`New York
`St. Louis
`San Francisco
`Kuala Lumpur
`New Delhi
`Sao Paulo
`Late Professor of Physics
`University of California, Berkeley
`Professor of Physics, Emeritus
`Director of the Lawrence Hall
`of Science, Emeritus
`University of California, Berkeley
`of Optics
`LG Electronics, Inc. et al.
`IPR Petition for
`U.S. Patent No. RE43,106
`This book was set in Times Roman.
`The editors were Robert A. Fry and Anne T. Vinnicombe;
`the cover was designed by Pencils Portfolio, Inc.;
`the production supervisor was Dennis J. Conroy.
`The new drawings were done by ANCO Technical Services.
`Kingsport Press, Inc., was printer and binder.
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Jenkins, Francis Arthur, dates
`Fundamentals of optics.
`First ed. published in 1937 under title: Funda-
`mentals of physical optics.
`Includes index.
`1. Optics. I. White, Harvey Elliott, date
`joint author. II. Title.
`QC355.2.J46 1976
`ISBN 0-07-032330-5
`Copyright © 1957, 1976 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved.
`Copyright 1950 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved.
`Formerly published under the title of FUNDAMENTALS OF
`PHYSICAL OPTICS, copyright 1937 by McGraw-Hill, Inc.
`Copyright renewed 1965 by Francis A. Jenkins and Harvey E. White.
`Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
`stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
`electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
`without the prior written permission of the publisher.
`16 KPKP 89
`Preface to the Fourth Edition
`Preface to the Third Edition
`Part One
`Geometrical Optics
`Properties of Light
`The Rectilinear Propagation of Light
`The Speed of Light
`The Speed of Light in Stationary Matter
`The Refractive Index
`Optical Path
`Laws of Reflection and Refraction
`Graphical Construction for Refraction
`The Principle of Reversibility
`Fermat’s Principle
`Color Dispersion
`2 Plane Surfaces and Prisms
`Parallel Beam
`The Critical Angle and Total Reflection
`Plane-Parallel Plate
`Refraction by a Prism
`Minimum Deviation
`Thin Prisms
`Combinations of Thin Prisms
`Graphical Method of Ray Tracing
`Direct-Vision Prisms
`Reflection of Divergent Rays
`Refraction of Divergent Rays
`Images Formed by Paraxial Rays
`Fiber Optics
`3 Spherical Surfaces
`Focal Points and Focal Lengths
`Image Formation
`Virtual Images
`Conjugate Points and Planes
`Convention of Signs
`Graphical Constructions. The Parallel-Ray Method
`Oblique-Ray Methods
`Reduced Vergence
`Derivation of the Gaussian Formula
`4 Thin Lenses
`Focal Points and Focal Lengths
`Image Formation
`Conjugate Points and Planes
`The Parallel-Ray Method
`The Oblique-Ray Method
`Use of the Lens Formula
`Lateral Magnification
`Virtual Images
`Lens Makers’ Formula
`Thin-Lens Combinations
`Object Space and Image Space
`The Power of a Thin Lens
`Thin Lenses in Contact
`Derivation of the Lens Formula
`Derivation of the Lens Makers’ Formula
`5 Thick Lenses
`Two Spherical Surfaces
`The Parallel-Ray Method
`Focal Points and Principal Points
`Conjugate Relations
`The Oblique-Ray Method
`General Thick-Lens Formulas
`Special Thick Lenses
`Nodal Points and Optical Center
`Other Cardinal Points
`Thin-Lens Combination as a Thick Lens
`Thick-Lens Combinations
`Nodal Slide
`6 Spherical Mirrors
`6.1 Focal Point and Focal Length
`6.2 Graphical Constructions
`6.3 Mirror Formulas
`6.4 Power of Mirrors
`6.5 Thick Mirrors
`6.6 Thick-Mirror Formulas
`6.7 Other Thick Mirrors
`6.8 Spherical Aberration
`6.9 Astigmatism
`7 The Effects of Stops
`Field Stop and Aperture Stop
`Entrance and Exit Pupils
`Chief Ray
`Front Stop
`Stop between Two Lenses
`Two Lenses with No Stop
`Determination of the Aperture Stop
`Field of View
`Field of a Plane Mirror
`Field of a Convex Mirror
`Field of a Positive Lens
`8 Ray Tracing
`8.1 Oblique Rays
`8.2 Graphical Method for Ray Tracing
`8.3 Ray-tracing Formulas
`8.4 Sample Ray-tracing Calculations
`viii commtcrs
`Lens Aberrations
`Expansion of the Sine. First-Order Theory
`Third-Order Theory of Aberrations
`Spherical Aberration of a Single Surface
`Spherical Aberration of a Thin Lens
`Results of Third-Order Theory
`Fifth-Order Spherical Aberration
`Aplanatic Points of a Spherical Surface
`Curvature of Field
`The Sine Theorem and Abbe’s Sine Condition
`Chromatic Aberration
`Separated Doublet
`10 Optical Instruments
`The Human Eye
`Cameras and Photographic Objectives
`Speed of Lenses
`Meniscus Lenses
`Symmetrical Lenses
`Triplet Anastigmats
`Telephoto Lenses
`Types of Magnifiers
`Spectacle Lenses
`Microscope Objectives
`Astronomical Telescopes
`10 Id
`Oeular.~ and Eyepieces
`Huygens Eyepiece
`Ramsden Eyepiece
`Kellner or Achromatized Ramsden Eyepiece
`Special Eyepieces
`Prism Binoculars
`The Kellner-Schmidt Optical System
`Concentric Optical Systems
`Two Wave Optics
`11 Vibrations and Waves
`Simple Harmonic Motion
`The Theory of Simple Harmonic Motion
`Stretching of a Coiled Spring
`Vibrating Spring
`Transverse Waves
`Sine Waves
`Phase Angles
`Phase Velocity and Wave Velocity
`Amplitude and Intensity
`Frequency and Wavelength
`Wave Packets
`12 The Superposition of Waves
`Addition of Simple Harmonic Motions along the Same Line
`Vector Addition of Amplitudes
`Superposition of Two Wave Trains of the Same Frequency
`Superposition of Many Waves with Random Phases
`Complex Waves
`Fourier Analysis
`Group Velocity
`Graphical Relation between Wave and Group Velocity
`Addition of Simple Harmonic Motions at Right Angles
`Interference of Two Beams of Light
`Huygens’ Principle
`Young’s Experiment
`Interference Fringes from a Double Source
`Intensity Distribution in the Fringe System
`Fresnel’s Biprism
`Other Apparatus Depending on Division of the Wave Front
`Coherent Sources
`Division of Amplitude. Michelson Interferometer
`Circular Fringes
`Localized Fringes
`White-Light Fringes
`Visibility of the Fringes
`Interferometric Measurements of Length
`Twyman and Green Interferometer
`Index of Refraction by Interference Methods
`14 Interference Involving Multiple Reflections
`Reflection from a Plane-Parallel Film
`Fringes of Equal Inclination
`Interference in the Transmitted Light
`Fringes of Equal Thickness
`Newton’s Rings
`Nonreflecting Films
`Sharpness of the Fringes
`Method of Complex Amplitudes
`Derivation of the Intensity Function
`Fabry-Perot Interferometer
`Brewster’s Fringes
`Chromatic Resolving Power
`Comparison of Wavelengths with the Interferometer
`Study of Hyperfine Structure and of Line Shape
`Other Interference Spectroscopes
`Channeled Spectra. Interference Filter
`Fraunhofer Diffraction by a Single Opening
`Fresnel and Fraunhofer Diffraction
`Diffraction by a Single Slit
`Further Investigation of the Single-Slit Diffraction Pattern
`Graphical Treatment of Amplitudes. The Vibration Curve
`Rectangular Aperture
`Resolving Power with a Rectangular Aperture
`Chromatic Resolving Power of a Prism
`Circular Aperture
`Resolving Power of a Telescope
`Resolving Power of a Microscope
`Diffraction Patterns with Sound and Microwaves
`16 The Double SHt
`Qualitative Aspects of the Pattern
`Derivation of the Equation for the Intensity
`Comparison of the Single-Slit and Double-Slit Patterns
`Distinction between Interference and Diffraction
`Position of the Maxima and Minima. Missing Orders
`Vibration Curve
`Effect of Finite Width of Source Slit
`Michelson’s Stellar Interferometer
`Correlation Interferometer
`Wide-Angle Interference
`The Diffraction Grating
`Effect of Increasing the Number of Slits
`Intensity Distribution from an Ideal Grating
`Principal Maxima
`Minima and Secondary Maxima
`Formation of Spectra by a Grating
`Overlapping of Orders
`Width of the Principal Maxima
`Resolving Power
`Vibration Curve
`Production of Ruled Gratings
`Control of the Intensity Distribution among Orders
`Measurement of Wavelength with the Grating
`Concave Grating
`Grating Spectrographs
`Fresnel Diffraction
`Fresnel’s Half-Period Zones
`Diffraction by a Circular Aperture
`Diffraction by a Circular Obstacle
`Zone Plate
`Vibration Curve for Circular Division of the Wave Front
`Apertures and Obstacles with Straight Edges
`Strip Division of the Wave Front
`Vibration Curve for Strip Division. Cornu’s Spiral
`Fresnel’s Integrals
`The Straight Edge
`Rectilinear Propagation of Light
`Single Slit
`Use of Fresnel’s Integrals in Solving Diffraction Problems
`Diffraction by an Opaque Strip
`The Speed of Light
`R6mer’s Method
`Bradley’s Method. The Aberration of Light
`Michelson’s Experiments
`Measurements in a Vacuum
`Kerr-Cell Method
`Speed of Radio Waves
`Ratio of the Electrical Units
`The Speed of Light in Stationary Matter
`Speed of Light in Moving Matter
`Fresnel’s Dragging Coefficient
`Airy’s Experiment
`Effect of Motion of the Observer
`The Michelson-Morley Experiment
`Principle of Relativity
`The Three First-Order Relativity Effects
`The Electromagnetic Character of Light
`Transverse Nature of Light Vibrations
`Maxwell’s Equations for a Vacuum
`Displacement Current
`The Equations for Plane Electromagnetic Waves
`Pictorial Representation of an Electromagnetic Wave
`Light Vector in an Electromagnetic Wave
`Energy and Intensity of the Electromagnetic Wave
`Radiation from an Accelerated Charge
`Radiation From a Charge in Periodic Motion
`Hertz’s Verification of the Existence of Electromagnetic Waves
`Speed of Electromagnetic Waves in Free ’Space
`~erenkov Radiation
`21 Sources of Light and Their Spectra
`Classification of Sources
`Solids at High Temperature
`Metallic Arcs
`Bunsen Flame
`Vacuum Tube
`Classification of Spectra
`Emittanee and Absorptance
`Continuous Spectra
`Line Spectra
`Series of Spectral Lines
`Band Spectra
`Absorption and Scattering
`General and Selective Absorption
`Distinction between Absorption and Scattering
`Absorption by Solids and Liquids
`Absorption by Gases
`Resonance and Fluorescence of Gases
`Fluorescence of Solids and Liquids
`Selective Reflection. Residual Rays
`Theory of the Connection between Absorption and Reflection
`Scattering by Small Particles
`Molecular Scattering
`Raman Effect
`Theory of Scattering
`Scattering and Refractive Index
`Dispersion of a Prism
`Normal Dispersion
`Cauchy’s Equation
`Anomalous Dispersion
`Sellmeier’s Equation
`Effect of Absorption on Dispersion
`Wave and Group Velocity in the Medium
`The Complete Dispersion Curve of a Substance
`The Electromagnetic Equations for Transparent Media
`Theory of Dispersion
`Nature of the Vibrating Particles and Frictional Forces
`24 The Polarization of Light
`Polarization by Reflection
`Representation of the Vibrations in Light
`Polarizing Angle and Brewster’s Law
`Polarization by a Pile of Plates
`Law of Malus
`Polarization by Dichroie Crystals
`Double Refraction
`Optic Axis
`Principal Sections and Principal Planes
`Polarization by Double Refraction
`Nicol Prism
`Parallel and Crossed Polarizers
`Refraction by Calcite Prisms
`Rochon and Wollaston Prisms
`Scattering of Light and the Blue Sky
`The Red Sunset
`Polarization by Scattering
`The Optical Properties of Gemstones
`Reflection from Dielectrics
`Intensities of the Transmitted Light
`Internal Reflection
`Phase Changes on Reflection
`Reflection of Plane-polarized Light from Dielectrics
`Elliptically Polarized Light by Internal Reflection
`Penetration into the Rare Medium
`Metallic Reflection
`Optical Constants of Metals
`Description of the Light Reflected from Metals
`Measurement of the Principal Angle of Incidence and Principal
`Wiener’s Experiments
`26 Double Refraction
`Wave Surfaces for Uniaxial Crystals
`Propagation of Plane Waves in Uniaxial Crystals
`Plane Waves at Oblique Incidence
`Direction of the Vibrations
`Indices of Refraction for Uniaxial Crystals
`Wave Surfaces in Biaxial Crystals
`Internal Conical Refraction
`External Conical Refraction
`Theory of Double Refraction
`Interference of Polarized Light
`EUiptically and Circularly Polarized Light
`Quarter- and Half-Wave Plates
`Crystal Hates between Crossed Polarizers
`Babinet Compensator
`Analysis of Polarized Light
`Interference with White Light
`Polarizing Monochromatic Filter
`Applications of Interference in Parallel Light
`Interference in Highly Convergent Light
`Optical Actifity and Modern Wave Optics
`Rotation of the Plane of Polarization
`Rotary Dispersion
`Fresnel’s Explanation of Rotation
`Double Refraction in Optically Active Crystals
`Shape of the Wave Surfaces in Quartz
`Fresnel’s Multiple Prism
`Comu Prism
`Vibration Forms an~i Intensities in Active Crystals
`Theory of Optical Activity
`Rotationin Liquids
`Modern Wave Optics
`Spatial Filtering
`Phase-Contrast Microscope
`Schlieren Optics
`Part Three
`Quantum Optics
`Light Quanta and Their Origin
`The Bohr Atom
`Energy Levels
`Bohr-Stoner Scheme for Building Up Atoms
`Elliptical Orbits, or Penetrating Orbitals
`Wave Mechanics
`The Spectrum of Sodium
`Resonance Radiation
`Metastable States
`Optical Pumping
`Stimulated Emission
`Laser Design
`The Ruby Laser
`The Helium-Neon Gas Laser
`Concave Mirrors and Brewster’s Windows
`The Carbon Dioxide Laser
`Resonant Cavities
`Coherence Length
`Frequency Doubling
`Other Lasers
`Laser Safety
`The Speckle Effect
`Laser Applications
`31 . Holography.
`The Basic Principles of Holography
`Viewing a Hologram
`The Thick, or Volume, Hologram
`Multiplex Holograms
`White-Light-Reflection Holograms
`Other Holograms
`Student Laboratory Holography
`Magneto-Optics and Electro-Optics
`Zeeman Effect
`Inverse Zeeman Effect
`Faraday Effect
`Voigt Effect, or Magnetic Double Refraction
`Cotton-Mouton Effect
`Kerr Magneto-optic Effect
`Stark Effect
`Inverse Stark Effect
`Electric Double Refraction
`Kerr Electro-optic Effect
`Pockels Electro-optic Effect
`The Dual, Nature of Light
`Shortcomings of the Wave Theory
`Evidence for Light Quanta
`Energy, Momentum, and Velocity of Photons
`Development of Quantum Mechanics
`Principle of Indeterminacy
`Diffraction by a Slit
`Double Slit
`Determination of Position with a Microscope
`Use of a Shutter
`Interpretation of the Dual Character of Light
`Realms of Applicability of Waves and Photons
`I The Physical Constants
`H Electron Subshells
`III Refractive Indices and Dispersions for Optical Glasses
`1V Refractive Indices and Dispersions of Optical Crystals
`V The Most Intense Fraunhofer Lines
`II1 Abbreviated Number System
`VII Significant Figures
`When a beam of light passes through a narrow slit, it spreads out to a certain extent
`into the region of the geometrical shadow. This effect, already noted and illustrated
`at the beginning of Chap. 13, Fig. 13B, is one of the simplest examples of diffraction,
`¯ ; o ,-,,.F÷I~o "f~;l’nr,~ ,,",~l’;rrI~f f,"., "l",-’o’~r,M ;n ee.,-.:,;,-,-h÷ l;n,:,(cid:128), T÷ ,,-,~,n 1-,,~ e.:,÷;o~,~,-.÷,,-,,.;lw ,~v,-,lM,,.,,~A
`only by assuming a wave character for light, and in this chapter we shall investigate
`quantitatively the diffraction pattern, or distribution of intensity of the light behind
`the aperture, using the principles of wave motion already discussed.
`Diffraction phenomena are conveniently divided into two general classes, (1) those in
`which the source of light and the screen on which the pattern is observed are effec-
`tively at infinite distances from the aperture causing the diffraction and (2) those in
`which either the source or the screen, or both, are at finite distances from the aperture.
`The phenomena coming under class (1) are called, for historical reasons, Fraunhofer
`diffraction, and those coming under class (2) Fresnel diffraction. Fraunhofer diffrac-
`tion is much simpler to treat theoretically. It is easily observed in practice by rendering
`Experimental arrangement for obtaining the diffraction pattern of a single slit;
`Fraunhofer diffraction.
`the light from a source para!le! with a lens and focusing it on a screen with another
`lens placed behind the aperture, an arrangement which effectively removes the source
`and screen to infinity. In the observation of Fresnel diffraction, on the other hand,
`no lenses are necessary, but here the wave fronts are divergent instead of plane, and
`the theoretical treatment is consequently more complex. Only Fraunhofer diffraction
`will be considered in this chapter, and Fresnel diffraction in Chap. 18.
`A slit is a rectangular aperture of length large compared to its breadth. Consider a
`slit S to be set up as in Fig. 15A, with its long dimension perpendicular to the plane
`of the page, and to be illuminated by parallel monochromatic light from the narrow
`slit S’, at the principal focus of the lens L1. The light focused by another lens L2
`on a screen or photographic plate P at its principal focus will form a diffraction pat-
`tern, as indicated schematically. Figure 15B(b) and (c) shows two actual photographs,
`taken with "" .................... " .....m~ ~u,~" a .......... : .... -~,~÷ 1;~. ,,~’~" ....... 1=,,,+~,
`v.tv.twL ~txS.t,t~.
`Qllle£elIt I~ApUSUIe
`4358/~. The distance S’Lt was 25.0 cm, and L2P was 100 cm. The width of the slit
`S was 0.090 mm, and of S’, 0.10 mm. If S’ was widened to more than about 0.3 mm,
`the details of the pattern began to be lost. On the original plate, the half width d
`of the central maximum was 4.84 mm. It is important to notice that the width of the
`central maximum is twice as great as that of the fainter side maxima. That this effect
`comes under the heading of diffraction as previously defined is clear when we note
`that the strip drawn in Fig. 15B(a) is the width of the geometical image of the slit S’,
`or practically that which would be obtained by removing the second slit and using
`the whole aperture of the lens. This pattern can easily be observed by ruling a single
`transparent line on a photographic plate and using it in front of the eye as explained
`in See. 13.2, Fig. 13E.
`The explanation of the single-slit pattern lies in the interference of the Huygens
`secondary wavelets which can be thought of as sent out from every point on the wave
`I !
`Photographs of the single-slit diffraction pattern.
`front at the instant that it occupies the plane of the slit. To a first approximation,
`one may consider these wavelets to be uniform spherical waves, the emission of
`which stops abruptly at the edges of the slit. The results obtained in this way, although
`they give a fairly accurate account of the observed facts, are subject to certain modifi-
`cations in the light of the more rigorous theory.
`Figure 15C represents a section of a slit of width b, illuminated by parallel
`light from the left. Let ds be an element of width of the wave front in the plane of
`the slit, at a distance s from the center O, which we shall call the origin. The parts
`of each secondary wave which travel normal to the plane of the slit will be focused
`at Po, while those which travel at any angle 0 will reach P. Considering first the wave-
`let emitted by the element ds situated at the origin, its amplitude will be directly
`proportional to the length ds and inversely proportional to the distance x. At P it
`will produce an infinitesimal displacement which, for a spherical wave, may be ex-
`pressed as
`dyo -
`sin (cot - kx)
`As the position of ds is varied, the displacement it produces will vary in phase because
`of the different path length to P. When it is at a distance s below the origin, the con-
`tribution will be
`dy~ -
`sin [wt- k(x + A)]
`- ~ sin (ogt - kx - ks sin 0)
`Geometrical construction for investigating the intensity in the single-slit diffrac-
`tion pattern.
`We now wish to sum the effects of all elements from one edge of the slit to the other.
`This can be done by integrating Eq. (i 5a) from s = - t)/2 to b/2. The simplest way*
`is to integrate the contributions from pairs of elements symmetrically placed at s
`and -s, each contribution being
`_ a ds [sin (cot - kx - ks sin 0) + sin (cot - kx + ks sin 0)]
`By the identity sin ~ + sin/3 = 2 cos ½(~ - /~) sin ½(~ + fl), we have
`which must be integrated from s = 0 to b/2. In doing so, x may be regarded as con-
`stant, insofar as it affects the amplitude. Thus
`L .... k ........ / .... \ ....
`y = -- sin (cot - kx)
`cos (ks sin 0) ds
`0) sin (cot - kx)
`x L k sin 0
`= ab sin (½kb sin 0) sin (cot - kx)
`x ½kb sin 0
`* The method of complex amplitudes (See. 14.8) starts with (ab/x) ~ exp (iks sin 0) ds,
`and yields the real amplitude upon multiplication of the result by its complex
`conjugate. No simplification results from using the method here.
`The resultant vibration will therefore be a simple harmonic one, the amplitude of
`which varies with the position of P, since the latter is determined by 0. We may
`represent its amplitude as
`A = A0 sin___.._~
`where fl = ½kb sin 0 = (rob sin 0)/2 and Ao = ab/x. The quantity/~ is a convenient
`variable, which signifies one-half the phase difference between the contributions
`coming from opposite edges of the slit. The intensity on the screen is then
`I ~ A2 = Ao2 sin2 fl
`If the light, instead of being incident on the slit perpendicular to its plane, makes an
`angle i, a little consideration will show that it is merely necessary to replace the above
`expression for fl by the more general expression
`fl = 7rb(sin i + sin 0)
`In Fig. 15D(a) graphs are shown of Eq. (15c) for the amplitude (dotted curve) and
`Eq. (15d) for the intensity, taking the constant A0 in each case as unity. The intensity
`curve will be seen to have the form required by the experimental result in Fig. 15B.
`The maximum intensity of the strong central band comes at the point P0 of Fig. 15C,
`where evidently all the secondary wavelets will arrive in phase because the path differ-
`ence A = 0. For this point fl = 0, and although the quotient (sin fl)/fl becomes
`indeterminate for fl = 0, it will be remembered that sin fl approaches fl for small
`angles and is equal to it when fl vanishes. Hence for fl = 0, (sin fl)/fl = 1. We now
`see the significance of the constant Ao. Since for fl = 0, A = Ao, it represents the
`amplitude when all the wavelets arrive in phase. Ao2 is then the value of the maximum
`intensity, at the center of the pattern. From this principal maximum the intensity
`falls to zero at fl = -re, then passes through several secondary maxima, with equally
`spaced points of zero intensity at fl = ---7r, + 27t, + 3zt,..., or in general fl = mzt.
`The secondary maxima do not fall halfway between these points, but are displaced
`toward the center of the pattern by an amount which decreases with increasing m.
`The exact values of fl for these maxima can be found by differentiating Eq. (15c) with
`respect to fl and equating to zero. This yields the condition
`tan fl = fl
`The values of fl satisfying this relation are easily found graphically as the intersections
`of the curve y = tan fl and the straight line y = t- In Fig. 15D(b) these points of inter-
`section lie directly below the corresponding secondary maxima.
`The intensities of the secondary maxima can be calculated to a very close
`approximation by finding the values of (sinz fl)/fl2 at the halfway positions, i.e.,
`Amplitude and intensity contours for Fraunhofer diffraction of a single slit,
`showing positions of maxima and minima.
`where fl = 3n/2, 5nI2, 77t/2, .... This gives 4/9rc2, 4/25rc2, 4/4992,..., or 1/22.2,
`1/61.7, 1/121,..., of the intensity of the principal maximum. Reference to Table 15A
`ahead are the exact values of the intensity for every 15° intervals for the central
`maximum. These values are useful in plotting graphs. The first secondary maximum
`is only 4.72 percent the intensity of the central maximum, while the second and third
`secondary maxima are only 1.65 and 0.83 percent respectively.
`A very clear idea of the origin of the single-slit pattern is obtained by the follow-
`light ......... -" ........ " ..... ’- - oi
`i J~ culmug
`ing sim e treatment. Consider the
`[Ile SIlL
`point P~ on the screen, this point being just one wavelength farther from the upper
`sin fl
`deg tad
`sin fl
`Angle of the first minimum of the single-
`slit diffraction pattern.
`edge of the slit than from the lower. The secondary wavelet from the point in the slit
`adjacent to the upper edge will travel approximately 2/2 farther than that from the
`point at the center, and so these two will produce vibrations with a phase difference
`of ~t and will give a resultant displacement of zero at Pi. Similarly the wavelet from
`the next point below the upper edge will cancel that from the next point below the
`center, and we can continue this pairing off to include all points in the wave front,
`so that the resultant effect at P1 is zero. At Pa the path difference is 24, and if we
`divide the slit into four parts, the pairing of points again gives zero resultant, since
`the parts cancel in pairs. For the point P2, on the other hand, the path difference
`is 31/2, and we divide the slit into thirds, two of which will cancel, leaving one third
`to account for the intensity at this point. The resultant amplitude at P2 is, of course,
`not even approximately one-third that at Po, because the phases of the wavelets from
`the remaining third are not by any means equal.
`The above method, though instructive, is not exact if the screen is at a finite
`distance from the slit. As Fig. 15E is drawn, the shorter broken line is drawn to cut
`off equal distances on the rays to P1. It will be seen from this that the path difference
`to P1 between the light coming from the upper edge and that from the center is slightly
`greater than ,l/2 and that between the center and lower edge slightly less than 1/2.
`Hence the resultant intensity will not be zero at P1 and Pa, but it will be more nearly
`so the greater the distance between slit and screen or the narrower the slit. This
`corresponds to the transition from Fresnel diffraction to Fraunhofer diffraction.
`Obviously, with the relative dimensions shown in the figure, the geometrical shadow
`of the slit would considerably widen the central maximum as drawn. Just as was true
`with Young’s experiment (Sec. 13.3), when the screen is at infinity, the relations be-
`come simpler. Then the two angles 01 and 0~ in Fig