`202 434 1501
`T-448 P.008/014 F-II5
`Docket No. 1316.1021CC
`In re the Application of:
`Jang-Hoon YOO et aL
`Serial No. 091930,964
`Confirmation No. 2291
`Filed: August 17, 2001
`Group Art Unit: 2655
`Examiner: Mohammad N. Edun
`SEP 01 2OIR
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`This is responsive to the Office Action mailed June 4, 2004, having a shortened period
`for response set to expire on September 6, 2004, September 4 being a Saturday.
`The following amendments and remarks are respectfully subm~ed.
`PAGE3J22’RCVDAT 911/20048,tL36~JstemOayaghtTime] SV~USPTO.EFXRFIII OHIS;g29306 C~.2024341501*DURATION(m.ss):06,01
`LG Electronics, Inc. et al.
`IPR Petition for
`U.S. Patent No. RE43,106
`~9:lTam From-STAA$ & HALSEY
`202 434 1891
`T-446 P,OO2
`Attorney Docket NO.
`~Pli~ton Number ...,,H, .............. 09./..9.30.,9,64
`Filing Date
`August 17, 2004
`Form: (lo/ t ......
`,,,,,,, .
`First Named Inventor
`G~oup Art Unit
`Jan’g-Ho0n YOO et ai~ .....
`Examiner Name
`Mohammed N. Edun
`FEE CALCULATION ~~=~;~ve to/ol/o3)
`H]gt.~t NUml~r
`Cl~kns ~{rt]T~’
`Pmvi0u~y Paid For
`After Amnndm~m
`37 =
`ill .iJ
`7 - 7 = 0 X $ 86.09 =
`ii ill i
`Since an Official Action set an ~ due date of .Saotemb~6,.,,2004~ pethion is hereby made for
`an extension to cover the date this reply is filed f~r which the mquis~e fee is enclosed (1 month
`($110); 2 months ($420}; 3 monttts ($960); 4 mon~s ($1=4B0); 5 months {$2,010)):
`:::.ff Statutory Disclaimer under Rule 20(d) is enclosed, add fee ($110.00)
`Infom~ation Disclosure Statement (Rule 1.17(p)) ($!80.00)
`Total of above Calculations =
`. ................
`Reduction by 50% for filing by small entity (37 CFR 1.9, 1.27 & 1,28)
`............ :~....
`.-.,= ,
`(2) ;t Bray 12) ~ |~ II~n 20, ~;~ O~Y (Z) to "20~.
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`O Check ~closed as payment.
`Charge "~’T’OTAL FEES DUE" to the Deposit Account No, below,
`No payment is enclosed and no charges to the Deposit Account are authorized at this time (unless specifically
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`Deposit Account Name I STAAS & HALSEY LLP
`The Commissioner is also authorized to c~edtt any o~payments or cha~ge any additiOnal fees ~equtred under
`37 CFR 1.16 .(filing fees) or 37 CFR 1.17 (processing fees) during the prosecution of this applk;atlon, including
`any related apl~lic~tion(s) claiming benefit hereof pursuant to 35 USC § 120 (e.g,,
`continuationS/divisionals/CIPs under 37 CFR 1.53(b) anOtor oont~u®tions/divisional~CPAs under 37 CFR
`1.63~d)) to maintain pendenc~ ne~’eof or of any such tel~ted appiicafon, ...........
`T~ed Name. 3a~ ~s G. McEw~. t...- ....
`Rag. No. .41=_983 ....................................................
`@2003 ~taas & Halsey
`PAGE 2/22 * RCVD AT 911/2004 8:17:36 AM ~stem Daylight Time]’ SVR:USPTO.EFXRF.111 ’ DN1S:S729306* CSlD:20243415Ot * DURATION (mm.ss)iO6,06
`Sap"01-04 QO:tTa, m
`Frm-$T~$ & HALSEY
`202 434 1501
`T-,448 P,001
`(202) 434-I 500
`SEP O t 20tR
`(202) 434-15ol
`1201 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Suite 700
`Washington, D.C. 20005
`September t, 2004.
`United States Patent And Trademark Office, Group Art Unit 2655
`Examiner: Mohamn~d N. Edun
`James G. McEwe~"~
`U.$. Patent Application
`Serial No.: 09/930,964
`Inventor(s): Jang-Hoon YO0 et al.
`Our Docket: 1316,1021CC "
`NO. OF PAGES (Including this Cover Sheet) J~
`The irrformaUon contained in this communication is (cid:128)onfide-n~al, may be attorney~.iient privileged,
`and is intended only for the use of the addressee(s). Unauthorized use, disclosure or copying is
`S~(ly prohibited. If there are any problems with this transmission, please contact us immediately.
`Amendment, Reply/Amendment Fee Transmittal
`PAGE1/22 RCV0 AT9/1/2604 8,t7,36AM [Eastern Oay60jhtTime] SVR,USPTO.EFXRF 111 DHS.8729308 Cm,2024341501 DURATION(mm.ss).O6,0G
`,, ,,
`~, S
`Sep-01-O4 pe;18am From-ST~$ & HALSEY
`202 434 1501
`T-446 P.004/014 F-115
`SERIAL NO. 09/930,064
`Ple~ss AMEND par’agraph 0001 as follows:
`DOCKET NO. 1316.1021CC
`[0001] This application olaims the benefit of KOrean Application No. 97-11297, filed March 28,
`1997, and ~s acontinuatt~:Q,f,,U.S. Patent Application NO. 09/419,792= filed In the U.S. Patent
`and Trademark Office on October 18. 1999 andwh!ch issued as.U.S. Patent No. 6.~.540, .-.:’::
`t~, which is a contlnual~on of U.S. Patent Application No. 09/049,988, which issued as
`U.S. Patent No. 6.043,912, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference.
`Please AMEND paragraph 0022 as follows:
`[0022] FIG. 5A is e view showing the structure ofl;he holographic ring lens 35. The holographic
`ring fens 35 has an inner region 351 including an optical center of the holographic dng lens 35, a
`holographic ring 353 centering at the optical center of the holographic ring tens 35 and
`surrounding the inner region 351, and an outer region 355 surrounding the holographic ring 353.
`In connection with FIG. 4A, the inner region 351 coinddes with the region A, the holographic
`ring 353 coincides with the region F, and the outer region 355 coincides with the region B except
`the region F. A region D shown in FIG. 5B belb;~v where the hologram in the holographic nng
`lens 35 shown in FIG, 5A ls provided on the holographic ring 353, con~esponds to the numedcal
`aperture of 0.3-0.5 "whiCh is intended to be appropriate to the CD-R. In FIG. 5A, a symbol E
`indicates the diameter of the objective lens for a DVD whose numertca! ape~u~e (NA) is 0.6.
`Also, the hologPaphic dng lens 35 used in the present invention can selectively adjust the
`numerical aperture (NA) of the objective lens according to the wavelengths of the light beam,
`and requires no separate variable aperture. The holographic ring lens 35 has the same function
`as a general spherical lens which transmits a light beam in the convergent or divergent form.
`Further, the holographic ring lens 35 has a positive opffc~l power and uses a phase shift
`hologram as a hologram formed in the holographic ring 353. An optimized depth of the grooves
`the hologram should be determined so that the holographic ring 353 selectively diffracts the
`incident light beam according to the wavelength thereof. The holographic ring lens 35 is
`constructed so that the light beam of the 650nm wavelength has transmissive efficiency, close to
`100% ~nd the light beam of the 780rim wavelength has a ze~><)Kler transmissive
`efficiency of 0% with respect to nor’~diffracted light beam. For that, in case that the holographic
`nng 52 has grooves of a constant depth the phase variation by the groove depth of the
`holographic dng should be about 360° with respect to the 650nm wavelength light, Since the
`phase variation is generated by 360°, the holographic ring lens 35 transmits most of the 650 nm
`PAGE 4~’ RCVD AT 0/1/2004 S:17:3~ AM [Eastern Day~ght Time]’ S~:USPTO.EFXRF.III ’ DNIS:3729306 ’ C~D:202434|50t’ DURATION Onm.s$):06,08
`Sep-01-04 98,’15~ Fru-ST~S & HALSEY
`202 434 150I
`T-448 P.005/014 F-115
`SERIAL NO. 09/930,964
`DOCKETNO. 1316.1021CC
`wavelength light. The phase variation by the holographic dng 353 should be optimized with
`respect to the 780nm wavelength iight, by which the 780nm wavelength light is all directed as
`first-order light. As a result, the holographic ring 353 is designed to hardly diffract the 650
`wavelength light, butto diffract the 780 nm wavelength light as a first-order diffracJ~ light. An
`optimized surface groove depth d of the holographic ring 353 for selectively diffracting 650 nm
`and 780 nm wavelength light beams is determined bythe following equations (1) and (2).
`Please AMEND paragraph 0025 as followsi
`[0025"J FIG. 6 is a graphical view showing zero-order transmissive efficiency of the holographic
`ring according to the wavelerlgths of incident lights, When the surface groove depth d is 3,8pro,
`the 650 nm ~wavelength light is transmitted via the holographic dng 353 by 100% as
`shown in a solid line Overlapped w~ the symbol "++’, and the ,t80 nm 780amFwavelength light is
`transmitted via the holographic ring .353 by 0% as shown by a solid line overlapped with a circle.
`At this time, the holographic dng 353 diffracts the 780 nrn wavelength light as the first-order light,
`in which dlffractfon efficiency thereof is 40%.
`PAGE 5/22 = RCVI) AT 9/1/2004 g:17:3~ AM ~stem Daygghl Time] ’ SV~USPTO.EFXRF.III ’ ONIS:g29306’ Cm:2024341501 ’ DLTRATION (m.ss):06~
`SeP-Ol-04 Q8:18~ Frnm-STAAS & HALSEY
`202 434 1501
`T-448 P006/014 F-115
`SERIAL NO. 09/930,964
`Pi~ AMEND c~lm 36, as follows:
`DOCKET NO. 13"/6.102fCC
`1. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) An objective lens to form beam spots using light
`beams of respectively different wavelengths, the objective lens comprising:
`an inner region including an optical center of the objective lens;
`a holographic region surrounding said inner region and comprising a plurality Of steps
`disposed on a tens surface of the objecSve lens; and
`an outer region surrounding said holographic region,
`said inner region transmits the fight b~ms,
`said holographic region diffracts a second one of the light beams, and
`the outer region transmits a fimt one of the light beams.
`2. (ORIGINAL) The objective lens according to claim 1, wherein a first focal plane on
`which a first portion of the se~.ond light beam incident on said holographic region is focused
`coincides with a second focal plane on which ~i ~e~nd portion of the second light beam incident
`on said Inner region is focused.
`3. (ORIGINAL) The objective lens according to claim 1, wherein said holographic region
`further composes grooves to d~ffmct the second light beam.
`4. (ORIGINAL) An objective lens for an optical pickup, the objective lens comprising:
`a holographic region I~avlng a plurality of concentric ring-shaped steps formed on a lens
`suff’ace of the objective lens,
`wherein the objectlve lens has a wavelength dependence such that two Iight beams
`having corresponding different wavelengths and an identJcal diffractive order form appropriate
`different wavefmnts corresponding to reproducing and/or recording information from and/or to
`Corresponding two kinds of opticat recording media having respectively different thickness.
`5. (ORIGINAL) The objective lens according to claim 4, further comprising an inner
`region surrounded by said holographic region, wherein a first local plane on which a first portion
`of the second light beam incident on said holographic region is focused Coincides with a second
`PAGE 6/22 = ltCV0 AT 9/1/2004 8:17:36 AM [F.astem O ht Time] ’ S~:USPTO.EFXP, F.tlt ’ OflB:ST29306 ~ CSID:2024341501 ’ DURATION (mm.ss):06,66
`$ep-0i-04 0@:t8~ Fro~r’STM$ & HALSEY
`ZOZ 434 15@1
`T-448 P,007/014 F-II@
`SERIAL NO. 09/930,964
`DOCKET NO. 1316,1021CC
`focal plane on which a second portion of the second light beam incident on s~id inner region is
`6. (ORIGINAL) The objective lens according to claim 4, wherein said holographic region
`includes grooves to diffract ~e light beam.
`7. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) An objec’dve lens to form beam spots of different sizes
`using corresponding first and second light beams of respectively different wavelengths, the
`objective lens comprising:
`an Inner region including an optical center of the objective lens which has an optical
`property optimized to focus the firSt light beam onto a firSt optical recording medium of a first
`thicknesses and to focus the second light beam onto a second optical recording medium of a
`second thickness other than the first .thickness; and
`¯ diffractive region surrounding said Inner region and comprising an optical property
`optimized so as ~o selectively diffract the first and second light beams as a function of
`wavelength so as to change a nummlcal’apertum of the objective lens~
`8. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) The objective lens of claim 7, wherein, to adjust the
`numerical aperture as the function of the wavelength, the diffractive region:
`selectively, diffracts ~e first light beam h~rving a first wavelength so as to not be focused
`on the first optical recording medium, and
`selectively allows ~e second light beam of a second wavelength to be focused on the
`second recording medium,
`9. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) The objective lens of claim 8. wherein the diffractive
`region selectively diffra~ the first light beam as first order lighL
`10. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED)The objective lens of claim 9, wherein the diffractive
`region comprises a blazed type hologram,
`11. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) The objective lens of claim 9, wherein the diffractive
`region comprises grooves formed in stepwise depths.
`$eP"01-04 08:19w From-$TAAS & HALSEY
`Z02 434 1501
`T-448 P.O011/OI4 F-115
`SERIAL NO. 09~30,964
`t2. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) The objective lens of claim 7, w~rein the diffmclive
`DOCKET NO. 1316.1021CC
`~’egi0n is optimized to selectively diffract the first and second ligl~t beams so as to r~uce
`spherical aberration of the first and second light beams when focused on the first and second
`optical recording media as the function of the wavelength.
`13. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) The objective lens of claim 7, wherein the diffractive
`region is optimized to selectively diffract the first and second light beams such that the numerical
`aperture of the objectJve lens is greater for the second optical recording medium than for the first
`opticat recording medium.
`14, (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) The objective lens of’ claim 13, wherein the diffractive
`region diffPacts the flint light beam of a first wavelength so as to not be focused on the first
`optical recording medium.
`15. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED)The objective tens of claim 14, wherein the diffractive
`region allows the second light beam of a second wavelength to be focused on the second Optical
`recording medium.
`16. (PREVIOUSL~Y PRESENTED) The objective lens of claim 15, wherein the d;iT~active
`region is disposed on an optical surface having the inner region.
`17. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) The objective lens of c~aim 16, wherein the optical
`surface is optimized with respect to the first and second light beams to be received prior to being
`reflected from the ftrat and second optical recording media.
`18. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) 1"he objective lens according to claim 7, whe~e|n ¯ first
`focal plane to which a first portion of the sacond light beam incident on the diffraatlve region is
`directed coincides with a second focal plane to which a second portion of the second light beam
`incident on the inner n~llon is directed.
`lg, (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED)The objective lens according to claim 7, wherein the
`diffractive region further compdsP~ grooves optimized with respect to the second light beam so
`to maximize first order iight and to minimize zero~ order light.
`PAGE ~’ RCVO AT Gilt2004 8:t7:36 AM [F.a~ Oaygght Time]’ 8VR:USPTO.EFXRF.11t * 0NIS:8729306’ CSID:2024341501= DURATION (rnm.ss):06~
`Sep-Ol-04 08;19sm Froo-STAA$ & HALSEY
`;~OZ 434 1801
`T-448 P.609/014 F-I15
`SERIAL NO. 091930,964
`DOCKET NO. 1316.1021CC
`20. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) An objective lens for use in focusing light beams on
`optic~! receding media of different tl~icknesses, comprising:
`an Inner nsgion which directs the light beams having corresponding wavelengths to be
`fOCUSed on the corresponding optical recording media having respectively different thicknesses;
`a diffractive regionhaving a wavelength dependence such that the light beams are
`selectively diffracted so as to adjust a numerical aperture of the objective lens.
`21. (PREVIOUSLY PRI=~ENTED) The objective lens of claim 20, wherein the diffractive
`region diffracts one of the tight beams having one of the wavelengths so as m reduce spherical
`aberration when recording and/or reproducing with respect to a corresponding one of the optical
`recording media.
`22. (PRI~IOUSLY PRESENTED) The objective lens of claim 21, wherein:
`the one optical recording medium is a compact disk, and
`the di~-active portion ~l’tff~cts the one ligtlt beam as first order light so as to reduce the
`spherical aberration with respect to the compa~ disk,
`23. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) The obiective lens of claim 22, wherein:
`another optical recording medium is a digital versatile disk, and
`the diltractive portion allOWS another light beam of another wavelength other than the one
`wavelength tobe directed to the digital versatlte disk so as to record and/or reproduce with
`respect to the digital versatile disk together with a portion of the another light beam focused by
`the inner region.
`24. (PRE~VIOUSLY PRESENTED) The objective lens of claim 20, wherein the diiT=acttve
`portion diffTac~ one of the light beams as first order light so as to adjust the numerical aperture
`of the ot:)j~tive lens tn order to record and/or reproduce with respect to a corresponding one of
`the optical recording media.
`25. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) The objective lens of claim 20, wherein a first focal
`plane on which a first portion of one light beam incident on the diffractive region is directed
`coincides with a second focal plane on which a second portion of the one light beam inck:lent on
`the inner region is directed.
`PAGE 9/22 ’ RCVD AT 911/2004 3:,t7:36 AM [Eastern Oa~ht Time] * SVR:USPTO, EFXRF,I/t = ONIS:Bt29306 J C5’1D:2024341501 * DUP, ATION (mm.ss):06~
`$ep-01-04 O g:tgam FrorSTkA$ & HALSEY
`ZO2 434 1501
`T-448 P~010/0|4 F-II5
`SERIAL NO. 09/930,964
`DOCKET NO. 1316o102tCC
`28. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) The objective lens of claim 20, wherein a first fc~:~l
`plane on which a firSt portion of one light beam indderrt on the diffractive region is directed does
`not coincide with a second focal plane) on wllich a second portion of the one light beam Incident
`on the ]nner region is directed such that a spherical aberration is reduced at the second focal
`~01ane and the numerical aperture is adjusted according to the wavelength of the one light beam.
`27. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) The objective lens of claim 26, wherein a third focal
`plane on which a first portion of another light beam incident on the diffractive region is directed
`coincides with a fourth focal plane on which a second portion of the another light beam incident
`on the inner region is directed,
`28. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED)An optica! system for use in focusing light beams on
`optical recording media of different thicknesses, comprising:
`an optical element;, and
`an objective lens,
`wherein the optical element comprises:’ ¯
`an Inner region which directs the light beams having corresponding wavelenglhs
`to be focused by the objective lens on the corresponding optical recording med~a having
`respectively different thicknesses; and
`a diffractive region having a wavelength dependence such that the light beams
`ere selective;y diffracted so as to adjust a numerical aperture of the objective lens.
`;~). (PREVIOUSLY PI~ESENTED) The opScal system of claim 28, wherein the diffractive
`region diffracts one of the light beams having one of the wavelengths so as to reduce sphe~cal
`aberration when recording andlor reproducing with respect to a corresponding one oi=the optical
`recording media.
`30. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) The optical system of claim 29. wherein:
`the oneoptical recoKltng medium is a compact disk, and
`the diffractive portion diffracts the one light beam as first order light so as to reduce the
`spherical aberration with respect to the compact disk.
`31, (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) The opScal system of ctaim 30, wherein:
`PAGE!~2 RCYl)ATO/lt20Ni.17,36AH[Easterngay]igldTimel S~,USPTO~XRF.1It’l)HI$:87~06’CSID:2024341Nt*DURATIOH(mm,ss):06~ .
`t ,
`$eP-.Oi-04 @:lgw Fro~’n-STAAS 4L HALSEY
`202 434 1501
`T-448 P.011/0t4 F-t15
`SERIAL NO. 09/930,964
`DO~,.ET NO. 1316.1021C¢
`another optical recording medium is a digital versatile disk. and
`me diffractive portion allows another light beam of another w~elength other than the one
`wavelength to be directed through the obje~dve lens to the.digital veroa’dle disk so as to record
`and/or reproduce with respect ~ the digital vers~le disk together with a portion of the another
`light beamwhich passed through the Inner region and the objective lens.
`32. (PREVIOUSLY PRE=SENTED) The opUca( System of claim 28, wherein the diffractive
`portion diffracts one of the Egnt beams as first order light so as to adjust the numedCa! aperture
`of the objective lens in order to record and/or reproduce with respect to a oo~nding one of
`the optical recording media.
`33. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) The opdcal system of claim 28, wherein a first focal
`plane on which a flint portion of one light beam incident on the diffractive region is directed by
`the objective lens coincides with a second focal plane on which a second portion of the one light
`beam Incident on the inner region is directed by the objective lens.
`34. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) The optical system of claim 28, wherein a first focal
`plane on which a first po~on of one light beam incident on the diffractive region is directed by
`the objective lens does not coincide with a second focal plane on which a second portion Of the
`one light beam incident on the Inner region is dire;ted by the objective tens such that a spherical
`aberration ts reduced at the second focal plane and the numedcat aperture is adjusted according
`to the wavelength of the one itght beam.
`¯ 35. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED)The optical system of claim 34, wherein a third focal
`plane on which a first portion of another light beam incident on the diffractive region is direr~d
`by the objective lens coincide.=, with a fourth focal plane on which a second por’don of the another
`light beam incident on the inner region is directed by the objective lens.
`36. (CURRENTLY AMENDED) An object~e lens for an optical pickup, the objective lens
`comprising at least one holographic regton ~sq,,,as~to~selecti~|v traqsmit data wi~ ~sDect~
`~iskS of all.rent ~ic,..k..nesses u.slnq ILqht bea~, wherein the at least one holographic region
`comprises a plurality of gratings on the objective lens~ at.~!ep,s_t one i~a~ of theat least one
`holo~mohic re~jion transmits_the li,qhl~,,t;,z~ams for use in traP.smittinq.,the, data with respect to the
`disks iof diffemq,t thi~eiFses, and at (east or~ o~er~rt of t~. at ~ast one ho!oaraohic reQi~
`PAGE 1t/22’ RCVDAT 9/1/2004~:17:36AM[Eastem~ghtTime]*~VR:U~T~FXRF.~/1*~:87293~6*cs~D:2~243415~1~URAT~N(mm~s):~6~
`Sop-01-04 08:20aa From-STAAS & HALSEY
`202 434 1561
`T-448 P.012/014 F-115
`SERIAL NO. 0~1930,964
`DOCKET NO. 1316.1021CC
`d~a~ one of the liaht beams so as to adiust a numerica! aoerture..of the obiective lens for use
`in t~n.srnittina the data with ~espact tO the disks of different ~Icknasses,
`37. (PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED) A~ optical pickup for usewi~ recording media.
`a light source to emit light beams of different wavelengths;
`an objective lens ¢ompdsing at least one holo.graphic region, tt’~ at least one holographic
`region comprising a plurality of gratings on the objective I~ns; and
`an optical detector to detect the light beams after reflection from the recording media and
`after having passed through the objective lens,
`at least one part of the at least one holographic region transmits the light beams,
`at least one other part of the at least one holographic region diffra~ one of the
`light beams,
`PAGE 12/22 ’ RCVD AT 91t~004 8:t 7:38 AM ~ D~Oht Time] = SVR:USPTO, EFXRF,IH = i)NIS:S~306 ~ CSID:202434150t ’ DURATION (mm.ss}:05.06
`Sep-Ol-04 08;20m From-$T~$ & HALSEY
`202 434 1501
`T-448 P,QI3/014 F-IIS
`SERIAL NO. 0~/~30,064
`DOCKET NOo 1316.1021CC
`!m’ROOU QN:
`In accordance wi~ the foregoing, the specification h~s been amended to update
`status of a parent application and to correct epparent typographical errors, and 36 has been
`No new matter is being presented, and approval and entry of the foregoing amendments
`are respectfully requested.
`Claims 1-37 are pending and under consideration. ReconsideraUon iS requested.
`Enclosed with the Office Action, the Examiner provided eviden~ confirming that the
`~miner considered the references submitted with the Information Disclosure Statement filed
`on August 17, 2001. However, the Offic~ Action dld not Include confirmation that the Examiner
`considered the references accompanying the Information Disclosure Statement filed February
`21, 2003, the receipt Of which’is confirmed using ~e Patent Application Information (PAIR)
`system. A courtesy ~py of t~e information Disclosure Statement, as well as evidence of receipt
`in addition to the indication in the PAIR system can be provided on requesL
`it is respectfully requested that the Examiner provide confirmation that the Information
`Disclosure Statement was considered.
`~EJECTION UNDER 35 U.S.C. 6102:
`In the Office Action at page 2, the Examiner rejects claim 36 under 35 U.S.C. §102 in
`view of Komrna~et aL (U.S. Patent No. 5,446,565). This rejection is respectfu, y traversed and
`rec~onstdemt~on is requ~d.
`By way of review, !~ommaet al. discloses compound objective lenses 45-47 having
`gratings 26, 32, or 42. Light from a light beam L3 from a light source is transrr~tted through the
`gra~ngS 26, 32, or 42 as zeroth o~ler light to form a first light spot $1 as light beem L4, and iS
`diffracted as first order light to form a second light spot $2 as light beam LS. As such. KQmma
`al_.:, discloses forming multiple light spots S1, $2 using a single light beam L3. (CoL 27, lines 1-8,
`col. 42, line 45 to col 43. line 63. FiGs. 4.A, 4B, and lgA through 21). However. consis~nt with
`the Examiner’s state~nt on page 3 of the Office A~on, .Komma et el. does not disclose or
`suggest that the light spots $1. $2 correspond to different light beams, or that the gratings 26,
`32, or 4.2 selectively diffract light beams.
`PA~E 13r22 * RCVDAT 9/t/20048:17:36 AM ~asfem Daylight Time]=SvR:UsPTO~x~4/t, DN’~:8729306~ CStD:2024341501’ 0URATION (nln~):06~6
`$ep-01-04 08:ZOam From-STMS & HALSEY
`ZOZ 434 1501
`1"-448 P,014/014 F"T15
`SERIAL NO. 09/930,964
`DOCKET NO. 1316.1021CC
`In contrast, claim 36 redbes, among other features, that "at least one part of the at least
`one ho1~jraphic region transmits the light beamS f0i’ use in transmi~ng the data with respec~ to
`the disks of different thicknesses, and at least one other pa.rt of the at least one holographic
`region diffracts one ofthe light beams so as to adjust a nurner{caE aperture of the objective lens
`for use in trarlsmlffing the ¢lala with respect to the disks of different thicknesses." As such, it is
`respectfully submitted that Fo.mma et el. does not disclose or suggest the invention recited in
`claim 36.
`8_TATU8 OF (cid:128)~I~ NOT REJECTED"
`On pages’2-3, the Examiner allows ¢lalms 1-35 and 37,
`In accordance with the foregoing, it is respectfully subm~ed that all outstanding
`objections and rejections have been overcome and/or rendered mooL And further, it is
`respectfully submRted that all pending claims patenlably distinguish over the pdor art. Thus,
`there being no fudher outstanding objections or rejections, l~e applicaEon is submitted as being
`in P.~0ndit~on for allowano~ which action is earnestly solicited.
`If the Examiner lles any remaining issues to be addressed, it is believed that prosecution
`can be expedited by the Examiner contacting the undemignecl attorney for a telephone interview
`tO discuss resolution of such issues.
`If there are any additional fees associated with the filing of this Amendment, please
`charge the same to our Deposit AcP.,ount No. 19-3935.
`Respect~iiy submitted,
`Registration No. ,$1,983
`120! New York Avenue, NW, Suite 700
`Washington, D.C. 20005
`Telephone: (202)434-1500
`Facsimile: (202) 434-1501
`Date:_~ I ! 2~-~>,-ff
`PAGEI4/22’RCVDATgJlJ20048:lT~[EastemOaytI~Time]’~;VII:U~TO~XRF,t/t 0N8.8~308 CSID.2024NINI DURATION(mm.ss),06.06