(12) United States Patent
`Gonen et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 9,300,792 B2
`*Mar. 29,2016
`Applicant: TeleSign Corporation, Marina Del Rey,
`CA (US)
`Shlomo Gonen, Calabasas, CA (US);
`Jonathan A. Gonen, Calabasas, CA
`(US); Alon Gonen, Haifa (IL); Danny
`Rosen, Valley Village, CA (US)
`TeleSign Corporation, Marina del Rey,
`CA (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`Appl. No.: 14/678,815
`Apr. 3, 2015
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2015/0215889 A1
`Jul. 30, 2015
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation of application No. 14/584,852, filed on
`Dec. 29, 2014, now Pat. No. 9,049,286, which is a
`division of application No. 14/207,411, filed on Mar.
`12, 2014, now Pat. No. 9,106,738, which is a
`continuation of application No. 13/915,589, filed on
`Jun. 11, 2013, now Pat. No. 8,687,038, which is a
`continuation of application No. 11/538,989, filed on
`Oct. 5, 2006, now Pat. No. 8,462,920, which is a
`continuation-in-part of application No. 11/034,421,
`filed on Jan. 11, 2005, now abandoned.
`Int. Cl.
`H04M 15/06
`H04M 3/38
`U.S. Cl.
`CPC ............... .. H04M3/38 (2013.01); H04L 63/08
`(2013.01); H04L 63/0876 (2013.01); H04M
`15/00 (2013.01); H04M15/70 (2013.01);
`H04M15/715 (2013.01); H04M 15/72
`15/858 (2013.01); H04W4/14 (2013.01);
`H04W12/06 (2013.01); H04W12/10
`(2013.01); H04W60/00 (2013.01); H04W
`68/00 (2013.01);
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`4,782,519 A
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`11/1988 Patel et a1.
`3/1999 Veneklase
`“Final Office Action for U.S. Appl. No. 11/034,421, Mail Date Aug.
`25, 2006, 8 pages.”
`Primary Examiner — Maria El-Zoobi
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Perkins Coie LLP
`A verification and notification system. The system receives
`information including a telephone number from a user during
`an attempt by the user to access a service. The telephone
`number is verified by establishing a short message service
`(SMS) connection with the user using the received telephone
`number, and receiving a submitted verification code entered
`by the user. The received information and verified telephone
`number are used to complete the registration process and
`enable the user to access the service. Upon the occurrence of
`a notification event, an indication of the occurrence of the
`notification event is transmitted to the verified telephone
`number. The system receives an acknowledgement of an
`action associated with the notification event from the user.
`18 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets
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`US 9,300,792 B2
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`cv-03240-PSG-SS, filed Jan. 5, 2016 (48 pages).
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`U.S. Patent
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`US 9,300,792 B2
`U S. Patent
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`US 9,300,792 B2
`This application is a continuation application of U.S.
`patent application Ser. No. 14/584,852, entitled “REGIS-
`TEM”, filed Dec. 29, 2014, which is a divisional application
`of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/207,411, entitled
`TION SYSTEM”, filed Mar. 12, 2014, which is a continua-
`tion application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/915,
`TION SYSTEM”, filed Jun. 1 1, 2013, which is a continuation
`application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/538,989
`(now U.S. Pat. No. 8,462,920), entitled “REGISTRATION,
`Oct. 5, 2006, which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent
`application Ser. No.
`entitled “ON-LINE
`Jan. 11, 2005, all of which are incorporated herein by refer-
`ence in their entireties.
`The present invention generally relates to on-line or web-
`site registration. More particularly,
`the present invention
`relates to a process for verifying an on-line registration by a
`telephone connection separate from the on-line connection
`between the web-site and potential registrant. The present
`invention also relates to a process for notifying registrants of
`predetermined events using information obtained during the
`registration process.
`With the increasing popularity ofthe Internet, and web-site
`surfing and usage, both commercial and personal,
`it has
`become increasingly popular to require users to register at the
`web-site in order to obtain information from the web-site,
`order goods through the web-site, etc. In some instances, the
`owners of the web-site wish to use the registration informa-
`tion to selectively target promotions, advertisements, etc. to
`the registrant and thus get a secondary gain in addition to
`having the registrant visit the web-site or use the services
`provided through the web-site. In other instances, the regis-
`trant’s registration information is not used whatsoever, but
`instead, the registration information is kept completely con-
`fidential and is used only for the purposes of allowing the
`registrant to enter the web-site and obtain information or
`goods and services through the web-site.
`Authentication is fundamental to every Internet transac-
`tion. Individuals and businesses who wish to engage in trade
`on-line must authenticate themselves by reliably establishing
`their identity, and presenting credentials as proof ofthat iden-
`tity. However, when doing business on the Internet, potential
`registrants often register with untraceable or false e-mail
`addresses and phone numbers. This can compromise the
`intended purpose of the registration, create a breach of secu-
`rity and constitute fraud on the web-site owners.
`Aside from Internet transactions,
`individuals and busi-
`nesses may wish to have a notification procedure in place. For
`example, to prevent fraud or identity theft, either the business
`or individual may wish to be alerted to certain events. For
`example, a consumer may wish to be notified every time a
`withdrawal or more than one thousand dollars is requested
`from his checking account, or charged to his credit card. A
`business may wish to notify a consumer when more than five
`transactions post to a consumer’s account within twenty-four
`hours. When credit cards, account numbers, and the like are
`stolen, these accounts are quickly drained of cash or credit
`over a short period of time. This can be largely avoided by
`notifying the account owner of these acts or even seeking his
`or her authorization before permitting such transactions to
`occur. Of course, this limits the financial liability for both the
`bank, as well as the consumer. There are other instances when
`such notification canbe helpful, such as being alerted to when
`a teenage son or daughter charges more than $500.00 on their
`credit card, when automatic deposits occur, etc. There are also
`instances which are not financially based in which notifica-
`tion could benefit both the consumer as well as the business.
`For example, the consumer may want to be alerted to news
`information, updated sports scores, etc.
`Accordingly, there is a continuing need for a method of
`verifying a registrant’s identity, such as through the regis-
`trant’s telephone number. There is also a continuing need for
`a method to notify a registrant, such as through the regis-
`trant’s telephone number, of events which are established
`either by the individual registrant or the company through
`which the registrant is conducting services. The present
`invention fulfills these needs and provides other related
`The present invention resides in a process for verifying the
`identity of a registrant, as well as using the registration infor-
`mation to notify the registrant of events that are either estab-
`lished by the registrant or the business through which the
`registrant has registered. Generally, the process comprises
`providing a registration form to a registrant, who at least
`partially completes the registration form. At least one regis-
`tration electronic contact is provided by the registrant. The
`registrant is then verified, such as by establishing a connec-
`tion with the registrant vis a vis at least one registrant contact.
`A verification code is then communicated to the registrant.
`The verification code is then input by the registrant into an
`on-line form or a telephone verification system.
`In a particularly preferred embodiment, the registration
`form is provided in a web-site. The registrant is informed via
`the web-site that an electronic message is being sent to the
`registrant via the electronic contact, which is typically a tele-
`phone number. The electronic message may comprise a short
`message service (SMS) message received by registrant’s tele-
`phone, or a voice message. The electronic message includes
`either the verification code or a verification system telephone
`number for the registrant to call to receive the verification
`code. Although the system typically establishes a telephonic
`connection with the registrant via the registrant’s telephone
`number, the invention contemplates providing a system tele-
`phone number for the registrant to call to obtain this informa-
`tion. The verification code is then input by telephone using
`voice or keypad entry, or entered into a form on the web-site.
`During the registration and verification process, the infor-
`mation provided by the registrant in the registration form may
`be compared to a database containing personally identifying
`information. For example, such personal identifying informa-
`tion can include registrant’s names,
`telephone numbers,
`addresses, e-mail addresses, social security numbers, etc., to
`verify and authenticate that the registrant is who he or she
`represents themselves to be.
`After registration, notification events are established.
`Establishing the notification events can be done by either the
`registrant and/or the business or other third party utilizing the
`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1001
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`TWILIO, INC. EX. 1001
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`US 9,300,792 B2
`system and process ofthe present invention. Such notification
`events may comprise a news event, or a request to access or
`alter registrant’s account. For example, registrant’s account
`may comprise a financial account. Upon the occurrence of a
`previously established notification event, the registrant is
`notified by establishing a connection with the registrant, typi-
`cally by contacting the registrant through a telephonic con-
`nection with the registrant via at least one registrant telephone
`number provided by the registrant during the registration
`The system of the present invention is designed so as to
`detect an answering machine message, and delay a predeter-
`mined amount of time before playing an automated message
`concerning the notification. If this occurs during the registra-
`tion process, or a reverification process, the automated mes-
`sage includes the verification code.
`If the telephone number provided by the registrant is not a
`direct-line number, or is a PBX number, the registrant during
`the registration process indicates that the telephone number
`requires an extension and whether a live operator will answer
`a call. In the event that a live operator answers the call, an
`automated message is played directing the live operator to
`dial the extension of the registrant. Afterwards, a pause for a
`predetermined amount of time occurs before an automated
`message is played which includes either the verification code
`or notifying the registrant of the occurrence of a preestab-
`lished event. However, if a live operator does not answer the
`call, after a pause, the extension is automatically dialed. After
`another pause, an automated message is played, including
`either the verification code or notification ofthe occurrence of
`the event.
`The registrant may be required to reverify, as described
`above, before permitting access or alteration of the regis-
`trant’s account or receiving notification of the occurrence of
`the preestablished event. The registrant may be charged for
`the notification.
`Other features and advantages ofthe present invention will
`become apparent from the following more detailed descrip-
`tion, taken in

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