electronic account for the receiver (a second
`user) designated by the phone number of the target E-wallet
`953 and assigns an arbitrary password to the new account.
`[0089] The E-wallet managing server 100 advises the
`receiver of the money transfer including the assigned pass-
`word and the balance of account on a wireless network (step
`In addition, as a preferred embodiment in accor-
`dance with the present invention, the details of the money
`transfer can be sent to the firs

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